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Baby Names

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Adeel Adnan

: A literary person : Justice

Amaan : Prince Aqil : Follower, successor

Arbaaz : Intelligent, prudent, wise Ashfaq : One in a million Asif Ayaaz : Honourable, distinguished : Name of a tree

Dilshad : Happy, glad, cheerful

Fadil Fahad Faheem Farhan Faris

: : : : :

Honourable, outstanding Lynx, wild cat Intelligent Glad, happy, joyful Horseman, knight

Faseeh Fateen

: :

Eloquent Clever, smart

Hafiz Hafs Haider Hakim Haleef Haleem Hamas Hamd Hamdy Hami Hamid Hamzah Haneef Hani

: Protector, guardian : Lion, young of a lion : Lion : Ruler, sovereign : Ally, confederate : Patient, mild, gentle : Enthusiasm : Praise, lauding : Sympathy, blessing : Protector, patron, supporter, defender : Praiseworthy, commendable : Lion, name of the Prophets uncle : Upright, true : Delighted, content

Haq Haris Harith Haroon Hasan Haseen Hashim Hashir Hashmat Hasib Hawshab Hayaat Hazim Haziq Hidayat Hijaj Hilal Himayat Hisham Hud Hujjat Humair Humam Humayl Humayun Hurairah Hurayth Hurmat Hurra Husaam

: Right, true, truth : Vigilant, guardian, protector : Ploughman, cultivator : A prophets name : Handsome, good : Beautiful, smart : Generous (Great grandfather of the Prophet) : Gatherer, collector : Dignity, glory : The one who reckons : A son of Imam Muslim had this name : Life : Discreet, prudent : Intelligent, skilful : Instruction, guidance : Argument, debate : Crescent : Protection, support : Generosity : A prophets name : Argument, reasoning, proof : Red : Courageous and generous : A companion of the Prophet (S.A.W.) : Blessed, sacred, royal, imperial : Kitten : A small cultivator : Chastity, sacredness, sanctity : Liberal, free, free-born, noble : Sword

Husaam Uddeen : The sword of the faith Hussain Huzayfah Huzayl I Ibaad : Servants, slaves : Handsome, beautiful : Curtailing, shortening : Bin Shurah bil had this name

Ibn Ibrahim Ibtihaaj Ibtihal Ibtisam Idris Iftikhar Ihsan Ihtiram Ihtisham Iisar Ikram Ikrimah Ilyas Imaad Imaad Uddeen Imaan Imran Imtiyaz Inam Inayat Insaf Intaj Intikhab Intizar Iqbal Iqtidar Irfan Irshad Isa Isaam Ishaq Ishrat Ishtiyaq Islam Ismah Ismail

: Son : A prophets name : Joy, delight : Supplication, prayer : Smiling : A prophets name, lucky : Pride, glory : Beneficence, kindness : Honour, hold in honour : Modesty, decency : Sacrifice : Honour, hospitality, generosity, respect : A Sahabis name : A prophets name : Pillar, prop, support : The pillar of the Faith : Faith : Name of the father of Maryam and also the father of the Prophet Musa. : Distinction, differentiation, priviledge : Reward, favour, prize, grant : Bounty, kindness, favour : Justice, fairness : King, magnificent : Selection, choice : Wait : Responsiveness, prosperity : Power, office, authority : Recognition, gratefulness : Guidance, direction : A prophets name : Safeguard, protect : A prophets name : Happiness : Longing, craving, yearning : Submission to Allah : Preservation, infallibility : A prophets name

Israil Israr Istakhri Itimad Izaan

: The chosen one : Insistence, persistence : A Shafaee jurist : Trust, faith, reliance, dependence : Obedience

Habban Habib Hadi Hafiz Hafs Haider Hakim Haleef Haleem Hamas Hamd Hamdy Hami Hamid Hamzah Haneef Hani Haq Haris Harith Haroon Hasan Haseen Hashim Hashir Hashmat Hasib Hawshab Hayaat

: Affable, lovable : Beloved : Guide : Protector, guardian : Lion, young of a lion : Lion : Ruler, sovereign : Ally, confederate : Patient, mild, gentle : Enthusiasm : Praise, lauding : Sympathy, blessing : Protector, patron, supporter, defender : Praiseworthy, commendable : Lion, name of the Prophets uncle : Upright, true : Delighted, content : Right, true, truth : Vigilant, guardian, protector : Ploughman, cultivator : A prophets name : Handsome, good : Beautiful, smart : Generous (Great grandfather of the Prophet) : Gatherer, collector : Dignity, glory : The one who reckons : A son of Imam Muslim had this name : Life

Hazim Haziq Hidayat Hijaj Hilal Himayat Hisham Hud Hujjat Humair Humam Humayl Humayun Hurairah Hurayth Hurmat Hurra Husaam

: Discreet, prudent : Intelligent, skilful : Instruction, guidance : Argument, debate : Crescent : Protection, support : Generosity : A prophets name : Argument, reasoning, proof : Red : Courageous and generous : A companion of the Prophet (S.A.W.) : Blessed, sacred, royal, imperial : Kitten : A small cultivator : Chastity, sacredness, sanctity : Liberal, free, free-born, noble : Sword

Husaam Uddeen : The sword of the faith Hussain Huzayfah Huzayl I Ibaad Ibn Ibrahim Ibtihaaj Ibtihal Ibtisam Idris Iftikhar Ihsan Ihtiram Ihtisham Iisar Ikram : Servants, slaves : Son : A prophets name : Joy, delight : Supplication, prayer : Smiling : A prophets name, lucky : Pride, glory : Beneficence, kindness : Honour, hold in honour : Modesty, decency : Sacrifice : Honour, hospitality, generosity, respect : Handsome, beautiful : Curtailing, shortening : Bin Shurah bil had this name

Ikrimah Ilyas Imaad Imaad Uddeen Imaan Imran Imtiyaz Inam Inayat Insaf Intaj Intikhab Intizar Iqbal Iqtidar Irfan Irshad Isa Isaam Ishaq Ishrat Ishtiyaq Islam Ismah Ismail Israil Israr Istakhri Itimad Izaan

: A Sahabis name : A prophets name : Pillar, prop, support : The pillar of the Faith : Faith : Name of the father of Maryam and also the father of the Prophet Musa. : Distinction, differentiation, priviledge : Reward, favour, prize, grant : Bounty, kindness, favour : Justice, fairness : King, magnificent : Selection, choice : Wait : Responsiveness, prosperity : Power, office, authority : Recognition, gratefulness : Guidance, direction : A prophets name : Safeguard, protect : A prophets name : Happiness : Longing, craving, yearning : Submission to Allah : Preservation, infallibility : A prophets name : The chosen one : Insistence, persistence : A Shafaee jurist : Trust, faith, reliance, dependence : Obedience

