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Application manual

Conveyor tracking
Controller software IRC5 RobotWare 5.13

Application manual Conveyor tracking

Doc ID 3HAC16587-1
Revision G RobotWare 5.13

The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damages to persons or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like.
Copyright 2004-2010 ABB. All rights reserved.

In no event shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of this manual and products described herein. This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without ABB's written permission, and contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any unauthorized purpose. Contravention will be prosecuted. Additional copies of this manual may be obtained from ABB at its then current charge.

Copyright 2004-2010 ABB All rights reserved. ABB AB Robotics Products SE-721 68 Vsters Sweden

Table of contents

1 Introduction to conveyor tracking

1.1 Physical components................................................................................. 10 1.2 Features..................................................................................................... 11 1.3 Limitations.................................................................................................. 13 1.4 Principles ................................................................................................... 14 1.4.1 Principles of conveyor tracking .............................................................. 14 1.4.2 Start window and queue tracking distance .................................... 16 1.4.3 Coordinate systems ....................................................................... 17

2 Installation


2.1 Hardware connections .............................................................................. 19 2.2 Installing the encoder for conveyor tracking .............................................. 20 2.3 Encoder location ........................................................................................ 22 2.4 Connecting the encoder to the encoder interface...................................... 23 2.5 Synchronization switch .............................................................................. 26 2.6 Connecting the encoder interface to the robot controller........................... 27

3 Configuration


3.1 Configuration and calibration .................................................................... 29 3.2 Direction of positive motion from the encoder ........................................... 30 3.3 Calibrating CountsPerMeter and QueueTrckDist ...................................... 31 3.4 Calibrating the conveyor base frame ......................................................... 32 3.5 Defining conveyor start window and sync separation ................................ 35 3.6 Defining the conveyor maximum and minimum distances......................... 36 3.7 Defining the robot adjustment speed ......................................................... 37 3.8 Additional adjustments............................................................................... 38
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3.9 Configuring a track motion following a conveyor ....................................... 39 3.10 Installing conveyor tracking software....................................................... 41 3.11 Installing additional conveyors for conveyor tracking .............................. 42

4 Programming


4.1 Programming conveyor tracking ............................................................... 43 4.2 Working with the object queue................................................................... 44 4.3 Activating the conveyor.............................................................................. 45 4.4 Defining a conveyor coordinated work object ............................................ 46 4.5 Waiting for a work object ........................................................................... 47 4.6 Programming the conveyor coordinated motion ........................................ 48 4.7 Dropping a work object .............................................................................. 49 4.8 Entering and exiting conveyor tracking motion in corner zones ................ 50 4.9 Information on FlexPendant....................................................................... 51 4.10 Programming considerations ................................................................... 52
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Table of contents

4.11 Finepoint programming............................................................................ 53 4.12 Operating modes ..................................................................................... 54

5 System parameters


5.1 Topic I/O .................................................................................................... 56 5.2 Topic Process ............................................................................................ 57 5.3 Topic Motion .............................................................................................. 59

6 RAPID reference


6.1 Instructions ............................................................................................... 61 6.1.1 WaitWObj - Wait for work object on conveyor ....................................... 61 6.1.2 DropWObj - Drop work object on conveyor ................................... 64

7 Advanced queue tracking


7.1 Introduction to advanced queue tracking .................................................. 65 7.1.1 System parameters........................................................................ 66 7.2 Working with the object queue................................................................... 67 7.2.1 Checkpoint function ....................................................................... 68 7.2.2 Scale enc pulse ............................................................................. 69 7.2.3 Passed start window signal ........................................................... 70 7.2.4 Simulation mode ............................................................................ 71

8 Circular conveyor tracking


8.1 Introduction to circular conveyor tracking ................................................. 73 8.2 Encoder type selection and location .......................................................... 74 8.3 Installation and configuration ..................................................................... 75 8.4 Calibrating the conveyor base frame ......................................................... 76 8.5 Manually calibrating the conveyor base frame .......................................... 77
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8.6 TCP measurement method........................................................................ 78 8.7 Additional motion settings.......................................................................... 80

9 Accelerating conveyors


9.1 System parameters.................................................................................... 82 9.1.1 Speed filters................................................................................... 83 9.1.2 Update rate of robot path............................................................... 84 9.1.3 Encoder pollrate............................................................................. 85 9.2 Predicting speed changes ......................................................................... 86 9.2.1 Setting up the signals .................................................................... 87 9.2.2 UseAccProfile - Use acceleration profile ....................................... 88

10 Indexing conveyors


10.1 Tracking indexing conveyors ................................................................... 92 10.1.1 Setting up tracking for an indexing conveyor............................... 93

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10.1.2 System parameters...................................................................... 94 10.1.3 RAPID instructions....................................................................... 95 10.1.4 RecordProfile ............................................................................... 96 10.1.5 WaitAndRecProf .......................................................................... 97 10.1.6 StoreProfile .................................................................................. 99 10.1.7 LoadProfile................................................................................. 100 10.1.8 ActivateProfile............................................................................ 101 10.1.9 DeactProfile ............................................................................... 102 10.1.10 CnvGenInstr............................................................................. 103 10.2 Indexing conveyor with servo control..................................................... 105 10.2.1 Setting up a servo controlled indexing conveyor ....................... 106 10.2.2 System parameters and configuration files................................ 107 10.2.3 Testing the indexing conveyor setup ......................................... 112 10.2.4 Calibrating the base frame......................................................... 113 10.2.5 indcnvdata ................................................................................. 114 10.2.6 IndCnvInit................................................................................... 115 10.2.7 IndCnvEnable and IndCnvDisable............................................. 116 10.2.8 IndCnvReset .............................................................................. 117 10.2.9 IndCnvAddObject....................................................................... 118 10.2.10 RAPID programming example ................................................. 119 10.2.11 Minimizing trigger time............................................................. 122

11 Conveyor tracking and MultiMove


11.1 About conveyor tracking and MultiMove ............................................... 123 11.2 Two application examples ..................................................................... 124 11.2.1 Configuration example for UnsyncCnv ...................................... 125 11.2.2 Configuration example for SyncCnv .......................................... 127 11.3 Tasks and programming techniques...................................................... 129
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11.3.1 Independent movements, example UnsyncCnv ........................ 130 11.3.2 Coordinated synchronized movements, example SyncCnv ...... 132 11.3.3 Motion principles........................................................................ 135 11.3.4 Combining synchronized and unsynchronized mode ........................ 135

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3HAC16587-1 Revision G

Table of contents

Overview of this manual

Overview of this manual

About this manual This manual describes the options Conveyor Tracking and Indexing Conveyor Control for IRC5. Conveyor tracking, or line tracking, is when the robot follows a work object mounted on a moving conveyor. The option Indexing Conveyor Control is used when the servo for an indexing conveyor is controlled by the IRC5 controller. Usage The manual describes how the options are installed, programmed, and operated. Organization of chapters The manual is organized in the following chapters: Chapter
Overview of conveyor tracking

Overview of the conveyor tracking options and physical components. Describes the principles of conveyor tracking, the coordinate systems, and object queues. How to install the hardware and information on the hardware requirements. How to configure and calibrate a conveyor. Also describes how to track a conveyor with robot coordinated to a track. How to program conveyor tracking. A complete list of all generic conveyor system parameters (parameters for specific applications are not included here). Description of RAPID instructions used for all types of conveyor tracking (instructions and data types for specific applications are not included here). How to configure and program advanced queue tracking. How to configure and calibrate a circular conveyor. How to configure and calibrate an accelerating conveyor. How to configure an indexing conveyor, either with or without control from the IRC5 controller.

Installation Configuration

Programming System parameters

RAPID reference
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Advanced queue tracking Circular conveyor tracking Accelerating conveyor tracking Indexing conveyors

Conveyor tracking and MultiMove How to configure and program for MultiMove systems.

3HAC16587-1 Revision G

Overview of this manual

References The manual contains references to the following information products: Reference
Product manual - IRC5 Product manual, Control Cabinet IRC5P Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant Operating manual, IRC5P Operating manual - RobotStudio Technical reference manual - System parameters Technical reference manual - RAPID instructions, functions and data types Technical reference manual - RAPID overview Application manual - Additional axes and standalone controller Application manual - Engineering tools Application manual - MultiMove

Document ID
3HAC021313-001 3HNA009834-001 3HAC16590-1 3HNA008861-001 3HAC032104-001 3HAC17076-1 3HAC16581-1 3HAC16580-1 3HAC021395-001 3HAC020434-001 3HAC021272-001

Revisions The following revisions of this manual have been released. Revision
... G

Released with RobotWare 5.04. ... Released with RobotWare 5.13. The option Indexing Conveyor Control was added. The manual was restructured. References to IRC5P added.

3HAC16587-1 Revision G

Copyright 2004-2010 ABB. All rights reserved.

Introduction to conveyor tracking

1 Introduction to conveyor tracking

Introduction In conveyor tracking, the robots Tool Center Point (TCP) will automatically follow a work object that is defined on the moving conveyor. While tracking the conveyor the IRC5 will maintain the programmed TCP speed relative to the work object even if the conveyor runs at different speeds.

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3HAC16587-1 Revision G

Introduction to conveyor tracking

Physical components

1.1 Physical components

Option Conveyor Tracking A typical installation when using the option Conveyor Tracking includes the following components:

Graphic 1: Physical components in option Conveyor Tracking


Synchronization switch Conveyor Encoder, 24 V Encoder interface, DSQC 377B IRC5 controller Robot

The encoder and synchronization switch are connected to the encoder interface, DSQC 377B. One encoder can be connected to several encoder interfaces. If more than one robot should track the conveyor, then each robot controller must have an encoder interface. Option Indexing Conveyor Control A typical installation when using the option Indexing Conveyor Control includes the following components:


Infeeder Sensor Motor unit Indexed conveyor IRC5 controller Robot

An extra drive unit and SMB needs to be installed, see Application manual - Additional axis and standalone controller.
10 3HAC16587-1 Revision G

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Introduction to conveyor tracking


1.2 Features
Accuracy In automatic mode, at 150 mm/s constant conveyor speed, the tool center point (TCP) of the robot will stay within +/- 2 mm of the path as seen with no conveyor motion. This is valid as long as the robot is within its dynamic limits with the added conveyor motion. This figure depends on the calibration of the robot and conveyor and is applicable for linear conveyor tracking only. Object Queue For the option Conveyor Tracking, the encoder interface will maintain a queue of up to 254 objects that have passed the synchronization switch. For the option Indexing Conveyor Control, the queue can contain up to 100 objects. Start window A program can choose to wait for an object that is within a window past the normal starting point, or wait for an object to pass a specific distance, or immediately take the first object in the object tracking queue. Objects that go beyond the start window are automatically skipped. RAPID access to queue and conveyor data A RAPID program has access to the number of objects in the object queue, and the current position and speed of the conveyor. A RAPID program can also remove the first object in the tracking queue or all objects in the queue. Maximum distance A maximum tracking distance can be specified to stop the robot from tracking outside of the working or safety area. Track follows conveyor
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If the robot is mounted on a linear track, then the system can be configured so that the track will follow the conveyor and maintain the relative position to the conveyor. The TCP speed relative the work object on the conveyor will still be the programmed speed. Enter and exit conveyor tracking in corner zones It is possible to enter and exit conveyor tracking via corner zones as well as via fine points. Use corner zones to achieve a minimum cycle time. Exit and re-enter conveyor tracking to same object It is possible to exit and re-enter to the same object on the conveyor unlimited times until the object moves outside the working area, reaches the maximum distance, or is explicitly dropped by the RAPID program.

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Introduction to conveyor tracking


Multiple conveyors Up to six conveyors are supported with the option Conveyor Tracking. Each encoder must be connected to an encoder interface. Up to two indexed conveyors can be used with the option Indexing Conveyor Control. Coordinated finepoint A finepoint can be programmed while moving relative to the conveyor. This conveyor coordinated finepoint will ensure that the robot stops moving relative to the conveyor and will follow the conveyor while the RAPID program continues execution. The robot will hold the position within +/- 0.7 mm depending on calibration of the robot and conveyor. Calibration of linear conveyors A calibration method is provided for easy calibration of the position and direction of the conveyor motion in the robots workspace. The linear conveyor may take any position and orientation.


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Introduction to conveyor tracking


1.3 Limitations
Small orientation error with SingArea\Wrist There can be a small orientation error of the TCP while following the conveyor and make long motions with SingArea\Wrist. This error can be eliminated by using several short movements with SingArea\Wrist. Robot mounted on track If the robot is mounted on a track and the track is to be used to follow the conveyor motions, then the track and conveyor must be parallel. The motion on the track and the motion on the conveyor must have the same direction of positive motion. See Configuring a track motion following a conveyor on page 39. Calibrating circular conveyors There are no built-in methods for calibrating circular conveyors. This can be evaded by calculating a quaternion orientation manually or with other tools during base frame calibration. Additional axes For the option Conveyor Tracking, each conveyor is considered an additional axis. Thus the system limitation of 6 active additional axes must be reduced by the number of active and installed conveyors. The first installed conveyor will use measurement node 6 and the second conveyor will use measurement node 5. These measurement nodes are not available for additional axes and no resolvers should be connected to these nodes on any additional axes measurement boards. For the option Indexing Conveyor Control, each conveyor is considered as two additional axes. Object queue lost on warm start or power failure
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The object queue is kept on the encoder interface. If the system is restarted with a warm start or if the power supply to either the IRC5 controller or the encoder interface fails, then the object queue will be lost. Minimum and maximum speed The minimum conveyor speed to maintain smooth and accurate motions depends on the encoder selection. It can vary from 4 mm/s to 8 mm/s. See Minimum and maximum counts per second on page 21. There is no explicit maximum speed for the conveyor. Accuracy will degrade at speeds above the specification and with high speed robot motions or with very high conveyor speeds (> 500 mm/s) and the robot will no longer be able to follow the conveyor. WaitWObj after DropWObj If a WaitWObj instruction is used immediately after a DropWObj instruction, it may be necessary to add a WaitTime 0.1; after the DropWObj instruction.

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Introduction to conveyor tracking


1.4 Principles 1.4.1 Principles of conveyor tracking

Introduction to principles The options Conveyor Tracking and Indexing Conveyor Control are built on the coordinated work object, as with coordinated motion with additional axes. See Application manual - Additional axes and standalone controller. Conveyor as a mechanical unit In the option Conveyor Tracking, the conveyor is treated as a mechanical unit. It has all features of a mechanical unit except that it is not controlled by the IRC5 controller. In the option Indexing Conveyor Control, the conveyor is treated as a mechanical unit and controlled by the IRC5 controller. As a mechanical unit, the conveyor can be activated and deactivated. The position of the conveyor is shown on the FlexPendant Jogging window, and in the robtarget when a position is modified (ModPos). Conveyor coordinated work object The robot movements are coordinated to the movements of a user frame connected to the conveyor mechanical unit. For example a user frame is placed on the conveyor and connected to its movements. A movable work object is used with the name of the conveyor mechanical unit. The conveyor tracking coordination will be active if the mechanical unit is active and the conveyor coordinated work object is active. When the conveyor coordinated work object is used, in jogging or in a move instruction, the data in the uframe component will be ignored and the location of the user coordinate system will only depend on the movements of the conveyor mechanical unit. However the oframe component will still work giving an object frame related to the user frame and also the displacement frame can be used. Waiting for a work object on the conveyor The difference between a conveyor coordinated work object and a work object that is coordinated to another type of mechanical unit is that there is no work object for coordination until an object appears on the conveyor. There must be a work object present on the conveyor before the robot can coordinate the TCP positions to the conveyor. For the option Conveyor Tracking, work objects on the conveyor are detected by the synchronization switch that is connected to the encoder interface. The unit tracks all objects that have past the synchronization switch and are within specified distances in the work area. For the option Indexing Conveyor Control, the work object is created when the defined number of objects (that is, number of indexes) have passed. Before starting coordinated motion with the conveyor, the RAPID program must first check if there is a work object available on the conveyor. If an object is available then execution continues and the motions can use the coordinated work object. If there is no object, then the RAPID program waits until a work object is available.
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3HAC16587-1 Revision G

Introduction to conveyor tracking

Principles of conveyor tracking

Connecting to a work object The RAPID instruction WaitWObj is used to wait for a work object on the conveyor before starting conveyor coordinated motion. When the WaitWObj instruction is successful then the conveyor work object is said to be connected to the RAPID program. See WaitWObj - Wait for work object on conveyor on page 61. Once a RAPID program has connected to a work object on the conveyor then robot motion instructions and jogging commands can use this work object just as any other work object. When using the conveyor connected coordinated work object then all motions are relative to the work object on the conveyor. The robot can switch between the conveyor coordinated work object and another coordinated work object in the system, but only one conveyor work object can be connected. Disconnecting from a work object The work object will remain connected until one of the following occurs:
A DropWObj instruction is issued The maximum distance defined for the conveyor is reached Controller is restarted Power failure

The connection to the work object will not be lost when deactivating the conveyor mechanical unit, and will return on re-activation. The instruction DropWObj ends the connection before the maximum distance is reached. After a DropWObj instruction is issued it is possible to immediately wait for and connect to the next work object in the conveyor object queue.

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Introduction to conveyor tracking

Start window and queue tracking distance

1.4.2 Start window and queue tracking distance

Distances The object queue is based on a set of distances relative to the conveyor and synchronization switch. See graphic below.

