This document provides information on four different drugs: Amlodipine, Ranitidine, Cefuroxime Axetil, and Zantac. It includes their classification, indication, dosage and administration route, mechanism of action, contraindications, side effects, and nursing responsibilities. The nursing responsibilities for all drugs include monitoring for side effects, ensuring correct administration, and educating the patient.
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This document provides information on four different drugs: Amlodipine, Ranitidine, Cefuroxime Axetil, and Zantac. It includes their classification, indication, dosage and administration route, mechanism of action, contraindications, side effects, and nursing responsibilities. The nursing responsibilities for all drugs include monitoring for side effects, ensuring correct administration, and educating the patient.
This document provides information on four different drugs: Amlodipine, Ranitidine, Cefuroxime Axetil, and Zantac. It includes their classification, indication, dosage and administration route, mechanism of action, contraindications, side effects, and nursing responsibilities. The nursing responsibilities for all drugs include monitoring for side effects, ensuring correct administration, and educating the patient.
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This document provides information on four different drugs: Amlodipine, Ranitidine, Cefuroxime Axetil, and Zantac. It includes their classification, indication, dosage and administration route, mechanism of action, contraindications, side effects, and nursing responsibilities. The nursing responsibilities for all drugs include monitoring for side effects, ensuring correct administration, and educating the patient.
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FREQUENCY Generic Name: Classification: 5 mg 1 tab OD (8) Inhibits calcium • Contraindicated in CNS: headache, > Monitor blood Amlodipine Anti – Anginals ion influx across patients somnolence, pressure frequently Besylate cardiac and hypersensitive to fatigue. during initiation of smooth muscle drug. CV: edema, therapy. Because cells, thus • Use cautiously in flushing drug induced decreasing patients receiving GI: nausea, vasodilators has myocardial other peripheral abdominal pain. gradual onset acute Brand Name: Indication: contractility and vasodilators, GU: sexual hypotension is rare. Norvasc • Chronic Stable oxygen demand; especially those difficulties. > Don’t confuse angina. also dilates with severe aortic Musculoskeletal: amlodipine with • Hypertension. coronary arteries stenosis, and in muscle pain. amiloride. and arterioles. those with heart Respiratory: > Caution patient to failure because dyspnea. continue taking drug drug is metabolized Skin: rash. even when feeling by the liver, use better. cautiously and > Tell patient S.L. induced dosage in nitrolycerin may be patients with sever taken as needed hepatic disease. when angina symptoms are acute. DRUG CLASSIFICATION/ DOSE/ ROUTE MECHANISM CONTRAINDICATION SIDE EFFECT NURSING INDICATION AND OF ACTION RESPOSIBILITIES FREQUENCY Generic Name: Classification: 150/ tab, 1 tab q8 Competitively • Contraindicated in CNS: vertigo, > Assess patient for Ranitidine Anti - ulcer Drugs inhibits action of patients malaise, headache. abdominal pain. Note Hydrochloride. histamine on the hypersensitive to EENT: blurred presence of blood in H2 at receptor drug and those vision. emesis, stool, or sites of parietal with acute Hepatic: jaundice. gatric aspirate. cells decreasing parphyria. Other: > Ranitidine may be Brand Name: Indication: gastric acid • Use cautiously in andioedema, added to total Zantac • Duodenal and gatric secretion. patients with anaphylaxis. parenteral nutrition ulcer; pathologic hepatic solution. hypersecretory dysfunction. Adjust > Instruct patient on condition such as dosage in patients proper use of OTC Zolliger – Ellison with impaired renal preparation, as syndrome. function. indicated. • Maintenance > Remind patient to therapy for take once daily duodenal or gatric prescription drug at ulcer. bedtime for best • Gatroesophageal results. reflux disease. • Erosive esophagitis. • Heartburn. DRUG CLASSIFICATION/ DOSE/ ROUTE MECHANISM CONTRAINDICATION SIDE EFFECT NURSING INDICATION AND OF ACTION RESPOSIBILITIES FREQUENCY Generic Name: Classification: 750mg/ IV q8 (8 – Second generation • Contraindicated in CV: phlebitis. > Before Cefuroxime Anti – Infective Drugs. 4) cephalosporins that patients GI: nausea, administration, ask if Axetil. inhibits cell – wall hypersensitive to anorexia, he is allergic to synthesis, drug or other vomiting, penicillin or promoting osmotic cephalosporins. diarrhea. cephalosporins. Indication: instability; usually • Use cautiously in Hematologic: > Obtain specimen Brand Name: • Uncomplicated bactericidal. patients hemolytic anemia. for culture and Zinacef UTI’s. hypersensitive t Skin: pain sensitivity test before • Otitis Media. penicillin because urticaria. giving the first dose. • Pharyngitis and of possibility or Other: serum > Test patient to take Tonsilitis. cross sensitivity sickness. drug as prescribed with other beta – even after he feels • Perioperative lactam antibiotic. better. prevention. • Use cautiously in > Instruct the patient • Secondary to take oral form bacterial infection breast – feeding women and in with food. of acute bronchitis. patients with history of colitis or renal insufficiency.