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Cockshut: Technology College

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The highest standards for life today and in the future

We ensure our stakeholders are proud of our achievements and the ethos we promote


Welcome P3 P4-5 P6-7 P9 P9 P11 P11 P13 P13 P15 P15 P16-17 P17 P18-19 P19 Key Stage 3 & 4 6th Form

College Leadership Team

Parental Partnership Uniform

Mary Wilkie - Principal -

Enass Al-ani Assistant Principal Teaching & Learning

Nicola Goulter Assistant Principal Pastoral

Independent Study Specialist Staff

Excellent Resources Pupil Premium Student Progress Ambassadors A Caring College Transition

Michelle Savage Vice Principal Inclusion

Dave Burley Assistant Principal Data & Timetable

Jacqueline McGillicuddy

Assistant Principal
Learning Skills

Extra Curricular Sport

Denise White Vice Principal Curriculum

J. Delahaye Assistant Principal Post 16

Mark Thorogood Assistant Principal


We ensure our stakeholders are proud of our achievements and the ethos we promote

Carol Squires Chair of Governors



Cockshut Hill is a vibrant Technology College where students both enjoy and achieve We already expect our exam results in 2013 will exceed National Average, in many measures, including English and 2 Sciences. Overall 5 A*- Cs are likely to be the best ever. Our English and Maths match is likely to exceed last year. We have worked in partnership with students and parents, in order to ensure students have high aspirations which are met. College life is not just about exam percentages though.

even better achievement levels for all students focus on development of cross curricular learning skills -reading, literacy, maths, communication, personal learning and thinking skills continue to develop an engaging range of pathways for all students, giving even more variety and choice of subjects to support their future aspirations develop leadership qualities in all students, enabling them to contribute further to improving our College.

Our Vision:
the highest standards for life today and in the future making a positive contribution to our community ensuring our stakeholders are proud of our achievements and the ethos we promote.

Mary Wilkie


The highest standards for life today and in the future


Key Stage 3
In year 7 students are organised into bands and grouped in sets for the main subject areas. We are able to accelerate the programme for higher achieving groups. Students who need help and support are given a well-structured special needs programme whilst having access to statatory subject. Students will be well supported in their transition from primary school. Key Stage 3 also focuses upon developing their skills in Literacy, Maths, ICT, Science and their learning in the Foundation subjects throughout years 7, 8 and 9. Students are grouped in mixed-ability tutor groups.

Key Stage 4
Students choose an appropriate pathway at year 10, with a view to engaging in education or training until they are 18. The pathways are flexible, and students can opt for traditional GCSE courses, a blend of GCSE and BTEC courses or a more vocational programme. There is a common core of English, Maths, Science, ICT, Games, and RE, but differing pathways allows the choice of ICT, DT, performing arts subjects, modern foreign languages, humanities or vocational areas. Vocational students spend two days per week where they study a broad skills based curriculum. The College continually reviews the KS4 curriculum in order to meet the needs of our students and the expectations of the DCSF. BTEC courses are widely available in a number of subjects.

Basic Courses
English Maths Science Design Technology ICT Geography History RE Study Skills Art Music Drama PE MFL

Provision in DT has been expanded to include electronics and ICT to include computer science in direct response to employability needs.

There is a broad range of appropriate academic and vocational subjects and courses for students to follow.
Ofsted 2013


The sixth form is good. Teaching in the sixth form is good. Consequently, results are improving and students are making good progress.
Ofsted 2013


Key Stage 5 - 6th Form

At Cockshut Hill Sixth Form we are committed to every individual fulfiling their potential and our provision is an important part of this. We are continuing to expand year on year and offer a wide range of courses to suit the needs of all students who want to continue their education. Students can follow advanced and BTEC level courses at a variety of different levels. At Cockshut Hill Sixth Form we offer high quality education in a supportive but challenging environment. Good teaching and learning ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. An increasing number of our students gain access to university each year. Students can choose to follow academic A level courses, vocational BTEC courses or any combination that suits individual needs.

Year 11 students are interviewed so that wherever possible the structure of courses can be tailored to the individual. The Sixth Form is not only about academic achievement but also about developing the whole person. Students can contribute to this through partaking in educational visits or other enrichment activities. An extensive range of enrichment activities are on offer. All this is done within a friendly and supportive environment that challenges students to be the best that they can whilst contributing to the development of both the sixth form and the College as a whole.

Results in the small sixth form are improving and students are making good progress. Students are making particularly good progress in vocational courses.
Ofsted 2013


Head Girl 2013-14


Parental Partnership
Once a family have decided on Cockshut Hill the partnership begins. We have a transition teaching assistant who works in our feeder primary schools to ensure a smooth transition. Students will spend a day with us in the summer term which is followed by a meeting with families in the evening. There are two Parent Evenings for Year 7 students to ensure they have settled well and are making progress. We also hold a Coffee Evening to ensure that the transition process was a success for your child. We offer specialised events appropriate to the year group to offer advice on option choices or careers. Cockshut provides termly assessments which

We unashamedly set and achieve high standards of uniform. We believe in the value of a uniform and the sense of common identity that it affords to individuals within the community. Students are expected to wear full uniform that is smart, practical and moderately priced. Details of the uniform can be obtained from the College and website.

comment on academic progress, attendance and behaviour in addition to the more traditional annual report. We hold a variety of events to celebrate students achievements. There are Commendation Evenings and Year Group Awards where we reward effort and attainment across the College, and in Autumn term a Presentation Evening is held for senior students who excelled in external examinations.

