Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge and The Precession of Equinoxes
Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge and The Precession of Equinoxes
Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge and The Precession of Equinoxes
I have used the opportunity provided by the popular interest in the birth chart of the royal baby Prince George of Cambridge to: Explain the significance of the astronomical phenomenon called the precession of equinoxes. This is currently overlooked by Western astrologers, and even by astronomers. The precession of the equinoxes must also be measured precisely and its rate determined using modern advances. Its effects on casting horoscopes cannot be overlooked. Make a case for a more scientific study of the statistical significance of predictions made by astrologers and a proper documentation of such studies. Make a case for precise astronomical determination of the dawn of the Age of Aquarius (when the Sun will be in the zodiacal sign of Aquarius on the first day of spring each year). It may be arriving, or might already have arrived.
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1. Introduction The link given above gives the precise positions of the Sun (29 degrees 57 mins, Cancer), the Moon (28 degrees 17 mins, Capricorn) and the Ascendant (27 degrees 10 mins, Scorpio) for Britains royal baby, the newborn Prince George of Cambridge. These calculations are based on Western astrology, or what is known as the tropical horoscope. An image is copied below.
The following link gives the Hindu (or Vedic) horoscope. The planetary positions (and sun, moon) are all off by one house (see charts on page 13). The precise positions of the planets, sun and moon (in degrees and minutes; each house occupies 30 degrees and 12 house together are 360 degrees, like for a circle), are given only in the Western chart.
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Nonetheless, why are the two horoscopes so far off? With these two charts, you can appreciate the confusion created by Western and Hindu astrological signs. In Hindu or Vedic astrology, the position of the moon is given a lot of importance. The house where moon is located is also called janma rasi (rasi in Tamil, or raashee, in Sanskrit and other Indian languages, means a house of the zodiac). This determines the birthstar or nakshatram. When we look in the sky, there is usually a prominent star(*) that is close to the moon. This star is called the birthstar. In Hindu astrology importance is given to these 27 stars. (Some overenthusiastic modern astrologers, especially Western astrologers, include many more stars and also the planets like Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto, and prominent asteroids like Ceres, and have concocted astrological properties for them. Traditional Hindu astrology ignores these modern concoctions. This does NOT mean Hindus were ignorant. One has to understand what is relevant and important. You can take readings of the stock market every minute of the day, but is it relevant when it comes to your fortunes? Hindu astrology is based on Sanskrit verses revealed by ancient sages/seers who knew the past, present, and the future! If you do not believe this, just read up on the sage of Kanchi, Sri Sri Sri Chandrasekara Swamigal, who was the Sankaraacarya of Kanchi Matham and lived for 100 years and the insights that he had about peoples past and future, even those whom he had never met before, like me, for example. I was fortunate to see him from very close quarters twice in my life! The second time, it was a close encounter when he had taken a vow of silence, but he still responded to me with just his looks! ) _______________________________ * Imagine a narrow belt wrapped around the equator of the earth. Now project this into the sky, which looks like a huge spherical dome around the earth. All the planets, the sun and the moon, are seen to (apparently) move in the sky within this belt which is called the zodiacal belt. In this belt, we also find 27
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prominent stars. The moon is seen close to these stars and the star changes as the moon moves around and completes one revolution around the earth in a time which man be called the moonth from which we get the month (see the article by Dennis Flaherty cited in references for more details on the motion of the moon). Anyway, before we decide the birthstar (or nakshatram) of an individual, a correction has to be made.
The position given for the moon, 28 degrees 17 mins of Capricorn, is SIMPLY DEAD WRONG because of what is known as the precession of the equinoxes.
