O9a Exeatic Joy
O9a Exeatic Joy
O9a Exeatic Joy
Exeatic Joy - Nine Essays in Praise of The Sinister by Anton Long Order of Nine Angles
Let us be honest Homo Hubris is an infestation on planet Earth; a sub-human species suitable for culling individually and on a large scale. For Homo Hubris is fundamentally dross; the product of those de-evolutionary forces and that de-evolutionary ethos which we who are esoterically adept and who adhere to the Sinister Way are in revolt against and wish to decimate and destroy and replace with our sinister evolutionary ethos and our new tribal elites. It is now the propitious time to deal with the infestation, the scourge, that is Homo Hubris: this ill-mannered, vulgar, denizen infesting our cities, our lands. But how are we to effectively deal with this inferior prodigious breeder of everything we detest and revile? By championing terror, war, disruption, disorder, crime, and chaos; by culling them whenever the individual opportunity to do so, undetected, arises. For they are the dross that holds us back from striving to-be, to live, among the stars of our and of other Galaxies; the dross who by their lack of taste, lack of manners, lack of excellence, lack of individual character, undermine and destroy what is of excellence and of sinister numinosity. They and those who have encouraged them and need them as a basis, a foundation, for their warped, Magian, messianic dreams are not only detrimental to our evolution but also a potential destroyer of that life which is our life and which currently dwells upon this Earth and in those dark, vast, formless, acausal spaces which
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we of the sinister-kindred feel or know or yearn for. The sinister reality is that they they, of Homo Hubris provide us, now, with a multitude of opportunities for we can and should mould, shape, use, manipulate, and cull, them for our own, individual, advantage, for the advantage of our sinister-kindred, and in order to further Presence The Dark; using them as expendable nexions, as sources, as fodder, to presence those sinister acausal energies we know, feel, and can use and control in order to bring-into-being our Dark Imperium and what that form will lead to. Those who understand who feel such things understand, and feel, the essence of our dark and sinister Way. Those who do not understand, who do not feel as we do that the culling, the manipulation, of such dross is both acceptable and necessary, are not-of-us: not of that Darkness which infuses us and which we seek and which we again and again strive to presence in ourselves, in others and in and upon this planet which is currently our dwelling and our temporary home. For we despise, detest, the mundanes they who are not of us; they who lack our visions, our dreams, our dark sinister and ultimately supra-personal Cosmic desire; which desire leads us to strive to be more than we are, and which makes us individual rebels against all authority and all those causal forms that hold the mundanes and their Magian controllers in thrall. And the worst of the mundanes are Homo Hubris, who are in essence a detestable de-evolution of that species mis-named Homo Sapiens Sapiens; the worst of the worst: and thus on a par with their Magian controllers: those who have engineered them and who have a vested interest in their continuing de-evolution. Thus do we invoke Baphomet: the Dark Mistress and our Mother, of Blood, The Primal Dark One: our symbol of bloody slaughter, renewal, rebirth, and of Joy. Thus do we invoke Vindex, the dark Avenger and destroyer of the Old Order; our symbol of retribution and of new and wyrdful beginnings. Thus do we invoke Satan, Father and Master of Chaos, Disorder, Laughter, and of Crime; our symbol of rebellion and of our quintessential outlaw-ish, piratical nature. Thus do we invoke the Primal Darkness itself, beyond all our limited causal Earth-bound forms: bringer, genesis, of all that makes us more than human and which inspires us, can inspire us, to make real such visions as can transform and evolve us and take us out to live among the stars and Galaxies of the Cosmos. 120 Year of Fayen
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The War Against The Mundanes The reality of these our causal-times is that we are at war with the mundanes, and this war is both a practical one, and an esoteric one involving our Dark, esoteric, Arts. One of the reasons for this war is that we are in direct conflict because the aims of the mundanes are mundane, while our aims are a manifestation of the sinister-numen. Another reason is that the mundanes have constructed tyrannical systems governments, government agencies (such as the Police), and societies which now exist to enforce and ensure, by the threat or the use of physical force, mundane-ness, and which tyrannical systems demand and enforce the collection of taxes in order to perpetuate their own mundane tyrannical existence. Another reason is that the mundanes have manufactured lifeless, un-numinous, abstractions ideas, theories, -isms and -ologies which enshrine mundane-ness and which abstractions keep the majority in thrall. In essence, the mundanes are Earth-bound, sunk into the mire of materialism, and wallowing in undisciplined emotions and greedful self-indulgence, while we aspire to be more than we are, to evolve, and desire to control ourselves, to master ourselves, and seek to leave our childhood home which is this planet Earth: to seed ourselves among the star-systems of our Galaxy; to create entirely new ways of living and to have the freedom, the space, the territory, to explore, to discover, to dwell and live as we wish. Thus do we seek out, and come to revel in, the sinister-numen and its manifestation as our Dark, esoteric, Arts, and thus do we seek to test ourselves, to take ourselves to and beyond our human limits. Thus do we come to despise the restrictions of the morality of the mundanes, and all their laws and all their mechanisms of people-control practical, physical; and of the mind which helps ensure the docility of the tax-paying masses. We despise the way the mundanes have meekly surrendered what should be their numinous individuality to abstract systems such as The State, and thus allow The State, some government, some impersonal authority, to decide what justice is and what is lawful and unlawful. We despise this because we know we feel that no one, no System, no government, no State, no supra-personal authority, has any right to presume and assume control of us; no right to usurp and take away our individual judgement by replacing what is only and ever numinously personal by some abstract law which they in their mundaneness have manufactured.
