The Paul I Know
The Paul I Know
The Paul I Know
o me, Paul is the most vibrant, and persecuting the neo-Christians;
influential and exhaustive but once convicted, he undergoes
author of the NT, towering
above the others like “Atlas or
“I have fought the a volte-face, a perfect ‘metanoia’,
and becomes the champion, the
Tenerife far removed”. He is the good fight, I have ‘ambassador in chains’ for the gospel
tallest pillar and the pioneer of the of Jesus Christ. The beauty of Paul lies
Christian Church and the Holy Father finished the race, in the all-out way in which in which
has rightly dedicated a year to the I have kept the he responds to the call of Christ. Not
memory of this great apostle. even the Twelve, personally called
The bulk of Christian theology and
faith. Henceforth by Jesus during his life on earth,
doctrine proceeds from the Pauline there is laid up for came anywhere close to Paul in the
boldness and force with which he
Letters. The book of Romans, a case
in point, has been acclaimed as the me the crown of took the gospel to all peoples. This
boldness was the outcome of the
gateway to Christian doctrine. This righteousness.” divine revelation he speaks of so often
book alone has impacted the life and
in his writings and can be linked to a
thinking of great individuals and saints - St Paul life in the Spirit which again
down through the centuries - early
Patristic Church fathers like Origen he always advocated
and John Chrysostom, great saints (Gal 5: 15, 25).
such as Augustine and Theresa of the
Child Jesus, theologians like Thomas
Aquinas, major Protestant Reformers
like Luther, Calvin and Wesley,
thinkers of more recent times such as
C.K Barrett and Karl Barth, to name
some. It is also of significance that the
Letters are the earliest of NT writings
and were circulated among the various
Christian churches even before the
Gospels came to be scripted. For all
this, it can be seen through a reading
of his letters that Paul was also a man
for all times.
Coming to the person of Paul, one is
naturally inclined to begin with the
dramatic Damascus encounter which,
in one fell stroke, upset the apple-
cart of his traditional and Pharisaical
upbringing: Saul, with the bigoted
zeal of a Bajrangdalist, was pursuing
24 Don bosco march 2009
S p i r i t u a l i ty
A prominent trait in Paul’s Letters is The Pauline letters also serve to and says, “If anyone will not work, let
his clarity in stating basic doctrines reprove, exhort, edify and elucidate. him not eat.” In all he said, he himself
and fundamentals of Christianity such Paul’s pastoral letters are full of set the example and we read many a
as the oneness of God, the Trinity, the instruction, advice and admonitions. verse where Paul is able to ask his
Incarnation, the redeeming death and Nevertheless he evinces a parental fellow-workers and believers to ‘join
resurrection of Jesus, the sanctifying love for each church and its elders. in imitating him.’ – “what you have
grace of the Spirit, the hope of This is very evident in expressions learned and received and heard and
resurrection and the eschatological like “Timothy my son”, “Titus, my seen me, do; and the God of peace
theme. We have picked up from him true child in common faith”, and in will be with you” (Phil4:9).
the concepts of the gospel of grace, his description of his relationship
We, in the Church today, owe a great
sanctification and justification. .He with the community of believers as “a
deal to Paul with regard to liturgy
writes on all this and more with nurse taking care of her children” and
and aid to daily living. The Holy
authority and clearness. He also like “a father with his children”. He is
Mass begins with Paul’s inspirational
juxtaposes faith and Law and is very keenly aware of the needs, weaknesses
benediction in the name of the Trinity;
emphatic in stating that it is faith and and strengths of each church and
his letters are very widely used in the
not the Law which can save us - a is able to write discerningly as he
Mass readings. It is Paul who has
teaching which had such an impact addresses various situations. Never a
furnished a list of the gifts, fruits and
on Luther. man-pleaser, Paul is able to confront
charisms of the Holy Spirit. He has
individuals as well as the community
The inclusive spirit encouraged provided some of the most stirring
at large and challenge them to take
in the Church after Vatican II was and motivating truths and utterances
the right stand on the different issues
first manifested by Paul through his which help the contemporary believer
that cause dissension or division. Paul
ministry to the Gentiles. As he so looking for assurance and counsel.
