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In Situ Repair Welding of Steam Turbine Shroud

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S.K.Albert, C.R.Das, V.Ramasubbu, A.K.Bhaduri, S.K.Ray and Baldev Raj

Metallurgy and Materials Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam - 603 102, India

Abstract A root-cracked blade in a high-pressure steam turbine of a nuclear power plant had to be replaced with a new blade by removing the cracked blade by cutting the shroud. This necessitated in-situ welding of a new shroud piece with the existing shroud after the blade replacement. The in-situ welding of the shroud, a 12%Cr martensitic stainless steel with tempered martensite microstructure, was carried out using the gas-tungsten arc welding and ER316L austenitic stainless steel filler metal followed by localized postweld heat treatment at 873K for 1 h using a specially designed electrical resistance heating furnace. Mockup trials were carried out to ensure that sound welds could be made under the constraints present during the actual in-situ repair welding operation. In-situ metallography of the repair-weld after post weld heat treatment confirmed adequate tempering of the martensitic structure in the heat-affected zone. The successful completion of this repair welding resulted in enormous saving both in terms of reducing the down-time of the plant and cost of the repair. The turbine has since been put back in to service and has been operating satisfactorily for the last 14 months. Introduction Steam turbine blades are critical components in power plants, which convert the linear motion of high temperature and high-pressure steam flowing down a pressure gradient into a rotary motion of the turbine shaft and these blades are subjected to very high centrifugal and bending forces during operation. In a steam turbine, the root of the blades are locked to the rotor while their free-ends are held together by a shroud or lacing wire or lacing rod, depending on the size of the blade and their position in the rotor. This reduces the stresses due to vibration of the blade during rotation of the turbine at about 3000 rpm. As the steam enters turbine from the boiler, it passes through different stages such as high-pressure (HP) to low-pressure (LP) zones. Reports available in literature [1-3] show that the blades of the LP turbine blades are generally more susceptible to failure that those of the HP turbine. Routine inspection of the turbines during an annual maintenance shut down of a nuclear power plant, revealed a crack in the root region of one of the closing blades in the IIIstage of the HP turbine. It was decided to remove the cracked blade by cutting a portion of the shroud just above it, and replace it with a new blade. The steps involved in this process include inserting the tenons of the new blade into the tenon holes in the new shroud piece of size identical to the one that had been removed by cutting, repair welding of the new shroud piece to the rest of the existing shroud and finally riveting the tenons of the new blade to the welded shroud piece. This decision was taken in view of the successful performance of shrouds whose cracks were repair welded two years earlier during the previous shut down of this plant [4-5].

Further, this repair procedure is less expensive and time consuming than other options available and could be completed without extending the duration of the shutdown. Choice of Welding Procedure The chemical composition of the new shroud piece, a martensitic stainless steel, is given in Table 1. A welding procedure using gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process and austenitic stainless steel consumable ER316L had already been developed for repair welding of cracks in the shrouds and blades of steam turbines [5,6]. The cracked shrouds repair-welded using this procedure has performed successfully in service for almost three years. In situ metallography of the repair welds after two years of successful service (Fig. 1) confirmed the good health of the repair welds. Using austenitic stainless steel consumable and GTAW process, preheating, which is normally required for welding of martensitic stainless steel to prevent hydrogen assisted cracking, can be avoided provided post weld heat treatment (PWHT) is carried out soon after welding.
Table 1: Chemical composition (wt.-%) of the shroud for the III-Stage of the HP turbine

C 0.15

Cr 11.50

Ni 0.40

Mo 0.60

Mn 0.60

Si 0.30

P 0.025

S 0.006

Co 0.025

Cu 0.06

V 0.020

Sn < 0.004

Fig. 1: In-situ metallography microstructures of repair weldments executed in 1998: (a) fusion zone in a IV-stage LP-turbine blade; and (b) HAZ near fusion line in a III-stage HP-turbine shroud.

