Rotordynamics Tutorial

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Mechanical and Fluids Engineering Rotordynamics Tutorial: Theory, Practical Applications and Case Studies

Dr. J. Jeffrey Moore Southwest Research Institute

Gas Turbine Technology Center

Southwest Research Institute

Goal for this Tutorial

To Familiarize The Attendee with The Basic Concepts Of Rotordynamics, API Requirements, Analysis and Design Techniques, and Vibration Behavior


Rotordynamics Theory Rotordynamic Analysis of Turbomachinery API Requirements Transducers and Instrumentation Types of Vibration Data Example Vibration Phenomena

Rotordynamic Theory
Rotordynamics is the study of the dynamics of rotating equipment Types of Dynamics:
Lateral Torsional Structural/Foundation

Rotordynamic Theory
Single Degree of Freedom Theory

&& + C X & + K X = F (t ) MX
X (t ) = Me 2 A( ) cos( t + )
A( ) = M
2 2 n

F (t ) = Me cos t

n =


Natural Frequency

2 2

(C ) 2


C ( ) = tan 2 2 m ( ) n

Jeffcott Rotor X(t)


Rotordynamic Theory
Bode Plot - Amplitude

Light Damping

More Damping

Imbalance =n

Rotordynamic Theory
Bode Plot - Phase


More Damping

Light Damping


Rotordynamic Theory
Solving Resonance Problems
Move natural frequency away from excitation frequency
Increasing or decreasing stiffness Increasing or decreasing mass

Reduce the excitation magnitude


Add damping to the system

Improved bearing design Squeeze film dampers

Change the excitation frequency

Change rotation speed

Rotordynamic Theory
Gyroscopic Effects
Important with overhung disks
Eg. Single-stage overhung Simple Overhung Disk Rotor
0.3 0.2
Shaft1 12

Shaft1 1



Gyroscopic forces:
Cx = Ip





Creates radial damping force due to rotation velocity Forward critical speeds increase with speed (gyroscopic stiffening effect) Backward critical speeds decrease with speed Causes rotors to whirl rather than translate

Rotordynamic Damped Natural Frequency Map

Overhung Disk Example

Natural Frequency, Hz

4 3 2 1 0 0. 2000. 4000. 6000. 8000. 10000. 12000.

Forward Backward

Rotor Speed, rpm

Rotordynamic Theory
Modeling Turbomachinery
Continuous system modeled by a system of springs and

masses formulated using either finite element or transfer matrix methods

Results in following system of equations:

&& + [C ] X & + [K ] X [M ] X

= F (t )

Similar form as the single degree of freedom Use Matrix solution techniques to solve for natural frequencies, unbalance response, and stability

Rotordynamic Theory
Stability Analysis Unstable Stable

A Rotor System Is Unstable When The Destabilizing Forces Exceed Stabilizing (Damping) Forces

Rotordynamic Theory
Stability Analysis
Damping is a Stabilizing Influence Destabilizing Forces Arise from Cross-Coupling Effects that Generate Forces in the Direction of Whirl Cross-Coupled Stiffness Yields a force in the Ydirection for a displacement in the X Sources include: fixed arc bearings, floating ring oil seals, labyrinth seals, impeller/turbine stages

Fx=-Kxy Y Fy=Kyx X


Rotordynamic Theory
Stability Calculated by Solving the Eigenvalue Problem:

&& + [C ] X & + [K ] X = {0} [M ] X

Eigenvalues of the form: s = - n + i d Imaginary part gives the damped natural frequency Real part gives the damping ratio (), or stability Logarithmic decrement (log dec) is related by:

2 1 2

Instability characterized by subsynchronous vibration near the first whirling frequency that rapidly grows to a large amplitude bounded only by rotor/stator rubbing Can be brought on by small changes in load, pressure, or speed.