(Western astrologers, who have studied Eastern astrology, seem to be polite and reluctant to offend and do NOT put it like I have here! It is indeed time for Western astrologers to recognize this and stop this charade called the Tropical zodiac. It is actually giving astrology, as a whole, a bad rap.)
the equinoxes and also shows that his theory of gravitation allows an estimate of the observed precession by astronomers. What is the precession and what does it do to the position of the moon in Prince George's horoscope, or any baby's horoscope? The earth has three types of motions. The first is the daily rotation about its own axis, in 24 hours, EXACTLY. This is what we mean by one day, which is then divided into 24 hours, each with 60 minutes, and each minute with 60 seconds. The second motion of the earth is the annual motion around the sun. Again, by definition, the time for one complete trip around the sun is called ONE YEAR. But, we also divide the year into months. The year is taken as 365 days, or 366 days, if it is a leap year. Why do we have leap years? Because the earth takes a little more than 365 days to complete one revolution around the sun. How do we know the earth has completed one revolution? Imagine you are running around a race track in an athletic field. How do you know you have completed one round? You need a reference point, like your starting point where you have left behind something to mark it. That reference point must be a fixed one. It could be a spectators bench on the side of the track, or a large readily visible stone, or a tree, etc. What is the reference point for the earths annual trek around the sun? For the earth, the reference point is provided by the stars against whose background the earth seems to be moving. We have to pick a star and use it as our fixed reference point. Then we know if the earth has returned to the same point after one year (assuming star positions are fixed). You can see the link given here for what happens when we view the earth's motion against the background the stars.
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Courtesy: (left image) (right image) Long before the birth of Jesus (see footnote, next page **), Greek astronomers and ancient Hindu astronomers had observed the precession of the equinoxes. This is due to a third motion of the earth which is much more subtle and whose effects are felt only over many thousands of years. The axis of the earth points to a fixed star in the sky; called the Pole star (Hindus call it Dhruva nakshatram). But, if we observe where the axis is pointing carefully, it is found to be moving slowly, in a direction opposite to the annual movement of the earth around the sun. This is similar to what happens to the axis of a spinning top. The axis of a top also moves slowly even as the top itself is going round and round. The earth's axis is therefore having what is called a "wobbly" motion, or a precession, in scientific language. One precession takes about
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26,800 years (or roughly 27,000) years. Newton knew about this. The extent of precession was first recorded by ancient Greek astronomers when they compared the charts of the star recorded over thousands of years. Newton shows that the amount of precession can be calculated mathematically using his theory of gravitation (see pages 349 and 394 in references cited). _________________________________________ ** Jesus was also born during a period of great transition. In the tropical horoscope used by Western astrologers, the Sun is in Aries on the first day of spring, or the date of the spring equinox. This is usually taken as March 21. On this date, the hours of daylight and nighttime are exactly the same ALL OVER THE EARTH. There are exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night. This is also repeated on Sep 21, the winter equinox. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, when Jesus was born, the Suns position had actually changed and the Sun was just entering the previous sign of Pisces on the first day of spring. This is the sign of the fish. During the Roman times, when early Christians were being persecuted, this may also be one of the reasons why early Christians used the sign of fish as a signal to each other their allegiance to Christ. We can still see the decal of a fish (sign of Pisces) on some cars which means the owner is a devout Christian. This dawning of the age of Pisces was known to the early Christians because astrology was studied in those days and the corrections due to precession of equinoxes were made. Then, after Christianity became the dominant religion, the study of astrology was discouraged and even banned (as also in Islam) since it seems to give too much importance to the stars and planets to chart the destiny of man. Hindus, on the other hand, continued the astrological tradition and the correction due to the precession of equinoxes was never overlooked. Astrology was never frowned upon in India, or in Eastern societies. Astrology is not used by Hindus in a fatalistic way, but rather to seek solutions for problems that we encounter in life. Some of these problems are inexplicable and a divine power is thus invoked; see also my comments later about statistical significance of horoscopes.