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For us in contrast to the mundanes it is our natural right, our evolved duty, to take control of our own lives; to be responsible for ourselves, in the immediacy of the moment and beyond. Thus, our way is the way of individual, personal, honour of dealing with matters in our own way and directly, person-to-person. For we know we feel that such self-discipline and such self-control as arises from upholding our law of personal honour is an evolution, a liberation, of ourselves, and represents the true freedom that the tyrannical systems of the mundanes do deny us and have denied us. Thus we know we feel that it is up to us, as individuals, to judge others in the immediacy of the moment; through personal knowing of others. Thus do we scorn and reject the notion of judging others according to each and every abstraction each and every -ism and -ology which the mundanes have manufactured and which they themselves in their stupidity and their mundaneness use to judge others. Thus we know we feel that it is up to us, as individuals to defend ourselves, to equip ourselves for defence, and to seek recompense and vengeance from those who may have harmed us: that it is our right, our evolved duty, to dispense to be justice. Our safety, and justice, resides in us, as evolved individuals strengthened in thought, understanding and in deed by the sinister-numen. Our safety does not depend upon some mundane Police force, just as true, numinous, justice does not reside in some mundane Court of Law or in some manufactured abstract Law: it resides in individuals such as us, in people of our honourable, sinister-numinous, kind. Thus, for us, personal honour is a practical manifestation of the sinisternumen; for us, honour is the law of the New Aeon which we seek, through our aims, our deeds, our sinister Dark Arts, to bring-into-being. Thus, for us, personal honour is a presencing of those evolutionary, those acausal, energies which can change us into a higher type, a new species, of human being. Thus, for us, our sinister-numinous tribes are an appropriate, a necessary, way to live for such tribes are where personal honour can live and thrive; where we ourselves where our kind can live and thrive and evolve, free from the restraints, the abstractions, the morality, of the mundanes, and free, liberated from, from the tyranny of States and governments. Thus we, and our tribes we, The Drecc are at war with the mundanes, and with their States and governments, desiring as we do to replace the tyranny of mundane abstractions by our sinister-numen, and desiring as we do to replace their States and governments, and their laws, by our new tribal way of life based on our law of the sinister-numen, which law of ours is personal honour.
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The Law of The Sinister-Numen Honour, according to and as defined by the sinister-numen, is a specific code of personal behaviour and conduct, and the practical means whereby we can live in an evolved way, consistent with the sinister perspective, and aims, of our Sinister Way. Thus, personal honour is how we can change, and control, ourselves. Honour not only defines our personal behaviour, and imposes upon us certain duties and obligations, but it also defines us, as individuals that is, it is an essential part of our identity, as individuals who live by the Law of the SinisterNumen, and it distinguishes us from the mundanes, from all those who are not-of-us, who do not belong to our kind. Honour is what binds our tribes; what makes our tribes, what makes and what marks our new way of living. For us, our honour is more important than our own lives, and it is this willingness to live and if necessary die for and because of our honour that makes us strong, fearsome, and enables us to live life on a higher level than any mundane. For it is through honour through our fearlessness, our scorn of our mortal death that we come to exult in Life itself. Our honour means we are fiercely loyal to our own kind to those who, like us, live by honour and our prepared to die for their honour. Our honour means we are wary of, and do not trust and often despise all those who are not like us, who are not of our own fearsome dark warrior kind. Our honourable duty as individuals who live by the Law of the Sinister-Numen is to be ready, willing, and able to defend ourselves, in any situation, and to be prepared to use lethal force to so defend ourselves. Our honourable duty as individuals who live by the Law of the Sinister-Numen is to be loyal to, and to defend, our own kind: to do our duty, even unto death, to those to whom we have sworn a personal oath of loyalty. Our obligation as individuals who live by the Law of the Sinister-Numen is to seek revenge, if necessary unto death, against anyone who acts dishonourably toward us, or who acts dishonourably toward those to whom we have sworn a personal oath of loyalty. Our obligation as individuals who live by the Law of the Sinister-Numen is to never willingly submit to any mundane; to die fighting rather than surrender to them; to die rather than allow ourselves to be dishonourably humiliated by them.