Rotordynamic Theory
Evaluation Using Log Dec(rement)
Linear Vibration
Neutrally Stable XN-1 XN

Rotor Vibration

= Ln n-1 = 0 Xn





Rotordynamic Modeling
Rotordynamic Modeling
Break the series of smaller
2nd Section

segments at diameter steps couplings, thrust disks do not add shaft stiffness are modeled as added mass centerlines

Division Wall Seal

Components like impellers,

Stations added at bearings

Gas Flow Path 1st Section

Second Section Gas Balance Seal

Sample 10-Stage Compressor Model

40 15 haft1 1 5 10 20 25 30 35 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Shaft1 79

Typical High Pressure Centrifugal Compressor

Reference: Moore, J.J., Soulas, T.S., 2003, Damper Seal Comparison in a High-Pressure Re-Injection Centrifugal Compressor During Full-Load, Full-Pressure Factory Testing Using Direct Rotordynamic Stability Measurement, Proceedings of the DETC 03 ASME 2003 Design Engineering Technical Conference, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2-6, 2003

Rotordynamic Modeling
Rotordynamics Shaft FE Model Coupling
0.6 0.4 10-Stage Centrifugal Compressor SWRI Model - Nom Brngs

Red = Structural Green = Added Mass

Shaft Radius, meters

Impellers DGS
40 15 20 25 30 35 5 10

Balance Drum
45 50 55 60 65

Thrust Disk
75 70 Shaft1 79

Shaft1 1



0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4


Axial Location, meters

Rotordynamic Modeling
Journal Bearing Cross-Coupling Oil wedge causes a horizontal movement from a vertical load (cross-coupling)

Non-symmetric Pressure Profile

Rotordynamic Modeling
Journal Bearing Modeling Solution to the Reynolds equation provides the pressure profile on the pad

3 p 3 p h h + h = 6 [hU ] + 2 t x x z z x
Assuming small perturbation results in 1st order equations that yield rotordynamic coefficients (Kxx, Kxy, etc.)

Rotordynamic Modeling
Common Bearing Types
Load Load Journal Radius R Bearing Bearing Groove 15 15 Clearance (C) Plain Cylindrical Bearing Elliptical Bearing Load Groove Bearing C = Clearance m = Preload

Bearing Housing

Clearance (C)

Most Stable Bearing

Pivot Tilting Pad Bearing Load Between Pads

Tilting Shoe Clearance C

4-Axial Groove Bearing

Rotordynamic Modeling
Journal Bearing Modeling Plain journal bearings are the least stable Elliptic and Axial Groove bearings introduce preload that improves the stability Tilt-Pad bearings possess essentially no crosscoupling since the pads can pivot
Most commonly used bearing in high speed turbomachinery More expensive than fixed pad designs Necessary when operating at speeds well above (> 3X) first

critical speed

Many parameters can be adjusted to achieve desired

stiffness and damping properties

Preload, L/D, Clearance, Offset, Pad orientation

Rotordynamic Modeling
Undamped Critical Speed Map
First six natural frequencies calculated for varying bearing

support stiffness

Undamped Critical Speed Map

10-Stage Centrifugal Compressor SWRI Model - Nom Brngs

Critical Speed, cpm


2nd Critical Speed 1st Critical Speed

1.0E+07 1.0E+08 1.0E+09 1.0E+10 1.0E+11


1000 1.0E+06


Bearing Stiffness, N/m

Intersection between bearing stiffness curve and mode curve is the undamped critical speed

Rotordynamic Modeling
1st Critical Speed Mode Shape
Critical Speed, cpm

Undamped Critical Speed Map

10-Stage Centrifugal Compressor SWRI Model - Nom Brngs

Intersection between bearing stiffness curve and critical speed curve represents critical speed Cylindrical mode with flexibility
Undamped C.S. Mode Shape Plot
10-Stage Centrifugal Compressor SWRI Model - Nom Brngs


2nd Critical Speed 1st Critical Speed

1.0E+07 1.0E+08 1.0E+09 1.0E+10 1.0E+11 1.0E+12

1000 1.0E+06

Bearing Stiffness, N/m

forward backward f=3837.1 cpm K=200000000 N/m

Rotordynamic Modeling
2nd Critical Speed Mode Shape
Critical Speed, cpm

Undamped Critical Speed Map

10-Stage Centrifugal Compressor SWRI Model - Nom Brngs

Conical Mode with Flexibility


2nd Critical Speed 1st Critical Speed

1.0E+07 1.0E+08 1.0E+09 1.0E+10 1.0E+11 1.0E+12

Undamped C.S. Mode Shape Plot

10-Stage Centrifugal Compressor SWRI Model - Nom Brngs

1000 1.0E+06

Bearing Stiffness, N/m

forward backward f=12631.6 cpm K=300000000 N/m

Rotordynamic Modeling
API Requirements
Critical speeds separated from operating speed range Separation margin function of amplification factor

1 SM 2 = 10 + 171 AF 1 . 5
=Unbalance Amount:

UB =

4W N

Unbalance Configuration
1st Mode 2nd Mode
Reference: API 617, 7th Edition, Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and Expander-compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industry Services, American Petroleum Institute, July, 2002.

