Ravage (G1) - Transformers Wiki
Ravage (G1) - Transformers Wiki
Ravage (G1) - Transformers Wiki
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Ravage (G1)
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The name or term "Ravage" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ravage (disambiguation).
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No Decepticon has a stronger loyalty to Megatron than Ravage. One of Soundwave's most reliable spies, Ravage believes unwaveringly in the
Decepticon cause, and Megatron embodies that cause. To better serve Megatron and the Decepticons, Ravage has become the most efficient and
deadly war machine under his command. He hides himself in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike with grim accuracy. His name is
synonymous with stealth. His survivors are few.
Ravage's only weakness is bright light, which can temporarily blind him. Perhaps his absolute loyalty to Megatron can blind him as well.
Sometimes he's a talker, other times he just growls or hisses at anything that isn't Megatron or Soundwave.
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“ Decepticons forever! ”
—Ravage, "The Agenda (Part 2)"
1 Fiction
This is every comic book panel Ravage has ever been in.
1.1 Marvel Comics continuity Well, okay, sometimes they rotate him a bit.
1.1.1 Generation 1
1.1.2 Marvel UK future timelines
1.1.3 Earthforce
1.1.4 Classics
1.2 Generation 1 cartoon continuity
1.2.1 The Transformers cartoon
1.2.2 Wings Universe
1.2.3 Japanese cartoon continuity Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic Story of Binaltech The Headmasters cartoon The Headmasters comic 15 Go! Go! Beast Wars Metals cartoon Story of Binaltech
1.3 Marvel colouring books
1.4 The Transformers Adventure Game Books
1.5 Colorforms audiobooks continuity
1.6 The Battle for Planet Earth
1.7 Beast Wars cartoon continuity
1.7.1 Dawn of Future's Past
1.7.2 Beast Wars cartoon
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1.7.3 3H comics
1.7.4 IDW Beast Wars comics
1.8 Beast Wars Metals comic
1.9 Dreamwave Generation 1 comics
1.10 G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
1.11 Transformers/G.I. Joe
1.12 Transformers Legends
1.13 IDW Generation 1 continuity
1.14 Hearts of Steel
1.15 Henkei! Henkei! pack-in comics
1.16 Henkei! Henkei! Bun Bun manga
1.17 Mars Attacks: The Transformers
2 Games
2.1 Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons
2.2 The Transformers (Commodore 64)
2.3 Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals video game
2.4 3D Battle Card Game
3 Toys
4 Notes
4.1 Foreign names
5 References
6 External links
Marvel Comics continuity
Generation 1
Ravage was a loyal bodyguard for the Overlords, the Autobots that once ruled all of Cybertron, for generations. He witnessed as their planet-
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wide rule crumbled into a loose collection of feuding city-states. Like ancient Rome, the last Overlord
barely managed to hold together the autocracy through the gladiatorial games, which allowed the city-
states to vent their frustrations over low fuel supplies on each other in scripted, controlled conflicts. A
war broke out between Vos and Tarn, however, and Ravage and his partner Nightstalker attempted to
escort the Overlord to safety. Joined by the gladiators Megatron and Optimus Prime, their journey was
perilous. The Overlord was now an enfeebled mechanoid who required constant re-energization to
survive, and constantly slowed them down. After Prime raced ahead to get help, Nightstalker self-
destructed himself in a final loyal act to defend the Overlord, leaving the ruler alone with Megatron and
Ravage. Though the Overlord was near death, Ravage refused to give the Overlord any of his energy,
Ravage, here in his first instead allying himself with Megatron, whom he believed would be the future ruler of Cybertron.
appearance, is the first State Games
Transformer to have dialogue in
the first Transformers story. As a member of Megatron's Decepticons, Ravage attempted to
hijack the Ark four million years ago, only to fail and fall into
deactivation sleep until 1984. The detonation of the volcano, Mount St. Hilary, reactivated the Autobots
and Decepticons, unleashing their war on Earth. The two factions soon found themselves battling on the
site of a drive-in movie theatre, where Ravage was able to distract Hound from determining the location of
Bumblebee, who had gone missing. The Transformers The Decepticons found themselves in need of energy,
so Megatron ordered Ravage to investigate Harrison Nuclear Power Plant. Jumping into one of the plant
worker's cassette recorders, he learned not only of the energy-harnessing technology of this new world,
but that its primary inhabitants were not the vehicles they transformed into, but their weird organic
operators! Ravage and the other Decepticons immediately attacked Harrison Nuclear and claimed it for
themselves. Afterwards, Ravage concealed himself within the boom box of "O", the friend of Buster
Witwicky, and learned that Buster had allied himself with the Autobots. He quickly returned to Megatron
to report this information, and the Decepticons launched another attack, this time on Buster's
neighborhood. Ravage jumped Mirage, and the reluctant Autobot wrestled with the Decepticon until Holy crap, Ravage is HUGE!
Ravage was knocked away by Brawn. The Decepticons retreated after kidnapping Buster's father,
Sparkplug Witwicky. Power Play! Ravage returned with his comrades to the Decepticons' new base, constructed out of materials salvaged from Harrison
Nuclear, and coerced Sparkplug into converting Earth fuel into a substance they could use. Soon, their base was infiltrated by Gears and the amazing
Spider-Man, and although the latter was as fast and agile as Ravage, the former put Ravage out of the fight with a punch. Prisoner of War!
Shortly into their stay on Earth, the ever-treacherous Starscream attempted to build up support against Megatron by demanding action when
Megatron cautioned patience, knowing his fellow Decepticons were getting restless for battle. Fearing that an outright execution of
Starscream would turn popular opinion against him, Megatron asked Ravage to spy on the Seeker and find him an excuse to get rid of
Starscream. Ravage was discovered, though, and critically injured by Starscream during their fight. Ravage managed to crawl home across
the desert, however, and reported the betrayal to Megatron. Having dishonored himself by attacking his fellow Decepticon, Starscream was
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forced to engage in a trial by combat with the Autobot Brawn, who had fallen into a similar
situation by unrelated circumstances. After defeating Brawn in combat and flying back to
Decepticon headquarters to declare his victory, Starscream was shot down by the vengeful
Ravage on Megatron's orders. Ravage reported the Autobots were responsible for the attack, and
thus Megatron was able to galvanize the Decepticons for battle himself, effectively stealing
Starscream's thunder and punishing the mutineer in the process. The Enemy Within!
As the Decepticons assaulted the Ark, Ravage fought against the magnetic Autobot Windcharger,
employing his own electromagnetic shield to protect himself from his opponent's powers. When
Optimus Prime attempted to awaken the ship's computer Auntie during the battle, however, she
awoke in a scrambled state and turned against all the Transformers, using magnetic force to hold
all the combatants against her hull... except for Ravage and Windcharger. Forced to work
He's so cute when he's angry.
together for the benefit of both their armies, they managed to deactivate Auntie. Raiders of the Last Ark
Megatron ordered Ravage to sneak into the Ark and provide him with news of the Autobots' fuel
situation. Fortunately for the Decepticons, the Autobots had failed to find a source of fuel, so the
time came to strike. During the Decepticons' immediate attack on the Ark, Ravage singled out
Mirage, intent on finishing the job he had begun earlier. Ravage ignored Mirage's pleas for a
peaceful discussion and removed Mirage's arm with his teeth. Mirage's resolve against the
Decepticons strengthened, he blasted Ravage, removing him fully from the rest of the battle.
The Last Stand The chance arrival of Shockwave was all that allowed ultimate Decepticon victory,
and Ravage, his deposed leader Megatron, and several others were nursed back to full operating
status. The New Order Though Megatron rebelled against his usurper, he failed, and Shockwave
"Ravage, why must we fight, we are not enemies!"
paraded Megatron's beaten form in front of Ravage and the other Decepticons.
