CQF Brochure
CQF Brochure
CQF Brochure
Provided by Fitch 7city Learning
Paul Shaw, Course Director Contents 3 4-5 6-7 8 9 11 12-13 14-19 20-21 23 24-25 26 Introduction Your CQF Journey Applicant Profile CQF Alumni Program Delivery Mathematics for Quantitative Finance Primer CQF Program Content Lifelong Learning CQF Faculty How to Apply FAQs Affiliates
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The Certificate in Quantitative Finance (CQF) is a six-month part-time online course designed for in-depth training for individuals working in, or intending to move into, derivatives, IT, quantitative trading, insurance or risk management. The CQF is unique in its structured approach and commitment to the field of real world quantitative finance. At all times the programs focus is on practical implementation of techniques and on the questioning and analysis of models and methods. The global standard in quantitative finance, the CQF provides analysis of practical quantitative techniques important in todays, and tomorrows, financial landscape.
World Class Quants Qualification The CQF is a challenging qualification, career enhancing, well respected and internationally renowned Part-Time Online Flexible Learning Six-month flexible part-time program delivered twice a year All lectures are available streamed over the internet live and recorded. Recorded lectures are available in perpetuity Provides an in-depth coverage of practical quantitative methods for todays financial market Expert Teaching and Support The CQF faculty, led by Dr Paul Wilmott, is a highly acclaimed team of instructors combining leading academics and practitioners specializing in the field of quantitative finance Lifelong Learning CQF alumni benefit from a rapidly expanding continuing professional development program Lifelong Learning consists of hundreds of lectures including C++ for financial programming and the Certificate in Mathematical Methods CQF alumni membership, all materials and books and access to recordings in perpetuity
Online application
Ask a question
Apply online now and the Admissions Team will confirm your acceptance to the program within five working days.
The best way to find out more about the CQF is to attend one of our information sessions or live webinars. Meet the team Discuss details about the course Talk to alumni and faculty Global information sessions and live webcasts available Recorded session available at cqf.com
The CQF program begins with the Mathematics Primer, 15 hours of intensive training covering all the mathematical preliminaries you need to know before commencing the quantitative finance lectures. See Page 11 for more details.
E: [email protected] W: cqf.com
The examined part of the CQF program comprises six modules. Each module covers a different aspect of quantitative finance and consists of lectures and discussions. Delegates are encouraged to complete weekly exercises prior to the commencement of the next class. At the end of each module, delegates take a written exam and have to score 60% or above to gain certification in that module. Module 6 is a practical financial engineering project. Module One Basic Building Blocks of Quant Finance Module Two Risk and Return Module Three Equity, Currency and Commodity Derivatives Module Four Interest Rates and Products Module Five Credit Products and Risk Module Six Advanced Topics Final Exam for Distinction (Optional) The final three-hour examination takes place in exam centers worldwide. Delegates who score 80% or above receive a distinction grade.
Alumni Lectures - These frequent lectures are arranged for CQF Alumni, recorded and added to your portal. Masterclasses - Delve deeper into specific subjects with the CQFs Masterclasses including lectures from Paul Wilmott, Henriette Prast, Wim Schoutens and Claudio Albanese. CM2 The Certificate in Mathematical Methods (CM2) covers a variety of mathematical methods, with special focus on those applicable to real world problems. C++ This course features more than 70 hours of tuition and is for both delegates without any C++ experience and those wanting to take their skills to the next level. JAVA Introductory Java course specifically designed for quants. Trading Simulator The Trading Sim allows delegates to try out new ideas in a realistic setting, incorporating real-time events based on live data. Visual Basic for Applications This course starts with basic VBA and works up to the more complex features of VBA using Windows Excel.
Applicant Profile
CQF delegates come from a rich diversity of backgrounds, responsibilities and nationalities, bringing a wealth of experience to the program.
