5.temporal Arteritis - More Med WTH Yogam KV
5.temporal Arteritis - More Med WTH Yogam KV
5.temporal Arteritis - More Med WTH Yogam KV
the large or medium arteries that branch from the neck. If the inflammation affects the arteries in neck, upper body and arms, it is called giant cell arteritis Causes Temporal, giant cell, and cranial arteritis occur when one or more arteries become inflammed and die. It most commonly occurs in the head, especially in the temporal arteries that branch off from a blood vessel in the neck called the carotid artery. However, the condition can be a bodywide (systemic) disorder, affecting many medium to large sized arteries anywhere in the body. The disorder may develop along with or after polymyalgia rheumatica. Giant cell arteritis is seen almost exclusively in those over 50 years old, but may occasionally occur in younger people. Symptoms Excessive sweating Fever General ill feeling Jaw pain, intermittent or when chewing Loss of appetite Muscle aches Throbbing headache on one side of the head or the back of the head Scalp sensitivity, tenderness when touching the scalp Vision difficulties Blurred vision Double vision Reduced vision (blindness in one or both eyes)
Weakness, excessive tiredness Weight loss (more than 5% of total body weight)
Additional symptoms that may be associated with this disease: Bleeding gums Face pain Hearing loss Joint stiffness Joint pain Mouth sores
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About 40% of people will have other nonspecific symptoms such as respiratory complaints (most frequently dry cough) or weakness or pain along many nerve areas. Rarely, paralysis of eye muscles may occur. A persistent fever may be the only symptom. Exams and Tests Touching the head may show that the scalp is sensitive and has a tender, thick artery on one side. The affected artery may have a weak pulse or no pulse. Blood tests may include: - Hemoglobin or hematocrit -- may be normal or low - Liver function tests -- may be abnormal with high levels of alkaline phosphatase - Sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein -- almost always very high Blood tests cannot specifically diagnose this condition. A biopsy and examination of tissue from the affected artery confirm the diagnosis in most cases. Possible Complications Possible complications include: Sudden vision loss or eye muscle weakness Damage to other blood vessels in the body TIA or stroke Most people make a full recovery, but long-term treatment (for 1 to 2 years or longer) may be needed.
In Ayurvedic perspective, we can consider Temporal arteritis as Uttana Vata raktham. It can be considered as A state of Dhatu pakam Rasa raktha involvement Pitta pradhanya shira shulam
Line of treatment Aushadhas having Tiktha Madhura rasas are selected. Kashayam Guduchyadi 60 ml twice daily before food Manjishtadi 60 ml twice daily before food Kalyanakam 60 ml twice daily before food Mahatiktakam 60 ml twice daily before food Tiktakam 60 ml twice daily before food
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Kaishora guggulu 2 tablets twice daily after food Sudarshanam 2 tablets twice daily after food Suryavartam 2 tablets twice daily after food
Tailam The following tailas are used for external application Asana Manjishtadi Kumari Madhuyashtyadi (A.H. Chikitsa sthana) Murivenna
Virechanam Vasti Guduchi gana yapana vasthi 900 ml Quantity 200 ml 15 gms 100 ml 100 ml 30 gms 400 ml 900 ml Trivruth lehyam 30 gms in morning (around 9.30 a.m.) with hot water
Dravyam Makshikam Lavanam Sneham Madhuyashtyadi tailam Tiktaka ghritham Kalkam Kashayam Total quantity Shirobasti Ksheerabala tailam (A.H.Vataraktha chikitsa)
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Nasyam Tailam in the form of two drops can be used for pratimarsha nasyam followed by gargling with hot water. Ksheerabala (A.H.Vataraktha chikitsa) Manjishtadi (Sahasra Yogam) Yashtimadhu (A.H.chikitsa)
Rasayanam Chyavanaprasham 25 grams twice daily after food (Charaka Samhita. Chikitsa sthanam) Shatavari lehyam 20 grams twice daily after food (Sahasra Yogam)
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