Graphic 2: Relationships between distances along the conveyor

A B C D E F G 1-7

Synchronization switch Work object user frame Minimum distance (minimum distance) Start window width (StartWinWidth) Working area Queue tracking distance (QueueTrckDist) Maximum distance (maximum distance) Objects on conveyor

The conditions and states of objects 1...7 can be described as in the table below. For descriptions of the system parameters StartWinWidth and QueueTrckDist see Type Fieldbus Command on page 56. For descriptions of the system parameters minimum distance and and maximum distance see Type Conveyor systems on page 57.
Object 1 Object 2 This object is connected as indicated by the coordinate frame attached to the objects position on the conveyor. Object 2 is outside the start window and is no longer tracked. This object will be skipped and cannot be connected by a WaitWObj instruction. It is skipped because the conveyor speed is such that coordination with the object could not be completed before the object moves outside the maximum distance or work area of the robot. These objects are within the start window and are tracked. If object 1 is dropped via a DropWObj instruction then object 3 is the next object to be connected when a WaitWObj instruction is issued. Because objects 3 and 4 were in the start window, the WaitWObj instruction will not wait but return immediately with object 3. These objects lie within the queue tracking distance and are tracked. If objects 3 and 4 were not present, then a WaitWObj instruction would stop program execution until object 5 entered the start window. This object has not yet passed the synchronization switch and has not yet been registered.
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Objects 3 and 4

Objects 5 and 6 Object 7

Table 1


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Introduction to conveyor tracking

Coordinate systems

1.4.3 Coordinate systems


Graphic 3: Conveyor Tracking coordinate systems


Synchronization switch Base frame for conveyor User frame Object frame Minimum distance Start window width Queue tracking distance Maximum distance World frame Base frame for robot

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The above graphic shows the principle coordinate frames used in conveyor tracking. See the table below. Coordinate system
Base frame of robot World frame Base frame of conveyor User frame, coordinated to conveyor Object frame (not shown)

Relative to
World frame N.a. World frame World frame via base frame of conveyor. User frame

Table 2 Relations between coordinate frames.

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Introduction to conveyor tracking

Coordinate systems

Key frames and positions The two key frames in conveyor tracking are the base frame for the conveyor and the user frame in the conveyor coordinated work object. The position of user frame in the conveyor coordinated work object is determined from the position of the conveyor base frame and the linear position of the conveyor in meters. The encoder interface provides the position of the conveyor relative the synchronization switch and the Queue Tracking Distance. When the encoder interface sends a value of 0.0 meters to the IRC5 controller, then the user frame for the conveyor coordinated work object coincides with the base frame of the conveyor. As the conveyor moves, then the user frame in the conveyor coordinated work object moves along the x-axis of the conveyor base frame. Related information See Technical reference manual - RAPID overview, and Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.


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Hardware connections

2 Installation
2.1 Hardware connections
Introduction to hardware installation For the option Conveyor tracking, the conveyor is connected to the IRC5 controller using an encoder and an encoder interface (DSQC 377B). See Installing the encoder for conveyor tracking on page 20. For the option Indexing Conveyor Control, the conveyor is controlled by a motor unit (ABB or other). See Installing the additional axis for servo control on page 106. Related information If the conveyor is used with IRC5P (for paint applications), see Product Manual, Control Cabinet IRC5P.

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Installing the encoder for conveyor tracking

2.2 Installing the encoder for conveyor tracking

Selecting encoder type The encoder provides a series of pulses indicating the motion of the conveyor. This is used to synchronize the motions of the robot to the motion of the conveyor. The encoder has two pulse channels, A and B, that differ in phase by 90. Each channel will send a fixed number of pulses per revolution depending on the construction of the encoder. The number of pulses per revolution for the encoder must be selected in relation to the gearing between the conveyor and the encoder. The pulse ratio from the encoder should be in the range of 1250 - 2000 pulses per meter of conveyor motion. The pulses from channels A and B are used in quadrature to multiply the pulse ratio by 4 to get counts. This means that the control software will measure 5000 to 10000 counts per meter for an encoder with the pulse ratio given above. Reducing the number of measured counts below 5000 will reduce the accuracy of the robot tracking. Increasing the number of measured counts above 10000 will have no significant effect as inaccuracies in robot and cell calibration will be the dominating factors for accuracy. The encoder must be of 2 phase type for quadrature pulses, to register reverse conveyor motion, and to avoid false counts due to vibration etc. when the conveyor is not moving. Output signal
Voltage Current Phase Duty cycle

Open collector PNP output

10 - 30 V (normally supplied by 24 VDC from DSQC 377B) 50 - 100 mA 2 phase with 90 degree phase shift 50%

An example encoder is the Lenord & Bauer GEL 262. Technical specification for encoder interface DSQC 377B
Power supply Operating temperature Encoder frequency Encoder input current Digital input current 24 VDC, typically 50 mA, maximum 200 mA +5C - +60C 0 - 20 kHz 6.8 mA at 24 VDC* 6.8 mA at 24 VDC*
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*) 18 VDC < 1 < 35 VDC -35 VDC < 0 < 2 VDC


3HAC16587-1 Revision G

Installing the encoder for conveyor tracking

Minimum and maximum counts per second

Minimum speed The lower limit on the number of counts per second before the encoder signals zero speed is 40 counts per second. If the speed of the conveyor is lower, zero speed will be indicated. At 10,000 counts per meter, the minimum conveyor speed is 4 mm/s. The upper limit on the number of counts per second before the encoder can no longer keep track of the counts along the conveyor is 20,000 counts per second. At 10,000 counts per meter, the maximum conveyor speed is 2,000 mm/s.

Maximum speed

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Encoder location

2.3 Encoder location

Introduction to encoder location The encoder is normally installed on the conveyor drive unit. The encoder can be connected to an output shaft on the drive unit, directly or via a gear belt arrangement. Prerequisites If the encoder is connected directly to a drive unit shaft, a flexible coupling must be used to prevent applying mechanical forces to the encoder rotor. Do not use a coupling using a plastic or rubber hose. If the drive unit includes a clutch arrangement, the encoder must be connected on the conveyor side of the clutch. If the conveyor drive unit is located a long distance away from the robot then the conveyor itself can be a source of inaccuracy as the conveyor will stretch or flex over the distance from the drive unit to the robot cell. In such a case it may be better to mount the encoder closer to the robot cell with a different coupling arrangement.


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Connecting the encoder to the encoder interface

2.4 Connecting the encoder to the encoder interface

Encoder connections One encoder can be connected to one or more encoder interfaces. The encoder interfaces can be connected to the same robot controller as in the case for two conveyors, or to different robot controllers, for example when two different robots follow the same conveyor. Connecting to several controllers An encoder that is connected to more than one robot controller can get power supply from the controllers or from an external power supply. If the encoder has power supply from several robot controllers, a diode should be installed on each of the 24 VDC connections to the encoder to prevent parallel wiring of the power supplies. Cables and capacitors The encoder should be connected to the robot by a screened cable to reduce noise. If this cable is long, the inductance in the cable will produce spike pulses on the encoder signal that can, over a period of time, damage the opto couplers in the encoder interface. The spike pulses can be removed by installing a capacitor between the signal wire and ground for each of the two phases. The capacitors should be connected on the terminal board where the encoder is connected and not on the encoder interface. Typical capacitor values are 100 nF - 1 F, depending on the length of the cable. The longer the cable, the larger the capacitor. The correct capacitance value can be determined by viewing the encoder signal on an oscilloscope.

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3HAC16587-1 Revision G


Connecting the encoder to the encoder interface

Connection for PNP encoder The below diagram shows a common encoder for two robots.


Robot 1 Robot 2 Encoder interface or queue tracking unit (with galvanic insulation) Opto Encoder External power Encoder 1 Do not connect internal supply if external is used. DSQC 354, DSQC 377, DSQC 377A, DSQC 377B. The units support only PNP and 'push-pull' (E2) encoders.



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Connecting the encoder to the encoder interface


Encoder 2 Digital input 1 Digital input 2

Used for backup encoder only. Used for backup encoder only.

If digital input is used as common sync switch, use the same connection method as for encoder. 24 V initiators with PNP or push-pull outputs can be used. Related information See Product manual - IRC5, for details on connecting the encoder to the encoder interface.

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Synchronization switch

2.5 Synchronization switch

Introduction The synchronization switch indicates that there are objects on the conveyor. Select a switch that provides a reliable and repeatable signal for objects on the conveyor regardless of conveyor speed. Recommendations If the conveyor can run backwards, then the switch should be constructed not to give a signal if an object runs backwards past the switch. If the synchronization switch can give multiple signals when an object passes it, then the parameter SyncSeparation can be set to so that only one signal is accepted as an object before a given distance is covered on the conveyor. See Defining start window and sync separation on page 35.


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Connecting the encoder interface to the robot controller

2.6 Connecting the encoder interface to the robot controller

Connecting the encoder interface How to connect the encoder interface is described in the product manual for the controller. See also Application manual - DeviceNet.

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Connecting the encoder interface to the robot controller


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Configuration and calibration

3 Configuration
3.1 Configuration and calibration
Introduction This section describes how to configure and calibrate the conveyor and encoder (if used) with respect to the robot and the robot world frame. The encoder descriptions in this chapter are only valid for the option Conveyor Tracking. Other descriptions apply also to the option Indexing Conveyor Control. Related information If the conveyor is used with IRC5P (painting), see Operators Manual, IRC5P.

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Direction of positive motion from the encoder

3.2 Direction of positive motion from the encoder

Positive motion If an encoder is used, the encoder direction for positive motion can be checked after the correct installation of the conveyor tracking software. Run an object past the synchronization switch while viewing the conveyor position on the FlexPendant, from the Jogging or the I/O window. If the value is negative, reverse the A and B inputs from the encoder to the encoder interface.


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Calibrating CountsPerMeter and QueueTrckDist

3.3 Calibrating CountsPerMeter and QueueTrckDist

Introduction If the exact gear ratio between the encoder and the conveyor is unknown (typically the case) then the system parameter CountsPerMeter must be calibrated using either a tape-measure or the robot TCP as a measuring device. If the robot TCP is used as the measuring device then an accurately defined tool must be used. The encoder interface will keep track of all objects that have passed the synchronization switch but have not yet passed the 0.0 m point. It is not possible to connect to these objects. First configure the encoder interface for 10,000 CountsPerMeter (default) and the system parameter QueueTrckDist of 0.0 m. Calibrating CountsPerMeter and QueueTrckDist Use this procedure to modify CountsPerMeter and QueueTrckDist on the FlexPendant. Action
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. On the ABB menu, tap Control panel and Configuration and then tap Topics and I/O Tap the type Fieldbus Command. Tap CountsPerMeter and change the value to 10000 Tap OK. Tap QueueTrckDist and change the value to 0.0 Tap OK. Measure and calculate the exact value as described below, Calculating CountsPerMeter on page 31. Change the value of CountsPerMeter again to the calculated value. Tap OK.

See Type Fieldbus Command on page 56.

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Calculating CountsPerMeter Move an object past the sync switch and stop the conveyor. Read the conveyor position from the Jogging window, position_1. Move the conveyor at least 1 meter and read position_2. The accuracy will be best if this distance is large as possible within the workspace. Use a tapemeasure (or differences in robot tool position) to find the exact distance between position_1 and position_2. This is called measured_meters. Use this formula to calculate Counts Per Meter:

( position_2 - position_1 ) 10000 CountsPerMeter = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------measured_meters

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Calibrating the conveyor base frame

3.4 Calibrating the conveyor base frame

Introduction to the conveyor base frame The accuracy of the conveyor tracking depends on the accuracy of the conveyor base frame calibration. For linear conveyors, use a method that uses the robot TCP to measure the position and orientation of the conveyor in the workspace. Prerequisites Before calibrating the base frame of the conveyor the values for the CountsPerMeter and QueueTrkDist must be correct. See Calibrating CountsPerMeter and QueueTrckDist on page 31. The conveyor base frame calibration method will use the measurement of 4 positions of the same object on the conveyor to determine the conveyor base frame, as shown in Figure 4.

Synchronization Switch

Base Frame z

0.0 m

Conveyor Direction p_1 p_2 p_3

Conveyor distance
Graphic 4: Definition points for a Linear Conveyor

Before defining the 4 positions, an object must be defined on the conveyor: Creating the work object Use this procedure to create a work object (applicable for the option Conveyor tracking). To create a work object for a servo controlled indexing conveyor, see Creating the work object on page 113. Action
1. Step forward through a RAPID program containing the two instructions:

Define the conveyor coordinated work object, see Defining a conveyor coordinated work object on page 46

ActUnit CNV1; WaitWObj wobjcnv1;

2. 3. 4. Run the conveyor until an object passes the sync switch and the 0.0 m point. Stop the conveyor. Calibrate the base frame, see Calibrating the base frame on page 33.

The WaitWObj instruction will end execution.

Note! Once a object is on the conveyor and beyond the 0.0 m point, it is possible to use the base frame calibration method to define the conveyor position and orientation in the workspace.


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Calibrating the conveyor base frame

Calibrating the base frame Use this procedure to calibrate the conveyor base frame (applicable for both Conveyor Tracking and Indexing Conveyor Control). Action
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Open the Calibration window on the FlexPendant and select the conveyor. Tap Base Frame. Tap 4 Point. Select the first point, Point 1. This point will be the origin for the user frame in the conveyor coordinated work object. Point out Point 1 on the object on the conveyor with the robots TCP. Modify the position by tapping ModPos. Move the conveyor in the positive direction and repeat the above for the points 2, 3, and 4. Tap OK to calculate the base frame for the selected conveyor mechanical unit. A dialog with the calibration result is shown. The calculation log shows the conveyor base frame expressed in the world coordinate system, see Calculation result for the base frame on page 33. To save calculation result in a separate file for later use in a PC: Tap File. Specify a name and a location where to save the result. Tap OK.


10. If the estimated error is: Acceptable, tap OK to confirm the new user frame. Not acceptable, tap Cancel and redefine. 11. Restart the controller and verify the results of the calibration. See Verifying the calibration on page 34.

Calculation result for the base frame

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Unit List contents Method Mean error Max error Cartesian X Cartesian Y Cartesian Z Quaternion 1-4

The name of the mechanical unit for which the definition of base frame has be done. Description Displays the selected calibration method. The accuracy of the robot positioning against the reference point. The maximum error for one positioning. The x coordinate for the base frame. The y coordinate for the base frame. The z coordinate for the base frame. Orientation components for the base frame.

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Calibrating the conveyor base frame

Verifying the calibration After restarting the controller, use this procedure to verify the conveyor base frame calibration. Action
1. Create a work object, see: Creating the work object on page 32, for Conveyor Tracking. 2. 3. 4. 5. Calibrating the base frame on page 113, for Indexing Conveyor Control. Move the robot tool center point back to the previously chosen point 1 on the work object. From the Jogging window, read the X, Y, Z position of the tool center point. Use the accurate tool and use wobjcnv1. The robots TCP x, y, and z position in the work object coordinates should be 0.0 mm (or very close to that). Select WObj: wobjcnv1 together with Coord: WObj in the Jogging window and jog the robot in the conveyors x, y, and z directions. Verify that the x-direction is in the direction of positive motion of the conveyor.


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Defining conveyor start window and sync separation

3.5 Defining conveyor start window and sync separation

The start window The start window is the length along the conveyor in which objects are tracked and are ready for connection. When a WaitWObj instruction is issued the system will connect to the first object inside the start window or wait otherwise. If an object goes beyond the start window then it is no longer tracked and it is not available for connection. Such objects are automatically skipped. The purpose of the start window is to provide a buffer of objects for speed variations of the conveyor. If an object is connected within the start window then it should be certain that the motion coordinated to the object can be completed before the working area limit or maximum distance is reached. Sync separation The parameter Sync Separation is used to filter out unwanted sync signals from a synchronization switch. This parameter establishes a minimum distance that the conveyor must move after one sync signal before a new sync signal is accepted as a valid object. Defining start window and sync separation Use this procedure to define the start window and the sync separation on the FlexPendant. Action
1. 2. 3. 4. On the ABB menu, tap Control panel and Configuration and select the topic I/O. Tap type Fieldbus Command. Select the parameters StartWinWidth and SyncSeparation and change values. Tap OK.

See Type Fieldbus Command on page 56.

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Defining the conveyor maximum and minimum distances

3.6 Defining the conveyor maximum and minimum distances

Maximum and minimum distances It is possible to monitor the position of the conveyor and automatically drop any connected objects that move outside the maximum or minimum specified distance. The purpose is to prevent coordination of motion beyond the work area of the robot for both forward and backward operation of the conveyor. Defining maximum and minimum distances Use this procedure to define the distances on the FlexPendant. Action
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the ABB menu, tap Control panel and Configuration and select the topic Process. Tap type Conveyor systems. Select CNV1. Select the parameters maximum distance and minimum distance and change the values. Tap OK.

See Type Conveyor systems on page 57.


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Defining the robot adjustment speed

3.7 Defining the robot adjustment speed

Adjusting the speed When entering conveyor tracking, the robot must adjust its speed to the speed of the conveyor. The speed with which the robot catches up to the conveyor for the first motion is controlled by the parameter adjustment speed. If the conveyor speed is higher than 200 mm/s then this parameter may have to be increased so the robot can quickly move to the first point on the conveyor. Defining the robot adjustment speed Use this procedure to define the robot adjustment speed on the FlexPendant. Action
1. 2. 3. 4. On the ABB menu, tap Control panel and Configuration and select the topic Process. Tap the type Conveyor systems and select CNV1. Select the parameter adjustment speed and change the values. Tap OK.

See Type Conveyor systems on page 57.

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Additional adjustments

3.8 Additional adjustments

Introduction There are more parameters that can be adjusted in the motion system. Regulating CPU load and accuracy The parameter Path Resolution specifies the period of the path planner in planning steps along the path (no units). Step calculations require lots of CPU time and if steps cannot be calculated in time to keep the robot on the path then error 50082 Deceleration Limit may occur. As conveyor tracking increases the general CPU load then the parameter Path Resolution can be increased if this error occurs. See Type Motion Planner on page 59. For robots with Use kinematic for corvec defined as No, the parameter Process Update Time specifies the period (in seconds) at which the conveyor process should update the robot kinematics for path planning purposes. This parameter will affect conveyor accuracy only when the robot must make large reductions of programmed TCP speed due to dynamic considerations (singularities, large reorientations, and slow additional axes). If the Use kinematic for corvec is defined as No and the value of Process Update Time is too large, then errors in tracking might be small in the beginning of tracking but get larger after reductions of TCP speed. Decreasing Process Update Time might increase the CPU load and an increase of the Path Resolution might be necessary if error 50082 Deceleration Limit occurs. See Type Robot on page 59. Defining the mechanical unit parameters The mechanical unit parameters define the name used in RAPID, and the conditions for activation and deactivation. These parameters can be changed to ensure activation of the conveyor. See Type Mechanical Unit on page 59. Defining additional robot parameters Some parameters in the type Robot (topic Motion) can need adjustments. See Type Robot on page 59.
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Configuring a track motion following a conveyor

3.9 Configuring a track motion following a conveyor

Track following a conveyor If the robot is mounted on a track, and the track is parallel to the conveyor, then the motion can be configured so that the track follows the conveyor. The robot and the track must be configured for Coordinated Track Motion. See Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant for information on configuring coordinated motion. Once the robot and track are configured for coordinated motion, then conveyor tracking will automatically use the track to follow the conveyor. The track will maintain the same position relative to the object as the object moves on the conveyor as it was during programming. The track and robot base frame must be defined so that positive motion of the track is in the same direction as the conveyor. In some installations this may require a re-definition of the tracks direction of positive motion and calibration position. See Example Configuration of track and conveyor directions on page 39.