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ma Fu na nd ge me nt
E: [email protected] W: cqf.com
NORTH AMERICA USA New York Chicago San Francisco Boston Washington D.C Los Angeles SOUTH Florida AMERICA Houston Brazil New Jersey Sao Paulo Missouri Rio de Janeiro Texas Chile California Columbia Pennsylvania Peru Connecticut Paraguay Minnesota Oregon Canada Toronto Quebec Ontario
EUROPE United Kingdom Germany Switzerland Sweden Netherlands France Russia Italy Ireland Spain Luxembourg Denmark Norway Belgium Austria Poland
MIDDLE EAST Israel UAE Saudi Arabia Qatar Lebanon Azerbaijan Syria Bahrain Kuwait AFRICA South Africa Egypt Morocco Nigeria Zimbabwe
ASIA PACIFIC Singapore Hong Kong Tokyo India Australia Malaysia Vietnam
86% of applicants work in the financial sector 90% of delegates work full time for the duration of the program 82% of delegates take the program online
CQF Alumni
The CQF alumni community is continually expanding all over the world. The current network consists of over 2000 alumni, an exclusive global community of quantitative practitioners. We invest in the future of the network through a range of events, publications, a directory and a dedicated portal. As a CQF delegate, you will become part of an active community, attending social and educational events.
Amit Marwaha
Previous Qualifications: MBA Finance, University of Texas at Austin Current Position: Associate, Gas Utilities, Citi Group
The CQF was a good way of improving my math while working at the same time. The CQF has definitely had an impact on my job. The CQF has given me the information, the tools and the knowledge necessary to speak to clients and price assets in an effective manner.
Joseph Halpern
Previous Qualifications: BS Finance, Accounting, NYU Stern School of Business Current Position: SVP, Commodity Exotic Valuation, LAMCO
The part time flexible structure was very important; I did not have the ability to take a full time program at the time, so the CQF fit my schedule perfectly. The online delivery was very good; it allowed me to rewind and go forward as needed and to review sessions again if necessary.
If it wasnt for the CQF, I would not be in the position I am currently. The lifelong learning was very important to me its been two years since I completed the CQF and every time there is a new product in the market you will get an email from the CQF telling you that there is a new lecture on that topic. The CQF keeps you updated with market development.
Henrique Fragelli
Previous Qualifications: MBA Finance, HEC Paris, France. BA Economics, CFA Current Position: Quantitative Business Analyst, LCH.Clearnet Ltd
The overall hands on approach of the course is very important, rather than being totally theoretical without any link to reality, the course is really close to what we do on a daily basis. I thought it was really good value for my time and a good investment.
E: [email protected] W: cqf.com
Program Delivery
The CQF is at the forefront of interactive online learning and is continually developing new methods and tools as our global audience expands. Currently 82% of our delegates take the program online. Our comprehensive online learning portal gives 24 hour access to all of the recorded lectures and materials of the program. We also offer a CQF App which enables you to access your learning materials on iOS and Android devices.
All classes are recorded and then placed on the CQF Portal. Every delegate is provided with their own online account allowing them to access the following: Live lectures Recorded core lectures Annotated class notes Stimulating exercises Sample code and spreadsheets Recorded additional/ non-examined classes Lifelong Learning library Upload tool for modular exams Dedicated CQF forum Live 1-2-1 interactive lecturer support Whiteboard facility
Comprehensive learning portal
The CQF Portal and App are revolutionary tools allowing delegates to access their CQF lecture materials whenever is convenient for them. This flexibility allows the program to be completed on a part-time basis around a busy work schedule and while on the go. Randeep Gug, CQF Lecturer
E: [email protected] W: cqf.com
Fixed-income products Yield, duration and convexity Stochastic spot-rate models Affine stochastic models Change of numraire Heath, Jarrow and Morton Calibration Data analysis Libor Market Model Cointegration: Modeling long term relationships
E: [email protected] W: cqf.com
Modules One to Five are examined at the end of each respective module. All delegates have to complete a project for Module 6. This is a practical programming project which is set during the second half of the course, designed to ensure delegates apply their theoretical knowledge to real-life problems that they can then take back to the workplace.