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Also, because of the same precession of the equinoxes, the sun is now entering the sign of Aquarius, on the first day of spring. It has been more than 2000 years since Jesus was born and in that period of time the precession has moved the sun, on the first day of spring, March 21 each year, by another house of the zodiac. (Divide 26,800 by 12, or approximately27000/12 = 2250 years for the movement by one house. There is NO POINT in getting too fancy about this since the exact rate of precession of the equinoxes is only an estimate and modern astronomers are ignoring this and do not make actual observations to see if the rate estimated by ancients has changed. The exact date for the dawn of the Age of Aquarius SHOULD, AND CAN, be determined astronomically, not by using mathematical formulae. Perhaps, NASA should take the lead.) Now, you can also check out the position of Prince Georges sun. Four months since March 21 means move four houses (12 houses of zodiac for the 12 months of the year): Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini and the newborns SUN is just into the sign of Cancer, after the correction for the precession of the equinoxes. ____________________________ This precession (which means backward movement) means that the moon is NOT where the Western astrologer says it is. If you take any book on astronomy, what I have discussed here is described and explained and the astrologer's insistence of using the WRONG POSITIONS is often mocked. However, these physicists, or astronomers, seem to be unaware (or deliberately refuse to acknowledge) that a correction is indeed made in Hindu astrology for the effect of the earth's "wobbly" motion or precession. How much correction must be made?
precession of equinoxes means that the date of Easter (when Jesus Christ rose from the dead) keeps changing slowly over the centuries. This was properly recorded and connected with the date of spring in ancient times. In the 16th century, the first day of spring did not coincide with March 21. This is also why Pope Gregory XII changed the calendar. In the Gregorian calendar that we now use, 10 days were dropped back in the 16th century (1582 when the papal bull decreed the change) to restore the spring start date to March 21. It had moved backward to March 11 over the years due to the precession (click here The calendar we now use is therefore called Gregorian calendar and it was also an attempt to correct for the precession. The calendar before that was called the Julian calendar and was introduced by Julius Caesar. In that calendar again, an extra day every four years was used since the earth takes a little more than 365 days to complete one revolution around the sun. But the precession throws these simple adjustments also out of whack when we consider thousands, or hundreds, of years, instead of a single person's lifetime. (We now even have leap seconds, not just leap years, and hence the rate of precession must also be similarly determined, precisely.) Among Hindu astrologers there is a debate about how much correction must be made. There is more than one type of correction and Prince George's horoscope (or any child born on that day) becomes an interesting case. The commonly used correction (called Krishnamurti ayanamsa) is 23 degrees and 43 mins. The astrologer will tell you what ayanamsa is being used. (Ayana means a day, or path, or journey and amsa means a small portion, a residue, etc. Ayanamsa means small correction to the path, or the journey, of the planets, sun, moon, etc. Ramayana means life or journey of Rama. Uttarayana means northward (uttara) trek of sun, above the celestial equator, after the winter solstice, and Dakshinaayana is southward (dakshina) trek of the sun, after the summer solstice, and so on.) The other correction is called Lahiri ayanamsa and is used by Government of India. Lahiri correction is 23 degrees 49 mins (a difference of 6 mins). The
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famous 20th century astrologer B. V. Raman came up with his own proposal of 22 degrees 22 mins (see Dryers book on Vedic astrology; reference list). Now, apply Krishnamurti ayanamsa to Prince George's moon. We have to subtract this from the position given by the Western astrologer because the moon has actual moved backwards due to the precession. So, on July 22, 2013, when the Prince was born, at 4:24 PM, in London, UK, the moon's position should be 28 degrees 17 mins Capricorn, minus this correction. Only after this correction, the Hindus will determine the birth star, or nakshatram, for the baby. 28 degrees 17 mins take away 23 degrees and we get 5 degrees 17 mins. Now take away another 23 mins (for Krishnamurti convention). Now we get 4 degrees and 54 mins of Capricorn. The moon is still in Capricorn even after the correction has been made. Next, we can do the same for the position of the sun. The sun is still in Cancer. The same goes for the Ascendant. It is still in Scorpio. But, you can also easily appreciate that this is a fortunate coincidence. It will not always