DL Syllabus 13-14
DL Syllabus 13-14
DL Syllabus 13-14
Ms. Espinoza~2013-2014
The mission of this digital literacy course is to empower you to become a lifelong learner and well rounded individual. Together, we (teacher and students) will learn to be responsible for our actions and to know that we have the power to make choices that can change the future. We will establish high expectations as a class in the areas of academics, behavior, and personal growth. As a class we will help each other respect ourselves, others, the cyber world and global communities. Students will be held accountable for meeting these expectations. As your instructor, I want you to leave our classroom believing that you are successful and with the tools you gain in this class, have a higher chance of being even more successful in your continual pursuit to learn. You will achieve success in future endeavors because of your hard work in this class.
Course Description:
Digital Literacy is a year-long course meant to prepare you for 21st century learning. The goal of Digital Literacy is to teach and assess digital concepts and skills so that you can use computer technology in everyday life to develop new social and economic opportunities for yourself and your community. As you master the tools learned, you will be asked to apply these tools in our project-based setting to investigate real-world issues and create meaningful and relevant products. Below are some of the programs that we will utilize in our course: *Microsoft Word *Microsoft PowerPoint *Microsoft Publisher *Microsoft Excel *GoogleApps *Windows Movie Maker *PhotoStory3 *Glogster *Prezi *Picassa *Blogging, Forums, and Networking
Instructors Beliefs
In a safe and nurturing environment, students: *Learn at different rates and in different ways *Learn more effectively while actively engaged *Develop positive relationships with adults and peers *Have the right and potential to participate in the design of their learning Student Goals: *To develop responsibility and personal advocacy through participation *To develop digital literacy skills necessary for 21st century learning *To correctly use language through digital communication
Inappropriate Internet/Software Program Usage: 1st offense: Student will be verbally warned and must get back on task. 2nd offense: Students will be verbally warned and issued a demerit 3rd offense: From this point on, teacher will set up alternative ways for student to complete assignments. This may include with teacher before, during , or after school. Evaluation: Your progress will be assessed by class participation, and various class assignments and projects. The grading scale is below. 100%-90% = A 89%-80% = B 79%-70% = C 69%-60% = D 59%-0% = F
Homework Policy Homework assignments will be long term projects, research, wiki posts, etc. All assigned homework will be posted on our digital literacy class webpage. Homework is due the day after assigned unless otherwise directed. Make Up Policy: All homework and assignments are to be made up upon return to class. Work will be due according to length of absence. (If you are absent for one day then you will have one day to turn in missing homework). Supplies (you must have this daily in class): -Writing Utensil -LAPL Library Card -USB (optional) Plagiarism-Dont do it. Plagiarism is unacceptable. If at any point in the course you choose to take someone elses work and fail to give that author credit by trying to pass off the work as your own, you will receive a 0 for the assignment but only if it is redone. If you elect not to redo the assignment you will receive an F for the grading period. You must create your own work. You will learn, this year, how to use other people's work, research and thoughts in your own work, but you will give each source credit. Do not attempt to copy and put your name on some one else's work! Additional: Occasionally assignments will be graded credit or no credit. Late homework is unacceptable and will not be given full credit; however, it will be counted as turned in and not counted as a missing assignment. It is the students responsibility to obtain assignments, notes, etc., from an absence. One extra day is given for every day a student is absent. ***Ms. Espinoza reserves the right to add, change, delete, and/or modify assignments and syllabus. Ms. Espinoza will notify students of curriculum/assignment changes as soon as possible. Communication: Parents and students may contact me regarding student progress by calling me at the school or emailing me. School website: vaughncharter.com School phone: 818.896.7461 My email: [email protected]
***Please return this page only. You may keep the attached pages for your reference. I have read and discussed with my child the attached requirements of this class.