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Our obligation as individuals who live by the Law of the Sinister-Numen is to never trust any oath or any pledge of loyalty given, or any promise made, by any mundane, and to be wary of them at all times. Our honourable duty as individuals who live by the Law of the Sinister-Numen is to settle our serious disputes, among ourselves, by either trial by combat, or by a duel involving deadly weapons; and to challenge to a duel anyone mundane, or one of our own kind who impugns our honour or who makes dishonourable accusations against us. Our honourable duty as individuals who live by the Law of the Sinister-Numen is to settle our non-serious disputes, among ourselves, by having a man or woman of honour from among us, who is highly esteemed because of their honour and known for their honourable deeds, arbitrate and decide the matter for us, and to honourably accept without question, and to abide by, their decision. Our honourable duty as individuals who live by the Law of the Sinister-Numen is to always keep our word, once we have given our word on our honour, for to break ones word is a dishonourable, cowardly, and mundane, act. Our honourable duty as individuals who live by the Law of the Sinister-Numen is to act honourably in all our dealings with our own honourable kind; to strive to be fair, and courteous, with those of our own kind. Our obligation as individuals who live by the Law of the Sinister-Numen is to marry only those from our own kind, who thus, like us, live by honour and are prepared to die to save their honour. Our honourable, our Dreccian, duty as Dreccian individuals who live by the Law of the Sinister-Numen means that an oath of loyalty or allegiance, once sworn by a man or woman of honour (I swear by my honour that I shall) can only be ended either: (1) by the man or woman of honour formally asking the person to whom the oath was sworn to release them from that oath, and that person agreeing so to release them; or (2) by the death of the person to whom the oath was sworn. Anything else is dishonourable, and the act of a mundane. 120 Year of Fayen
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Acausal Darkness In essence, The Dark Tradition is concerned with personal and supra-personal change; with evolution to higher forms; with the creation of a new type of human being. To do this, we need vision; we need to feel the Satanic spirit of defiance and joy the dark acausal within us. We need challenges; we need tests; we need to accept and become that force of Nature, of the very Cosmos, which selects through weeding out the mundanes: those who are content; those whose spirit is inertial instead of promethean. The simple truth is that we of The Dark Tradition represent, and re-present, the Chaos that is acausal and which is the genesis of evolution toward higher forms and a higher existence, while the others the mundanes represent and are the stultifying normality of the ponderous causal, and/or represent and are what is de-evolutionary. The stark acausal reality is that the mundanes are either expendable, or are at their best raw material to be motivated toward change. We present them with both this possibility of change toward a higher, sinister, existence and with the practical chaos, terror and heresy which serves to remind them of who and what they really are. For, as has been written: It is of fundamental importance to evolution both individual and otherwise that what is Dark, Sinister or Satanic is made real in a practical way, over and over again. That is, that what is dangerous, awesome, numinous, tragic, deadly, terrible, terrifying and beyond the power of ordinary mortals, laws or governments to control is made manifest. In eect, non-Initiates (and even Initiates) need constantly reminding that such things still exist; they need constantly to be brought face-to-face, and touched, with what is, or appears to be, inexplicable, uncontrollable, powerful and evil. They need reminding of their own mortality of the unforeseen, inexplicable powers of Fate, of the powerful force of Nature. If this means killing, wars, suering, sacrice, terror, disease. tragedy and disruption, then such things must be for it is one of the duties of a Satanic Initiate to so presence the dark, and prepare the way for, or initiate, the change and evolution which always result from such things. Such things as these must be, and always will be, because the majority of people are or will remain, inert and sub-human unless changed. The majority is and always will be until
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it evolves to become something else raw material to be used, moulded, cut-away and shaped to create what must be. There is no such thing as an innocent person because everyone who exists is part of the whole, the change, the evolution, the presencing of life itself, which is beyond them, and their life only has meaning through the change, development and evolution of life. Their importance is what they can become, or what can be achieved through their death. their tragedy, their living their importance does not lie in their individual happiness or their individual desires or whatever. The very Cosmos itself is change; a fluxion of causal and acausal. Our change as human beings at this moment in our history, and currently and mostly bound as we are to the causal is to leave our childhood home, this planet, and expand outward to explore the stars and planets of our galaxy, to discover, to test ourselves, to find challenges great enough to change us in their overcoming; for it is this leaving this growing to maturity which will be the practical breeding ground of a new, higher, human species. It is this vision of such a change, of such challenges, of such a new human species which suffuses the ONA, its inner Aeonic magick, its mythos, its nexions, its associates, and those intrepid individuals inspired by any or all of these. It is lack of such a vision a lack of inner acausal darkness; a lack of Satanic ethos which distinguishes the Old Order, bound as this Old Order is to this planet, and bound as it is to satisfying the craving for safety and law which the mundanes, the normals, in their simian-like existence crave. Everything that enables the achievement of this grand dark vision of ours is a causal form worth using; while everything that militates against our Cosmic sinister vision our motivating mythos, our esoteric ethos is to be despised, countered, and fought. To change, to evolve, to be of the acausal darkness and thus the genesis of both our individual change and that of others, we need to be, in a practical and personal way, and in the words of one sinister Adept the darkness which is necessary and without which evolution and knowledge are impossible We also need to be our own opposite: to venture between and beyond we need to-be - the causal forms of Good and Evil, Light and Dark, and then treat those forms for the imposters, the illusions they are, to then leave them far behind us, having learnt from them, having grown from and because of them. Then and only then will we have taken the first leap beyond the Abyssal Unknown toward being the genesis, the spawn, of a new higher human species.
