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PROJECT REPORT ON Hotel Management System


SUBMITTED BY Bharti Sharma Year-2011 ROLL NO.5708210






This is to certify that the following students have completed their minor project Hotel Management System, in the partial fulfilment of the award of the degree of B.Tech (C.S.E) by KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA, at RPIIT, Bastara.

The Project team comprises of following students.


Bharti Sharma (5708210)

(Mr. ashish) (Mrs parul) Project guide (Ms Garima Choudhary) PROJECT COORDINATOR (Mr. Gagan Dhawan) HOD, CSE

HOTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is the process of the managing and controlling the activities of hotel. It includes maintaining and managing the records of rooms available. It also maintains the list of Visitors, services taken by them. It has been designed to make available information as and when required. Also, it is highly beneficial to both customer as well as persons involved in the business of hotel.

Certificate Acknowledgement
Abstract Index List of Abbreviations List of Tables (with page nos.) List of Figures./graphs/ charts (with page nos.) CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 : HISTORY : GENERAL CONCEPTS : ADVANTAGES

Page No.



References Bibliography

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 History

As day by day technology is increasing at a greater rate and it was not possible to book hotel rooms by the help of internet thus now by the help of this project person can easily avail rooms on internet.

1.2 General concept

HOTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is the process of the managing and controlling the activities of hotel. It includes maintaining and managing the records of rooms available. It also maintains the list of Visitors, services taken by them. It has been designed to make available information as and when required. Also, it is highly beneficial to both customer as well as persons involved in the business of hotel. Identify current deficiencies in the current users environment: This will usually consist of simple narrative lists of all functions that are missing or operating unacceptably in the current system. The process of identifying deficiencies may also throw up the need for modifications/ enhancements to the existing system like its very difficult to manage and maintain all the details about Customers, Rooms vacant as well as occupied room, which is till now maintained manually on the papers which leads to more chances of information lost. Determine objective for the new system: This may also be a narrative list consisting of existing functions that need to be re-implemented, new functions that need to be added, and performance criteria for the new system.

Key Features Are:

1. Room Type 2. Room Services 3. Room Details 4. Online Registration 5. Guest Details

1.1 Advantages of the proposed system

Any guest / customer can easily check the status of the room available in the hotel at any time. Any guest / customer can book the room for the future date. Administrator can easily change the room rent or no of rooms available in the hotel. Administrator can easily change the item to be served to guest / customer in the hotel. The main concern of this project is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the whole system. Admin also checks the various future booking done by various guest / customers and then activate or deactivate those guest / customers.

Chapter -2 Details of technology used WORKING ENVIRONMENT Understanding .Net Frame Work DEFINITION:
The .Net framework can be defined as a language neutral platform designed to provide a number of rich and powerful application development tools and technologies. It has an extensive class library that provides wideranging support for data access. .Net framework has an independent code execution and management environment called the Common Language Runtime (CLR) which ensures that code is safe to run, and provides an abstract layer on top of the operating system, which allows the elements of the .Net framework to run on many operating systems and devices.


The basic idea behind the development of the .Net framework is that a global broadband network will someday globally connect all devices and the software will become a service provided over this network. The .Net framework provides the foundation and the plumbing on which the Microsoft .Net vision is built. The vision is about having a global network and open standards like XML to make it easier for parties to exchange data and work together. Now devices will use common languages like XML over standardized or shared protocols such as HTTP and these devices will be running a multitude of software on various operating systems. This is not limited to Microsoft but also to other operating systems such as sun, IBM. The .Net framework provides the tools and the technologies needed to write applications that can seamlessly and easily communicate over the Internet using open standards like XML and SOAP. It also aims at solving the various problems that are faced by developers while working on applications made using the windows DNA. It provides a solution to problems such as registering of components and shutting down applications in order to upgrade them.


1: ASP.NET is integrated with the .NET Framework The .NET Framework is divided into an almost painstaking collection of functional parts, with a staggering total of more than 10,000 types (the .NET term for classes, structures, interfaces, and other core programming ingredients). The massive collection of functionality that the .NET Framework provides is organized in a way that traditional Windows programmers will see as a happy improvement. Each one of the thousands of classes in the .NET Framework is grouped into a logical, hierarchical container called a namespace. Different namespaces provide different features. Taken together, the .NET namespaces offer functionality for nearly every aspect of distributed development from message queuing to security. This massive toolkit is called the class library.