is always resourceful with answers
wonderfully expresses it in Galatians They occur in a variety of context of
to every kind of problem – be it
3: 28, “ There is neither Jew nor which a sampling would be:-
dress code, eating of certain foods,
Greek, there is neither slave nor free,
observance of special days, sexual 1) redemption – “There is now no
there is neither male nor female; for
immorality, fair distribution of bread, condemnation for those who are in
you are all one in Christ Jesus.” He
or weightier matters like growing Christ.”(Rom8:1)
says again in Ephesians 3:6, that” the
heresies and false preaching within
Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of 2) love – “Love is patient and kind.
the church.
the same body, and partakers of the Love is not jealous or boastful….
promise in Christ Jesus through the Love bears all things, believes all
gospel.” Paul’s authority was things, hopes all things, endures all
The author of 2 Peter, writing about acknowledged and his
the end times, says of Paul in 3:15 3) confidence – “I can do all things in
that he wrote about these matters “ wisdom commended him who strengthens me.”(Col4:13)
according to the wisdom given him by Peter who was the 4) supremacy of Jesus - “He is before
“.In other words, Paul’s authority
leader entrusted with all things, and in him all things hold
was acknowledged and his wisdom
together. He is the head of the body, the
commended by Peter who was the the Church. church; he is the beginning, the first-
leader entrusted with the Church.
born from the dead, that in everything he
Paul himself alludes to the formal
might be pre-eminent.”(Col.1:17-18)
approval given to him by the Elders I find many verses in Paul that lift
of the Church at Jerusalem to preach a person out of an ordinary and It is but natural that this first and
the gospel to the Gentile community. futile way of thinking into a lofty greatest missionary of the Church
and transformed level. The text in could look back and say of himself,
The Paul I know is a man possessed
Romans 12 gives the key to this new “I have fought the good fight, I have
of an extraordinary zeal for spreading
perspective; here Paul appeals to the finished the race, I have kept the
the gospel; it is his passion and life’s
believer to “be transformed by the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for
work. His focus is always on Jesus and
renewal of your mind.” At the same me the crown of righteousness.”
he says in Philippians 1:21, “For me to
time, he is a man who believes in the
live is Christ, and to die is gain”..
importance of working for a livelihood Manju Pereira
Don bosco march 2009 25
as the universe is set on evolution. But we know that the earth, in the And we may well affirm that not
No wonder, development leads to present situation is exhausted and all cultures have seen life as a
ruthless competition for the survival is not just a resource for all people. “progression,” where the goal or
of the ‘fittest.’ Matter is not dead and a blind stuff for destiny is kept outside of life, to be
many cultures. This of course leads reached somewhere else. For them,
Death is such a tragedy for those who
us to a cross-cultural consideration. life is not development – but a
believe in development, because one
can never be sufficiently developed. A Cross-Cultural Comment: constant creation, a constant surprise,
We are “on the way to development,” To begin with, the vision of which does not go through a highway.
then, death comes so suddenly, development is monocultural and Again, not all cultures have the idea
shattering all our dreams and ideals. is only a particular vision, with a that the human being is a kind of
We are almost there, then, it comes particular meaning. This vision instrumental wheel going towards
like a blow … Can we ever rest and may even be right and beneficial, the New Jerusalem or Heaven or
even kiss our beloved without getting but is not the only one. The anywhere…. the quicker, the better.
guilt complex, because we are not as archetype underlying the idea of A Cultural Innovation:
yet developed, and very incomplete development implies anthropology The cultural innovation that is
in all that we are and in all that we and a cosmology that seems to be suggested, therefore, would imply
do? Fulfilment while we have not not shared universally by all cultures throwing in another word instead of
yet developed and joy while we are and also proves inadequate for three development: Awakening. People are
struggling is unattainable. There quarters of the world population. on the way not just to development,
is always the mirage to go towards but to awakening. Awakening would
– further and further.
People are on the represent a new awareness concerning
Development appears inadequate the meaning of life, the reality of the
way not just to earth and the sense of the divine.
from a cosmological point of view
too. The idea of development amounts development, but to
Awakening, in other words, would
to believing that the cosmos is simply awakening. Awakening amount to perceiving better with
an inert physio-chemical body with would represent a new our ears, eyes and mind, discov-
properties, which stimulate man to
make the earth a resource for his awareness concerning ering the invisible dimension of
things. It is not just the privilege of
own purposes. the meaning of life, the the few who have “made it” because
reality of the earth and they alone are “developed.” Awak-
the sense of the divine. ening would also imply waking up
from the dream, even nightmare,
of the technocratic world and over-
coming the technocratic trance of
modern civilisation.
