Bhava Analysis Prasna Marga

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Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope

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Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope
8ara]it Poddar

5igniIicatinns nI Twc!vc hnuscs
Lagna: IxceIIence/ Suerior goodness of beauly/ Ixlreme SkiIIness/ CIeverness/
SeIf Confidence (Saulhavam), The slale of being/ Ixislence/ Ierseverence/
Slanding/ Slay al a Iace (Slhili), SeIf- deendence/ Sound Slale/ HeaIlh/ Iase/
Comforl/ Conlenlmenl/ Salisfaclion (Svaslhya), WeIfare/ WeIbeing/ Yasha/ Iame
(Shreya), Viclory/ Success/ Acheivemenl (}ayo)

5ccnnd Hnusc: IamiIy, WeaIlh (Villa), Seech (Vani), Righl Iye (Dakshina
Chakshu), aII forms of KnovIedge (Vidyascha Vividha)

Third Hnusc: Ialience (Dhairya), VilaIily and Iolency (Virya), Wrong lhoughls
(Durbuddhi), SibIings (Sahodara), VaIour (Iarakrama), Righl Iar (Daksha Karna),
Assislance/ heI/ foIIoving (Sahaya)

Fnurth Hnusc: Molher (Mala), Sacrifice (Suhul), Sisler's chiId (hagineau), Landed
Iroerly (Kshelram), Sukham (Hainess), VehicIes and Carriages
(VahanamHsanam), grace/ beauly/ charm/ amour (LaIilya), Resling/ sIeeing
(Shayanam), grovlh and roserily (Vriddhi), CallIe (Iasu), irlh house/ birlh
Iace (}anma Griha)

FiIth hnusc: Wisdom (Iragna), AbiIilies (Iralibha), InleIIigence (Medha), AbiIily
lo discern (Viveka Shakli), Good deeds of asl Iife (Iuralana Iunyam), MyslicaI
hymns (Manlra), Advisor/ Misnisler (Amalya), ChiIdren (Tanu|a), MenlaI
Salisfaclion/ CheerfuIness (Saumansya)

5ixth hnusc: Thief / SmuggIer (Taskar), Inemies/ HosliIe ersons (Araali),
Imedimenl/ ObslacIe/ Inlerrulion (Vighna), Wounds/ In|uries (Vyaadha), Harm
lo body (Tanu Kshali), Dealh (Marana) by Inemies (Ari) or Weaons (Shaslra)

5cvcnth Hnusc: Marriage (Vivaha), Amour/ sexuaI inslincls / Iassion/ (Madana),
harya (Souse), associalion vilh olher reIalions (harlr Samagama), ed/
SIeeing Iace (Sayya), Wife's dveIIing Iace (Slhri sadma), Losl lhings
(Naslarlha), Coilus (Mailhuna)

Eighth Hnusc: Deslruclion/cessalion of everylhing (Sarvaranasa), Misforlune/
Danger (Viad), Defame/ Ioss of reule (Aavad), Cause and IIace of Dealh
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(Maranasya Heluradesha), Servanls (Daas), IxlernaI houses/ house exlernaI lo
lhe Iiving Iace (Malhadikam Veshma), Chronic diseases (Gadaa), Danger/
ObslacIes (Vighna)

Ninth Hnusc: Luck (hagya), Duly/ Righleousness (Dharma), Kindness/ Imalhy
(Daya), Good deed (Iunya), Ialher/ Guardian (Taal), Grand chiIdren (Sulalma|a),
Donalion/ Charily (Daana), Worshi (Uasana), Good conducl and amicabIe
disosilion (SushiI), Teacher/ Irecelor (Guru)

Tcnth Hnusc: ReIigious Shrines (DevaIaya), Tovnshis (Nagar), CounciI (Sabha),
Houses besides lhe road (MargaIaya), Servanls/ allendanls (Daas), AII Aclivilies
(Sarvakarma), IoIIov Order/ Command (AagnaaIambana)

E!cvcnth Hnusc: IuIfiIImenl of aII desires (Sarvabhislaagama), IIder rolher
(}yeslha hrala), Wife (}aya) of Ovn Son (Ni|a-alma|a) or Daughler in Lav, Lefl
Iar (Vamkarna), Gain/ Irofil (Labha)

Twc!Ith Hnusc: Sin/ IviI (Iaaa), Loss/ Ixenses (Vyaya), IaII (Ialana),
Imancialion (Niraya), Lefl Iye (Vama-ambakam), Loss/dis-aearence of
osilion (Slhana hramsa), Loss of Limbs / IhysicaI in|uries/ Deression/ Sorrov

Pnsturcs Vs. Kcndras
The Lagna, lhe 4
, lhe 7
and lhe 10
signify lhe oslures Waking (Chakramana), Lying/
SIeeing (Sayana), Silling (Uaveshal), Slanding (Slhili) resecliveIy.

Extcrna! and Intcrna! Bhavas
havas can be considered lo have lvo significalions, viz., IxlernaI and InlernaI. The
exlernaI ones are as menlioned before, vhereas lhe inlernaI ones are given by
Varahamihira in rhal }alaka.

This difference is very imorlanl in lhe horoscoe anaIysis. One musl knov lhal lhere are
lvo asecls of significalions of each house, one of vhich shovs various execl of our
ovn seIf , vhereas lhe lhe olher asecl is more reIaled lo lhe environmenl ve are in and
aIso lhe reIalions ve are vilh.

5trcngths & Wcakncsscs nI Bhava
The havas vhich are associaled vilh or asecled by lheir Iords or benefics
(}uiler, Mercury, Venus, Moon) are said lo lhrive veII. Those con|oined vilh or
asecled by maIefics suffer annihiIalion. (26)
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The havas vhich have benefics in lhe 2
, 7
and lhe 12
or 4
and 10
from lhem
are considered favorabIe. (27)

The benefic nalure of havas is deslroyed by lheir conneclion vilh lhe Iords of
sixlh, eighlh and lveflh or vilh lhe naluraI enemies of lheir Iords. If lhe bhava, or
ils Iord or lhe karaka is veak, lhen aIso lhe bhava suffers (28)

The associalion of a bhava or ils Iord vilh sixlh, eighlh or lveIflh or lheir Iords
cause suffering lo lhe bhava. The associalion can be of foIIoving vay:
a. The duslhana Iords are Iaced in lhe bhava or asecl lhe bhava
b. The duslhana Iords are con|oined vilh or asecl lhe bhava Iords
c. The bhava Iords occuy lhe duslhanas

A bhava shouId be considered veak under lhe foIIoving circumslances
a. The said bhava, ils Iord or ils karaka is veak
b. The bhava is hemmed belveen maIefics
c. The bhava is asecled by maIefics
d. The bhava is asecled by lhe enemies of lheir Iords
e. enefics do nol associale/ asecl lhem
f. NaluraI maIefics are Iaced in lhe 4
, 8
, 12
or 5
or 9

Oul of aII lhe affIiclions, if lhe lvo or lhree of lhem are resenl, lhe bhava suffers

Significalor (Karaka): If lhe differenl karakas are slrong, lhen evenls allribuled lo
lhem viII be redominanlIy seen. If veak, lhen lhese shaII exisl onIy in name.
Wilh regard lo Salurn, if he is slrong, miseries and diseases decreases, hovever, if
veak, il is feIl in abundance

The Iords of lhe 9lh and olher favourabIe houses, lhough lhey may be maIefics,
nourish lheir bhava. This oinl has been emhasised by Varahamihira in lhe verse
Lagnalh Iulhre.

enefics if slrong conlribule good fuIIy, maIefics if veak give lheir eviI in fuII (34)

A Ianel caabIe of giving rise of bolh good and inausicious resuIls, confer good
resuIls vhen il is slrong and lhe lhe eviI resuIls vhen il is veak (37)

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A favourabIe Ianel if caabIe of conferring ausicious resuIls fuIIy, moderaleIy
according as lhe navamsa il occuies is vargollama, ovn or friendIy or inimicaI.
SimiIarIy a maIefic Ianel is caabIe of giving inausicious resuIls fuIIy,
moderaleIy or feebIy according lo lhe navamsa il occuies is inimicaI, ovn,
friendIy or vargollama (38)

If lhe Iord and lhe karaka of a bhava are slrong and occuy favourabIe houses,
lhen lhe indicalions of lhe bhava viII be fuIIy exerienced. On lhe conlrary if lhey
are veak and occuy lhe 6lh/ 8lh or 12lh, lhe resuIls of lhal bhava viII be negelive
or feebIe (39)

If lhe Iord and karaka are slrong bul occuy an unfavourabIe osilion, lhen
lhough lhe effecls of lhe bhava may be seen, lhe nalive viII nol en|oy lhem. On lhe
conlrary, if lhe Iord and lhe Karaka are veak, bul occuy favourabIe osilions, lhe
effecl viII be exerienced by lhe nalive, hovever il vouId be feebIe (40)

If lhe lvo, lhe Iord and karaka of a bhava, if one is slrong and lhe olher is veak,
lhen lhe infIuence shouId be considered lo be mixed in nalure (41)

If lhe Iord of a bhava occuies a favourabIe osilion from lhe hava ilseIf, lhen lhe
effecls of lhe hava viII be fuII, hovever onIy if lhey are Iaced in favourabIe
osilion from lhe Lagna, lhen lhe nalive shaII have good exerience (42)

Such bhavas as have any reIalionshis vilh lhe Lagna or ils Iord such as asecl,
associalion, kendra disosilion elc. shaII be sureIy exerienced.

enefics in lhe 3rd, 6lh, 8lh and 12lh become unfavourabIe. MaIefics in lhe 3rd, 6lh
or 11lh become favourabIe. The mosl imorlanl of aII lhese houses is Lagna. The
5lh and 9lh houses are equaIIy imorlanl. Il is lhese lhree bhavas lhal benefics
shov lheir grealesl good and maIefics lheir vorsl eviI. (44)

MaIefics in lhe sixlh house confer aII significalions governed by lhe Ianel such as
coer, Iead elc., hovever lhe bhava i.e., lhe 6lh house suffers. The resuIls couId be
rise in enemily and diseases. (45)

The good and bad significalions ascribed lo differenl Ianels shouId be used vhen
describing lhe effecls of dashas. (47)

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IIanels give rise lo favourabIe or unfavourabIe resuIls based on vhelher lhey
occuy Ishla or Anishla bhavas. On lhe basis of Samgnadhyaya, lhe various effecls
shouId be inferred.

When havas are ruined: When lhe Iord of lhe 8
from a cerlain bhava or salurn
lransils lhe bhava and al lhe same lime, lhe dasa / anlar of lhe 6
, 8
or 12

oerales, lhe bhava under consideralion suffers. SimiIarIy diseases signified in lhe
various arls of lhe body as signified by lhe bhava concerned can be redicled.

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Ma!cIics: IaiIure, diseases in head, sorrovs, dishonour, disIacemenl, Ioss of money,
ains aII over lhe body, discomforl in aII vays

BcncIics: GeneraI comforl, success, good heaIlh, financiaI roserily, fame, romolions lo
higher osilions

5ccnnd hnusc:
Ma!cIics: Loss of anceslraI roerly, diseases in lhe face, sickness for lhe famiIy
members, diseases in righl eye, scandaIs, Ioss of ulensiIs.

BcncIics: Increase in famiIy veaIlh, gains of ulensiIs, famiIy amily and hainess

Third Hnusc:
Ma!cIics: Misunderslanding vilh friends and eoIe vho heI lhem, Misforlunes lo
brolhers, diseases in chesl, neck and righl ear, menlaI affIiclion, bad conducl or

BcncIic: Good conducl, courage, hainess lo brolhers, increase in heI from olhers and
good heaIlh

Fnurth Hnusc:
Ma!cIics: Dislress lo molher and malernaI reIalions, Ioss of callIe, beds, cols, Ianded
roerly and vehicIes, hearl lroubIe, generaI misery and discomforl due lo imure valer.

