Tithing in The Mosaic Law
Tithing in The Mosaic Law
Tithing in The Mosaic Law
Numbers18:21; Deuteronomy 14:22-29. Each passage needs to be examined to see whether God commanded the Israelites to render one, two, three, or four Tithes. The primary key to identifying how many separate tithes existed within the Mosaic Law (i.e. if there was more than one tithe) is the description of their nature and purpose in the respective passage. The Levitical Tithe In the Mosaic Law, the Levite stood between Israel and God, offering daily sacrifice for sin. Numbers 18:21 and Leviticus 27:30-33 declare that the Levites will receive the Tithe for their services as payment for bearing this burden and for not getting an inheritance of land. Miles says: these verses should not be regarded as marking the introduction of this concept into Israelite culture, but as the codification of a new expression of the Ancient near Eastern Tithe infused with theological significance for the new political; entity of Israel[1] In that era the Tithes took the form of animals, land seeds, and fruits. While land seed and fruit could be redeemed with money by adding twenty percent, animal could not. This offering was compulsory. These Tithes were used for the livelihood of the Levites, who could then gives one tenth of their tithes to the priest. If this Tithe is still binding today, are Christians supposed to give a tenth of everything? If someone has a garden, should he bring one out of every tenth tomatoes or peppers? If not, should he give the value plus twenty percent? If a Christians is a cattle rancher, should he bring every tenth animals to church on Sunday when he tithes? These questions reveal the difficulty in bringing the tithe in to the new covenant period. They should not be over looked with absurd, but dealt with seriously. As Craig Notes it is also important to remember the unique relationship between the tithes and offerings and temple cult. Without a similar centre for blood sacrifices today, one cannot simply transfer all principles for giving for Gods sanctuary in the Old Testament to Church budget in the New Testament age[2]. The Festival Tithe Deuteronomy 14:22-27 describes a second form of Old Testament Tithing. This tithing can be distinguished from the tithe in numbers18; 21. In the latter, the tithe was given to the Levites so they could live since they were ministering to Israel; but in the former, those who brought the tithe were described as partaker of it. Deuteronomy4:26 says you shall eat in the presence of the Lord Also, the Deuteronomic tithe remains the property of the original owner[3]. This section describes how the feasts of Israel were to occur. On the prescribed day the Israelites would go to the place determine by the Lord (Jerusalem) and celebrate the feasts. They were to either bring their second tithe with them or sell it for money and buy whatever they wanted (their hearts desire) to eat. The Israelites were exhorted to share with the Levites. Mac Arthur calls it a national potluck[4] This Tithe would not be able to provide for the Levite livelihood. The Poor Tithe or Welfare Tithe Deuteronomy 14:28 describes the tithe which can be distinguished from the previous two by the fact that, it was offered every third year, and secondly, it was intended not only for the Levites, but for foreigners, Orphans, and Widows. The previous tithes were to be given either ever year or during feast; this third tithe was not for the Levites only. If the poor tithe replaced the Levitical tithe every third year, how were the Levites sustained that year? Also, if the poor tithe replaced the festival tithe every third, did the Israelites just ignore the prescribed feast in those years? Such a theory creates more problems than it seemed to solve.