The Worse of Two Evils!
Ravage accompanied several other Decepticons, under the command of Soundwave, in an assault on the Autobots after they had been duped by a
bogus Optimus Prime under Shockwave's control. Ravage, the impostor Prime, and the other Decepticons made short work of the Autobots until the
real Prime was restored. The Autobot commander turned the tide easily and Ravage and the other Decepticons were defeated. Prime Time!
While eavesdropping on the Autobots' arguments over whether or not to use the Creation Matrix to build an army of powerful superwarriors,
Ravage's presence aboard the Ark was detected. The Decepticon spy made a run for it, but was caught in a web by Mirage and Hound.
Ravage, however, is nearly impossible to kept locked up, and so he was able to quickly escape. Optimus Prime ordered Bumblebee to track him
down, but Ravage's capture was part of a larger scheme, and he led Bumblebee right into a trap. Crisis of Command!
While sitting in their alternate modes inside a Portland, Oregon, electronics store, Soundwave, Ravage, and Laserbeak awaited news of Megatron's
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location during their former leader's disappearance. After his fuel-deprived body froze in nearby mining pit in the
Powder River Basin, they left the store and brought fuel to Megatron. Here they successfully fought the American
military and found a new ally, Donny Finkleberg, who claimed to control the Transformers as the supervillain
Robot-Master. I, Robot-Master!
Ravage was given the task of being Finkleberg's "minder." He kept an eye on the fabricated supervillain
even while "Robot-Master's" film crew captured a battle between Shockwave and Megatron for
Decepticon leadership. Second Generation! Retaking command, Megatron re-established his Decepticons in the
basin, at the protests of Shockwave, while Ravage continued to watching over Finkleberg. However, during a
sudden Autobot attack, Ravage was distracted and Finkleberg was able to escape. Command Performances!
At the Decepticons' base in the Florida Keys, Ravage tried to cheer up a down-in-the-dumps Megatron with some words of encouragement, but
Megatron was too preoccupied to listen. Power Struggle Later, he informed Shockwave of Cobra's arrival. Ashes, Ashes...
Three years later, Ravage was awakened by a series of earth tremors, set off by the time storm raging throughout the universe. Finding much
had changed since his deactivation, Ravage stumbled into the underground bunker of none other than "Megatron" and Galvatron. Initially
siding with his old leader(s?), during a battle with the Wreckers, Ravage was surprised to learn that the presence of Galvatron and Scourge in
the present was the source of the time storm. Though he was blasted by Carnivac (who had temporarily teamed up with the Wreckers), Ravage
abandoned the battle and sought out the reclusive Shockwave. Shockwave was nearly catatonic over the irrationality of the time paradox that
threatened to destroy them all, but Ravage managed to use logic to convince his former leader to come to his senses. At Ravage's suggestion,
Shockwave gave up the body of Cyclonus, tossing it into the timestorm, which ended the threat to the present and future. Time Wars
In the aftermath, he hooked up with Megatron and they returned to Cybertron to seek new fortunes. In the Decepticon capital city of Helex,
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though, they found Autobots wandering around unmolested, and the area free of Decepticon supervision.
After deposing the inadequate Triumverate, Megatron established a new beachhead for his conquests,
with Ravage by his side. The Fall and Rise of the Decepticon Empire. Before long, though, Ravage's Megatron was
destroyed by the original Megatron, who revealed that the Megatron from Time Wars was a
reconstruction of Lord Straxus. Two Megatrons!
plan their attack. As Scorponok began to forge a very unpopular alliance with the
Autobots due to the threat of Unicron's coming, Ravage and the other Decepticon
A common lament. insurgents attacked the Decepticon base in New Jersey. Surrender! Scorponok survived,
and as he emerged from the wreckage, he swatted Ravage aside easily.
...All This and Civil War 2
Close your
Their coup was interrupted when Primus summoned all the Transformers of Earth to Cybertron to do battle with Unicron. mouth, Ravage.
Out of Time! Ravage and the other teleported Transformers witnessed Primus, speaking through the body of Emirate Xaaron, tell the
history of their supernatural war with the Dark God. The Void! Ravage was last seen fleeing, along with several others, immediately after Unicron's
approach. On the Edge of Extinction!
In 2003, Ravage was on a routine mission to infiltrate the Ark when he came across Ultra Magnus's huge new plans for a transforming
fortress known as Autobot City: Earth. Upon hearing that Kup would be transporting a simulation tape of the City's blueprints to all the
human leaders of Earth, Ravage skittered off to inform his Stunticon comrades so that they could intercept the information in transit. Ark Duty
Five years later, Ravage was seen on the field of battle with Soundwave, when the Decepticon commander desperately radioed the Autobots
for assistance against their Quintesson attackers. Space Pirates!
Note: These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.
Ravage was seen when an alternate-reality Galvatron probed Wheeljack's mind. Wheeljack remembered running into Ravage at Blackrock
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Aerospace Assembly Plant Number One, following the Dinobot hunt, where Wheeljack was looking for the technology
used to make Jetfire so he could repair the injured Autobots. Ravage and Wheeljack made a deal: In return for the
technology, Wheeljack would brainwash Jetfire into returning to the Decepticons. Despite not trusting Jetfire, Wheeljack
backed out at the last minute. Good job too, as he later found out Ravage had destroyed the factory, meaning he'd
almost betrayed his comrade for no end result. ...Perchance to Dream
Ravage remained on the side of Shockwave and Starscream during the Decepticon Civil War, fighting against his
longtime commanders, Megatron and Soundwave. During a fight with the Dinobots, Ravage was faced off against Slag.
Not... exactly... equal. Poor kitty ended up taking the horns to the hind quarters before the Decepticons retreated.
Two Steps Back!
Imagine a plate
of spaghetti in Ravage was seen at the Enclave, when the two Decepticon factions met to discuss peace and common goals. Someone
front of him brought him a saucer of milk. Awwwwwww. The Bad Guy's Ball!
Sometime later, the Decepticon factions managed to combine under the joint leadership of Soundwave and Starscream.
Ravage began operating out of Soundwave's chest compartment again, just like old times. Divide and Conquer!
Fifteen years after the battle on Klo, Megatron resurfaced on Earth, and the loyal Ravage joined
his former leader. Ravage participated in a battle in South America where a strange anomaly had
been detected. Megatron had Soundwave send Ravage and Laserbeak after Cliffjumper,
Landquake, and Skyfall. All of them disappeared in a sinkhole, where they awoke to find a
strange underground chamber. Ravage and Laserbeak attacked, though while Laserbeak was
hit and sank into a strange pool, Ravage was able to escape the overwhelming odds.
Crossing Over: Part 4
Some time after this, while Ravage was patrolling their new base of operations, he realized he
Quick, Laserbeak, let's remind them that we talk in
was being scouted by Elita One. Though he was able to counter both her repartee and her
this universe.
Circuit-Su, he was eventually blinded by the color-change properties of her skin and taken out
of commission. Games of Deception
Disgusted by the arrival of his negative universe counterpart, Ravage hunted down his doppelganger with the intention of removing his opposite from
existence. When the other Ravage asked for a timeout to update Yatter, Ravage turned him down and was met with a savage attack in response.
Recordicons #10
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Voice actor: Frank Welker (English), Yutaka Shimaka (Japanese, when speaking), more»
One of the original team of Decepticons that accompanied Megatron on the attack of the Ark spacecraft,
Ravage was reformatted by Teletraan I as an audiocassette to better blend in for operations based on
Earth. Ravage served loyally as a Decepticon spy. He was one of the first Transformers to have been
encountered by a human, as workers investigating a destroyed power station fell afoul of Ravage who
pounced upon them and frightened them away. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1
Shortly thereafter, Ravage accompanied Soundwave on an infiltration mission to gather data from
Teletraan I. Though Soundwave was discovered, Ravage was captured in an energy net and held captive.