Conveyor direction

X conveyor

YWorld, Track Yrobot

X robot

World, Track

- + Direction of track 0.0 m

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Conveyor quaternion: 1, 0, 0, 0 Robot base quaternion: 0.7071, 0, 0, 0.7071 Track base quaternion: 1, 0, 0, 0
Graphic 5: Example Configuration of track and conveyor directions

Recommendations for programming Avoid moving the track when programming the conveyor coordinated instructions in the RAPID program. All motions of the track relative to the conveyor are saved and played back during conveyor tracking. Tracks typically have an acceleration ability that is far below that of the robot joints. If the track must move relative to the object then this will require an acceleration that will cause a reduction of the robots TCP speed along the path in order to maintain coordination.

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Configuring a track motion following a conveyor

Tracking the conveyor with a robot instead of a track If the robot base is not coordinated with the track axis, then the robot will do conveyor tracking without using the track. If the robot base frame is coordinated with the track, and conveyor tracking with the robot (instead of the track) is wanted, then change the parameter Track Conveyor With Robot in the type Robot (topic Motion). See Type Robot on page 59.


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Installing conveyor tracking software

3.10 Installing conveyor tracking software

Installed software on delivery The conveyor tracking functions and the RAPID instructions are specified in the key string. The conveyor software is loaded on delivery and does not need to be reinstalled. For Indexing Conveyor Control, see Installing the software on page 106. Installing conveyor tracking in an existing system Use this procedure to install the option Conveyor tracking in an existing system. Three configurations will be added:
I/O for the DSQC 377B Conveyor process description A Motion mechanical unit description.

The conveyor tracking software will automatically install an external I/O configuration for the encoder interface on a virtual bus. Before the DSQC 377B can be used the configuration needs to be changed so that the correct bus and address for the card is specified. Action
1. 2. Connect the DSQC 377B to the DeviceNet bus. Note the DeviceNet address on the unit. In RobotStudio of FlexPendant, change the following system parameters: Change the bus for the unit from Virtual1 to the correct bus, for example DeviceNet1. System parameter Connected to bus in the type Unit. Specify the correct address for the unit. System parameter DeviceNet Master Address in the type Unit.

If DeviceNet Master Address is changed, then the parameter Default Value (in the type Fieldbus Command Type) for the instance TimeKeeperInit must be changed to the same value. 3. In RobotStudio or FlexPendant, open the Configuration editor and reload the calibration parameters. Load the original file cnv1_moc.cfg from Mediapool\RobotWare_5.XX.XXXX\options\cnv Restart the system. There should be no errors and the CNV1 mechanical unit should be available in the Jogging window on the FlexPendant.

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Reloading saved Motion parameters If the CNV1 mechanical unit does not appear on the FlexPendant then the Motion parameters must be reloaded manually in RobotStudio or the FlexPendant, from Mediapool\RobotWare_5.XX.XXXX\options\cnv\cnv1_moc.cfg

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Installing additional conveyors for conveyor tracking

3.11 Installing additional conveyors for conveyor tracking

Additional conveyors The option Conveyor tracking installs one conveyor in the IRC5 configuration (that is, in the system parameters). If additional conveyors should be tracked with the same IRC5 controller then the parameters for the additional conveyor(s) must be loaded manually. The second conveyor I/O configuration for the second DSQC 377B will use address 11 by default. The third conveyor board will use address 12, etc. Up to 6 conveyors can be installed on one controller. For Indexing Conveyor Control, see Installing the additional axis for servo control on page 106. Installing additional conveyors Use this procedure to install additional conveyors for conveyor tracking. Action
1. 2. 3. 4. Connect the second DSQC 377B to the DeviceNet bus. Note the address on the DeviceNet bus. In RobotStudio, load the files cnv2_eio, cnv2_prc, and cnv2_moc from the CNV directory. Repeat for additional conveyors. Restart the system. If needed, correct the address(es) for the Encoder2... Encoder6 unit(s).

The CNV1, CNV2... CNV6 mechanical units should now be available in the Jogging window on the FlexPendant.


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Programming conveyor tracking

4 Programming
4.1 Programming conveyor tracking
Prerequisites To create a program that uses conveyor tracking and a conveyor coordinated work object, a work object must be present in the start window. An object must be moved into the start window. If there are several objects already on the conveyor, then it can be necessary to first clear the object queue and then move the conveyor. Related information If the conveyor is used with IRC5P (painting), see Operators Manual, IRC5P.

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Working with the object queue

4.2 Working with the object queue

I/O signals and the object queue There are several I/O signals that allow a user or a RAPID program to monitor and control the object queue. The following table shows the I/O signals that impact the object queue. I/O signal
c1ObjectsInQ c1Rem1PObj

Group input showing the number of objects in the object queue. Remove First Pending Object from the object queue. Setting this signal will cause the first pending object to be dropped from the object queue. Pending objects are objects that are in the queue but are not connected to a work object. Remove All Pending Objects. Setting this signal will empty all objects from the object queue. If an object is connected, then it is not removed. Setting this signal will drop the tracked object and disconnect that object. The object is removed from the queue.This should not be set from RAPID, use a DropWobj instruction instead.

c1RemAllPObj c1DropWObj


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Activating the conveyor

4.3 Activating the conveyor

Activation As an additional axis and mechanical unit the conveyor must be activated before it can be used for work object coordination. The usual ActUnit instruction is used to activate the conveyor and DeactUnit can be used to deactivate the conveyor. By default, the conveyor is installed non-active on start. The conveyor can be configured to always be active at start. See Type Mechanical Unit on page 59. Automatic connection on activation When a conveyor mechanical unit is activated, it first checks the state of the encoder interface to see if the object was previously connected. If the encoder interface, via the I/O signal c1Connected, indicates connection, then the object on the conveyor will automatically be connected on activation. The purpose of this feature is to automatically reconnect in case of a power failure with power backup on the encoder interface.

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Defining a conveyor coordinated work object

4.4 Defining a conveyor coordinated work object

Settings for wobjcnv1 Use these settings to define a new conveyor coordinated work object, wobjcnv1. ufprog (user frame programmed) Data type: bool

Defines if a fixed user coordinate system is used: FALSE ufmec -> Movable user coordinate system, that is, coordinated to conveyor. (user frame mechanical unit) Data type: string

The conveyor mechanical unit with which the robot movements are coordinated. Specified with the name that is defined in the system parameters, for example CNV1.


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Waiting for a work object

4.5 Waiting for a work object

Waiting for a work object Motions that should be coordinated with the conveyor cannot be programmed until an object on the conveyor has been connected with a WaitWObj instruction. If the object on the conveyor is already connected from a previous WaitWObj or if connection was established during activation, then execution of a second WaitWObj instruction will cause an error. This error can be handled in an error handler. See WaitWObj - Wait for work object on conveyor on page 61.

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Programming the conveyor coordinated motion

4.6 Programming the conveyor coordinated motion

Programming the conveyor Action
1. Create a program with the following instructions:

ActUnit CNV1; ConfL/Off; MoveL waitp, v1000, fine, tool; WaitWObj wobjcnv1; 2.
Single-step the program past the WaitWObj instruction. If there is an object already in the start window on the conveyor then the instruction will return, else execution will stop while waiting for an object on the conveyor. Run the conveyor until a work object is created. The program exits the WaitWObj and is now connected to the object. Stop the conveyor with the object in an accessible position on the workspace. Program the MoveL, MoveC, PaintL, or PaintC instructions using the wobjcnv1 conveyor coordinated work object. End the coordinated motion with a fixed-frame work object (not coordinated to the conveyor). Note that this is the only way to end the use of the work object. Add a DropWObj wobjcnv1; instruction. If this is the end of the program, or the conveyor is no longer needed, then add a DeactUnit CNV1; instruction.


4. 5. 6. 7.

Example The following program shows an example for a conveyor tracking program. ConfL\Off; MoveJ p0, vmax, fine, tool1; ActUnit CNV1; WaitWObj wobjcnv1; MoveL p10, v1000, z1, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1; MoveL p20, v1000, z1, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1; MoveL p30, v500, z20, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1; MoveL p40, v500, fine, tool1; DropWObj wobjcnv1; MoveL p0, v500, fine; DeactUnit CNV1;


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Dropping a work object

4.7 Dropping a work object

Introduction A connected work object can be dropped once conveyor coordinated motion has ended. Make sure that the robot motion is no longer using the conveyor positions when the work object is dropped. If motion still requires the positions then a stop will occur when the object is dropped. It is not necessary to be connected in order to execute a DropWObj instruction. No error will be returned if there was no connected object. Finepoints Conveyor coordinated motion does not end in a finepoint. As long as the work object is coordinated to the conveyor, the robot motion will be coupled to the conveyor even in a finepoint. A fixed-frame or non-conveyor work object must be used in a motion instruction before dropping the conveyor work object. Corner zones Take care when ending coordination in a corner zone and executing the DropWObj instruction as the work object will be dropped before the robot has left the corner zone and the motion still requires the conveyor coordinated work object.

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Entering and exiting conveyor tracking motion in corner zones

4.8 Entering and exiting conveyor tracking motion in corner zones

Enter and exit coordinated motion Once a WaitWObj instruction has connected to a work object on the conveyor then it is possible to enter and exit coordinated motion with the conveyor via corner zones. Example MoveL p10, v1000, fine, tool1; WaitWObj wobjcnv1 ! enter coordination in zone MoveL p20, v1000, z50, tool1; MoveL p30, v500, z1, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1; MoveL p40, v500, z1, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1; MoveL p50, v500, z20, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1; MoveL p60, v1000, z50, tool1; ! exit coordination in zone MoveL p70, v500, fine, tool1; DropWObj wobjcnv1; MoveL p10, v500, fine, tool1; The move instruction ending coordination must be a fixed work object, for example ufprog is TRUE. Take care when exiting coordination in a corner zone and executing a DropWObj instruction. The following example shows an incorrect method for ending coordination in corner zones: ... MoveL p50, v500, z20, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1; MoveL p60, v1000, z50, tool1; ! exit coordination in zone DropWObj wobjcnv1; This will cause an ERROR, because the work object is dropped while robot is still in corner zone.


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Information on FlexPendant

4.9 Information on FlexPendant

Information on FlexPendant The conveyor position and speed are available on the FlexPendant. Jogging window The position in millimeters of the conveyor object is shown in the Jogging window. This value will be negative if a Queue Tracking Distance is defined. When an object passes the synchronization switch then the position will be automatically updated in the Jogging window. I/O window The I/O window displays all the signals that are defined for conveyor tracking. The conveyor position is displayed in meters, and the conveyor speed in m/s. The speed will be 0 m/s until an object has passed the synchronization switch.

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Programming considerations

4.10 Programming considerations

Performance limits Conveyor tracking will be lost if joint speed limits are reached, particularly in singularities. Ensure that the path during tracking does not exceed the robots speed and motion capabilities. Motion commands Only linear and circular motion instructions are allowed for conveyor tracking, that is MoveL and MoveC. Do not start tracking with a MoveC instruction as the resulting circle diameter will depend on the conveyor position. Always start tracking with a MoveL. Finepoints Finepoints are allowed during conveyor tracking. The robot will hold the TCP still relative to the conveyor and RAPID execution will continue, see Finepoint programming on page 53. ConfL The RAPID instruction ConfL\Off must be executed before coordination with the conveyor. The purpose is to avoid configuration errors that would otherwise occur as the robot changes configuration during conveyor tracking. Other RAPID limitations The instructions StorePath and RestoPath do not function during conveyor tracking. A Search instruction will stop the robot when hit or if the search fails. Make the search in the same direction as the conveyor moves and after the search stops continue with a move to a safe position. Use an error handler to move to a safe position if the search fails.
EoffsSet, EoffsOn, and EoffsOff have no effect for the conveyor additional axis, but can
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affect conveyor tracking with coordinated track. They also have effect on the sensor taught position. Power fail restart is not possible with the synchronization option.


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Finepoint programming

4.11 Finepoint programming

Example with SetDO While tracking the conveyor it is possible to use a finepoint. The following program example shows how motion may be stopped with respect to the conveyor so that an I/O signal may be set: WaitWObj wobjcnv1 MoveL p1, v500, z20, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1; MoveL p2, v500, fine, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1; SetDO release_gripper; WaitTime 0.1; MoveL p3, v500, z20, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1; MoveL p4, v500, fine, tool1; DropWObj wobjcnv1; In the above example the SetDO will be executed after the robot arrives at p2. The robot will then track the conveyor for 0.1 seconds while the WaitTime instruction is executed. It will then move to p3 and on to p4 via a corner zone before ending coordination with a fixed work object (wobj0 in this case). Example with stoppointdata Finepoints can also be programed with stoppointdata. To make the robot follow the conveyor during 0.1 second, the following program can used. VAR stoppointdata followtime:=[3,FALSE,[0,0,0,0],0,0.1, "",0,0]; WaitWObj wobjcnv1 MoveL p1, v500, z20, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1; MoveL p2,v500,z1\Inpos:=followtime,tool1\WObj:=wobjcnv1; SetDO release_gripper; MoveL p3, v500, z20, tool1\Wobj:=wobjcnv1; MoveL p4, v500, fine, tool1; DropWObj wobjcnv1; For coordinated movements the \Inpos event will not occur for instructions Break and
WaitTime. Instead, use the data type stoppointdata.

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Operating modes

4.12 Operating modes

Operation in manual reduced speed mode (<250 mm/s) When the conveyor is not moving, then the forward and backward hard buttons on the FlexPendant can be used to step through the program. New instructions can be added and programmed positions can be modified (ModPos). To simplify programming, the conveyor may be moved to new positions between instructions. The robot will return to the correct position when forward or backward button is pressed. The robot will recover as normal if the enabling device is released during motion. The robot cannot perform coordinated motions to the conveyor while in manual reduced speed mode and the conveyor is moving. Operation in automatic mode Once a WaitWObj instruction has been executed, then it is no longer possible to step through the program with forward and backward hard buttons while the conveyor is moving. Start and stop The robot will stop and no longer track the conveyor if the stop button is pressed, or a Break or StopMove instruction is executed, between the WaitWObj and DropWObj instructions. The conveyor coordinated work object will not be lost but if the conveyor is moving then the object will quickly move out of the working area. Restart from the current instruction is not possible and the program must be restarted from the Main routine or with a WaitWObj instruction. Emergency stop and restart When the emergency stop is pressed the robot will stop immediately. If the program was stopped after a WaitWObj then the coordinated work object will not be lost but if the conveyor is moving then the object will quickly move out of the working area. It is not possible to restart from the current instruction and the program must be restarted either from the Main routine or with a WaitWObj instruction.
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Operation in manual full speed mode (100%) Operation in manual mode (100%) is similar to operation in automatic mode. The program can be run by pressing and holding the start button, but once a WaitWObj instruction has been executed then it is no longer possible to step through the program with the forward and backward buttons while the conveyor is moving. Stop and restart When the start button is released, or emergency stop is pressed, the robot will stop immediately. If the program was stopped after a WaitWObj then the coordinated work object will not be lost but if the conveyor is moving then the object will quickly move out of the working area. It is not possible to restart from the current instruction and the program must be restarted either from the Main routine or with a WaitWObj instruction.


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System parameters

5 System parameters
Introduction This chapter describes system parameters used for all conveyor tracking options. Some parameters that are specific for only one option are presented in procedure context if they need to be changed. All basic system parameters and the system parameter principles are listed in Technical reference manual - System parameters. System parameters are modified using the Configuration Editor in RobotStudio or on the FlexPendant.

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System parameters
Topic I/O

5.1 Topic I/O

Type Fieldbus Command The instance is named Qtrack1. See Calibrating CountsPerMeter and QueueTrckDist on page 31, and Defining conveyor start window and sync separation on page 35. Parameter

Gives the number of quadrature pulses per meter of motion of the conveyor. Should be in the range of 5000-10000 for linear conveyors. Sync signal separation (meters), this distance defines the minimum distance that the conveyor must move after a sync signal before a new sync signal is accepted as a valid object. The queue tracking distance defines the placement of the 0.0 meter point relative to the synchronization switch on the conveyor. All objects in this distance are tracked. The position returned for the object will be negative, relative to the 0.0 m point. All objects in this distance are tracked, but connection is not allowed until an object has passed 0.0 meters. This distance defines the start window. The start window defines the area that if a program starts using an object within the window, then all program coordination can end before the maximum distance or work area is reached. All objects within this window are tracked and are eligible for use in a coordinated work object. A WaitWObj instruction will connect to the first object in the window. Specifies the location of the real part of the poles in the left-half plane (in Hz). This is the break frequency for the speed filters in the encoder interface and regulates how hard the speed is filtered in the encoder interface. For stop and go conveyors this parameter should be set between 10 and 15 Hz to have a good accuracy during stop and start.
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System parameters
Topic Process

5.2 Topic Process

Type Conveyor systems The instance is named CNV1. See Defining the conveyor maximum and minimum distances on page 36, and Defining the robot adjustment speed on page 37. Parameter
Adjustment speed

The speed (in mm/s) at which the robot should catch up to the conveyor. It must be higher than the conveyor speed or the robot may never catch up to the conveyor.The adjustment speed must not be higher than 130% of conveyor speed to reduce perturbations on robot speed. The minimum distance (in millimeters) that a connected object can have before being automatically dropped. If an object is dropped during coordinated motion, then the motion is stopped and an error is produced. The maximum distance (in millimeters) that a connected object can have before being automatically dropped. If an object is dropped during coordinated motion, then the motion is stopped and an error is generated. The number of samples used to ramp down the correction when tracking is stopped. When tracking with a track axis this parameter should be increased to 30. For a robot switching between conveyors increasing the stop ramp will increase the distance needed to reach accurate tracking on next conveyor. For example, for an IRB 360 10 steps of 12 ms at 5 m/s this means 0.6 meters. The number of samples used to ramp up the correction when starting tracking. When tracking with a high speed conveyor this parameter can be increased. During the ramping the accuracy of tracking is not reached so be careful when increasing this parameter. For an IRB 360 the best choice is to use the default value (5) if the load not more than 1 kg. When switching between 2 conveyors with short distance between pick and place the use of time interpolation is the optimal solution. For example, put the robot in a wait position just above the pick conveyor with a very short distance to pick position. In this case a low speed or time interpolation should also be used. The maximum acceleration (in mm/s2) at which robot should catch up to the conveyor. By default no limitation. For big robots and heavy load or limited robot acceleration (like use of AccSet or PathAccLim) it can be necessary to set Adjustment accel according to the robot performances. With robot on track or trolley tracking with the track the performance of the track is automatically used. This parameter must be adjusted when the robot cannot continue its path but remains tracking the same position on the conveyor. For big robots like IRB 6600 Adjustment accel should be set around 1000 if conveyor speed is higher than 150 mm/s. The number of samples used for average filter of conveyor speed. Maximum value is 50. Default value 1, which equals no filter. Should be used only in case of high level of noise on conveyor speed and speed reduction on robot due to this noise.

minimum distance

maximum distance

Stop ramp

Start ramp

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Adjustment accel

Speed filter length

3HAC16587-1 Revision G


System parameters
Topic Process



Acc dependent filter Specifies the acceleration dependent filter. Default value is 1 m/s2. To value get good accuracy during acceleration this value should be set equal to the maximum acceleration of the conveyor. A low value means harder filtering. If there is a problem with noise this parameter should be reduced. If an IRB 360 is used for fast picking this parameter should be set to 0, this will turn off the filtering to improve the response times. syncfilter ratio Defines how fast the robot should adjust the speed to the conveyor speed. Default value is 0.8. For IRB 360 this can be reduced to 0.5 to improve the accuracy in fast pick and place applications. A too low value might result in jerky movements.

