Delpher Trades Corp Vs Iac and Hydro Pipes Inc
Delpher Trades Corp Vs Iac and Hydro Pipes Inc
Delpher Trades Corp Vs Iac and Hydro Pipes Inc
Delpher trades corp vs iac and hydro pipes inc. Facts: the pacheco family obtained 2500 shares of stock from DTC, in exchange for a parcel of land that was currently being leased by hydro pipes inc. hydro pipes filed for the violation of their right to first option to buy. It was granted by iac. However, the petitioners contend that what happened was a deed of exchange and not a deed of sale. Issue: won the iac erred Held: yes. The petitoners were able to prove that it was indeed a deed of exchange. DTC is owned by the pachecos, and as evident from the 2500 shares of stock, which is 55% of the stocks of DTC, they have control of the company. They were merely trying to lessen taxes, by avoiding inheritance tax. Issue: Legal effect of a sale falling under Article1491? Held: NULL AND VOID.CANNOT BE RATIFIED. Manresa considered such prohibited acquisitions (which fell under the Spanish Civil Code)as merely voidable because the Spanish Code did not recognize nullity. But our Civil Code does recognize the absolute nullity of contracts whose cause, object or purpose is contract to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy or which are expressly prohibited or declared void by law and declares such contracts inexistent and void from the beginning. The nullity of such prohibited contracts is definite and permanent, and cannot be cured by ratification. The public interest and public policy remain paramount and do not permit of compromise orratification. In this aspect, the permanent disqualification of public and judicial officers and lawyers grounded on public policy differs from the first three cases of guardians agents and administrators(under Art 1491). As to their transactions, it has been opined that they may be ratified by means of and in the form of a new contract, in which case its validity shall be determined only by the circumstances at the time of execution of such new contract. In those cases, the object which was illegal at the time of the first contract may have already become lawful at the time of the ratification or second contract, or the intent, or the service which was impossible. The ratification or second contract would then be valid from its execution; however, it does not retroact to the date of the first contract. Decision affirmed. Buenaventura vs. CA (2003) FACTS: Defendant spouses Leonardo Joaquin and Feliciana Landrito are parents of co-defendants Fidel, Tomas, Artemio, Clarita, Felicitas, Fe, and Gavino. They are also the parents of plaintiffs Consolacion, Nora, Emma, and Natividad. A deed of sale was executed by the defendant spouses in favor of their co-defendant children. However, such deed of sale was sought to be declared null and void by the plaintiffs. administration of justice, the property and rights in litigation or levied upon an execution before the court within whose jurisdiction or territory they exercise their respective functions; this prohibition includes the act of acquiring by assignment and shall apply to lawyer, with respect to the property and rights which may be the object of any litigation in which they may take part by virtue of their profession. The present case clearly falls under this, especially since the case was still pending appeal when the sale was made.
Rubias vs Batiller (1973) Facts:- Francisco Militante claimed that he owned aparcel of land located in Iloilo. He filed with the CFI of Iloilo an application for the registration of title of the land. This was opposed by the Director of Lands, the Director of Forestry, and other oppositors. The case was docked as a land case, and after trial the court dismissed the application for registration. Militante appealed to the Court of Appeals. - Pending that appeal, he sold to Rubias (hisson-in-law and a lawyer) the land. - The CA rendered a decision, dismissing the application for registration. - Rubias filed a Forcible Entry and Detainer case against Batiller. - In that case, the court held that Rubias has no cause of action because the property in dispute which Rubias allegedly bought from Militante was the subject matter of a land case, in which case Rubias was the counsel on record of Militante himself. It thus falls under Article1491 of the Civil Code. (Hence, this appeal.) Issue: Whether the sale of the land is prohibited under Article 1491. Held: YES Article 1491 says that The following persons cannot acquire any purchase, even at a public or judicial auction, either in person or through the mediation of another. (5) Justices, judges, prosecuting attorneys, clerks of superior and inferior courts, and other officers and employees connected with the
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Issues: w/n there was a contract of sale b/w PUP and NDC w/n Firestone should be allowed to exercise its right of refusal
PUP V. CA FACTS: Firestone Ceramics (Firestone) entered into a lease contract w/ the National Development Corporation (NDC) for a portion of its property in Sta. Mesa. 2 more lease agreements were entered into for NDCs 4-unit pre-fabricated reparation steel warehouse and 6-unit pre-fabricated reparation steel warehouse. Such agreements provided for extenion of the terms of the lease.
Held: YES Aside from the fact that the intention of NDC and PUP to enter into a contract of sale was clearly expressed in the Memorandum Order No. 214, a close perusal of the circumstances of this case strengthens the theory that the conveyance of the property from NDC to PUP was one of absolute sale, for a valuable consideration, and not a mere paper transfer as argued by
YES -the right of first refusal is an integral and indivisible part of the contract of lease and is inseparable from the whole contract. , it is not correct for petitioners to insist that there was no consideration paid by FIRESTONE to entitle it to the exercise of the right, inasmuch as the stipulation is part and parcel of the contract of lease making the consideration for the lease the same as that for the option