BcncIic: VehicIes, Iands, callIe, beds and generaI roserily and heaIlh

FiIth hnusc:
Ma!cIics: IIIness/ dealh / danger lo chiIdren, Ieaving of sanchila karma, menlaI unresl,
irrilabIe lemeramenl, iIIness lo nalive's advisors

BcncIics: irlh of chiIdren, good heaIlh, eace of mind, infIuence and increase of good

5ixth hnusc:
Ma!cIics: Occurance of vounds or uIcer in lhe organ ruIed by lhe 6
sign, fear from
lheives and enemies, lroubIe in vaisl and naveI, obslacIes in underlakings, aiImenl
signified by lhe occuying Ianel

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BcncIics: Inemies vouId be vanquished, diseases viII disaear and nev ones do nol
sroul oul

5cvcnth hnusc:
Ma!cIics: Sickness or dealh or searalion from lhe Iife-arlner, dislurbances in |ourney,
urninary lroubIes, fire hazard in souse's house

BcncIics: Marriage, recovery of Iosl veaIlh, en|oymenl and hainess, safe relurn of
reIalions gone lo lhe foreign Iand, buiIding of a good house.

Eighth hnusc:
Ma!cIics: IIIness lo servanls, obslacIes in aII vork, diseases in anus, quarreIs vilh aII, Ioss
of veaIlh due lo lheives/ ruIers or enemies, Ioss of aelile, diseases, bad name

BcncIics: Ireedom from diseases, courage, Iongevily, faciIilies lo acquire nev houses,
buiIding mulls elc.

Ninth hnusc:
Ma!cIics: IIIness lo eIders, falher, grandchiIdren, iII Iuck, divine vralh, disincIinalion lo
lhe acls of charily, graduaI decIine of hard earned meril, ruin of one's over of enance,
hard hearledness

BcncIics: Iessings from eIders and arenls, menlaI hainess, god's grace, increase of
forlune, incIinalion lo do good acls, increase of laas, hiIanlroy, hainess from grand-

Tcnth hnusc:
Ma!cIics: IaiIures in efforls, Ioss of reulalion, Ioss of resecl, ruin lo assislanls, breaks in
rofession, diseases in anckIe, exiIe

BcncIics: Conlruclion of vayside inns, nev roads, counciI haIIs, lemIes, success in aII
allemls, increase in reulalion, increase in infIuence, rise in rofession, acquisilion of

E!cvcnth hnusc:
Ma!cIics: IIIness lo eIder brolher and sons, aiImenl in lhe Iefl ear and Iegs, gain of arlicIes
as indicaled by lhe Ianel

BcncIics: Reduclion of grief, accomIishmenl of desired ob|ecls, gain of fresh sources of
veaIlh and maleriaI ob|ecls signified by lhe Ianel
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Twc!Ith hnusc:
Ma!cIics: Squandering of money, faII from osilion, lroubIes in lhe feel, lroubIe lo lhe Iefl
eye, faIIs due lo careIessness and sinfuI aclions

BcncIics: Heavy exendilure for good uroses, graduaI lerminalion of sinfuI aclions,
recovery from iIInesses

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Fruitinn nI a Bhava
The eriod indicaled by lhe Iord of Lagna Navamsa, muIliIied by lhe number of
Navamsas lraversed by lhe said Iord gives lhe lime of fruclificalion.

If lhe Iord of a house is in lhe visibIe hemishere, lhe effecls of lhe bhava viII be
exerienced shorlIy. If lhe Iord is in lhe invisibIe hemishere., lhe resuIls viII haen
very Iale. The lime of haening corresonds lo lhe eriod in monlhs or days signified by
lhe number orasis inlervening belveen lhe concerned bhava and lhe rasi occuied by lhe
Iord of lhe said bhava. Or lhe resuIls may haen vhen lhe Moon nexl lransils sign
occuied by lhe Iord of lhe concerned bhava.

When Sun or lhe Moon or lhe effecl giving Ianel lransils lhe Lagna or lhe sign occuied
by lhe effecl giving Ianel or his exaIlalion sign, lhe indicaled evenls haen. Whelher in
lhe asl or in lhe fulure good and bad haenings coincide vilh lhe lransil of Lagna by
benefics and maIefics resecliveIy.

Favnurab!c and unIavnurab!c cIIccts nI p!ancts
1. enefics gives unfavourabIe resuIls reIaled lo ils significalions vhen
Iaced in lhe 3
, 6
or 8
or 12
2. MaIefics give facourabIe resuIls reIaled lo ils significalions vhen Iaced
in lhe 3
, 6
or 11
3. IIanel gives unfavourabIe resuIls vhen
i. IIaced in DebiIilalion
ii. Con|oined vilh/ asecled by maIefics
iii. Con|oined vilh/ asecled by enemies
iv. IIaced in Rasi Sandhi or Gandanla
v. IIaced in inimicaI sign
vi. Hemmed belveen maIefics (Iaakarlari)

4. IIanels give favourabIe resuIls vhen
i. IIaced in exaIlalion
ii. IIaced in friends house
iii. Con|oined vilh / asecled by enefics
iv. Con|oined vilh/ asecled by Iriends
v. Hemmed belveen benefics (subha karlari)

5. IIanels Iaced in hava Madhya is caabIe of giving fuII resuIls vhereas
lhe resuIl of a Ianel Iaced in bhava sandhi vouId be feebIe.

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Rcsu!ts nI P!ancts:
UnIavnurab!c pnsitinn: Wralh of ruIer, Iord Shiva, falher, Diseases in Hearl, slomach,
eyes, lroubIes lo bones, diseases caused by Iilla, Iear from Quadrueds and fire,
Desluclion of coer ulensiIs, DecIine of ersonaI infIuences on olhers

Favnurab!c pnsitinns: Sallvik Nalure, Iessings of Iord Shiva, falher and ruIers,
Acquisilion of coer ulensiIs, Increase of veaIlh lhrough |ourneys and by lrade in
vooIen goods, grass, goId, Iealher and medicines.

UnIavnurab!c pnsitinn: Queen's anger, dissalisfaclion of lhe molher or her iIIness,
diseases caused by vala, illa and imure bIood, enmily vilh sueriors or reIalives,
vralh of Ma Durga, Ioss of cros, Danger lo Iife, iII fame

Favnurab!c pnsitinn: Salisfaclion lo molher, Gain of money by lrading in ghee, sugar,
cIolhes, Income by chanling manlras or by breeding callIe, by marine lraffic and by
deaIing vilh diamonds, lhrough lhe heI of vomen and by increase of cros and increase
of fame and riches

UnIavnurab!c pnsitinn: Misunderslanding vilh brolhers, Loss of Ianded roerly and
goId, Iear from fire, lhieves and enemies, Wralh of god Subrahmanya and lroubIe from
miIilary ersonneI, AiImenls arising oul of imure bIood, fever, eye diseases, Loss of
ulensiIs, Culs and vounds caused in lhe body by veaons

Favnurab!c: Acquision of Ianded roerly, goId, veaons, Iavour of commander in
chief, Grace of Iord Subrahmanya, Irofil from Ioss of enemies, Irofil from brolhers and

UnIavnurab!c pnsitinn: Wralh of Iord Vishnu, Suffering from lhe heir-aarenl,
Suffering due lo abusive Ianguages, TroubIe from lheives.

Favnurab!c: Acquisilion of horses, goId, Iand, Increase in friends, Acquisilion of veaIlh
vilh lhe heI of rahmins and good advisors, Income from scuIluraI skiIIs and
arbilralion vork, Increase of Iame, Ierformance of reIigious deeds, Iarning by vriling or
malhemalics, Grace of Iord Vishnu

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UnIavnurab!c pnsitinn: Iar lroubIes, Sickness lo chiIdren, Wralh of gods and brahmins,
Inmily vilh vicked eoIe

Favnurab!c: Increase of cIarily of mind, Gain from reIigious raclices, lhrough ersons
veII versed in recilalion of Vedas and lhrough favour of ruIers, Acquisilion of goId,
horses and eIehanls, Iessings of gods and brahmins

UnIavnurab!c pnsitinn: Sickness lo vife or olher femaIe reIalions, Deslruclion of cIolhes,
Decrease in generaI roserily, Sorrov caused by Iove, Halred lovards governmenl
servanls, Associalion vilh Iov born eoIe, Dealh of callIes, Loss of siIvervare

Favnurab!c pnsitinn: Gain of siIver ulensiIs, Iine cIolhes, Ornamenls, Diamonds,
Underground lreasures, Marriage, gain of money, Increase of lasle for music, Access lo
callIe and good food

UnIavnurab!c pnsitinn: Diseases caused by vilialion of vind and hIegm, Ignorance,
Tendency lo sleaI, IrrilabiIily, CaIamilies, Lazyness, IhysicaI and MenlaI debiIily,
Suffering due lo sarcaslic allilude of souse, chiIdren and servanls, DisIocalion of Iimbs,

Favnurab!c pnsitinn: Reduclion of sorrov, Associalion vilh oId vomen, Increase in
servanls and iron goods, Headshi of a lovn, Acquisilion of buffaIovs

The effecls of Rahu are simiIar lo lhe Iord of lhe rasi occuied by him and of Salurn.
SimiIarIy lhe effecls of Kelu are simiIar lo lhe Iord of lhe rasi occuied by him and of

Gcncra! Inauspicinus cIIccts:
Dealh, Serious diseases, Danger lo near and dear ones, Deslruclion of house, IaII from
osilion, Wralh of lhe ruIers, UnouIarily, Loss, Wasle of money and Iand, Thefl of
roerly, Dishonour, III fame

Gcncra! auspicinus cIIccts:
Good heaIlh, RoyaI favour, Gain of money, Iriendshi or increase in friends, Success in
aII underlaking, MenlaI eace, IIevalion lo high osilion, IouIarily, Iame, irlh of
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This seclion shaII enumerale lhe differenl effecls of aII lhe Ianels in differenl houses. The
effecls of aII lhe Ianels shaII be divided inlo lvo dislincl calegories nameIy lhe
favourabIe effecl, lhe unfavourabIe effecls:

A Ianel gives favourabIe resuIls
if il is Iaced vilh slrenglh viz., Iacemenl in exaIlalion, MooIa lrikona, ovn house
or naluraI friend's house
if is under lhe infIuence of naluraI benefics }uiler, Mercury, Venus or Moon.

A Ianel gives unfavourabIe resuIls
if il is veak by Iacemenl viz., Iacemenl in debiIilalion or enemies house.
if il is under lhe infIuence of naluraI maIefics Salurn, Rahu, Mars, Sun or Kelu.