Type Conveyor can sensor The instance is named CAN1. The type Conveyor can sensor is used for the option Conveyor Tracking. The option Indexing Conveyor Control uses the type Conveyor Internal, see Type Conveyor Internal on page 108. Parameter
Eio unit name Connected signal Position signal Velocity signal Null_speed signal Data ready signal WaitWObj signal DropWObj signal ObjLost signal

Name of the I/O unit. Name of the digital input signal for connection. Name of the analog input signal for conveyor position. Name of the analog input signal for conveyor speed. Name of the digital input signal indicating zero speed on the conveyor. Name of the digital input signal indicating a poll of the encoder interface. Name of the digital output signal to indicate that a connection is desired to an object in the queue. Name of the digital output signal to drop a connected object on the encoder interface.
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Name of the digital input signal to indicate that an object has gone past the start window without being connected.

Supervise max_dist Boolean to remove supervision of maximum and minimum distance. Off Rem1PObj signal RemAllPObj sig Name of digital output signal to drop first pending object in encoder interface queue Name of digital output signal to drop all pending objects in encoder interface queue


3HAC16587-1 Revision G

System parameters
Topic Motion

5.3 Topic Motion

Type Mechanical Unit The instance is named CNV1. See Defining the mechanical unit parameters on page 38, and Activating the conveyor on page 45. Parameter

The name of the unit, usually CNV1, CNV2 etc. This name is used in the Jogging window and from the program, for example when a unit should be activated. Defines if the conveyor should be activated automatically at start. Defines if the conveyor is allowed to be deactivated.

Activate at Startup. Deactivation Forbidden.

Type Motion Planner The instance is named motion_planner. See Regulating CPU load and accuracy on page 38. Parameter
Path Resolution

The parameter corresponds in some sense to the distance between two points in the path. Increasing path resolution means increasing the distance, which leads to a decrease in the resolution of the path. Determines how often the process path information is calculated. Defines how long the robot waits when starting from a finepoint, that is how many positions will be calculated in advance by the motion planner Default value is motion_planner_1 for the first robot. Using 3steps mp1 will give a shorter time when starting from finepoint but with the risk that sometimes the robot will stop with warning 50024 (Corner zone executed as finepoint) on first move. mp1 stands for motion planner 1, that is, robot 1.

Process Update Time Use spline parameters

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Type Robot The instance is named ROB_1, ROB_2 etc. See Additional adjustments on page 38, and Configuring a track motion following a conveyor on page 39. Parameter
Use kinematic for corvec

If Yes, the position adjustment is made on six axes and as accurately as possible both in position and orientation. This is the default option for many robot types and should be used in most cases. This has no effect on coordinated track. If Yes, the position adjustment is made on six axes, and the orientation of the tool is exact. This has no effect on coordinated track. This option is only possible on six axis robots including IRB 640 and IRB 660 (where axes 4 and 5 are locked). Using this parameter takes slightly less CPU time than Use kinematic for corvec does. If Use kinematic for corvec is used then this parameter has no effect.

Use Six Axes Corvec

3HAC16587-1 Revision G


System parameters
Topic Motion

Corvec correction level

Defines how often corrections of robot positions are done. Default is 1. Increasing the value gives corrections more often. Should be set to 2 or 3 to get good accuracy during acceleration. For big robots like IRB 6600 it should be set to 1. Increasing it for big robots can lead to jerky movements. If Yes, the robot is allowed to start the tracking of an object that has not yet entered the work area of the robot. This means that the robot will start moving against an object even if it at that time is not reachable for the robot. If the object is reachable by the time the robot reaches its final destination the robot will continue the tracking operation. If the object cannot be reached by that time the robot will stop at the work area limit. If Yes, then the robot will track the conveyor without using the track axis even if robot is coordinated with the track. Default value is NO. Defines the maximum position adjustment allowed in the servo task. Can be increased for big robots with heavy load and high conveyor speed if error 50163 occurs. First verify that Adjustment speed and Adjustment accel are correctly defined (see Type Conveyor systems on page 57). Default value 0.2, maximum 0.8, minimum 0.1. Defined in meters. If increased, Start ramp and Stop ramp should also be increased to 20 or 30 (see Type Conveyor systems on page 57).

Allow outside reach prefetch

Track Conveyor With Robot Max External Pos Adjustment

Type Single The instance is named CNV1. See Calibrating the conveyor base frame on page 32. Parameter
Base frame x Base frame y Base frame z Base frame q1-q4

Defines the x, y, and z-direction of the base frame position in relation to the world frame (in meters). Defines the quarternions of the base frame orientation in relation to the world frame. That is, the orientation of the conveyor base coordinate system.
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Type Single Type The instance is named CNV1. Parameter


Defines what type of mechanics the single type uses.

Type Transmission The instance is named CNV1. Parameter

Rotating Move

Defines if the conveyor is rotating (Yes) or linear (No).


3HAC16587-1 Revision G

RAPID reference

6 RAPID reference
6.1 Instructions
Introduction These instructions are available for all types of conveyor tracking. Instructions and data types for specific applications are described in context.

6.1.1 WaitWObj - Wait for work object on conveyor

WaitWObj (Wait Work Object) connects to a work object in the start window on the conveyor

mechanical unit. Example WaitWObj wobj_on_cnv1; The program connects to the first object in the object queue that is within the start window on the conveyor. If there is no object in the start window then execution stops and waits for an object. Arguments WaitWObj WObj WObj [\RelDist][\MaxTime][\TimeFlag] (Work Object) Data type: wobjdata

The moving work object (coordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. The mechanical unit conveyor is to be specified by the ufmec in the work object. [\RelDist]
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(Relative Distance)

Data type: num

Waits for an object to enter the start window and go beyond the distance specified by the argument. If the work object is already connected, then execution stops until the object passes the distance. If the object has already gone past the relative distance then execution continues. [\MaxTime] (Maximum Time) Data type: num

The maximum period of waiting time permitted, expressed in seconds. If this time runs out before the sensor connection or relative distance is reached, the error handler will be called, if there is one, with the error code ERR_WAIT_MAXTIME. If there is no error handler, the execution will be stopped. [\TimeFlag] (Timeout Flag) Data type: bool

The output parameter that contains the value TRUE if the maximum permitted waiting time runs out before the sensor connection or relative distance is reached. If this parameter is included in the instruction, it is not considered to be an error if the maximum time runs out. This argument is ignored if the MaxTime argument is not included in the instruction.

3HAC16587-1 Revision G


RAPID reference
WaitWObj - Wait for work object on conveyor

Program execution If there is no object in the start window then program execution stops. If an object is present, then the work object is connected to the conveyor and execution continues. If a second WaitWObj instruction is issued while connected then an error is returned unless the \RelDist optional argument is used. More examples Example 1 WaitWObj wobj_on_cnv1\RelDist:=500.0; If not connected, then wait for the object to enter the start window and then wait for the object to pass the 500 mm point on the conveyor. If already connected to the object, then wait for the object to pass 500 mm. Example 2 WaitWObj wobj_on_cnv1\RelDist:=0.0; If not connected, then wait for an object in the start window. If already connected, then continue execution as the object has already gone past 0.0 mm. Example 3 WaitWObj wobj_on_cnv1; WaitWObj wobj_on_cnv1\RelDist:=0.0; The first WaitWObj connects to the object in the start window. The second WaitWObj will return immediately if the object is still connected, but will wait for the next object if the previous object had moved past the maximum distance or was dropped. WaitWObj wobj_on_cnv1\RelDist:=500.0\MaxTime:=0.1\Timeflag:=flag1; The WaitWobj will return immediately if the object has passed 500 mm but otherwise will wait 0.1 sec for an object. If no object passes 500 mm during this 0.1 sec the instruction will return with flag1 =TRUE.

Example 4

Limitations 50 ms is required to connect to the first object in the start window. Once connected, a second WaitWObj instruction with \RelDist optional argument will take only normal RAPID instruction execution time. Error handling If following errors occur during execution of the WaitWobj instruction, the system variable ERRNO will be set. These errors can then be handled in the error handler.
ERR_CNV_NOT_ACT ERR_CNV_CONNECT ERR_CNV_DROPPED The conveyor is not activated. The WaitWobj instruction is already connected. The object that the instruction WaitWobj was waiting for has been dropped by another task (DSQC 377B: an object had passed the start window). The object did not come in time and there is no Timeflag.
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3HAC16587-1 Revision G

RAPID reference
WaitWObj - Wait for work object on conveyor

Syntax WaitWObj [ WObj ':=']< persistent (PERS) of wobjdata> ';' [ '\' RelDist ':=' < expression (IN) of num > ] [ '\' MaxTime ':=' <expression (IN) of num>] [ '\' TimeFlag ':=' <variable (VAR) of bool>] ';' Related information

For information about

DropWObj The data types wobjdata, num, and bool

DropWObj - Drop work object on conveyor on page 64. Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data Types

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3HAC16587-1 Revision G


RAPID reference
DropWObj - Drop work object on conveyor

6.1.2 DropWObj - Drop work object on conveyor

DropWObj (Drop Work Object) is used to disconnect from the current object and the program

is ready for the next. Example MoveL *, MoveL *, DropWObj MoveL *, Arguments DropWObj WObj WObj (Work Object) Data type: wobjdata v1000, z10, tool, \WObj:=wobj_on_cnv1; v1000, fine, tool, \WObj:=wobj0; wobj_on_cnv1; v1000, z10, tool, \WObj:=wobj0;

The moving work object (coordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. The mechanical unit conveyor is to be specified by the ufmec in the work object. Program execution Dropping the work object means that the encoder interface not longer tracks the object. The object is removed from the object queue and cannot be recovered. Limitations If the instruction is issued while the robot is actively using the conveyor coordinated work object then the motion stops. The instruction can be issued only after a fixed work object has been used in the preceding motion instructions with either a fine point or several (>1) corner zones.
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Syntax DropWObj [ WObj ':='] < persistent (PERS) of wobjdata> ';' Related information

For information about

The instruction WaitWObj The data type wobjdata

WaitWObj - Wait for work object on conveyor on page 61. Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data Types


3HAC16587-1 Revision G

Advanced queue tracking

Introduction to advanced queue tracking

7 Advanced queue tracking

7.1 Introduction to advanced queue tracking
Introduction The encoder interface supports queue tracking mode, that is, the job queue is external to the encoder interface, which means it can be handled by the main computer or RAPID code. If the queue tracking is disabled, then the queue is handled in the unit (old 354 mode). Limitations Advanced queue tracking is not available for the option Indexing Conveyor Control. Installation The conveyor option automatically installs one conveyor in the IRC5 system parameters. Queue tracking is disabled by default in the conveyor I/O configuration, as the signal c1PosInJob is set to 0 (zero). To enable queue tracking, set c1PosInJob to 1.

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Advanced queue tracking

System parameters

7.1.1 System parameters

Topic I/O, type Signal The following signals are used for advanced queue tracking and must be defined in the system. I/O signal

Group input showing the number of objects in the object queue. These objects have passed the synchronization switch but have not gone outside the start window. Remove first pending object from the object queue. Setting this signal will cause the first pending object to be dropped from the object queue. Pending objects are objects that are in the queue but are not connected to a work object. Remove all pending objects. Setting this signal will cause the encoder interface to empty all objects from the object queue. If an object is connected, then it is not removed. Setting this signal will cause the encoder interface to drop the tracked object and disconnect that object. The object is removed from the queue. This should not be set from RAPID, use the DropWobj instruction instead. DI new position from the encoder node to enter the job queue. GI counter value from encoder to main controller - low word. GI counter value from encoder to main controller - high word. DO strobe for a 32-bit position to the encoder node from the job queue. GO counter value from main controller to encoder - low word. GO counter value from main controller to encoder - high word. DI scaled-down encoder pulses. DO run this job even if the checkpoint should fail. DO send the position to MC to be stored in the job queue. (0 = Queue-tracking disabled. Same mode as DSQC 354)
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c1NewObjStrobe c1CntFromEnc1 c1CntFromEnc2 c1CntToEncStr c1CntToEnc1 c1CntToEnc2 c1ScaleEncPuls c1ForceJob c1PosInJobQ c1PassedStWin

DI notifies the main computer that an object has passed out of the start window (object lost). If the main process is waiting in a WaitWObj instruction, the program pointer will be moved to the nearest error handler, so appropriate action can be taken, for example pop the job queue. DI: 0 = Encoder A selected, 1= Encoder B selected DI Encoder A Fault DI Encoder B Fault DI direction of travel DI simulating mode DI power up status: Counters have been lost. DO puts the encoder interface in to simulation mode. DO soft-sync signal. Simulates Sync-input. DO soft-checkpoint signal. Simulates checkpoint input. DO: 0 = Encoder A selected, 1= Encoder B selected

c1EncSelected c1EncAFault c1EncBFault c1DirOfTravel: c1Simulating c1PowerUpStatus c1SimMode c1softSyncSig c1softCheckSig c1EncSelec


3HAC16587-1 Revision G

Advanced queue tracking

Working with the object queue

7.2 Working with the object queue

Signal values The option Conveyor Tracking provides several I/O signals that allow a user or RAPID program to monitor and control the object queue. The table in Topic I/O, type Signal on page 66, shows the I/O signals that impact the object queue. The counter values have to do with the queue tracking function. Positions detected on the encoder node are sent to the main computer to be stored in the job queue handled by the robot controller. Values are returned to the encoder when object is ready to be tracked. Handling the object queue in RAPID To handle the object queue in RAPID the program must store the counters values for each new object on the conveyor and write them to the conveyor board when the user wants to track this object. The RAPID program needs the following elements. SetDO c1PosInJobQ, 1; ! So the board will update the counters CONNECT NewObj WITH NewObjOnConvey; ISignalDI c1NewObjStrobe, high, NewObj; ! To save the counters when a new object is detected TRAP NewObjOnConvey ! Toggle has arrived; Read a new position from input group ObjectPosition1 := GInput(c1Count1FromEnc); ObjectPosition2 := GInput(c2Count2FromEnc); RETURN; ENDTRAP TRAP TrackNewObj ! To track new obj: Write a new reference to output group SetGO c1Count1ToEnc, ObjectPosition1; SetGO c1Count2ToEnc, ObjectPosition2; WaitTime 0.05; ! Validate the new reference PulseDO c1CountToEncStr; RETURN; ENDTRAP

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3HAC16587-1 Revision G


Advanced queue tracking

Checkpoint function

7.2.1 Checkpoint function

Checkpoint switch Checkpoint Distance is used when running queue tracking. In addition to the normal sync switch you have a checkpoint switch just before the start window. This switch will check if the object is within the limits set by the checkpoint window width. If not, the object will be discarded from the object queue, unless the signal c1ForceJob is active. The checkpoint signal is connected on input 16. Checkpoint parameters
Check Point Distance - distance to checkpoint from 0.0 Check Point Window Width - tolerance window for the checkpoint

Note! Check Point Distance and Check Point Window Width must be set to zero when not used, or else this functionality can unintentionally drop objects from the queue.


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Advanced queue tracking

Scale enc pulse

7.2.2 Scale enc pulse

ScalingFactor The ScalingFactor tells after how many counts the signal c1ScaleEncPuls should toggle. So the distance between scale enc pulses = (ScalingFactor * 2)/CountsPerMeter The maximum value of ScalingFactor is 25000. ScalingFactor and CountsPerMeter belong to the type Fieldbus Command in the topic I/O. See Type Fieldbus Command on page 56.

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Advanced queue tracking

Passed start window signal

7.2.3 Passed start window signal

Notification of lost objects In some applications it is important to know if an object has gone through the start window without being connected. The encoder interface allows the IRC5 software to detect when an object has passed the start window without being connected and is thus lost. The detection of the lost object is done on the next WaitWObj instruction. The next WaitWObj instruction, following after an object has moved outside the start window, will return with the error ERR_CNV_DROPPED. This error can be handled in the RAPID error handler. The encoder interface returns a new I/O signal, c1PassStw, on physical signal 44 from the encoder interface. This signal will go high when the next connect is attempted and one or more objects have left the start window without being connected. If needed, the automatic use of the c1PassStw signal can be disabled and instead use this signal directly in the RAPID application. Disabling the object lost feature in WaitWObj The object lost feature is not wanted in all applications as it can limit backward compatibility or can complicate the application. To disable the feature, remove the conveyor I/O signal PassStartW. This will stop the ERR_CNV_DROPPED from occurring on the next WaitWObj instruction. The c1PassStw signal from the DSQC 377B will still go high but the conveyor tracking process will no longer be looking for the signal.


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Advanced queue tracking

Simulation mode

7.2.4 Simulation mode

Introduction The simulated encoder starts when the simulation signal is set. The simulation encoder counts is set to the real encoder counts when the simulation signal is set. If the simulation signal is reset the encoder value returns to real encoder position. The simulation speed is defined with the parameter SimulationVel in the type Signal, in the topic I/O.