Mock-up Trials prior to Repair As the in-situ welding of a new shroud piece to the existing shroud was being attempted for the first time (earlier only cracks were repair welded), a mock-up trial welding was carried out simulating constraints that would present during the actual in-situ repair welding operation. From Fig. 2, which shows the portion of III-stage of the HP turbine after removal of the cracked blade, it is evident that the blades on either side of the new replaced blade would limit access to the underside of the weld joint. Hence, a mock-up assembly was fabricated using 1 mm thick austenitic stainless steel sheets that had the contours of inner and outer surfaces of the closing blades of III-stage of the HP turbine. These austenitic stainless steel sheets were then welded to two separate 3 mm thick austenitic stainless steel plates having the same width as that of the actual shroud. This assembly was so prepared that it closely simulated the actual arrangement of the IIIstage HP turbine blades. Figure 3 shows a simple schematic representation of the mockup assembly.

Fig. 2: The III-stage HP turbine shroud after cutting and removal of the cracked blade.

Fig 3: Schematic representation of the mock-up assembly of the III-stage HP turbine blades and shroud piece.

After suitable edge preparation, the mock-up welding of the 3 mm plates was carried out in the vertical down position. Next the mock-up assembly was rotated by 90 (as this was the maximum rotation of the turbine possible during actual in-situ repair), the underside of the weld fused, and final grind operation of the root region executed. Inspection by liquid penetrant testing (LPT) of the mock-up welding assembly confirmed the successful welding by the welding technique adopted. In-Situ Repair Welding of the Turbine Shroud: 1. Edge Preparation of the Old and New Shroud Pieces and Fit-up The in-situ repair welding of the III-stage HP turbine shroud was taken up after the successful demonstration of the welding procedure on the mock-up assembly. While cutting the shroud piece above the root-cracked closing blade, it was ensured that the cutting operation is carried out at an angle of about 45 to the

plane of the shroud so that the adjacent blades are not damaged during cutting and subsequent repair welding operations. Both the cut edges of the original shroud were then edge prepared for welding by grinding them at an angle of about 35. After edge preparation, LPT was carried out on the edges and no defects were observed. As the dimensions of the new shroud piece were different from that of the original shroud in the turbine, some machining was required to be carried out to match their profiles precisely. The new shroud piece was then edge prepared by grinding them at an angle of about 35 and maintain a root gap of about 2 mm between the old and the new shroud pieces. After the new blade was inserted into its slot in the turbine rotor, the positions and dimensions of the two tenon holes on the new shroud piece were precisely marked. The tenon holes on this new shroud piece was then made by drilling and machining, and inserted on to the tenons of the new blade to complete the fit-up for repair welding. 2. Repair welding of the Turbine Shroud During the welding operation, the new blade and shroud piece were held in position but without riveting the tenons to the shroud piece. The welding was carried out in the vertical down position by the GTAW process, using ultra-high purity argon as shielding gas and ER 316L filler wires, adopting the procedure developed and approved earlier [4] and the technique finalized using the mock-up assembly. As the new shroud piece had to be welded on either side to the existing shroud and these two weld joint locations were very close to each other, the welding was carried out successively on both the locations to minimize distortion during welding. After depositing one layer of weld metal on both the joints, the misalignment between the exiting shroud and the new shroud piece, due to minor dimensional differences between them, were machined. Subsequently three more passes/layers of weld metal were deposited in each weld joint. Welding voltage and current employed were 10-12V and 80-85A respectively. Welding speed varied between 1-2 mm/s After completion of welding from the topside, the turbine was rotated by 90 to access the underside of the joints in the horizontal position for grinding the weld root and a final dressing pass was made at the weld root. Subsequently, the root of the weld was made flush with the shroud by grinding. Finally, ridges were built up on the new shroud piece by weld deposition, which was then made flush to with the exiting shroud by grinding. After completion of the welding, the joints were subjected to inspection by LPT, and were found to be free of defects. Figure 4 shows the shroud after the repair welding operation.

Fig. 4: The III-stage HP turbine shroud after in-situ repair welding.