work out like this. It happened on July 22, 2013 because of what we call the "cusp" between two zodiacal signs. The birth took place during this transition from one sign to the next. Now, the moon moves very fast through the 12 houses of the zodiac (once every month). So, a before, on July 21, 2013 a child was born (somewhere in some family; remember also the time zones in different parts of the earth, it is Monday in Australia when it is still Sunday in England, depending on the time of the day) for which the moon was at say 20 degrees and 17 mins Capricorn. What happens when you make the same correction? Then we will get a different sign for the moon and the nakshatram will be a very different one. In the Hindu Panchangam (the ephemeris) such calculations are made and the
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nakshatram is given for each day. Nakshtram means the star that is seen to be associated with the moon. When baby Krishna was born the star associated with the moon was Rohini (in the sign of Taurus, where moon is said to be in rulership). When baby Rama was born, the star was Punarvasu (in the sign of Cancer, where the moon is supposed to be exalted). With baby Prince George, the sun has just entered Cancer (and the moon has just entered Capricorn). The sun is therefore entering the sun where moon is exalted! July 22, 2013 was also a full moon day; hence the birth on full moon day is significant as I had mentioned in my earlier Facebook posts (see appendix to this article). We have different Panchangams because each one uses their favorite corrections and formulae for calculating the positions of sun, moon, and the planets. Long before Newton, the Surya Siddanta of India, gave mathematical formulae for the position of the planets which even modern physicists and astronomers find to be amazingly accurate and in agreement with the observations in the sky. The birth of the royal baby seemed like a good reason to discuss this -- a common preoccupation for each one of us. For that matter, if you see the earlier posts, one of our famous FB friends here enquired about her own birth star situation! So, here it is. Ich bin astrologer!
hospital, at the same time, or elsewhere in London UK, on the same day, what happens to the fortunes of these babies? The Ascendant for the children born on same day, but different times, is different but the positions of the remaining planets and the Sun is the same. Only the moons position differs. Even children born on same day, in different parts of the world, will only have different positions (i.e., houses of the zodiac) for the moon and the Ascendant. Nothing else changes as far as the other planetary positions, unless one wants to get too nitty picky about a few minutes or seconds of arc. (This is the famous cop out excuse of bogus and incompetent astrologers who make incorrect predictions and they also give astrology itself a bad name. They blame it on incorrect planetary positions and incorrect birth times, rather than their own deficiencies in knowledge.) I really think one can study astrology in a more scientific manner and see how good the predictions are from a "statistical" standpoint and I hope Western astrologer in particular are forgiving of my remarks here and pursue the my suggestions, to follow here, seriously. In my spare time, and prompted by events such as these, I have done that over the last 15 years. My conclusion: There are a lot of "general" conclusions which have a lot of "statistical" significance. For example, the effects of what we call Sade Sati (period of Saturn, which lasts for 7.5 years, 2.5 years in each sign preceding and following the sign in which the moon is located), the effect of the Ascendant (which determines the first house of an individual's horoscope; this is why babies born on same day have very different horoscopes) and the effect of the position of the moon, sun, and important planets like Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, or even Mars and Mercury. Each has its own special characteristics. A GOOD ASTROLOGER AND ONE WHO HAS STUDIED THE ANCIENT SCRIPTURES CAN MAKE ACCURATE PREDICTIONS. (SHORT SANSKRIT VERSES PROVIDE THE DETAILS OF THE EFFECTS OF THE PLANETARY POSITIONS, AS SUMMARISED BY ANCIENT SEERS. HINDUS BELIEVE THAT THESE VERSES ARE OF DIVINE ORIGIN.)
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However, this good astrologer must ALSO know Sanskrit (or Tamil, some of these are also found in the Tamil language, believed to have been handed down by the sage Agastya, mentioned in the Ramayana and many other scriptures) and must also be able to INTERPRET CORRECTLY the meaning of the Sanskrit verses. It is sort of like the interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita verses. Now, you know what I mean. Each guru who lectures on the Bhagavad Gita has his or her own take on the subject. And, the result is a bewildering array of philosophies! Anyway, now you know how to find a good astrologer. It is like finding a good financial advisor. Good to have both for success in life. Cheers! Completed July 25, 2013.