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The simple yet esoteric truth is that we are, or we aspire to be, practical warriors of our dark, Sinister Way, and it is this simple truth which distinguishes us from all other paths, ways, groups, or people, who claim to be, or who in their delusion believe themselves to be, satanists and/or practitioners of The Dark Arts. For to us belong practical sinister, amoral, deeds. For to us belongs that joyful ecstatic exultation in life that arises when we as individuals, or as part of our own sinister collective, our own local sinister tribe or group take ourselves not only to and beyond our limits, physical, and otherwise, but also to and far beyond the limits (moral and otherwise) set by the mundanes and which limits those mundanes have prescribed or ordained by some law or other. For to us belongs that knowing that feeling that it is the acausal which animates the causal, and which is the essence of life, of Change, of the sinister itself. Thus do we know thus do we feel that death itself is irrelevant, an illusion, a mere ending of a mere causal existence, and that it is what we do with the opportunities that this, our causal life, offers and can offer us, that is important. Thus we do not fear death, and instead defy it, just as we seek to defy ourselves what we are, now and just as we seek to defy the mudanes and all those causal restrictions, those causal forms, that they have created to make them feel safe, and secure and content with their mundane un-warrior like merely causal and thus un-numinous existence. Thus because of our defiance of death itself do we and thus should we terrify the mudanes, and thus do the mudanes fear us, and thus do we, with our practical amoral, sinister, deeds, reveal all those of other paths, ways, groups, for the weaklings, the pretentious pseuds, the charlatans, and the pretenders, that they are: mundanes trying to cloak themselves with some of our sinister glamour.
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For we are the one who cull, in real life: as a challenge, as a joy; as means of Presencing The Dark, of implementing our personal and our aeonic, dialectic: of Change, Chaos, and evolution. We are the ones, who because of our practical and our esoteric training, are controlled in control of ourselves, and of our feelings, our emotions; trained, prepared to, and capable of, directing our dark passion, our vitality, our defiance, our terror and our joy, however and whenever we wish. We are the ones who seek to challenge ourselves; to change ourselves; to evolve; to transform ourselves into a new type of human being. Thus to us and our sinister kind belong great dreams; great visions; the imagination, the desire, of the explorer; the feral character of the true warrior; the primal rage of the berserker; and the sensitive passion of a lover. Thus do we as a sinister kindred, as a sinister collective, as sinister tribes seek to transgress all the limits set and made by the mundanes and their societies, and thus do we laugh at them, play our sinister games with them, and consider them as our resource, but always ready, willing and able as we are to find those few from among those mundanes who might possess some potential, something of our own sinister nature. Thus will we recruit, train and guide those few who like us dare to defy and who see or who feel the societies of the mudanes for the impersonal tyranny that they are. Thus are we as warriors of our dark Sinister Way honourable with those of our own kind: honourable with our own brothers and sisters, and with those who support us and do not betray us; and thus are we harsh and ruthless with our enemies. For our Way, the Way of The Dark Warrior, is the practical way of being tough; of being armed, and trained and prepared to ght, to kill, to defend ourselves, and defend those of our own tribe, our own sinister kindred. Our Way is the practical way of being loyal, unto death, to our own kind, of having respect for our kind, and disdain and hatred for our enemies. Our Way is the practical, warrior, way of never, ever, betraying one of our own kind to the mudanes and to their so-called forces of law and order, and of killing, without hesitation and without remorse, anyone from among us or from our local supporters who does so betray us. For our Way, the Way of The Dark Warrior, is the Way of those who prefer death to dishonour and who prefer to die fighting rather than having to surrender to any mundane or to the so-called forces of law and order of the mundanes. For our Way, the Way of The Dark Warrior, is to obtain what we need by whatever means from the mundanes, and to lose no sleep over so obtaining
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what we need to survive, to live, to prosper as we will. Thus do we, thus should we and thus will will, redistribute the wealth, the goods, of our enemies, of the mudanes, to those in the areas where we live who support us and who do not betray us. Thus are we by our practical deeds, by our ethos, by our very tribal way of life distinguished from all other paths, ways, groups, or people, who claim to be, or who in their delusion believe themselves to be, satanists and/or practitioners of The Dark Arts 120 Year of Fayen
Let us not be mis-understood: genuine Satanists are evil. They question, seek to know, and they defy. They champion, advocate, and propagate and most importantly live, as a way of defiance and ecstasy whatever is genuinely heretical, or forbidden, in the societies of their times. They cause, and strive to cause, Chaos, disruption, revolution, and thus causal Change. They are the fomenters of, and the agents of, evil, of genuine darkness. They are adversarial; agents of genuine human evolution, which evolution only and ever arises from an acceptance of challenges and the application of the Sinister Dialectic: from the direct causal presencing of acausal darkness. They cause harm, disaster, corruption, and death; they bring joy, ecstasy and laughter, but perhaps most of all they bring death and sometimes, or often, before the due time to those deserving of such an early death: death to those who have shown by their actions that they have a weak character or are a nuisance, or a hindrance to the spread of darkness, to the creation of the new from the destruction, the change, of the old. Genuine Satanists are dangerous people to know; associating with them is a risk. They might get you in trouble with the Police; they might make you into a real outlaw; they might bring you to the notice of the Intelligence Services. They are trouble, and their psyche is contagious: and can break others, or bring them misfortune, or drive them toward inner breakdown or even madness. Their Way, our Way that of genuine Satanism is the Way of the self-controlled individual, not the way of sycophancy to, or obedience to, some doctrine or some person or some creed; not the way of those in thrall to their desires, conscious or unconscious. Satanists do not seek to be understood
