Words Often Confused-531

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Word Meaning Word 2 Meaning 1 accept to agree to except not including receive or do advers unfavourable averse strongly e , harmful

disliking; opposed advice recommendatadvise to recommend ions about something what to do affect to change or effect a result; to make a bring about a difference to result aisle a passage isle an island between rows of seats all all in one altoget completely; on togeth place, all at her the whole er once along moving or a long referring to extending something of horizontally great length

on aloud out loud allowedPermitted altar a sacred tablealter to change in a church amoral not immora not following concerned l accepted moral with right or standards wrong/ making no sense apprai to assess apprise to inform se someone assent agreement, ascent the action of approval rising or climbing up aural relating to oral relating to the the ears or mouth; spoken hearing "an oral an animal agreement with a very sensitive aural apparatus

balmy pleasantly barmy foolish, crazy warm She made a balmy days barmy Blue and nights Cheese Dressing bare to uncover , bear to carry; to put reveal up with bated in phrase baited with bait 'with bated attached or breath', i.e. in inserted great suspense bazaar a Middle bizarre Strange Eastern restaurants of market bizarre design-one like a hat, another like a rabbit berth a bunk in a birth the emergence ship, train, of a baby from etc. the womb born having borne Carried started life

bough a branch of a bow tree

to bend the head; the front of a ship brake a device for break to separate into stopping a pieces; a pause vehicle; to stop a vehicle breach to break through, or break a rule; a gap broach to raise a subject for discussion A decorative pin worn by women canvas a type of strong cloth censur to criticize breech the back part of a gun barrel brooch a piece of jewellery A decorative pin worn by women canvassto seek peoples votes censor to ban parts of


cereal a grass serial producing an edible grain; a breakfast food made from grains chord a group of cord musical notes climac tic coarse compl acent

a book or film; a person who does this happening in a series

a length of string; a cordlike body part the bundle was tied with a cord forming a climati relating to climax c climate rough course a direction; a school subject; part of a meal smug and compla willing to self-satisfied isant please he had become

complacent after years of success compl to add to so compli to praise or ement as to ment express improve; an approval; an addition that admiring improves remark something counci a group of counsel advice; to l people who advise manage or advise cue a signal for queue a line of people action; a or vehicles wooden rod curb to keep kerb (in British something in English) the check; a stone edge of a control or pavement limit curb your ange

curran a dried grape current happening t now; a flow of water, air, or electricity

defuse to make a diffuse to spread over situation less a wide area tense The soldiers diffused desert a waterless, dessert the sweet empty area; course of a to abandon meal someone Devic The noun Devise The verb e device means devise means to a gadget, plan, conceive, scheme, or or invent. procedure. discre careful not to discreteseparate and


attract attention a discreet investor

distinct a government with three discrete divisions not interested a first version of a piece of writing

a discreet necklace disinte Impartial uninter rested Disinterested ested teacher draugh A serving of draft t drink /a current of air they served beer on draught draw an even scoredrawer at the end of a game Dual having two duel (doou parts l) a dual role for an actor

a sliding storage compartment a fight or contest between two people


to draw out a illicit reply or reaction elicit a solution ensure to make insure certain that something will happen

not allowed by law or rules

to provide compensation if a person dies or property is damaged envelo to cover or envelopa paper p surround e container for a letter exerci physical exorcis to drive out an se activity; to e evil spirit do physical exorcise evil activity spirits fawn a young deer;faun a mythical light brown being, part man, part goat flaunt to display flout to disregard a ostentatiousl rule y/proudly

flout the rules

flound to move founderto fail er clumsily; to The project have foundered difficulty doing something He floundered along in the heavy snow forbea to refrain forebea an ancestor r she could not r forbear weeping forew an forwardonwards, ahead ord introduction to a book freeze to turn to ice frieze a decoration

grisly Gruesome, revolting a grisly murder hoard a store

along a wall grizzly a type of bear

horde a large crowd of people imply to suggest infer to draw a indirectly conclusion The water "He inferred shortage the right implies that number of we have to beans in the jar stop taking and won the long showers prize loath reluctant, loathe to hate unwilling I loathe that oath to go on man at such a short notice loose to unfasten; lose to be deprived to set free of; to be unable to find

meter a measuring metre device militat to be a mitigat e powerful e factor against Politeness militated against this opinion palate the roof of the mouth pedal a footoperated lever pole a long, poll slender piece of wood pour to flow or pore cause to flow

a metric unit; rhythm in verse to make less severe

The circumstances mitigate the crime palette a board for mixing colours peddle to sell goods voting in an election

a tiny opening; to study something closely practic the use of an practiseto do

idea or something method; the repeatedly to work or gain skill; to do business of a something doctor, regularly dentist, etc. prescri to authorize proscri to officially be use of be forbid medicine; to something order I proscribe you authoritativel to call me late y at night princi most principl a fundamental pal important; e rule or belief the head of a school sceptic a person septic infected with inclined to bacteria doubt sight the ability to site a location see station not moving statione writing ary ry materials

storey a level of a story building titillat to arouse titivate e interest A titillating story appeared in the usually conservative magazine tortuo full of twists; torturo us complex us a tortuous road up the mountain

a tale or account to make more attractive,neat,s mart,clean "titivate the child

full of pain or suffering

"tortuous legal procedures wreath a ring-shaped wreatheto surround or arrangement encircle of flowers etc.

1 Do you ......................... payment by credit card? (accept / except) 2 Everybody turned up at Fiona's party ......................... her exboyfriend. (accept / except) 3 What ......................... did the high altitude have on you? (affect / effect) 4 Did the high altitude ......................... you when you were in Quito? (affect / effect) 5 She gave me some excellent ......................... about my girlfriend. (advice / advise) 6 I ......................... you not to get involved in Sandra and Mike's problems. (advice / advise) 7 We need to find something to ......................... the curtains. (complement / compliment) 8 She got annoyed with me because I didn't ......................... her on her new hair style. (complement / compliment) 9 Don't tell anyone about my promotion. I want to be as ......................... about it as possible. (discreet / discrete) 10 Catalan and Valencian are not ......................... languages. (discreet / discrete) 11 The weather forecast says that rain is ......................... . (eminent / imminent) 12 Professor Pachorro is very ......................... among brain surgeons. (eminent / imminent) 13 I wanted to see the ......................... about Manet in the Prado gallery in Madrid. (exhibition / expedition) 14 A recent Spanish ......................... to the Antarctic has been collecting data about global warming. (exhibition / expedition) 15 The South Downs, a range of hills running across Sussex, are not very ......................... . (high / tall) 16 Tom Cruise is not ......................... . He's short. (high / tall) 17 This is an ......................... device for opening bottles. (ingenious / ingenuous) 18 Your argument is ......................... . Just tell me why you are in favour of a military solution. (irrelevant / irreverent) 19 If you want to be a champion, you have to ......................... everyday. (practice / practise) 20 Learning to dance the salsa is a question of going to classes and lots of ......................... . (practice / practise)

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