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ASC = Ascendant or Rising Sun. This is the first house for an individuals horoscope. Then we go clockwise. For Prince George, the first house is the zodiacal sign of Scorpio.
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APPENDIX: MY FACEBOOK POSTS ON THE BIRTH OF PRINCE GEORGE OF CAMBRIDGE Planetary Positions on July 22, 2013 READ ALSO WHY QUEEN ELIABETH IS QUEEN The chart is given in South Indian style. Click on "Switch to Purnimant" for North Indian style. The Sun is in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn. The birthstar is Purvashada (inn Tamil Uththiradam). Online Panchang, Panchangam and Hindu Calendar for the world This page provides daily panchang (also called as panchangam) for most cities in the world. This page also lists countdown timer for upcoming fasting days and festivals for most cities in the world. Like Promote Share
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The above is for July 25. You will see that the position of the moon has changed by one house since July 22, 2013. The moon was in the previous house (No. 4, which is Capricorn) on July 22, 2013 when the prince was born. Everything else is the same. The number 1 in the box with Rahu (Ra) and Saturn (Sa) means for the birth time and the location noted, that house is the first house. The ASC was marked for the time of 13:57 in London, UK. For Prince George, the first house (ASC) is the next one, Scorpio because of the change of time, primarily. At 4:24 PM, or 16:24, the sun has moved further and so was in the next house. Ma: Mars, Me: Mercury, Ju: Jupiter are all in the house of Gemini, Sun is in Cancer, Venus (Ve) in Leo, Rahu (Ra) and Saturn (Sa) are in Libra and Moon (Mo) is in Capricorn. On July 25, moon has moved to Aquarius as shown in the above illustration. For Prince George, the first house is Scorpio (which is marked with No. 2 above).
In summary, I have used the opportunity provided by the popular interest in the birth chart of the royal baby to: 1. Explain the significance of the astronomical phenomenon called the precession of equinoxes. This is currently overlooked by Western astrologers, and even by astronomers. The precession of the equinoxes must also be measured precisely and its rate determined using modern advances. Its effects on casting horoscopes cannot be overlooked. 2. Make a case for a more scientific study of the statistical significance of predictions made by astrologers and a proper documentation of such studies. 3. Make a case for precise astronomical determination of the dawn of the Age of Aquarius (when the Sun will be in the zodiacal sign of Aquarius on the first day of spring each year). It may be arriving, or might already have arrived.
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Reference List:
1. Vedic Astrology, by Ronnie Dale Dryer, Samuel Weiser, Inc. York, Maine (1990). Precession of Equinoxes is explained in the introductory chapter. Later chapters provide a list table of all the 27 nakshatrams (birth stars) and the characteristics of various planets in various houses. 2. Eastern Systems for Western Astrologers, Samuel Weiser, Inc. York, Maine (1997) with introduction by Thomas Moore. See articles by James Braha and Dennis Flaherty for a nice explanation of the precession of the equinoxes and how this affects planetary positions. 3. The Principia, by Sir Isaac Newton, Translation by Andrew Motte, Great Minds Series, Prometheus Books (1995), see pages 349 and 394. 4. Precession of Equinoxes The article also has an animation of the precession (click here).
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Vj Laxmanan shared a link.