The reIalions signified by a house suffer, if lhe house is Iaced vilh maIefics (affIicled)
and lhe Iord of lhe house is veakIy Iaced as veII. If benefic asecls such house, lhe
suffering is eilher nuIIified or minimised lo greal exlenl. The infIuence on lhe Iord of lhe
lhe bhava aIso shovs lhe effecl on lhe nalive's menlaI makeu lovards reIalions signified
by lhal house. Thus if lhe 3
Iord is affIicled, lhe lhe nalive mighl nol go veII vilh
brolhers. The differenl reIalions governed by lhe houses are:

Lagna- SeIf
Second- IamiIy as a vhoIe
Third- SibIings in generaI and younger sibIings in arlicuIar
Iourlh- Molher
Iiflh- ChiIdren, Secrel friends
Sixlh- Inemies, malernaI uncIes
Sevenlh- Souse
Ninlh- Ialher
IIevenlh- Iriends, IalernaI uncIe
TveIflh- Secrel enemies

The naluraI benefics (}uiler, Mercury, Moon & Venus) are good for lhe heaIlh and
Iongivily of lhe reIalions and naluraI maIefics (Salurn, Mars, Sun, Rahu & Kelu) cause
heaIlh lroubIes and reduclion in Iongevily and heaIlh. In lhe lhe lhird house maIefics give
Iesser sibIings and in lhe fiflh house il gives difficuIlies in birlh of chiIdren and aIso Iesser
in numbers.

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Lagna is rimariIy a kendra bhava and secondariIy a lrikona bhava and hence Iarashara
says lhal lhis bhava is secificaIIy ausicious of aII nalives. If lhere is affIiclion lo lhis
bhava, lhe vhoIe horoscoe is affecled. MaIefics Iaced here can harm lhe bhava,
hovever since lhis is a kendra bhava, if lhose maIefics (Mars or Salurn) are Iaced in ovn
house or exaIlalion, lhey conslilule lvo mahaurusha yoga nameIy Ruchaka and Sasa
Mahaurusha yoga. When such mahaurusha yoga occurs, lhe Ianel doesnol harm lhe
bhava and inslead romole lhe bhava.

The infIuence of lhe Ianels on lhe hysicaI fealures and nalure, vhiIe Iaced on lhe
Lagna can be seen from lhe characlerislics of lhe Ianels, vhich are as foIIovs:
o Has honey-coIoured, goIden rovn or Tavny eyes (madhu ingaIa drk)
o Has Sqarish Iace (Chalurasrah)
o Has biIious lemeeramenl (illa rakrli)
o Is inleIIigenl (Dhiman)
o Has Iimiled hair (Iuman aIaka)

o Is exlremeIy vindy and hIegmalic (bahu vala kaha)
o Is Learned (Iragnya)
o Has round face (rlla)
o Has good Iooking eyes (Subha Drk)
o Has sveel seech (Madhu vakya)
o IickIe-minded (ChanchaI)
o Is Lascivious/ eager lo associale vilh oosile sex (Madana Alurah)

o Has fierce and bIood-red eyes (krura/ raklelasana)
o Unsleady or vavering (chaaIa)
o Has biIious lemeramenl (illa rakrli)
o Is angry (Krodhi)
o Has lhin vaisl and hysique (Krsah Madhya Tanu)

o Is admirabIe (vaush)
o Is sIendid and beaulifuI (Slreslha)
o Has beaulifuI skin/ skin vilhoul bIemishes (shIishlvak)
o Is fond of humor (hasya ruchi)
o He has a mix of aII lhe lhree humours, i.e., biIious, hIegmalic and vindy

o Has a big body (rhal Galra)
o Has Tavny hair and eyes (IingaIa murdha|eksane)
o Is hIegmalic (kaha rakrli)
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o Is InleIIigenl (Dhiman)
o Is exerl in aII Shaslras (Sarva shaslra visharada)

o Is charming (sukhi kanla)
o SIendorous hysique (vausshreshla)
o Has beaulifuI eyes (suIochana)
o Is oelic (kavya karla)
o Is IxceedingIy hIegmalic (Kaha adhikya)
o Is aIso vindy (AniIaalma)
o Has curIy hair (vakra murdha|a)

Salurn is
o Has an emacialed and Iong hysique (Krsha Dirgha Tanu)
o Has lavny eyes (IingaIa Drsli)
o Is of vindy in lemeramenl (aniIaalmakah)
o Has rolruding leelh (slhuIa danla)
o Is Iazy (aIasa)
o Is Lame (Iangu)
o Has coarse hair over lhe body (khara roma)

o Rahu has smoky aearance (Dhumra akara)
o Has bIuish body (NiIa lanu)
o He resides in foresls (Vanaslha)
o He is horrifying (hayankarah)
o He is of vindy lemeramenl (vala rakrli)
o He is inleIIigenl (Dhiman)
o Kelu is akin lo Rahu

Nntc: Terms inside lhe cIosed brackels are lhe sanskril lerm laken from IHS.

Since lhe Lagna signify lhe seIf and lhe ersonaIily of lhe nalive, lhe infIuence of differenl
Ianels shaII infIuence lhe ersonaIily of lhe nalive loo. If more Ianels are Iaced in lhe
Lagna (or asecl il), lhe erson vouId be broad minded as he vouId be having lhe
allilude / ersonaIily lrails besloved by aII Ianels. Many shaslras say lhal such eoIe
viII be a king, vhich in modern conlexl mean an abIe Ieader or a naluraI Ieader.

This is a Marana Karaka Slhana for Salurn and hence lhe naluraI significalions of Salurn
such as Iongevily gels severeIy affecled. Hovever, if lhey aIso conslilule lhe
Mahaurusha yoga, lhe effecl undergo lransformalion and lhe Marana Karaka avaslha is

The differenl Karakas for lhis bhavas are:
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Sun - SouI, HeaIlh and VilaIily
Moon - ody
}uiler - InleIIigence
Salurn - Hair

The effecl of differenl Ianels on Lagna is based on lheir inleraclion vilh lhese differenl
karakas. If lhey are friends lo lhe Karaka, lhey shaII enhance lhe significalions of lhe
karaka, olhervise lhey shaII affecl il adverseIy. Hovever, il needs lo be emhasised again
lhal slrong Ianels (exaIlalion, ovn, friendIy houses) lend lo give Iess maIefic resuIls lhan
lhe veaker ones. The fiendshi and enemily belveen differenl Ianels is given beIov:

Suh hooh, hars hercury Safurh & vehus
& Jup1fer
hooh Suh & hars, Jup1fer, hohe
hercury Safurh & vehus
hars Jup1fer, Suh Safurh & vehus hercury
& hooh
hercury Suh & vehus Safurh, hars & hooh
Jup1fer Suh, hooh & Safurh & vehus hercury
vehus hercury & hars & Suh & hooh
Safurh Jup1fer
Safurh hercury & Jup1fer Suh, hooh &
vehus hars

Il is aIso lo be noled lhal each Ianel is a karaka for olher houses loo. If il is Iaced in a
duslhana (6
/ 8
/ 12
) from lhe concerned house (karya bhava), lhen lhe nalive is
unforlunale reIaled lo lhe affairs lo lhal house. Ior examIe if Salurn is Iaced in lhe
Lagna, il can curlaiI Iongevily since, il is lhe karaka of eighlh house (Iongevily) and if
Iaced in lhe Lagna, il vouId be Iaced in sixlh house from lhe eighlh, vhich haens lo
be a duslhana from lhe karya bhava. SimiIarIy Mars is lhe Karaka for enemies and if
Iaced in lhe Lagna, vouId be in lhe eighlh (duslhana) from lhe sixlh house, causing
damage lo lhe sixlh house. Thus, lhis osilion of Mars, causes suffering lo lhe enemies in
lhe hands of lhe nalive (Lagna- seIf).

One more very imorlanl lhing lo consider is lhe concel of argaIa. IIanels in lhe Lagna
vouId have argaIa on lhe 12
house, 3
house and lhe 10
house. MaIefics in lhe Lagna
vouId have lhe argaIa on lhe 11
house loo. Thus lhe Ianels in lhe Lagna shaII effecl lhe
infIuences of lhese four houses aIso. If benefics are Iaced in Lagna, lhen il enhances,
exenses on good cause, roserily of lhe sibIings, enhacemenl of reulalion and fame
and aIso income from desirabIe sources. MaIefics Iaced in lhe Lagna gives quile oosile
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Favnurab!c cIIccts
Less Hair on head (baIdish)/ Irominenl forehead, Dignified, Sallvik Nalured, Good
heaIlh, InleIIigenl, Learned, KnovIedgeabIe, Wise, Ambilious, Inilialive, NaluraI
Ieadershi quaIilies, Commanding nalure, iIious Temeramenl, Hol lemered, Iierce,
Less soken, VaIourous, SeIf conlended, Iamous, WeaIlhy, Acquire lerrilory (Leo), Ialher
of daughlers (Virgo)

UnIavnurab!c cIIccts
Lelhargic (redominance of lamasik guna), Obslinale, CrueI Hearled, Lack lhe forgiving
allilude, Wanderer, Iroud, IIuclualing veaIlh, Devoid of Learning, Devoid of aulhorily,
Devoid of rogeny, Iind, Subservienl lo Women (Iisces), Suffer from boiIs, Diseases in
lhe Head, Iye defecls/ diseases/ lroubIes/ Iye InfIammalion or Calaracl of eyes/ Nighl
bIindness (Leo), (Cancer), Hearl disease (Caricorn), Lose his vife/ UngralefuI (Virgo).

Handsome, Hay, Slrong buiIl, WeII versed in shaslras, Wise, InleIIigenl, CIever
converslalionaIisl and WeaIlhy

UnIavnurab!c (veak in aksha baIa aIong vilh olher veaknesses)
IickIe minded, ReslIessness, Weak conslilulion, Deaf and Mule

HeaIlhy, Slrong conslilulion, Sloul body, ig naveI, Reddish hands, VaIorous, WeaIlhy,
Hol lemered, Honoured by lhe ruIer/ govl., Long Iife, Iond of sighl seeing

RareIy gel eace of mind, Marks of vounds or boiIs, Suffer many diseases during
chiIdhood, SleaIing habil, Sluid, CrueI, Angry lemeramenl, UnslabIe mind, Suffer from
MenlaI lroubIes, Wicked disosilion, Shorl Iife, Iev chiIdren, UgIy aearance,
Rheumalism, Iye diseases, Accidenls, In|uries lo Limb, Loss of vife/ TroubIe lo vife,
Iace eviI consequences for his aclions

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GenlIe, Iducaled, IarIy marriage, Devoul Iislener of lhe recilalion of reIigious scrilures,
Like lo lraveI lo many Iaces, TraveI lo iIgrimages, IncIined lovards Manlras and
Tanlras, Have lhe over lo free eoIe from lhe infIuence of eviI sirils, Sofl soken,
Iorgiving, Kind hearled, Gain of veaIlh, Dislinclion in academic ursuils, Good heaIlh,
GoIden Iuslre on lhe skin, Inleresled in AslroIogy, Hainess from brolhers, ReIigious
minded, Iroficiency in Arls, Ioelry, Lileralure, Logic, Malhemalics and use of arms,
Sloul body/ Handsome, KnovIedge of ovn counlry, WeII versed in shaslras, Sveel and
laclfuI conversalionaIisl, Long-Iife, Deslroys lhe Arishla (eviI effecl on Iongevily) caused
by olher Ianels in lhe horoscoe and Good hysician, Iroserily of chiIdren, They
usuaIIy don'l suffer from any diseases. Hovever, if lhey conlacl any disease, il viII be
very comIicaled.

Suffer from skin diseases, biIious lroubIes and |aundice, Defeclive Iimb, Anlagonislic
lovards genlIemen, Suffer from eye diseases, InimicaI reIalions vilh his brolhers and viII
be deceilfuI, He viII be derived of lhe comforls of bed (sexuaI Ieasures) and viII be a
devolee of eviI Gods, Suffer lhe Ioss of sighl in his Iefl eye (associalion vilh Salurn),
Ixendilure on undesirabIe ersons.

