Api RP 2a C3.4.3

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C.3.4 Wind Force. C.3.4.1 General.

The wind criteria for design should be determined by proper analysis of wind data collected in accordance with Section Comm. A.4.2. As with wave loads, wind loads are dynamic in nature, but some structures will respond to them in a nearly static fashion. For conventional fixed steel templates in relatively shallow water, winds are a minor contributor to global loads (typically less than 10 percent). Sustained wind velocities should be used to compute global platform wind loads, and gust velocities should be used for the design of individual structural elements. In deeper water and for compliant designs, wind loads can be significant and should be studied in detail. A dynamic analysis of the platform is indicated when the wind field contains energy at frequencies near the natural frequencies of the platform. Such analyses may require knowledge of the wind turbulence intensity, spectra, and spatial coherence. These items are addressed below.

C.3.4.2 Wind Properties.

Wind speed and direction vary in space and time. On length scales typical of even large offshore structures, statistical wind properties (e.g., mean and standard deviation of velocity) taken over durations of the order of an hour do not vary horizontally, but do change with elevation (profile factor). Within long durations, there will be shorter durations with higher mean speeds (gust factor). Therefore, a wind speed value is only meaningful if qualified by its elevation and duration. A reference value V(1 hr, z R) is the one hour mean speed at the reference elevation, z R, 10m (33 ft.). Variations of speed with elevation and duration, as well as wind turbulence intensity and spectral shape have not been firmly established. The available data show significant scatter, and definitive relationships cannot be prescribed. The relationships given below provide reasonable values for wind parameters to be used in design. Alternative relationships are available in the public domain literature or may be developed from careful study of measurement.

C. Mean Profile.

The mean profile for the wind speed average over one hour at elevation z can be approximated by (C.3-5) V(1 hr, z ) = V(1 hr, z R) (z/z R)0.125

C. Gust Factor.

The gust factor G(t,z) can be defined as (C.3-6) G(t,z) V(t,z)/V(1 hr, z ) = 1 + g(t)I(z ) where I(z) is the turbulence intensity described below and t is the gust duration with units of seconds. The factor g(t) can be calculated from

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(C.3-7) g(t) = 3.0 + ln[(3/ t)0.6] for t 60 sec.

C. Turbulence Intensity.

Turbulence intensity is the standard deviation of wind speed normalized by the mean wind speed over one hour. Turbulence intensity can be approximated by

(C.3-8) where z s = 20m (66 ft.) is the thickness of the "surface layer."

C. Wind Spectra.

As with waves, the frequency distribution of wind speed fluctuations can be described by a spectrum. Due to the large variability in measured wind spectra, there is no universally accepted spectral shape. In the absence of data indicating otherwise, the simple shape given by the

following equation is recommended:

(C.3-9) where S(f) is the spectral energy density at elevation z, f is the frequency in Hertz, and (z ) is the standard deviation of wind speed, i.e., (z ) = I(z )V(1 hr, z ). Measured wind spectra show a wide variation in f about an average value given by (C.3-10) fz/V(1 hr, z) = 0.025 Due to the large range of f in measured spectra, analysis of platform sensitivity to f in the range (C.3-11) 0.01 fz/V(1 hr, z) 0.10 is warranted. It should be noted that f is not at the peak of the dimensional wind energy, since Equation C.3-9 gives the reduced spectrum.

C. Spatial Coherence.

Wind gusts have three dimensional spatial scales related to their durations. For example, three second gusts are coherent over shorter distances and therefore affect smaller elements of a platform superstructure than fifteen second gusts. The wind in a three second gust is appropriate for determining the maximum static wind load on individual members; five second gusts are appropriate for maximum total loads on structures whose maximum horizontal dimension is less than 50m (164 ft.); and fifteen second gusts are appropriate for the maximum total static wind load on larger structures. The one minute sustained wind is appropriate for total static

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superstructure wind loads associated with maximum wave forces for structures that respond dynamically to wind excitation but which do not require a full dynamic wind analysis. For structures with negligible dynamic response to winds, the one-hour sustained wind is appropriate with maximum wave forces. In frequency domain analyses of dynamic wind loading, it can be conservatively assumed that all scales of turbulence are fully coherent over the entire superstructure.