Royal baby on the way, Catherine enters hospital in labor As a kingdom and world awaited news of a child who could one day sit on the British throne, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, was experiencing a normal labor Monday morning, Kensington Palace said. Like Promote Share
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Vj Laxmanan It's a boy! Catherine gives birth to royal baby By Laura Smith-Spark and Richard Allen Greene, CNN updated 3:46 PM EDT, Mon July 22, 2013 Monday at 3:51pm Like 1
Vj Laxmanan London (CNN) -- It's a boy! Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, and husband Prince William on Monday welcomed their first child. The baby boy was born at 4:24 p.m., weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces. A name has not yet been announced for the child, who is now third in line to the throne. Earlier in the day, the duchess and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, traveled by car from Kensington Palace to the Lindo Wing at St. Mary's Hospital. The hospital, next to Paddington Station in London, is where William and his brother Prince Harry were born. The duchess' mother, Carole Middleton, was expected to be on hand at the hospital. Monday at 3:52pm Like
Vj Laxmanan
Elizabeth's parents had a son as their second child, she would have lost her position and could not become the queen. Her younger brother would have succeeded according to the old rules. This is what did NOT happen, no younger brother for Elizabeth. She had a younger sister. 2. Elizabeth succeeded her father who became King because her uncle, the elder son, became King and then abdicated the throne. Elizabeth's uncle, became King Edward, after her grandfather died. But King Edward was in love with an American woman who was twice divorced. England was NOT ready to accept her as their Queen and there was fierce opposition for the proposed marriage of King Edward to this American lady (Wallis Simpson). So, King Edward decided to renounce the throne and marry the woman he loved (and they lived happily ever after until his death, in exile in France). If you look at Queen Elizabeth's horoscope, it shows royal signs although when she was born, she was twice removed from the throne. Her grandparents were very fond of her. (Her grandparents coronated themselves Emperor and Empress of India, in 1911, with great pomp to display the power of the English monarchy, that's another story.) So, she was raised as if she were a queen. Also, her grandparents did NOT like their elder son, who was too much of a ladies man and a playboy. They openly said they wished their younger son becomes the king instead of the older one. Elizabeth has three planets in rulership and/or exalted position. Astrologers say this is the minimum required for becoming king or queen. Elizabeth had them. Her son, Prince Charles, born to be King, only has two planets in strong position and that too after "fudging" position of Jupiter. This is one theory why he has not been able to become king. The new arrival also has two planets (Mercury and Saturn) in good positions. Mercury is in rulership and Saturn is exalted. But other planets, notably Sun and Jupiter are NOT. This is compensated partly with birth on full moon day today, especially if the first house is the house with the full moon. One of the commentators said -- three boys in a row in three generations... Prince Charles, then Prince William (and the spare Prince Harry) and now the new arrival. (The spare Prince Harry will keep his position in line of succession only until the new baby produces a heir, after that he is OUT!) So, this is what happened and also did NOT happen to make Elizabeth the Queen and longest reigning monarch -- soon to break Queen Victoria's record. The stars and planets were aligned on her date of birth to make her Queen and her uncle conveniently abdicated the throne. When the baby watch was going on, I checked the horoscope for July 2013 and this was the only possible date on which a future King or Queen could be born. Even if this baby was a girl, she would succeed after Prince William according to new rules. Why? Because only 2 planets are in good position and the full moon is required to compensate for this deficiency. Also birth time must be such as to make the full moon in the first house. I will not be around for this baby to become King, but might be around to see if my prediction that he will be a dashing and irresistible handsome young man come true! Especially, if the full moon is in the Ascendant (or Lagnam as they say in Vedic astrology). My ascendant is only an estimate, not a precise calculation. But intuition says Capricorn (Makara rasi) is the ascendant for this baby who is born to be King. Four generations of future Kings and Queens are now together. It is a blessing for any family to have four generations together at one time. I had that opportunity in my family when my daughter was born with Page | 21
her great grandmother still alive. That is the greatest blessing for this ROYAL family which far exceeds their wealth and the crown.
Radha Akkoor likes this. Vj Laxmanan Now, you know why I posted yesterday that today would be a good day for the Royal baby's arrival and within the hour of my post, the Duchess went into labor. Hahaha .. remember the (ancient tamil) story of the crow who sat on the palm tree and the palm fruit (like a coconut, but used to produce intoxicating toddy, a cheap thrill for the poor, instead of beer) fell because of the weight of the crow was too much for the tree! Monday at 10:09pm Edited Like
Radha Akkoor Interesting. Enjoyed reading...and happy at the birth of baby;-)) Monday at 9:58pm via mobile Like
Vj Laxmanan Gr8, now read abt the "Parai". Just posted, just done in England. Monday at 10:01pm Edited Like
Vj Laxmanan shared a link.
