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Table Of Contents
Foreword Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: History of Cupping Chapter 3: Basics of Cupping Chapter 4: Tools Of Cupping Chapter 5: How To Perform Cupping Chapter 6: Application of Cupping Chapter 7: Benefits of Cupping Chapter 8: Who Is Cupping Not Suitable For Wrapping Up
With all sorts of disease outbreaks and chronic illnesses happening today, people are looking for alternative treatment therapies to supplement existing western pharmacological methods. The rise of antimicrobial resistance strains of bacteria has also drawn many to find different methods for battling difficult diseases and to relieve symptoms. Side effects have always been one of the problems of common western medicine. Alternative or holistic treatment methods have been proven to be effective and also have less or no side effects, thus encouraging more and more people to search for such methods. This book will reveal to you one of the most highly sought after traditional Chinese treatment methods besides acupuncture, known as Cupping.
Chapter 1:
Cupping is famous as one of Chinas therapeutic methods for treating a variety of diseases and symptoms. While relatively unknown to the western world in the past, currently more and more people are seeking after this great alternative medical treatment method.
The Background
In popular culture, Cupping has been found to be offered in Chinese Massage Parlors all over the world and its technique and skill has been passed down by generation to generation. Now, western doctors have begun to integrate such practices into their medical practices because of its benefits in alleviating symptoms of chronic diseases and reducing unwanted side effects of pharmacological methods. In the next few chapters, we will be having an in depth look into Cupping, its history, basics, and practical applications in treating ailments.
Chapter 2:
History of Cupping
Cupping is an ancient traditional healing method used in China which dated back from the year 281 AD. This ancient medical practice was originally used by the Taoists in the imperial courts of that era.
Where It Originated
Although history has shown cupping to be used in other civilizations, its first use was documented by a practicing Taoist, alchemist, and a medicinal herbalist named Ge Hong. Ge Hong was famous during his time as an accomplished healer and a trusted confidante of many high officials in ancient China. He successfully applied cupping to treat a variety of diseases which couldnt be cured by conventional methods in his time. Heres a quick fact: Back in the olden days, animal horns were used for cupping, which gave rise to its name as the medicinal horn technique of healing. Back in the Qing and Tang Dynasty, cupping has been used to treat pulmonary tuberculosis, moxibustion, common colds, back pains, knotted nerves and muscles, and arthralgia. It has also been used for promoting general health and wellbeing among patients who could afford it. In the modern day China and elsewhere in the world, common glass cups or even fine plastic cups have been used to replace its ancestral animal horns and bamboo. The type of cups has also evolved over time to suit the patients needs. Besides China, cupping has been also found to be used in deep East Asian regions, especially in Northern China, Japan, and the Korean peninsula. Certain areas such as the Middle East use a similar method known as Wet Cupping.
Today, cupping has also been implemented widely in eastern and western cultures through the process of globalization.
Chapter 3:
Basics of Cupping
In this chapter, you will be exposed to the basics concept of cupping and how it can improve a patients health.
An Inside Look
The basic concept of cupping is by using locally applied suction to improve blood flow and facilitate healing. Suction cups are placed on the body of the patient by a trained practitioner and then heated with fire. After heating, the rims of the cups are sealed and the heated cups create a partial vacuum after the cups cool off. This enables the cup to suck the skin, pulling in skin tissue and promoting blood flow. The concept is similar to acupuncture where Qi is draw to areas with poor blood or lymph circulation. In another fireless technique, suction is created through hand pump and blood is collected. There are also modern pumps such as electromagnetic pumps which utilize the power of magnets and electricity to create suction. Collectively, this whole method of cupping is widely practiced and is known as Dry Cupping. Another lesser used method, known as Wet Cupping has been used in the Middle East to a certain extent. The process is similar, but includes bloodletting or drawing of blood by making a superficial incision towards the skins before the suction process. Cupping has been used extensively to treat a wide variety of diseases and symptoms either in combination with western medicine or standalone to relieve symptoms.
Chapter 4:
Tools Of Cupping
Cupping has come a long way from its predecessors- Bamboo cups, animal horns, brass cups and clay pots. The type of cup used has evolved to suit the needs of the current society and expectations.