Lifelong Learning
Alumni Lectures
The Alumni Lectures are the biggest component of Lifelong Learning and contains a library of over 600 hours of lectures on every conceivable finance subject. Delivered by some of the most eminent practitioners and academics, the content is ever expanding as additional lectures continually take place. When you start the CQF they are offered to you at no extra cost, in perpetuity. Please see below for a small selection of the Alumni Lectures:
CREDIT The Pricing of CDOs Using Levy Copulas (Wim Schoutens) Jumps in Credit Risk Modeling and Intensity Models: Theory, Calibration, Pricing (Wim Schoutens) Copula and Implementing CDO Pricing (Siyi Zhou) CDOs, Correlation Products and Dangers Therein (Paul Wilmott) Copulas and CDO Implementation (Siyi Zhou) Correlation Sensitivity and State Dependence (Paul Wilmott and Siyi Zhou) Structural Models (Alonso Pena) Introduction to Credit Derivatives (Moorad Choudhry) Credit Default Swaps (Alonso Pena) Advanced Credit Derivatives (Seb Lleo) EQUITY The Feedback Effect of Hedging in Illiquid Markets (Paul Wilmott) Dividend Modeling and Option Pricing (Some Practitioners Models and a New Model) (Ralf Korn) Pricing a Class of Options via Moments and SDP Relaxations (Milhail Zervos) Black-Scholes Model (Paul Wilmott) Binomial Model (Paul Wilmott) Random Behaviour of Assets (Paul Wilmott) The Non-Greek Non-Foundation of Derivative Pricing (Elie Ayache) Exotic Options (Paul Wilmott) Advanced Equity Models: Pricing, Calibration and Monte Carlo Simulation (Wim Schoutens) The Life of a Fundamental Analyst (Anneke Minnema) A Market Impact Model that Works (Dan di Bartolomeo) Optimal Execution of Portfolio Transactions: A Review (Ekaterina Kochieva) FIXED INCOME Black 76 (Espen Haug) The Market Price of Risk (Paul Wilmott) Managing Smile Risk (Pat Hagan) Advanced BGM (Peter Jaeckel) The Heath, Jarrow and Morton Model (Paul Wilmott) Probabilistic Methods for Interest Rates (Seb Lleo) Fixed Income Modeling (Lecture I - IV) (Claudio Albenese)
RISK MANAGEMENT Understanding the Financial Markets in the Subprime Era (Bill Ziemba) Classic Quant Mistakes (Paul Wilmott) Long Short Portfolio Optimization Under Mean-Variance-CVaR Framework (Gautam Mitra) Validation of Derivatives Pricing Models (Dario Cziraky) Trading Derivatives: Real Markets, Real Model, Real Smiles (Nasir Afaf) Scenarios and Risk Control for Hedge Funds (Bill Ziemba) The Scandal of Prediction (audio only) (Nassim Nicholas Taleb) Thats No Way to Run an Economy (Aaron Brown) Infinite Variance (Seb Lleo) CrashMetrics (Paul Wilmott) MATHEMATICS Derivatives and Stochastic Control (Paul Wilmott) Can You Feel the Heat? Inverse Problems in Finance (Andreas Binder) Differential Equations (Riaz Ahmad) Martingales (Riaz Ahmad) Stochastic Calculus (Riaz Ahmad) Linear Algebra (Riaz Ahmad) Black Scholes, Mathematical Methods and Intro to Numerical Methods (Riaz Ahmad) Methods for Quant Finance: I & II(Riaz Ahmad) Martingales and PDEs: Which, When and Why (Seb Lleo) NUMERICAL METHODS Software Issues in Wavelet Analysis of Financial Data (Robert Tong) VBA Workshop (Mike Staunton) An Introduction to Spreadsheet Risk (Grenville Croll) Monte Carlo Simulation and Early Exercise (Paul Wilmott) Finite Difference Model (Paul Wilmott) Monte Carlo Simulations (Paul Wilmott) Numerical Integration (Paul Wilmott) Convertible Bond Coding Workshop (Paul Wilmott) VG Modeling (Paul Wilmott)
E: [email protected] W: cqf.com
PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Equity Portfolio Risk Management (Jason MacQueen) Frankensteins Model or the Perfect Union? (Richard Young and Jason MacQueen) The Polphemus Perspective Use of Single Factor Risk Models (Jason MacQueen) Risk Decomposition and Risk Budgeting (Jason MacQueen) Reverse Optimization for Portfolio Rebalancing (Jason MacQueen) ICA and Hedge Fund Returns (Andrew Robinson) Beyond Black-Litterman (Attilio Meucci) Symmetric Downside Sharpe Ratio (Bill Ziemba) Investment Lessons From Blackjack And Gambling (Paul Wilmott) Fundamentals of Optimization and Application to Portfolio Selection (Seb Lleo)
Alumni Masterclasses
Please see below for a selection of the Masterclasses:
Volatility, Advanced Modeling with PC Workshops, 2 days Paul Wilmott VG Modeling: Pricing Financial Derivatives in Equity and Credit Risk, 2 days Wim Schoutens Exotic Equity Derivatives, Pricing and Hedging, 2 days Paul Wilmott Behavioral Science in Finance: Phenomena, Diagnosis, Therapy, 1 day Henriette Prast Operator Methods in Fixed Income and Credit, 2 days Claudio Albanese Intraday High-Frequency Trading: From Empirical Evidence to Quantitative Optimization, 1 day Charles-Albert Lehalle
