Install Notes
Install Notes
Install Notes
This document contains information that is proprietary to Mentor Graphics Corpor ation. The original recipient of this document may duplicate this document in whole or in part for internal business purposes only, provided that this entire notice appea rs in all copies. In duplicating any part of this document, the recipient agrees to make e very reasonable effort to prevent the unauthorized use and distribution of the propri etary information. Trademarks that appear in Mentor Graphics product publications that are not owne d by Mentor Graphics are trademarks of their respective owners. ========================================= HOW TO GET AND INSTALL A MODELSIM RELEASE ========================================= *** IMPORTANT 6.2e LICENSING CHANGE *** *** IMPORTANT 6.2e LICENSING CHANGE *** *** IMPORTANT 6.2e LICENSING CHANGE *** Mentor Graphics has changed the format of the license file to take advantage of more current encryption technology offered in FLEXnet 10.8. All new and renewal licenses cre ated after October 23, 2006 will have this new format and will require FLEXnet v10.8 licens e manager software to run a license server. For this reason, the FLEXnet v10.8 licensing software is included in this release with Mentor Graphics Licensing MGLS v2005.1 and PCLS 20 06.016. If you receive a floating license created after October 23, 2006 you will need t o upgrade your license server software. For floating licenses it will be necessary to veri fy that the vendor daemon (i.e., mgcld) and the license manager (i.e., lmgrd) have FLEXnet v ersions equal to or greater than 10.8. If the current FLEXlm/FLEXnet version of your vendor d aemon and lmgrd are less than 10.8 then it will be necessary to stop your license server a nd restart it using the vendor daemon and license manager contained in this release. If you use nodelocked licenses, this information does not apply. *** 1) Download Release You can obtain the latest ModelSim release from Click on the link to download an SE release from FTP. After filling out a user registration and accepting the license agreement, you are given instructions on how to download the latest ModelSim SE release. If you want to download a release other than the latest, visit Never overlay a new ModelSim release over the top of an old release. Either remove the old release first or install the new release to a different location. For win32 installations always use uninstall to remove an old release. Using uninstall will remove the the old releases' registry entry. For Unix or Linux installations you can simply delete the old release. The release directory contains the following files: -- Common files -INSTALL_NOTES RELEASE_NOTES install.pdf This file. Release notes for current release. Licensing and installation details.
-- For Unix or Linux -modelsim-base.tar.gz ModelSim release directory structure and common files . modelsim-docs.tar.gz ModelSim manuals, help files, tech. notes, etc. modelsim-hp700.exe.gz Self extracting executables for HPUX 11.0 and greater . modelsim-hppa64.exe.gz Self extracting executables for 64-bit HP. modelsim-rs6000.exe.gz Self extracting executables for RS6000. modelsim-rs64.exe.gz Self extracting executables for 64-bit RS6000. modelsim-sunos5.exe.gz Self extracting executables for Solaris 8 and greater . modelsim-sunos5v9.exe.gz Self extracting executables for 64-bit Solaris. modelsim-linux.exe.gz Self extracting executables for Linux Redhat EWS2.1/7 .2 and greater. modelsim-linux_ia64.exe.gz Self extracting executables for 64-bit Itanium 2 Linu x. modelsim-linux_x86_64.exe.gz Self extracting executables for 64-bit AMD64/EM64T Linux. modelsim-gcc-3.2.3-rhe21.tar.gz SystemC gcc 3.2.3 for 32bit linux modelsim. modelsim-gcc-4.0.2-rhe21.tar.gz SystemC gcc 4.0.2 for 32bit linux modelsim. modelsim-gcc-4.0.2-linux_x86_64.tar.gz SystemC gcc 4.0.2 for 64bit linux modelsi m. modelsim-gcc-3.3-sunos58.tar.gz SystemC gcc 3.3 for Solaris 8 modelsim-gcc-3.3-sunos59.tar.gz SystemC gcc 3.3 for Solaris 9 modelsim-gcc-3.3-sunos510.tar.gz SystemC gcc 3.3 for Solaris 10 SystemC gcc 3.3.1 for Windows 2000 and XP. Note: The Win32 gcc is NO LONGER automatically installed when ModelSim is installed. See below installation instructions. -- For Win32 -modelsim-win32-6.2e-se.exe 2) Install Release -- For Unix -ModelSim self extracting executable.