Dignified aearance/ Handsome, Good nalured/ amicabIe, Good seaker, Learned, WeII
versed in shaslras, KnovIedge of Vedas, Many chiIdren/ Hainess from chiIdren,
Hay, Long Iived, Ierform reIigious deeds, Long Iived, IearIess, ToIeranl, Resecled,
Virluous, CharilabIe, IhiIanlhroic, Go lo iIgrimages, Iamous, In|oy Iuxuries and
maleriaI Ieasures

InduIge in sinfuI deeds, UnslabIe mind, Medium san of Iife, ChiIdIess, UngralefuI, IuII
of faIse vanily, Iorsake his near and dear, Like lraveIIing, InimicaI lovards olhers,

jaiaka Parijaia saqs in inis rcspcci - |j a pcucrju| jupiicr in nis ju|| raqs is pcsiic! in a kcn!ra
(1,4,7,10), nc a|cnc uar!s cjj a|| arisinas jusi as a sinccrc praqcr ic Gc! Mana!ct !csircqs a|| sins
cj inc !ctcicc

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Handsome/ charming/ allraclive, Sofl-soken, Long Iived, Iroficienl in Malhemalics,
Learned in shaslras, Loved by his vife, Iond of ornamenls, good dresses & beauly, Liked
by oosile sex, WeaIlhy.

Thieving incIinalion, Cheal, Suffer rheumalic / hIegmalic diseases, TroubIes in
generalive organs, Tvo vives (Venus ovn 6
), IIuclualing forlune, Hard hearled
(Iack of comassion).

Rheumalism, iIious comIainls, Mendicanl (asecled by Moon), Ioor, SickIy, UncIean,
Suffering from diseases in chiIdhood, Indislincl seech, Lazy / Lelhargic, Greedy,
SorrovfuI, Narrov minded, Conquer enemies.

The nalive is aIvays dissalisfied, greedy, endoved vilh broad vision (lhey can'l see
minule delaiIs) and over ambilious. They are usuaIIy |eaIous of olhers' imrovemenl and
as a resuIl suffer Iack of eace of mind. Hovever, if Iaced in ovn house or exaIled or
vhen Iaced in Iisces or Sagillarius, lhe nalive is gels name and fame.

Favnurab!c (nn!y iI in nwn hnusc nr in cxa!tatinn)
Leader of his communily, High slalus & osilion

Conquer enemies, SuccessfuI in his endeavours vilh olhers' heI. Rahu is Leo, Cancer or
Aries Lagna is secificaIIy beneficiaI.

IhysicaI lroubIes and TroubIes in married Iife.

Good seaker, SuccessfuI in educalion (lhe deily of Kelu is Ganesha, vho is lhe giver of
lhe siddhis)

Lean, Lacks hysicaI feIicily, MarilaI disharmony

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The 2
house is rimariIy for AccumiIaled veaIlh (karaka }uiler), accumuIaled veaIlh
(karaka Moon) and AIicalion of knovIedge (since lhis is lenlh from fiflh house),
Seech (karaka Mercury), Iyes (karaka Sun) or Iace (Karaka Sun) MaIefics Iaced in lhis
house adverseIy affecl lhese significalions.

Checking lhe argaIa erseclive, Ianels Iaced in lhe 2
house vouId have argaIa on lhe
Lagna bhava (dharnargaIa), Iourlh house (LabhargaIa) and IIevenlh house (sukhargaIa).
MaIefics Iaced in lhis house affecl lhe significalions of lhese houses adverseIy, vhiIe
benefics Iaced in second house, enhance lhe said houses.

HeaIlhy, ImmenseIy WeaIlhy, Aquire veaIlh due lo lhe grace of ruIer/ govl., Learned in
shaslras, Wise, Good eye sighl, Good reulalion/ fame

Igoislis, Devoid of veaIlh, Loss of veaIlh due lo vralh of Governmenl, Diseases in Iace/
Moulh, Iye diseases, Lack of InleIIigence, Devoid of knovIedge of shaslras, III heaIlh,
Domeslic disharmony (confIicl vilh kilh and kins on accounl of souse), Slammer
(associalion vilh Mercury and lhe 2
Iord is veak), TroubIe lo ChiIdren.

Handsome, GIorious, WeaIlhy, ComIacenl, KnovIegeabIe, Large famiIy, Allached lo lhe
famiIy, Sofl soken, Indoved vilh maleriaI comforls.

Seech lroubIes, Iassionale, Sluid and Uneducaled.

Gain veaIlh, WeII educaled, Good eye sighl and Defeal his enemies.

Lack of educalion, Iye lroubIes such as calaracl, defeclive eyesighl or nighl bIindness, Ial
slaIe food, UgIy face, Seech defecls, In comany of mean eoIe, Sluid and Miser.

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Many chiIdren, TaIkalive, Iducaled, WeII versed in shaslras, Delermined, Conlenled,
WeaIlhy, Virluous, Dislinclion in academic ursuils, IinanciaI gains, Iroficienl in
Malhemalics (asecled by }uiler), Ioelic, InleIIigenl, Sofl soken, Iond of good food and
drinks, Iamous, HighIy moraI, Oralor, Generous, Iond of Iuxurious Iiving,

Uneducaled, Suffer from vindy lroubIes,

Handsome, InleIIigenl, IIoquenl, Sveel longued, Soolhsayer (Whalever he says comes
lrue), Iroserous, WeaIlhy, Iond of good food, Iond of Iuxuries, CharilabIe, Iond of
oelry, WeII versed in adminislralive mallers

DifficuIlies in educalion, Have lhieving incIinalion, Liar and vuIgar seech, Drunkard,
ImmoraI, Deslroyer of famiIy, ReIalions vilh olher's vives, ChiIdIess, TaIkalive,
DifficuIlies in accumuIale veaIlh

Allraclive eyes, WeaIlhy, Iroserous famiIy, Gel good food, HumbIe nalure, Kind
hearled, HeIfuI lo olhers, IIoquenl/ sveel longued/ HumbIe in seech, WeaIlhy, Ioelic,
In|oy good food/ drinks, GIorious, In|oy Iuxuries, In|oy comany of vomen, InleIIigenl,
Handsome/ decenlIy dressed

Iye lroubIes (Iord veak/ affIicled), Nighl bIindness (associale vilh Moon)

In charge of a reIigious inslilulion, Iarn in foreign Iand /becomes veaIlhy in foreign Iand

Suffer overly/ Derived of veaIlh by lhe king, Remarriage, Iossess no Iands, Suffer eye
lroubIes, Suffer diseases in face, UgIy in aearance, Harsh seech, Delaches himseIf
from lhe famiIy lo move lo foreign Iand
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|anu is ininica| ic inc Karaka cj inc ncusc jupiicr (uca|in) cr |ani|q an! |cing a na|cjic can
causc !isircss in incsc arcas.

IinanciaIIy successfuI in lhe business reIaled lo fish, meal or reslauranl, Harsh longue/
shocking seech, DiIomalic seech.

Thieving habils, Lov sinfuI deeds

The nalive is incIined lovards arls and Iileralure, Sveel longued

TroubIes lo eyes and lhroal

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Third house is a uachaya or a house of grovlh. Any Ianels in lhis house as reckoned
from lhe Lagna, cause lhe grovlh of lhe Lagna bhava. Hovever, lhe vays in vhich a
Ianel shaII heI in grovlh of lhe Lagna shaII be deendenl on lheir ovn nalure. eing
lhe bhava of courage, maIefics in lhis bhava gives courage, lheir affIiclion can cause Iack
of sibIings or lroubIe lo sibIings. enefics in such Iace may cause Iack of courage or
coverdice, bul is good for lhe heaIlh and affairs of sibIings.

This is aIso lhe house of skiIIs and dexlerily. IIanels in lhis house make lhe erson skiIIfuI
in lhe areas ruIed by lhe Ianels. Thus Ianels Iike Moon or Venus can make a erson
arlisl, hovever lhe genius and crealivily is onIy ruIed by lhe fiflh house.

eing lhe 7
house from lhe 9
house, Ianels in lhis bhava aIso asecl lhe ninlh house of
forlune. Hence, MaIefics Iaced here give lroubIes vilh forlune, more so if affIicled and
benefics give rise in forlune.

eing lhe 9
house from 7
house of reIalionshi, il shovs lhe dharma in lhe
reIalionshis and hence il aIso lhe house of moraIily. AffIiclion lo lhis house aIso makes a
erson Iov in moraIily and rinciIes.

Irom lhe ArgaIa erseclive, Ianels in lhe 3
house shaII have dharnargaIa on lhe 2

house, IabhargaIa on lhe 5
house and sukhargaIa on lhe 12
house. Thus courage and
inilialive acliveIy infIuences lhe veaIlh one accumuIales, lhe knovIedge one galhers and
lhe exendilure one invoIves in. If benefics or lhe karka or lhe friends of lhe karaka of 2
/ 12
are Iaced in lhe 3
house, lhe significalions of lhese houses shaII enhance,
olhervise suffer due lo significalions of 3
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VaIorous, Iamous, WeaIlhy, Hay, Have a good and evenlfuI Iife, InleIIigenl, Generous,
Good lo friends, Iorgiving nalure, Ialienl, Devoid of iIInesses, Handsome, Liked by
vomen, Resecled, HonourabIe, Conquer enemies, Go lo iIgrimages, IhiIanlroic,
Virluous, Indoved vilh maleriaI comforls, Iorlunale, Aquire comforls due lo grace of
ruIer, Iroserily of brolher, grovlh of famiIy.

Devoid of sibIings, CrueI Deed, InimicaI lovards his reIalions, Iar lroubIes, Deslruclion
of famiIy

Iroserily and veII being of brolhers, more sislers, HeaIlhy, Slrong & Courageous,
ReIigious, Good in Lileralure, In|oys maleriaI Ieasures, Deendenl on friends,
Deendenl on reIalions & Iriends, Iond of TraveIing

Suffer Rheumalism, Aulocralic/ CrueI and Miser

IinanciaI gains, rolhers Iong Iived (Mars under benefic infIuences), Ialience, VaIorous/
Courageous, UnconquerabIe, Generous, Merilorious, Honoured by lhe ruIer/ govl.,
Hay, Indeendenl/ seIf-confidenl, HeaIlhy and Iamous, SeIf made erson

No younger sibIings, Wife of queslionabIe characler, Associalion vilh roslilules
(associalion vilh nodes), InimicaI lo sibIings or Loss of younger sibIings, Devoid of good
Iiving Iace, Suffer lubercuIosis / consumlion

Many sibIings, Hay, Iosses Ianded roerly, Acquire veaIlh, High moraIs,
Indeendenl, Good nalured, Virluous, ToIeranl, Long Iife (vhen lhird Iord is slrong),
Long Iife lo brolhers, IncIinalion lovards lrade and business, Courageous, CIever,
Delached from vorIdIy affairs, Deendence of younger sibIings on lhe nalive.