2: ASP.NET Is Compiled, Not Interpreted One of the major reasons for performance degradation in classic ASP pages is its use of interpreted script code. Every time an ASP page is executed, a scripting host on the web server needs to interpret the script code and translate it to lower-level machine code, line by line. ASP.NET applications are always compiledin fact, its impossible to execute C# or Visual Basic code without it being compiled first. 3: ASP.NET Is Multilanguage IL is a stepping stone for every managed application. (A managed application is any application thats written for .NET and executes inside the managed environment of the CLR.) In a sense, IL is the language of .NET, and its the only language that the CLR recognizes. 4: ASP.NET Is Hosted by the Common Language Runtime The most important aspect of the ASP.NET engine is that it runs inside the runtime environment of the CLR. 5: ASP.NET Is Object-Oriented: ASP provides a relatively feeble object model. It provides a small set of objects; these objects are really just a thin layer over the raw details of HTTP and HTML. On the other hand, ASP.NET is truly object-oriented. Not only does your code have full access to all objects in the .NET Framework, but you can also exploit all the conventions of an OOP (object-oriented programming) environment. For example, you can create reusable classes, standardize code with interfaces, extend existing classes with inheritance, and bundle useful functionality in a distributable, compiled component. 6: ASP.NET Is Multi device and Multi browser: One of the greatest challenges web developers face is the wide variety of browsers they need to support. Different browsers, versions, and configurations differ in their support of HTML. Web developers need to choose whether they should render their content according to HTML 3.2, HTML 4.0, or something else entirely such as XHTML 1.0 or even WML (Wireless Mark-up Language) for mobile devices. This problem, fuelled by the various browser companies, has plagued developers since the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) proposed the first version of HTML. Life gets even more complicated if you want to use an HTML extension such as JavaScript to create a more dynamic page or provide validation.

Chapter-3 Work Done

3.1 Gantt Chart:

Gantt chart is a project scheduling technique. Progress can be represented easily in a Gantt chart, by coloring each milestone when completed. The project will start in the month of August and end after 4 months at the end of April.

System Design

Detailed Design Coding Unit Testing Test Plan Testing






Introduction to data dictionary: Data dictionaries are an integral component of structured analysis, since data flow diagrams by themselves do not fully describe the subject of the investigation. The data flow diagrams provide the additional details about the project/system. Data Dictionary (Definition): A data dictionary is a catalog- a repository- of the elements in a system. These elements center on the data and the way they are structured to meet user requirements and organization needs. A data dictionary consists of a list of all the elements composing the data flowing through a system. The major elements are data flows, data stores, and processes. The data dictionary stores details and descriptions of these elements. Describing Data Elements: Each entry in the data dictionary consists of a set of details describing the data used or produced in the system. Each item is identified by a data name, description, alias, and length and has specific values that are permissible for it in the system being studied.


The 0 level DFD shows the entire system under Investigation.




Customer Detail

Property details Item

Item Details

Hotel Managemen t System

Room Details



Activate / Delete

Activate/Delete Listing

Customer activate/delete Listing

Customer Activate/Delete Listing

1ST level DFD (Hotel Management System)

The level 1 of DFD shows the main functionality areas of the system. Each of this process can be broken in to further process until you reach.

Online Customer Registration


Check Status

Room Booking Allot the Room

Services Ordered

Hotel Management System

Services Given Bill Given to Customer

Activate / Deactivate Online Registered Customer Enter Details of room, items

Checks Details of online registered customer Generate Bill

Chapter 4 Software implementation

4.1 Programming environment Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 .NET The .NET Framework is a managed type-safe environment for application development and execution. The .NET Framework manages all aspects of your programs execution. It allocates memory for the storage of data and instructions, grants or denies the appropriate permissions to your application, initiates and manages application execution, and manages the reallocation of memory from resources that are no longer needed. The .NET Framework consists of two main components: the common language runtime and the .NET Framework class library. The common language runtime can be thought of as the environment that manages code execution. It provides core services, such as code compilation, memory allocation, thread management, and garbage collection. Through the common type system (CTS), it enforces strict type-safety and ensures that code is executed in a safe environment by also enforcing code access security. The .NET Framework class library provides a collection of useful and reusable types that are designed to integrate with the common language runtime. The types provided by the .NET Framework are object-oriented and fully extensible, and they allow you to seamlessly integrate your applications with the .NET Framework. The .NET Framework is designed for cross-language compatibility, which means, simply, that .NET components can interact with each other no matter what supported language they were written in originally. So, an application written in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET might reference a dynamic-link library (DLL) file written in Microsoft Visual C#, which in turn might access a resource written in managed Microsoft Visual C++ or any other .NET language. This language interoperability extends to full object-oriented inheritance. A Visual Basic .NET class might be derived from a C# class, for example, or vice versa. This level of cross-language compatibility is possible because of the common language runtime. When a .NET application is compiled, it is converted from the language in which it was written (Visual Basic .NET, C#, or any other .NET-compliant language) to Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL or IL). MSIL is a low-level language that the common language runtime can read and understand. Because all .NET executables and DLLs exist as MSIL, they can freely interoperate. The Common Language Specification (CLS) defines the minimum standards to which .NET language compilers must conform. Thus, the CLS ensures that any source code successfully compiled by a .NET compiler can interoperate with the .NET Framework. The CTS ensures type compatibility between .NET components. Because .NET applications are converted to IL prior to deployment and execution, all primitive data types are represented as .NET types. Thus, a Visual Basic Integer and a C# int are both represented in IL code as a System.Int32. Because both languages use a common type system, it is possible to transfer data between components and avoid time-consuming conversions or hard-tofind errors.