Safeguarding policies and procedures meet all current regulatory requirements. Ofsted 2013


Mural wall in progress - Make a Difference Day


Independent Study
Individual study is an important part of the education of every student. From a very early age, independent study skills are vital in maximising performance and are encouraged. Every student needs to acquire the self-discipline of devoting a certain amount of time outside college hours each day to independent study. Independent study may involve reading, investigation or research or be part of a long-term project. In particular we have found independent study booklets containing several weeks work are beneficial. The student planner assists staff and parents in working together to monitor students progress and allows students to learn to manage their time. The College offers opportunities for students to study out of normal hours. An independent study timetable is issued for all students. Study support is available in the Learning Pad.

Specialist Staff
The College is fully staffed with specialist teachers for September with an exciting range of subjects delivered in each key stage.

Where homework is set, it is appropriate and makes a positive contribution to students progress.
Ofsted 2013


BIG Daves World - Anti Bullying Fire Engine Pull


Excellent Resources
The buildings are situated on one site at Cockshut Hill, with on-site tennis courts, a grass games area and a well equiped Sports Hall with Fitness Centre. Local off site facilities are used for a wide variety of sporting activities. The College is fortunate in having its own extensive playing fields in Sedgemere Road. We also benefit from daily use of the Powerleague all weather pitches within a short walking distance.

Pupil Premium
The college has benefited from additional funding to support students who have free school meals or are looked after. This funding is being targeted very carefully and includes: 2 Additional teaching assistants to support students including those who come to secondary school with lower-than-expected attainment (below level 4 at KS2). A more primary based model of teaching with less teachers who will support learning in a very personalised way for a small group of students until the individuals are ready to join all lessons. Supporter funding enrichment activities. Extra staff to enable smaller teaching groups. Summer school to boost literacy maths and confidence! Additional support staff in our Childrens Services department to support families where barriers to learning hamper progress. One-to-one and small group sessions to boost basic skills.

We have been enabled to equip the College with up to date ICT facilities. We have a good ratio of computers to pupils and the majority of teaching rooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards (IWBs) and multimedia projectors. This has altered how lessons are delivered enhancing students learning opportunities. Recently we have set up a media centre which is equipped with video cameras, i-books, i-pads and a green screen. These facilities are available for all staff and students to use with support from a dedicated media technician. These facilities are transforming the way learning is archived and are helping to transform the information available to stakeholders on the website. The teaching accommodation continues to be improved and work this year will see a transformation to a number of rooms and corridors, which will help to provide inspirational learning spaces.

We ensure our stakeholders are proud of our achievements and the ethos we promote


Make a Difference Day Clean up


Student Progress
We want all our students to enjoy their time with us and achieve their very best both academically and socially. It is important that both staff and students are aware of how individuals are progressing in their learning forecasts and the next steps needed to make progress. To facilitate this we monitor pupil performance using data based on prior attainment and predictive forecast grades against their current performance. This allows us to recognise progress and put in interventions where necessary. Parents and Carers are kept informed of their childs progress through: academic progress reports academic tutoring sessions when tutors give

The subjects and courses students follow, supported by additional activities and the schools underlying values, promotes students spiritual, moral, social and cultural development effectively. Ofsted 2013

individual advice to students about their progress and appropriate targets. annual written reports annual parents consultation evenings.

Year 7 students as with all other years have the opportunity to apply to be proactive in College life, working with a range of stakeholders becoming team members for: Community Student Support Students as Learning Partners Parental Partnership Head Boy/Girl



A Caring College
The pastoral system is organised on a year group basis led by a Year Achievement Co-ordinator, with a Year Manager to support them. In addition there is an Assistant Principal for Pastoral Care, a Vice Principal for Inclusion and a Childrens Services team. These members of staff, plus the Vice Principal Curriculum monitor the academic progress and social development. They also liaise closely with the Form Tutors to ensure that any concerns are identified as soon as possible. Members of our Childrens Services team are also available to offer mentoring and encouragement. Each student can therefore approach someone who knows them well for advice, guidance and counselling.

Parents/carers will be amazed at how quickly students settle in to College life, make new friendships and start work. See the Transition pages on the website, a range of adults are here to help.

Students say they know who to go to if they are worried about anything and know that support is available if they need it, for example from peer mentors.
Ofsted 2013



Extra Curricular
We believe it is important that our students are offered the chance to participate in a range of extra curricular activities to broaden their personal interests. We offer a range of activities including : Art Club Drama Computing Music, Choir and Festivals Outdoor Activities Sport Young Enterprise Activities

There is a strong tradition of sport at Cockshut Hill and we have a dedicated and hard-working PE Department that offers a wide variety of sporting activities including football, rugby, basketball, netball, cricket, athletics, rounders, dance and gymnastics. At Key Stage 4, the students will be introduced to a new initiative called the Sports Leaders Award. It is designed to introduce young people from the age of 14 to the Skills of Sports leadership. We encourage participation, as well as competition, against other local schools. The department holds an annual Dance and Gymnastics Christmas Show. Our excellent facilities are appropriate to the high achievement of the department. Our football teams have won many trophies, Year 11 boys going through to the Villa Park final in the Birmingham City Football Cup and we also have a good success rate against local schools. A number of Cockshut Hill players have gone on to play for Premier League Clubs.

Camp, ski trips, specialist days educational visits and residential opportunities.

Students are able to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and there is a good range of popular enrichment activities. Ofsted 2013


Year 11 Prom - King and Queen 2013


Making a positive contribution to our community


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