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Advanced queue tracking

Simulation mode


3HAC16587-1 Revision G

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Circular conveyor tracking

Introduction to circular conveyor tracking

8 Circular conveyor tracking

8.1 Introduction to circular conveyor tracking
Introduction Circular conveyors can be tracked with the option Conveyor Tracking. The principle for configuring circular conveyor tracking is to define values in radians instead of meters. Then configure as described in Installation on page 19, and Configuration on page 29. This chapter will where there are differences in the configuration compared to linear conveyors. Example The graphic below shows an example of circular conveyor tracking with example units and distances:
CountsPerMeter = 40000 counts per radian At 6 m radius, one count = 0.15 mm Direction of Rotation Minimum Distance = -100 milliradians At 6 m radius, = -600 mm Conveyor Base Frame: Base frame x = 8.0 m Base frame y = 0.0 m Base frame z = 0.0 m The x-axis is rotated 2.44 rad from the World X, Base frame q1 = 0.3420 Base frame q2 = 0.0000 Base frame q3 = 0.0000 Base frame q4 = 0.9397 Maximum Distance = 420 milliradians At 6 m radius, = 2520 mm

2.44 rad

radius = 6 meter Y

Synch Switch
SyncSeparation = 0.005 rad At 6 m radius, = 30 mm QueueTrkDist = 0.017 rad At 6 m radius, = 100 mm

0.0 rad


StartWinWidth = 0.017 rad At 6 m radius, = 100 mm

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Graphic 6: Example configuration of circular conveyor tracking

3HAC16587-1 Revision G


Circular conveyor tracking

Encoder type selection and location

8.2 Encoder type selection and location

Prerequisites The goal in selecting an encoder for circular conveyor tracking is to have 0.1 mm to 0.2 mm resolution per count at the maximum radius of conveyor tracking. Example In the Example on page 73, following at a 6 meter radius in order to have 0.15 mm per count, we must have 40,000 counts per radian at the center of the table. The counts are quadrature encoded (four counts per pulse), thus the encoder must give 10,000 pulses per radian of circular conveyor movement. For a full revolution there are 2 radians per revolution, giving a requirement for 10000 2 = 62831,85 pulses per revolution of the circular conveyor. Selecting gear ratio If an encoder with 1000 pulses per revolution is selected, then we require a gear ratio of 1 to 62.83185 between the circular conveyor and the encoder shaft. Note! The maximum value for CountsPerMeter in the encoder software is 50000. This should be considered when selecting gearing and encoder.


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Circular conveyor tracking

Installation and configuration

8.3 Installation and configuration

Software installation The encoder interface and conveyor tracking software are connected and installed in the same way as for linear conveyors. Direction of positive motion from encoder See the description for linear conveyors, Direction of positive motion from the encoder on page 30. Defining CountsPerMeter The value of the parameter CountsPerMeter should be known from the selection of the encoder and the gear ratio between the circular conveyor and the encoder shaft. If the value is not known, then it is possible to measure the value following the same steps as outlined for a linear conveyor with extra equipment for measuring the change in angle of the conveyor between position_1, and position_2. See Calibrating CountsPerMeter and QueueTrckDist on page 31. Defining the queue tracking distance Before proceeding with conveyor setup and calibration it is necessary to define the desired queue tracking distance (QueueTrckDist). The queue tracking distance establishes the distance between the synchronization switch and the 0.0 rad point on the circular conveyor. The encoder interface will keep track of all objects that have passed the synchronization switch but have not yet passed the 0.0 rad point. See Calibrating CountsPerMeter and QueueTrckDist on page 31.

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3HAC16587-1 Revision G


Circular conveyor tracking

Calibrating the conveyor base frame

8.4 Calibrating the conveyor base frame

Calibration options The accuracy of the circular conveyor tracking depends on the accuracy in specifying the conveyor base frame. There are two methods to calibrate the base frame for a circular conveyor:
1. 2. Enter the orientation and position of the base frame based on drawings of the robot installation and simple TCP measurements. Use the robot TCP as a measuring tool and measure several points along the conveyor with some trigonometric calculations to calculate the conveyor base frame position and quaternion.

We recommend using the second method, with TCP as measuring tool. See TCP measurement method on page 78.


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Circular conveyor tracking

Manually calibrating the conveyor base frame

8.5 Manually calibrating the conveyor base frame

Orientation The definition of the quaternion for conveyor orientation will also define the location of the 0.0 radian point on the circular conveyor. The direction of the x-axis will define the 0.0 radian point while the direction of the z-axis will define the direction of positive rotation using the right-hand-rule. The graphic below shows two installations, one with clockwise rotation and the other with counterclockwise rotation and the corresponding quaternions. In cases where the 0.0 rad point is not an even multiple of 90 from the world frame, calculation of the conveyor orientation quaternion must be done using manual calculations of the quaternion. The TCP can be used to help make measurements, see TCP measurement method on page 78.
Direction of Rotation QueueTrckDist Direction of Rotation

0.0 rad


0.0 rad

Xworld Yworld
Quaternion: 0.7071, 0, 0, 0.7071

Xworld Yworld
Quaternion: 0, 0.7071, -0.7071, 0

Graphic 7: Circular conveyor orientation quaternions

Base frame position and start window start calibration The conveyor base frame x, y, and z position must be specified relative to the world frame. This position must be calculated from the installation drawings or by using the robot as a measuring tool. Using the robot, one point can be marked on the edge of the circular conveyor and the TCP position is recorded for several points and the center point of the circle can be found. This is described in detail in the following section.

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3HAC16587-1 Revision G


Circular conveyor tracking

TCP measurement method

8.6 TCP measurement method

Introduction This section describes how to use TCP measurements and RAPID programs to calculate the conveyor base frame position and quaternion for a circular conveyor. This method uses three measured points on the circular conveyor to calculate the center of rotation. The three points should be spaced as far apart as possible around the periphery. Calculating the x and y positions for the base frame Use this procedure to calculate the x and y positions for the base frame. Action
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use Wobj0 on the FlexPendant. Pick out a reference point on the circular conveyor, jog the TCP to this point and record p_0. Run the conveyor to another position. Jog the TCP to the reference point and record p_1. Run the conveyor to a third position, jog the TCP to the reference point and record p_2. Use the service routine cnv_utl.sys, with the points p_0, p1, and p_2, to calculate the center of the circle, p_centre. Take the x and y values from p_centre and enter them into the base frame values for the conveyor, converting to meters, see Topic Motion on page 59. These are shown in Circular conveyor orientation quaternions on page 77. The z value will be entered later, once the work objects zero position has been chosen.

Defining the base frame orientation and start window start calibration The base frame quaternion defines where the 0.0 rad point is for the robot motion. The graphic below shows an example of the angles that are used when defining the base frame orientation for the circular conveyor:

Counter-clockwise rotation p_centre X, Y


Synch switch

p_0 X_0, Y_0


0.0 rad


Q = TP = P = Base =


Queue tracking distance angle Angle shown on FlexPendant Angle calculated from p_0 position Base frame angle to be converted to a quaternion

Graphic 8: Example measurement points for base frame calculation on a circular conveyor


3HAC16587-1 Revision G

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Circular conveyor tracking

TCP measurement method

Calculating the quaternion Use this procedure to calculate the quaternion for the base frame orientation. Action
1. 2. 3. Define a temporary conveyor base frame quaternion as 1, 0, 0, 0 Define a conveyor coordinated work object wobjcnv1 Step forward through a RAPID program containing the two instructions:

ActUnit CNV1; WaitWObj wobjcnv1;

4. 5. Run the conveyor until an object passes through the sync switch and beyond the queue tracking distance. The WaitWObj instruction will end execution. Stop the conveyor. Using wobjcnv1, move the robot TCP to the desired zero position on the work object and record this point, p_0. Write down the X_0, Y_0, and Z_0 coordinates of the point p_0 as shown on the FlexPendant (wobjcnv1 must be selected as work object). Write down the angle shown in the Jogging window for the CNV1 conveyor. This is angle TP , see Example measurement points for base frame calculation on a circular conveyor on page 78. Calculate P from the X_0 and Y_0 coordinates of p_0 and the atan function. X_0 and Y_0 should both be positive when using the atan function. Check the value, it may be necessary to add 90 degrees:



Y_0 P = atan ----------- X_0

8. Calculate the value of Base Base = P TP 9. Calculate the quaternion for the base frame taking into account the direction of rotation: Counter clockwise rotation:

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q1 q2 q3 q4

= = = =

cos ( Base 2 )

0.0 0.0
sin ( Base 2 )

Clockwise rotation:

q1 q2 q3 q4

= = = =

cos ( Base 2 ) sin ( Base 2 )


10. Enter the value for z (in meters) from p_0, and the values for the quaternions, q1, q2, q3, and q4, into the base frame for the conveyor, see Topic Motion on page 59.

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Circular conveyor tracking

Additional motion settings

8.7 Additional motion settings

Conveyor start window and sync separation For circular conveyor tracking these distances are defined in radians. Conveyor maximum and minimum distances Note! For circular conveyor tracking these distances are defined in milliradians. Conveyor adjustment speed The same as for linear conveyors. Motion System parameters The same as for linear conveyors. Mechanical Unit parameters The same as for linear conveyors. Transmission and Single Type parameters The motion configuration of the conveyor must be adjusted to account for a circular motion of the conveyor. There are two parameters that must be adjusted. Parameter
Rotating Move Mechanics

Transmission Single Type

Defines if the conveyor is rotating (Yes) or linear (No). Defines the mechanical structure of the conveyor. Select EXT_ROT


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Accelerating conveyors

9 Accelerating conveyors
Introduction This section describes how to optimize the tracking performance of accelerating and decelerating conveyors for the option Conveyor Tracking. This might be needed for example if good accuracy is needed during start and stop of the conveyor. To get good accuracy during tracking of accelerating conveyors it is important that all system parameters in the system are defined correctly. This chapter describes the parameters that are important for accelerating and decelerating conveyors. See System parameters on page 82. To further improve the accuracy it is possible to predict the speed change of the conveyor. This is done using a special RAPID function together with an I/O signal that is set just before the acceleration starts. See Predicting speed changes on page 86. For indexing conveyors, see Indexing conveyors on page 91. Prerequisites The conveyor and encoder must be set up and calibrated correctly, see Configuration and calibration on page 29.

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Accelerating conveyors
System parameters

9.1 System parameters

Defining the system parameters Use this procedure to define parameters that are important for an accelerating conveyor. Action
1. 2. 3. 4. Set the speed filters. Change update rate of robot positions. Verify the performance of the system. If accuracy during acceleration still is not good See Encoder pollrate on page 85. enough, try changing the pollrate of the encoder interface(s).

See Speed filters on page 83. See Update rate of robot path on page 84.


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Accelerating conveyors
Speed filters

9.1.1 Speed filters

Introduction There are two filter parameters that need to be changed. For both the filters there is a trade off between noise reduction and accuracy during acceleration. To get good accuracy during acceleration the filter values should be set according to the recommendations below. If there is too much noise in the system this might lead to disturbances in the robot movement and then the filter parameters should be decreased until this disturbances disappear. System parameters This parameter belongs to the type Fieldbus Command in the topic I/O. The parameter should be changed for all units. Parameter

Specifies the location of the real part of the poles in the left-half plane (in Hz). This is the break frequency for the speed filters in the encoder interface and regulates how hard the speed is filtered. For accelerating conveyors this parameter should be defined to 10-15 Hz to have good accuracy during start and stop.

This parameter belongs to the type Conveyor Systems in the topic Process. Parameter Description

Acc dependent filter Specifies the setting of the acceleration dependent filter. Default value value is 1 m/s2. To get good accuracy during acceleration set it equal to the maximum acceleration of the conveyor. A low value gives harder filtering. If there is a problem with noise the value should be kept low. If IRB 360 is used for fast picking this parameter should be set to 0. This will turn off the filtering to improve the response times.

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Accelerating conveyors
Update rate of robot path

9.1.2 Update rate of robot path

Update rate It is possible to define how often the robot path should be updated due to new conveyor position. This parameter belongs to the type Robot in the topic Motion. Parameter
Corvec correction level

Defines how often corrections of robot path shall be done. Default is 1. Should be set to 2 or 3 in order to get good accuracy during acceleration. Set to 1 if the prediction of speed changes functionality is used, see Predicting speed changes on page 86. For big robots like IRB 6600 this parameter should have the value 1. Increasing this parameter for big robots might lead to jerky movements.


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Accelerating conveyors
Encoder pollrate

9.1.3 Encoder pollrate

Pollrate The pollrate of the encoder unit defines how often the position and speed of the conveyor should be read, also known as cyclicity. A lower value (time) will make enable the robot to follow a speed change of the conveyor more accurately. However, a reduction of the pollrate will increase the load in the robot controller and on the DeviceNet bus. How much the pollrate can be reduced depends on the load of the system, for example number of robots, load in the I/O system, etc. System parameters To change the polltrate, three system parameters must be changed. This parameter belongs to the type Unit Type in the topic I/O. The instance is named d377A. Parameter Description

Connection 1 Inter- Defines the pollrate of the card. Default is 20 ms. The minimum value val is 4 ms. A low value will give faster response on a conveyor speed change but also increase CPU load. We do not recommend a value lower than 10 ms. If more than one conveyor boards are used there is a risk that reducing pollrate value will create too high load on the DeviceNet bus. Therefore the default value is recommended.

This parameter belongs to the type Fieldbus Command in the topic I/O. This parameter should be changed for all units. Parameter

Defines the period of the speed filter on the encoder unit, must be the same as Connection 1 Interval for d377A.

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This parameter belongs to the type CAN Interface in the topic Process. The instance is named CAN1. Parameter
Pos Update Time

Defines how often the system reads the speed and position from the I/O system. For best performance it should be the same as Connection 1 Interval. It can be higher to reduce the system load.

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Accelerating conveyors
Predicting speed changes

9.2 Predicting speed changes

Introduction It is possible to predict the speed change of a conveyor and use this prediction to improve the accuracy during tracking of an accelerating conveyor. The prediction is based on constant acceleration. The prediction is setup from the RAPID instruction UseAccProfile and activated from an I/O signal. It is possible to have two independent profiles defined at the same time connected to two separate I/O signals. One could be used for starting and one for stopping the conveyor. To access this RAPID instruction load the module Indexing_cnv.sys from the conveyor tracking option directory, that is, \ROBOTWARE_5.XX_XXXX\options\cnv\


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Accelerating conveyors
Setting up the signals

9.2.1 Setting up the signals

Signals One or two I/O signals must be defined (one for each profile). These signals activates the prediction and should be set a predefined time before the speed change occurs. Setting up the signals First define the digital input I/O signals, see Technical reference manual - System parameters, chapter Topic I/O. The names of the signals are used in the parameters Sensor start signal and Sensor stop signal. These parameters belongs to the type Conveyor systems in the topic Process. Parameter
Sensor start signal

Name of the digital input signal to synchronize the prediction and the speed change. The signal must be set a predefined time before the speed change of the conveyor. How far ahead the signal should be set is configured in the RAPID instruction UseAccProfile. Name of the digital input signal to synchronize the prediction and the speed change. The signal must be set a predefined time before the speed change of the conveyor. How far ahead the signal should be set is configured in the RAPID instruction UseAccProfile.

Sensor stop signal

The system parameters that affect the accuracy during acceleration are described in System parameters on page 82.

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Accelerating conveyors
UseAccProfile - Use acceleration profile

9.2.2 UseAccProfile - Use acceleration profile

UseAccProfile is used to predict conveyor movement with constant acceleration or decel-

eration. The profile uses either the acceleration for the conveyor or the time that it takes for the conveyor to accelerate or decelerate. If two profiles are defined, they should use an acceleration value instead of a time value. The prediction of the conveyor acceleration is started by setting the I/O signal configured in Sensor start signal or Sensor stop signal. For best result this signal must be set at least 150 ms before the conveyor is starting to accelerate or decelerate. The settings for the acceleration can be changed during program execution. Example VAR intnum intno1; VAR triggdata trigg1; ... CONNECT intno1 With Acc_Dec; TriggInt trigg1, 0.5\Time, intno1; Resetset sensor_start_signal_DO; UseACCProfile CNV1, 0.4, 0, 1\acc, \stop_sig; SetDO STARTSTOP_CNV, 1; TriggL p0, v20, trigg1, z10, tool1\Wobj:=wobjconv; MoveJ p_start, v1000, fine, tool1; TRAP Acc_Dec PulseDO \HIGH, sensor_start_signal_DO; WaitTime 0.35; SetDO STARTSTOP_CNV, 0; ENDTRAP In this example the start and stop of the conveyor is controlled by the I/O signal STARTSTOP_CNV. The deceleration profile is setup with a trigger_time of 0.4 s, end velocity of 0 m/s and the deceleration is 0.2 m/s2. This means that the conveyor will decelerate from the current speed down to zero speed with a deceleration of 0.2 m/s2 and that the sensor stop signal is going to be set 0.4 s before the conveyor is starting to decelerate. The stop is triggered from a TriggL instruction. As seen in the trap routine the sensor_start_signal is set 0.35 s before the stop order to the conveyor. However in the setup of the profile it is said that this signal is coming 0.4 s before the stop. In this case it might be that there is a delay in the communication with the conveyor controller of 0.05 s and this is compensated in this way.


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Accelerating conveyors
UseAccProfile - Use acceleration profile






Graphic 9: Conveyor speed profile

In the graphic above the profile from the example is shown. V1 is the speed before the deceleration and can in this case be for example 0.2 m/s. V2 is the speed after deceleration, in this case it is 0 m/s. T1 represents the time between the Trigg is coming and the conveyor is starting to decelerate, in this example 0.4 s. T2 is the length, in time, of the deceleration. Arguments UseAccProfile MechUnit, Trigger_time, V_end, Acc_time[\acc | time], [\start_sig | stop_sig]; MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mechunit

The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. Trigger_time (time between signal and acc) Data type: num

The time between the start_sensor_signal is set and the time when the conveyor is starting to accelerate or decelerate. The time can be as big as possible but should not be smaller then 0.15 s. The value is given in seconds. In case of to small Trigger_time the profile might not be used. V_end
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(final velocity)

Data type: num

Velocity to be reached at the end of acceleration or deceleration. In case of a stop this should be 0 m/s. The value is given in m/s. Acc_time (acceleration time) Data type: num

Time from the start of the acceleration until the conveyor reaches the final speed (V_end). If [\acc] is set then this value ar considered to be an acceleration value in m/s2 describing the acceleration of the conveyor. [\acc | time] (acceleration or time) Data type: switch

Set to acc to use acceleration. Set to time to use acceleration time. [\start_sig | stop_sig](start signal or stop signal) Data type: switch

Set to start_sig to use the signal configured as Sensor start signal to trigger the profile. Set to stop_sig to use the signal configured as Sensor stop signal to trigger the profile.