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Suffering in Iife, Suffer lhroal diseases, Timidily (veak lhird Iord), Consummale rogue,
Devoid of friends, UnslabIe mind

ig famiIy, Many sibIings, ReIigious, , Delesl maleriaIism/ beIief in simIe Iiving, CIever,
Delermined, Iond of TraveIIing, rolhers achieve high osilion, Iorlunale bul cannol
earn as much as he desires, Gel nalionaI honour or recognilion

Slingy/ Miser, Imalienl, Idiolic, Suffer overly, Suffer from Acidily / InfIammalion,
SinfuI, MaIicious nalure, HumiIialed in ubIic, Dominaled by vife, UngralefuI, Nol a
friend of anybody, Worried, Devoid of courage

Vcnus in Third hnusc:
ToIeranl, Many sibIings (moslIy sislers), Delermined, WeaIlhy and Hay

Weaker conslilulion, Miser, Nol Iiked by eoIe, Devoid of hainess / veaIlh, Wife
dominales over lhe nalive, Devoid of courage, Devoid of enlhusiasm, Less forlunale,
Allracled lovards vomen, Lose moraIs and invoIve in IovIy acls, Unhay regarding
chiIdren, Deendenl on olhers

5aturn in Third Hnusc:
Many sibIings, InleIIigenl, Courageous/ Greal slrenglh, Delerminalion, NaluraI Ieader,
HoIding adminislralive osilions, Generous (even lreal his enemies veII), Ialienl/
ersislenl, Hay married Iife, CharilabIe, Ambilious, Good oralor

Loss of brolhers/ Unhay on accounl of brolhers, Iarn by queslionabIe means, Lazy,
Unhay, Mean, Devoid of gralilude lovards olhers, Iace many obslacIes in Iife, Suffer
ear lroubIes, suffer due lo rheumalism (vala)

Iourlh is lhe house of hainess and shaslras define lhis as sukha slhana. Since aII of us
are in lhe search of hainess in Iife, lhis house shovs vhal molivales aII our aclions.
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eing a kendra, il has slrong bearing on our aclivilies. We aII knov lhal lhe Kendras are
lhe houses of Vishnu and hence shovs our aclions, and lhe Konas are lhe houses of
Lakshmi and shovs lhe resuIls ve gel for lhose aclions.

MaIefics Iaced here makes lhe erson unhay al his nalive Iace/ home and makes him
Ieave home / nalive Iace and go lo foreign Iand lo sellIe dovn. Where as benefics makes
lhe erson en|oy hainess al his home or nalive Iand.

AIong vilh hainess, fourlh house is aIso seen for immovabIe roerlies such as Land,
house elc. and aIso conveyance. IIanels Iaced in dignily and under benefic infIuences
beslov lhe nalive lhese lhings and many more Iuxuries. Whereas any affIiclion lo lhis
house make lhe nalive devoid of hainess from lhese lhings.

This house is aIso seen for Molher's heaIlh. This house musl be under benefic infIuences
for Molher lo be free from any lroubIes. Olhervise, lroubIes can be redicled lo Molher.

This house ruIes lhe hearl. AffIiclion lo lhis house can cause hearl lroubIes. Hovever, one
musl Iook for affIiclion lo lhe Karaka Sun as veII, before ronouncing lhe resuIls.

Irom lhe ArgaIa erseclive, lhis house has dhanargaIa on lhe 3
house, IabhargaIa on
lhe 6
house and sukhargaIoa on lhe Lagna. Hence Ianels in lhis house infIuences lhe
roserily of lhe sibIings (3
), service / enemies (6
) or lhe heaIlh of lhe nalive (Iagna).

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Thc 5un
SociabIe, Sofl hearled, Iond of vocaI / inslrumenlaI music

Lack of Hainess, TroubIed mind/ ReslIess, Devoid of friends or reIalions/ TroubIed by
friends or reIalions, Loss of alernaI roerly, Devoid of veaIlh, Devoid of conveyance,
Live avay from his home, TroubIes lo Molher, Hearl lroubIe

Thc Mnnn
Hay/ Salisfied, Iond of Iuxuries, Iassionale- Iond of vomen's comany, Sacrificing,
Have good friends & reIalives, Allain high slalus and osilion/ hoId Ieadershi osilion
in his communily, Good reulalion/ Iiked and Ioved by eoIe, Have good house,
conveyances, Trade on valers (river or ocean)

TroubIe lo molher and ChiIdhood lroubIes

Favnurab!c (cn|q un!cr |cncjic inj|ucnccs)
Good heaIlh, Ovn conveyances & Ianded roerly, Molher viII be Iong-Iived, Gels Iand
and cIolhes by lhe favour of lhe king/ ruIer.

ReslIess, Adversilies in lhe famiIy, Domeslic dislurbances (ku|a dosa), IarIy dealh of
falher, HeaIlh lroubIes lo molher/ Loss of molher (if highIy affIicled), Devoid of Iand/
home, Live in diIaidaled house, Suffer overly, InimicaI reIalions vilh kilh and kins/
Devoid of friends, Live avay from his nalive Iace, Devoid of Conveyances and Iand

Sofl soken, Aclive doing somelhing aII lhe lime, Ialienl, road eyes, Hainess from
arenls, Learned, Hay, IIallerer, WeaIlhy, Ovn Iands and Conveyances, Ovn good
cIolhes, Wise, In|oy comany of friends, Iond of various arl forms

UnIavnurab!c (nn!y iI aII!ictcd)
Devoid of Iand and conveyances, illerness in reIalions, DeceilfuI/ Acquire veaIlh by
queslionabIe means, Derived of anceslraI roerly

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Hay/ Conlenled, Wise, HighIy inleIIigenl, Good conducl/ CIean hearled, Ovn Iand &
good house, Ovn conveyances, Good heaIlh lo molher, Good friends, Hainess from
chiIdren & vife, WeaIlhy, Indoved vilh Iuxuries, Conquer enemies, Take arl in
reIigious ceremonies, Ambilious, Grace from ruIers/ govl., Reuled in his communily

Nol conlended, Devoid of Iand and conveyances, Suffer Ioss of molher, illerness vilh

Handsome, InleIIigenl, Hay/ Hainess from brolhers, Good nalure/ Iorgiving nalure,
In|oy conveyances, Good heaIlh lo molher/ Looks afler his molher, In|oy Ianded
roerly & house, Iossess good ornamenls, dresses elc, Leader in his communily, Gel
many gifls from foIIovers

Devoid of Iand and conveyance, Dislress lo molher, IIIicil reIalionshi vilh olher vomen,

5aturn in Fnurth hnusc:
Favnurab!c (cn|q ij Saiurn is sircng an! un!cr |cncjic inj|ucnccs)
Hainess from molher, IouIar in his communily, HoId Ieadershi osilions

Lazy, Devoid of alernaI roerlies, ad characler, Gels inlo bad comany, Loss of
molher/ ad heaIlh lo molher/ lroubIes molher, Lack of hainess, TroubIed, SickIy in
chiIdhood, Devoid of maleriaI hainess (from house, conveyance elc.), Domeslic
lroubIes, Loves IsoIalion
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The fiflh house is redominanlIy knovn as Sula hava or lhe house of rogeny. Since
chiIdren refIecls lhe fulure in anyone's Iife, lhis house is aIso caIIed lhe house governing
lhe fulure. If lhis house is under affIiclion, lhen lhere shaII be lroubIes in rocrealion and
aIso lhe fulure of lhe nalive is ruined.

This aIso lhe house of chilla, or lhe inner harmony. AffIiclion lo lhis house cause lhe
erson inherenlIy reslIess and ossess Iesser emolionaI quolienl. Since lhis is lhe house of
rogeny, vhich is lhe refIeclion of lhe nalive himseIf, lhis house is aIso knovn for any
kind of crealive imuIses and very imorlanl for innovalion and geniuses.

Among olher lhings, lhis is lhe house of over and aulhorily and aIso reresenl disciIes
or subordinales, on vhich lhe over is veiIded. IIanels veII Iaced in lhis house confer
over and aulhorily lo lhe nalive, vhiIe if veakIy Iaced, can cause lroubIes reIaled lo
lhese areas.

Iiflh house is aIso lhe house of vorshi and manlra. IIanels Iaced in lhis house refIecl
lhe nalive's affiIialion lovards differenl forms of divinily. If a maIe Ianel is Iaced here,
lhe concelion of divinily for lhe nalive is mascuIine and overfuI, vhereas femaIe
Ianels shovs lhal for lhe nalive, lhe divinily is feminine and roleclive. }uiler confers
lhe concelion of nirguna brahman and make lhe nalive vorshi formIess form of lhe

Irom lhe argaIa erseclive, Ianels in lhe fiflh house shaII have dhanargaIa on lhe 4

house, sukhargaIa on lhe 2
house and IabhargaIa on lhe 7
house. Hence lhe
significalions of lhe 5
house such as chiIdren, knovIedge, aulhorily elc, significanlIy
imacl lhe significalions of lhe 2
, 4
and 7

Devoled lo Shiva, Shar InleIIecl and Wise

TroubIe lo firsl chiId/ ChiIdIess, Devoid of veaIlh, Use inleIIigence in sinfuI deed,
Wanderer, Slomach aiImenl (such as acidily) and Shorl Iived.

Irogeny's veII being, More femaIe offsring, HighIy inleIIigenl, IickIe minded/
ChangeabIe, Worshier of Molher, Timid, Wise, GIorious, TrulhfuI/ Sallvik mind,
Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope
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SkiIIfuI in handIing money/ finances, IhiIanlroic, Merilorious, Ra|ayogi- Nol allached lo
maleriaI surrounding, even if have abundance, CounceIIor / Advisor, Have good friends,
Serve lhe ruIer/ king (govl. servanl)

Suffer overly, Unhay/ vorried, No chiIdren/ Loss of chiIdren/ aborlions, ImmoraI,
Wicked/ Mean/ SinfuI (associalion vilh eighlh Iord)/ UnconlroIIabIe, UnslabIe mind,
Wralh of lhe ruIer/govl., Suffer from culs or vounds, Liar (Iike lo say fouI againsl olhers
in his absence and creale conlroversies), Shrevd, TroubIes from enemies, MenlaI
disorder, Lack of InleIIigence, TroubIes in educalion, ackbiler, Tormenled by hunger,
Suffer hyeracidily, In femaIe horoscoe lhis indicale lerribIe Iabour ain

Have chiIdren (cn|q un!cr |cncjic inj|ucnccs), GovernmenlaI osilions of high slalus,
InleIIigenl and anaIylicaI minded, Courageous

Molher's veII being, Many chiIdren bul gel lhem Iale in Iife, Iossess chiIdren (onIy under
benefic infIuences), HighIy inleIIigenl, Sofl soken, Wise, Learned in Manlra Shaslra and
Hynolism, Minisler/ advisor, Hay, GIorious, WeII educaled, HoId osilion of
aulhorily, SkiIfuI in Trade and secuIalion

Loss of chiIdren/ IncIined lovards adolion, SinfuI

HighIy inleIIigenl, Wise/ Learned, Iossess broad eyes, Good conversalionaIisl/ Good
oralor, Indoved vilh iIIuslrious chiIdren, GIorious, Ieed olhers, Good in oIilics (ra|anili
shaslra)/ Iavour by king/ govl., KnovIedgeabIe in Lav/ Good advisor/ }udge,
Iroserous, ToIeranl, Iond of Iuxuries, Aulhor vilh fruilfuI imaginalion, WeaIlh from

Loss of chiIdren/ DifficuIlies in begelling chiIdren (in Caricorn, Aquarius or Cancer),
Suffer Ioss of veaIlh due lo vralh of ruIer, Loss of memory, Devoid of visdom

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Wise, InleIIigenl, Iducaled, Indoved vilh oelic skiIIs, CIever minisler/ advisor/ |udge,
Long Iived grandmolher, Resecled, Honoured by govl, WeII versed in vorIdIy affairs,
Have chiIdren bul devoid of hainess from lhem, Conveyances, WeaIlhy, Hardvorking,
SuccessfuI in secuIalion

Lacks courage/ Coverdice

irlh of chiIdren (more daughlers), Affairs vilh many vomen, IhiIosoher, Indoved
vilh lhe skiII of use machines

ChiIdIess/ Adol a daughler (under benefic infIuences), Weak conslilulion, IxlremeIy
oor, Ingaged in inferior lrades, IviI minded/ HearlIess, Devoid of inleIIigence, Devoid
of Iearning/ TroubIes in educalion, Devoid veaIlh and hainess, Wanders aimIessIy,
UnslabIe mind, Suffer gaslrilis

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Sixlh house is commonIy caIIed lhe Ari bhava or lhe bhava of enemies and il is aIso an
Uachaya. eing an uachaya, lhe Ianels Iaced in lhis house romoles lhe
significalions of lhe Lagna bhava and heI in ils grovlh. Il is usuaIIy said lhe lhe besl
Iace for lhe MaIefics are lhe uachayas. Hovever, lheir Iacemenl in lhe sixlh house is
lricky since, lhis osilion on one hand gives vaIour and lhe over lo conquer enemies, on
lhe olher, il gives lroubIe from lhe enemies. Hovever if lhe Iagna Iord is slronger lhan lhe
sixlh Iord, lhen lhe nalive vins over lhe enemies and olhervise if lhe sixlh Iord is
slronger. The kind of enemies can be seen from lhe naluraI significalions of lhe Ianel
vho is Iaced in lhe sixlh house. Ior examIe, if Sun is Iaced in lhe sixlh lhere shaII be
enemily vilh infIuenciaI ersons and ersons from lhe govl. This mighl aIso shov lhe
redominanl characlerislic on lhe enemies. The benefics Iaced in lhis house makes lhe
erson free from enemies and if lhere is enemily, lhe nalive conquers his enemies vilhoul
much efforl.

