Huong Dan Lap Dat DCL 220kV
Huong Dan Lap Dat DCL 220kV
Huong Dan Lap Dat DCL 220kV
manual book
1st edition
Type GW4-252 outdoor A.C.Disconnector switch
manual book
1st edition
1. Scope. 1.1 General Type GW4-252 double column horizontal rotator outdoor A.C. disconnector is A.C. 50Hz three phases outdoor high voltage equipment and used in 220kV electrical system, which provide shifting at no-load and safety electric disconnecting on busbar or circuit breaker when checking. 1.2 Adopt standard GB1985- A.C. high voltage disconnector and earthing switch 2.structure and operating principle.
Type GW4-252 double-column horizontal rotary disconnector manual book 2.1 structures general 2.1.1 Type GW4-252 disconnector includes 7 parts as in fig 1
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1.conductive blade 2.earthing static contact insulator 4.earhting switch 5.base 6.type CJ6A motor mechanism 7.type CS20-(X)manual mechanism Fig 1 installation of type GW4-252 A.C. outdoor disconnector 2.1.2 Disconnector is single-pole type. It is can achieve disconnector and earthing switch group-operation by link rod.
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Type GW4-252 double-column horizontal rotary disconnector manual book 1st edition 2.2 basic operation principle. Motor mechanism is drive by asynchronous motor, which deliver moment to the main shaft of mechanism by mechanical speed reductor and make it rotate 180.The main shaft of mechanism is connected with disconnector by vertical link. Disconnector operation , that is, drive rod is rotated 180driving by operation mechanism, through horizontal rod to drive the other insulator(which installed on rotator rod) rotate 90, and making the other insulator rotate 90reversely by cross link rod. And at last it is make two switches open or close. When operation mechanisms of earthing switch open or close, it is make rotator shaft to open and close by drive shaft and horizontal link rod. Fan plate on rotary shaft of earhting shaft and arc plate on support insulator make interlock, so it is can make sure the sequence of DS open---ES close---ES open---DS close. The drive rod can be adjusted easily. 3. Intsallation and adjustment. Note The product only can be installed levelly. Please check all parts before installation to make sure all parts are OK. 3.1 Installation steps: Check before installation insulator installation conductive parts installation earthing switch installation mechanism installation connect mechanism and switch level rod for three phases installation 3.2 installation adjusting 3.2.1 check before installation dismantling into 4 parts when shipping: main conductive parts, support insulator, base and mechanism. Please check according to packing list. check nameplate. check insulator appearance. check shaft and rotator parts. check fasten parts. check mechanism flexibility and to make sure open and close position correct. check outgoing plate. check users foundation and all kinds dimension. 3.2.2 Base installation. Please following fig 3, to lift base A,B, and C to foundations respectively. The disconnector operating mechanism and earthing switch operating mechanism is installed on phase B. (1) lifing base B, seeing fig 3.
Type GW4-252 double-column horizontal rotary disconnector manual book 1st edition Fig 3 lifting base B (2) Put base B on installation support at site, and adjust it to level. Fasten bolts. ( seeing fig 4)
l ef t operat i ng shaf t of ES i nstal l i n B pol e 2650 460 380 2 2- 26 i nst al l at i on hol e
Fig 4 fasten base B (3) Repeat order(1)and (2) by distance between phases required by user, and fasten base A and base B on supporter ( base B with interlock) . The installed one seeing fig 5.
Fig 5 type GW4-252 disconnector bases installation Please make sure bases are fasten and the gang-operating shafts for three phases earthing switch are on one level. Note: L is distance between phases, and usually is not less than 4000mm, which demanded by user.
Type GW4-252 double-column horizontal rotary disconnector manual book 1st edition 3.2.3 insulator installation (1) Loose the bolts on base shaft (2) Lifting support insulator. Take example for phase B seeing fig 6a. ( note: one piece of insulator can be installed one time ) (3) After the lower insulator finishing, the 4 installation holes for the upper insulator should be correct. (4) Fasten support insulator, seeing fig 6b.
