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Ring Spinning Machine

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Yarn manufacturing-II with lab

Ring spinning Machine

The ring spinning machine was first invented in 1828 by the American Thorp. In 1830, another American scientist, Jenk, contributed the traveler rotating on the ring. There have been many development has done in ring spinning machine for the last years but the basic concept remained unchanged.

Some other modern spinning systems:

a) b) c) d) Open end rotor spinning system Air Jet spinning system Friction spinning system Wrap spinning system

Advantage of Ring spinning system:

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Any type of material (fibre) can be spun Wide range of count can be processed It delivers a yarn with optimum characteristics. Idealized twisting system It is uncomplicated and easy to operate Higher yarn strength can be achieved

i) ii) Low production Machine generates more heat

Limitations: In ring spinning machine twisting and winding are done simultaneously.
Thats why the power consumption is higher.

Major manufacturer of ring frame:

a) b) c) d) e) Lakshmi Machinery Works Limited, India Toyoda Textile Machinery , Japan Rieter Machine Works Limited, Switzerland Suessen Gmbh, Germany China Textile Machinery Group co. Limited, china

Operations involved in ring frame:

i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Creeling Drafting Twisting Winding Building Doffing

Prepared by: Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer, Dept. of TE, DIU

Yarn manufacturing-II with lab

Function of ring frame:

a) Draft the roving until the required fineness is achieved b) Twist the drafted strand to form yarn of required count and strength c) Winding the twisted yarn on to the bobbin for suitable storage, transportation and further processing.

Drafting system:
A) Regular drafting without apron- i) Conventional 3 over 3 drafting system ii) Improved drafting system B) Apron drafting i) Single Apron- a. Saco Lowel Drafting b. Improved system ii) Double apron- a. Casablancas drafting system b. SKF drafting system

Some important models of SKF drafting system:

SKF PK-211 SKF PK-220 SKF PK-225 SKF PK-235 SKF PK-255 SKF PK-265 SKF PK-2025

Types of drafting system: There are commonly two types of drafting system are used
in ring frame: 1) Spring loaded drafting system or Pendulum arm. example: SKF PK 2025 or Texparts 2035 2) Pneumatic drafting system: SKF PK 3025

Difference between pneumatic and pendulum arm drafting system:

Pneumatic drafting system 1. Loaded by pneumatic pressure i.e. compressed air 2. Uniform pressure is applied to all drafting rollers 3. Consistent yarn quality is achieved 4. Modern drafting system Pendulum arm 1. Loaded by spring 2. Applied pressure in all drafting zones is not uniform 3. Consistent yarn quality is not achieved 4. conventional system

Prepared by: Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer, Dept. of TE, DIU

Yarn manufacturing-II with lab

Various components of Ring Frame

Thread guide:
It is a yarn guide made by bending a wire named snail wire. Snail wire may be different in types like p-shaped wire Functions: a) Its main function is to guide the yarn thus maintain the security of the yarn. b) It prevents yarn collision with adjacent yarns. c) It surface should be smooth to prevent rubbing of yarn. Rubbing creates yarn hairiness. Spindle: The spindle is the main part of a ring frame which helps in twisting, winding simultaneously. Sometimes, spindle referred as heart of spinning. It hold the bobbin, somewhat loosely but tight enough to prevent slippage.

Functions of spindle: a) Twisting and winding is performed by spindle. b) It holds the bobbin. c) The capacity of ring frame is mainly determine by the number of spindle.

Prepared by: Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer, Dept. of TE, DIU

Yarn manufacturing-II with lab

Different parts of spindle: The parts of spindle are given below: Spindle blade Wharve Bolster Lock Bearing Bolster cage The last three parts help the spindle to fix at the right place and work properly. Ring: The ring are made of low carbon steel i.e. soft steel or ceramic in the form of a bar which modeled into ring shaped either by bending and welding or by pressing by means of dies and then the stock is given the desired projection term as ring flange. Function: There are some important functions of ring. These are given below:a) Ring guides the circular run of the traveler. b) It also helps in twisting by means of running of the traveler. c) It also acts as a track of traveler.

Figure: Ring cups

Classification of ring: A) According to origin or element:- i. Metallic ring ii. Ceramic ring B) According to number of flange:- i. Single flange ring
Prepared by: Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer, Dept. of TE, DIU

Yarn manufacturing-II with lab

ii. Double flange ring Relation between bobbin dia and Ring dia: B= 0.39R Where B= Bear bobbin dia and R= Ring dia. Flange: The path of traveler on the ring is called flange. It may be single or double. Flange width: The term flange width express the difference the outer diameter and inner diameter of a ring. Flange width is expressed in flange no. Flange width= (Flange no. + 3)/32 inch Flange no. 1 1.5 2 Flange width (mm) 3.2 3.6 4

Traveller: Traveler is the most tinny and simple mechanical element in ring frame which carries the most important function like simultaneous twisting, winding, thread guide etc. Function of traveller:- Traveller does some important in ring frame. These are mentioned below:a) Twisting on the drafted strand of fibre. b) Winding of the yarn on the bobbin. c) Maintain winding tension of the yarn by the frictional resistance between the ring and the traveler. d) It acts as a guide for yarn on the way to be wound on the bobbin.