More than Meets the Eye, Part 2 The Decepticon spy figured into a disinformation plot hatched by the Autobots,
who purposely leaked the presence of a rocket fuel depository in the outlying desert. In truth, there was
no rocket base—Autobot Hound projected a holographic illusion in the hopes of luring the Decepticons
into a trap. The Autobots allowed Ravage to escape and report back to Megatron, who easily saw
through the ruse. More than Meets the Eye, Part 3 Ravage reveals his slef [sic] to humans.
When Bumblebee and Spike Witwicky tried to escape after being forced to take part in the Decepticon space bridge experiments, Soundwave sent
Ravage after them. Ravage prevented Bumblebee from coming to Spike's aid when the lad tripped. During a fight in a cave, Ironhide stopped
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Soundwave from ejecting Ravage again. Ravage later got to guard Spike as the Decepticons prepared for
another attempt to use the space bridge. Transport to Oblivion Ravage briefly got the better of Bluestreak, until he
was thrown off, and Prowl blasted him, resulting in Soundwave soundly zapping Prowl in retaliation. The
Decepticons retreated after Chip Chase lent a hand to the Autobots. Ravage was soon employed again, to
kidnap Chip right out of his home. Roll for It
After Optimus Prime was badly injured and lay dying in Autobot Headquarters, Ravage took part in an all-
out attack, being ejected to attack Spike. He had the boy pinned, until Bumblebee chased him off with
especially bright headlights. Divide and Conquer After Autobots were found spying on a Decepticon operation in
the Arctic, Megatron sent Ravage to search for more intruders. He quickly found another group and pounced
Look Ravage, I don't swing that way!
on Cliffjumper. Optimus blasted him, and then Bumblebee caved the ice in on him. Fire in the Sky
When the Decepticons attacked the Great Falls, Ravage crashed through a window to stop a couple
of humans radioing for help. S.O.S. Dinobots After Soundwave spotted Bumblebee, Spike and Luisa
sneaking into an Incan temple through a secret passage, he sent Ravage in after them. The Decepticon
caught up with his prey as they attempted to get Skyfire online, and struggled with Bumblebee at
length. Bumblebee kept him busy long enough for Spike to get Skyfire working, and the larger
Autobot sent Ravage packing. Fire on the Mountain
Ravage took part in a special mission, helping Rumble to distract the Autobots while Laserbeak
kidnapped Sparkplug Witwicky. The Ultimate Doom, Part 1 During a battle after Cybertron was brought
into Earth's orbit, Ravage boldly pounced on Optimus from behind. His victory was short-lived, as a
falling tree limb caused him to come in contact with power lines, and he fled. The Ultimate Doom, Part 2 The
Decepticons utilised Ravage's tracking skills in Bali, and he led them to an escape pod that the
Insecticons had been using as a dwelling. Once the Decepticons caught up with the trio and took them
to an oil refinery, Ravage took part in another battle against the Autobots. A Plague of Insecticons
During Megatron's gladiatorial match with Optimus Prime, Ravage was let out to watch his master battle their
nemesis. Soundwave also petted him. This would be cute if it wasn't creepy. Heavy Metal War Ravage and
Laserbeak were utilised to round up a pair of gold miners, during another Decepticon plan. Ravage dragged his
captive back by the pants leg. He was unleashed again during the battle at the Solar Needle, and briefly got the
better of Bumblebee until the Autobot kicked him off. Changing Gears He attacked Bumblebee again in a city, only
retreating after Spike use jumper cables to deliver a nasty shock. Unbeknownst to the Autobots, he had planted
a micro-bug on Bumblebee, allowing the Decepticons to learn of Wheeljack's latest invention, the Immobilizer.
Megatron was very pleased. The Immobilizer
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Prrrrrrrrrr When a small group of Autobots came to the aid of their fellows, who'd fallen victim to Megatron's Transfixatron,
Soundwave sent Ravage to stop them using an anti-transfixation grenade. The jaguar pounced on Chip Chase,
but was too late to prevent the boy from hurling the device, and the Autobots were freed from their paralysis. The Autobot Run When Soundwave sent
Rumble and Ravage after Spike, Bumblebee and Wheeljack in Sub-Atlantica, the pair instead discovered that Nergill intended to blow them all up. They
made a token effort to stop him before fleeing. Atlantis, Arise! Ravage took part in another ambush, during which things went sour when the Autobots used
dominator discs to take control of Devastator. The Core
While Soundwave and Ravage were spying on the Autobots, they learned of the existence of Dinobot
Island, and Soundwave dispatched Laserbeak to investigate further. Dinobot Island, Part 1 Ravage and the
other cassettes attack an Autobot bunker, aiming to steal the Negavator. Despite briefly taking control
of the device, the Autobot forces overwhelmed them, and they were forced to retreat. Auto Berserk
During one of the Decepticons' many trips to South America, Ravage got to meet up with a real
jaguar. Despite his resemblance, the non-robotic jaguar did not take kindly to Ravage's presence and
engaged him in a "cat-fight". Ravage used his rocket boosters to scare away his living look-alike.
During another mission, Ravage ejected from Soundwave, but before he could jump out of the back of
Ironhide, Blaster grabbed him by the tail. While he and Blaster struggled, Soundwave wandered off to
Oh, no! My master told me never to report to Megatron. Eventually Ironhide noticed the fight going on inside him and transformed, ejecting
allow my dinner to touch me! both combatants. Some time later, Ravage spontaneously ejected from Soundwave and began sniffing
around on the ground, the first sign of a Cybertonium depletion that would affect all of the Transformers.
During a subsequent fight with the Autobots, Ravage pounced on Optimus Prime, only for a malfunction to cause him to revert to his cassette mode.
Optimus was highly amused and dropped him in one of the many metal barrels lying around. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1
Ravage led a group of Decepticons into the Dragon Mound, and through a portal to 543 A.D. Starscream immediately had them teamed up with Sir
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Wigend du Blackthorne. Ravage was sent after a spying Nimue, but fell afoul of Warpath and was forced to
retreat without his prize. The Decepticons set about trying to discover the means to generate energy, resulting
in a series of events which led to Blackthorne's castle being stormed by Warpath, Hoist and Blackthorne's
enemies. Ravage attacked Spike when the boy attempted to rescue Nimue, but was chased off by an annoying
bird. In the aftermath of the battle, Ravage attempted to pull Rumble out of the rubble. The Decepticons were
taken prisoner and forced to return through the Dragon Mound back to present day, where they were reunited
with Megatron. A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court During a mission in New York City, Ravage and Rumble
briefly pursued Tracks and Raoul. They caught up with their quarry, but more Autobots arrived and, after
struggling with Sideswipe, Ravage fled. Make Tracks
"Hey, I'm not dead yet! Stop gnawing
Some time later, Ravage, along with Starscream, Thrust, and
on me!"
Soundwave, was transported to a planet with massive inhabitants,
along with a group of Autobots, in a space bridge accident. The first creature they encountered, Aron,
thought the Decepticons were toys. Ravage attempted to escape, but Aron's cat Nitro chased after Ravage
like a mouse (how embarrassing). Aron put him with his pet hamster, Booper, in his cage. Instead of
immediately asserting his dominance by killing the beast, Ravage went and ran on the creature's exercise
wheel. When captured by scientists, they attempted to dissect the Transformers, but Ravage was able to
pick his locks and free the Decepticons, who hijacked the Autobots light beam to head back to Earth... and
landed in a lake filled with alligators. That was a very bad day for Ravage. Child's Play When the
Decepticons needed to obtain the Key to Vector Sigma, Soundwave sicked Ravage on Alpha Trion.