Jaan Jabalah Jabir Jad

: : : :

Life, soul Mountain, hill Consoler, comforter Curly, frizzled

Jafar Jahangir Jahanzeb Jalal Jamal Jamil Jareer Jari Jariyah Jarood Jarraah Jarrar Jasim Jauhar Jawad Jawdan Jazib Jibran Jiyad Jubair Juhaym Jumanah Junaid Jundub Juwain K Kafeel Kaleem Kamal Kamil Kamran Kareem Kashif Kawkab Kawthar Kazim

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Rivulet, stream World conquerer Beautiful, splendid Glory, grandeur Beauty, grace Beautiful, lovely Corpulent Powerful, brave Name of a Ashab-as-Suffa Name of a companion of the Prophet (S.A.W.) Surgeon Brave, Valiant, huge Healthy, great Gem, jewel Liberal, generous, open-handed Goodness Beautiful, handsome, attractive Reward; old Arabic name Very good Consoler, comforter, bonesetter Sullen Pearl, name of a companion Fighter, warrior Grasshopper; also a name of a companion. Sibling

: : : : : : : : : :

Responsible, sponsor Speaker, orator Perfection, completeness Perfect, accomplished, genuine, complete Successful, fortunate Generous, noble, distinguished Uncoverer, discoverer, pioneer Star Abundance (Name of a river in paradise) Cool-tempered, patient

Khadim Khafid Khair Uddeen Khalaf Khaldun Khaleel Khalid Khalifah Khalis Khasib Khateeb Khayr Khayyam Khubayb Khurram Khursheed Khush Bakht Khushtar Khuzaymah Kifayat Kinza

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Servant, attendant Easy, comfortable, smooth The good of the faith Successor, descendant Implies eternity Bosom friend Eternal, glorious Successor, caliph Pure Fertile, productive, fruitful Orator, preacher Goodness, health, safe Iranian poet, tent maker A fast walker Cheerful, happy, glad The sun Fortunate, of good fortune Surrounded by happiness Old Arabic name Sufficiency, efficiency Hidden treasure

Laiq Labeeb Latif Liyaqat Luqman Lut Lutf Lutfi Lutfur Rahman M Maaz Madani : : Brave man Civilized : : : : : : : : : Deserving, worthy Understanding, sensible, intelligent Kind, generous Worth, deserving, merit Name of a personality mentioned in the Quran A prophets name Bounty, enjoyment Kind and friendly, gentle Favour of the Most Merciful(Allah)

Mahaz Mahdy Mahfuz Mahir Mahmud Majd Majd Uddeen Majid Makeen Makhdoom Makki Mamoon Mansoor Manzar Manzoor Marghoob Maruf Marwan Marzooq Masarrat Mashhud Mashkoor Masood Masroor Masum Mateen Matloob Maymun Maysarah Mazhar Mazin Mehboob Mehtab Mimar Miraj Miftah Mika

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

The place of war Guided to the right path Preserved, safe Skilled The praised one, commendable Glory The glory of the faith Glorious, praiseworthy Strong, firm One who is served Pertaining to Makkah Secure, trustworthy, reliable Aided, assisted View, sight Approved, accepted Desirable, coveted, agreeable Well-known, accepted Solid Blessed (by God), fortunate Happiness, delight, joy Clear, manifest, witnessed Worthy of thanks, commendable Blissful, fortunate, auspicious, lucky Happy, joyful, glad Innocent Solid, constant, tough, substantive Objective, goal Fortunate, blessed Ease, comfort Appearance Cloud that carries rain Dear, darling, sweetheart Moon Mason, architect Ascension (to heaven) Key Cool, sweet, intelligent

Minhaj Mirsab Misbah Muadh Muawiya Muayyad Mutasim Mutazz Muazzam Muballigh Mubarak Mubashshir Mubid Mudabbir Mueen Mueez Mufaddal Mufakkir Mufeed Muflih Mughith Muhafiz Muhair Muhajir Muhammad Muhannad Muhdee Muheet Muhibb Muhibbullah Muhriz Muhsin Muhtashim Mujahid Mujtaba Mukarram Mukhlis

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Road, path, method Prudent, wise Light, lamp Protected A young dog or fox (first Umayyad Khalifah) Supported One who seeks refuge or shelter (in Allah) Proud, mighty Respectable, glorified One who preaches and propagates Islam Blessed, fortunate, auspicious Spreader of good news Intellectual One who plans One who helps One who gives protection One who is preferred Thinker, one who meditates Useful, helpful One who prospers Helper, succourer Protector, custodian Skilled Immigrant Praiseworthy Sword One who presents That which embraces all round One who loves, friend One who loves Allah Obtainer, winner, earner Attractive, beneficent, charitable Modest, decent, bashful Fighter (in the way of Allah) The chosen one Respected, honoured Sincere, pure-hearted, faithful

Mukhtar Mumin Mumtaz Munawwar Muneer Munis Munqad Munsif Muntasir Muntazir Munzir Muqaddas Muqbil Muqtasid Murabbi Murad Mursal Murshid Murtasim Murtaza Musab Musa Musad Musaddiq Musaid Museeb Musharraf Musheer Mushfiq Mushtaq Muslih Muslim Mustafa Mustahsan Mustaneer Mustaqeem Muta

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Selected, authorised, chosen Believer Distinguished, excellent Enlightened, lighted Brilliant, shining Sociable, pleasant companion, friendly One who is led, conducted, obedient Just, right Victorious Awaiting Warner, cautioner Sacred, holy Following, next One who is economical, thrifty Patron, superior, guardian Desire, want, intention Messenger, prophet, ambassador Spiritual guide, instructor, mentor Adhering (to faith, to God) Agreeable, acceptable Old Arabic name A prophets name Unfettered camel One who confirms or verifies another Helper, Supporter Appropriate, right, pertinent, great warrior. One who is honoured, exalted Advisor, counsellor Friend, considerate, kind Ardent, longing, yearning Reformer, conciliator Submitting to God The chosen one Commendable Brilliant Straight, upright Obeyed

Mutahhir Mutawalli Mutawassil Mutayyib Muti Muttaqi Muwahhid Muzaffar Muzammil Muzhir Muzzakkir N Nail Nabeel Nabhan Nabigh Nabih Nadeem Nadir Nadr Naeem Nafasat Nafis Naib Najair Najeeb Najeed Naji Najih Najm Nameer Naqeeb Naqi Naqid Naseef Naseem