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(5) Repeat number (1)-(4) to install insulators for phase A and B. (seeing fig 6d) If support insulator is not vertical, adjust bolts and add washer (is not more than 3mm). (Seeing fig 6e)
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Note: To make sure installed insulator is vertical and fasten. 3.2.4 Conductive blade installation Install conductive blade on the top of support insulator. (1) Conductive blade includes two parts, that are contact finger and contact rod.These two partsare made of wire clamp and outgoing plat and contact. (seeing fig 7a)
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1.outgoing plate 4. wire clamp Fig 7a conductive blade (2) Fasten two blades on the top of support insulator. (seeing fig 7b)
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Fig 7b conductive parts Check connection between conductive blade and static contact. (1) Please make sure contact finger contact fully. (2) The intermediate contacts are equal and the error is not more than 5mm. when close fully, adjust position between two contacts to 712mm (seeing fig 7c) (3) When the main blade moved 90at final position, to adjust gap to best position.
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Fig 7c intermediate contact Note:If left and right outgoing of conductive blade are not on one line after connecting, or can not close fully, adjusting bolts on support is need.
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3.2.5 earthing switch installation and adjustment earthing installation seeing fig 9, and following such items: (1) Put conductive blade into fasten clamp on base. Before earthing switch installing, wipe the surface and smearing conductive grease on them, then install. (2) Before inserting,remove the twisting spring(appearance is like glasses) on the board of plate,and make the gap of conductive rod is right on plate.And reinstall the twisting spring ,and make it against the conductive rod,and lift the conductive rod to the level of counterweight in close position. (3) Fasten one end of flexible connector with bolts, and fasten the other end of flexible in 2-13 hole on the plate of base.
tw i st i ng spri ng
Fig 9 earhting switch installation Adjusting earthing switch as followings, seeing fig 10:
Type GW4-252 double-column horizontal rotary disconnector manual book 1st edition (1) Loose the bolts on the top of moving contact (seeing fig 10), adjust the depth and position of moving contact, to make sure moving contact touch the limit block of static contact firstly when switch close, than put it in static contact and the depth is not less than 30mm. (2) If the centers of moving contact and static contact are not in same position when earthing switch closed, the static contact or rotary shaft can be adjusted. (3) If earthing switch close and open normally, the limit bolt on the top of rod shall be against conductive rod.
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16 17 piece 2.bent plate 3.housing 4.bolt 5.washer 6.block 7.stainless steel split pin 8.stainless steel washer 9. stainless steel pin with hole 10.spring 11.washer 13.conductive pipe 14.lock nut 17.bolt Fig 10 earthing static contact and earthing moving contact 3.2.6 Operating mechanism installation and connection with body. (1) Appearance and install dimension of operating mechanism (seeing fig 11a, 11b) 1 Appearance and dimension type CJ6A operating mechanism.
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20 213 m anual operati ng hol e 18 675
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Fig 11a Appearance and dimension type CJ6A operating mechanism. Note: 4-M16 thread hole is connect hole between mechanism and user foundation; 6-13 hole is connect hole between mechanism and vertical rod. 2 Type CS20-(X)earthing switch operating mechanism appearance and install dimension. (seeing fig 11b)
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Note: 1. Please open number 1 cover first when operating, then insert operating rod. 2. Magnetic lock is installed at right side. 1. cover 2.housing 3.base 4.rotary shaft 5. Magnetic lock (2) Operating mechanism installation (position dimension seeing fig 12)
350 l ef t center of operati ng shaf t of ES type CS20- (X)m anual m echani sm
Fig 12 operating mechanism installation Note: please install CJ6A mechanism and CS20-(X) on foundation. With the
Type GW4-252 double-column horizontal rotary disconnector manual book 1st edition center of operating shaft on base to make sure the main shaft is coincide with mechanism rotary shaft. (3) The connection between operating mechanism and main body. (Seeing fig 13and fig 14)
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Fig 13 operating mechanism connecting with main body installing drawing 1. Vertical link (50) welding steel tube Q235A 2.rubbing plate
Fig 14 vertical link 50welding steel tube Q235A Note: 1. main blade (with type CJ6A mechanism) vertical link L=700. 2. Earthing blade (with type CS20-(X)) vertical link L=700. Note: when mechanism and disconnector both opening, vertical link can be connected. And close and open blade by hand after installed and adjust number 2 rubbing plate in fig 13 to make close and open fully. 3.2.7 Horizontal link connect. (1) The group-operating link for disconnector and earthing switch installation seeing 15a.
