The Religion I Hate

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V . R . ONE
V.R. O

Simply Compare the same Accusations using their very own standards
Misunderstood Islam !!! Videos, Showcards,Mini Books @

Oh Lord, the Creator of All, seen and unseen with Power and Knowledge of the seen , unseen, past, present and future, open all our Hearts to the Truth and Guide Us All to the Straight Path. Amen

The series of Booklets that have been produced is to remove misconception on Islam, and see ways and means to nd the similarities in the Great Masters Teachings, through the available Scriptures, and to prevent Mischief. We hope you will enjoy reading them, and also nd useful n Truthful Information that will help us as a Society to live in Peace, whatever our differences in Beliefs, Practices and Understanding.

RELIGION, MISCONCEPTION, HATE AND COMMON SENSE Today we are in a WORLD of FREEDOM. In most cases the Freedom of Expression when taken to Extremes, with the intent of Mischief the ignorant masses can be easily be misled resulting in unrest in the Land. Further most of them getaway using the loopholes in the Justice System and biased interpretation of Legislation, Cultures, Beliefs etc. Organized professionalism has gone into the Hate Sites, that average people are easily tempted to believe or lead to Conclusions the Site Intends. WE as Muslims where we are told Religion is not by Compulsion, and that Truth will stand Clear from Falsehood are therefore duty bound to give Readers a simple Recipe to UNDERSTAND any Hate Site or weed out Falsehood from TRUTH in ANY SITE, ANY TIME, ANYWHERE! The most simple and honourable method is when someone accuses one party put the same test to the accuser and see how they fair in the TEST

Quran or any other Religious Book is the Handiwork of Mortals or with Evil Intentions! Some accusations could be: Copied, False, Evil, Meaningless, Team effort, Useless. Before going into this, one must checkout the person who is asserting the Book is Holy and not that of MAN Before: was this person truthful? Did everyone in society regard him with esteem? Is there ample proof of this in History? By those who reject his preaching too? Can you conclude from this after inquiry this is a TRUTHFUL Person. Copied: Copied from whom? Was the book he copied available at his time? Was that very book in the exact form available now too? Is it been copied verbatim or style or just because something is common with other books a conclusion has been drawn? Is the style and presentation of this book in chapter, verse, sentence, opening, ending, meaning, etc... like any other? The Books in question from which it is copied we should put to the same TEST. After Inquiry can you come to the conclusion it was not COPIED.

Next we must root out accusations that were made after his lifetime. Then determine if these accusations are substantiated by evidence and worthy of comment. eg: If a person is called womanizer after his death and this refers to women he openly lived with and those who did not believe in his message did not accuse him of such ,Such accusations need not be addressed. I hope the logic of the above statements is understood A False Prophet: How do you dene a false prophet? Is his message not suitable for that society or is the message not suitable for societies in other territories? Does it not have moral values? Is there double standards in the message? Does this person walk the TALK? Who are his accusers? Those who will lose some of their authority to the people? It will equate some they don't like with them(caste, race etc)? Does this persons preaching give rights to the poor, destitute, orphans, women, others of different faith? Does it give solutions to day to day problems? Does it give methods how to live as a family, as a Society, as a People and is there do's and don'ts in General Administration, even in case of war how to treat prisoners of war, and etiquettes in warfare etc...?

False: What do you mean by false? Untruthful? Lies? Shall we consider all the following too Evil, Meaningless, Team effort, Useless. Can we nd at least a single statement that will bet such accusations? Simple method of checking would be, see how each chapter start? How does the rst chapter start? How does the last chapter end? Is there at least any useful suggestions in the rst and last two chapters? Is the meaning clear? Does it warrant further reading for even the most skeptic person? Does it sound INSTRUCTIVE like someone who KNOWS EVERTTHING! Can we conclude all Religious Books are beyond Human Ingenuity? Other Accusations: Accusations spring from time to time with mischief intent. Always we should read a few paragraphs before and after the so called EVIL STATEMENT to understand the context. Sometimes a word can have several meaning and thus if the Book does not explain itself see if there is authentic narration or explanation in any other form like practice or documented. Does it contradict proven Scientic Facts? Can All Religious Books be put to the Test? Can All Books Pass this TEST?

Finally? What Does the Book Say about ITSELF!!! Does it give it a Name? Does it expressly say who the Author is? Does it give any Falsication Test like Scientists DO? Is the Original Book still available? Can people now read and understand it? Is there mistakes in it? How many people can read it in its original form? If it is a Religious Book do they abide by it? Do they memorize it? How many? Thousand? Millions? Hundreds of Millions? Is it a Book for All Mankind as Guidance? Can we put every Religious Book to the same Test? Hope you will nd the Book that Passes all these TESTS. GOOGLE: If you look with an open mind the answer is at your nger tips. Google a site of that particular religion, to have a fair assessment RELIGIOUS LEADER-A False Prophet, Crank, Sorcerer, War Monger, Womanizer, Pedophile,and Anti Christ! The above are accusations to his CHARACHER. Therefore we need to go into history before and after enlightment or Prophethood.