C.3.4.3 Wind Velocity and Force Relationship.

The wind force on an object should be calculated by using an appropriate method such as: (C.3-12) F = ( /2) (V)2 Cs A where: F V Cs A = wind force, = wind speed, = shape coefficient, = area of object, = mass density of air (at standard temperature and pressures = 1.226 kg/m3 or =0.00238 lb. sec 2 /ft)

C.3.4.4 Local Wind Force Considerations.

For all angles of wind approach to the structure, forces on flat surfaces should be assumed to act normal to the surface and forces on vertical cylindrical objects should be assumed to act in the direction of wind. Forces on cylindrical objects which are not in a vertical attitude should be calculated using appropriate formulas that take into account the direction of the wind in relation to the attitude of the object. Forces on sides of buildings and other flat surfaces that are not perpendicular to the direction of the wind shall also be calculated using appropriate formulas that account for the skewness between the direction of the wind and the plane of the surface. Where applicable, local wind effects such as pressure concentrations and internal pressures should be considered by the designer. These local effects should be determined using appropriate means such as the analytical guidelines set forth in Section 6 of Reference C303.

C.3.4.5 Shape Coefficients.

In the absence of data indicating otherwise, the following shape coefficients, Cs, are recommended for perpendicular wind approach angles with respect to each projected area. Beams 1.5

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Sides of buildings Cylindrical sections Overall projected area of platform

1.5 0.5 1.0

C.3.4.6 Shielding Coefficients.

Shielding coefficients may be used when, in the judgment of the designer, the second object lies close enough behind the first to warrant the use of the coefficient.

C.3.4.7 Wind Tunnel Data.

Wind pressures and resulting forces may be determined from wind tunnel tests on a representative model.

C.3.5 Current Force. C.3.5.1 Current Force Only.

Where current is acting alone (i.e., no waves) the drag force should be determined by Equation C.3-4 with U/ t = 0. All slender members exposed to the current should be investigated for the possibility of vibration due to periodic vortex shedding as discussed in commentary Comm. C.3.2.12.

C.3.5.2 Current Associated with Waves.

Consideration should be given to the possible superposition of current and waves. In those cases where this superposition is necessary, the current velocity should be added vectorially to the wave particle velocity before the total force is computed as described in Section C.3.2. If the current is a substantial fraction of the wave orbital velocity, the effects of wave-current interaction may be considered before superposing the two. Where there is sufficient knowledge of wave/current joint probability, it may be used to advantage in the choice of design current.

C.3.6 Deck Clearance.

Large forces result when waves strike a platform's deck and equipment. To avoid this, the bottom

of the lowest deck should be located at an elevation which will clear the calculated crest of the design wave with adequate allowance for safety. Omnidirectional guideline wave heights with a nominal return period of 100 years, together with the applicable wave theories and wave steepnesses should be used to compute wave crest elevations above storm water level, including guideline storm tide. A safety margin, or air gap, of at least 1.5 m (5 ft.) should be added to the crest elevation to allow for unexpected platform settlement, water depth uncertainty, and for the possibility of extreme waves in order to determine the minimum acceptable elevation of the bottom

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beam of the lowest deck to avoid waves striking the deck. An additional airgap should be provided for any known or predicted long term seafloor subsidence. In general, no platform components, piping or equipment should be located below the lower deck in the designated air gap. However, when it is unavoidable to position such items as minor subcellars, sumps, drains or production piping in the air gap, provisions should be made for the wave forces developed on these items. These wave forces may be calculated using the crest pressure of the design wave applied against the projected area. These forces may be considered on a "local" basis in the design of the item. These provisions do not apply to vertical members such as deck legs, conductors, risers, etc., which normally penetrate the air gap.

[RP 2A-LRFD] Copyright by American Petroleum Institute (Wed May 23 16:26:27 2001)

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