Exercise #1
Exercise #1
Exercise #1
Read instructions below and make formatting changes within the text a instructed.
1 .Format this line as Bold, Italic, Arial font face, dark blue color and 14pt font size.
2. Format this line in a sentence case, Arial font face 12pt font size.
3. FORMAT THIS LINE IN lowercase, Verdana font face and 13pt font size. 4. FORMAT this line UPPERCASE, Times New Roman font face and 14pt font size.
5. Format this line Title Case, Bookman Old Style font face and 15pt size.
6. Format this line in Toggle Case, Book Antiqua font face and 16pt font size.
7 .Format this line into Superscript
10. Change the word H2O so that it looks like H2O. 11. Format this sentence so that the words, and not spaces between the words, are underline. 12. Change all of the text in this line to title case. 13. Format this sentence to reduce the amount of space between each letter by 1 point.
14. Format the following line so that is Bold, font size 28 with Kerning turned on.
15. Format this line into Strikethrough. 16. Format this line into Double Strikethrough.
17. Format this text (File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window, Help) in Bulleted list. face Font: Book Antiqua , Font Size 14pt. File Edit View Insert Format Tools Table Window Help
18 .Format this text(File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Table, Window, Help)in Number List. Font face: Book Antiqua, Font Size:14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. File Edit View Insert Format Tools Table Window Help
Our lives are filled with color from the strart, and Red is the love that comes from our hearts. Blue is the sadness that drips from our eyes, but Blak is the evil that makes us tell lies. Green is the shade of jealousy and range, and Gray is the hair that comes in old age. Purple is the mood most misunderstood, but White is the color that Makes Us Feel Good. Life is full of meaningful colors, But Especially White. So hold on to it tight.
Our lives are filled with color from the strart, and Red is the love that comes from our hearts. Blue is the sadness that drips from our eyes, but Blak is the evil that makes us tell lies. Green is the shade of jealousy and range, and Gray is the hair that comes in old age. Purple is the mood most misunderstood, but White is the color that Makes Us Feel Good. Life is full of meaningful colors, But Especially White. So hold on to it tight
Our lives are filled with color from the strart, and Red is the love that comes from our hearts. Blue is the sadness that drips from our eyes, but Blak is the evil that makes us tell lies. Green is the shade of jealousy and range, and Gray is the hair that comes in old age. Purple is the mood most misunderstood, but White is the color that Makes Us Feel Good. Life is full of meaningful colors, But Especially White. So hold on to it tight.