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nor accepted nor lauded by the majority, just as they are shapeshifters in character and way of life, who may use and often do so use some form, or some way of life for their own sinister, dialectical ends. Thus are they a genuine enigma, seldom appreciated, in their own life, for who and what they are and for what they have done and are doing. Their deeds and goals once they have learnt their trade and become professional, Masters and Mistresses of the Dark Arts are not personal or undirected, casual, ones. Instead, their deeds are directed, intentional, often detached, and arise from their knowledge of, their understanding of, the Sinister Dialectic: of what is needed in the causal times in which they live; what is needed to radically disrupt, to challenge, to defy, to presence darkness and evil, and bring Chaos and the evolution that derives therefrom. Thus do they, in so presencing the darkness, revel in life, and enjoy. Thus do they, so causing Chaos, defy and break or seek to break the restrictive forms, structures, laws, and Institutions, that still hold people in thrall. The way of ordinary life, of ordinary mortals, is the way of control, of restrictions; of authority, of a supra-personal law. It is the way of those forms, those abstractions such as governments, and States and prisons and religions which have been constructed to control, to restrict, to bully, to level-down, to enforce submission. The way of ordinary life, of ordinary un-evolved mortals, is the way of minimizing risk, the way of hypocrisy, of the lies and the deceit and the envy and jealousy born from weakness and cowardice and the dishonour of the bully. In direct contrast, the Path of the genuine Satanist is the difficult Dark Path of inner strength, of joining, being, opposites, and of going beyond opposites: the path of evolved human beings exemplified in one way by the openness of the fighting warrior who believes in their very being that the only genuine real law and real justice is the law, the justice, of personal honour, of a fair ght, of fair retribution, and of being responsible for oneself. Thus is the Way of the Satanist the Way of the Dark Warrior who, in real life in the real world, fights the tyranny of those who, weak of character, oppress: the Dark Warrior who fights all that oppresses and stifles our potential, and hinders our evolution into a higher race of human beings whose rightful place is among the star-systems of this, and other, Galaxies. 119 AoB Satanic Sacrifice and Satanic Thinking
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Satanic Sacrifice If there is one thing which expresses the essence of the Satanic ethos it is culling; and if there is one way to detect a pseudo-Satanist it is their attitude to culling. As it says in our pledge of allegiance to Satan: I accept there is no law, no authority, no justice Except my own And that culling is a necessary act of Life. I believe in one guide, Satan, And in our right to rule mundanes. The Order of Nine Angles has always advocated culling, maintaining it is a Satanic practice; the ONA will always advocate culling. Why? Because there are mundanes, and us. A basic principle of Satanism is that mundanes are not only a resource, for us, but also expendable. This, in essence, arises from our Satanic morality that we are better, more valuable, than mundanes. The pseudo-Satanists are appalled by this attitude, just like Nazarenes are. For these pseudo-Satanists, sacrice means some sort of self-sacrice, where, for example, they say stupid things like: Those who seek energy outside of their minds and wills, are too weak for the practice of Magic To us, this is just Nazarene-speak, covered by the slick words of weedy charlatans. For they are basically weak, afraid. They do not have our lan, our style, our satanic ethos, our elitist morality our defiance of mundanes and everything mundane. To such Nazarene-speak we Satanists say: why should we, in some ritual for example, denude ourselves of energy when mundanes can supply not only whatever energy we may need but also give us energy to enhance our ritual and our lives? There is a reason, of course, why our Dark Goddess, Baphomet, is called The Mother of Blood. Our Sorcery, our Magick, is really Black, really Dark, genuinely Sinister. Dangerous. Satanism is a defiance of mundanes, a defiance of mundanity, par excellence. Satanism is the ethos of arte, which means we judge people according to their personal character. The worthless are worthless; expendable. Therefore, why should we not put them to good use? For us, culling is natural fact of life of how we live, or how we desire to live. Of course, there are dierent ways of culling mundanes not every culling
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takes place, or needs to take place, in some Satanic ceremony or ritual, although obviously that is a great source of Satanic joy. A good way of culling is war; another is stirring up religious and political conict; another is insurrection, revolution, assassinations, and so on. In fact, any means of conflict offers opportunities for culling; opportunities for those of Satanic character to weed out the weeds and reduce the surplus population of mundanes. Another, more personal way and a good means of developing Satanic character are accidents. And so on. You get the idea. Satanic Thinking Every Satanist should question everything. Satanists should question, in particular, everything that mundanes hold dear, need, and believe in. What, today do most mundanes hold dear, need, and believe in? 1) The concept of the nation-State; 2) The need for government and laws; and the need to respect those laws; 3) The need for Police to enforce laws and arrest those who transgress laws made by mundanes for mundanes; 4) The need to earn a living by respectable means, and pay taxes And so on. So, as Satanists we question the need for nations, for States, for governments, for