E: [email protected] W: cqf.com
Lifelong Learning
Certificate in Mathematical Methods (CM2)
The Certificate in Mathematical Methods (CM2) is an intensive program covering a variety of mathematical methods, with special focus on those which are applicable to real-world problems. Through the recorded lectures delegates will learn topics that are normally covered in the first two years of a university mathematics degree. The CM2 course syllabus includes the following topics:
Advanced Calculus Complex Numbers Vector algebra Matrix algebra Ordinary differential equations Infinite Series Functions Calculus for several variables Vector calculus Linear Algebra Linear equations Vector spaces Linear mappings Eigenvalues and eigenvectors Gram-Schmidt process Introduction to Probability Introduction Random Variables Continuous Random Variables Multivariate Random Variables Numerical Analysis I Errors Roots of equations Interpolation Numerical Linear Algebra Integration Differential Equations Complex Variables Basic Properties Elementary Functions Complex Differentiation Complex Integration Infinite Series The Theory of Residues Zeros of polynomials Conformal Mapping Differential Equations Fourier Series Variation of parameters Linear ordinary differential equations Non-linear ordinary differential equations Mathematical Methods Elliptic Equations and related methods Mathematics of Hyperbolic Equations Advanced Mathematical Methods Asymptotic expansions of integrals Non-linear ordinary differential equations Integral Equations & Boundary Value Problems Transform Methods L aplace and Fourier transforms A pplications Numerical Analysis II Finite Difference Methods P arabolic equations H yperbolic equations E lliptic equations Analysis N umber systems C ontinuity S equences D ifferentiation and Integration U niform Convergence P ower series Group Theory S ubgroups F inite groups and Group tables T he groups L agranges theorem P ermutation groups I somorphism I sometry and Matrix Groups T he Dihedral group C yclic groups D irect Products and Finitely Generated Abelian Groups C oset groups
The motivating factor for designing the CM2 has been the overwhelming interest from past delegates for acquiring a greater knowledge for the classical branches of mathematical methods which have a wide range of real world applications. Paul Shaw, Course Director
E: [email protected] W: cqf.com
Lifelong Learning
Trading Simulator
The CQF Trading Simulator fully backs up the lecture and workshop lessons so that delegates can try out new ideas in a realistic setting, incorporating real-time events based on live data from the ever fluctuating marketplace. The solution is easy to access as it is internet-based and will run in your browser.
Core Features: Equity, FX, Money Markets, Fixed Income Instructor generated scenarios Structured teaching approach Interactive parameter setting A range of option greeks Fundamentalist and technicalist strategies Multiple interaction types Single or multi-player mode
The CQF program also provides an introductory Java course specifically designed for quants. In seven interactive lessons, each lasting about one hour, you will be taken from a basic Hello Quant World program all the way through to a Black-Scholes charting GUI calculator, which prices call and put options and which creates optional windows with zoomable payoff diagrams. After completing the lessons, you will be able to expand your Java skills into virtually any direction that you need, particularly within the financial arena.
CQF Faculty
World-renowned practioners and respected academics
Dr Paul Wilmott
Paul is internationally renowned as a leading expert on quantitative finance. His research work is extensive, with more than 100 articles in leading mathematical and finance journals, as well as several internationally acclaimed books on mathematical modeling and derivatives, including the best-selling Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance. Paul has extensive consulting experience in quantitative finance with leading US and European financial institutions. He has founded a volatility arbitrage hedge fund and a university degree course. Paul has lectured at all levels, to students and to practitioners. trading own account positions in interest rate, bond and equity derivatives. At 7city, Neil is Head of Financial Product Training, designing and delivering a range of product courses for investment houses, data agencies and software houses in the US, UK and Europe.