: : : : : : : : : : :

Purified Entrusted Moderate, average Fragrant Obedient Righteous, one who fears Allah One who believes in the oneness of Allah Almighty. Victorious, triumphant The wrapped one Witnessed, name of companion Reminder

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Acquirer, earner Noble, excellent Alert Genius Alert Companion, friend Dear, rare, precious Flourishing Comfort, ease, tranquil Refinement Precious, invaluable Deputy, second in command Little star Of noble descent Highland Safe Successful Star, celestial body Pure Leader, head Pure Fault-finder The just one Fresh air

Naseer Naseer Uddeen Nashit Nasif Nasih Nasir Nasmi Nasr Natiq Naushad Naved Nawaz Nawfal Nayab Nazeef Nazeer Nazih Nazim Nazir Nazr Nehan Nidal Nihal Nishaaj Nithar Niyaz Nizam Noor Noor Firdaus Noor Uddeen Noori Noorullah Noor-ul-Qiblatayn Noraiz Numan Nuaym Nubaid

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

One who helps Protector of the Faith Energetic, active Just, equitable Advisor, well-wisher Protector, supporter Breeze Help, victory Categorical (decision), talker, speaker, rational Happy Glad tidings Prince, kind, loving and generous Generous Rare, precious Clean, neat One who warns, warner Pure, chaste Administrator, organiser Observer, supervisor Vow, pledge, votive offering Beautiful Fight, defence Happy, prosperous Explorer Sacrifice Dedication, offering Administration Light Light of the Highest Paradise The light of religion Shining, brightness Light of Allah Light of the two Qibla The first day of sunlight which came to earth. (Blood) Old Arabic name One of narrators of Hadith Bringing happiness

Nuh Numair Nuraz Nusayr Nuzhat

: : : : :

A Prophets name Baby tiger The treasure of Noor Narrator of Hadith had this name Joy, cheer

Obaid Omair Omar Omran Osaib Osama Osman Owais : Small Slave : Intelligent : Long-lived : Thriving, flourishing : Good worker : Lion : 3rd Khalifa : A follower of the Prophet (S.A.W.), companion

Parsa Parvez Pasha Peer : Devout or abstemious person, pious : Happy, successful, prosperous : A title : A leader (cannot be used single but can be added with and before Mohammad or Ahmed)

Qaid Qaim Qaazi Qabil Qadeem Qadeer Qadir Qahir Qaisar Qamar Qani Qanit : Steersman, leader : Standing, existing, well-grounded, stable : Magistrate, judge : Acceptor, able, son of the Prophet Adam : Ancient : Powerful, very kind-hearted and honest : Capable, strong, mighty : Conqueror, victorious : Emperor, king : Moon : Satisfied, contented : Obedient, submissive, humble, God-fearing

Qareeb Qaseem Qasid Qasim Qatadah Qudamah Qurban Qusay Qutb Qutbuddin

: Near : Share, portion : Messenger : Divider, distributor : A hardwood tree : Courageous : Offering, sacrifice : Distant; old Arabic name : Celebrity, personality, leader, pole, pivot : Pivot of the religion

Rad Rafat Rabah Rabbani Rabee Rabit Raees Rafan Rafee Rafiq Raghib Rahat Raheel Rahim Rahmat Rakeen Ramadan Rameez Ramih Ramin Raqim Raseem Rashad Rasheed Rashid : Thunder : Kindness, compassion : Gainer : Divine : Spring : Binding, fastening : Rich, wealthy, chief : Beautiful, graceful : High, high-ranking, cultured, refined : Kind, friend : Desirous, willing : Rest, relief : One who shows the way, fearless or brave : Merciful : Mercy : Firm, steady, confident : 9th month of the Islamic calendar : Symbol : Arcturus (brightest star in constellation Bootes) : One who brings joy into peoples life : Writer, recorder : One who designs : Integrity of conduct, maturity, wisdom : Rightly-guided, having the true faith : Major, adult, orthodox, rightly guided

Rasikh Ratib Rauf Rawh Rayhan Rayyan Raza Razeen Razi Razin Rehmatullah Riadh Riyasat Riza Rizq Rizwan Roshan Rushd Rushdan Ruwayfi Saad Saadat Saami Saaqib Saarim Sabahat Sabeeh Sabir Sadaqat Sadeed Sadeem Sadiq Saeed Safi Safir

: Deep rooted, stable : Arranger : Merciful, kind, compassionate : Refreshment, rest : Basil, sweet basil, fragrance : Full, pretty : Handsome : Sedate, sobre-minded : Satisfied, contented : Composed, subtle : Blessings of Allah : Gardens : Rule, dominion : Contentment, satisfaction, pleasure : Subsistence, blessing of God : Consent, acceptance : Bright, shining : Sensible conduct, maturity of the mind : Guidance, rectitude : Exalted : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Good luck Happiness, prosperity High, lofty, exalted Bright, sharp, shrewd Lion, brave, big-hearted Beauty, grace, handsomeness Beautiful Patient Truth Relevant, pertinent Haze, mist Truthful, honest, devout Happy, auspicious Pure Ambassador, handsome

Safiullah Safiy Safwan Sagheer Sahab Sahar Sahir Sahl Sahm Saif Sajid Sajjad Sakhawat Sakhr Salahuddin Salam Salamat Salar Saleel Saleem Salih Salik Salman Sameer Sameh Samir Samit Saqr Sarab Sarfaraz Sarosh Sarwar Saud Sawa Sawad Sawlat Sawwaf

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

The pure (slave) of Allah Best friend Rock, solid, pure (Old Arabic name) Small, short Cloud Time before daybreak, dawn Wakeful Easy, uncomplicated Arrow, dart Sword Prostrating One who does much prostration Generosity, liberality, open-handness Rock The righteousness of the faith Peace Safety Leader Noble-hearted, container of inner strength Sound, unimpaired, sane, sincere, safe Good, righteous Passable, unobstructed Safe, wholesome Entertaining companion Forgiver Entertaining companion Quiet Falcon Mirage King Angel Chief, leader, master Fortune, lucky, happy Equal, same Blackness, skill Influencing, commanding personality, awe Wool stapler, wool dealer

Sayyar Sayyid Shaafi Shabah Shabeeh Shad Shadab Shadan Shafaat Shafee Shafeeq Shafqat Shah Shahadat Shaharyar Shahbaz Shaheen Shaheer Shahid Shahir Shahnawaz Shahzad Shahzaib Shajee Shakeel Shakir Shallal Shameem Shams Shamshad Shamsheer Shan Sharaf Sharafat Shareef Sharifuddin Shariq