Rotordynamic Modeling
Unbalance Response Example First critical speed excited by mid-span unbalance Second critical speed excited by quarter-span unbalance Damping increased 2nd critical speed from 12600 to 15000 rpm Separation margins meet API requirements for 1st critical speed No separation margin required for 2nd critical speed since AF < 2.5
Rotordynamic Response Plot

Response, microns pk-pk


1st Critical Speed

Operating Speed

NC1=4060 rpm AF1=5.84




0 0 2000 4000 6000

Rotor Speed, rpm








Rotordynamic Response Plot


Response, microns pk-pk

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0

2nd Critical Speed

Operating Speed

NC2=15000 rpm AF2=2.05





Rotor Speed, rpm

Close Clearance Components

Journal Bearing Labyrinth Seal

Honeycomb Seal

Impeller Oil Seal

Rotordynamic Modeling
Honeycomb Seal Damping Test Data vs. Predictions
Damper seals like honeycomb seals provide substantial damping Damping increases with increasing pressure differential
Ceff - Y-Direction

10000 5000 0 -5000

Re (H) (N/m)





-10000 -15000 -20000 -25000 -30000 -35000

Frequency (Hz)

Reference: Camatti, M., Vannini, G., Fulton, J.W., Hopenwasser, F., 2003, Instability of a High Pressure Compressor Equipped with Honeycomb Seals, Proc. of the Thirty-Second Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

Rotordynamic Modeling
Aero Cross-Coupling Arises from Impellers of Centrifugal Compressors Most Common Method version of Wachel Equation

( K XY )i

Mole Weight = 63, 000* 10

( N S )i

j =1

( Horsepower )i , j

D RPM * Di * hi S j

CFD Methods Have Been Developed

Show good correlation to experimental data for pump impellers

Rotordynamic Modeling
Stability Analysis
First Forward Whirling Mode at Maximum Continuous Speed Log Decrement = 0.149 (no seal effects or cross-coupling) No aero cross-coupling or seal effects included
Damped Eigenvalue Mode Shape Plot
10-Stage Centrifugal Compressor SWRI Model - Nom Brngs

forward backward f=4016.3 cpm d=.1494 logd N=12000 rpm

Rotordynamic Modeling
Stability map shows sensitivity to destabilizing cross-coupling at rotor mid-span Rotor would be unstable without seal effects Damper seal greatly improves stability

Stability Map
2 1.5

With Seals No Seals API Kxy

Log Dec


0 0.E+00 -0.5










Mid-span Kxy (N/m)

Rotordynamic Modeling
Measured Log Decrement in Centrifugal Compressor
Shows damper seal effectiveness Log Dec increases as discharge pressure increases A smooth seal was tested to simulate a plugged-up seal
Smooth Seal - Test

Smooth Seal - Test Smooth Seal - Prediction

Smooth Seal - Prediction Hole Pattern - Test

Division Wall Seal Leakage

Hole Pattern - Test

Hole Pattern - Prediction

Hole Pattern - Prediction

Log Dec

0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

Discharge Pressure (psia)


Discharge Pressure (psia)

Reference: Moore, J.J., Soulas, T.S., 2003, Damper Seal Comparison in a High-Pressure Re-Injection Centrifugal Compressor During Full-Load, Full-Pressure Factory Testing Using Direct Rotordynamic Stability Measurement, Proceedings of the DETC 03 ASME 2003 Design Engineering Technical Conference, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2-6, 2003

Rotordynamic Modeling
Foundation Support Effects
Industrial Gas Turbine Casing/Rotor Model Finite element casing model coupled to rotor model Casing and foundation flexibility had a great effect on location of critical speeds

Lowers critical speeds Increases amplification factor

According to API 617, if the foundation flexibility is less than 3.5 times the bearing stiffness, then a foundation model should be included.