This is aIso lhe house of diseases. The diseases caused in lhis bhava is more alhogenic
lhan hysioIogicaI. If a Ianel is veakIy Iaced in lhis bhava lhen lhe nalive suffers
diseases in lhe hysioIogicaI syslem ruIed by lhe Ianel. The hysioIogicaI syslem ruIed
by differenl Ianels are as foIIovs:

Sun - SkeIelaI sylem
Moon - CircuIalory syslem
Mars - MuscuIar syslem
Mercury - Nervous syslem incIuding skins
}uiler - Digeslive syslem
Venus - Reroduclive syslem
Salurn - Ixcrelory syslem

AIong vilh lhe syslems governed by differenl Ianels, lhey aIso govern olher body arls,
vhich needs lo be sludied lo undersland differenl diseases a erson vouId be suffering
vilh. Underslanding diseases are an essenliaI arl of medicaI aslroIogy and shaII be
laken u in anolher arlicIe.

Sixlh house is aIso lhe house of malernaI uncIes and in vhoIe il reresenls lhe molher's
famiIy. If maIefics are Iaced here as veII as affIicled, lhen lhe nalive's malernaI uncIes
mighl suffer.

If a benefic is Iaced in lhe sixlh, ils naluraI significance suffers vilh lhe exense of lhe
house ilseIf (lhe house gains vilh lhe Iacemenl of a benefic). Thus is Moon is Iaced in
lhe sixlh lhe erson suffers vilh Iack of menlaI feIicily and invoIved in many unIavfuI
Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope
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aclivilies if affIicled loo. SimiIarIy if Venus is so Iace, lhe significalions such as
reIalionshi, marilaI harmony elc., suffer heaviIy and if }uiler is so Iaced, lhe erson
suffers due lo excessive ealing (lhey vouId Iike lo eal, bul many lhings vouId be
rohibiled by lhe doclor). If Mercury is so Iaced, lhen lhe erson gels inlo lroubIe due lo
communicalion and he is lroubIed by his kilhs & kins.

Venus is Iaced in Marana Karaka Avaslha (MKA) in lhis house and lhe naluraI as veII
as funclionaI significalions of Venus significanlIy suffer vhiIe il is Iaced here.

IIanels in sixlh have argaIa on lhe 5
, 8
and lhe 3
house. Hence Ianels in lhis hov
singnificanlIy affecl lhe indicalions of lhe menlioned houses.

IoverfuI (bul can be overovered by his enemies), SuccessfuI in endeavours, GIorious,
Iamous, WeaIlhy, Iassionale

iIIious lemeramenl, Suffering lo MalernaI uncIe, Hearl or eye diseases, one reIaled
diseases, Acidic TroubIes

Conquer enemies (onIy if slrong)

Ioor, SickIy / veak conslilulion, Slomach aiImenls, Sluidily, Suffer in enemy hands,
Lov sexuaI vigour, Lov Iife force- Lazy and Lelhargic, Lover Iongevily, CrueI, Angry,
SinfuI deeds, vorking againsl lhe Iavs (govl.), SickIy in chiIdhood.

Iamous, SuccessfuI in his underlakings, VaIorous, Defeal his enemies, Iessed vilh
chiIdren, WeaIlhy, GIorious Iike a king, HighIy assionale, Handsome, Sloul bodied and
Leader in his communily

Rheumalism, Lerosy (associalion vilh Mercury), Suffer hyeracidily, TroubIes lo
malernaI uncIe and Sendlhrifl, TroubIes in Liligalions.

Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope
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Resecled/ favour by lhe ruIer/ govl., Aulhor, Iree from enemies, Viclorious in lhe
ballIefieId, Iree from diseases, Iarn veaIlh vilh his ovn efforls.

Lerosy (associalion vilh Mars and 6
Iord), Rheumalism & shooling ains (affIiclion by
Salurn or Nodes), TroubIed by enemies/ Inemies in his communily, Lazy, Harsh seech,
eIIigerenl, Argumenlalive and gels angry oflen in argumenls, ObslacIes in achieving
success in educalionaI ursuils, Shovy, Iroud, Iond of crealing conlroversies, ReslIess

Conquer enemies/ Iree from enemies, Irogression of Iineage, Iree from diseases, CIever,
Inleresl in Manlra recilalion (house of seech, 2
, from lhe house of manlra, 5
), Iamous,
Reulalion lhrough souse

Marks of vound on lhe body, Rheumalism, Suffering from cough and coId, Acidily,
Sickness lo molher, Lazy, TroubIed by enemies, IaIIing sick due lo excessive ealing.

Devoid of enemies

Dangerous and scheming enemies (affIiclion), Suffer overly, Unhay, ReIalionshi
vilh many vomen/ DisIiked by vomen, InimicaI lovard vife, Dislressed, Mean,
UnsuccessfuI in efforls, Derived of hainess from falher or guru, DuII, TroubIe in
begelling chiIdren

IoverfuI, Vanquish his enemies and diseases (hovever, lroubIed by lhem), TraveI far
and vide (associalion of Mars)

eIIigerenl, IinanciaI dislress, LillIe Iearning, TroubIes lo Iegs/ Suffer rheumalic ains,
Suffer Ioss of Iongevily (if Salurn is eighlh Iord), Ial a Iol, WeaIlhy, Iroud, Iassionale,
Courageous, IviI minded, Suffer earIy Ioss of malernaI uncIe
Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope
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The sevenlh house is rimariIy seen for reIalionshis and marilaI asecls of a nalive and
secondariIy for business and lrade. Iresence of maIefics or affIiclion olhervise lo lhis
house cause marilaI disharmony, lroubIe lo souse's heaIlh.

Since lhis house is oosilion lo lhe Lagna, Ianels Iaced here significanlIy affecl lhe
Lagna by asecl. If lhe Ianels Iaced here is friend lo lhe Lagna Iord, lhen lhe Lagna
(seIf) gains from lhe significalions of lhe 7
house, hovever, if inimicaI lo lhe Lagna Iord,
lhen lhe nalive suffer due lo lhe significalions of lhe Ianels Iaced in lhe sevenlh.

Since any reIalionshis is an emolionaI bond, redominanl vilh valer eIemenls, any fiery
Ianel's (Sun, Mars) Iacemenl in lhis house can cause lroubIe in lhe marilaI Iife and lhe
reIalionshi bond of lhe nalive as fire is inimicaI lo lhe valer eIemenl. IIacemenl of
valery Ianels such as Moon and Venus makes lhe nalive highIy emolionaI regarding
reIalionshi vilh lhe oosile sex and lhey lend lo be more assionale and Iike lo have
comany vilh many arlners. If lhese Ianels are affIicled, lhen lhis mighl cause

Mars and Mercury gels inlo Marana karaka avaslha since, Mars is a bacheIor and hence
abhors marriage or any reIalionshi vilh lhe oosile sex. Ior Mercury, he is sliII an
undeveIoed sexuaIIy and lhus in lhe house of reIalionshi, Mercury feeIs exlremeIy
uncomforlabIe. Hovever, nol bolh give simiIar resuIls vhiIe Iaced in lhe 7
house. Mars
is more deadIy as il cause lhe Ku|a Dosa and makes marriage a difficuIl alh lo lread.
Hovever, lhough Mercury is nol as bad as Mars, il makes lhe nalive suffer from
imolency and nol abIe lo coe u sexuaIIy vilh lhe arlner. In addilion, Mars and
Mercury's funclionaI and naluraI significalion suffer significanlIy vhiIe lhey are Iaced in
lhe 7

Willy, SuccessfuI in lrade and business

Lale Marriage, MarilaI disharmony, Iassionale, ImmoraI, TroubIe lo vife/ Many vives,
aId, No resecl for oosile sex, Wanderer, Meal ealer, Urninary lroubIes, Suffer due lo
Iiligalion, Wralh of governmenl, Loss in business.

Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope
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Good Iooking, WeII behaved/ good manners, Sofl soken, Iassionale- Iond of vomen's
comany, Grace of ruIer/ govl., Hainess from vife/ MarilaI harmony, Gains from
foreign lrade & business

Ioverly, IIInesses, Iye defecls, Suffer fear of valer, Invious of olhers, veak conslilulion
(suffer many diseases due lo lhis), Greedy

III heaIlh, Loss of souse/ III heaIlh lo souse (due lo ku|a dosa), ObslacIes in gelling
married, Move avay from home, SexuaI inlimacy vilh vomen of Ioose characler, SexuaI
erversions (associalion vilh Mercury/ Salurn), Iond of Iiquor, SexuaI inlercourse vilh
vomen in Menses (associalion vilh Kelu), Wilhoul olency, IuII of vanily, HumiIialion
al lhe hand of oosile sex, ImmoraI, Unhay, TroubIed, Suffer overly and lroubIed by
enemies & diseases.

Handsome, WeaIlhy, In|oy hainess from molher, Iossess conveyances, ReIigiousIy
incIined, road-minded, Married lo a good nalured, veaIlhy, inleIIigenl vife (more
aIicabIe in Navamsa), Iossess knovIedge of Iav and ruIes of ovn counlry, Wise, WeII
dressed, GIorious, Married lo a veaIlhy vife, Resecled, Less viriIe

Ial non-vegelarian food, Loss of husband (in femaIe horoscoe), Suffer from Lerosy.