Police forces, for laws, for taxes. And, having questioned, we arrive at the answer that such things are mundane; made by mundanes for mundanes and as a means of punishing those who do not want to be mundanes and who naturally do not want to live like mundanes. Thus, we Satanically desire to subvert, to undermine, to overthrow, to destroy, such mundane things, since for us there are no laws, no authority, no justice, except our own. We simply do not need governments, nations, States, Police forces, taxes, and all the other things that mundanes worship and have spent centuries protecting and defending and trying to convince us we need. For we are rebels, outlaws, subversives. We are baleful opponents of mundanes and everything mundane. We are, or we strive to be, armed and dangerous and capable of defending ourselves. We simply do not need any Police forces, and mundanes laws, any government, to protect us. We would rather die, fighting and deant, than allow anyone to subdue us. Basically, governments, nations, States and their paraphernalia, such as Police forces, prisons, and laws are a means of control, a means to subdue and make us conform. But we Satanically desire to live in our way Satanic way which is the way of
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real freedom: the way of clans, of tribes, of gangs, where we take care of our own, where we protect our own kind, where we are loyal to only our own kind. Where we consider those who are not of us, not our kind, are our enemies, either real, or potential. So, good riddance to mundane trash. Good riddance to everything mundane. For we Satanically desire to create a new world, whose archetypes are Satan Lord of Darkness and of Chaos and Baphomet, Mistress of Earth and Mother of Bloody Sacrifices. A world where we rule mundanes, and thus where our personal Satanic Destiny is or can be fulfilled, and where our dark, sinister, Satanic Wyrd is implemented. 120 Year of Fayen The Pseudo-Satanism of Mundanes
Lets get a few things straight, from the start Satanism is about what is evil, Dark, dangerous, terrifying, heretical, sinister, beguiling, and immoral. Satan is, for the West, the archetype of everything the mundanes the stis, and their governments fear, dread, and desire be saved from, and which they have made laws against. Expressed in two good words Satanism is numinously sinister. That is, it possesses a certain dark innate attraction for certain types of human being: for those (a small minority) who are restless, who are unsatisfied with the all answers offered by mundanes, who naturally detest the life-style of all mundanes; who love danger, who crave death-defying excitement, and who would rather die, laughing and defiant and fighting, than surrender to anyone else. These human beings are those who tend to become the real outlaws of mundane society; who become professional criminals; who become mercenaries, adventurers, explorers, assassins; who become manipulative leaders: political, military, religious, of organized crime, of street gangs, or whatever. Does this sound like the Church of Satan CoS and its derivatives, or The Temple of Set (ToS)? No of course not. The members of the CoS are about as scary and dangerous as kindergarten kids dressed up for Halloween, while the members of the ToSers are about as Satanic as College freshmen who, having
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watched some scary horror movie and drunk too much beer, decide to light some candles and conjure up, in their dorm, some demon with a Hebrew name from some text they found in a special color supplement to Occult and Tarot Monthly (Incorporating The Tame Satanic Witch) and who then spend weeks (or months) discussing, and talking and writing about, their titillating satanic experience. The same goes for all those the majority who in their mundaneness ape and hype the mundane pseudo-satanism of LaVey and Aquino, and for whom fantasy, role-playing, and pretentious pseudo-intellectualism are a substitute for direct and dangerous sinister experience. The type of people who infest Internet forums and groups with their wordy spiel but who have never, ever, done anything really dark, evil, dangerous, heretical, in their lives: something that might land them in jail, if caught; or might make them real heretics and outcasts with their neighbours and government; or might through its nearness to and possibility of death provide them with that once-in-a-lifetime ecstatic affirmation of life that will forever change them. There is a simple test to distinguish a Satanist a Comrade of Satan, friend of the dangerous sinister-numen of Satanism, who lives in a sinister way and who does practical sinister deeds from a pseudo-satanist. And it is how they deal with the question of human culling. For the Satanist, this is not a matter for debate it is a fact of their life or a passionate, as yet unsatised, desire they have within them and need to full; one means by which they can Presence The Dark. For the pseudo-satanist, however, it is a question often avoided, and if pressed something they consider immoral and illegal and which they bleat is not part of and never has been part of satanism In a real way, the so-called satanism of the CoS (and its derivatives and imitators) and of the ToSers (and its derivative and imitators) is only the pathetic imitation safe rebellion of mundanes, who in their mundaneness like to believe they are doing something exciting and forbidden. This so-called satanism is but part of The System (the Magian system) designed to keep humans tame safe, and no threat to governments, to society, to the mundane status quo. A safety valve for those too dumb and un-satanic to see The System and such pseudo-satanism for what they really are. No wonder then, that this so-called satanism depends upon, is derived from, and propagates, the Hebrew-Nazarene qabala and such things as Hebrew-Nazarene derived grimoires, sigils, words, myths, and magick. It is also no wonder that mundane dumb-ass pretenders, too fearful and weak of character to be real Satanists, often spend a great deal of time complaining about and trying to discredit both The Order of Nine Angles and its members, for the ONA, with its sinister tribes (gangs) and its practical sinister guides,
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is the only group to be and to express what is really Satanic to support culling, to be heretical, to champion and express what is numinously sinister what is dangerous, testing, dicult, terrifying, and unlawful according to the laws made to ensure a society of tame and mostly tax-paying mundanes. 121 yf