Visual Studio .NET ships with languages such as Visual Basic .NET, Visual C#, and Visual C++ with managed extensions, as well as the JScript scripting language. You can also write managed code for the .NET Framework in other languages. Third-party tools and compilers exist for Fortran, Cobol, Perl, and a host of other languages. All of these languages share the same cross-language compatibility and inheritability. Thus, you can write code for the .NET Framework in the language of your choice, and it will be able to interact with code written for the .NET Framework in any other language.




Common Language Specification (CLS) Window s Forms Web Web

ADO.Net and XML .Net Framework Classes


Common Language Runtime Windows COM+ Services

Microsoft .NET Architecture Hierarchy


A database is stored in a very structured manner. Each database requires some way for a user to interact with the information within. Such interaction is performed by a database management system (DBMS). SQL Server is a member of a large category of products known as database management systems (DBMS). The general purpose of a DBMS is to provide for the definition, storage, and management of data in a centralized area that can be shared by many users. SQL Servers database management system is patterned on the relational model. Relational databases allow us to store vast amounts of data with far sampler maintenance and smaller storage requirements than the equivalent flat database. Relations among tables in a relational database are established using keys. A primary key is a field that uniquely identifies a record so it can be referenced from a related table. A foreign key is a field that holds identification values to relate records stored on other tables.

Querying the database With each query of the database, we form a virtual table that contains the results of our query. Database queries are made with a specific language named SQL (structured query language). SQL Server 2005has many performance improvements and features which allows us to build and manage large databases, query them fast, insert data into them at high rates, partition them for fast loading and backup and store very large objects or whole files central, Shared, Accessible, Backed up, Version etc. SQL, as a relational data language supports certain basic functions to control, define and manipulate data. SQL uses the term row to refer to a database record and the term column to refer to database field.

The Data type that a Cell can hold Data Type Char (size) Description This data type is used to store character strings values of fixed length. The size in brackets determines the : number of characters the cell can hold. The maximum number of characters this data type can hold is 255 characters : This data type is used to store variable length alphanumeric data. The maximum this data type can hold is 2000 character. : This data type is used to store variable length alphanumeric data. The maximum this data type can hold can be specified in brackets. : The int data type is used to store numbers (fixed of floating point). Numbers of virtually any magnitude may be stored up to 10 digits of precision. : This data type is used to represent data and time. The standard format is DD-MM-YY as in 24-JAN-03. To enter dates other than the standard format, use the appropriate functions. Date Time stores date in the 24hour format. This format is used to store date in a small format not to lengthy. : This data type is used to store variable length character strings containing up to 2GB. LONG data can be store arrays of binary data in ASCII format.

varchar (size)

nvarchar (size)

int (P, S)


Smalldatetime Long

4.2 Software Design Feasibility Study A feasibility study is carried out to select the best system that meets performance requirements.
Feasibility is the determination of whether or not a project is worth doing. The process followed in making this determination is called a feasibility study. This type of study determines if a project can and should be taken. Since the feasibility study may lead to the commitment of large resources, it becomes necessary that it should be conducted competently and that no fundamental errors of judgment are made. Depending on the results of the initial investigation, the survey is expanded to a more detailed feasibility study. Feasibility study is a test of system proposal according to its workability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs, and effective use of resources.

The objective of the feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to acquire a sense of its scope . During the study, the problem definition is crystallized and aspects of the problem to be included in the system are determined.

Consequently, costs and benefits are described with greater accuracy at this stage.

It consists of the following: 1. Statement of the problem: A carefully worded statement of the problem that led to analysis.

2. Summary of finding and recommendations : A list of the major findings and recommendations of the study. It is ideal for the user who requires quick access to the results of the analysis of the system under study. Conclusion are stated , followed by a list of the recommendation and a justification for them .