Review of Transducers
Transducer Types
Proximity Probe

Measures Relative Shaft Displacement (static and dynamic) Most Common Most Applicable to Fluid Film Bearings Subject to Electromechanical Runout (false vibration) Measures Absolute Casing Motion Types: magnetic coil or integrating accelerometer Indicates dynamic force transmitted to casing
Function of flexibility of casing

Velocity Transducer

Vibration severity independent of frequency Not usually used on compressors due to low motion of massive casing

Review of Transducers
Transducer Types Cont.
Typically used in higher frequency measurement Not usually used on compressors due to low

motion of massive casing

Severity a function of frequency Typically used with rolling element bearing (eg.

Aeroderivative gas turbines) and on gearboxes

Types of Vibration Instrumentation

Overall Level / Vibration Monitor
Provides machinery protection Overall vibration level only No detailed information

Waveform/Orbit Oscilloscope
Good for viewing vibration data in real

Orbit shape shows symmetry in system Round=symmetric Shows transient data (impacts, bursts,


Types of Vibration Instrumentation

Fast Fourier Transform (FFTs) Spectrum Analyzer
Breaks down complex waveform into frequency components Characterize vibration: Subsynchronous - < running speed Synchronous = running speed Supersynchronous > running speed Can display multiple spectra in time to make waterfall plot Shows how vibration changes in time or during transient events

Types of Vibration Instrumentation

Waterfall Plot Courtesy of: Memmott, E.A., 1992, Stability of Centrifugal Compressors by Application of Tilt Pad Seals, Damper Bearings, and Shunt Holes, Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, IMechE 1992-6, 7-10 September, 1992.

Types of Vibration Instrumentation

Tracking Filter
Provides amplitude and phase at running speed and

multiples of running speed

Used to generate Bode plots Amplitude/Phase vs Speed (Bode and Polar plot formats) Shows Critical Speed Locations Used for balancing Used to indicate rubs and changes in system behavior

DC Data
Shows shaft position (for proximity probes) Used to characterize external loads on bearings Can indicate misalignment issues

Example Vibration Phenomena

Faulty Instrumentation
Can result in random vibration (amplitude and frequency) Check for:
Loose connections Mis-wired leads Damaged probes Loose transducer mounting Probe or probe housing resonance

Incorrect transducer or signal conditioning

Accelerometer resonant frequency (use low pass filter) Wrong proximity probe cable length

Calibrate instrumentation if suspect

Example Vibration Phenomena

Unbalance High synchronous vibration (1X) Vibration increases with speed squared
More rapid near critical speeds

Phase angle constant at constant speed and steadystate conditions Can be balanced out if suitable balance planes exist

Example Vibration Phenomena

Critical Speed in the Operating Speed Range High sensitivity to unbalance Can be caused by: worn bearings, loose foundation, poor initial design 30
25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Speed (rpm)

Operating Speed


Example Vibration Phenomena

Rotordynamic Instability
Frequency < Running speed (subsynchronous) Usually does not track with speed Frequency at a natural frequency (usually first mode) Close to but not equal to the first critical speed Amplitude can grow suddenly with small changes in operating condition Can be destructive (wiped seals, bearing, etc.) Results when destabilizing forces exceed stabilizing ones
Cross-coupled forces > Damping forces

Analytically shown when log dec < 0 Requires loaded operation to occur
Often not discovered until field commissioning

Cannot be balanced!!

Example Vibration Phenomena

Rotordynamic Instability Cont.
Typical Sources of Destabilizing Forces
Annular Seals (labyrinth) Bearings (fixed pad types) Impeller excitation Secondary internal leakage paths Internal rotor friction Floating ring oil seals

Methods to Improve Stability

Tilt-pad bearings Damper seals (honeycomb, hole pattern) Squeeze film damper bearings Swirl Brakes/Shunt Injection Thicker shafts / Shorter bearing span

Example Vibration Phenomena

Instability Example: High Pressure Centrifugal Compressor Instability

Reference: Memmott, E.A., 1992, Stability of Centrifugal Compressors by Application of Tilt Pad Seals, Damper Bearings, and Shunt Holes, Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, IMechE 1992-6, 7-10 September, 1992.

