ITCC in Riyadh Residential Complex J10-13300 06100-1 Rough Carpentry
ITCC in Riyadh Residential Complex J10-13300 06100-1 Rough Carpentry
ITCC in Riyadh Residential Complex J10-13300 06100-1 Rough Carpentry
Rough carpentry as well as the related construction, including wood treatment and fastenings, blocking, shims, spacers, and other rough carpentry work as shown on Drawings and as specified herein.
REFERENCES A. SASO Saudi Arabian Standards Organization SASO 1256 SASO 1413 SASO 1414 Specification for timber Wood Chipboard for general use. Methods of testing of timber Part 1: Standard methods of testing small clear specimens of timber. Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) ---- Not listed by SASO Blockboard and laminboard -------------- Not listed by SASO
ANSI - American National Standards Institute: A199.1 Construction and Industrial Plywood.
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials: ASTM A 36 ASTM D 4442 Specification for Structural Steel. Test Method for Direct Moisture Content Measurement of Wood and Wood-Base Materials.
AWPA - American Wood Preservers Association: AWPA C1 AWPA C2 AWPA C9 AWPA C20 AWPA M4 Timber Products-Pressure Treatment (General Requirements). Lumber, Timbers, Bridge Ties and Mine Ties-Pressure-Treatment. Plywood-Pressure Treatment. Structural Lumber, Fire Retardant-Pressure Treatment. Care of Pressure-Treated Wood Products.
Rough Carpentry
Standard for Softwood Lumber, Timber and Plywood Pressure Treated with Water-Borne Preservative for above Ground Use. Standard for Softwood Lumber, Timber and Plywood Pressure Treated with Light Petroleum Solvent-Penta Solution for above Ground Use. Standard for Softwood Lumber, Timber and Plywood Pressure Treated with Volatile Petroleum Solvent (LPG) - Penta Solution for above Ground Use.
AWPB LP-22 Standard for Softwood Lumber, Timber and Plywood Pressure Treated with Water-Borne Preservative for Ground Contact Use. AWPB LP-44 Standard for Softwood Lumber, Timber and Plywood Pressure Treated with Volatile Hydrocarbon Solvent-Penta Solution for Ground Contact Use. AWPB LP-55 Standard for Softwood Lumber, Timber and Plywood Pressure Treated with Creosote or Creosote Coal tar Solution for Ground Contact Use. F. USDC - United States Department of Commerce: USDC PS-1 Softwood Plywood, Construction and Industrial.
USDC PS-20 American Softwood Lumber Standard. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Wood Treatment Data: 1. 2. Submit chemical treatment as well as manufacturer's instructions for the proper use of each type of treated material. For pressure treatment and each type specified, include certification by treating plant stating chemicals and process used, net amount of salts retained and conformance with applicable standards. For water-borne preservatives, include statement that moisture content of treated materials was reduced to the levels indicated prior to shipment to project site. For fire-retardant treatment, include certification by the treating plant that the treated material complies with the specified requirements and that treatment will not bleed through finished surfaces.
TRANSPORTATION, HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Delivery and Storage: 1. 2. Keep materials dry during delivery and storage. Protect against exposure to weather and contact with damp or wet surfaces. Stack lumber and plywood while providing air circulation within stacks during
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storage. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. B. This Work shall be executed and tested in accordance with the current editions of applicable codes and standards specified herein. Lumber Standards: Comply with US Department of Commerce Standard PS-20 American Softwood Lumber Standards for each indicated use, including moisture content and actual sizes related to the indicated nominal sizes. Factory Markings and Certificates: 1. Factory-mark each piece of lumber with type, grade, mill, and grading agency identification, except omit marking from surfaces to receive transparent finish, and submit mill certificate that material has been inspected and graded in accordance with requirements if it cannot be marked on a concealed surface. Certificate of inspection and grading by a recognized agency may be submitted with each shipment, in lieu of factory-marking, at Contractor's option.
Fire-Retardant Marking: Fire-retardant treated wood shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E 84, maximum flame spread of 25. Label materials with Underwriters' Laboratory Seals, showing grade and rating. Shop-fabricate carpentry work to the greatest possible extent, using equipment and workmanship control methods which will result in work of better quality than is feasible for on-site fabrication. Lumber and wood carpentry materials shall be preservative pressure treated.
F. 1.6
JOB CONDITIONS A. Examine the substrates and supporting structure and the conditions under which the carpentry work is to be installed, and remedy any conditions detrimental to work. Do not proceed with installation until the satisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Installer. Fit carpentry work to other works scribe and cope as required for accurate fit. Correlate location of furring, nailers, blocking, grounds and similar supports to allow proper attachment of other work.
PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 LUMBER - GENERAL A. Nominal sizes of lumber are indicated, except where specific details and dimensions are shown. Provide actual sizes and moisture content for material as
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specified in PS-20. B. C. Provide dressed lumber, S4S (smooth 4 sides), of approved specie and of a standard grade. Provide seasoned lumber with 15 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing. After pressure treatment, kiln-dry lumber to 15 percent maximum moisture content. Miscellaneous Lumber: Provide wood for support or attachment of other work such as cant strips, bucks, nailers, blocking, furring, grounds, stripping and similar members, where indicated on Drawings.
PLYWOOD A. Concealed Plywood: Where plywood will be concealed by other work, provide interior type plywood C - D, Plugged Grade, unless otherwise specified. Plywood surfaces shall be fire-retardant coated: 1. For backing panels for fascia panels, electrical or telephone equipment provide fire-retardant treated standard grade plywood with exterior glue.
MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Anchors and Fasteners: Select proper type, size, material, and finish for each application.
WOOD TREATMENT A. Preservative Treatment: 1. General: Preservative-treated lumber, except where indicated for other treatment, to comply with the applicable requirements of the American Wood Preservers Bureau, available from AWPB. Treated items shall be AWPB quality marked for the specified requirements. Pressure treat the following items with water-borne preservative for above ground use, complying with AWPB LP-2. Kiln-dry wood to a maximum moisture content of 15 percent after treatment. a. b. Wood cants, nailers, blocking, stripping, and similar members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers, and waterproofing. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking, furring, stripping, and similar concealed members in contact with masonry, concrete, and below grade. Exposed woodwork shown or scheduled as Treated Wood or Treated and all wood members less than 600 mm above grade.
c. B. C.
Pressure treat wood members placed in the ground and in fresh water with below ground water-borne preservatives, complying with AWPB LP-22. Fire-Retardant Treatment:
Rough Carpentry
General: Where Fire-Retardant-Treated lumber is indicated, comply with AWPB standards for pressure impregnation with fire-retardant chemicals to achieve a flame spread rating of not more than 25 when tested in accordance with UL 723, ASTM E 84,or NFPA 855. Where transparent or paint finish is shown or scheduled for Fire-RetardantTreated wood, use a fire-retardant treatment which will not bleed through or adversely affect bond of finish. Complete fabrication prior to treatment, wherever possible, to minimize cutting and jointing after treatment. Coat surfaces cut after treatment with a heavy brush coat of the same fire-retardant chemical. Kiln-dry lumber and plywood to a maximum moisture content of 15 percent after treatment. Inspect each piece of lumber after drying. Do not use twisted, warped, bowed, or otherwise damaged or defective pieces. Provide UL label on each piece of fire-retardant treated lumber and plywood.
4. 5. 6. D.
Complete fabrication of treated items prior to treatment, wherever possible. If cut after treatment, cut surfaces shall be coated with heavy brush coat of same chemical used for treatment. Each piece of lumber or plywood shall be inspected after drying and damaged or defective pieces shall be discarded.
PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Discard units of material which are unsound, warped, bowed, twisted, improperly treated, not adequately seasoned or too small to fabricate the work with a minimum of joints or the optimum jointing arrangement. Fit carpentry work to other work. Scribe and cope as required for accurate fit. Set carpentry work accurately to required levels and lines with members plumb and true. Shim with metal or slate for bearing on concrete and masonry substrate. Where indicated, provide with 1-3 Portland cement-sand grout for full-bearing. Securely attach carpentry work to substrates by anchoring and fastening as shown and as required by recognized standards. Provide washers under bolt heads and nuts in contact with wood. Countersink nail heads on exposed carpentry work and fill holes. Fasteners: Use common wire nails, except as otherwise shown or specified herein. Use finishing nails for exposed work. Do not wax or lubricate fasteners that depend on friction for holding power. Select fasteners of size that will not penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting of wood; pre-drill as required. Do not drive threaded friction-type fasteners; turn into place. Tighten bolts and lag screws at installation and retighten as required for tight connections prior to closing in or at completion of work.
06100-5 Rough Carpentry
C. D.
Wood Grounds, Nailers, Blocking, and Sleepers: Provide wherever shown and where required for screeding or attachment of other work. Form to shapes as shown and cut as required for true line and level of work to be attached or screeded. Coordinate location with related carpentry work; refer to shop drawings for such work when required. Wood Furring: Install plumb and level with closure strips at edges and openings. Shim with wood as required. Fire stop furred spaces on walls at each floor level, with wood blocking or incombustible materials, accurately fitted to close furred spaces. Comply with governing regulations. Plywood: Where required, shall comply with the recommendations of the American Plywood Association (APA) for the fabrication and installation of plywood work. END OF SECTION
Rough Carpentry