3. Details of findings : An outline of the methods and procedures under-taken by the existing system, followed by coverage of the objectives and procedures of the candidate system. Included are also discussions of output reports, file structures, and costs and benefits of the candidate system.

4. Recommendations and conclusions: Specific recommendations regarding including personnel assignments, costs, project schedules, and target dates.




Three key considerations are involved in the feasibility analysis these are

1. Economic Feasibility 2. Technical Feasibility 3. Behavioral Feasibility Economic Feasibility: Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a system. More commonly known as cost/ benefit analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a system and compare them with cost. Earlier in Compu Craft the work has been done manually which takes lot of time as well as man power which is more economical. Now the same work is computerized which is more effective and efficient, less time consuming, reduces man power which in turn proves to be less economical.

Technical Feasibility: Technical Feasibility centers around the existing computer system (hardware/ software) and also it can support the modification. In manual processing there are more chance of errors are there, creating lot of complications, less technical or logical. Through proposed system we can set this process in a very systematic pattern, which is more technical, full proof, authentic, safe and reliable. Behavior Feasibility: Our proposed system works to minimize the human errors, take less time, easy interaction with user, bug free. This project/software is further expanded by connecting various interrelated departments and by installing an extension part of this software.

System level goals and requirements. Cost estimation for development process and work product. Solution strategy development. Outlines of the several solutions strategies. Recommendation of solutions strategy. Feasibility and study of each strategy. List of priorities for management. System Level Goals

Data security. The application should be error free. Data integrity should be maintained. Certain data control methods should be tracked.

Easy understanding of the working of the Institution. Requirements to achieve the goals

INPUTS User details Modules details Enquiry about customer OUTPUTS Reports of different stages and requirements Batch Details. Marketing Details. Enquiry Details. Registration Details. Accounts Details. Library Details. Cost Benefit Details. Cost estimation for development process and work

Cost driver factors of the project depends upon the product attributes, computer and the project. The effort adjustment factor id calculated depending upon these attributes. Solution strategy development. Outline of several solution strategy. Feasibility and studies of each strategy. Recommendation of a solution strategy. List of priorities for product characteristics.

System Analysis
The analysis model must achieve three primary objectives:1. To describe the requirements of the customer. 2. To establish a basis for the creation of a software design. 3. To define a set of requirements that can be validated once software is built. An Overview to system analysis The system analysis phase is considered to be one of the most important phases in the system development life cycle. It is immensely important that the software developer make through study of the existing system. Thorough study of the system is made and need i.e. features that are critical to system success

and users wants (i.e. features that would be good but not essential) are brought out. The study will enable the developer to know the intricacies of the existing system. Requirement analysis is done in order to understand the problem which the S/W system is to solve e.g., the problem could be automating the existing manual system or developing a completely new automated system or a combination of the two. For large systems having a large number of features and the need to perform many different tasks, understanding the requirement of the system is a major task. The emphasis in requirement analysis is on identifying what is needed from the system, and not how the system achieves its goal.

The main objective behind any business organization is to maximize its profit besides maintaining quality and strategic norms. This can be achieved by improving the efficiency of the system by providing more facilities using automation, by adopting faster data access, proper communication. Since Computer Craft is an educational institute, whereas its main objective behind automation is not only to maximize profit but also to take care of students interest by providing coaching of latest courses benefiting students, in turn the country.

The most important objective behind automation is to minimize Paper Work. Paper Work/Registers are replaced by a Centralized Data Bank, which is well equipped to store / provide information as and when required. Data Bank also helps speed up the communication between various depts. / outside agencies, as there is no need of making request against different departments for a specific data and to wait for it for a long period. This also improves the efficiency as it saves time and human resources.

By making the manual system computerized, we can ensure complete utilization of our existing resources. Automation helps in generating the reports / information in a consistent way, which saves time and labour if done manually.

NEED OF COMPUTERIZATION In the area of information technology, it is need of hour to have a fast information processing system capable of providing processed data at right time and to right person which appropriately justified by the following limitation of manual system: Delay in information search and retrieval Problem in updation of current information and maintaining proper backup of information Possible damage of paper carrying the information thereby chance of loosing valuable information. Much time required in giving correct information Less reliability and maintainability of data Secrecy of information may not be maintained due to visible facts on paper.