The Difference Between Us The fundamental difference between us, The Drecc, and the mundanes is that we exult in the physicality of life, of living in the dangerous moment, while they think, dream, and prepare for their future and for their safety. Thus do we exult in combat, in crime in walking armed and exulting and fearless into some place and taking what we need to survive. Thus do we live for and plan for some confrontation or other when every second of every moment may be our last or the means of our escape to live again to thrive, to exult, as some higher type of human being. Thus do we exult in Dance, when music plays, throbbing around and within us, and we and our partner become the very life, the very breathing, of love, passion, joy, exultation and Being, and nothing exits for us in then except the beauty, the passion, of our bodily movement, our physical exertion, through which and by which and in which and because of which we transcend to a more pure, higher, form of living which the mudanes never know or never even feel. Thus do we exult in and often need that exhilaration and ecstasy of physical speed when we recklessly drive or fly as we drive or fly some powerful machine which we control by sheer exhilaration and that skill that our kind of life has breed within us unheedful as we rush forth in our ecstasy of all conventions and all laws that the mundanes have manufactured and put in place and which they try to enforce to discourage, contain and control our kind of dangerous higher human life. Thus do we exult in the passion of a physical, sexual, joining, and the games we play before in anticipation of such a physical joining; for we love the chase almost as much as we love the union itself. for there is Life, the essence of our human existence, there in such a joining, in such a prelude and anticipation of
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such joining. Thus do we exult in the power we feel as we strive against ourselves and all others as we, armed, walk the shadowed silence of some alley in anticipation of attack, prepared and ruthless enough as the predator we are to injure, fight, and kill. Thus do we exult in opposition to all those forces of so-called law and order which the mundanes love and often worship and most surely in their weakness need for we love to outwit them; to play our games with them, as we love to cruise in anticipation of some armed confrontation with them and our enemies, unheedful as we are of our own mortality, our own death, for is the very possibility of death that enchants and makes us what we are, powerful, strong, fearless, a breed apart. Thus do we exult in danger and risk and risk our own lives, and that of others, because in such risk and such danger is that exultation of a growing evolving life which changes and which can seed us to be, to become, that higher type of being which the mundanes in their very mundane-ness fear and which they in their fear and in their morbid love of safety and of planning try and try to outlaw and make illegal. Thus do we live with them in their world, for now using them and their life, their society, as a resource, as the resource we need to live life on that higher life that makes us what we are, for now while we have to endure living only on this planet, Earth. Thus are we outlaws, criminals, terrorists, chancers, explorers, adventurers, racketeers, for we know all the laws of the mudanes for the tyranny they are: a tireless attempt to prevent us from making our life into a succession of ecstasies. 120 yf
What is the most important - and interesting - thing I can say about the sinister path that I have followed for over thirty years? It is that is teaches us, and enables us, to live life on a higher, different level. That is, to exult in life itself: a sinister life is, or should be, one where there is an intensity; where
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there is action, in the world; where there is a will harnessed to a goal - any goal; a desire to experience, to know; to quest; where there is an arrogant determination to not accept the norms, the answers, the limits of and set by others. Nothing is too dangerous for us; nothing is forbidden. We experience to test ourselves; to learn. There is a pushing of one's body to - and beyond - its limits; enduring, to go beyond endurance to that wonderful bliss of almost exhaustion when a goal has been achieved and one has felt, been, an exquisite harmony of mind and body and ethos through sheer concentration on what is being done. There is the acceptance of challenges - especially by ourselves. And if we have no challenges, we make or create some. These are the moments - days, weeks - of exquisite pleasure; these are the moments are an exquisite yearning; these are the moments of an exquisite joy; these are the moments - days, weeks - of an exquisite exultation; and yet a true sinister life is one where there are moments, days, of an ineffable sadness: because one has seen, known, understood, and because one feels more than most other people. There is a symbiosis here which has to be experienced to be really understood; a symbiosis which mere mortals would and do find strange. And it is our will which brings the opposites together and enables us to transcend beyond even these. What must be accepted by those venturing upon, or following, the sinister path is that we can be so much more than we realize: we have so much potential, physical, intellectual; psychic; magickal; creative. We who follow the sinister way strive to make our whole life an act of magick; we become magick; we are magick. All true magick is an intimation of what we can be: of what awaits in the next phase of our human evolution. There is nothing complicated about our Way, our dark, chosen, path; there is, in truth, nothing secret about it. How do you tell who is upon the true sinister path? It is revealed in their eyes; even in the way they walk. There is something slightly dangerous about such a person. There is something about such a person which mere mortals find slightly disturbing; something they cannot quite "work out", or explain. Such a person is strong, but the depth of their strength is mostly hidden, although many people can sense it in some way. And what is the ultimate end to a sinister life? To die trying to overcome: to be questing even toward the very end.
