SBP BI Trial PMR Kertas 1 2013

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SULIT Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1 Julai 2013 1 Jam



BAHASA INGGERIS Kertas 1 1 jam


1. 2. 3.

Kertas ini mengandungi 40 soalan. Jawab semua soalan. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh tiga pilihan jawapan, iaitu A, B dan C atau empat pilihan jawapan iaitu A, B, C dan D. Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan semua jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan objektif yang disediakan.

_________________________________________________________________________________ Kertas ini mengandungi 14 halaman bercetak 12/1 2013 Hak Cipta BPSBPSK
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Questions 1-5 are based on the information given.

Baby named after Mawis song

What can we conclude from the news headline above? A B C D The baby is named after Mawi sang one of his songs. The babys name is similar to Mawis song. Mawi named his song after a baby. Mawis song is sung by the baby.

Visitors must register at the office for the purpose of A B C D security protection supervision reliability

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From the cartoon strip above, accomplish means A B C D undertake achieve pursue ensure


From the chart above, users are least likely to spend time on A B C D Facebook Instagram Pinterest Twitter

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[Lihat Halaman Sebelah SULIT



Despite hours of digging to recover his body, the search has come up with nothing. It has been called off at the advice of experts, who believe further digging could damage the surrounding heritage buildings.





search? A stopped.

It has been

B It will be further continued. C It has damaged an old building. D It will be postponed until further notice. Weather Forecast for General Election 13 Polling Day on May 5, 2013
Region Morning Afternoon Thunderstorms in most parts of Kedah. Rain in most parts of Perak. Thunderstorms throughout the region.

Northern Region

Cloudy in Perak. Fair elsewhere.

Central Region

Cloudy in some parts of Selangor. Fair elsewhere.

Southern Region

Mostly fair in all states.

Thunderstorms in Johor. Shower in Melaka. Thunderstorms in parts of Kelantan & Terengganu.

East Coast Region

Fair in most places.

Sabah, Sarawak & Labuan

Rain in some parts of Sarawak. Elsewhere fair.

Cloudy in most parts of Sabah with thunderstorms in some places. Source : The Star Online Sat 4 May 2013

What can we conclude from the weather forecast above?


Voters in Perak can head to their polling centres in the afternoon. The central region is set to experience thunderstorms early in the day. Most states would have a rain-free morning with the exception of Sarawak. The best time to cast votes for those in Peninsular Malaysia is in the afternoon.
[Lihat Halaman Sebelah SULIT

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Arvind and Rajni Beri request the gracious presence & blessings of

Mr and Mrs Melvin

at the joyous and auspicious occasion of the marriage ceremony of their dear son Rahul To Deepika (loving daughter of Manmohan and Pravinder Lyall) Please join the Baraat at the Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara at 9:30 am on Saturday, 24 May 2013 Wedding Programme Wedding Ceremony: 11:00 am RSVP by 15 April 2013 03-798-7687 or [email protected] om

From the wedding invitation, we know that A B C Mr and Mrs Melvin have to respond to this invitation via email only the wedding ceremony starts at 11.00 am on 24 May 2013 Deepika is the daughter of Arvind and Rajni Beri

Mr and Mrs Melvin are hosting the ceremony

Bodyguard Kills Robber Klang: An attempt by five men to rob a factory manager yesterday ended with one of them being shot dead by a bodyguard. The factory manager had just withdrawn RM50,000 from a bank and was driven off by his bodyguard. The bodyguard had noticed that they were being tailed by two cars. At a corner, the two cars obstructed the managers car and a robber tried to smash the passenger window with a rock. The bodyguard got out of the car and fired a shot at the robbers but missed. His second shot however, hit one of the robbers in the head and his accomplices sped-away emptyhanded.

What happened immediately after the factory manager withdrew his money? A A robber was shot in the head. B A couple of cars followed his car. C A robber tried to break his car window. D The bodyguard shot at a robber but missed.