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Indian mystics predict election bid for young royal Britain's royal baby may be born to rule as third in line to the throne, but Indian mystics made the intriguing prediction on Tuesday that the new prince will one day stand for elected office.
Vj Laxmanan Baby will marry by age 26 and have three children: BOY-GIRLBOY in that order making four first borns as boys in four generations in a row! Oh, the poor change in rules of succession...... 21 hours ago Edited Like
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Vj Laxmanan Here's a Vedic astrology chart The ascendant calculations are the only puzzling part here, the rest of the planetary positions are the same as what I had posted earlier.
Royal Baby Astrology The Royal Baby His Vedic Astrology and his western psychological astrologyTher...See More 21 hours ago Like Remove Preview
Vj Laxmanan According to the Hindu chart, the royal baby has three planets in the sign of Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury. This house is also the 8th house if the Ascendant is Scorpio. The planets in Gemini (or 8th house) are Mercury, Jupiter and Mars. The 8th h...See More 21 hours ago Edited Like
Vj Laxmanan Venus is placed in the sign of Leo (per Hindu sidereal calculations, not the Western calculation) and Leo is a royal sign. Unfortunately, this baby will NOT experience Shukra dasha (great period of Venus) until well past 95! He begins life with Sun Mah...See More 21 hours ago Like
Vj Laxmanan Posted following comment on the starwheel blog where the Hindu chart is given..... Here it is... "Thanks for this chart. The royal baby only has two planets in rulership and/or exalted position; Mercury in the sign of Gemini (rulership) and Saturn in Libra (exaltation). Is this indeed a "king's" horoscope? I am familiar with both Prince Charles' horoscope and Queen Elizabeth's horoscope. The Queen's chart has three planets in rulership and/or exalted position. Prince Charles, although born to be king, is not yet king and he has a weaker horoscope. I have not looked at Prince William's horoscope at all. But, the royal baby's horoscope seems to indicate a deficiency in this regard. Also, let us say Prince William becomes King in next 20 years or so, which is early since this means two royal deaths in the line of succession in the next 20 years. Prince William will then be 51 and if he is around into the 80s and 90s age, he will be King well past 2050 or 2060 and this baby will then be past 50s or 60s of age before he can become King. Is this indeed a "royal" horoscope? Some Hindu astrologers are also predicting "elected" office for this baby. Like to hear your thoughts. I have been posting about this topic on my Facebook page too." 20 hours ago Edited Like
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Vj Laxmanan Considering the "longevity" genes in the royal family (Queen Elizabeth's mother lived to be 101 years old), this baby will be really smart to seek elected office instead of waiting around to become King. Too late for Prince Charles to consider that option. If he had been smarter, he could have run for PM job with Princess Diana at his side, instead of carrying on his affair. 20 hours ago Edited Like
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reason Western astrologer seem to be so unwilling to acknowledge and keep insisting that these incorrect positions somehow have some special significance. Close Look at the Royal Baby's Astrological - Congratulations to Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince William on their first child: a cuspy Cancer with a Capricorn Moon and Scorpio rising. At 4:24 PM GMT on July 22, the royal baby -all eight pounds and six ounces of him -- entered the world.
