2 - Format of Six Weeks Industrial Training Report
2 - Format of Six Weeks Industrial Training Report
2 - Format of Six Weeks Industrial Training Report
i. Report should cover the following contents: For those students who have just learnt a new Technology/Tool /Domain: See Annexure-I(a) For those students who have developed a Project: See Annexure-I(b) ii. Follow the Report Formatting Guidelines given under Annexure-I(a)and Annexure-I(b) iii. The Report should be of 40-50 Pages.
Annexure-I (a)
CONTENTS OF THE REPORT (For those students who have just learnt a New Technology /Tool/ Domain, but not worked on any Project) -
Cover page on hard paper (See Annexure-II) Inner page same as cover page but on the soft paper Declaration (See Annexure-III) Acknowledgement Training Certificate (From Training Organization) Index
1. Organization Overview
i. Type of Organization (Example: Software Development Company/ Training Institute/ Learning Centre, etc) ii. Its Location. iii. Specialization of/Work Culture in the training organization. iv. About the External Guide. 2. Technology Learnt (30-35 Pages) (Describe about the new technology/tool/domain learnt (hardware/software/networking; Databases/Web technology/ Application Programming etc.) in training organization and its actual applications/use/implementation/scope in real world software development. AVOID UNNECESSARY TEXTUAL DESCRIPTIONS AS YOU WILL BE JUDGED ON THE BASIS OF QUALITY AND NOT ON THE BASIS OF NEEDLESS QUANTITY).
4. Learning Outcome from training (5 - 10 pages) (How this technology will help you in future? Support this description with illustrative technical examples) 5. Gantt chart (Describing a timeline of how did you act in six weeks of training?)
6. Bibliography
The matter contained in the report should be typed in MS word (1.5 spacing) Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Figures and tables may be inserted in the text as they appear or may be appended in order. Subject matter should be typed on both sides. A total of TWO copies may be prepared one for the student and second for the university
Annexure-I (b)
CONTENTS OF THE REPORT (For those students who have developed /worked on a Project) (Avoid unnecessary textual descriptions as you will be judged on the basis of quality and not on the basis of needless filling of pages). Cover page on hard paper (See Annexure-II) Inner page same as cover page but on the soft paper Declaration (See Annexure-III) Acknowledgement Training Certificate (From Training Organization) Index
1. Organization Overview 2. Profile of the Problem 3. Existing System 4. Problem Analysis o Product definition o Feasibility Analysis
5. Software Requirement Analysis 6. Design o Tables and their relationships o Flowcharts/Pseudo code
7. Source Code 8. Screen Shots 9. Gantt chart (Describing a timeline of how did you act in six weeks of training?) 10. Project Legacy o Technical and Managerial lessons learnt .
12. Bibliography
The matter contained in the report should be typed in MS word (1.5 spacing) Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Figures and tables may be inserted in the text as they appear or may be appended in order.
A total of TWO copies may be prepared one for the student and second for the university
Submitted by
Discipline of CSE/IT
I hereby declare that I have completed my six weeks summer training at __________________(name and location of organization) from ______(start date) to _____(end date) under the guidance of (Name of Industry coordinator). I have worked with full dedication during these six weeks and my learning outcomes fulfill the requirements of training.
Date: ___________________