There are so many things wrong with The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1
Ravage was still present with the Decepticons in 2005, During the
Battle of Autobot City, he was dispatched along with Rumble, Frenzy, and Ratbat to take out Blaster's
communication tower and instead were pitted against his own cassette Autobots. After the battle, Ravage helped
fight for Soundwave's bid for leadership of the Decepticons. The Transformers: The Movie
Ravage was still with the Decepticons after they were exiled to Chaar. One of his more notable adventures was
when he, along with several other "primitive" Transformers, were summoned to fight Tornedron. Although Ravage
was defeated by the energy monster, he and all the other drained transformers were restored back to normal
thanks to the efforts of Grimlock. Call of the Primitives
The Bat The Cat The Pen-Oh,
Wings Universe
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Ravage was part of the second group of Recordicons created along with Buzzsaw, following the original Laserbeak. He was altered from a normal
Cybertronic Cougaraider to a full Transformer capable of changing into a standard Datatrax wafer. The Transformers Menagerie Part 1: Cassette Technology
While the other Decepticons fought many Autobots elsewhere, Soundwave and his Cassettrons took the time to ambush Bumblebee and Kenji when
they were on patrol in Japan. Ravage attacked first, only to be pushed aside by a rescuing Powerglide. Seizing the opportunity, Bumblebee ran off to
hide and the Cassettrons were sent to uncover him. During their search, they ran into Cliffjumper and Ironhide. They attempted to retreat into
Soundwave's chest, only to find it trashed from Bumblebee's sneak attack, allowing Cliffjumper to capture the Cassettrons. Kenji reported to Optimus
Prime of their success against the Decepticons. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #2
Story of Binaltech
At some point in time after 1985, but before 2005, Ravage was captured by the EDC and kept as a prisoner. He was then kept stasis-locked in
cassette-mode inserted in his future/past self's tape deck, in order to provide his body with a "Life Essence Nucleus", as part of the III's "X-9 Revival
Plan". The Ravage of the present remained unaware of his time-tossed doppelganger. Ghosts of the Past
Ravage and Ratbat joined Soundwave in infiltrating the Autobots' base, but they were discovered by Blaster. A brief battle between cassettes and
communicators occurred, but it was only a taste of what was to come. Hours later in the Arctic, Soundwave and Blaster killed each other in mortal
combat. The Mystery of Planet Master Ravage stood by with the rest of the cassettes as Soundwave was brought back on-line as Soundblaster.
The Great Cassette Operation The Decepticon spies later infiltrated Cybertron's defenses and observed Vector Sigma's work on the new super-metal,
Following Scorponok's takeover of the Decepticons, Ravage and the others were present with Soundblaster when Scorponok revealed his massive new
Transtector, MegaZarak. They also fought with Twincast who had snuck onto Chaar to spy on them. Explosion on Mars!! MegaZarak Appears Ravage and
Laserbeak were seen spying on Counterpunch, lamenting on how HE was bringing the good intel to Scorponok these days. After returning to
Soundblaster, they all vowed to be better spies from then on. Return of the Immortal Emperor On the planet Master, Ravage and the cassettes stood guard over
Scorponok's cavern base. Operation: Destroy the Decepticons
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The Headmasters comic
After Soundblaster crash-landed following his encounter with Chromedome's "Master Chrome Hurricane-Throw to the End of Hell" attack, Ravage and
the other animal cassettes (minus Slugfest and Overkill) stood stoically over his groggy form while Rumble and Frenzy looked panicky. The Headmasters #8
15 Go! Go!
After a mystery assailant badly damaged Teletraan I, destroying vital data, the thinly-disguised (actually not-at-
all-disguised) "Kurohyō Man" ("Black Panther Man") stationed on the artificial Earth satellite Nana ordered the
mobile computers Teletraan 10 and Teletraan 15 to travel through time collecting data on Transformers of the
past and future. 15 Go! Go! Volume 1
In this position, he recognized Starscream when his ghost came to possess 15. Starscream? Volume Starscream? Volume 2
Although his plan was indeed to repair Teletraan I's databanks, Ravage had his own intentions for the
information. He had traveled back from the future to the year 2005 in an attempt to use the "bio and tech specs"
data stored inside the computer to manipulate the future and create a timeline free of "unnecessary conflict".
When he was foiled by the unknown saboteur, he infiltrated the Autobots as Kurohyō Man and created the
Information Control Center on Nana in order to control the recovery effort.
It's a mystery! The bumbling Teletraan 15 (and eventually Teletraan 10 as well) resisted, escaping back in time using Ravage's
Transwarp cruiser and becoming the very saboteur that caused her mission to begin. Though annoyed that his
scheme had been thwarted, Ravage expressed pride in the independence of his underlings and graciously ejected them into space—a survivable situation
for the pair and their Kiss Player cassette friends. 15 Volume: The Last Part
Story of Binaltech
The Government-run Intelligence and Information Institute unearthed a mysterious capsule during an archaeological dig. After the dissolution of III and
the obtaining of Transformer probing technology, former III staff found that the container, dubbed "Schrödinger's Box", was the flight recorder of the
Predacon Ravage's stealth ship, containing Central Consciousness File X-9, a copy of the feline's personality and memory engrams deposited into his
vessel before his final blaze of glory. When the scientists found a way to communicate with this personality, it offered them its knowledge of future events
in exchange for a new body. III agreed, and used a fake Binaltech project (internally termed the X-9 Revival Plan and filled under the pretense of
"technological synthesis tests") to provide their part of the bargain. However, to truly bring the new Ravage to life, III stole the present-day Ravage—
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who had been captured by the Earth Defense Command and stasis-locked into his cassette mode—and
implanted him into the new Ravage, thereby 'fusing' the old and new Ravages into one. This new Ravage,
however, had no intention of fulfilling his end of the bargain and, after eliminating his benefactors and
learning to his shock that history did not change in his faction's favor, decided to rectify his mistake.
Ghosts of the Past
First on his agenda was his former commander, Megatron; stealing an Autobot shuttle, he located and
repaired the Kronosphere and—during a decisive battle between Megatron's and Optimus Prime's
forces that would have normally ended with the Autobots being forced off of Cybertron and into their
moon bases—turned the weapon on his own faction, trapping Megatron and his crew in a space-time
rift. This alteration in the timeline served two purposes: first, it would give the Autobots the chance to
retake Cybertron, which would then lead to them having to face off against the oncoming Unicron alone,
severely weakening them in the process. The second, and more important, purpose was to keep
Megatron alive and in good mental health (relatively speaking), thus preventing him from becoming the
insane Galvatron, and allowing him to lead the Decepticons to victory over the battle-weary Autobots.
Ravage also Transmuted Shockwave into a new Binaltech body of his own, so he could lead the
remaining Decepticons in Megatron's absence, Changing Lanes and secretly derailed many of the Autobots'
supply missions, further weakening them for their battle with the Chaos Bringer.
Save me from this mockery of Unfortunately for him, the Autobot named Overdrive became aware of Ravage's meddling in history,
thanks to his acute sensitivity of the timestream, Reality Check and—with the help of Wheeljack—captured
the wayward Decepticon and forced a confession out of him. Ravage, however, was not without a trump
card, revealing that his alterations might prevent the deaths of many of the Autobots destined to die in the normal timeline (which, as a distinction between
the two, was dubbed 'Prime Time' by Wheeljack, Ravage's altered timeline being called 'Ravage Time'), though in the grand scheme of things, only
Optimus could not be considered expendable, as he contained the one thing that could bring down Unicron (the Autobot Matrix of Leadership). By the
time of his capture, however, Unicron had already been sighted on a collision course with Cybertron and, despite the temptation of preventing future
deaths among his ranks, Optimus decided Ravage's plans to be too dangerous to allow to come to fruition. To that end, he roped Ultra Magnus into
helping him fly to Unicron in a preemptive strike against the monstrous threat, while the other Autobots (left in the command of Skids), were to initiate
"Operation: Distant Thunder", which involved sending a copy of Wheeljack's memories of what Ravage confessed to them, back in time to a point prior
to the Decepticon panther's meddling, via the energies located on Dinobot Island. Darkest Hour If "Operation: Distant Thunder" worked as planned,
Ravage's plans would be foiled, and any tremors in the timeline he caused would be smoothed over by "Project Body Shop" (aka, the Binaltech project).