Vj Laxmanan Western astrology chart -- Here it is noted that Rising Sun, or Ascendant, position is Scorpio. This is based on the birth time of 4:24 PM or 16:24 hours which is about 10 hours after sunrise time. The sun moves "on average" through the 12 houses in 24 hours and therefore the ascendant will change, on average, by one sign, every 2 hours. But, the sun moves faster in the earlier hours of the day (immediately after sunrise) compared to later hours (like midday and after noon). Since the sun according to the astronomer has just entered Cancer on the day the baby was born, we have to move at least 5 houses from Cancer (a little less than 2 hours in Cancer at London sun rise time, and so on). This puts the "Rising Sun" just at the boundary of Scorpio and Saggitarius. The royal baby's birthdate and birthtime is thus a unique case that will cause UTTER CONFUSION among beginners in astrology who are trying to understand the difference between the Western and Hindu charts. Ascendant sign, and the sign for Sun and Moon are thoroughly confused because all fall at the "cusp". Interesting indeed! But, the most important fact that Western astrology overlooks is the EXTREMELY SPECIAL significance attached to birth on FULL MOON day by Hindu astrologers; see Western chart here,
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Vj Laxmanan See James Braha for differences between Western and Hindu charts
Astrology In-depth analysis of natal Hindu horoscope and future dasa and bhukti periods (w...See More
get people's attention to something important that the King wanted to proclaim. The people who were doing this were called "Paraiyan" which turned into the unfortunate "paraih" in English because such people were outcastes in ancient India. Now, we see the same tradition in modern England with the royal crier formally announcing the royal baby's arrival. Read more here.
Radha Akkoor so happy today's main news was waiting for a baby to be born. Something happy... Monday at 10:03pm via mobile Like
Vj Laxmanan Yeah, it had to b today with full moon and at that time, for lagnam in makara rasi. It looks like Duchess went into labor just for that PERFECT timing. Monday at 10:10pm Edited Like 1
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Vj Laxmanan Think of astrology like chemistry -- it is all about rules ... urce=univ&sa=X&ei=mQHxUe7VJovw8ASJooGQDA&ved=0CEcQsAQ&biw=1065&b ih=485
about an hour ago Like Remove Preview Vj Laxmanan Let me now tell you, based on my "scientific" understanding, what will happen if a baby were born on the same day as the Prince in London, UK, within a few minutes, of the prince, either way. Then, everything would be the same, except for the family. If astrology is valid, this baby should have a life similar to Prince George. Is this possible? YES. Such a baby will be born in a very rich family and have a "ROYAL" Life. If born in a poor family, the baby's family life will change and the baby will quickly rise to have the same type of "ROYAL" upbringing. The book, Vedic Astrology, by Ronnie Gale Dryer, discusses such an example, with reference to Queen Elizabeth's horoscope. A child was born in India, to a very poor family, with "royal" signs. The poor family decided to give up the child and he was adopted and grew up in a "rich" family and became very wealthy and lives "like a king". Now, you can look for more examples and we can then do a "statistical" analysis for all such cases. For that matter, why look farther than poor Prince Charles, who was born to be king but still not king and many do not want him to succeed, even if his mother were to abdicate the throne. Even born to be king does not always work! That's actually PROOF in favor of astrology -- if you learn to analyze it properly, or as we say "scientifically". Why scientifically? Why not say "astrologically"? 58 minutes ago (AS OF 8.01 am ON JULY 25, 2013) Edited Like
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2 hours ago (as of 9:21 AM on July 25, 2013) Read chapter 2 of the Gita regularly (daily) to achieve this. Read also the Gita Mahatmyam story for chapter 2 from the Padma Purana. The spiritual science becomes revealed to the devotee from within the heart according to the degree of his surrender to Krsna.--Srila Prabhupada, Letter to Ekayani, July 25, 1970
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actually have many applications far beyond blackbody radiation studies where it was first conceived. Einsteins photoelectric law is a simple linear law and was deduced from Plancks non-linear law for describing blackbody radiation. It appears that financial and economic systems can be modeled using a similar approach. Finance, business, economics and management sciences now essentially seem to operate like astronomy and physics before the advent of Kepler and Newton. Finally, during my professional career, I also twice had the opportunity and great honor to make presentations to two Nobel laureates: first at NASA to Prof. Robert Schrieffer (1972 Physics Nobel Prize), who was the Chairman of the Schrieffer Committee appointed to review NASAs space flight experiments (following the loss of the space shuttle Challenger on January 28, 1986) and second at GM Research Labs to Prof. Robert Solow (1987 Nobel Prize in economics), who was Chairman of Corporate Research Review Committee, appointed by GM corporate management.
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