IMPORTANCE OF COMPUTERIZATION After computerization of the system, it will be helpful for giving correct information in a short period of time. This will provide: Easy storage and retrieval of data Giving correct information with less effort and high accuracy Secrecy and less chance of change of loss of data Easy data updating facility Data integrity and inconsistency

Requirement Collection and Analysis

Most information regarding identification of user group and application areas, the operating environment, the processing requirements have been obtained during the system analysis phase through on-site observations and interviews. Different Parts In Computerised System

Part 1: Admin Password Module In this module, Admin enters a password and the software checks its validity. If the password is valid then he is allowed to enter, otherwise Invalid User/Password message is displayed. Part 2: Guest Password Module In this module, User enters a password and the software checks its validity. If the password is valid then he is allowed to enter, otherwise Invalid User/Password message is displayed. Different data access rights are assigned to different users. Part 3: New Guest Module In this module, whenever a new Guest is required to be added the corresponding forms are opened and the information of the new guest will be entered into the database. His unique ID and Password is created so that he can use that ID and password to make orders through his computer allotted in his room. Part 4: Activate Guest Module. In this module the Guest is activated by the administrator, so that he can use that ID and password to make orders through his computer allotted in his room. Until the administrator activate the Guest the guest will not able to use his ID and Password.

Part 5: Edit Room/Room Rent Module In this module, whenever an existing entity is required to be modified the corresponding forms are opened and the database is manipulated and the data is fetched. Now the user can made the required changes and then accordingly, he updates the data. Again, the checks are followed in case there is any invalid entry.

Part 6: Edit Item/Item Price Module In this module, whenever an existing entity is required to be modified the corresponding forms are opened and the database is manipulated and the data is fetched. Now the user can made the required changes and then accordingly, he updates the data. Again, the checks are followed in case there is any invalid entry. Part 7: Generate Bill Module In this module the bill of the guest is generated according the orders that has been palaced by him and the services he used in the hotel. The bill is generated on the basis of the ID of the Guest. When you select the ID the bill will automatically shown on the form. Part 8: History Module
In this module the History of all the guest means the details of all the Guest will be saved. This is like the storing the records of the guests who came into the hotel. So that the decision will be made by the management on the basis of the History data.

Part 9: Change Password Module In this module the password of the Administrator will be changed as per the rules of security maintenance of the site. This will be done only by the Administrator. Part 10: Edit Profile of Guest In this module the profile of the guest will be edited by the guest but only to some extent not complete profile. Part 11: New Order by guest In this module the guest can login by his ID and password and can make the order according to his choice. Part 12: Check Status In this module the site visitor can check the status of the availability of the type of the rooms and the number of rooms. Part 13: Online Registration This module is use to made Online registration of the rooms from anywhere and anytime. The advance booking can be made by the guest.

Software Engineering Paradigm

The basic objective of software engineering is to: develop methods and procedures for software development that can scale up for large systems and that can be used to consistently produce high quality software at low cost and

with a small cycle time. That is, the key objectives are consistency, low cost, high quality, small cycle time, and scalability. The basic approach that software engineering takes is to separate the development process from the software. The premise is that the development process controls the quality, scalability, consistency, and productivity. Hence to satisfy the objectives, one must focus on the development process. Design of proper development process and their control is the primary goal of the software engineering. It is this focus on the process that distinguishes it from most other computing disciplines. Most other computing disciplines focus on some type of the productalgorithms, operating systems, databases etc. while software engineering focuses on the process for producing products. To better manage the development process and to achieve consistency, it is essential that the software development be done in phases.

System Requirements Review & Validation

User Requirement Specifications

Software Requirements Review & Validation

Software Requirements

Preliminary Design Review & Validation

Detailed Functional Specifications

Detailed Design Review & Validation

Global Implementation Specifications & Detailed Implementation Specifications

Code and Debugging Review & Validation

Coding & Debugging

Testing Review & Validation


Maintenance Review & Validation


Different Phases Of The Development Process:

1) Requirement Analysis: Requirement analysis is done in order to understand the problem the software system is to solve. The problem could be automating an existing manual process, developing a new automated system, or a combination of the two. The emphasis in requirements analysis is on identifying what is needed from the system, not how the system will achieve its goals. There are at least two parties involved in the software development-a client and a developer. The developer has to develop the system to satisfy the clients needs. The developer does not understand the clients problem domain, and the client does not understand the issues involved in the software systems. This causes a communication gap, which has to be adequately bridged during requirements analysis.

2) Software Design: The purpose of the design phase is to plan a solution of the problem specified by the requirements documents. This phase is the first step in moving from the problem domain to the solution domain. Starting with what is needed, design takes us toward how to satisfy the needs. The design of a system is perhaps the most critical factor affecting the quality of the software. It has a major impact on the later phases, particularly testing and maintenance.

The design activity is divided into two phases: System Design and Detailed Design. In system design the focus is on identifying the modules, whereas during detailed design the focus is on designing the logic for each of the modules.