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Mobile, constantly on the move Lord, master One who gives health Resemblance, similarity Resembling, similar Happy Fresh, evergreen Happy, prosperous Recommendation Intercessor Compassionate, tender, kind Affection King Witness, evidence King, sovereign Falcon Falcon Well-known, famous Witness Well-known, famous Brave Kings son, prince Crown of a king, like a king Bold, courageous Handsome, comely Thankful Waterfall Fragrance Sun Box-tree The sword of honour Dignity, Splendour Honour, dignity Nobility Distinguished, honest, noble The noble person of the religion Radiance

Sharjeel Shaukat Shawaiz Shibli Shiraz Shuaib Shuja Sikandar Siraaj Sirajud Daula Subhan Suhaib Suhail Sulayk Sulayman Sultan Surur Suwaybit Suwayd

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Fine Grandeur One who speaks melodiously Name of a great scholar and writer Loving, caring A prophets name Brave, bold, valiant Name of a famous sovereign Lamp, light Lamp of power Glory, praise Reddish or sandy (hair) Gentle, ease; name of star. Traveller, walker A prophets name King, power, authority Joy, happiness Roof over path, alley between houses Black

Taban Tabish Tafazzul Taha Tahir Tahmid Tahseen Tahur Taif Taimullah Taj Tajammul Talal Talat Talha Talib Tamim Tamir Tammam Tanim Tanveer Taqi Tarfah Tariq Tasadduq Tasawwur Taseen Taseer Taslim Tasneem Tawfiq Tawseef Taymur Tayyib Thabit Thaqib Thauban

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Resplendent, glittering Heat, brilliancy Courteousness, beneficence Name of a Surah in the Quran Pure, clean, chaste, modest Praising (Allah) Acclaim, appreciation, beautification Pure Spectre Servant of Allah Crown Dignity, magnificence, pomp, beauty, elegance Nice, admirable, handsome Countenance The name of a tree Seeker (of truth), student Strong, complete One who knows dates Perfection, strength Wave of the sea, rhythm Rays of light, enlightenment, illumination Pious, righteous Kind of tree Name of a star, morning star Charity, sacrifice Idea, conception One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad Effectiveness, impression Submission, salutation A heavenly fountain Guidance Praise Brave, strong Good, pleasant Firm, established Shooting star Two garments

Thumamah Tihami Tooba Tufayl Tulayb Turhan

: : : : : :

Millet (Plant) A title of the Prophet (SAW) Good news Intercession, mediation Concerning a seeker, or one who covets Of mercy

Ubadah Ubaidah Ubayd Ubaydullah Ubayy Ukkasha Ulfat Ulwan Umaarah Umair Umar Umarah Umayyah Umraan Unais Uqbah Urooj Urwah Usamah Usayd Usman Utbah Uwais Uwayam Uzaafar Uzair : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Name of a Sahabi, old Arabic name Servant of God Small servant, worshipper Servant of Allah One of high self-esteem Historical name (Ukkasha ibn Muhsin) Love, affection, familiarity, intimacy A title Old Arabic name Intelligent Life, long living, Name of the second Caliph Habitation A famous Arabian tribe Prosperity, Populousness Love, affection The end of everything Ascension, mounting, rising Handheld, support Like a lion Little lion Name of the third Caliph An old Arabic name Small wolf Afloat, buoyant Lion Precious, name of a prophet

Vafi : Complete, just

Vahdat Vahid Vajih Val

: : : :

Unity Alone Noble, handsome High hill

Waiz Wail Waddah Wadi Wafa Wafiq Wahab Waheed Wahhaj Wahib Wahid Wajahat Wajeeh Wajid Wakeel Wali Waliyuddeen Waliyullah Wamiq Waqar Ward Waseem Wasif Wasil Wasiy Wathiq

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Preacher, sermoniser Returner Bright, brilliant Calm, peaceful Faithfulness, fidelity Successful Giving, donation Unique, one of its kind Glowing, incandescent Liberal donor Single, exclusive, unequalled Commanding in personality, dignity Having a commanding personality One who finds Agent, representative Guardian, protector Supporter of the faith Supporter of God, friend of God Loving, friendly Respect, dignity Blossoms, flowers Graceful, good-looking Man of qualities Inseparable friend Unlimited, all-encompassing, boundless Firm, reliable, confident



Yaaseen Yaawar Yafi Yagana Yahya Yaman Yameen Yaqeen Yaqinul Islam Yaqoot Yaqub Yasaar Yasir Yazdan Yazeed Yumn Yunus Yusr Yusuf : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Name of the Prophet (SAW) Helping Narrator of hadith Unique, uncomparable A prophets name Good tidings Oath, right hand, right wing (of the army) Belief Belief in Islam Precious stone A prophets name Ease, wealth Wealthy, affluent Name of the spirit of goodness, merciful, kind Increase, grow, enhance Good fortune, success A prophets name Ease, convenience A prophets name

Zair Zab Zaby Zaeem Zafar Zafeer Zafir Zagheem Zaghlul Zahab Zahi Zahid Zahir : : : : : : : : : : : : : Visitor, guest King of the mythical pishdadidynasty Gazelle Leader or general Victory, triumph Of firm and resolute intention Victorious, triumphant Lion Young pigeon Gold Brilliant, glowing Self-denying, abstentious Bright, shining, flowery

Zaigham Zain Zakariyya Zaki Zakir Zakwan Zal Zaman Zameer Zamil Zamyad Zand Zayan Zayd Zeeshan Zhul Fiqaar Zia (Ziya) Ziya ud-Deen Ziyad Ziyaul Haq Zubair Zuhaib Zuhair Zuhoor Zulfiqar Zunnoon

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Lion Beauty, beautiful, pretty A prophets name Intelligent, pure, chaste One who frequently remembers Allah Intelligent, pious, intellect Rostams father Time, destiny Conscience Friend, colleague Presiding angel Persian king Bright In abundance, plentiful Of high standard, important, influential The name of the Prophets sword Light, glow, splendour Brightness of the faith Abundance Light of the truth A Sahabis name Leader, king Name of a Sahabi Appearance, manifestation, emergence Sword Appellation of the Prophet Yunus


