Learn Thai in Ottawa
Learn Thai in Ottawa
Learn Thai in Ottawa
Beginner and intermediate levels of instruction are oered through the Continuing Education Program of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board2.
Saturday mornings, 09:00 - 12:30, throughout the school year (September to June). Classes are Free to adult or high school-aged Ontario Residents 3 Classes begin September 14th, 2013.
Saturday, September 7th, 2013, 09:00 - 12:00 Glebe Collegiate High School 212 Glebe Avenue, Ottawa
Registrations taken on site, only 4 Late registration will be available until Sept. 21nd, but the course will only be oered if sucient registrations are received on September 7th.
Further Information
graphics &c.
t on t h e to n g u e !
1. 2. 3. 4.
Thai idiom: translation = When the river is lled, be quick to fetch some into your bucket; Support for any class depends on minimum enrollment being reached; A non-refundable $50 consumables fee applies for adult students not working towards completion of a Secondary School diploma; It is important to register during this period -- school board will decide whether to run the course based on the number of registrants as of noon, this day!