Dr Sbastien Lleo
Sbastien is a professor of finance at Reims Management School in France, a lecturer on the Certificate in Quantitative Finance (CQF) at 7city in the UK and a visiting lecturer at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in Germany. Previously, he held a research position at Imperial College London in the UK. Before that, he worked seven years in the investment industry in Canada and held consulting positions. He holds a PhD in mathematics from Imperial College London (UK), an MBA from University of Ottawa (Canada), and an MSc in Management from Reims Management School (France).
Dr Riaz Ahmad
Riaz is Head of CQF Faculty and teaches Mathematical Finance, C++ programming and Mathematical Methods based courses. Riaz is an Applied Mathematician with teaching and research interests in the mathematical and computational aspects of financial derivatives. In particular, stochastic volatility and jump diffusion models, exotic options and interest rate modeling. At the MSc, MBA and executive education levels, Riaz has lectured in Mathematical Finance at University College London (UCL), Oxford University (Mathematical Institute), Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) and Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi.
Dr Randeep Gug
Randeep is the Head of CQF Business, Co-head of 7citys Business School as well as a lecturer on the Certificate in Quantitative Finance (CQF). Prior to joining 7city, Randeep worked in a variety of roles. He spent five years working in the Equities division at Salomon Smith Barney and later traded futures and options on the Indian National Stock Exchange (NSE). More recently he has spent time teaching mathematics at all levels. He is a qualified teacher, holds a 1st class honours degree and a PhD for research in semiconductor physics. He is a CQF Alumnus, achieving a distinction on the program and his current interests are based around improving and promoting the teaching and learning of Quant Finance.
Neil Graham
Neil joined Barclays International in 1985 initially in the foreign exchange, money markets and derivatives operations areas before moving to the trading room in 1991. Here, his roles included both inter-bank and sales positions in spot and forward FX, money markets and treasury derivatives. After leaving Barclays in 1995, Neil became a local on the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE)
E: [email protected] W: cqf.com
Dr Iris Mack
Iris, PhD, EMBA earned a Harvard doctorate in Applied Mathematics and a London Business School MBA. Iris is also a former Derivatives Quant/Trader who has worked in financial institutions in the U.S., London, Asia and the Caribbean. In addition to conducting lectures on Energy Derivatives for the Certificate in Quantitative Finance Program, she is an Energy Derivatives and Quantitative Investment consultant for 7city in Singapore. Iris serves on a National Academy of Sciences Research Advisory Board. In addition, she serves on the Advisory Boards of the Women Mentor Women Foundation and the I Can Still Do That Foundation. Iris has been an astronaut semi-finalist, one of Glamour Magazines Top 10 college students, one of Glamours Top 10 working women, an investment banker, an Enron Energy Trader and an MIT professor.
Dr Alonso Pea
Alonso is SDA Professor at the SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan. He has worked as a quantitative analyst in the Structured Products group for Thomson Reuters Risk and for Unicredit Group in London and Milan. He holds a PhD degree from the University of Cambridge on finite element analysis and is also a CQF alumnus. He has lectured and supervised graduate & post-graduate students from the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Bergamo, Pavia, Castellanza and the Politecnico di Milano. His area of expertise is the pricing of financial derivatives, in particular structured products. Dr Pea has been awarded the Robert J Melosh Medal: First Prize for the Best Student Paper on Finite Element Analysis, Duke University, USA; and the Rouse Ball Travelling Studentship in Mathematics, Trinity College, and Cambridge.
Dr Peter Jckel
Peter is the founder and Managing Director of OTC Analytics. He received his DPhil in Physics from Oxford University in 1995. Peter migrated into quantitative analysis and financial modeling in 1997 when he joined Nikko Securities. When Nikko closed down its European operations in 1998, he changed to NatWest, which later became part of the Royal Bank of Scotland group. In 2000, he moved to Commerzbank Securities product development group, and headed up the team jointly with a co-head from 2003. From September 2004 to May 2008, he was with ABN AMRO as Global Head of Credit, Hybrid, Inflation, and Commodity Derivative Analytics. Peter is the author of the book Monte Carlo Methods in Finance (2002).