3) Coding: The goal of the coding phase is to translate the design of the system into code in a given programming language. Hence during coding, the focus should be on developing programs that are easy to read and understand, and not simply on developing programs that are easy to write.

4) Testing: Testing is the major quality control measure used during software development. Its basic function is to detect errors in the software. Testing not only uncover errors introduced during coding, but also errors introduced during the previous phases. Thus, the goal of the testing is to uncover requirement, design and coding errors in the programs. Therefore, different levels of testing are used. Testing is an extremely critical and time consuming activity. It requires proper planning of the overall testing process. The output of the testing phase is the test report and the error report. Test report contains the set of test cases and the result of executing the code with these test cases. The error report describes the errors encountered and the action taken to remove the errors.

5) Operation & maintenance phase Software maintenance is a task that every development group has to face, when the software is delivered to the customer s site, installedand is operational. Software maintenance isa very broad activity that includes error correction, enhancement of capabilities, deletion of obsolete capabilities and optimization.

Software Requirement Specifications

If a document that completely describes what the proposed software should do without describing how the software will do it, The basic goal of requirements specific to produce the requirements, which describes the complete external behavior of the proposed software. However, producing the report is said to be done. The basic limitation is that the users need keep on changing as the environment in which system was to function changes with time. This happens more in complex application where all the needs may not be known to any set of people during the requirement phase. Types of error in this specifications can clearly be avoided or at least considerably, by properly performing the requirement phase. As many times a developer or administrator does not know what a user and the supplier on what the software product will do. This is the only document which tells the time agreement and procedure of complete project as well as what a user wants.

There are some steps which are considered in the SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION such as Introduction Description Information Description Function Description Behavioral Description Validation checks and criteria Bibliography Appendix

INTRODUCTION The introduction states the goals and objectives of the software describing it in the context of the computer -based system. Actually the introduction may be nothing more than the software people of the planning document.

INFORMATION The Information description provides a detailed description of the project.

In this project Property Classified where you can list your available Real-Estate/property or its requirement yourself. The listing this page has been entered by the users themselves. If you find an existing entry meeting your requirement, then you can contact the concerned party directly. If there is no entry, which meets your requirement, you can register your details on the site, so that others can find you. Admin can activate the users all property details, after activation users advertisement display. User can directly see his property responses.

FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The project also provides the facility to contact the registered user easily without any admin interaction. If you find an existing entry meeting your requirement, then you can contact the concerned party directly. If there is no entry, which meets your requirement, you can register your details on the site, so that others can find you. The project improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the whole system.

BEHAVIORAL DESCRIPTION IT Examine the operations of the software as a consequence of external events and internally generated control characteristics. Here the Admin checks the classified entered by the registered users. Admin is the only person who can activate or deactivate the classified entered by the registered users.


I was assigned the duty for developing a computerized system known as Property Classified. Working in team reinstates the team for some common guidelines and standard to be followed by all the team members across all team. For the optimum use of practical time it is necessary that every session is planned. Planning of this project will include the following things:

Topic Understanding. Modular Break Up Of The System. Processor Logic For Each Module. Database Requirements. Topic Understanding: It is vital that the field of application as introduced in the project may be totally a new field. I carefully went through the project to identify the requirements of the project.

Modular Break Up Of The System:

Identify The Various Modules In The System. List Them In The Right Hierarchy. Identify Their Priority Of Development.

Database Requirements:

Identify The Various Tables Required. Fields For These Tables. The Various Key Fields (for example Primary key and Foreign key). Identify The Various Constraints like Not Null, Unique etc. The Database here used is Ms-Access. The database tables are shown in DATABASE DESIGN. The list of tables are:-

List of Tables: Guest History Item Login Orders Room

Software/Compilers Required To Develop This System:

Operating System

Windows XP / 2000

Front-End Tool

ASP.NET 2005


SQL Server 2005

It should be clear in mind that the philosophy behind testing is to find errors. Test cases are devised with this purpose in mind. A test case is a set of data that the system will process as normal input. However, the data are created with the express intent of determining whether the system will process them correctly. For example, test cases for inventory handling should include situations in which the quantifies to be withdrawn from inventory exceed, equal and are less than the actual quantities on hand. Each test case is designed with the intent of finding errors in the way the system will process it. There are two general strategies for testing software: Code testing and Specification testing. In code testing, the analyst develops that cases to execute every instructions and path in a program. Under specification testing, the analyst examines the program specifications and then writes test data to determine how the program operates under specific conditions. Regardless of which strategy the analyst follows, there are preferred practices to ensure that the testing is useful. The levels of tests and types of test data, combined with testing libraries, are important aspects of the actual test process.
Levels of Testing Systems are not designed as entire systems nor are they tested as single systems. The analyst must perform both unit and system testing.