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Drecc Someone who lives a practical sinister life, and thus who lives by The Law of the Sinister-Numen (qv) and who thus Presences The Dark in practical ways by practical sinister deeds. A sinister tribe is a territorial and independent group of Dreccs (often including drecclings that is, the children of Dreccs) who band together for their mutual advantage and who rule or who seek to rule over a particular area, neighbourhood, or territory. A sinister tribe is thus a practical manifestation of the Dreccian way of life. Dreccs, and their associated tribe, rarely engage in overt practical sorcery and mostly do not describe themselves as Satanists or even as following the LHP. Instead, they describe and refer to themselves, simply, as Drecc. Homo Hubris A new sub-species of the genus, Homo, which new sub-species has evolved out of the Western industrial revolution and the imposition of both capitalism and that stupidity that goes by the term democracy. Homo Hubris is thus a particular type of mundane, and can generally be found living in urban areas. Their most distinguishing feature is that they lack any instinct for or feeling for, or understanding of, personal honour, and can be
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generally identied by their lack of manners, their addiction to the vacuous, vulgar manufactured mass entertainment industry and mass pop culture of the modern West, and by their lack of self-insight and their lack of self-control, evident as this lack of self-control is in their frequent indulgent love of and need for intoxicants and stimulants with that which, with anything, which can intoxicate them or provide them with some passing selsh pleasure. Law of The Sinister-Numen The Law of The Sinister-Numen (aka The Sinister Code) is a practical manifestation, in our causal continuum, of the Sinister-Numen of those things which can breed excellence of sinister character in individuals, and thus which Presence The Dark in practical ways. Our Sinister Code is a practical and modern manifestation of the ancient law and ethos of personal honour, which law and ethos of personal honour is the essence of the warrior way of living. The Law of The Sinister-Numen also describes the sinister ethos of The Order of Nine Angles, and is the basis for the way of life of our Dark Warriors. Mundane Exoterically, mundanes are defined as those who are not of our sinister kind that is, as those who do not live by The Law of the Sinister-Numen. Esoterically, mundane-ness is defined as being under the influence of, or being in thrall to, or being addicted to, and/or believing in, and/or using as a means of understanding, causal abstractions.
Abstractions (aka causal abstractions) are manifestations of the primary (causal) nature of mundanes, and are manufactured by mundanes in their mundane attempt to understand the world, themselves, and the causal Universe. Exoterically, abstractions re-present the mundane simplicity of causal linearality of causal reductionism, of a simple cause-and-eect, of a limited causal thinking. All abstractions are devoid of Dark-Empathy and the perspective of acausality, and thus are redolent of, or directly manifest, materialism and the Untermensch ethos derived from such materialism. Understood exoterically, an abstraction is the manufacture, and use of, some idea, ideal, image or category, and thus some generalization, and/or some assignment of an individual or individuals to some group or category. T he positing of some perfect or ideal form, category, or thing, is part of abstraction. Abstractions hide the true nature of Reality which is both causal and acausal, and which true
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Order of Nine Angles (ONA) The ONA is a subversive, sinister, esoteric association comprising Sinister Tribes, Dreccs, Traditional Nexions, Sinister-Empaths, individual Sorcerers (male and female), and Balobians. One of the primary aims of the ONA is to develope a new type of human being by using and developing our latent abilities (by means of The Dark Arts) and by breeding a new type of individual character, with this new type of character being a sinister one which itself can only be nurtured and developed by practical means and through practical exeatic deeds. Satanism According to the ONA, Satanism is a specific Left Hand Path, one aim of which is to transform, to evolve, the individual by the use of esoteric Arts, including Dark Sorcery. Another aim is, through using the Sinister Dialectic, to transform the world, and the causal itself, by for example returning, presencing, in the causal, not only the entity known as Satan but also others of The Dark Gods. In essence, and thus esoterically, Satanism as understood and practised by the ONA (presenced by means of Traditional Nexions) is one important exoteric form appropriate to the current Aeon, and thus useful in Presencing The Dark.
cc Anton Long & The Order of Nine Angles 121 Year of Fayen
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