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L=3720(distance among phases 4000) Fig 15a three-group operating link Note: Type CJ6A operation mechanism by hand and check synchronization for disconnector three phases. Then adjust disconnector link length (seeing 15b), to make sure the period for three phases is not more than 20mm. Operate type CS20-(X) hand mechanism, and check synchronization for earthing switch three phases. Then adjust earthing switch link length (seeing 15b), to make sure the period for three phases is not more than 20mm.
ES l i nkage rod
D S l i nkage rod
Fi g 15b
Note: Horizontal link dimension is calculated with 4000mm for phases distance. If phases distance changes, the link can be changed too. 4. Mechanical interlock Disconnector and earthing switch interlocked seeing fig 16.
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i nt erl ock pl at e
i nt erl ock pl at e
Fig16 mechanical interlock drawing 5. Check after installation and adjustment (1) Operate disconnector and earthing switch respectively 3 5 times. If open and close positin is ok, the operation shall be smooth and contact well. (2) When install motor mechanism ,operate 5 times at motor rated voltage and open and close for 35 times each at 85 and 110 rated operating voltage. (3) Contact head and contact piece shall be contact well. Then measure main circuit resistance (between outlet terminals of two sides) and the numerical value is not more than as followings: Rated current A 1250 16002000 2500 Circuit resistance Is not more than180 Is not more than 80 Is not more than 60 note reference reference reference
(4) When in final close position, the three-group disconnector shall be connected well. And the error of synchronization for three phases is not more than 20mm. Measure method: when moving contact of any pole of three contacting static contact piece both two sides, to measure distance of moving contact and static of the other two poles. (5) check all of drive and rotary parts are ok and reliable or not. And all of shafts, pins, and bolts are ok and reliable or not. (6) Check interlock for disconnector and earthing switch is ok and reliable. 6. Final examination. After installing and before energization, disconnector shall be check carefully as following: (1) Check post insulator is with crack and defect or not. (2) Check contact and contact finger are in one line or not.
Type GW4-252 double-column horizontal rotary disconnector manual book 1st edition (3) Check all of bolts, shafts, and pins are fixed and reliable or not. (4) Check earhting switch installation and operating. (5) Check operation of insulated distance and gap and its conductive parts. (6) Check flexibility and operation of disconnector operating mechanism and control situation of diver device. (7) Check insulator, conductive parts and diver parts are clean or not. 7. Service and maintain. Note: The disconnector can be operated after circuit load breaking. The equipment shall be checked routinely (about 5 yearly).If serious shortcircuit occur, check shall be done after the failure. Periodic maintain shall be implied as following: 7.1 Clearing away the dirty on the surfaces of conductive parts and support insulators, cleaning the connecting face between connection terminal and busbar as well as intermediate contact, the contact surface of contact finger, then smearing conductive grease on them. 7.2 Clean away the inner of outlet terminal, and smear conductive grease on contact surface to make sure connection well and rotation flexibly. 7.3 Check whether all tightening parts, such as cylindrical pins, bolts and so on, are loose. 7.4.Check each connection holes and drive part; if there is rusting, please smear lubrication. 7.5 Check post insulator is with crack and defect or not 7.6 Check manual mechanism. When handle goes to angle of 100, check auxiliary switch operation is ok or not and open and close contact is well or not. 7.7 Type CJ6A motor seeing its manual book. 7.8 When in open or close position, check mechanism final position and auxiliary connection are correct and shift is ok or not.