On the other hand, on the part of the
traditional cultures it would imply
waking up really and fully to the
hard realities and life-threatening
conditions of the last and the least,
the unsolved plagues such as the
appalling predicaments of the dalits,
the dire poverty of the masses, and
so on. This awakening could well
be triggered and stimulated by the
human face of the technocratic
civilisation with its focus on human
development and progress.
dioxide (Co2) from transportation
n 1854 American President how gun became more precious to
and industry by 80%.
Franklin Pierce asked the Red you than the buffalos. As blood binds
Indians to give a big plot of all family together, earth binds each What must be the pattern of our
forest land to build a factory. The Red thing to one another. We might give development?
Indians were totally upset for they you our land if you consider earth We should always protect the mother
considered earth as their mother. So as your mother and animals as your earth as it is our duty to leave the
they replied to him saying, “Shinning brothers.” This shows how we have natural land for the future generation.
sky and the purity of the earth can’t be to take care of the earth which is very Unfortunately, today’s development
bought and sold. It is a mystery to us. precious and important to us. is based on two things – profit
The newness of air and the brightness and authority.
A Lesson from Hiroshima
of the water are not ours then how In 1945, August 6 at 6.45 am, a great Ecology and Bible
can we sell it to you? We’ve seen the ball of fire fell on the surface of the “We, of this generation, are the
carcass of thousands of buffalos shot earth, its gigantic waves swept over stewards of the land in which we live.
by the white people while passing on the earth, huge buildings kissed the The next generation will call up on us
the train. We also kill animals but ground one after the other, black rain to give amount of our stewardship.”
only to sustain our lives. I wonder poured in every corners of the world. (Charles Eliots)
Don bosco july 2008
Christianity is often blamed for respected and cared for’. Therefore a way of life totally imbued with
pollution extinction, wastefulness, the root of our ecological problem what I like too call “eco-spirituality.”
and the poor ecological state of is not Christianity but the heart of
our earth. In 1967 “Lyon White” man. Christians should be the best
Eco- It comes from a Greek word
a historian from the University environmentalists as we consider
“Oikos” means “home” refering to
of California published an article how wonderfully god’s creation
the cosmic community of life, as
entitled “The historical roots of our displays his handworks and
lived especially on earth. Spirituality-
ecological concerns”. It stated that his glory.
It is an all pervasive life-style that
facilitates the understanding, respect
When Columbus reached America it had 80 crore acres of and relational nature all reality. Eco-
Spirituality reflects “a relationship
forest land but today due to development and the growth experienced personally by an
of cities it has reduced into 5.5 crore acres of forest land. individual with his environment,
reflecting an equal state of inner
At the time of independence, India had 33% of forest land harmony giving rise to knowledge,
but unfortunately today it is only 11. inner balance and wellbeing”.
behaviour fetches a good atmosphere
for oneself and the cosmos, then it
is laying a highway for maintaining
ecology. Human beings are not just
a minute particle of creation. She/he
time,” says Skolimowski. Great Buddha says, “Desire is the root Ecology can be decked with beauty
minds and souls have reflected on it cause of suffering.” Here, the desire and splendour, only by our filial
and presented many deep insights. is attachment to the unsustainable response. Industrialisation emerges
Our circumstances and problems are factors. On the contrary, there out, mostly with disastrous discoveries
unprecedented and they require a is need for attachment to the and inventions. In particular, this
new spiritual response, a new form ecological factors. This becomes constant action of hoarding industrial
of spirituality. Within the frame more meaningful only when there is products has corroded the real nature
of ecology, the earth is viewed as mutual response. Or else, there will and the flamboyant beauty of Mother
a sanctuary. Naturally, we should be an appalling chain-reaction. Earth. So, our life and our spirituality
revere our universe diligently. need a greater attention and also a
deeper search.