A complete release contains the base package, the platform specific package(s) for your machine type(s) and the docs package. The base package must be installed first since it provides the directory structure that the other release files will be placed in. After the base package is installed the remaining packages can be installed in any order. The base package will create a directory called "modeltech" in the current working directory. The "modeltech" directory is the root of the release tree. To unpack the release files and install a modeltech tree use GNU and Unix utilities gzip and gtar. Also make sure gtar and rm commands are searchable in your PATH environment. See the examples below. Note that you may install multiple platforms into a single modeltech tree. SUNOS5: gzip -d modelsim-base.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-base.tar gzip -d modelsim-docs.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-docs.tar gzip -d modelsim-sunos5.exe.gz chmod +x modelsim-sunos5.exe ./modelsim-sunos5.exe ADDITIONAL SYSTEMC INSTALLATION: gzip -d modelsim-gcc-3.3-sunos58.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-gcc-3.3-sunos58.tar gzip -d modelsim-gcc-3.3-sunos59.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-gcc-3.3-sunos59.tar gzip -d modelsim-gcc-3.3-sunos510.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-gcc-3.3-sunos510.tar ADD TO YOUR PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: <install_path>/modeltech/sunos5 SUNOS5V9: gzip -d modelsim-base.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-base.tar gzip -d modelsim-docs.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-docs.tar gzip -d modelsim-sunos5v9.exe.gz chmod +x modelsim-sunos5v9.exe ./modelsim-sunos5v9.exe ADD TO YOUR PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: <install_path>/modeltech/sunos5v9 HP700: gzip -d modelsim-base.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-base.tar gzip -d modelsim-docs.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-docs.tar gzip -d modelsim-hp700.exe.gz
chmod +x modelsim-hp700.exe ./modelsim-hp700.exe ADD TO YOUR PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: <install_path>/modeltech/hp700 HPPA64: gzip -d modelsim-base.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-base.tar gzip -d modelsim-docs.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-docs.tar gzip -d modelsim-hppa64.exe.gz chmod +x modelsim-hppa64.exe ./modelsim-hppa64.exe ADD TO YOUR PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: <install_path>/modeltech/hppa64 RS6000: gzip -d modelsim-base.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-base.tar gzip -d modelsim-docs.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-docs.tar gzip -d modelsim-rs6000.exe.gz chmod +x modelsim-rs6000.exe ./modelsim-rs6000.exe ADD TO YOUR PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: <install_path>/modeltech/rs6000 RS64: gzip -d modelsim-base.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-base.tar gzip -d modelsim-docs.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-docs.tar gzip -d modelsim-rs64.exe.gz chmod +x modelsim-rs64.exe ./modelsim-rs64.exe ADD TO YOUR PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: <install_path>/modeltech/rs64 LINUX: gzip -d modelsim-base.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-base.tar gzip -d modelsim-docs.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-docs.tar gzip -d modelsim-linux.exe.gz chmod +x modelsim-linux.exe ./modelsim-linux.exe ADDITIONAL SYSTEMC INSTALLATION:
gzip -d modelsim-gcc-3.2.3-rhe21.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-gcc-3.2.3-rhe21.tar gzip -d modelsim-gcc-4.0.2-rhe21.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-gcc-4.0.2-rhe21.tar ADD TO YOUR PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: <install_path>/modeltech/linux LINUX_IA64: gzip -d modelsim-base.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-base.tar gzip -d modelsim-docs.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-docs.tar gzip -d modelsim-linux_ia64.exe.gz chmod +x modelsim-linux_ia64.exe ./modelsim-linux_ia64.exe ADD TO YOUR PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: <install_path>/modeltech/linux_ia64 LINUX_X86_64: gzip -d modelsim-base.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-base.tar gzip -d modelsim-docs.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-docs.tar gzip -d modelsim-linux_x86_64.exe.gz chmod +x modelsim-linux_x86_64.exe ./modelsim-linux_x86_64.exe ADDITIONAL SYSTEMC INSTALLATION: gzip -d modelsim-gcc-4.0.2-linux_x86_64.tar.gz gtar xvf modelsim-gcc-4.0.2-linux_x86_64.tar ADD TO YOUR PATH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: <install_path>/modeltech/linux_x86_64 -- For Win32 -win32: modelsim-win32-6.2e-se.exe
ADDITIONAL SYSTEMC INSTALLATION: copy into the <install_path modeltech> folder Open up the zip file and extract the contents into this <install_path modeltech> folder. At this point, the installed modeltech directory contains all the base files, t he docs files and the platform specific executables. For SystemC, it should also contain gcc executables. The pdf version of the install guide can also be found in <install_path>/modeltech/docs/pdf/install.pdf This guide contains useful information detailing installation and licensing. For information on how to obtain technical support for ModelSim, go to: Revision Date: Thursday November 16, 2006 #Mentor Graphics Search Data #meta="doc.type.documentation.rn,product.release.6.2e,product.version.6.2e,produ"