Girl Names

Alayna - Princess (Iranian) Upon (Arabic) Light (From the Greek word Helena) Aleena - Silk of heaven Alesha - Protected by god Aliyah - Exalted, noble Amani Wishes, aspirations Amara - Eternal beauty, urgent news Amelia - Trustworthy, beautiful Ana - Prestige, self respect Ariana - Full of life Ayla - Halo around the moon Ayana - Lucky, good day, day of judgement Dina Love Diyanah - Religion Hana Bliss, felicity Hannah Affection Iman / Imaani Faith, Belief Inaaya Gift of Allah Jaiyana - Strength Jamila Beautiful, Graceful, Lovely Jasmine Flower Jennah Heaven / Paradise Kamilah Perfect, Complete Laila / Layla / Leyla Night, Dark beauty Liyan / Liyana Softness, tenderness Maira / Myra - Moon Malaika - Angel Maleeya

Maliha - Beautiful Maya - Princess Misha Beautiful, Pretty Mona Wish, Desire Mouna - Water Myesha Happy for entire life Nadia - Hope Rihanna aromatic, sweet basil Sabina - Flower Saleena Moon Selina Moon, salty Sana - Resplendence, brilliance; to gaze, look Sarina - Peace Shakirah Thankful, Grateful Tamara Date Tree Tara - Star Yalina Soft, gentle Zaara Beautiful Flower

Boy Names Adam a Prophets Name Aydin brilliant, enlightened, intelligent, light of the moon Amaar - One with strong Imaan Amauri / Amaree Daud A Prophets Name Jamal - Beauty Omar Long-lived Shaan Shakeel Handsome, Comely Zakariya / Zakariyya Name of a Prophet

Rayan / Rayn- The gate of heaven which allows fasting people in Ramadan to enter. Zane friend, beloved

Aadil 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Just Aamir Aarif Aashiq Aasim Abaan Abad Aban Abbas Abbud Abbudin Abd Abdel Abdul Abed Abedin Abir Abisha Abrar Absar Abu Ali Adab Adar Addar

Boy Populous; Full; Prosperous Acquainted; Knowledgeable A Lover, A Suitor Protector Old Arabic Name Eternity Old Arabic Name Description Of A Lion Devoted Worshippers Slave, Servant Of God Servent Azeem Servant Of The Mighty Worshipper Worshippers Strong Gift Of God Pious And Righteous Eyes Name Of A Famous Iranian Scientist And Philosopher Manners

Arabic Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Prince, Ruler, Noble, Exalted Boy Prince, Ruler, Noble, Exalted Boy

Addul 26 27

Son Of, Servant Of Adel Adham

Boy Just, Sincere, Righteous Black

Arabic Boy Boy Arabic Arabic Advertisements

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Adi Adib Adir Adiv Adl Adnan Afam Afeef Afreen Afsan Aftab Agha Ahad Ahmad Ahmed Ahsan Aijaz Aiman Ain Ajmal Akbar

Companion Of Prophet Muhammad (Bpuh) Learned, Man Of Letters Majestic, Noble Pleasant, Gentle Another Name For The Quran Proper Name Loyal Chaste; Modest Encouragement Tale, Legend, Fiction The Sun Anoth er Name For God Another Name For God Greatly Praised One Worthy Of Praise, One Who Praises Allah An Act Of Kindness, Favour Fearless, Lucky, On The Right Eye, Thus "Presious" Holy Powerful

Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Previous1 2 345678910 ... 4344Next


Akil 50 51 52

Intelligent, Thoughtful, One Who Uses Reason Boy Akili Akim Akin Wisdom "God Will Establish" Warrior, Hero, Brave Man

Arabic Boy Boy Boy Arabic Arabic Arabic

53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

Akmal Akram Ala Alaa Alam Alamgir Alawi Aleem Alfaz Alih Alim Altair Amanat Ameen Ameer Amid Amjad Ammar Amr Anas

Perfect, Complete The Best, Excellent Nobility, Excellence Nobility; Excellence Universe Lord Of The Universe Descendant Of Ali Knowledgeable, Wise, Learned Words (Plu. Of Lafz) Idol; God Learned, Wise The Flying Eagle Something Given In Trust, Deposit, Security Faithful; Trustworthy Ruler; Prince General More Glorious Builder; Constructor; Religious Person Old Arabic Name A Group Of People

Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Anees 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

Close Friend Anis Anjam Anjum Anjuman Ansar Ansari Aqib Aqil Arab Areeb Areef Aref Arfan

Boy Close Friend, Supreme End, Conclusion, Result, Issue Star Meeting Helper My Helper Another Name For Prophet Muhammad Wise, Sensible Peaceful, Tranquil Wise, Intelligent, Expert Knowledgeable Wise, Intelligent, Acquainted, Knowledgeable Gratitude

Arabic Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Advertisements

87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

Arib Arif Arman Arra Arsalan Arsh Asad Asadel Asan Asgar

Wise, Intelligent, Expert Knowledgeable Desire, Yearning, Wish, Ideal, Hope, Aspiration High, Exalted Lion Dominion; Crown Lion Most Prosperous One Light, Facile, Easy Devoted To Lord

Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Previous123 4 5678910 ... 4344Next


Asghar 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113

Devotee, Small Ashfaq Ashiq Ashraf Asif Asim Aslam Asrar Aswad Ata Ataa Atallah Atash Atf Atif Aula Awad

Boy Noble Prince Lover, Suitor Benevolent, Kind, Tall Forgivness Protector, Limitless One Who Salutes

Arabic Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Advertisements Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Secrets (Plu. Of Boy Sirr) Black Gift Gift Fire Boy Boy Boy Boy

The Gift Of Allah Boy Kindness, Favor, Affection, Boy Present Generous Another Name For Prophet Muhammad Reward; Compensation Boy Boy Boy

114 115 116 117 118 119 120

Aws Aydin Ayman Ayoob Ayub Ayyad Aza

Name Of A Tree Boy Intelligent Holy, RightHand Worker A Prophet'S Name Companion Of Prophet Muhammad Na Comfort Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Previous1234 5 678910 ... 4344Next


Azad 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 Azad

Free, Unrestrained Azam Azim Aziz Azzaam Azzam Baahir Baari Baasim Baasit Bab Badi Badiy Badr Badshah Baha Bahi Bahij Bahir Bahram Baid Bais Bakht Bakr Free, Unrestrained

Boy The Powerful One A Friend, Comrade, Dear Determined; Resolved Determined, Resolved Dazzling; Brilliant One Of The Names Of God; Smiling One Who Spreads Or Grants Prosperity Door, Gate, Chapter, Topic, Subject Creator; Inventor Novel; Primal Full Moon Emperor, King Beautiful; Magnificent Fine, Good Always Happy, Pleasant Brilliant, Dazzling The Planet Mars Another Name For God; Away; Distant One Of The Ninety-Nine Names Of God Good Fortune, Luck, Prosperity Camel, First Born, The Eldest Child Boy