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Accelerating conveyors
UseAccProfile - Use acceleration profile

Program execution To get the best possible accuracy during acceleration or deceleration it is important that the Trigger_time is the same as the time between setting the Sensor start signal and the time when the conveyor starts to accelerate or decelerate. The bigger the difference is between these two times the poorer accuracy will be achieved. If two profiles are configured in the system at the same time it is very important that the \acc option is used. This is to secure a good behavior when for example there is a mix between a start and a stop profile. This could happen when the conveyor for example is stopping and a start order is given so that the stop ramp never is finished. Limitations Before UseAccProfile is executed, the Sensor start signal and Sensor stop signal must be reset.


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Indexing conveyors

10 Indexing conveyors
Introduction There are two ways to track indexing conveyors. If the conveyor is not controlled by IRC5 then recorded profiles must be used, see Tracking indexing conveyors on page 92. If the conveyor is controlled by IRC5 the option Internal Conveyor Control should be used to get the best possible accuracy. See Indexing conveyor with servo control on page 105. About indexing conveyors An indexing conveyor advances in steps instead of running continuously. One step is one index, and one or several indexes creates the work object. The conveyor belt can have pockets or magazines for the products, which makes them perfectly aligned for picking.

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Indexing conveyors
Tracking indexing conveyors

10.1 Tracking indexing conveyors

Introduction to tracking indexing conveyors This section describes how to track an indexing conveyor using the option Conveyor Tracking. As the conveyor is not controlled by IRC5, is not possible to know exactly how the conveyor speed is changing. Instead, this method uses predicted speed changes. The repeatability is very important for the accuracy. Therefore, this method cannot be used if the conveyor movements are not repeatable. Then the option Indexing Conveyor Control with the conveyor controlled by the robot controller should be used. To get good accuracy for indexing conveyors it must be possible to predict how the speed of the conveyor is changing. The prediction is based on a recorded profile of the conveyor during acceleration. A new I/O signal must be defined and connected. RAPID instructions are used to handle prediction of conveyor position during speed changes.


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Indexing conveyors
Setting up tracking for an indexing conveyor

10.1.1 Setting up tracking for an indexing conveyor

Setting up tracking for an indexing conveyor Use this procedure to set up tracking for an indexing conveyor. Action
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define a new I/O signal, topic I/O. See Technical reference manual - System parameters. Connect the I/O signal to the conveyor system, topic Process. See System parameters on page 94. Define the parameter IIRFFP. See System parameters on page 94. Record the profile. See RecordProfile on page 96. Store the profile. See StoreProfile on page 99. Load and/or activate the profile for production. See LoadProfile on page 100, and ActivateProfile on page 101.

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Indexing conveyors
System parameters

10.1.2 System parameters

Topic I/O This parameter belongs to the type Fieldbus Command in the topic I/O. Parameter

Specifies the location of the real part of the poles in the left-half plane (in Hz). This is the break frequency for the speed filters in the encoder interface and regulates how hard the speed is filtered in the encoder interface. For indexing conveyors this parameter should be set between 10 and 15 Hz to have a good accuracy during stop and start.

Topic Process This parameter belongs to the type Conveyor systems in the topic Process. Parameter

Name of the digital input signal to synchronize recorded profile and new index movement. The signal must be set before start of conveyor movement. For example when a cam to move the conveyor the sensor can be placed to be triggered 100 ms before conveyor moves.


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Indexing conveyors
RAPID instructions

10.1.3 RAPID instructions

Introduction There are two ways to use the indexing conveyor tracking functionality from RAPID. One is to use the instruction CnvGenInstr, the other to use the predefined RAPID functions located in the RAPID module named Indexing_cnv.sys. The RAPID instructions in Indexing_cnv.sys encapsulates the functionality in CnvGenInstr to make it easier to use. To access these RAPID instructions, load the module Indexing_cnv.sys from the conveyor tracking option directory, that is, \ROBOTWARE_5.XX_XXXX\options\cnv\

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Indexing conveyors

10.1.4 RecordProfile
RecordProfile resets all profile data and records a new profile of the conveyor movement as soon as the sensor_start_signal is set.

To be able to make a recording it is important that a connection to a work object is made before the recording is started. This means that a WaitWobj instruction has to be executed before the recording starts. Example ActUnit CNV1; WaitWobj wobj_on_cnv1; RecordProfile CNV1, 1, index_profile; WaitTime 0.2; PulseDO \HIGH sensor_start_signal_DO; SetDO STARTSTOP_CNV 1; A profile of the conveyor is recorded as soon as the sensor_start_signal is set. In this example, the signal STARTSTOP_CNV starts the conveyor movement. Arguments RecordProfile MechUnit, Record_duration, Profile_type MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mechunit

The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. Record_duration(duration of speed) Data type: num

Profile_type Value

(type of profile) Description

Data type: string

Recording is started by sensor_start_signal. A start and stop movement can be recorded. sensor_start_signal is used to record start movement and sensor_stop_signal is used to record stop_movement. Same as for start_and_stop_profile but the sensor_stop_signal is used first. The recording is started with sensor_stop_signal.


stop_start_profile stop_move_profile


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Specifies the duration of record in seconds. Must be between 0.1 and pos_update_time * 300.

Indexing conveyors

10.1.5 WaitAndRecProf
WaitAndRecProf resets all profile data and records a new profile of the conveyor movement

as soon as the sensor_start signal is set. This instruction does the same as the instruction RecordProfile but it also handles the connection to a work object on the conveyor. This instruction is intended for use in PickMaster where the instruction WaitWobj is not available. Example WaitAndRecProf CNV1, 1, index_profile; A profile of the conveyor is recorded as soon as the sensor_start_signal is set. Program execution Use this procedure to execute the instruction WaitAndRecProf. Action
1. 2. 3. Start the instruction WaitAndRecProf. A WaitWobj instruction is executed and the sys- A message appears on the Flextem waits for the sync signal. Pendant: Waiting for sync signal... Trigger the sync signal. A message appears on the FlexThe system will connect to the work object on the Pendant: Object connected conveyor. The recording functionality is set up and the system is waiting. Run the recording sequence. That is, set the sensor start signal and make the conveyor movement. When the recording is finished Tap OK to continue the execution. The system will drop the work object and finish the instruction. The messages Recording functionality initiated, Start recording! and Press OK when recording finished! appears on the FlexPendant. The messages Recording finished, object dropped and Don't forget to activate or store the recorded profile! appears on the FlexPendant.



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Arguments WaitAndRecProf MechUnit, Record_duration, Profile_type MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mechunit

The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. Record_duration(duration of speed) Data type: num

Specifies the duration of record in seconds. Must be between 0.1 and pos_update_time * 300.

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Indexing conveyors

Profile_type Value

(type of profile) Description

Data type: string

Recording is started by sensor_start_signal. A start and stop movement can be recorded. sensor_start_signal is used to record start movement and sensor_stop_signal is used to record stop_movement. Same as for start_and_stop_profile but the sensor_stop_signal is used first.



stop_move_profile The recording is started with sensor_stop_signal.


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Indexing conveyors

10.1.6 StoreProfile
StoreProfile activates and saves a recorded profile in a file.

Example ActUnit CNV1; WaitWobj wobj_on_cnv1; RecordProfile CNV1, 1, index_profile; WaitTime 0.2; PulseDO \HIGH sensor_start_signal_DO; SetDO STARTSTOP_CNV 1; WaitTime 2; SetDO STARTSTOP_CNV 0; StoreProfile CNV1, 0, Profile.log; A profile of the conveyor movement is recorded as soon as the sensor_start_signal is set and is stored in file profile.log. Arguments StoreProfile MechUnit, Delay, Filename MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mechunit

The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. Delay (delay) Data type: num

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The delay in seconds can be used to shift the record in time. It must be between 0.01 and 0.1. If the value is 0 (zero) no delay is added. The delay is not saved in the profile, it is only used for the activation. If the delay should be used together with a saved profile the delay has to be specified again in the instruction LoadProfile. Filename (name of file) Data type: string

Name of the file where the profile is stored.

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Indexing conveyors

10.1.7 LoadProfile
LoadProfile loads a recorded profile from a file.

Example LoadProfile CNV1, 0, profile.log; WaitTime 0.2; PulseDO \HIGH sensor_start_signal_DO; SetDO STARTSTOP_CNV 1; ! !Work against the conveyor ! SetDO STARTSTOP_CNV 0; A saved profile of the conveyor movement is loaded and used for prediction of conveyor movement as soon as sensor_start_signal is set. Error warning SYS_ERR_MOC_CNV_REC_FILE_UNKNOWN if the file is not found. Arguments LoadProfile MechUnit, Delay, Filename MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mechunit

The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. Delay (delay) Data type: num

The delay in seconds can be used to shift the record in time. It must be between 0.01 and 0.1. If the value is 0 (zero) no delay is added. Filename (name of file) Data type: string
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Name of the file where the profile is stored.


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Indexing conveyors

10.1.8 ActivateProfile
ActivateProfile activates a profile that was just recorded to use it without having to save

it before. If the system is restarted, all unsaved records are lost. Therefore, use LoadProfile after restarts. Do not use ActivateProfile after LoadProfile. Example ActivateProfile CNV1, 0; WaitTime 0.2; PulseDO \HIGH sensor_start_signal_DO; SetDO STARTSTOP_CNV 1; ! !Work against the conveyor ! SetDO STARTSTOP_CNV 0; A profile of the conveyor is activated and used for prediction of conveyor movement as soon as the sensor_start_signal is set. Error warning SYS_ERR_MOC_CNV_REC_NOT_READY if record not finished. Arguments ActivateProfile MechUnit, Delay MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mechunit

The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. Delay
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Data type: num

The delay in seconds can be used to shift the record in time. It must be between 0.01 and 0.1. If the value is 0 (zero) no delay is added.

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Indexing conveyors

10.1.9 DeactProfile
DeactProfile deactivates a profile.

Example DeactProfile CNV1; A profile of the conveyor movement is deactivated and no longer used for prediction of conveyor movement. Arguments DeactProfile MechUnit MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mechunit

The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related.


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Indexing conveyors

10.1.10 CnvGenInstr
CnvGenInstr sends a command to the conveyor process attached to the conveyor mechan-

ical unit. Example CnvGenIstr CNV1,CNV_ACTIV_REC,mycnvdata; The controller will activate the record. Arguments CnvGenInstr MechUnit, cnvcmd, Data MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mechunit

The moving mechanical unit object (coordinate system) to which the robot position in the instruction is related. cnvcmd (Command) Data type: num


This structure is used to send num or string as parameters for different commands. Program execution All commands must be sent at least 0.2 seconds before start of conveyor movement.
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More examples Example1 VAR cnvgendata mycnvdata:=[0,0,0,0,"",""]; CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_START_REC,mycnvdata; mycnvdata.value1:=1; In this example, data.value1 specifies the duration of recording in seconds. This value must be between 0.1 and pos_update_time*300. Example 2 CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_STOP_REC,mycnvdata; This example can be used if CNV_START_REC has been sent with duration 0.

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Indexing conveyors

Example 3 CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_ACTIV_REC,mycnvdata; mycnvdata.value1:=0; In this example, data.value1 specifies a delay added to record in seconds. This value must be between 0.01 and 0.1 seconds. If value1 =0 default value: signal delay is used. Ready for use of profile on next index movement. Error warning SYS_ERR_MOC_CNV_REC_NOT_READY if record not finished. Example 4 CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_USE_FREC,mycnvdata; mycnvdata.string1:=myprofile: string1 must contain the name of the file where to read the recorded profile. The file must have been created by the command CNV_STORE_PROF. Ready for use of profile on next index movement. Error warning SYS_ERR_MOC_CNV_REC_FILE_UNKNOWN if record file not found. Example 5 CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_RESET_ALPROF,mycnvdata; Reset all profile data, ready for a new START_REC. Example 6 CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_DEACT_PROF,mycnvdata; Stop using profile. Example 7 CnvGenInstr CNV2,CNV_STORE_PROF,mycnvdata;
mycnvdata.string1:=myprofile;string1 must contain the name of the file to store

the profile. Limitations As access to files can take a lot of time it is recommended not to use CNV_USE_FREC and CNV_STORE_PROF while robot is moving. Repeatability error between record and real cycles must be less than 120 ms. A delay between sensor_start_signal and conveyor movement must not vary more than 120 ms. Error handling No error handling for this instruction. In case of E_stop of robot or conveyor the command CNV_DEACT_PROF should be used before restarting the robot. Syntax CnvGenInstr [ MechUnit ':=']< var of mechanical unit > ';' [ Command ':=']< expression (IN) of num> ';' [ Data ':=']< var of cnvgendata> ';'
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Indexing conveyors
Indexing conveyor with servo control

10.2 Indexing conveyor with servo control

Introduction to indexing conveyors with servo control The option Indexing Conveyor Control includes RAPID instructions and one RAPID data type. A typical installation includes an infeed conveyor transporting the products in a row at high speed to the indexing conveyor. A photo eye (sensor) mounted on the infeeder detects products and sends a trig signal to the IRC5 controller. The controller starts the indexing movement after a specified time, that is, when the product has entered the pocket on the indexing conveyor. The FlexPicker picks the products from the indexing conveyor, even during indexing movement, and puts them in a box on the output conveyor. The IRC5 controls the FlexPicker and the indexing conveyor. The output conveyor and the infeeder have their own drive systems. Conveyor tracking will be used both on the indexing conveyor and the output conveyor, but no encoder and encoder interface is needed on the indexing conveyor since the position and speed are known as a part of the path planning in the IRC5 controller. Terminology In context of controlling and moving the conveyor this is referred to as M7 in this document. In context of tracking the conveyor, it is referred to as CNV1. Hence, the conveyor will be configured as two different mechanical units, M7 and CNV1. Indexing mode is when the system listens (or waits) for a signal from the sensor that a product is available. In indexing mode it is not possible to jog or use Move instructions. To disable indexing mode, execute IndCnvReset or move the program pointer to the routine Main (PP to Main). Limitations When using the option Indexing Conveyor Control for two IRB 360 robots with MultiMove, up to 2 indexing conveyors and 2 conventional (non-indexing) conveyors with encoder interfaces can be used. Each robot must work on its own indexing conveyor, that is, they cannot share one indexing conveyor.

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Indexing conveyors
Setting up a servo controlled indexing conveyor

10.2.1 Setting up a servo controlled indexing conveyor

Setting up a servo controlled indexing conveyor Use this procedure to set up a servo controlled indexing conveyor. Action
1. 2. 3. 4. Install the indexing conveyor as an additional axis. If needed, install an additional indexing conveyor. If needed, install the software. Configure the system parameters. See Installing the software on page 106. See System parameters and configuration files on page 107, for description of all relevant parameters. See Calibrating the base frame on page 113.

See Installing the additional axis for servo control on page 106.

5. 6.

Calibrate the base frame for CNV1. Create the RAPID program.

Installing the additional axis for servo control For the option Indexing Conveyor Control, install the indexing conveyor as an IRC5 additional axis. See Application manual - Additional axes and stand alone controller. When installed, the indexing conveyor should be running as an IRC5 additional axis. Installing the software The conveyor tracking RAPID instructions, data types, and mechanical unit CNV1 are specified in the key string and do not need to be installed. If the system consists of more than one conveyor, three more files must be installed per conveyor. The files to install are stored on the controller in the directory \ROBOTWARE_5.XX_XXXX\options\cnv. The second conveyor to install is called CNV2 and the Motion configuration file is named cnv2_moc.cfg. The other two files to install for internally controlled conveyors are cnvint2_prc.cfg and cnvint2_eio.cfg.


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Indexing conveyors
System parameters and configuration files

10.2.2 System parameters and configuration files

Introduction This section describes the configuration files and suitable definitions for the most important configuration parameters for servo controlled indexing conveyors. Topic I/O Type Unit Since there is no need of a physical encoder the I/O unit Qtrack1 must be configured as Virtual in the type Unit. . Parameter
Connected To Bus


Type Unit Type The I/O unit must be of type Change of State.. Parameter
Connection 1 type

Change Of State (COS)

Type Signal In the type Signal, configure a digital input signal for the photo eye which will trigger an indexing movement of the conveyor. Parameter
Name Type of Signal

DI_Eye Digital Input

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Topic Controller If the conveyor is configured in a MultiMove system and the indexing conveyor M7 is running in RAPID task 2 the following must be added. Type Tasks In the type Task. Parameter
Use Mechanical Unit Group


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Indexing conveyors
System parameters and configuration files

Type Mechanical Unit Group In the type Mechanical Unit Group. Parameter
Mechanical Unit Group Mech Unit 1 Use Motionplanner

M7 M7 motion_planner_2

Topic Process Type Conveyor systems In the type Conveyor systems, modify the following parameters to have good accuracy for high accelerating conveyors. Parameter
Syncfilter Ratio Acc Dependent Filter Value

0.0001 0

Type Conveyor Internal The instance is named INTERNAL1. Parameter

Eio unit name Connected signal Position signal Velocity signal Null_speed signal DropWObj signal ObjLost signal RemAllPObj sig Rem1PObj sig Pos Update time Supervise max_dist Off New object strobe Objects in queue Count1 from encoder Count2 from encoder Single to track

Name of the simulated I/O unit. Name of the digital input signal for connection. Name of the analog input signal for conveyor position. Name of the analog input signal for conveyor speed. Name of the digital input signal indicating zero speed on the conveyor. Name of the digital output signal to drop a connected object on the encoder interface. Name of the digital input signal to indicate that an object has gone past the start window without being connected. Name of the digital input signal to remove all Pobj. Name of the digital input signal to remove one Pobj. Defines how often position and velocity output signals are updated. Boolean to remove supervision of maximum and minimum distance. Name of digital output signal showing a new object in queue. Name of group output signal showing the number of objects in queue. Name of group output for new object position low word. Name of group output for new object position high word. Name of the single that is moving the indexing conveyor.