Conclusion The above investigation of references to tithe in Pentateuch has yielded the following results: First, it appears that the annual tithe of the Israelites surpassed ten percent of their income, actually more than twenty percent. The Levitical Tithe was ten percent of Israelites income. The festival tithe was another ten percent of ones income (or of the remaining ninety percent after the Levitical tithe had been paid). With both of these tithe totalling twenty percent of a persons income. Secondly, the poor tithe average one over three percent every year. This adds up to a total of approximately one over three or one over three of peoples overall income. Mac Arthur wrote: The differences exist among those who have calculated the percentages[5] Regardless of the total, it should be clear that the Israelites gave more than tenth percent. Thirdly, historically speaking, Judaism around the time of Christ understood the Old Testament as prescribing multiple tithes. For example, the apocryphal book Tobit 1:6-8 indicates that the main character, Tobit, paid three separate Tithes[6]. Josephus wrote concerning multiple tithing when he wrote that: In addition to the two Tithe which I have already directed you to pay each year, the one for the Levites, and the other for the festivals, you should devote a third part of third year, to the distribution of such things as are lacking to widow women, and orphan Children.[7] Though, some may dispute whether or not Judaism around the time of Christ was correct in its understanding of the Old Testament regarding Tithing. It should be noted that this understanding is never challenge in the New Testament. If the New Testament writers carried over tithing in to the New Covenant Era, then their understanding most likely would have been that of two or three tithes. Douglas has this: we have not been able to locate any document that suggests that first century Judaism held to a single Tithe.[8] Fourthly, the tithes were giving to Levites. Since there are no Levites in the Church today, the argument is sometimes made that pastors have taken the place of Levites and that they should therefore be the primary beneficiaries for the tithe. More importantly, the Priest, a group within the Levites, served as mediator between God and people, yet the New Testament teaches that there is only one mediator between God and people, the man Christ Jesus (1Timothy 2:25). For this reason it is deeply problematic when Pastors are said to replaced priest in the Old Testament Church. Fifthly the poor tithe was given to the Levites, foreigners, orphans and widows. This may have been a substitute for the festival tithe, or more likely, was another tithe paid every three years. Both the Old and the New Testament show a deep concern for the ministers, orphans, widows, and poor in general. Tithing in the Historical and Prophetic Books After the Pentateuch, tithing is mentioned in seven passages in the rest of the history, and prophetic books: IIChronicles31:5-6; Nehemiah10: 38-39; 12: 44-47; 13: 5, 12; Amos 4:4, and Malachi 3: 8-10. Each passage will be examined in canonical order. 1. II Chronicles 31:5 The passage in II Chronicles does not add significantly to the discussion on tithing. Similar to the situation in Nehemiah, Hezekiah commanded tithing begin again. The response of the people was abundant giving, as they obeyed the law. Tithing of both harvested items (v.5), and animals (v.6) are mentioned. Verse 6 also mentions that the tithes of the holy are sacred things.
According to Payne, this refers to these token portions of the offering became the property of the priest who presented them.[9] 2. Amos Chapter 4: 1-3 In Amos 4: 1-3, Ralph says the prophet exposes the insensitive, indulgent life of the wealthy women of Samaria and Jerusalem.[10] Amos message was to the women, whose husbands were already oppressing the poor, and they were encouraging their husbands to oppress them more. God makes an oath that judgement will come upon them. Amos 4:4 describes, however, that these oppressors still attended worship! Amos sarcastically calls them to worship at Bethel. One view of this verse is that Amos was exaggerating: while sacrifices were to be brought once a year, he says to bring them every day; while tithes were to brought once every years (If this is a reference to Deuteronomy 14:28), he stipulates every three days. However, Smith thinks that: the reference is the typical procedure of a pilgrimage to a shrine. The first day would include animals sacrifices, and on the third day the tithes would be presented.[11] McComiskey, acknowledging the practice of the cult centre at the time, nonetheless believes that Amos was using hyperboles: It is as though he was telling then that even if they sacrifices every morning and tithed every three days so that they had something to boast about, in the end they were only engaging in the acts of rebelling against God[12] In any case, these tithes were being offered on the altar in Bethel the place where Jacob made his vow. After the split of the northern kingdoms Jeroboam set up altars in bethel and Dan to provide place of worship for Israel other than Jerusalem (1kings 12:26-33). What is more, he appointed priests that were not in the linage of Lewi (1Kings12:31) For this reason, the description of tithing in Bethel has minimal impact on the understanding of tithe in the Mosaic Law because these tithes were of a different kind. Emmett understands it as: The message of the prophet Amos regarding tithes in some ways anticipates Jesus message in Matthew 23:23 and Luke 18:9-14 that his contemporaries ought not to neglect the weightier matters of the law or their tithing will essentially be in vain[13] 3. Nehemiah 10: 32-39; 13: 5, 12 Nehemiah 10: 32-39 is a commitment for Israelites to the support of the Temple and those serving there. In this passage, Nehemiah imposed a tax, to be paid yearly, of a third part of shekel. This was tax, first, used for various items in the Temple. And Nehemiah 10:3 was completely separated from tithe. Yamauchi Edwin says: This tax had become necessary because the subsidy from Persia was inadequate and the Davidic dynasty could no longer help[14]. Secondly, people were also required to bring fire wood for the perpetual fire in the Temple. Thirdly, Nehemiah commanded them to bring their first fruits. The first fruits went to those caring for the Temple and were the first crops to come up out of the ground, no crop could eating until the first fruits had been offered In Nehemiah 10:37, the Levites are described as going out of the Towns and collecting the tithes (as opposed to having the tithe brought to them). A priest was to accompany the Levites during their collection, and the Levites, when they brought the tithe back to the temple, were to give a tithe of tithes(v.38) to support the priest that minister, and the gate keepers and singers (v.39).