Unit Testing: In unit testing the analyst tests the programs making up a system. For this reason, unit testing is sometimes called program testing. Unit testing gives stress on the modules independently of one another, to find errors. This helps the tester in detecting errors in coding and logic that are contained within that module alone. The errors resulting from the interaction between modules are initially avoided. For example, a hotel information system consists of modules to handle reservations; guest checking and checkout; restaurant, room service and miscellaneous charges; convention activities; and accounts receivable billing. For each, it provides the ability to enter, modify or retrieve data and respond to different types of inquiries or print reports. The test cases needed for unit testing should exercise each condition and option.

Unit testing can be performed from the bottom up, starting with smallest and lowest-level modules and proceeding one at a time. For each module in bottom-up testing a short program is used to execute the module and provides the needed data, so that the module is asked to perform the way it will when embedded within the larger system.

System Testing: The important and essential part of the system development phase, after designing and developing the software is system testing. We cannot say that every program or system design is perfect and because of lack of communication between the user and the designer, some error is there in the software development. The number and nature of errors in a newly designed system depend on some usual factors like communication between the user and the designer; the programmer's ability to generate a code that reflects exactly the systems specifications and the time frame for the design.

Theoretically, a newly designed system should have all the parts or sub-systems are in working order, but in reality, each sub-system works independently. This is the time to gather all the subsystem into one pool and test the whole system to determine whether it meets the user requirements. This is the last change to detect and correct errors before the system is installed for user acceptance testing. The purpose of system testing is to consider all the likely variations to which it will be subjected and then push the system to its limits.

Testing is an important function to the success of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption that if all the parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully activated. Another reason for system testing is its utility as a user-oriented vehicle before implementation.

System testing consists of the following five steps:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Program testing String testing System testing System documentation User acceptance testing

Program Testing: A program represents the logical elements of a system. For a program to run satisfactorily, it must compile and test data correctly and tie in properly with other programs. it is the responsibility of a programmer to have an error free program. At the time of testing the system, there exists two types of errors that should be checked. These errors are syntax and logic. A syntax error is a program statement that violates one or more rules of the language in which it is written. An improperly defined field dimension or omitted key words are common syntax errors. These errors are shown through error messages generated by the computer. A logic error, on the other hand, deals

with incorrect data fields out of range items, and invalid combinations. Since the logical errors are not detected by compiler, the programmer must examine the output carefully to detect them.

When a program is tested, the actual output is compared with the expected output. When there is a discrepancy, the sequence of the instructions, must be traced to determine the problem. The process is facilitated by breaking the program down into self-contained portions, each of which can be checked at certain key points.

String Testing: Programs are invariably related to one another and interact in a total system. Each program is tested to see whether it conforms to related programs in the system. Each part of the system is tested against the entire module with both test and live data before the whole system is ready to be tested.

System Testing:

System testing is designed to uncover weaknesses that were not found in earlier tests. This includes forced system failure and validation of total system as it will be implemented by its user in the operational environment. Under this testing, generally we take low volumes of transactions based on live data. This volume is increased until the maximum level for each transaction type is reached. The total system is also tested for recovery and fallback after various major failures to ensure that no data are lost during the emergency. All this is done with the old system still in operation. When we see that the proposed system is successful in the test, the old system is discontinued.

System Documentation: All design and test documentation should be well prepared and kept in the library for future reference. The library is the central location for maintenance of the new system.

User Acceptance Testing: An acceptance test has the objective of selling the user on the validity and reliability of the system. It verifies that the system's procedures operate to system specifications and that the integrity of important data is maintained. Performance of an acceptance test is actually the user's show. User motivation is very important for the successful performance of the system. After that a comprehensive test report is prepared. This report shows the system's tolerance, performance range, error rate and accuracy.

Special Systems Tests: There are other six tests which fall under special category. They are described below:

Peak Load Test: It determines whether the system will handle the volume of activities that occur when the system is at the peak of its processing demand. For example, test the system by activating all terminals at the same time.

Storage Testing: It determines the capacity of the system to store transaction data on a disk or in other files. For example, verify documentation statements that the system will store 10,000 records of 400 bytes length on a single flexible disk.

Performance Time Testing: it determines the length of time system used by the system to process transaction data. This test is conducted prior to implementation to determine how long it takes to get a response to an inquiry, make a backup copy of a file, or send a transmission and get a response.