Arabic Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

One Of The Ninety-Nine Names Of God; Boy

122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144

Azam Azim Aziz Azzaam Azzam Baahir Baari Baasim Baasit Bab Badi Badiy Badr Badshah Baha Bahi Bahij Bahir Bahram Baid Bais Bakht Bakr

The Powerful One One Of The Ninety-Nine Names Of God; A Friend, Comrade, Dear Determined; Resolved Determined, Resolved Dazzling; Brilliant One Of The Names Of God; Smiling One Who Spreads Or Grants Prosperity Door, Gate, Chapter, Topic, Subject Creator; Inventor Novel; Primal Full Moon Emperor, King Beautiful; Magnificent Fine, Good Always Happy, Pleasant Brilliant, Dazzling The Planet Mars Another Name For God; Away; Distant One Of The Ninety-Nine Names Of God Good Fortune, Luck, Prosperity Camel, First Born, The Eldest Child

Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Deen 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204

Faith, Religion Deenar Dekel Dharr Diaab Dihyat Dil Dar Dilawar Dilbar Dilshad Dulamah Duman

Boy Gold Coin Palm Tree, Date Tree Na One Who Perserveres A Companion Of Prophet Muhammad(Bpuh) Charming, Beloved Brave, Valiant Lover Happy Tall And Black Misty, Smoky

Arabic Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216

Durrah Dyab Ebi Ebrahim Ehsan Eijaz Emad Emir Erol Esa Eshaq Esmail

Companion Of Prophet Muhammad (Bpuh) The One Who Perseveres Paternal Earth, Name Of A Prophet Goodness Blessings Confidence To Command Strong, Courageous Name Of A Prophet Arabic Of Isac, A Prophet Name Name Of A Prophet, Son Of Prophet Ebrahim Pbuh

Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Eyad 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238

Possesses Power Faakhir Faaris Faarooq Faatih Faatir Fadee Fadi Fadil Fadl Fahad Fahd Fahim Fahmi Faiq Faisal Faiyaz Faiz Fakhir Fakhr Fakhry Fakih

Boy Proud, Excellent Horseman; Knight He Who Distinguishes Truth From Falsehood Another Name For Prophet Muhammad Another Name For God; Originator Redeemer Redeemer Generous, Virtuous, Abundance Outstanding; Honorable Lynx Lynx, Panther Intelligent Smart Superior, Great Decisive A Good Donor Blessings, Gain Proud, Excellent Honorary Legal Expert; One Who

Arabic Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Glory, Honor, Pride, Egotism Boy

Recites The Qu'Ran 239 240 Falih Faliq Successful One That Divides Into Two; Creator Boy Boy Arabic Arabic

Faraj 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 Faraz Farbud Fard Fareed Farhad Farhan Farhat Farid Fariq Faris Farjad Farookh Farooq Faroukh Farraj Farshad Farzad Farzam Farzan Fastiq Fateen Fateh Fath

Relief From Bad Times Divine Right, Orthodox Another Name For God; Unequalled; Unique Second To Nobody Happiness Glad, Joyful, Merry Happiness Another Name For God; Pearl Another Name For God; Separating; Eminent Horseman/Knight Excellent, Eminent In Learning A Good Judge Who Distinguishes Truth From Falsehood Happy, Fortunate Na Happy Splendid Birth Worthy, Befitting Wise Another Name For God; One Who Rips Apart Clever; Smart Victory Victory

Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Fathi 266 267 268 269 270 271 272

Victory Fatik Fattah Fawaz Fawwaz Fawzi Faysal Fazil

Boy Crystal One Of The Ninety-Nine Names Of God; Successful Successful Winner Decisive Talented; Expert; Intelligent; Wise

Arabic Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288

Fazl Feroz Ferran Fida Fidaa Firas Firdaus Firouz Fouad Fuad Fudail Furqan Furqau Fuwaad Gamal Ghaalib

Excellence, Virtue, Reward, Wisdom Fortunate Baker

Boy Boy Boy

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Sacrifice, Devotion, Ransom, Boy Exchange Redemption; Sacrifice Perspiceacity Heaven Victorious Heart Heart Excellent In Character Proof (Quran) Which Separates Truth And Falsehood Heart Camel Victor Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy

Ghaazi 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306

Conqueror Ghafir Ghalib Ghamir Ghani Ghanim Ghannan Ghasaan Ghassan Ghawth Ghayth Ghayur Ghazal Ghazi Ghazir Ghiyas Ghiyath Ghufran

Boy Another Name For God; Generous; Kindhearted The Best Giving A Lot Of Charity The Title Of The Third Khalifah Of Islam Hazrat Usman Winner Two Friends Of Prophet Muhammad; Shepherd Old Arabic Name The Prime Of Youth Relief, Aid Rain Another Name For God; Haughty; Enthusiastic Ode, Poem Invader Plentiful, Ample

Arabic Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Another Name For God; One Boy Who Asks For Help Succorer Another Name For God; Boy Boy

Pardon; Benevolence 307 308 309 310 311 312 Ghulam Gul Zar Gulfam Gulshan Gulzar Haady Slave, Boy, Youth Flower Bed, Garden Flower Color A Flower Or Rose Garden Garden Guiding To The Right Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Haamid 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336

Loving (God) Haani Haarith Haaroon Haashim Haatim Habbab Habeeb Habib Hadad Hadaf Haddad Hadi Hadir Hadis Hafeez Hafi Hafiz Haidar Hakam Hakem Hakim Halim Ham Raz

Boy Happy; Delighted; Content Plowman; Old Arabic Name A Prophet'S Name Generosity; Prophet'S Grandfather Judge Gentle, Polite Friend Beloved One Syrian God Of Fertility Target, Goal, Object Smith A Chief; One Who Guides. The Sound Of Thunder Narration Or Sayings Of Prophet Muhammad Protector Generous One Who Knows The Quran By Heart Lion One Of The Ninety-Nine Excellent Names Of God Ruler, Governor One Of The Ninety-Nine Excellent Names Of God Generous; Compassionate; Composed, Tranquil Confidant

Arabic Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

Haamid 314 315

Loving (God) Haani Haarith

Boy Happy; Delighted; Content Plowman; Old Arabic Name

Arabic Boy Boy Arabic Arabic

316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336

Haaroon Haashim Haatim Habbab Habeeb Habib Hadad Hadaf Haddad Hadi Hadir Hadis Hafeez Hafi Hafiz Haidar Hakam Hakem Hakim Halim Ham Raz