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[Lihat Halaman Sebelah SULIT



Dear Editor, REBEL ABOUT THE COST If movie ticket prices are going to double up, many may choose to stay home and watch Astro programmes instead. I am a student and I watch movies at cinemas a lot with my friends and family. To pay for twice the price will definitely deter a lot of people from frequenting cinemas. What more a student like me! This is not a good prospect for the local film industry especially. People would rather wait for the local movies to be shown on TV than watch them on cinemas with the increase in the ticket prices. Similarly, I can surely stay at home and watch a lot of movies on Astro and still enjoy myself if I cant afford pricey cinema ticket. Muthusamy Chelliah

Based on the above letter, which of these statements is true? A Movies on Astro are more enjoyable to watch. B People who frequent the cinemas are normally students. C Muthusamy complains about the quality of films in cinemas. D A hike in cinema ticket prices will discourage people from going to cinemas.

Did Mr Tan give you a good report?

I dont know. Anyway, I dont care and I dont mind telling him

I wouldnt if I were you. Dont cut off your nose to spite your face. You need that scholarship!

10 Dont cut off your nose to spite your face means A Dont make things worse for yourself.


Dont disfigure your face. Dont upset yourself. Dont be rude.

[Lihat Halaman Sebelah SULIT

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Questions 11-20 are based on the following text. Judo demands mental precision and intense speed and agility from its players. It is the ultimate duel ___11___ two athletes bodies and minds. In Japanese, the word judo means gentle but watch the athletes train or go into combat and ___12___ word gentle doesnt ___13___ to mind! Judo was founded by Professor Jigaro Kano in 1882 as a tamer alternative to the more dangerous martial art of jujitsu ___14___ was used by the samurai warriors of ancient Japan. When judo was introduced at the Tokyo Olympic Games in 1964, everyone thought the Japanese would win all the medals. They almost ___15___! A Dutchman named Anton Geesink won gold in the open event. Womens judo ___16___ introduced in the Barcelona 1992 Olympic Games. For the first time, Judo athletes in the 2000 Olympic games wore ___17___ judo suits called judogis (one in blue and the other in white) instead of the traditional white judogis. An Olympic match begins with a ceremonial bow. When the referee gives the command hajme (which means begin fighting), men have five minutes and women have four minutes to score a single point or an ippon and win the contest. An ippon is scored when a player is ___18___ onto their back and pinned down for 30 seconds or when a player is strangled or arm-locked ___19___ submission. ___20___ neither athlete has scored, the referee and judge decide who is the winner. 11 A B C D between among beside against


A a B an C the A B C D A B C D come comes came coming which when what whose




A do B did


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is are was were colour colours coloured colouring throw throws threw thrown on onto in into if even because although





Questions 21-23 Read the dialogue below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined. Adam : I heard that Farouk is vying for (21) the post of Head Boy in the coming election. Bakhtiar : I believe Danial is a better candidate! Someone should talk him into (22) nominating himself. Adam : I agree with you. Danial is such a fine and respectable person. We should be friends with him so that his good nature will rub off (23) on us as well. Bakhtiar : Thats him over there. Lets go over and say hello. 21 vying for A B preparing for planning for


waiting for contesting for

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22 talk him into A B C D deter him pursue him persuade him discourage him

23 rub off A B C D follow react show help

Questions 24-26 Read the text below and choose the best meaning for the expressions underlined. Detective Simon Pegg was investigating a crime when he discovered a new clue. He had a hunch (24) that it would help to solve his case faster. He went to have lunch with his new partner, Detective Nick Frost and they went Dutch (25) with the bill. He was happy with his new partner after being left high and dry (26) by his old partner over a disagreement of a case. His old partner had withheld an important information from him until the last minute and it had ruined their relationship. 24 had a hunch A B C D had a connection had a dream had an idea had an instinct

25 went Dutch A B C D shared the menu shared their food shared their receipt shared the cost