However, just as Skids gave the signal to transmit the memory engrams, the Autobot base was rocked by an entire fleet of Decepticons. The Autobots
just barely managed to hold off the fleet, ensuring that "Operation: Distant Thunder" was a success (though a protector ended up separating the Binaltech
timeline from the original, as supposedly the Binaltech-bodied Transformers have a higher purpose in the grand scheme of things). Binal Time Whatever
happened to Ravage is not known.
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Ravage is super-sneaky. He used the cover of an iceberg to board the Autobots' ship and tried to pounce on
Hound and Spike Witwicky, only to discover he'd fallen foul of a hologram. Outnumbered by the alerted
Autobots, he fled the ship. During a later battle, he and the other Decepticons became accidental victims of
Rumble's earthquake. Search for Treasure Under the Sea Ravage was once successful in defeating Roller. Trailbreaker
trapped him in a force field with Soundwave and Rumble. Bumblebee to the Rescue!
Searching for a factory suitable for manufacturing troops, Ravage looked in a jungle fruitlessly. When they
eventually found a factory, Ravage realized it was an Autobot trick, and pounced on Mirage who was providing
the hologram. Mirage retaliated by throwing electric balls at Ravage. Decepticon Patrol Ravage was among the
Decepticons who attacked Hoover Dam, but were driven off by the Autobots. The Deadly Fuel Shortage
Ravage's spying alerted the Decepticons to a space communicator possessed by the Autobots, which allowed the
Decepticons to send a fake message so they could take over the Ark. A Message From Outer Space Like Starscream,
Ravage loved to follow Megatron's orders. When the Autobots interrupted the Decepticons in the process of Either Ravage is really big or that's
a tiny elephant
tearing up a forest, Ravage leaped at Bumblebee only to completely miss and go plunging off a cliff.
Forest Rescue Mission
When Thundercracker found a junk yard with a car compactor, Ravage came up with a cunning plan to lure the Autobots into it by disguising it as an
Autobot Rest Stop. They compacted Gears, but then the rest of the Autobots turned up, and Sideswipe paralyzed Ravage with a cloud of dust.
The Autobot Smasher!
The Big Book of Coloring Fun The Autobot Spy in the Sky The Invasion of the Decepticon Camp
Skulking around Disneyland, Ravage hid himself inside a Walkman so that you would carry him inside The Wizard's Cave attraction where workmen had
uncovered a buried UFO. After you activated a time-sphere, Ravage and Laserbeak were transported four million years back in time, where they
planned to locate the crashed Ark and destroy the Autobots within. After a few battles with the Dinobots, the two cassettes located the site of the flying
saucer, intending to take the time-travelling aliens' advanced technology. Dinobot War
Note: As "Dinobot War" is a multipath adventure, there are multiple outcomes for Ravage:
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One of the aliens transported him and Laserbeak to times and places unknown.
You transported him and Laserbeak back to the present day and they slunk away, or were lost in the time-
There are also several endings where Ravage kills you. Presumably he and Laserbeak then go on to carry out their
plan and the Decepticons ultimately conquer the Earth.
Disco inferno!
Voice actor: ?
Ravage followed Cliffjumper, and when the Autobot tried to abduct Doctor Heath Blaisedale, Ravage decided to capture her for the Decepticons
instead. After jumping onto Cliffjumper's hood in panther mode, he transformed to robot mode(?!) and tried to grab the doctor, only for Cliffjumper to
glass gas his right arm. The Autobot made off with Blaisedale, leaving Ravage in the dust, but the Decepticon notified Megatron who made alternate
arrangements. When later the Decepticons wanted to attack the solar plant, Ravage successfully kidnapped Blaisedale as a diversion. He and the other
Decepticon guards later fled when the Autobots came to rescue her. Sun Raid
Ravage spied on Hound and a bunch of Autobots in the Ark and reported to Megatron. He was on Megatron's team as they tracked Optimus Prime to
South America and attempted to seize Mount Sheelah. Unfortunately the volcano blew up in their faces, trapping them with lava. Terror of Mount Sheelah
Ravage was hanging out at the Decepticon fortress when Bumblebee stole the Decepticons' global crystal, but didn't detect the scout until it was too late.
Bumblebee to the Rescue
When Starscream spotted a construction at Stanley Lake, Ravage was the only Decepticon who knew his history well enough to recognize what a hydro
electric station was, a method of generating power used on Cybertron "way way back in the mists of time." He accompanied Megatron to Stanley Lake
on a fact-finding mission, and when the other Decpticons were washed away by a torrent thanks to the Autobots, Ravage alone escaped. He confronted
Jazz, only to be dazzled by the Autobot's sound and light show until the other Autobots arrived, and he had to retreat. Menace at the Dam Sore at all the
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defeats, the Decepticons discussed how to defeat the Autobots, and Ravage came up with the idea of infiltrating the Autobot ranks with a spy. This plan
paid off when Starscream did so and reported on an Autobot super weapon being stored at Mount Levram. Of course, while the Decepticons were
smashing Mount Levram, the Autobots demolished the Decepticon fortress, having gotten wise to Starscream and fooled him themselves. Espionage!!!!!
Ravage was mentioned as being recruited along with fellow Mini-Cassettes Laserbeak and Buzzsaw by the Predacon Divebomb, but for some reason
left them soon afterwards to become an operative for the Tripredacus Council. Dawn of Future's Past
Ravage is one of the few Decepticon warriors who was granted amnesty at the end of the Great War and
reformatted into a Predacon, complete with classy Russian accent. He was sent by the Tripredacus
Council to capture Megatron, clean up any messes he might have made, and deal with the rest of the
beast warriors. (Whether this translated to "kill them all" in the minds of the Tripredacus Council is
unclear, but that was apparently Ravage's intent.) Ravage made the trip to prehistoric Earth in a specially
modified stealth transwarp cruiser. He successfully contacted the Maximals and allied with them to
capture Megatron. Due to the stealth capabilities of his ship, and the fact that Tarantulas was also an agent
of the council, Ravage and the Maximals easily captured Megatron and imprisoned him. The Agenda (Part 1)
Megatron, however, had one more card to play. He knew that Ravage wasn't going to let any of the beast
warriors live, and also knew he had the one thing that would turn Ravage to his side. Using a fragment
from the Golden Disk, Megatron showed Ravage something which shocked him—a message from "I vill ask you only vuhnce more... vhere
Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons. As a safeguard against potential defeat, Megatron had left are moose and skvirrel?"
instructions for the descendants of the Decepticons to use transwarp technology to return to prehistoric
Earth. Although the message cut out before it was finished, Megatron's plan worked: Ravage, moved by the sight of his former master, released
Megatron. After Megatron explained the rest of the message, Ravage joined the Predacons and turned on the Maximals. Megatron and Ravage attacked
Cheetor and Optimus, at which point he transformed into his old mini-cassette alt-mode, jumped into the tape player on his ship, and started playing
wicked guitar solos. The Agenda (Part 2)
His latest treachery was short-lived. During the assault on the Axalon, Rattrap infiltrated his ship and used fusion grenades to cause an explosion that
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destroyed the vessel and Ravage himself. As the inferno headed toward the bridge, Ravage raised a fist and shouted, "Decepticons forever!" to
whomever heard or cared. The Agenda (Part III)
His head, seemingly all that remained of him, was knocked into the water below the Axalon by one of Tarantulas's spider-drones. Optimal Situation
3H comics
Even though the Maximals had left Earth with Megatron, the Beast Wars were far from over!
