Boot Hill - 3rd Edition Optional Rule
Boot Hill - 3rd Edition Optional Rule
Boot Hill - 3rd Edition Optional Rule
Work Skills
With the limited number of Skills, both Work and Weapon, that players are give to assign their characters during the design phase, often true 'work' skills are overlooked.. rightfully so. Fast Draw or another point added to Pistol are more likely to save a PC's life then a good grasp of Civil Engineering. On the other hand these types of 'fringe' skills help to 'flesh-out' a Player Character and assist in role-playing. Therefore, the following Optional Rule is offered to help give Character's a bit of depth without making the player sacrifice much-needed Initial Skills. Once the player has chosen all of his Initial Skills (whether it be 6, 8 or 10), have the player roll d100 three times and consult the chart for results. Re-roll any duplicate skills. The Player may now add ONE of the randomly determined Work Skills (his choice which one) to his Character's Skills. Roll the Skill Score as normal. If the selected Skill has a prerequisite of Literacy (and the PC in question doesn't have Literacy), then the Player may take both the Skill Chosen and Literacy, but will have the split the Skill Score rolled between the two Skills. The Skill should be explained in some way in the characters background, i.e.. perhaps it from some past job the character held, or a skill passed on by his family.
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