#09CBI250 ColorLayering SRubin
#09CBI250 ColorLayering SRubin
#09CBI250 ColorLayering SRubin
These will be enough colors for all Colored Pencil classes in the program. If you don’t wish to shop
for individual pencils, you can buy the full set of 120 in Faber Castell Polychromos, which will have
all the colors listed and more. You will still need the short list of Prismacolor pencils individually.
KOZO Art Materials (20% discount for botanical illustration students with class confirmation)
Jerry’s Artarama
If you prefer to shop online, you will find the lowest prices individually
and on sets at :
(savings of up to 60 cents per pencil over local prices)
Pencil Sharpener
Note1: Instructor will collect a $10 materials fee at the first class and will include a complete
notebook for the class.
Note2: Kozo Fine Art Materials (10 E. Ellsworth) offers a 20% discount on materials to
students of the BI Program. Just show your class registration at the checkout.
Rubin 2009
Colored Pencils
POLYCHROMOS Permanent Green 266
Note: Some names have recently changed Chrome Oxide Green 278
and retailer may have older stock with May Green 170
different names Use the NUMBER! Earth Green 172
Olive Green Yellowish 173
Chrome Green Opaque 174
White 101 Permanent Green Olive 167
Cream 102 Juniper Green 165
Ivory 103 Green Gold 268
Earth Green Yellowish 168
Light Yellow Glaze 104 • BROWNS •
Dark Cadmium Yellow 108 Nougat 178
Light Cadmium Yellow 105 Bistre 179
Dark Chrome Yellow 109 Dark Sepia 175
Dark Naples Ochre 184 Burnt Sienna 283
Burnt Umber 280
Dark Cadmium Orange 115 • GREYS •
Terra Cotta 186 Payne's Grey 181
Sanguine 188 Cold Grey 1, III, V
Cinnamon 189 Warm Grey I, III, V
Orange Glaze 113
• REDS & PINKS • White
Light Cadmium Red 117 Ultramarine Blue
PinkCarmine 127 Black Grape
Pale Geranium Lake 121 Black Cherry
Scarlet Red 118 Greyed Lavender
Indian Red 192 Ginger Root
Deep Red 223 Sky Blue Light
Dark Red 225 French Grey 20%, 50%, 70%
Magenta 133
Middle Purple Pink 125 Note: The underlined colors are the basics of
Light Magenta 119 the bias color wheel.
Burnt Carmine 193
• VIOLETS • Rubin2009-2010
Purple Violet 136
Blue Violet 137
Caput Mortuum Violet 263
Light Red Violet 135
Purple Violet 136
Cobalt Blue 143
Middle Phthalo Blue 152
Delft Blue 141
Dark Indigo 157