Tarantulas's "death" was actually a cover for his return in a more powerful form that had ingested
the power of the Vok! He revived Ravage into a new Transmetal 2 body to help boost his forces,
which also included Iguanus and Razorclaw, and prepared to begin the next stage of his evil plan.
Meanwhile, the remnants of Ravage's previous body were recycled by the Vok to re-create
Tigatron. Primeval Dawn Part 1
Soon, Ravage led an attack on Primal Prime, the Vok's new champion, and managed to separate
Prime from Tigatron, Airazor, and Ramulus. Ravage boasted of his "dark cloak" which shrouded
him from even Airazor's impressive sensor array, and unleashed a volley of missiles which
knocked her out of the sky. Meanwhile, Tarantulas encountered Primal Prime far from the main
battle, and after a heated battle, the Matrix itself was ripped from his chest by the undead spawn
of Unicron. Primeval Dawn Part 2 Ravage 3 Bodies Evolution![1]
Back at Tarantulas's lair, with the Matrix in their possession, Ravage oversaw the construction
of a transwarp portal that would transport them deep within the maw of their new master,
Unicron! Their newly-born ally, Spittor, expressed frustration at their unwillingness to finish off
the Maximals during the battle, and Ravage responded brutally. Ravage was immune to Spittor's
deadly venom-covered surface, but Spittor was not likewise protected from Ravage's savage
claws, so Spittor quickly quit complaining. Once the portal was completed, Tarantulas allowed
them to attack the Maximals; Ravage and the others had served their purpose. Ravage led them
to the Ark, but warned them to not disturb the Autobots or Decepticons on board. But little did
they know that the Vok themselves had taken control of Primal Prime's body, and remade it in
their powerful image... Primeval Dawn Part 3
Note: 3H Productions dissolved before this storyline could be completed. Based on the subsequent Wreckers and Universe storylines, it
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can be assumed that the Matrix of Leadership was restored to Optimus Prime's body at the end of this altercation, that the Maximals
were triumphant, and that Tarantulas somehow fled to return to Unicron. Ravage's fate is unknown.
While Ravage is considered by many to be loyal only to himself, his primary loyalty is actually to Megatron and the dream of Decepticon conquest. He
views himself as carrying on where Megatron left off, scheming and operating constantly to end Cybertron's peace and bring back a conquering empire.
Any plot and rebellion, you'll find Ravage there.
Also, he has psycho blasters, guns that give you seizures. Don't mess with Ravage. Transformers Comic issue 15
Magmatron recovered Ravage's heavily-damaged torso, which still contained his spark. He then inserted the spark
into a blank protoform, which had already been affected by the Transmetal 2 Driver, and Ravage was reborn.
Beast Wars Sourcebook In his Transmetal 2 body, he and his fellow Predacons, under the command of Magmatron,
sought out Razorbeast's band of Maximals. Viewing from a safe distance, Ravage ordered his soldiers to engage.
Additional Maximal forces arrived, however, and Ravage's forces were defeated. Ravage retreated into the
wilderness. The Gathering
Subsequently, Ravage would utilize all the Predacons under his command in a desperate attack as a diversion
while he crept into the Maximal base to steal the chronal phase facilitators left behind by Magmatron. He was
confronted by Razorbeast, who guessed incorrectly that Ravage intended to use them to board the Autobot shuttle
IDW decided having his actual
and return to Cybertron. Ravage corrected him by stating that he intended to free Megatron and eradicate the
robot mode was a little too
Maximal forces. His ambitions, however, were thwarted by Snarl who caught him off guard and gave Razorbeast "Transformers"-y.
the opportunity to knock Ravage offline. The Ascending #1
It is not certain if Ravage's intentions for Megatron were another ruse or if he was actually out of his kitty mind regarding the tactical feasibility of this
However, what WAS a ruse was Ravage being offline — as soon as he had been tied up by Razorbeast, the Maximal commander had to leave to help
on the battlefield—upon which Ravage stopped playing dead and broke loose rather easily, managing to obtain the chronal displacement bands that
Razorbeast had put him right next to after pointing them out. (A tactical genius, that Razorbeast.) However, upon activating the bands, Ravage was pulled
into Chronospace by the trapped Magmatron, who warned him of the apocalypse that was to come, and ordered him to form a truce with the Maximals
to fight this menace. And after hearing the warning, Ravage heeded the sage advice, sneaking out of the base while chronically displaced and re-emerging
to the sight of several gun barrels from Lio Convoy, Razorbeast, and the Pack. However, just as he explained the situation, Rartorata emerged from
nowhere and turned Razorbeast into a Princess Mononoke homage. The Ascending #2
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After introducing himself to Lio Convoy, Ravage agreed with him on a truce until they dealt with the menace of
Shokaract. Commandeering his Predacons, Ravage's forces defeated Rartorata and Ravage extracted a sample
of Angolmois energy from the Blendtron. When he told Lio Convoy to abandon the Angolmois-infected
Razorbeast, the Pack's leader warned him that if he made light of his friend's peril again, he'd personally de-spark
him. Ravage boarded the Pack's ship and returned to Cybertron with them, on the way analyzing the Angolmois
capsule, to come up with a vaccine. However, as he explained, none of them were qualified scientists for the
task. After arriving on Cybertron, Shokaract blasted the Maximal ship out of the sky. The Ascending #3
Ravage is the father of Jaguar. His son is a little crazy. Beast Wars Metals
Ravage, with a much more arboreal alt mode, was part of the second assassination team Megatron sent after the new Autobot leader Optimus Prime,
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The War Within #2alongside Soundwave and the future Insecticons. Ravage got savaged. First Prime
blinded him with an energy burst from his own partner Kickback, then he tossed said Kickback into the
feral Decepticon, squashing him against the wall. The War Within #3 Later, he was an operative of
Shockwave's faction during the Dark Ages. They made war against the Chaos Trinity to upset the plans
of The Fallen. Conflagration Ravage was also present at Tyger Pax when the Decepticons and Ultracons
reluctantly planned to sign a peace treaty with the Autobots, right before Megatron returned in all his
glory, with the thousand-strong Aerospace Extermination Squadron at his back. The Age of Wrath
Millions of years later, Ravage and the crew of the Nemesis awoke on Earth in 1984, and did battle with
the crew of the Ark for some time. He and the rest of Megatron's army were eventually defeated and
captured by the Autobots, but their return vessel to Cybertron, the Ark II, was destroyed in mid-flight,
leaving the Transformers apparently dead. Prime Directive #1 Ravage and many others were recovered and reprogrammed by the human mercenary known
as Lazarus. As a test of his control and their power, Lazarus sent his robots to destroy the Smitco Oil Refinery, and Ravage was there to "pacify" any
human resistance. Megatron soon broke free of Lazarus's control, however, and freed his fellow Decepticons in the process. Prime Directive #2
When Megatron vanished from the face of the Earth, Ravage reluctantly joined Soundwave and many other Decepticons in following
Starscream as the new leader. Starscream made his first act to take over the human city of Las Vegas, turning it into a kingdom under his
command. In order to ensure cooperation, he worked with the human population, promising them fame and protection in exchange for their
obedience. Soundwave and his cassettes worked directly with the LVPD, supplementing their efforts with surveillance and Cybertronian based
weaponry. Ravage personally intervened during a block war, dismembering a gang member before he could kill patrol officer Ryan O'Brien.