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Indexing conveyors
System parameters and configuration files

Topic Motion Type Arm In the type Arm, enable Independent Joint and add joint limits. Parameter
Independent Joint Independent Upper Joint Bound Independent Lower Joint Bound

On 2E+07 -2E+07

Type Single Type In the type Single Type, the parameter Pocket size defines the distance the conveyor will move when triggered by the photo eye, see graphic below. Time before indexing move defines the time from the photo eye is triggered until the conveyor movement starts. The recommended value is 0.3 (300 ms). Depending on the robot payload and deceleration distance, this value can be decreased (might be needed to increase for some applications). If it is important to use a value as small as possible, see Minimizing trigger time on page 122, for more information. Parameter
Mechanics Indexing move Time before indexing move Pocket size

FREE_ROT YES 0.3 [s] 0.05 [m]

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Pocket size

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Indexing conveyors
System parameters and configuration files

Type Transmission The transmission must be represented by two integer parameters, Transmission Gear High and Transmission Gear Low. This is needed to avoid loosing accuracy after a very big number of indexing movements. These parameters are computed in a way that makes it possible for the controller to move the indexing conveyor exactly one pocket instead of for example 50 mm which could be the measured pocket size.


Pocket Motor Gear box Gear wheel tooth Belt tooth

See the following example for the calculation of the parameters Transmission Gear High, Transmission Gear Low, and Transmission Gear Ratio. With this setup, the parameter Rotating Move must be set. Calculation example: W = Number of gear wheel teeth P = Number of pockets
Transmission Gear Low = W * P = 20 * 36 = 720
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G = Gear box ratio B = Number of belt teeth

Transmission Gear High = G * B * 360 = 10 * 108 * 360 = 388800 Transmission Gear Ratio = Transmission Gear High / Transmission Gear Low = 388800 / 720 = 540 / 1 = 540

In this example we use the gear box ratio 10, this means 10 motor revolutions correspond to one gear wheel revolution. The Transmission Gear High / Transmission Gear Low ratio can be given as 388800 / 720 but 540 / 1 is easier to comprehend. Parameter
Rotating move Transmission Gear Ratio Transmission Gear High Transmission Gear Low

YES 540 (from example) 540 (from example) 1 (from example)


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Indexing conveyors
System parameters and configuration files

Type Acceleration Data For an indexing conveyor the acceleration data is given in m/s2 even though the parameter Rotating Move is set. The indexing movement will be a symmetric triangular motion profile. If different values are given for acceleration and deceleration, the smallest value will be used when creating the motion path. Parameter
Nominal Acceleration Nominal Deceleration

25 25

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Indexing conveyors
Testing the indexing conveyor setup

10.2.3 Testing the indexing conveyor setup

Testing Create a RAPID program using the code from the example below. Speed and acceleration are given in mm/s respectively mm/s2. In this example an indexing movement will be performed each time the digital input signal DI_Eye is triggered. RAPID example MODULE MainModule VAR indcnvdata indcnvdata1:=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; PROC main() indcnvdata1.speed := 2000; indcnvdata1.acceleration := 25000; indcnvdata1.productsperpick := 6; indcnvdata1.productsperindex := 1; ActUnit M7; IndCnvInit M7, DI_Eye, indcnvdata1; IndCnvEnable M7; WHILE TRUE DO WaitTime 1; ENDWHILE ENDPROC ENDMODULE


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Indexing conveyors
Calibrating the base frame

10.2.4 Calibrating the base frame

Introduction To calibrate the base frame, first create the work object. Then calibrate and verify the calibration. Creating the work object Use this procedure to calibrate the base frame for CNV1. Action
1. 2. 3. Jog the mechanical unit M7 to the correct position according to the infeeder. Perform a fine calibration of M7 in this position. Activate the mechanical units M7 and CNV1.

ActUnit M7; ActUnit CNV1;

4. Initialize the indexing conveyor by executing the following RAPID instruction where indcnvdata1 is setup as described in Testing the indexing conveyor setup on page 112.

IndCnvInit M7, DI_Eye, indcnvdata1;

5. 6. 7. To make sure there are no objects in the object queue execute the RAPID instruction:

PulseDO \PLength:=0.1,c1RemAllPObj;
Add a new object to the object queue by executing the RAPID instruction:

IndCnvAddObject M7;
To be able to jog M7 during calibration it is necessary to reset the indexing functionality by executing the RAPID instruction:

IndCnvReset M7; Calibrating the base frame Start the base frame calibration routine of CNV1 and move the conveyor to the calibration positions by jogging the mechanical unit M7. See Calibrating the base frame on page 33. Continue with verifying the calibration, see Verifying the calibration on page 34.

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Indexing conveyors

10.2.5 indcnvdata
Description The data type indcnvdata contains information about the indexing movement and the number of pockets that the work object holds. Example VAR indcnvdata indcnvdata1:=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; indcnvdata1.speed:= 2000; indcnvdata1.acceleration := 25000; indcnvdata1.productsperpick := 6; indcnvdata1.productsperindex := 1; indcnvdata1.accuracytuning := 0; Components speed Conveyor speed in mm/s. Normally this parameter is set to a high value to create a motion profile that is triangular. acceleration Conveyor acceleration in mm/s2. This value cannot be higher than what is configured in Acceleration Data, see Type Acceleration Data on page 111. productsperpick The number of pockets that defines a work object. If there is one product in each pocket this parameter defines how many products the robot will pick in each robot cycle. productsperindex
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Use this parameter to set how many products that should enter each pocket before executing an indexing movement. accuracytuning This parameter can be used to tune the synchronisation between robot and indexing conveyor and requires a high speed camera. The tuning value is default 0 and can be adjusted +-10ms.


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Indexing conveyors

10.2.6 IndCnvInit
IndCnvInit used to set up the indexing conveyor functionality.

Example IndCnvInit M7, DI_Eye, indcnvdata1; Arguments IndCnvInit MechUnit, Signal, indcnvdata1; MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mechunit

The name of the mechanical unit. Signal (Signal) Data type: signaldi

The name of the digital input signal that triggers the indexing movement. indcnvdata () Data type: indcnvdata

IndCnvData speed, acceleration, productsperpick, productsperindex, accuracytuning

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Indexing conveyors
IndCnvEnable and IndCnvDisable

10.2.7 IndCnvEnable and IndCnvDisable

IndCnvEnable is used to set the system in indexing mode. An indexing movement will be

executed when the signal is triggered (indexing mode).

IndCnvDisable is used to stop listening to the digital input signal. No indexing movement

will be performed even if the signal is triggered. Note! It is not possible to jog or run Move instructions on the indexing conveyor until a IndCnvReset instruction has been executed. Example IndCnvEnable M7; IndCnvDisable M7; Arguments IndCnvEnable MechUnit; IndCnvDisable MechUnit; MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mechunit

The name of the mechanical unit.


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Indexing conveyors

10.2.8 IndCnvReset
IndCnvReset ends indexing mode and sets the system to normal mode which makes it pos-

sible to jog and run Move instructions. Example IndCnvReset M7; Arguments IndCnvReset MechUnit; MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mechunit

The name of the mechanical unit.

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Indexing conveyors

10.2.9 IndCnvAddObject
Description To manually add an object to the object queue, the RAPID instruction IndCnvAddObject can be executed. Example IndCnvAddObject M7; Arguments IndCnvAddObject MechUnit; MechUnit (Mechanical Unit) Data type: mechunit

The name of the mechanical unit.


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Indexing conveyors
RAPID programming example

10.2.10 RAPID programming example

Introduction In this example an IRB 360 is picking a batch of products from an indexing conveyor (CNV1) and placing the products on the outfeed conveyor (CNV2). The outfeed conveyor is not controlled by IRC5. Example MODULE MainModule TASK PERS wobjdata wobj1:= [FALSE,FALSE,"CNV1",[[0,0,0], [1,0,0,0]],[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]]]; TASK PERS wobjdata wobj2:= [FALSE,FALSE,"CNV2",[[0,0,0], [1,0,0,0]],[[0,0,0],[1,0,0,0]]]; CONST robtarget WaitPos:= [[-129.82,1.57,924.52],[0,0.999848,-0.0174063,0], [0,0,0,0],[0,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,0,0]]; CONST robtarget Cnv1_Above:= [[24.81,40.73,34.42], [0.000115829,-0.753048,0.657965,-0.000112099], [0,1,0,0],[171.015,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,277.57,400]]; CONST robtarget Cnv1_Below:= [[24.81,40.73,-9.77], [0.000115827,-0.75306,0.657952,-0.000112101], [0,1,0,0],[171.015,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,277.57,400]]; CONST robtarget Cnv2_Above:= [[-23.46,-1.68,201.85], [1.72038E-05,0.997874,0.0651587,-0.000988565], [0,0,0,0],[158.015,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,277.57,0]]; CONST robtarget Cnv2_Below:= [[-23.46,-1.68,55.28], [1.72335E-05,0.997876,0.0651288,-0.000988564], [0,0,0,0],[158.015,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,277.57,0]];
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PERS tooldata Tool_2:=[TRUE,[[0,0,56.5],[1,0,0,0]], [2,[0,0,26],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0.0016]]; VAR triggdata EaciPick; VAR triggdata EaciPlace; VAR speeddata speed_eaci; VAR indcnvdata indcnvdata1:=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; VAR num prod_cnt; CONST stoppointdata stoppoint_eaci:=[3,FALSE,[0,0,0,0],0, 0.035,"",0,0]; PROC main() indcnvdata1.speed := 2000; indcnvdata1.acceleration := 25000; indcnvdata1.productsperpick := 6; indcnvdata1.productsperindex := 1;

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Indexing conveyors
RAPID programming example

prod_cnt := 0; speed_eaci.v_tcp:= 5000; speed_eaci.v_ori:= 10000; ! Activate mechanical units ActUnit M7; ActUnit CNV1; ActUnit CNV2; ! Remove from queue and drop objects PulseDO \PLength:=0.1,c1RemAllPObj; PulseDO \PLength:=0.1,c2RemAllPObj; DropWObj wobj1; IF c2Connected = 1 THEN DropWObj wobj2; ENDIF ! Set up pick and place trigg data TriggEquip EaciPick, 2, 0.05 \DOp:=EaciSuck, 1; TriggEquip EaciPlace, 2, 0.05 \DOp:=EaciSuck, 0; ! Set indexing conveyor CNV1 in indexing mode and start listening to the photo eye signals IndCnvInit M7, DI_Eye, indcnvdata1; IndCnvEnable M7; ! Go to init position MoveL WaitPos, v1000, fine, Tool_2; WHILE TRUE DO ! CNV1 Pick WaitWObj wobj1\RelDist:=300; MoveL Cnv1_Above, speed_eaci, z20, Tool_2\WObj:=wobj1; TriggL Cnv1_Below, speed_eaci, EaciPick, z1\Inpos:=stoppoint_eaci, Tool_2\WObj:=wobj1; MoveL Cnv1_Above, speed_eaci, z20, Tool_2\WObj:=wobj1; IF prod_cnt >= 1 THEN DropWObj wobj2; ENDIF ! CNV2 Place WaitWObj wobj2\RelDist:=50; MoveL Cnv2_Above, speed_eaci, z20, Tool_2\WObj:=wobj2;


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Indexing conveyors
RAPID programming example

TriggL Cnv2_Below, speed_eaci, EaciPlace, z1\Inpos:=stoppoint_eaci, Tool_2\WObj:=wobj2; MoveL Cnv2_Above, speed_eaci, z20, Tool_2\WObj:=wobj2; prod_cnt := prod_cnt + 1; TPErase; TPWrite " Number of products: "\Num:=prod_cnt; DropWObj wobj1; ENDWHILE ! ! Move program pointer to the instructions below to enable e.g. jogging ! Stop listening to the photo eye signals IndCnvDisable M7; ! Set indexing conveyor in normal mode IndCnvReset M7; ENDPROC ENDMODULE

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Indexing conveyors
Minimizing trigger time

10.2.11 Minimizing trigger time

Trigger time If the parameter Time before indexing move is set too short, the error 50423 - IndCnv Time before indexing move too low can occur. To minimize the time between the trigger from the photo eye and start of the conveyor movement, follow the description below:
1. Set Time before indexing move to a high value, for example 0.4 s. 2. Change the parameters as suggested in Possible solutions on page 122. 3. Run the full application with the robot coordinated to CNV1 and with full robot payload. 4. Run the service routine IndCnvOptimalTimeBefore to get a proposed optimal time before. 5. Update Time before indexing move to match the value proposed by the service routine.

There is a risk that the value suggested by the service routine IndCnvOptimalTimeBefore is too small so some extra 10 ms margin might be needed. Possible solutions Change the following parameters in the type Motion Planner. Parameter
Dynamic Resolution Path Resolution Queue Time Group Queue Time

0.3333 0.3333 0.032256 0.016128

Possible limitations If the error 50082 - Deceleration limit occurs, return to the original setting of Queue Time (which is 0.064512), in the type Motion Planner (topic Motion). If the error 50226 - Motor reference error occurs, return to the original setting of Group Queue Time (which is 0.032256), in the type Motion Planner (topic Motion).
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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

About conveyor tracking and MultiMove

11 Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

11.1 About conveyor tracking and MultiMove
Examples of use Here are some examples of applications where conveyor tracking is combined with MultiMove:
Several robots can work on the same object moving on a conveyor. Several robots can cooperate to pick objects on a conveyor.

Additional information If the option Indexing Conveyor Control is used for a conveyor in a MultiMove system , then some additional parameters must be defined. See System parameters and configuration files on page 107. See also Indexing conveyor with servo control on page 105. Related information Application manual - MultiMove.

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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Two application examples

11.2 Two application examples

Introduction This section contains two examples of robot system setups to demonstrate how conveyor tracking can be combined with MultiMove. They are called UnsyncCnv and SyncCnv. UnsyncCnv In the example UnsyncCnv, two robots work independently on one work piece for each robot. They do not cooperate in any way and do not have to wait for each other. There is one conveyor mechanical unit for each robot. Two encoder interfaces can be connected to the same encoder. Illustration UnsyncCnv

Graphic 10: xx0300000590

SyncCnv In the example SyncCnv, two robots arc weld on the same work piece. The work object is moved by a conveyor. One conveyor mechanical unit is used in a separate motion planner. Illustration SyncCnv

Graphic 11: xx0300000594Configuration


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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Configuration example for UnsyncCnv

11.2.1 Configuration example for UnsyncCnv

About this example This section describes how to configure the example UnsyncCnv, with two independent robots. The robots are handled by one task each. Tasks Task


Yes Yes

Use Mechanical Unit Group

rob1 rob2

Mechanical Unit Group Name

rob1 rob2


Mech Unit 1

Use Motion Planner

motion_planner_1 motion_planner_2

Motion Planner Name

motion_planner_1 motion_planner_2

Mechanical Unit Allow Move of User Frame

No No Yes Yes

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Activate at Startup
Yes Yes No No

Deactivation Forbidden
No No No No

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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Configuration example for UnsyncCnv


Graphic 12: en0400000773


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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Configuration example for SyncCnv

11.2.2 Configuration example for SyncCnv

About this example This section describes how to configure the example SyncCnv, with two robots and one positioner. Each mechanical unit is handled by a separate task. Tasks Task


Yes Yes Yes

Use Mechanical Unit Group

rob1 rob2 conv3

Mechanical Unit Group Name

rob1 rob2 conv3


Mech Unit 1

Use Motion Planner

motion_planner_1 motion_planner_2



Motion Planner Name

motion_planner_1 motion_planner_2 motion_planner_3

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Mechanical Unit Allow Move of User Frame

No No Yes


Activate at Startup
Yes Yes Yes

Deactivation Forbidden
No No No

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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Configuration example for SyncCnv


Graphic 13: en0400000774

Calibration overview For unsynchronized movements each conveyor must be calibrated with its motion group robot (after the robots base calibration):
Cnv2 with Robot_2
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Cnv1 with Robot_1

For synchronized movements Cnv3 is calibrated with one robot only: Robot_1.


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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Tasks and programming techniques

11.3 Tasks and programming techniques

Introduction to tasks Each task program can handle the movements for one robot and up to 6 additional axes. Several tasks can be used, each containing a program quite similar to the program of the main task in a single robot application. For more information about tasks, see the section Multitasking in Application manual - Engineering tools. One task program per robot Each task program can only handle one TCP. This means that you must have one task for each robot. Conveyor in separate tasks Conveyors that move a work object can be handled by the same task program as one of the robots for unsynchronized movements. For synchronized movements where the conveyor should be able to move independently of the robots, it is best to have a separate task program for the conveyor.