3. Localised Post-Weld Heat Treatment of the Repair-Welded Turbine Shroud The repair-welded joints of the turbine shroud were subjected to localized PWHT at 873 K for 1 h soon after completion welding using the procedure earlier adopted for the repair-welded shrouds and blades [5,6]. The localized PWHT was carried out using a specially designed electrical resistance-heating furnace by which both the weldments could be heat treated simultaneously. This furnace was provided with an on-off controller and a solid-state relay capable of controlling the temperature with an accuracy of 2 K, while the power supply was provided from an auto-transformer for controlling the heating and cooling rates. The heat from the furnace was transferred to the weldments on the shroud through a copper block, which has a flat top-surface (on which heater is placed) and a curved bottom-surface with the dimensions and shape matching the shape and curvature of the shroud piece (on which it was seated during heat treatment). The use of the copper block ensured good thermal contact with the shroud for efficient heat transfer during heat treatment. A K-type thermocouple was welded to the underside of the shroud and its output fed to the controller for both monitoring and controlling the PWHT temperature. A schematic diagram of the localized PWHT set-up is given in Fig. 5. During the PWHT, the weldments were slowly heated to 873 K over a span of five hours, and after holding at this temperature for one hour, the furnace was switched off and the weldments allowed to slowly cool down to 573 K. Subsequently, the furnace was removed and the joint was allowed to cool in air.

Fig. 5: Schematic diagram showing set-up used for localized PWHT by electrical resistance heating.

4. Inspection of the Repair-Welded Joints After successful PWHT, liquid penetrant testing (LPT) and wet florescent magnetic particle (WFMPT) technique was performed on the weldments, and no defect was found. WFMPT was also carried out after subsequent riveting of the tenons of the new blade to the new shroud piece (now welded to the original shroud). Finally, in-situ metallography was carried out after PWHT, using portable polishing unit, etching unit and microscope, for which the martensitic stainless steel shroud material was etched with Vilellas reagent and the 316L austenitic stainless steel weld metal was electrolytically etched with 10% ammonium per sulphate solution. The in-situ metallography microstructure of the HAZ, shown in Fig. 6, indicated successful and adequate tempering of martensite structure of HAZ during PWHT.

Fig.6: In-situ metallography microstructure of the HAZ in the repairwelded shroud after localized PWHT at 873 K for 1 h

Conclusions 1. In-situ repair welding is a technically and economically viable solution for replacement of cracked steam turbine blades, and significantly reduces the down-time of turbine accompanied by enormous savings as it avoids replacements of entire set blades attached to a shroud segment. The repairwelded turbine has been operating satisfactorily for the last 14 months. 2. Inspection by LPT and WFMPT after PWHT confirmed the soundness of the repair-welded shroud weldments.

3. In-situ metallography on the repair-welded shroud showed that the procedure for localised PWHT at 873 K for 1 hour that was adopted has been successful, as the microstructures of the HAZ after PWHT confirmed adequate tempering of the martensitic HAZ. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Mr. G. Nageswara Rao and Mr. M.P. Hansora , Kakrapar Atomic Power Station for their whole-hearted co-operation during the execution of this work at Kakrapar. Thanks are also due to Mr. P. Sukumar and Mr. N. Dhakshinamoorthy of Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam for meticulously carrying out the in-situ metallography of the cracks and repair welds. The authors also acknowledge the co-operation of Mr. V.P. Sampath and his colleagues from M/sTEAM, Chennai, India for carrying out the welding operation. References 1. Atrens, A., Meyer, H., Faber, G. and Schneider, K., in Corrosion in Power Generating Equipment, ed. M.O. Speidel and A. Atrens. Plenum Press, 1983, p. 299. 2. Modern Power Station Practice, 3rd ed., British Electicity International, Pergamon Press, 1992, p. 73. 3. Viswanathan, R., Damage Mechanisms and Life Assessment of High Temperature Components, ASM International, Metals Park, OH, USA, 1989, p. 313. 4. Albert, S.K., Gill, T.P.S., Iyer, D.R., Shanmugham, K. and Sampath, V.P., Repair welding of under straps, shrouds and blades of KAPS-1 and 2 stream turbines , Report no. IGC/MJS/MTD/1/99, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, 1999. 5. Albert, S.K., Gill, T.P.S., Bhaduri, A.K. and Iyer, D.R., Repair Welding Of Cracked Shroud In Steam Turbine. Proceeding of International Symposium on Case Histories on Intregrity and Failures in Industry, Milan, Italy, 28 September 1 October 1999, pp. 863-872. 6. Bhaduri., A.K., Gill., T.P.S., Albert., S.K., Shanmugam, K. and Iyer., D.R., Repair Welding of Cracked Steam Turbine Blades using Austenitic and Martensitic Stainless-Steel Consumables, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 206, 2001, pp. 249-259 http://www.igcar.ernet.in/igc2004/cg/mcrg-research/Art-03/e-comm3.HTM

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