A Prophet'S Name Generosity; Prophet'S Grandfather Judge Gentle, Polite Friend Beloved One Syrian God Of Fertility Target, Goal, Object Smith A Chief; One Who Guides. The Sound Of Thunder Narration Or Sayings Of Prophet Muhammad Protector Generous One Who Knows The Quran By Heart Lion One Of The Ninety-Nine Excellent Names Of God Ruler, Governor One Of The Ninety-Nine Excellent Names Of God Generous; Compassionate; Composed, Tranquil Confidant

Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy Boy

Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic Arabic

1 Ra'id 2 Raahil 3 Raamis 4 Raamiz 5 Raashid 6 Rabah 7 Rabar 8 Rabbani 9 Rabee

Leader, pioneer Path guider The good looking one Symbol Major, Adult, Orthodox, Guided, Intelligent Gainer A loving and caring person to all Divine Spring

10 Rabi' 11 Rabiah 12 Rabit 13 Radi 14 Raees 15 Rafan 16 Rafay 17 Rafee 18 Rafeek 19 Rafi 20 Rafik 21 Rafiq 22 Raghib 23 Rahat 24 Raheel 25 Raheesh 26 Rahil 27 Rahim 28 Rahmat 29 Raihan 30 Raiyan 31 Rajaa 32 Rajab 33 Rakeem

Spring, breeze Greenery Binding, Fastening Satisfied Rich, Wealthy, Chief Beautiful, graceful The Exaulter, To Elevate Rank High, High-ranking, cultured, refined Friend High, High-ranking, cultured, refined. In the Quran, the Kind, friend Kind, friend Desiring, willing Rest, Response One who shows the way, Fearless or Brave Leader, Chief, Rich Path guider Merciful Mercy Heavens' Flower Satisfaction, contented Hope 7th Month of the Islamic Calendar Writer

34 Rakhshan 35 Ramadan 36 Rameez 37 Ramin 38 Ramiz 39 Raonar 40 Raquib 41 Raseem 42 Rashad 43 Rashdan 44 Rasheed 45 Rashid 46 Rasool 47 Rauf 48 Rawahah 49 Rawdah 50 Rawh 51 Rayan 52 Rayees 53 Rayhaan 54 Rayhan 55 Rayn 56 Rayyan

Dazzling 9th Month of the Islamic Calendar Symbol Who rescues the people from hungry and pain. Brings Joy into peoples life Symbol Lustre Most watchful One who designs Integrity of conduct, maturity Guidance, rectitude Rationale, Prutend, Intelligent, Rightly-guided Righteous, mature Name of the nabi Merciful, kind Departure, Fragrance, ease Garden Meadow, Paradise Refreshment, Rest The gate of heaven which allows fasting people in Ramadan to enter Rich Sweet basil Basil, Sweet basil, Fragrance It is the name of a gate of the heaven Full, pretty

57 Raza 58 Razam 59 Razeen 60 Rehan 61 Rehma 62 Rehmatullah

Handsome Lion Sedate, Slemn, Grave, Sober-Minded King The loving Blessings of Allah Almighty Wish Garden, devotion Contentment Keeper of the gates of heaven Dignity The Risk, Black Rose, Lovest One, The One Gardens Rule, Dominion Peon of Paradise Flight Noble Bright, Shining Flower Firm, Solid On the right path Exalted

63 Reza 64 Riaz 65 Ridha 66 Ridwan 67 Rifa'ah 68 Risay 69 Riyad 70 Riyasat 71 Rizwan 72 Robeel 73 Rohail 74 Roshan 75 Rowel 76 Rukanah 77 Rushd 78 Ruwayfi

Sa'd Felicity

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Sa'dan Sa'id Sa'im Sa'ir Sa'irah Sa'ood Saad Saadat Saafir Saahir Saaiq Saal Saaqib Sabbir Sabeeh Sabil Sabiq Sabir Sabur Saburah Sadan Sadaqat Sadeed Sadeem

Happy, fortunate Happy, fortunate Fasting Walking, going on foot Walking Fortunate, Happy A companion of the Prophet (S.A.W) Blessing, Honour Ambassador, handsome Wakeful He who drives on the right path The year consisting of twelve months Star Patient A narrator of Hadith Path, way First, Former Patient Patient, perservent A narrator of Hadith Happy, Fortunate Truth Relevant, Pertinent Haze, Mist

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Sadik Sadiq Sadit Saeed Safdar Safeenah Safeer Saffar Safiy-Allah Safiyy Saful Islam Safwan Sagheer Sahab Sahar Saheim Sahib Sahil Sahir Sahl Sahm Sahmir Saib Saif

Truthful Truthful Hard working and strong Blissful, auspicious One who breaks the enemy's rank Name of an Ahl As-Suffah Emissary An authority of Hadith Allah's chosen one Chosen One Sword of Islam Rock Small, short Cloud Time before day break, bewitch Warrior Companion, friend Guide Wakeful Easy, Uncomplicated Arrow, dart Entertaining companion Foresaken, abandoned Sword

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73


Sword of Allah

Saiful Azman Sword of dream Saji Sajid Sajjad Sakhawat Sakhr Sakhrah A scholar had this name Prostrating One who does much prostrations Generosity, liberality, open-handness Rock Rock(s)

Salaahddinn The righteousness of the faith Salaam Salah Salam Salamah Salamat Salar Saleel Saleem Salif Salih Salik Salim Salman Salsaal Salsal Peace Righteousness of the faith, goodness Peace Soundness, integrity Safety Leader Warrior of understanding, Noble hearted, container of inner strength Sound, Unimpaired, Sane, Sincere Previous, Former Safe, whole, flawless Passable, unobstructed Secure, free Safe Pure Water Pure Water

74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97

Salt Sameed Sameer Sameh Sami Samir Samit Sanaullah Sanawbar Saqer Saqib Sarab Sarfaraz Sarfraz Sarim Sariyah Sarmad Sarosh Sarwar Saud Sawa Sawad Sawlat Sawwaf

A narrator of Hadith Brave, simple Entertainer Forgiver High, lofty, exalted Entertaining companion Quiet Worshiper of Allah A cone-bearing tree, fir, Pine Falcon Shining Star Mirage King Person sitting at a high place Lion, brave, big hearted Travels by night Eternity Angel Chief, leader, Joy, Delight Felicities, good fortune Equal, same Blackness, Skill Influence, commanding, personality, awe Wool Stapler, Wool Dealer