Recovery Testing: This testing determines the ability of user to recover data or re-start system after failure. For example, load backup copy of data and resume processing without data or integrity loss.

Procedure Testing: It determines the clarity of documentation on operation and use of system by having users do exactly what manuals request. For example, powering down system at the end of week or responding to paper-out light on printer.

Human Factors Testing: It determines how users will use the system when processing data or preparing reports.

Once the software is delivered and developed, it enters the maintenance phase. After implementation systems need maintenance. Beyond monkey testing during Software development some errors may not appear. During its usage by the end-user with actual data certain errors may disclose.

Therefore some residual errors or bugs remain in the system that must be removed as they are discovered. Many of these surfaces only after the system have been in operation sometimes for a long time. These errors once discovered need to be removed on an urgent basis for the smooth running of the system, leading to the software getting changed. Though Maintenance is not a part of software development, it is an extremely important activity in the life of a software product. Maintenance involves understanding the existing software (code and related documents), understanding the effects of change, making the changes-to both the code and documents-testing the new parts and retesting the old part.

For successful and smooth running of the system, maintenance is the prominent part of the project. Any error, which hinders the functioning of any part of the project, may lead to bad impression of the developer. There are majorly two types of errors: Compilation error and Runtime errors. Compilation errors are errors during coding and are to be taken care by the developer during development process.

Runtime errors are those which occurs during running of the program. Whenever there is an occurance of error an Error Window opens in the middle of the screen displaying the type of error, Error Number and the Nearest Possible reason as to why the error has occurred. With the occurance of this Error Window the operator (Enduser) should note the type of error, the error number and the description of the error and should immediately report to the concerned Developer or Administrator.

Now comes the role of the Maintenance Personals. After knowing the entire details from the end-user like where or at which screen does this error occurred or what type of data was feeded by the user or the point of malfunctioning. Considering this error as the main reason for the malfunctioning the programmer now reexamines all the possible factors, which act behind the particular screen where error has occurred.

After debugging the required error the programmer itself tests the same screen or process with dummy data. Only after getting completely satisfied with problem rectification the programmer compiles and runs the program.

It has two kinds of users:

1. Administrator 2. Guest / Customer. 4.3 DATABASE DESCRIPTION and Screen Shots List of Tables: Table Structure Guest History Item Login Orders Room

Table 1: Guest

Field Name
Room_id Guest_id Guest_pass Name Address Nationality No_person Male Female Childern Check_in_date Check_in_time Credit_card_no Cleared Phone Advance Company_name No_of_room G_email Activate

Data Type Number Auto Number Text Text Text Text Number Number Number Number Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Number Text Text

Table 2: History

Field Name
Feedback_id Check_out_date Check_out_time T_room_rent Order_amt Tot_amt Adv_amt Vat Net_amt G_name A_add Phone Com_name Nationality No_of_person Check_in_time Check_in_date Guest_id C_card_no G_mail

Data Type Auto Number Text Text Number Number Number Number Number Number Text Text Text Text Text Number Text Text Number Number Text

Table 3: Item

Field Name
Item_id Item_name Item_price

Data Type Auto Number Text Number

Table 4: Login

Field Name
User_id User_name Password

Data Type Auto Number Text Text

Table 5: Order

Field Name
Ord_id Guest_id Room_id Guest_name Item_id Ord_date Ord_time Item_qty

Data Type Auto Number Number Number Text Number Text Text Number



Table 6: Room

Field Name
Room_id Category Rent No_of_room

Data Type Auto Number Text Text Text

Home Page

Admin Login Page

Admin Main Page

New Guest Entered By Admin

Edit no of room (Admin)

Edit Rent of the room

Edit Item (Admin)

Edit Item Price

Admin Activating Online Guest

Generate Bill (Admin)

History (Admin)

Change Password (Admin)

About us


Online Customer / Guest Registration Form

Check Status

Guest Login

Guest Home

Guest giving the Order

Guest Editing Profile

In recent times in India and also other parts of the world record handling and maintaining the accuracy have become cumbersome processes. This system will assist the hotel managers and the customers in maintaining their records as per requirement only at mouse click. Manually find out the certain records in a very tedious, cumbersome and risky job. This system can well assist in proper records management.

Future scope

1. The future of the Project looks more promising. 2. The main advantage of this project is that it provides maintaining and managing the records of rooms available. It also maintains the list of Visitors, services taken by them. It has been designed to make available information as and when required. Also, it is highly beneficial to both customer as well as persons involved in the business of hotel. 3. In future, we can also have one more module of implementing this project on web.


ASP.NETUNLEASHED .Stephen Walther. Mastering Ms-Access.Evangelos Petrouts.

Web References

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