Nehemiah 13:5-12 describes the situation in which Nehemiah found the Temple, and the Levites upon his return from Persian. The Levites had not been receiving their portion and had returned to their field to survive, thus neglecting the house of God. Nehemiah appointed faithful men to oversee the collection to make sure it was done properly (Nehemiah 13:13). Interestingly no tithe of livestock is mentioned. This passage raises some interesting question for those who say that tithing continues. Does Nehemiah imposed in Nehemiah10:33 continue (obviously not 1/3 of a shekel, but in some equivalent amount)? Is there any parallel to supplying fire wood for the temple? How does the first fruits command apply? Finally, and most interestingly, should Pastors (who have replaced the Levites/ Priest) go out to collect the tithes to make sure they are being paid? The problem during Nehemiahs time was that the people were not bringing in the tithes, so his solution was to go out and collect the tithes. Todays church, too, has those who are unfaithful in paying their tithes. If tithing is to be paid by force should the present (administration) church leaders collect the tithes as Nehemiah prescribed for his time? Nehemiah provided some valuable information for the Malachi text. The background for Malachi is the period between Nehemiahs visits to Jerusalem. As mentioned above, when Nehemiah left Palestine for a time, the people ceased to tithe, and the temple staff had to leave the temple to support itself. When Nehemiah returned he made sure tithing began a gain (Nehemiah 13:12).
[1] Miles Bennett, Malachi in The Broadman Bible Commentary, vol. 7, ed. Clifton J. Allen (Nashville: Broadman, 1972), 389. [2] Craig L. Blomberg, Neither Poverty or Riches: A Biblical Theology of Possession (Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 1999), 80.
[3] Roland de Vaux, Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions, trans. John McHugh (New York: Baker Publishing, 1961), 34.
[4] John MacArthur, Gods Plan for Giving, 76. [5] MacArthur, Gods Plan for Giving, 77. [6] Daniel J. Harrington, Investigation to the Apocrypha (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1999), 12.
[7] Flavius Josephus, Jewish History in The Complete Works Of Josephus (Chicago: William Heinemann Ltd., 1901), 109.
[8] J. D. Douglas, New Commentary on Jewish History (England: Intervarsity Press, 2004), 74. [9] J. Barton Payne, I and II Chronicles, in Expositors Bible Commentary vol. 4, ed. Frank E. Gaebelein (Grand Rapids :Zondervan, 1985), 539.
[10] Ralph L. Smith, Amos in The Broadman Bible Commentary vol. 7, 103.
[11] Ibid, 105. [12] Thomas Edward McComiskey, Amos in Expositors Bible Commentary, 305.
[13] Emmett Willard, Amos in The Broadman Bible Commentary, 495. [14] Edwin Yamauchi, Nehemiah in Expositors Bible Commentary, 742.