98 99

Sayf Sayfiyy

Sword Concerning sword Flowing Lord, Master Mobile, Constantly on the move Mien, Expression, Countenance Sword One who gives health Radiance Islamic Month Youth Resembling Name of an Islamic month Beautiful, handsome, intelligent, protected by Allah,self confidence, respectful Young Appellation of Imam Husayn (R.A) Pious, beautiful Resembling A scholar who wrote about Quran Happy Fresh, evergreen Happy Lover Independant

100 Sayhan 101 Sayid 102 Sayyar 103 Seema 104 Seif 105 Shaaf 106 Shaariq 107 Shabaan 108 Shabab 109 Shabah 110 Shaban 111 Shabaz 112 Shabb 113 Shabbeer 114 Shabbir 115 Shabeeh 116 Shabib 117 Shad 118 Shadab 119 Shadan 120 Shadeed 121 shadhin

122 Shadi 123 Shafaat 124 Shafee 125 Shafi 126 Shafin 127 Shafiq 128 Shafiulla 129 Shafqat 130 Shah 131 Shahab 132 Shahadat 133 Shahan 134 Shaharyar 135 Shahbaz 136 Shaheed 137 Shaheem 138 Shaheen 139 Shaheer 140 Shahid 141 Shahin 142 Shahnawaz 143 Shahrukh 144 Shahrul 145 Shahzad

Singer Recommendation Intercessor Pure He who cures Compassionate, tender Compassionate of Allah or Purity of Allah Affection King Meteor Witness, Evidence King King Falcon Witness Intelligent Falcon Well-Known Witness Falcon Brave Concerning, monarchy Moon King's son

146 Shahzaib 147 Shahzor 148 Shairyaar 149 Shajee 150 Shakeel 151 Shakir 152 Shallal 153 Shamas 154 Shameel 155 Shameem 156 Shamel 157 Shammyn 158 Shams 159 Shams-UlHaq

Crown of a king, like a king Extreme Power Friendship Bold, Courageous Handsome, Comely Thankful Waterfalls Sun Complete Fragrance Comprehensive, complete Sun light Sun Appellation given to Indian and Pakistani Scholars Box-tree The sword of honors

160 Shamshad 161 Shamsheer

162 Shamsideen Sun of religion 163 Shan 164 Shaqeeq 165 Sharaf 166 Sharafat 167 Sharaheel 168 Shareef 169 Shareek Dignity, Splendour Real brother Honour Nobility A narrator of Hadith The good Associate

170 Sharif 171 Sharifudin 172 Shariq 173 Sharique 174 Sharjeel 175 Shaukat 176 Shawaiz 177 Shayaan 178 Shayan 179 Shaybah 180 Shazad 181 Shazeb 182 Shaziya 183 Shehran 184 Shehroze 185 Shehryaar 186 Shehyar 187 Shehzaad 188 Sheraz 189 Sheryar 190 Shibli 191 Shifa 192 Shihab 193 Shiraz

Honest, noble, distinguished The noble religion Radiant, Bright Sunrise Fine Grandeur Speak melodious Intelligent Praised Grey-haired, aged Prince Decorated king Aromatic The ancient king of Persia King of Roses Sovereign Lucky one Prince Loving, Caring, Daring King Was a great Scholar and writer Cure Flame, blaze Sweet

194 Shoaib 195 Shu'aa 196 Shuayb 197 Shuja 198 Shuneal 199 Shurahbeel 200 Shurayh 201 Shuraym 202 Sifet 203 Sikandar 204 Silah 205 Simak 206 Sinan 207 Siraj 208 Siwar 209 Sofian 210 Sohaib 211 Sohail 212 Souffian 213 Subhan 214 Subhi 215 Suhaan 216 Suhayb 217 Suhayl

A Prophet's name Beams, Rays A Prophets name Brave, bold, Valour Traveller A narrator of Hadith A narrator of Hadith Split, Cleavage Quality Name of a famous Sovereign Arms Arcturus (Star) Spear head Lamp, light Bracelet, Arm-ring Sand storm Reddish or Sandy (Hair) Gentle, ease; name of star Sand Holy Early morning Very good A companions name Canopus (Star)

218 Suheb 219 Sulaiman 220 Sulayk 221 Sulayman 222 Sultaan 223 Sultan 224 Sumayya 225 Surayj 226 Surur 227 Suwaybit 228 Suwayd 229 Sydeek 230 Syed

Love A Prophets Name Traveller, Walker Name of a Prophet Authority Power, authority Matyr of Islam Name of an authority of Hadith Joy, happiness Roof over path, alley between houses Black King Always in control

Girls Zahara - flower (wild rose) Asrar - Secret Zainab - From the Good Father Laila - Night Amel - Hope Jameela - Beatiful Boys Habib - Beloved Mustafa - (Lion of God,,, I think) Jihad - Holy struggle Salam Peace

girls: sarah noor mai yasmeen = jasmine

wafa = faithfulness nada = dew sama = sky alyia = highness mashael =flares nadyia = its meaning is similar to nada hana =Felicities reema = deer boys: abdullah..sa'ad..fahad..ziyad.. khaled..faisal...mohammed..ahmad.. salem..hussam

Mw3ad.the protector or preserver. Aws.the consideration and tender. Anas opposite loneliness ,familiarity , joy and the most fortunate pleasure and happiness. Musaad. Happiness , good luck , person that others feel happy around him.less bullying and misery Shahib ..Strong, courageous and cold chilly day. Suhayb .Red or blond hair and the lion . Memon.(yamen)right, the bleesed one , old Arabs used to say to the traveler : the mystery of the memon (auspicious )bird, which is like prayer or wish : the secret of successful.

Fahad....My co-worker's son. Her husband is Aftab. I like Fahad better...(I'm not sure of the spelling).

Asad - lion Alim - learned, scholar, expert Azhar - shining, bright Alamgir - world conquering Askari - fighter Gabir - comforter, consoler Zayd - prosperous, increasing Qadir - capable, powerful Omar - populous, flourishing

Sa'id - happy, lucky Zayn - beauty, grace

Aahil Rehan Zeeshan Aariz Farhan Rayyan Zayan Aasif Aatif Aaqil Aarif Asha z Arham Male Male Male Male Male

Male Male Male Male

Prince. King A high standard. Respectable man. Male Happy

Luxuriant; one of the gates of paradise Male An able minister. Kind Affectionate. Male Intelligent. Knowing, aware. Bright.

One in a million, name of a sahabi during the time of prophet. There is a hadith praising his virtue of patience and obedience to parents Male Merciful.

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