Are the Rules changeable by man? If so what are that can be changed what cannot be changed? Does it sound reasonable? If people are to change from bad habits is it a process or sudden with no compromise? Were people being oppressed that some section of society readily agreed on the logic? After the initial reluctance due to ignorance and misinformation did masses abide by the Rules and were many disciples readily joined. In government were people of other Faiths holding positions of authority after the passing away of the Master did it continue to thrive? When extremely successful in worldly affairs did they go back to old bad habits? Did they lose their power to much inferior military or other materialistic forces, in consequence of not following the master? When they start following sincerely again do they become masters once again? Do the occupying forces seeing the beauty of the Teaching also follow the NEW FAITH? Any predictions that are seemingly impossible have they been fullled? Many? Even NOW? Finally is there evidence as per the adherents .of the Faith that such a Person is foretold in other Scriptures?

Pedophile: Sexual desires with young children, child molesters etc. Did he forcibly take a child or was she wed to him? Was it a culture then? Was it his choice? When did he consummate marriage, is it after her adulthood? Was this girl in question far more mature than even a 21 year old of today? Is there proof? Did she display maturity when accusations were leveled on her by society? When her very marriage was at risk how did she respond to her parents and spouse? What was the age parents gave their children in marriage during that time in society? World society? What age did Mother Mary marry? What was the age of the Person who married her? Was it not the custom? Did anybody object during that time? Then why all the FUSS!! Have Kings married babies not so long ago! In today's world relatively speaking is there much difference in marriageable age of a girl? Ruthless Murderer: Did he murder anyone? When he was victorious and went to Mecca, almost all were unbelievers, were they all murdered? If any were ordered to be executed why and how many? Those who were to be executed were they let free if someone asked pardon for crimes committed? Why were 700 jews beheaded? Who ordered the punishment?

Why did the jews accept the punishment without a ght? Why did they refuse any clemency plea by muslims on their behalf? Can we apply the same yardstick of mercy by the Crusaders to the Jews and Muslims? Religion spread by the Sword: Sword of intellect? How come countries ruled for many centuries and still the rulers are in minority? Who invaded China. Indonsesia . Malaysia. Are there renowned personalities of other Faiths, and prestigious backgrounds who have said something very special about the Faith, The Master or Its Principles . Is this evidence ENOUGH? Is it possible to compare? Crank, Sorcerer: Was there any unintelligent mumble? Were people hypnotized so they walked like zombies? Did people accept his teachings by virtue of Reason or by other means? Was the teachings in simple language without ambiguity and double meaning. Was it easily veriable by simple practices that brought result? Did the Teachings create a Cult or was it open fair on every caste, creed, race, man women child slave the sick the invalid the deformed the young and old alike-SIMPLY FAIR

Anti Christ: This is somebody who opposes the Teaching of a Person in Question. Does he Hate him? Does he oppose his teachings? (is there evidence?) Does he dress, eat and greet like him? Does he pray, fast and give charity like him? Does he honour Jesus, his mother and prophets before him? What does he say about them? Is there striking similarities when he describes GOD? Those who bring such an accusation as a precondition must be those who follow Jesus Christ, physically and spiritually in the same manner he showed in his LIFETIME. Are they in Christianity or some other RELIGION? ISLAM? Womanizer: This means he has a lust for WOMEN. Young, beautiful, shapely, sexy or old, widows and divorcees? Before Prophethood did he marry a young girl or a much older women?Did he propose or was it the lady having found out about his character that she proposed? How long was he married to this lady? Did he have many women or wives then?How was the society then? Did they have many wifes? Then why did he marry women after this? His choice or was he ORDERED by GOD?


Did each marriage bring benet to him, or to the lady in question? Recognition to her Tribe? Protection for her Tribe?Is there a record by the opponents of him that these women despised him, or did not want to marry him? What was the relationships among them, with him?Was there incidents? Is there lessons for the faithful ,man and women? Is there lessons for modern society too?Did he marry any ladies he knew personally? Under what circumstances did he marry? Was there lessons in it too? Are these relationship documented in their Holy Book? QUOTES: There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills. Buddha. There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.- The Buddha


Neither is there any room for truth in rationality. Rationality is a two-edged sword and serves the purpose of love equally as well as the purpose of hatred. Rationality is the platform on which the truth standeth. No truth is attainable without reason. Nevertheless, in mere rationality there is no room for truth, though it be the instrument that masters the things of the world. Buddha There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein GOOGLE: If you look with an open mind the answer is at your nger tips. Google a site of that particular religion, to have a fair assessment Finally, we must understand that you cannot judge a car by its driver, religion cannot be judged by its followers. Only by its scriptures & the character & practices of its messenger.

Avoid Humiliating People n Nations (no Good will ever come of it) Leave alone those who take their religion to be mere play and amusement, and are deceived by the life of this world-Quran6:70

Intention: Let us individuals living in a Global Village see what we can do to persuade those who have capacity to bring about Change in the World, so that any form of Mischief will not be Tolerated for the Common Good of US ALL. [email protected]
True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, but the refusal to acquire it. Karl Popper

[email protected]

Authors Note: Hope you found this little booklet Truthful and informative. You will wonder why a basic Muslim takes this much of trouble? The answer is very simple. We want to follow the Basic Principles of Islam. This can never be done without understanding the Character and Practices of the Final Prophet. Read his Last Sermon to Understand better( we are asked to inform others even if we know even one thing!). If you think this information in the Booklet will be useful, please download and Print at the corner store and distribute to friends and Family, as it is done in a way to print easily. You may also go to the website for other articles of Social Value. GOD Bless
It is not possible to get these details. THANK YOU ALL good Souls who have made their work freely available.
VR Ordinary Muslims trying to explain to Ordinary Non Muslims.


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