The Decepticons weren't above silencing their detractors, though, and that same officer was beaten to death by some of his fellow cops later
that evening, for conspiring against the Decepticons. Hardwired
Megatron returned from deep space sometime later, but the extent of his injuries at the hands of the Keepers left him unable to retake his
command from Starscream. Instead, he voluntarily went into exile, but invited the other Decepticons to leave Starscream and join him.
Ravage and Soundwave were among the Decepticons was eagerly accepted this invitation. Annihilation
After an enormous battle with the Keepers in Las Vegas, Megatron reclaimed leadership of the Decepticons from Starscream. To properly
declare his return to power to the world, Megatron made a brazen assault directly on the White House in Washington, D.C. He had Ravage
patrolling the alleyways, terrorizing civilians and running interference—the cat's efforts kept a large portion of the DCPD and National Guard
occupied while Megatron had his "conference" with the President. Later, the President sought revenge on the Transformers during an ambush
in the Nevada desert. He had American troops employ deconstructionites, tiny microchip-sized projectiles reverse engineered from
Cybertronian technology, with the power to drain energy away from Transformer systems. Ravage was caught in the initial barrage, and
either his small size or limited processing power made him fall victim faster than others. Megatron had to carry Ravage to safety as the
Decepticons retreated. Fusion
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Sometime thereafter, Shockwave arrived on Earth with a detachment of Unified Cybertronian soldiers,
equipped to take both Autobots and Decepticons into custody as enemies of the peace. Shockwave
quickly granted clemency to Soundwave, Ravage, and the other Decepticons willing to swear fealty to
him, after he disposed of Megatron. New World Order After returning to Cybertron, Soundwave was
considering his options when a small sound caught his attention. He dispatched Ravage to investigate, but
the poor kitty tried to tackle Starscream and got a mouthful of null-ray. Brothers' Burden Starscream had
plans of his own, and managed to convince Soundwave and his cassettes that following him would be RARRRRR yourself.
more profitable than throwing in with Shockwave. During the chaos of the Autobot insurrection that soon
followed, they arranged transport and fled back to Earth to loot its energy resources. Revelation
Ravage was among the Transformers laying dormant aboard the Ark when it was discovered by Cobra, who
took the alien robots and reprogrammed them to serve in Cobra Commander's plot to conquer the world.
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #2 Along with Soundwave and the other cassettes, Ravage was sent to attack the SPS
Research Facility, where he protected Zartan as the ninja stole a necessary module from the facility. He fought
against Quick Kick and Mutt, and would've killed them if he hadn't been recalled to Cobra Island when Zartan
got out and deemed the mission a success. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #3 Shortly after the Decepticons returned,
however, Cobra's control of them was broken by Wheeljack's tampering, and Soundwave sent out Ravage to
punish his former captors. The jaguar knocked out Firefly and dragged him back to Soundwave to be used as a
slave. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #4 Ravage later attacked Optimus Prime only to be grabbed and crushed in the
Autobot's fist. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #5
Two years later when Teletran 3 had gone berserk, sending scores of Transformers and humans both forwards
and backwards in time, Ravage was among the Decepticons who surrounded the tower where the disturbance
had originated. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2
In an alternate future in which the Decepticons had conquered Earth, packs of Ravages prowled the woods that a team of G.I. Joes and Cobra members
were traveling through. A few of them were destroyed by Ratchet, causing the remaining ones to flee. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #3
Transformers/G.I. Joe
Ravage was one of the Decepticons under Cobra's command in 1939. Stormshadow pitted him against Snake-Eyes during the two ninjas' duel among
the Fera Islands. Transformed After a short but fierce battle, Snake-Eyes incapacitated Ravage with a hand grenade. Trial by Fire The injured jaguar re-
emerged soon after Snake-Eyes had killed Stormshadow, but quickly lost his life to the ninja's katana. Trenches
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Transformers Legends
Laserbeak and Ravage spied on Starscream after the Seeker's latest falling out with Megatron, and watched Starscream fall off a mountain. After
reporting back to Soundwave, they spied some more and got footage of Starscream acting chummy with the Autobots. Redemption Center
Long ago on Cybertron, during Megatron's rise to power, a secret meeting was orchestrated between Soundwave
and Megatron. Ravage, Laserbeak, and Buzzsaw attacked and captured two Autobot spies, Bumper and
Fastback, which they brought to Megatron. Megatron Origin #2 After many of the terrorists who would later call
themselves Decepticons were captured, Ravage and the others helped Starscream assassinate the members of the
Kaon council. Megatron Origin #4
When Soundwave ended up on the run from a team of Autobots, he let out Ravage to fight off Bumblebee and
Hound, though he was defeated by Hound in the process. Frenzy later asked Soundwave if they should go back
for him, but the opportunity never came up. The Hunt for Soundwave
Four million years ago, Ravage was helping Soundwave against the Autobots when Ironhide left him feeling a
little...run down. The Iron Age
Ravage, your puns bite! Get it?
Millions of years later, when Bludgeon was ordered by Megatron to investigate the disappearance of Shockwave,
Megatron in turn ordered Soundwave to secretly keep an eye on him. Soundwave took Ravage and Laserbeak
with him, and eventually followed Bludgeon and his accomplices to Earth, where Ravage took on the form of a cassette tape in the year 1984.
Soundwave observed as a cassette tape player, he sent Ravage and Laserbeak to follow the human facsimiles constructed by Bludgeon to do his
enigmatic work. Ultimately, the trail brought the three to Bludgeon's volcanic lair under Mount St. Helens. When Soundwave realized that Bludgeon's
group intended to reawaken Thunderwing, Soundwave, Ravage, and Laserbeak desperately attacked, but Ravage was impaled by Bludgeon's sword.
He was later buried by a volcanic eruption, but dug out a year later by the human organization Skywatch. Spotlight: Soundwave
Years later in 2007, he was chained up in the Skywatch headquarters along with Laserbeak and reprogrammed to seek out the other Transformers.
Escalation #6 On his first mission out with Laserbeak, however, the pair's signal from Skywatch was blocked by Soundwave. Devastation #4
Ravage sought out Soundwave in the bedroom of young Jimmy, bursting through his household wall. Soundwave had been stuck in his small tape-player
altmode for 25 years, so the assistance of Laserbeak was required to haul his small form away. Ravage regrouped with them both at the base of Mount
St. Helens, but it was taking all of Soundwave's fast-dwindling energy to keep blocking Skywatch's mind control signals. Fortunately, they had an ally in
Shockwave. Maximum Dinobots #4 Soundwave and Shockwave struck a deal which would lead to Soundwave being freed from his altmode prison, leaving
Ravage and Laserbeak to be found by Skywatch as part of the plan. As soon as Soundwave could transform again, the two cassettes killed their captors
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A year later, Ravage helped defeat the Autobot regiment on Earth, making way for Decepticon conquest of the
planet. All Hail Megatron #7 After a failed human counter-attack in New York City, Ravage went after the pilot
Andy Reid so as to prevent him reporting back to his commander. He had the military human and a civilian
pinned, when a second human male threw an explosive at him. It detonated on his face, distracting him long
enough for the humans to escape. This annoyed him only slightly less than the fact Andy kept calling him a dog.
All Hail Megatron #2
I'll give you dog, pal!