Example Vibration Phenomena

Oil Whirl Frequency Tracks at 1/2X Running Speed Inner Loop Indicates Forward Subsynchronous Whirl

Example Vibration Phenomena

Surge Lower frequency and near first natural frequency Surge control system
Should prevent operation in surge at steady-state conditions May not keep compressor out of surge during upsets,

especially ESDs

Record surge control valve command and position along with vibration to troubleshoot

Example Vibration Phenomena

Surge Detection Using Vibration and Process Variables During Rapid Shut-Down (ESD)
Bearing Vibration (mils) Flow Orifice Delta-P (in H20)
Flow Drops Rapidly


Surge Valve Position (%Closed)

Closed Surge Valve Opening Delayed by 2 Seconds

Speed (RPM)


Example Vibration Phenomena

Rotating Stall
Diffuser Stall 5-30% of running speed Occurs while operating near surge Tracks speed Point of inception exhibits hysteresis with flow Associated droop in headflow curve shape Flow Head

Blue = Decreasing Flow Red = Increasing Flow


1X Stall
Reference: Sorokes, J.M., Kuzdzal, M.J., Sandberg, M.R., Colby, G.M., 1994, Recent Experiences in Full Load Full Pressure Shop Testing of a High Pressure Gas Injection Centrifugal Compressor, Proceedings of the 23rd Turbomachinery Symposium.

Example Vibration Phenomena

Unsteady Aerodynamic Excitation
Caused by turbulence in the flow field at high load

Example Vibration Phenomena

Wiped Journal Bearing
Example Spectrum
Low frequency response

Example Vibration Phenomena

Damaged Bearing Pads on Tilt-Pad Bearing
Produces Asymmetry Causing Backward Whirl



Example Vibration Phenomena

Loose Component on the Shaft
Amplitude/Phase shows Hysteresis
Does not track same path during run-up/shut-down Caused by dry-gas seal in this example
Polar Plot Shut-Down


Example Vibration Phenomena

Mis-alignment Polar Plot Shows Phase Rolling the Wrong Way When Approaching the Critical Speed
Decreasing Phase Angle

Example Vibration Phenomena

Mis-alignment cont. Shaft Position on Drive-End does not Drop in Bearing
Actually rises in bearing during shutdown
Drive End Non-Drive End

Shaft Drops In Bearing During Shutdown Shaft Rises In Bearing During Shutdown

Example Vibration Phenomena

Mis-alignment cont. Orbit showing 2X vibration

Reference: Simmons, H.R., Smalley, A.J., 1989, Effective Tools for Diagnosing Elusive Turbomachinery Dynamics Problems in the Field, Presented at the Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition, June 4-8, 1989, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Example Vibration Phenomena

Torsional Vibration
Steady-State Avoid resonance of 1X running speed Transient Start-up or Short Circuit of Motors Strain Gages or Torsiographs typically used for measurement
Torsional Crack in Shaft Measured Stress in Coupling During Synchronous Motor Start

Example Vibration Phenomena

Torsional Vibration Cont.
Measured Coupling Stress of Gas Turbine Driven Compressor Package with Gear
1X Tracking Shows Location of Torsional Natural Frequencies

Reference: Smalley, A.J., 1977, Torsional System Damping, Presented at the Vibration Institute Machinery Vibration Monitoring and Analysis Meeting, Houston, TX, April 19-21, 1983.

Our Understanding of Rotordynamics has Greatly Improved over the Last 50 years Including Complex Rotor/Fluid Interaction Modern Analysis Tools Can Minimize the Risk of Encountering a Critical Speed or Stability Problem on New Equipment

Tools validated against test rig and full-scale testing results

Vibration Equipment in the Hands of the Right Expertise can Solve a Variety of Vibration Issues Key Steps:

Choose the right type of instrumentation for the machine and vibration type Correct installation and wiring to prevent noise and false signals important Use the appropriate data acquisition equipment Correlate vibration with key process parameters Troubleshooting often requires controlled changes of process parameters (eg. Speed, load, pressure, temperature, etc.) Down time and loss production can far out weigh cost of consultants fees

Do Not be slow to ask for help

Dr. J. Jeffrey Moore Southwest Research Institute (210) 522-5812 [email protected]

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