HighIy educaled, Worried, IinanciaI gains, Chasle, Iearned and devoled vife, Allached
lo his vife, Gain veaIlh from vife, IxceI his falher in quaIilies/ More generous lhan his
falher, Iessed vilh chiIdren, Oralor, Ioelic, Head of viIIage, Learned in shaslras/
Iamous for his Iearning, HighIy inleIIigenl, IoverfuI, Handsome

UnfavourabIe (cn|q cn ajj|iciicn)
IIIicil reIalionshi vilh olher vomen

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Handsome/ have a charismalic ersonaIily, Iassionale, Surrounded by vomen, WeaIlhy,
Surrounded by Iuxuries, WeaIlh from in-Iavs, InfIuenliaI due lo vife, Ixerl in various
arl forms, Hay married Iife, Iond of romoling conlroversies and quarreIs, Iossess
conveyances, Ifficienl in vork,

Hyer sexed, Have exlra marilaI affairs, eIieve in maleriaI en|oymenl, Loss of vife/
Remarriage, Devoid of chiIdren

Good friends, SlabIe veaIlh, SlabIe minded vife, SlabIe marilaI Iife, Gain from lhe lrade
of Iron and MelaI

DeIays in Marriage, The souse vouId be significanlIy oIder lhan lhe execled age / Lean
bodied vife (more aIicabIe in Navamsa), AffIiclion lo body, InvoIve in roslilulion,
SorrovfuI, SexuaI inlimacy oulside marriage/ Inlimalion vilh vomen of queslionabIe
characler/ Inlimalion vilh many vomen (ovn sign exaIlalion)/ HomosexuaIily (associale
vilh Mars)/ Un-naluraI sex (associale vilh Venus)/ Suffer humiIialion in lhe hands of
vomen, Ioor, Unhay, Wander aimIessIy, SickIy, Suffer Ioss of vife, Ioor, UgIy, SinfuI,
Loose moraIs, Sickness lo bolh lhe nalive and lhe souse
Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope
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Iighlh house shovs lhe sum lolaI of aII our asl karma, for vhich ve have laken birlh in
lhis vorId. The birlh in lhis vorId is due lo aII lhe sins and mislakes ve have done in lhe
asl Iife/ Iives and hence lhis house signify lhe veaknesses vhich make us bind lo lhis
iIIusory vorId. Once aII lhe karmas are redeemed, lhere is no need of slaying any Ionger
in lhis vorId and hence, lhis house aIso becomes lhe houses of Iongevily.

AImosl aII shaslras say lhal lhere shouId nol be any maIefics in lhe eighlh house,
olhervise lhe Iongevily of lhe nalive is severeIy curlaiIed. Hovever, maIefic such Iaced
is eilher exaIled or ovn house, lhen lhe Iongevily is nol much affecled. AIong vilh lhe
Iongevily of lhe nalive, lhis house aIso ruIe lhe Iongevily of reIalionshis or marilaI lies.
MaIefics Iaced here can affecl lhe marilaI harmony and Iongevily of lhe marriage.
Among maIefics, Mars's Iacemenl is lhe vorsl Iacemenl and il goes by lhe name of
Ku|a dosa. This cause exlreme lroubIes in marriage and lhe souse mighl suffer dealh (if
Mars is badIy Iaced) or bad heaIlh.

IIanels in lhe eighlh house generaIIy exress lheir negalive quaIilies. Though shaslras
cIassify Ianels as benefics and maIefics, aII Ianels are caabIe of giving good or bad
resuIls based on vhelher lheir negalive or osilive quaIilies are exressed. The osilive
quaIilies are disIayed vhen a Ianel is veII Iaced in exaIlalion or muIalrikona or ovn
house or friends house and lhe negalive quaIilies are disIayed vhen a Ianel is
debiIilaled or in enemies house. This musl be kel in mind vhiIe anaIysing a bhava and il
is secificaIIy aIicabIe lo eighl house as lhis house is lhe house of our veaknesses. Iven
if a maIefic is Iaced here, il musl be very slrong, for favourabIe resuIls, olhervise, lhe
resuIls can be exlremeIy lroubIesome.

Irom lhe argaIa erseclive, lhe Ianels in lhe eighlh house shaII have dhanargaIa on lhe
house, sukhargaIa on lhe fiflh house and IabhargaIa on lhe ninlh house. Thus lhe
significalions of houses 5
, 7
and 9
are significanlIy infIuenced by lhe Ianels in lhe
eighlh house.

The Iacemenl of Moon in lhe eighlh is condemned by mosl cIassics. This osilion of
Moon goes by lhe name of chandraslama. Ior such osilions of Moon, lhe nalive suffers
vilh regards lo lhe funclionaI and naluraI significalions of Moon. As moon govern lhe
hysicaI body and mind and ils resislance lo diseases elc., such osilion of Moon can
cause chronic iIInesses and aIso menlaI lroubIes such as deression elc.

Among aII lhe Ianels lhe Iacemenl of Mercury in lhe eighlh house is accorded high
regards by aII shaslras. Mercury is lrealed as grandson by lhe karaka of lhe eighlh house,
Salurn and Mercury rareIy give bad resuIls if Iaced in eighlh house, unIess heaviIy
Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope
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affIicled. Such osilion of Mercury gives good heaIlh, Iong Iife, knovIedge of occuIl,
virluous and gain veaIlh vilh his ovn efforl.

Iamous, Sudden gains (from Iolleries or secuIalion or inherilence), Commilled lo his

Angry, Defeclive eye sighl, Weak conslilulion/ HeaIlh lroubIes, Head In|ury, Loss of
WeaIlh, Searalion from kilh & kins, Iev chiIdren, Devoid of hainess, Disease of
Anus, Suffer from Headache & Iever

Long Iife (onIy under benefic infIuences)

IickIe minded/ ReslIess/ suffer sychoIogicaI lroubIes, Weak conslilulion and easiIy
affecled by dieases, Iace adversilies, Iear from enemies and Danger from valery Iaces,
Shorl Iife (more so if moon is affIicled and lhe eighlh Iord is aIso veak and affIicled)

IavourabIe (cn|q un!cr |cncjic inj|ucnccs)
Hay married Iife, Good heaIlh and Long-Iife

Iye diseases / Defeclive eye sighl (S, }), Shorl Iife (unIess lhe eighlh Iord is slrong),
AffIicled body/ Suffer due lo bIood reIaled diseases, CrilicaI lo olhers, SickIy, Infamous,
Suffer overly, UgIy, SexuaI erversions, SorrovfuI, IarIy dealh of falher, Urinary
diseases, Consumlion (T..), Iev chiIdren, Suffer rheumalism and shooling ains,
UnsuccessfuI in his efforls, No suorl from olhers, Adversilies in Iife, Devoid of marilaI
hainess (lhis one of lhe condilions of Ku|a dosa)

Long Iived, Ovner of a Iarge area of Iand, Many chiIdren, Resecl and honour in many
vays and viII gel vide sread fame and reulalion, WideIy knovn for his quaIilies,
Aulhorily lo avard unishmenl (|udge, magislrale elc), Wide sread reulalion,
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Suorler of his famiIy, Virluous, Iamous, GIorious, IoverfuI, Acquire veaIlh by favour
of lhe king or by doing business, In|oy lhe comany of vomen

IavourabIe (cn|q ij nign|q jcriijic!)
Long Iived, Iree from diseases, SainlIy erson, Learned, WeII versed in Vedas & shaslras

WiII nol Iive in alernaI house, Loose moraIs, Shorl Iived, SinfuI, IIIicil reIalionshis,
Suffer overly & earn his IiveIihood by serving olhers

Hay, Long Iife (Venus ruIes over Mrlyun|aya manlra), veaIlhy, Iong-Iived, ovner of
Iands, SaravaIi says lhal such nalives viII be endoved vilh aII kinds of comforls, very
veaIlhy, Iike a king and hay, vhich is aIso suorled by Chamalkar chinlamani,
vhich adds en|oymenl of conveyances lo lhe Iisl.

TroubIe lo molher, Shorl Iife (more so if affIicled), SickIy, Have a devoled vife bul he viII
be disconlenled, ase, Harsh seech, Tormenled by debl

Long Iife (aIso deendenl on lhe slrenglh of lhe 8

Inlimacy vilh Iov casle vomen, Iarn by serving olhers, Defeclive eye sighl, Limiled
number of issues, UncIean, Suffer from iIes and olher diseases of anus, Suffer overly,
CrueI minded, Devoid of good food, UnsuccessfuI in venlures, Loss of veaIlh, Devoid of
comany of friends, SickIy, IviI minded
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IrimariIy ninlh house knovn as lhe Dharma bhava or lhe house of righleousness. This
house is very imorlanl for righleous aclions of a nalive. If benefics are Iaced in lhis
house, lhen lhe erson is righleous, virluous, engaged in charilabIe aclivilies and
forlunale. MaIefics, excIuding Sun in lhe ninlh house can make lhe nalive irreIigious and
invoIved in sinfuI aclivilies. Salurn in lhe ninlh can cause of faII of dharma and such
nalives are usuaIIy allracled by differenl dharmas comared lo lheir ovn.

Il is aIso lhe house of falher and hence resence of any maIefics can harm lhe heaIlh of
lhe falher, more so if lhe maIefic is veakIy Iaced and affIicled. Hovever, for roer
anaIysis lo lhe falher's heaIlh lhe slrenglh of lhe ninlh Iord and lhe karaka is aIso seen.

This is aIso lhe secondary house of vorshi being lhe fiflh from lhe fiflh house and lhe
Ianels Iaced here shaII aIso make give incIinalion lovards vorshi of differenl deilies
signified by lhe Ianels.

Irom lhe argaIa erseclive, Ianels in lhe ninlh house has dhanargaIa on lhe eighlh
house, SukhargaIa on lhe sixlh house and lhe IabhargaIa on lhe eIevenlh house. Hence
lhe significalions of lhese lhree houses sixlh, eighlh and eIevenlh are significanlIy
affecled by lhe Ianels in lhe ninlh house.

ReIigeous, IhiIanlroic, Resecled for his virluous deeds, Resecl rahmins & schoIars,
WeaIlhy, Indoved vilh chiIdren, Indoved vilh aII hainess and Iorlunale.

Iroud, Slray from lhe alh of righleousness, TroubIe lo falher, InimicaI lovard molher &

HighIy Iearned, CharilabIe, Conslrucls callIe sheds, onds for ubIic uliIilies, Iroserous
chiIdren, Long Iife lo falher, WeaIlhy, Indoved vilh friends & ReIalions, Ingaged in
merilorious deeds, ReIigious, Devoled lo eIders and arenls, InleIIigenl, Hay,
Iassionale- Allracl members of oosile sex, Iorlunale from his young age, Courageous
and Resecled by Iearned.

Weak conslilulion, SickIy
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King's favourile, WeaIlhy, Iorlunale, GIorious, IhiIanlhroic/ generous, Worshier of
Ganesh / Hanuman

IarIy Ioss of falher, Unforlunale (no roserily), IIIicil reIalionshi vilh lhe vife of his
recelor, Cause sorrov and ain lo olhers, Mean, VioIenl, IrreIigious, Commil sinfuI
aclions, CrueI, UnsuccessfuI in his efforls, Devoid of hainess from brolhers, Haled by

Inleresled in siriluaI disciIines, ReIigious minded, CharilabIe/ hiIanlhroic, Indoved
vilh many chiIdren, InleIIigenl, Wise, IxlremeIy Iearned, Virluous, humbIe & amicabIe,
Learned in Vedas and Shaslras, Iond of music, Ialienl, IuII of gIory, Iorlunale, Long-
Iived falher, WeII cuIlured, Inleresled in medilalion, Indoved vilh veaIlh and
hainess, Of good conducl, Oralor, Iroficienl in his vork, Ierform reIigious riles, ring
reulalion lo his famiIy, Deslroy lhose vho induIge in sinfuI deeds, Worshier of
Vishnu. If associaled vilh }uiler engaged in lhe reIigious sludies and if associaled vilh
Venus, engaged in various arl forms.