After the Decepticons' defeat, they abandoned Earth, leaving Ravage and others behind. Spike Witwicky headed
a military regiment to hunt down surviving Transformers and found Ravage in an abandoned building. Ravage attacked Spike but got blasted for his
efforts. At least he put Spike in the hospital, though. The Man of Steel
Ravage presumably spent the next couple of years in Skywatch custody, until the Decepticons finally returned to Earth and freed their captured
comrades. He was seen among the troops who were eager to watch another duel between Megatron and Optimus Prime. Enemy Mine A short time later,
Megatron used the space bridge technology built into his new body to summon the Decepticon army to Cybertron, where Ravage pounced on Sideswipe
and had a scuffle with Bob. The Decepticons were then mind-controlled by Galvatron into forming the "Deceptigod". Chaos Part Three: Kings
Following the defeat of Galvatron, Ravage and the other weakened Decepticons were outfitted with I/D chips and imprisoned by the Autobots. They
were, however, let out to serve as crowd control during a NAIL riot. The Death of Optimus Prime Ravage was present when Ratbat protested against the
treatment of the Decepticons. The Autonomy Lesson After the I/D chips were overridden by Shockwave and Soundwave, Ravage was present when
Skywarp teleported back to the Decepticon prison and informed everyone that Horri-Bull had been executed. The World & Everything in It Shockwave would
charge Ravage and the Reflector trio with the task of stealing Turmoil's ship from Autobot custody. Night and the City
As he returned to Shockwave to assure him nobody that nobody had seen him sneak Reflector into the ship, Ravage was distracted by a strange smell.
He was about to leave to track down and kill Dirge when that smell turned out to be that of Arcee, who stabbed him in the neck before defeating and
capturing the rest of Shockwave's allies. The End of the Beginning of the World They were taken to the Black Room where they were repaired and upgraded into
new forms by Prowl, who was under Decepticon control. The Verge Ravage then helped capture Bumblebee and Metalhawk on behalf of a returning
Megatron. Before the Dawn He proceeded to participate in the battle over Cybertron, Plan for Everything but the Decepticons lost and were exiled into the
wilderness. Heavy Is the Head
Hearts of Steel
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Starscream sent Ravage to kill Tobias Muldoon, who had deserted the Decepticons when he learned they
were evil. Ravage tracked him to Stanford Merriweather's house in San Francisco and crashed into the
household, startling Muldoon, Merriweather, Merriweather's daughter Kitty, and Mark Twain. The
humans fled the house as Ravage broke through the wall.
He then pretty much got his ass kicked by Mark Twain, who took advantage of Ravage being
momentarily trapped in rubble to flick a cigar at him, thus igniting a gas leak. The explosion flung Ravage
into the bay, never to be seen again. Hearts of Steel #3
Tales of my lion-taming have been greatly
Ravage stole a sack of energon cubes for Starscream, deftly avoiding the pursuing Hound and delivering the booty to
his waiting master. Just before Starscream could put the energon to use, however, the pair were attacked by Cheetor,
who stabbed Ravage in the side with one of his throwing stars and pinned both Decepticons beneath his feet.
Henkei! Henkei! volume 8
When Starscream attacked a power plant with the help of the brainwashed Skyfire, Ravage stealthily observed and
recorded the battle with the Autobots that followed. Ravage took his recording back to Megatron, and then curled up
in his leader's lap as he reviewed the footage. Wataru's Power
"Who's my kitty? Who's my
Ravage was among the Decepticons who found themselves in the middle of a Martian invasion after suffering a loss at the hands of the Autobots.
Mars Attacks: The Transformers
Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons
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When Optimus embarked on his mission to rescue the Autobots' Minicar troops from the Decepticons, Ravage could interfere with Optimus Prime's
progress. Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons packaging blurb and game
Note: This game takes place in an alternate version of the second season of the Beast Wars cartoon.
Note: Ravage's character model in the Nintendo 64 version is a palette swapped version of Transmetal Cheetor. The Playstation
version remeshes Cheetor's model to feature Ravage's characteristics.
Ravage betrayed (Predacon) Megatron, then entered the ancient Autobot battle cruiser, the Ark. Using a
prototype cloning device based on transreplication technology, he produced clones of the ancient Decepticons,
with memories and personalities intact. One by one, he downloaded protoform cloning data of the legendary
warriors: (Decepticon) Megatron, Skywarp, Starscream, Thundercracker, Reflector, Rumble, Frenzy, Laserbeak,
Buzzsaw and Soundwave. With his clone army, Ravage returned to Predacon space with plans of conquest.
Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals
Note: Each character possessed an alternate ending, displayed if the Nintendo 64 game was beaten
with said character. Each character has only their own ending listed on their pages, see the other
characters' pages for Ravage’s fate in those outcomes.
Ravage fights under the command of Megatron once more, this time with several allies from (potentially) different universes and/or timelines.
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A working name for Ravage was "Stalker".[2]
As given in early Universe-style profiles published in The Transformers Comics Magazine, Ravage's nickname is Cat.
Alternate names, narration and in-universe descriptions by other characters over the years have inconsistently described the specific sub-genus of
feline which Ravage represents as a jaguar, a panther, a puma, and sometimes even as a canine.
Ravage's original package art is by far the most-copied depiction of any Transformer. It was, of course, adapted for his Transformers Universe
profile, but was also used (twice) in 1984's "back-of-the-box" battle scene,[3] and was copied in licensed coloring books and storybooks; the
pose also showed up repeatedly in the Marvel Comics. In "Time Wars Part 2" (Marvel UK #200), artist Robin Smith copied the art multiple times
across several subsequent panels. And it was, of course, recolored for Howlback's card-art. Yikes.
Reportedly, Hasbro wanted to bring Ravage's Jaguar X-9 figure over to the States as part of the Beast Wars 10th Anniversary line, but they
couldn't find the mold. Bummer.
According to the Transformers Adventure Game Book "Dinobot War", Ravage's cassette mode is labelled as the soundtrack to the musical
In the Japanese dub of the Generation 1 cartoon, all of Frank Welker's various growling and snarling sounds for Ravage were maintained and not
redubbed with a Japanese voice actor (though Yutaka Shimaka did speak as Ravage during the character's one lone instance of dialogue in "More
than Meets the Eye, Part 3"). Frank Welker was not credited in the Japanese version, either. Jerks.
The exact same thing happened in the Brazilian dub for the series, but to be fair, voice actors in Brazil were never credited for their work until the
late nineties. Welker only received the same treatment.
Ravage's Beast Wars robot mode is simply a modified Transmetal Cheetor with Tigatron's beast head.
Ravage's transformation to cassette mode in "The Agenda (Part 2)" was accompanied by the Generation 1 transformation sound effect.
Ravage's profile in the IDW Beast Wars Sourcebook seems to suggest that, in the body he is first seen in the Beast Wars, he possess three
separate modes; robot, beast and cassette.
The name "Ravage" became unavailable as a trademark during Beast Wars, so Hasbro used the alternative "Shadow Panther" instead, and when
even that turned out to be off-limits, used the somewhat clunky name "Tripredacus Agent". The name "Ravage" eventually became available again
in time for Energon, but apparently Hasbro decided to play safe and added a prefix, thus releasing the Energon toy under the compound name
"Battle Ravage" (and later, its redeco as "Command Ravage"). Hasbro also used "Battle Ravage" for the Alternators toy and also intended to use
it for the reissue of the original Generation 1 toy available with the Toys"R"Us exclusive Classics-affiliated "Commemorative Edition" reissue of
Soundwave... but then decided that the single name "Ravage" would work just as fine. Thus, the reissue is still named "Battle Ravage" on the
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packaging, but simply "Ravage" in the instructions. Following that, multiple subsequent toys have simply used the name "Ravage" again.
Foreign names
1. ↑ http://groups.google.com/group/alt.toys.transformers.fanfic/msg/a5cd7fda89f12c7c?dmode=source&hl=en&pli=1
2. ↑ Bob Budiansky Botcon Panel Coverage (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/conventions-15/botcon-2010-bob-budiansky-panel-coverage-170041/)
3. ↑ http://www.botchthecrab.com/galleryImage.asp?gallery=7&image=33
External links
Ravage Transformers Universe profile (http://www.ntfa.net/universe/english/index.php?act=view&char=Ravage)
Ravage at TFU.info (http://www.tfu.info/1984/Decepticon/Ravage/ravage.htm)
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