26 being left high and dry A B C to be left out of certain matter to be caught lying to be ordered to leave

to be punished for some mistakes

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Questions 27-32 are based on the following recipe. Ingredients (serves 4) 675 grams prawns 115 grams noodles 2 tbsp vegetable oil 2 shallots, sliced 2 garlics, chopped Stir-Fried Noodles With Prawns Marinade 2 tbsp peanut oil 2 fresh green chillies, chopped lime juice 1 tbsp fish sauce 1 fresh red chilli, chopped 2 tbsp soy sauce 2 tbsp chilli sauce Coriander leaves Method 1. Place the prawns in a mixing bowl. To make the marinade, mix the oil, green chillies, lime juice and fish sauce together and pour over the prawns. Cover and chill for 2 hours in the refrigerator. 2. Put the noodles in a bowl of boiling water. Leave for 8-10 minutes to soften and drain well. 3. Heat the oil in a wok and saut the shallots, garlic and chilli until lightly browned. Add the soy sauce and chilli sauce. Add the prawns and the marinade to the wok and stir-fry gently for 2-3 minutes until cooked through. 4. Add the noodles and stir gently. Garnish with coriander and serve immediately. (Source: Everyday Fish And Seafood)

27 The prawns are marinated in the following ingredients except A B C D lime juice cooking oil dried chillies seafood sauce

28 How do you chill the prawns? A B C D By leaving them to stand in a room. By storing them in the refrigerator. By covering them with a cling film. By placing them in the freezer.

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29 How long do the noodles take to become soft? A B C D 2 hours 2-3 minutes Immediately 8-10 minutes

30 The word saut can best mean A B C D boil slowly boil gently fry tenderly fry quickly

31 The phrase Garnish with coriander means A B C D Decorate with coriander leaves. Decorate with chopped chillies. Sprinkle with coriander powder. Sprinkle with chilli powder.

32 Which of the following statements is true? A B C D The dish can be served to more than 4 people. The prawns are marinated for three hours. The marinade contains vegetable oil. The dish is served hot.

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[Lihat Halaman Sebelah SULIT




Questions 33-40 are based on the following passage.

Jerry was the kind of person who was always in a good mood and had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, If I were any better, I would be twins!

He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from one restaurant to another. They followed Jerry because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.

Seeing this style really made me curious. So one day, I went up to Jerry and asked him, I dont get it! You cant be a positive person all the time. How do you do it? Jerry replied, Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaints or to point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.

Its not that easy! I protested. Yes, it is. Jerry said. Life is all about choices. Every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations and you choose how people will affect your mood. The bottom line is, its your choice how you live your life. I reflected on what Jerry said.

Soon, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life. Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business. He left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combinations. The robbers panicked and shot him.

Luckily Jerry was found quickly and rushed to the local trauma centre. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with bullet fragments still in his body. I saw Jerry about six months after the robbery. He wanted to show his scars but I declined. However I did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. Jerry replied. While lying wounded on the floor, I remembered I had two choices, to live or to die. I chose to live.

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33 What made Jerry a unique manager? A B C D He always had something positive to say He had several loyal employees He was always in a good mood He wanted to have a twin

34 Each morning Jerry _________________ to live his life. A B C D hummed a tune to himself avoided bad incidents listened to complaints contemplated the two choices

35 Why did the writer lose contact with Jerry? A B C D The writer left to start a business The writer had forgotten about Jerry The writer protested at Jerrys view of life The writer wanted to be free from Jerrys influences

36 Jerry was robbed because A B C D his safe had no combinations. his front door was unlocked. his back door was left ajar. his restaurant had flourished.

37 The word slipped off can best be replaced with A B C D took off put off missed rejected

38 After Jerry was shot, he A B C D spent weeks in intensive care. underwent a minor surgery. refused to see his wounds. had a trauma for life.
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39 The writer was _____________________ when knowing Jerry was robbed. A B C D excited surprised delighted puzzled

40 Which of the following statements is true? A B C D Jerry was pessimistic towards life. Jerry was agitated during the robbery. The robbers shot Jerry after stealing his money. The robbers broke down the door to enter the restaurant.


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