Whatever our race and religion be, RESPONSE: We already spotted
ecology still connects us all together. out that spirituality is the link that THREATENING MILIEU – AN EYE
So, the responsibility that we read affiliates human beings with the OPENER: Some up-to-date news
earlier is more of religious aspect. universe. Yet this relational aspect gives us the cause of commotions
Hence, healing planet Earth is a needs more response, in an optimistic found in the nature. In this regard,
spiritual work of our time. This means manner. Moreover, our spirituality Poland is now one of the most polluted
to assimilate the beauty and integrity must be sanctified in an optimistic counties in Europe. In the south-west
of the planet. manner. This must be sanctified right part of the country there is a group of
away as our life is not too long to cities called ‘triangle of death.’ 25%
travel and is too short to marvel. of children need special attention of
the awareness that has been formed
medicines. Many of the children are
presents both practical and spiritual
mentally challenged.
act at the same time. We become
complacent within the four walls of
our life, family and all that pertains Our life can This is not a soothing sight for
the blurred eyes, that is, we fail
to it. The need of the hour is to unite
in one accord for the common service be a light for to recognise and make a concrete
approach towards these unseen
to Mother Earth, in one stupendous
ecological prayer. others… problems of the ecological factor. We
need specific strategies, by making
we dare not put the technological spirit and purpose. Hence let us not and minerals. When we realize that
genie back into the bottle. Please be squander the resources of the earth the world is a cosmos, we can build
convinced that there is no wholeness with impunity. Hinduism is replete a noble environment. Our lives must
of human life without an ecological with texts and rituals that celebrate attest this truth. Our spirituality itself
well being. Our planning should be the ‘Bhumi’, the atmosphere Bhuvah is earth bound. Not to recognize the
for both economic development and and sky Akasha. God and goddesses spirituality of the nature would mean
ecological balance. Environment and are also associated with the earth lack of spirituality within. Human
development are closely linked. They Privithi, the eater Ap, the fire Agni, and the earth complement each other.
are at the service of life. and the wind Vayu. In 1990, Pope The state of the world is connected in
John Paul II said on the ‘World Peace a way to our own state of mind. If the
Modern Science and technology
Day’, “Peace with God the creator and world is ill, it will be reflected in our
must be harnessed to achieve
Peace with all of creation”. This is the psyche. To live peacefully we have to
‘Development without Destruction’.
most telling papal statement ever on love nature. The interconnectedness
ecology to respect the divinity in each
between humans and earth implies
creature without desecrating it.
mutual respect for each other.
The emergence of new culture will Philosopher David Abraham writes.
necessarily be dominated by the “Our humanity can be completed
symbol ‘Woman’. Woman and earth only through a sensuous and fulfilling
are interrelated. The fate of the one relationship with the nature.
is bound with the other, and has been
perennially respected. Both enhance Interdependence of Life
the spirituality of humans. St. Francis Maximum products for the comfort
of Assisi, the patron of ecologists a few lead us to self-destruction. The
attitude of interdependence heals us.
Nature teaches us the lesson, “Live
and let live”. Jesus says, “Love others
The emergence of new as you love yourselves”. One cannot
culture will necessarily be a spiritual person, who does not
love the cosmos.
be dominated by the Ecology demands justice. Can we
symbol ‘Woman’. deplete the non-renewable resources
and deprive the future generations of
Woman and earth are these? Definitely not. It is not enough
interrelated. that we conduct rallies and shout on
World Environment Day “Pro-Human
and Pro-Earth”. Every individual
sings, “Blessed are you, Lord, for our on earth ought to be challenged to
Sister Earth which sustains us and do what he/she can do to halt the
This calls forth for ‘Human-Earth- governs us…” Therefore let us have denudation of nature. Cosmetic
Centered- Spirituality’. It is to live a deep respect for the sources of our changes are not enough. Real change
in harmony with nature. It is rooted life, human mother and earth mother. will happen when every institution
in an awareness of the divinity in educational, health, media, military,
all life, the interconnectedness and Inter-connectedness of All Life
Ash Wednesday liturgy reminds us industry, and religions begin to take
interdependence of all the things. It ‘Human-Earth Centered Spirituality’
can create a holistic vision of cosmos ‘out of earth we are born and unto
earth we shall return’. Buddhism, seriously. Let us reset our life on the
to save the earth. This is what Human- lap of Mother Earth. We will recreate
Earth Spirituality means, the ‘Religion of Ecology’ exhorts as,
“The entire cosmos is cooperative”. certainly the master piece of God,
Respecting the Divinity of Life The sun, the moon, and the stars live the Earth.
Nothing on earth is worthless. and assist each other. The same is
Everything is endowed with God’s true for humans and animals, trees Arputhasamy. I
Don bosco october 2008