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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Independent movements, example UnsyncCnv

11.3.1 Independent movements, example UnsyncCnv

ROB1 task program MODULE module1 TASK PERS wobjdata wobj1 := [ FALSE, TRUE, "", [ [500, -200, 1000], [1, 0, 0 ,0] ], [ [100, 200, 100], [1, 0, 0, 0] ] ]; TASK PERS wobjdata wobjcnv1 := [ FALSE, FALSE, "CNV1", [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0 ,0] ], [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0] ] ]; TASK PERS tooldata tool1 := ... CONST robtarget p11 := ... ... CONST robtarget p14 := ... PROC main() ... IndependentMove; ... ENDPROC PROC IndependentMove() MoveL p11, v500, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj1; WaitWObj wobjcnv1\RelDist:=10; MoveC p12, p13, v500, z10, tool1\WObj:=wobjcnv1; MoveC p14, p11, v500, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj1; ENDPROC ENDMODULE ROB2 task program
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MODULE module2 TASK PERS wobjdata wobj2 := [ FALSE, TRUE, "", [ [500, -200, 1000], [1, 0, 0 ,0] ], [ [100, 1200, 100], [1, 0, 0, 0] ] ]; TASK PERS wobjdata wobjcnv2 := [ FALSE, FALSE, "CNV2", [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0 ,0] ], [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0] ] ]; TASK PERS tooldata tool2 := ... CONST robtarget p21 := ... ... CONST robtarget p24 := ... PROC main() ... IndependentMove; ... ENDPROC PROC IndependentMove() MoveL p21, v500, fine, tool2\WObj:=wobj2;
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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Independent movements, example UnsyncCnv

WaitWObj wobjcnv2\RelDist:=10; MoveL p22, v500, z10, tool2\WObj:=wobjcnv2; MoveL p23, v500, z10, tool2\WObj:=wobjcnv2; MoveL p24, v500, z10, tool2\WObj:=wobjcnv2; MoveL p21, v500, fine, tool2\WObj:=wobj2; ENDPROC ENDMODULE

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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Coordinated synchronized movements, example SyncCnv

11.3.2 Coordinated synchronized movements, example SyncCnv

ROB1 task program MODULE module1 VAR syncident sync1; VAR syncident sync2; VAR syncident sync3; PERS tasks all_tasks{3} := [["ROB1"],["ROB2"],["CONV3"]]; PERS wobjdata wobjcnv3 := [ FALSE, FALSE, "CNV3", [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0 ,0] ], [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0] ] ]; TASK PERS tooldata tool1 := ... CONST robtarget p100 := ... ... CONST robtarget p199 := ... PROC main() ... SyncMove; ... ENDPROC PROC SyncMove() MoveJ p100, v1000, z50, tool1; WaitSyncTask sync1, all_tasks; MoveL p101, v500, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj1; SyncMoveOn sync2, all_tasks; MoveL p102\ID:=10, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobjcnv3; MoveC p103, p104\ID:=20, v300, z10, tool1\WObj:=wobjcnv3; MoveL p105\ID:=30, v300, z10, tool1\WObj:=wobjcnv3; MoveC p106, p101\ID:=40, v300, fine, tool1\WObj:=wobj1; SyncMoveOff sync3; MoveL p199, v1000, fine, tool1; UNDO SyncMoveUndo; ENDPROC ENDMODULE ROB2 task program MODULE module2 VAR syncident sync1; VAR syncident sync2; VAR syncident sync3; PERS tasks all_tasks{3} := [["ROB1"],["ROB2"],["CONV3"]]; PERS wobjdata wobjcnv3 := [ FALSE, FALSE, "CNV3", [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0 ,0] ], [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0] ] ];


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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Coordinated synchronized movements, example SyncCnv

TASK PERS tooldata tool2 := ... CONST robtarget p200 := ... ... CONST robtarget p299 := ... PROC main() ... SyncMove; ... ENDPROC PROC SyncMove() MoveJ p200, v1000, z50, tool2; WaitSyncTask sync1, all_tasks; MoveL p201, v500, fine, tool2 \WObj:=wobj2; SyncMoveOn sync2, all_tasks; MoveL p202\ID:=10, v300, fine, tool2\WObj:=wobjcnv3; MoveC p203, p204\ID:=20, v300, z10, tool2\WObj:=wobjcnv3; MoveL p205\ID:=30, v300, z10, tool2\WObj:=wobjcnv3; MoveC p206, p201\ID:=40, v300, fine, tool2\WObj:=wobj2; SyncMoveOff sync3; MoveL p299, v1000, fine, tool2; UNDO SyncMoveUndo; ENDPROC ENDMODULE CONV3 task program MODULE module3 VAR syncident sync1; VAR syncident sync2; VAR syncident sync3; PERS tasks all_tasks{3} := [["ROB1"],["ROB2"],["CONV3"]]; PERS wobjdata wobjcnv3 := [ FALSE, FALSE, "CNV3", [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0 ,0] ], [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0] ] ]; CONST jointtarget angle_0 := [ [ 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9], [ 0, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9] ]; ... CONST jointtarget angle_360 := [ [ 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9],[ 360, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9] ]; PROC main() ... SyncMove; ... ENDPROC
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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Coordinated synchronized movements, example SyncCnv

PROC SyncMove() MoveExtJ angle_neg20, vrot50, fine; WaitSyncTask sync1, all_tasks; ! Wait for the robots WaitWObj wobjcnv3; SyncMoveOn sync2, all_tasks; MoveExtJ angle_20\ID:=10, vrot100, fine; WaitWObj wobjcnv3\RelDist:=100; MoveExtJ angle_160\ID:=20, vrot100, z10; MoveExtJ angle_200\ID:=30, rot100, z10; MoveExtJ angle_340\ID:=40, rot100, fine; SyncMoveOff sync3; DropWobj wobjcnv3; UNDO SyncMoveUndo; ENDPROC ENDMODULE


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Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Motion principles

11.3.3 Motion principles

Robot speeds When the movements of several robots are synchronized, all robots adjust their speed to finish their movements simultaneously. This means that the robot movement that takes the longest time will determine the speed of the other robots.

11.3.4 Combining synchronized and unsynchronized mode

Introduction For a combination of synchronized and unsynchronized mode is needed with a single conveyor there must be two mechanical units for unsynchronized mode. For example CNV1 and CNV2 can be connected to the same encoder. CNV3 can be configured using the same I/O signals as CNV1 in the topic Process. Replace default C3xx signals name with C1xx (that is, position_signal c3position becomes position_signal c1position). Configuration The configuration file Proc.cfg will look like this: Conveyor -name "CNV1" -sensor_type "CAN" -use_sensor "CAN1" adjustment_speed 250\ -min_dist -600 -max_dist 20000 correction_vector_ramp_length 10 -name "CNV2" -sensor_type "CAN" -use_sensor "CAN2" adjustment_speed 250\ -min_dist -600 -max_dist 20000 correction_vector_ramp_length 10
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-name "CNV3" -sensor_type "CAN" -use_sensor "CAN3" adjustment_speed 250\ -min_dist -600 -max_dist 20000 correction_vector_ramp_length 10 # Conveyor CAN sensor -name "CAN1" -signal_delay 54 -connected_signal "c1Connected"\ -position_signal "c1Position" -velocity_signal "c1Speed"\ -null_speed_signal "c1NullSpeed" -wait_wobj_signal "c1WaitWObj"\ -drop_wobj_signal "c1DropWObj" -data_timestamp "c1DTimestamp"\ -rem_all_pobj_signal "c1RemAllPObj" -rem_one_pobj_signal "c1Rem1PObj"

3HAC16587-1 Revision G


Conveyor tracking and MultiMove

Combining synchronized and unsynchronized mode

-name "CAN2" -signal_delay 54 -connected_signal "c2Connected"\ -position_signal "c2Position" -velocity_signal "c2Speed"\ -null_speed_signal "c2NullSpeed" -wait_wobj_signal "c2WaitWObj"\ -drop_wobj_signal "c2DropWObj" -data_timestamp "c2DTimestamp"\ -rem_all_pobj_signal "c2RemAllPObj" -rem_one_pobj_signal "c2Rem1PObj" -name "CAN3" -signal_delay 54 -connected_signal "c1Connected"\ -position_signal "c1Position" -velocity_signal "c1Speed"\ -null_speed_signal "c1NullSpeed" -wait_wobj_signal "c1WaitWObj"\ -drop_wobj_signal "c1DropWObj" -data_timestamp "c1DTimestamp"\ -rem_all_pobj_signal "c1RemAllPObj" -rem_one_pobj_signal "c1Rem1PObj"


3HAC16587-1 Revision G

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Numerics 50024 Corner zone 59 50082 Deceleration Limit 38 A Acc dependent filter value accelerating conveyor 83 system parameter 58 Acceleration Data parameters for indexing conveyor 111 Activate at Startup system parameter 59 ActivateProfile instruction 101 activating connect 45 conveyor 45 profile 93 ActUnit instruction 45 additional axes limitation 13 additional conveyors 12 indexing conveyor 106 installing 42 Adjustment accel system parameter 57 Adjustment speed system parameter 57 adjustment speed circular conveyor 80 defining 37 Allow outside reach prefetch system parameter 60 Arm parameters for indexing conveyor 109 auto mode description 54 operation 54 B base frame calibrating 33 calibrating for indexing conveyor 113 calibration result 33 circular conveyor 76 conveyor 17 robot 17 verifying 34 Base frame q1-q4 system parameter 60 Base frame xyz system parameter 60

C c1DropWObj 44 c1ObjectsInQ 44 c1Rem1PObj 44 c1RemAllPObj 44 calibrating base frame 33 circular conveyor 78 conveyor base frame 32 CountsPerMeter 31 indexing conveyor base frame 113 QueueTrckDist 31 result 33 verifying 34 Check Point Distance parameter for queue tracking 68 Check Point Window Width parameter for queue tracking 68 checkpoint function 68 circuit diagram 24 circular conveyor encoder 74 limitation 13 CNV1, indexing conveyor 105 cnvcmd argument 103 CnvGenInstr indexing conveyor 95 instruction 103 configuring adjustment speed 37 maximum distance 36 minimum distance 36 start window 35 sync separation 35 track motion following conveyor 39 ConfL limitation 52 Connected signal system parameter 58, 108 connecting automatic 45 DSQC 377B to IRC5 27 encoder interface 27 work object 15 connections diagram 24 Controller parameters for indexing conveyor 107

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3HAC16587-1 Revision G



D Data argument 103 Data ready signal system parameter 58 data types Indcnvdata 114 wobjdata 61 deactivating conveyor 45 Deactivation Forbidden system parameter 59 DeactProfile instruction 102

F Fieldbus Command parameters for indexing conveyor 94 type 56 Filename argument 99, 100 finepoint 52 programming 53 FlexPendant displayed information 51


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conveyor as mechanical unit 14 coordinated motion, programming 48 maximum and minimum distances 36 start window 35 conveyor base frame calibrating 32 Conveyor can sensor type 58 Conveyor Internal type 108 Conveyor systems parameters for indexing conveyor 94, 108 type 57 coordinate systems description 17 coordinated finepoint 12 coordinated motion 123 coordinated work object 14 corner zones dropping work object 49 entering and exiting 50 correction_vector_ramp_length system parameter 57 correction_vector_stop_ramp system parameter 57 Corvec correction level system parameter 60 Count1 from encoder system parameter 108 Count2 from encoder system parameter 108 CountsPerMeter calibrating 31 circular conveyor 75 system parameter 56 current input 20

DeactUnit 45 instruction 45 defining conveyor coordinated work object 46 Delay argument 99, 100, 101 digital input current 20 disconnecting work object 15 dropping work object 49 DropWObj 49 DropWObj signal system parameter 58, 108 DSQC 377B advanced queue tracking 65 encoder connection 23 power supply 20 E Eio unit name system parameter 58, 108 emergency stop automatic mode 54 encoder connection DSQC 377B 23 encoder interface 23 encoder frequency 20 encoder input current 20 encoder interface advanced queue tracking 65 connecting to IRC5 27 encoder connection 23 encoder location 22 circular conveyor 74 encoder type circular conveyor 74 selecting 20 encoder wiring 24 example applications 124 exit and re-enter 11


G gear ratio circular conveyor 74 indexing conveyor 110 I I/O parameters for advanced queue tracking 66 parameters for indexing conveyor 94, 107 system parameters 56 I/O window 51 IIRFFP accelerating conveyor 83 indexing conveyor 94 system parameter 56 IndCnvAddObject instruction 118 Indcnvdata data type 114 IndCnvDisable instruction 116 IndCnvEnable instruction 116 IndCnvInit instruction 115 IndCnvReset instruction 117 indexing conveyor definition 91 limitations 105 indexing mode 105 indexing profile configuring 93 information on FlexPendant 51 installation overview 19 installing additional conveyors 42 encoder 20

instructions ActivateProfile 101 CnvGenInstr 103 ConfL 52 DeactProfile 102 EoffsOff 52 EoffsOn 52 EoffsSet 52 IndCnvAddObject 118 IndCnvDisable 116 IndCnvEnable 116 IndCnvInit 115 IndCnvReset 117 limitations 52 LoadProfile 100 MoveC 52 MoveL 52 RecordProfile 96 RestoPath 52 Search 52 StorePath 52 StoreProfile 99 WaitAndRecProf 97 J Jogging window 51 L limitations 13 indexing conveyors 105 loading Motion parameters 41 profile 93 LoadProfile instruction 100 M M7, indexing conveyor 105 manual mode description 54 operation 54 manual reduced speed mode 54 Max External Pos Adjustment system parameter 60 maximum distance circular conveyor 80 defining 36 system parameter 57 maximum speed conveyor limitation 21 limitation 13 MaxTime argument 61

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Mechanical Unit parameters for circular conveyors 80 parameters for MultiMove 127 Mechanical Unit Group parameters for indexing conveyor 108 parameters for MultiMove 127 mechanical unit parameters 38 Mechanics circular conveyor 80 system parameter 60 minimum distance circular conveyor 80 defining 36 system parameter 57 minimum speed conveyor limitation 21 limitation 13 Motion loading parameters 41 parameters for indexing conveyor 109 system parameters 59 motion instructions limitations 52 Motion Planner parameters for MultiMove 127 type 59 Motion System parameters for circular conveyors 80 MoveC 52 MoveJ 52 MoveL 52 MultiMove 123 programming 129 tasks 129 multiple conveyors 12 N Name mechanical unit 59 New object strobe system parameter 108 Null_speed signal system parameter 58, 108 O object frame 17 object queue working with 44, 67 object queue lost limitation 13 Objects in queue system parameter 108 ObjLost signal system parameter 58, 108

operating modes 54 operating temperature DSQC 377 20 orientation error SingAreaWrist 13 P parallel track limitation 13 passed start window signal 70 Path Resolution system parameter 59 performance limits 52 physical components conveyor tracking 10 PNP encoder 24 Pos Update time system parameter 108 Position signal system parameter 58, 108 positive motion circular conveyor 75 configuring 30 power supply DSQC 377B 20 principles 14 MultiMove 135 Process parameters for indexing conveyor 94, 108 system parameters 57 Process Update Time system parameter 59 profile indexing conveyor 93 Profile_type argument 96, 98 program example 130 programming conveyor coordinated motion 48 MultiMove 129 programming considerations 52 Q queue tracking installation 65 object queue 67 queue tracking distance description 16 QueueTrckDist calibrating 31 circular conveyor 75 system parameter 56


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R RAPID data type for indexing conveyor 114 example SyncCnv 132 example UnsyncCnv 130 instructions 61 limitations 52 recording profile for indexing conveyors 95 Record_duration argument 96, 97 recording profile 93 reference points 33 RecordProfile instruction 96 RelDist argument 61 Rem1PObj sig system parameter 108 Rem1PObj signal system parameter 58 RemAllPObj sig system parameter 58, 108 restart automatic mode 54 manual mode 54 Robot type 59 robot motion parameters 38 robot on track limitation 13 Rotating Move circular conveyor 80 system parameter 60 S
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Scale enc pulse parameter for queue tracking 69 Sensor_start_signal indexing conveyor 94 Signal parameters for advanced queue tracking 66 parameters for indexing conveyor 107 simulation mode 71 SimulationVel parameter for queue tracking 71 SingAreaWrist limitation 13 Single type 60 Single to track system parameter 108

Single Type parameters for circular conveyors 80 parameters for indexing conveyor 109 type 60 speed 135 limits 52 manual reduced speed 54 MultiMove 135 Speed filter length system parameter 57 speed filters 83 start automatic mode 54 Start ramp system parameter 57 start window circular conveyor 80 description 16 StartWinWidth defining 35 system parameter 56 stop automatic mode 54 mode mode 54 Stop ramp system parameter 57 StoreProfile instruction 99 Supervise max_dist Off system parameter 58, 108 sync separation 35 circular conveyor 80 SyncCnv code example 132 configuration 127 example 124 syncfilter ratio system parameter 58 synchronization switch selecting 26 synchronized motion 123 SyncMoveUndo 135 SyncSeparation defining 35 system parameter 56

3HAC16587-1 Revision G



system parameters Acc dependent filter value 58 Activate at Startup 59 Adjustment accel 57 Adjustment speed 57 advanced queue tracking 66 Allow outside reach prefetch 60 Base frame q1-q4 60 Base frame xyz 60 Connected signal 58, 108 correction_vector_ramp_length 57 correction_vector_stop_ramp 57 Corvec correction level 60 Count1 from encoder 108 Count2 from encoder 108 CountsPerMeter 56 Data ready signal 58 Deactivation Forbidden 59 DropWObj signal 108 DropWobj signal 58 Eio unit name 58, 108 IIRFFP 56 Max External Pos Adjustment 60 maximum distance 57 Mechanics 60 minimum distance 57 Name 59 New object strobe 108 Null_speed signal 58, 108 Objects in queue 108 ObjLost signal 58, 108 Path Resolution 59 Pos Update time 108 Position signal 58, 108 Process Update Time 59 QueueTrckDist 56 Rem1PObj sig 108 Rem1PObj signal 58 RemAllPObj sig 58, 108 Rotating Move 60 Single to track 108 Speed filter length 57 StartWinWidth 56 Supervise max_dist Off 58, 108 syncfilter ratio 58 SyncSeparation 56 Track Conveyor With Robot 60 Use kinematic for corvec 59 Use Six Axis Corvec 59 Use spline parameters 59 Velocity signal 58, 108 WaitWobj signal 58

T Tasks parameters for indexing conveyor 107 parameters for MultiMove 127 tasks MultiMove 129 TCP measurement method circular conveyor 78 TimeFlag argument 61 topics Controller 107 I/O 56, 66, 94, 107 Motion 59, 109 Process 57, 94, 108 Track Conveyor With Robot defining 40 system parameter 60 track motion configuring 39 programming recommendation 39 Transmission parameters for circular conveyors 80 parameters for indexing conveyors 110 type 60 types Acceleration Data 111 Arm 109 Conveyor can sensor 58 Conveyor Internal 108 Conveyor systems 57, 94, 108 Fieldbus Command 31, 35, 56, 94 Mechanical Unit Group 108 Motion Planner 59 Robot 59 Signal 66, 107 Single 60 Single Type 60, 109 Tasks 107 Transmission 60, 110 Unit 107 Unit Type 107 U ufmec 46 ufprog 46 uncoordinated motion 123 Unit parameters for indexing conveyor 107 UnsyncCnv code example 130 configuration 125 example 124


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unsynchronized motion 123 Use kinematic for corvec system parameter 59 Use Six Axis Corvec system parameter 59 Use spline parameters system parameter 59 user frame coordinated to conveyor 17 V Velocity signal system parameter 58, 108 W WaitAndRecProf instruction 97 waiting for work object principle 14 programming considerations 47 WaitWObj corner zones 50 disable object lost 70 limitation after DropWObj 13 WaitWObj signal system parameter 58 wiring diagram 24 WObj argument 61, 64 wobjdata data type 61 work object connecting 15 defining conveyor coordinated 46 disconnecting 15 dropping 49 waiting 47 world frame 17

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