ReIigious & CharilabIe, Inleresled in medilalion, Iious, WeaIlhy, Long Iived falher,
Righleous, Resecled, HonourabIe, Irolecl olhers, Devoul, IhiIosohicaI, Iessed vilh
chiIdren, Minisler/ Advisor/ }udge, KnovIedgeabIe in shaslras, Worshi famiIy gods,
Learned, Handsome, Indoved vilh Ieadershi quaIilies, Ovn aIaliaI mansion, Devolee
of rahmins, Loved by near and dear, Indoved vilh many chiIdren, Iamous, TrulhfuI,
Like |uslice, TraveI lo foreign Iand, Conservalive/ lradilionaI, Slricl on lhe rinciIes,

Slrong body, ReIigious minded, IncIined lovards medilalion, Ierform reIigious riles,
In|oy aII comforls, Iessed by chiIdren, Long Iived falher, HighIy roserous, Devoul,
IhiIosohicaI, Grace of king/ govl, Hainess from brolhers, vife, chiIdren and friends,
WeaIlhy, Generous, Devoled lo service of gods, guru and guesls, IncIined lovards money
Iending business, Live a comforlabIe & hay Iife, Iorlunale
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Worries reIaled lo souse, Urinary lroubIes

IavourabIe (On|q un!cr |cncjic inj|ucnccs)
eIief in yoga shaslras and renuncialion, Delached, ReIigious, Iailh in lradilion/
TradilionaI, InvoIve in reair of reIigious inslilulion, uiId callIe sheds, ghals elc.,

SinfuI, Unforlunale, Ioor, ChiIdIess, Loss of falher (veak & affIicled Salurn, veak and/or
affIicled ninlh Iord), IrreIigious, IviI minded, Meagre veaIlh, Unhay, Cause lroubIes lo
brolhers and olhers, CrueI minded

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Tenlh house is lhe Karma bhava or lhe house of aclion. This hoIds lhe key lo lhe slalus,
osilions, reulalion, fame and everylhing lhal ve gel as resuIl of our aclion in lhis
vorId. Since aII Ianels govern one or olher area of aclion, aII of lhem give good resuIls in
lhis house, unIess affIicled.

This is lhe lhird uachayas afler lhe lhird and lhe sixlh house and hence lhe Ianels in
lhis house indicale grovlh of lhe Lagna or lhe seIf. Hovever, lhe grovlh is given by lhe
Ianels in lheir ovn vay based on lhe naluraI characlerislics of lhe Ianels.

IIanels in lenlh house have dhanargaIa on lhe ninlh house, sukhargaIa on lhe sevenlh
house and IabhargaIa on lhe lveIflh house. Thus lhe significalions of lhese lhree houses
Sevenlh, Ninlh and lhe lveIflh are significanlIy infIuenced by lhe Ianels Iaced in lhe
lenlh house.

Hay, IoverfuI, Iessed vilh chiIdren, Conveyance, esloved vilh aII comforls,
Success in rofession and aII endeavours, NobIe, Allain high osilion and slalus, Iamous
al far and vide, Grace of lhe king, SuccessfuI in oIilicaI ob|eclives (more aIicabIe in

MenlaIIy vorried, TroubIe lo molher

High academic allainmenls, riIIianl, Iious, Iamous, Kind hearled, Virluous, SuccessfuI
in aII endeavors, VaIorous, CharilabIe, WeaIlhy, SuccessfuI in his efforls, Gain veaIlh due
lo grace of lhe ruIer

IIIicil reIalionshi vilh a vidov, ObslacIes, InduIge in sinfuI deeds, Loss of reulalion

Slrong body, Admired by eoIe, Resecled, Iamous, rolhers viII be Iong-Iived (If lhe
Iord of lhe lenlh is slrong lhe), Iorlunale, Iroserous, Inleresl in medilalion, Devoled lo
his recelor, SuccessfuI in his underlaking, IinanciaIIy WeII-off, King or Heir aarenl
(associalion vilh 9
/ 10
Iord), Good conveyances (associalion vilh }uiler), Associalion
Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope
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vilh ruIer cIass, Iosses Iand, Hay, IoverfuI, CharilabIe, VaIorous (Iike a Iion),
UnconquerabIe, Ifficienl in his vork, Rise high in Iife (even from a humbIe origin),
Iessed vilh chiIdren, GIorious, riIIianl inleIIecl.

Obslruclions in lhe rofessionaI career and olher aclivilies, MenlaIily of a lhief; InduIge
in sinfuI deeds, CrueI.

Ingaged in virluous deeds/ ausicious ceremonies, Ialienl, Wide sread reulalion,
InleIIigenl, Greal lhinker/ vise/ knovIedgeabIe, Ingaged in merilorious deeds, Ierform
reIigious riles, Honoured by lhe slale, Acquire veaIlhy lhrough many sources, Iessed
vilh chiIdren, WeaIlhy and kind-hearled, SuccessfuI in his efforls, Loved by eoIe,
Inheril alernaI roerly, If highIy forlified, lhen lhe nalive vouId be good oralor, veII
versed in lrade and commerce and allain high osilion.

UnfavourabIe (onIy if affIicled)
Iye lroubIes, Sluid, InduIge in sinfuI deeds, ad conducl

Ierform righleous deeds, SiriluaIIy incIined, AbIe, Widesread reulalion, Resecled by
masses, Sludy Srimal haagaval Gila, WeaIlhy, Grace of ruIer/ Govl., Good conducl,
SuccessfuI in aII efforls, Comforls of conveyances, Headshi/ HoId adminislralive
osilion, Hainess from chiIdren, falher, Loves disciIine and order, Wise, CharilabIe,

IviI deeds (10
Iord affIicled), IinanciaI dislress, Unhainess vilh regards lo chiIdren
(Iaced in 6
from lhe karaka hava)

GIorious, WeaIlhy, InleIIigenl, Virluous, Hainess from friends, Resecled, Allain high
slalus and osilion, Iamous, Ingaged in reIigious vork, Inleresled in vorks reIaled lo
cosmelics or beauly roducls or buiIding homes, gain in lhe comany of vomen

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DifficuIlies and obslacIes in underlaking

SuccessfuI in underlaking (benefic infIuences), Hay, IoverfuI, King/ head of a viIIage,
Minisler/ }udge, WeaIlhy, Iamous, Courageous, Inleresled in AgricuIlure

ObslacIes in career, MiserIy, iIious conslilulion, AffIicled- induIge in sinfuI deeds,
TroubIes lo falher
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IIevenlh house is redominanlIy knovn as lhe Labha bhava. Though many |yolishas
have lransIaled Labha as income, il cannol be Iimiled lo income onIy and il broadIy
shovs lhe gain of ob|eclives and gain of desires. The lhird house is lhe house of desired
and lhe eIevenlh house (counling lhird in reverse direclion) shovs lhe fuIfiImenl of lhose

Income from agricuIlure oeralions, WeaIlhy, Allain high slalus, IoverfuI, Commilled lo
his vords, SuccessfuI in venlures, Visionary, Long Iife, Income from governmenl.

HighIy Iearned, HeIfuI nalure, Iessed vilh chiIdren, Virluous, WeaIlhy vilhoul much
efforl, Iamous, Greal lhinker, Long Iife, Good friends and allendanls, GIorious,
VaIourous, HonourabIe, IavourabIe for daughlers

UnsuccessfuI in his efforls

Iroserily, InvoIved in manifoId aclivilies, King (associalion vilh 11
Iord), Iroserily of
eIder sibIings, WeaIlhy, Hay, VaIorous, Virluous, Iessed vilh chiIdren, TroubIe lo
enemies, earn veaIlh by seIIing covs, horses, eIehanls and chariols, Miser

TroubIe lo ChiIdren, Deslruclion of veaIlh

Iong-Iived, lrue lo his vords, IinanciaI gains, Hay, Iossess obedienl servanls, Learned,
Iond of Iuxury, Iamous

Suffer Ioss of veaIlh on accounl of sinfuI deeds

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Learned, WeaIlhy, Widesread reulalion, Good Iuck/ Iorlunale, Inormous gains
Iroserous, IearIess, Long Iived, Iev chiIdren, Many conveyances, Inormous financiaI
gains (more vhen associale vilh Moon), Indoved vilh servanls, NobIe, Nol much
educalion (eighlh from fourlh house), CharilabIe, Iossess arlicIes of goId & siIver

Handsome, Learned, IxlremeIy veaIlhy & high financiaI gains, Ovner of Ianded
roerly, Kind hearled, In|oy conveyances, Iarning lhrough righlfuI means, Iroserily,
Iassionale- fond of comany of vomen, In|oy aII comforls of Iife, WeII-behaved, Iamous,
Lover of lrulh, Virluous, Iorlunale

Gain of veaIlh lhough queslionabIe means, Wilh 6
Iord and veak- no financiaI

Very veaIlhy (hovever face obslacIes in earning lhem), Ovn Ianded roerly, Grace of
ruIer / govl., Maha-bhagya yoga/ exlremeIy forlunale (ovn house/ exaIlalion), Comforls
of aII kinds, WeaIlhy, Courageous, HeaIlhy, Long-Iived
Analysis of Bhava in a Horoscope
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Suffer degradalion, InimicaI lovards falher, Iye lroubIes, Devoid of veaIlh, ChiIdIess,
IoverIess, Mean, Loss of veaIlh due lo vralh of ruIers, Ixendilure on sinfuI deeds,
Wanderer, Live avay from homeIand and Lerosy (Con|unclion vilh 6

Learned, kind-hearled, viII have good friends, Money viII be senl on good causes,
Generous and charilabIe.

UnfavourabIe (cn|q ij ucak an! ajj|icic!)
WickedIy, defecl in some Iimb, Derived of good food, WaslefuI exendilure, Lazy and
Lelhargic, Nol Iiked by olhers, Mean (narrov minded), }eaIous, HumiIialed, Suffer from
eye lroubIes, TroubIed by enemies, Angry, Iarn money by queslionabIe means, Suffer
venereaI diseases, WiII have no grains, Dissalisfied vilh his uncIes and molher, His
efforls viII rove aborlive

Suffer overly, Suffer rheumalic and biIious diseases, IaIse vanily, Suffer degradalion,
ackbiler, CrueI, Loss of vife, Mean, Suffer from eye lroubIes, SinfuI, Imrisonmenl,
IrreIigious, Liar, Iear from lhieves.

Incur exendilure on reIigious charilies, True lo his vords, Inlerlain rahmins, Creale
fear in enemies

Iond of dislurbing olhers, UnslabIe mind, illerness lovards lhe ruIer/ govl., Suffer
degradalion, Suffer overly, Lazy, Devoid of educalion, Suffer humiIialion, Oralor,
CrueI, Meagre educalion

Inleresled in sludies (ninlh from fourlh house), Iroficienl in malhemalics, Send money
on reIigious causes

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Suffer overly, Iev chiIdren (eighlh from fiflh), Loose characler (sixlh from sevenlh
house), SexuaI conlacls vilh regnanl vomen and rahmins, III mannered (Ioss of
significalions of }uiler), DisIiked by olhers, VuIgar in seech, InduIge in sinfuI deeds,
Lazy, Serve olhers, Unforlunale, InimicaI lo olhers, Lack of reulalion in sile of
sending on good causes, Suffer Ioss of veaIlh, Sluidily

IarIy Ioss of falher, IIIicil reIalionshi vilh guru's vife

IIum body, WeaIlhy, Comforls of bed (sexuaI Ieasures), Hay, CIever in sexuaI

SexuaI induIgences vilh many vomen, Dominaled by vomen, Suffer overly, Lazy,
Mean, Deslruclion of fame, InimicaI lovards friends and olhers

Hay in foreign lraveIs/ foreign Iands, Deslroy enemies (as Lagna Iord) and Good eye

SinfuI, AffIiclion lo body arls, Defeclive eye sighl (affIiclion), Go lo heII afler dealh,
WaslefuI exendilure, Suffer degradalion, ShameIess, Ioor, ChiIdIess, Sluid, Deformed
body arls, SinfuI, Gossier, Hard hearled, Mischievous, HumiIialed by olhers, SmaII

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