What Is Used
Today, a wide variety of cups has been used in the cupping process. The type of cup used also depends on the type of ailment to be treated. Some of the common cups used include: -Fire suction cup (the most common) -Rubber cups -Silicone cups -Facial cups -Biomagnetic cups -Electric cups The cups also come in different shapes and sizes for easy handling and for better targeting of the area to be suctioned. Sometimes, a special cupping torch is used to facilitate the heating of the cups. Practitioners today also have improved their services in terms of health and hygiene by using sterile rubber gloves, blades wet cupping and alcohol swaps as a disinfectant. With the increase in healthcare standards, healthcare boards around the world are implementing guidelines to ensure the practice of health massages are regulated, safe and effective. Ultimately, any tool used is effective as long as the practitioner is experienced in maximizing the potential of each tool. If the practitioner is not well trained, it doesnt matter what tools you have, you wont be getting a good session.
Chapter 5:
How To Perform Cupping
Cupping should always be done by a qualified traditional medicine practitioner or a skilled masseuse. If done incorrectly, can cause injury or even aggravate existing conditions.
General Tips
Here are some general guidelines as to the procedure of cupping: 1) Clean the area to be soaked with warm water and soap or swap with disinfectant. Remove body hair. 2) The cups are washed and targeted on skin with warm, lightly salty water, and dry before cupping. 3) Select an appropriate size for the cup (smaller cups for smaller areas, bigger for bigger areas). 4) Smear a small amount of oil, or cream to target area. 5) Heat the inside of the suction cup briefly and attach suction cup onto targeted area 6) The cups can be used individually or in combination according to your preference. 7) After the desired treatment time, release the pressure in the cup by pulling up on the cups valve to release vacuum. Use this method to release cup gently (rather than wrenching it away suddenly) to prevent skin damage. 8) There will be darkening of the skin on the targeted areas and this will last normally 3-4 days or even a week, so request consent from your patient before beginning 9) During each cupping session, keep the room warm. 10) Duration: Use for no more than 15 minutes on target area, once or twice a day for 10 days 11) After 10 days, give the area a rest of at least 1-2 days.
Chapter 6:
Application of Cupping
Under the hands of a skilled practitioner, cupping has been widely used to treat a variety of disorders and alleviate symptoms due to its blood and lymph circulation improving properties.
Chapter 7:
Benefits of Cupping
Cupping conveys several benefits to common people, with or without illnesses. Some even go for regular cupping and treat it like a massage session (which is essentially what it is like).
The Advantages
Here are some great benefits of cupping: -Increased energy flow. Cupping can be used to increase energy flow inside the body. By targeting specific parts of the body, stagnant, negative energy are brought to the surface, allowing the free flow of Qi or energy to flow through those points. The cups can be placed over the traditional energy collection points, which are also stimulated during acupuncture and shiatsu massage. The Chinese believe that a healthy energy flow is thought to improve both the physical and mental well-being of the client. -Pain relief. Experiments have shown that patients who received cupping sessions found that it relieved chronic pain and helped improve range of motion to injured areas. The clients who experienced this pain relief reported that the effects lasted longer than the pain relief from other remedies. -Loosening the muscles. Cupping has also shown to loosen the muscles and reduce muscle stiffness to the affected areas. Loosened muscles and bring an influx of blood to the area and softens the underlying muscle tissues, leading to increased flexibility and a better sense of mobility. -Relaxation. Like other massage techniques, cupping can be incredibly relaxing. The work is usually performed in soothing setting and the therapists touch is very light. Soothing music and ambient sounds can be incorporated to improve the whole experience.
Chapter 8:
Who Is Cupping Not Suitable For
Although cupping may convey many beneficial medical benefits, it should not be used in the following conditions:
Finally, for people with pre-existing medical conditions, Cupping should be initiated under a doctor or qualified practitioners advice.
Wrapping Up
The benefits of cupping as an adjunct therapy to western medicine in the treatment of medical conditions and alleviating unwanted symptoms cannot be ignored. Through the process of globalization, we can see the different perspectives of medical fields the East and the West come together as one. Practitioners from both sides should get to know both sides better to come up with better treatment alternatives to difficult to treat illnesses and improve the provision of healthcare as a whole. Whether youve got a back ache or simply want to cure some acne, cupping can be a quick and easy way to improve your condition under the hands of a skilled practitioner. If you think cupping is your thing, try it out, youve got nothing to lose and all to gain.