Dr Siyi Zhou
Siyi is an Associate Lecturer for the CQF. He teaches applied quantitative finance in volatility arbitrage, stochastic interest rate models and credit derivative pricing and risk management. Before joining 7city CQF faculty, Siyi worked as a senior risk analyst in a city based consulting firm to provide constructive solutions to leading banks and insurance companies. He has worked on many projects in counterparty credit risk and market risk management. Currently he is working at Moodys Analytics based in London.
Dominic Connor
Dominic has been programming in C and C++ since the 1980s when he graduated from Queen Mary College London. He has built trading systems for bond and equity markets, secure networks for the British government, reviewed C++ compilers for PC Magazine, and debugged operating systems for IBM and Microsoft. At some point he has written code for every major environment including Windows, OS/2, Reuters, Bloomberg, VMS, AS/400, DOS, VM and Unix.
E: [email protected] W: cqf.com
How to Apply
We aim to make applying for the CQF as easy as possible. Should you have any questions about the application process, send us an e-mail or give us a call.
1. 2.
Apply online at cqf.com or e-mail [email protected] and we will e-mail or post an application form to you. The CQF Admissions Department will come back to you within five business days indicating whether you have been granted preliminary acceptance onto the course, and the time-scale within which you must make your decision on the offer. We might also invite you to be interviewed over the phone by a Course Director. You will then be required to fill out a short enrollment form, accepting your place on the CQF. As part of completing this enrollment form, you will be required to pay a non-refundable deposit which will entitle you to reserve a place on the program and get access to preliminary course materials and lectures, including the CQF Tablet and Mathematics Primer. You will also be required to complete a Maths Aptitude Indicator before the course begins. This will indicate to us what areas of mathematics are your strongest and weakest. You may complete this test up to one week after taking the Mathematics Primer. Once you pay the balance of the course you will be able to secure your place on the program.
Thomson Reuters Scholarship The Thomson Reuters Scholarship will be awarded to one applicant per course from the Americas, whereby the recipient will have his/her course tuition discounted. All applications and supporting documents must be submitted at least two months prior to the course start date.
3. 4. 5.
The Wiley Scholarship The Wiley Scholarship will be awarded to one applicant per course from Asia, whereby the recipient will have his/her course tuition discounted. All applications and supporting documents must be submitted at least two months prior to the course start date.
Wilmott Scholarship For those who are unemployed, full-time students or living in a developing country on a low income, the Wilmott Scholarship covers a portion of the tuition fees.
For more information on fees and financing visit cqf.com/admissions/fee-table
E: [email protected] W: cqf.com
How do I apply?
Simply go to cqf.com/admissions, where an online application form is available. Class sizes are restricted and places are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, provided a delegates application has been approved and the Mathematics Aptitude Indicator has been completed successfully.
Our Affiliates
Wilmott is the leading resource for the Quantitative Finance community with active users comprised of both practitioners in financial services and academics involved in research and teaching. It is led by Dr Paul Wilmott, founder and course director of the CQF.
The Professional Risk Managers International Association (PRMIA) seeks to provide the highest standard of support and resources to its members in risk management and financial engineering. PRMIA has granted all CQF holders exemptions to the PRM qualification for Exam I Finance Theory, Financial Instruments and Markets, and Exam II Mathematical Foundations and Risk Measurement.
Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) is a not-for-profit global membership organization dedicated to preparing professionals and organizations to make betterinformed risk decisions. CQF is registered with GARP as an Approved Provider of continuing professional education (CPE) credits for FRMs and ERPs, each completed CQF module qualifies for 7 credit hours.
Wolfram is one of the worlds most respected software companies - as well as a powerhouse of scientific and technical innovation. A wide range of companies rely on Mathematica to maintain their competitive edge in a sector which is consistently changing and the CQF is proud to offer this software to its delegates and alumni.
Wiley is a leading global publisher of scientific and technical information. It publishes books authored by various CQF faculty members, including the founder Dr. Paul Wilmott and Dr. Espen Gaarder Haug and works in conjunction with the program to ensure the delivery of quality learning and teaching resources.
The Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) delivers trusted, high quality numerical computing software and high performance computing (HPC) services and prides itself on decades of research and developments which form the foundation of its powerful, flexible and accurate software. The software is relied upon by tens of thousands of users, companies, and learning institutions as well as numerous independent software vendors. NAG regularly works in conjunction with the CQF Program to deliver topical and informative events and masterclasses.