Figure: Travellers

Prepared by: Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer, Dept. of TE, DIU

Yarn manufacturing-II with lab

Traveler speed and its effects: Traveller does not have a drive of its own. It drags
along behind the spindle. Since the spindle rotates at a high speed, a high contact pressure is generated between the ring and traveler during winding, mainly due to centrifugal force. The pressure introduces strong frictional forces which in turn lead to significant generation of heat. It is the important problem of ring/traveler. The front roller delivers a certain length of yarn. Thats why length wound up must corresponds to the difference in peripheral speed of traveler and spindle. The speed difference is due to lagging of the traveler relative to the spindle. Parts of traveller: There are three parts of a traveller. They are given below: Bow Horn Flange Type of traveller: Travelers can be classified into following two ways:A) According to shape: C traveller Elliptical traveller B) According to the X-section of wire: Round traveller Flat traveller Semi-circular traveller

Specification of traveller: A ring traveler is specified by the followingsa) b) c) d) Traveller no.: 1, 2, 3, 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 etc. Cross section of the wire and shape Flange no. Surface finish- Stainless steel made, Carbon finish, Nicle finish etc. e) Type of materials etc. Notation of traveller: A traveller can be notified as follows3/0 MS/hF 5/0 MS/FF 7/0 HI-NI/ hf Here, 3/0- Traveller number MS- Mild steel Hf- Half flange FF- Full flange HI-NI- High Nicle Finish

Prepared by: Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer, Dept. of TE, DIU

Yarn manufacturing-II with lab

Traveller Number or size of traveller: Here, if the weight of 10 traveller is 10

grains then the number of those traveller is 1 and so on. Recommended traveler no. for various yarn counts: Count (Ne) 16 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 Traveller No. 2 1-2/0 3/0-4/0 6/0-8/0 10/0-12/0 13/0-15/0 16/0-19/0 19/0-20/0

Force acting on traveler:

i) ii) iii) iv) v) Apron: Rubber Apron is made of synthetic rubber material, with excellent wearresistance/oil-resistance/ageing-resistance and smooth surface. In addition, it is of good stability, flexibility & wide application. It is used in drafting system of ring frame and some other modern drafting system in spinning machine. It contains cradle for guiding its direction of length. Traveller weight Frictional force between ring and traveler Centrifugal force Balloon tension Winding tension

Prepared by: Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer, Dept. of TE, DIU

Yarn manufacturing-II with lab

Figure: Rubber apron Rubber cot: It is one type of synthetic rubber material which is used in top rollers of ring frame drafting system. The rubber cots also used on drawing frames, combing machines & spinning frames. Its hardness can be varied. The hardness of rubber cots is expressed by degree. Generally harder cots are used in the back rollers and softer rollers are used in front rollers. Hardness ranges are given belowSoft: 60 to 70 Shore Medium: 70 to 90 shore Hard: above 90 shore 80 to 85 shore are mostly used at the back roller and 63 to 65 shore at front roller.

Figure: Rubber cots

Prepared by: Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer, Dept. of TE, DIU

Yarn manufacturing-II with lab

Yarn realization: It is the term used to denote the percentage of yarn produced from given weight of raw cotton. It depends on waste extraction. Yarn realization% = (92-Z), for carded yarn = (95-Z)(1-C/100)-3, for combed yarn Where, Z = trash extracted (%) in process stages C= comber noil%

Factors considered for selection of a traveler:

a) Yarn count: Higher the yarn count, lower will be the traveler weight. b) Spindle Speed: If the spindle speed is high, then the yarn tension will be high. So lighter traveler should be used to minimize tension. c) Ring dia: For same spindle speed and count, with the increase of ring diameter yarn tension as well as frictional area increases. So traveler should be lighter. d) Empty bobbin dia: When empty bobbin dia decreases, winding angle decreases resulting a higher yarn tension. So a light traveler should be used. e) Lift of bobbin: If the lift of bobbin increases yarn tension will be higher. So traveler weight should be less. f) Cross section of traveler: We know, if frictional area increases, lighter traveler should be light. For flat frictional area increases, traveler weight decreases. For semi circular, frictional area decreases, traveler weight increases. For circular, frictional area decreases, traveler weight increases.

Some important information:

1. 2. 3. 4. Usually used ring diameter: 33, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45 mm Ring cup diameter: Empty bobbin dia. = 2:1 or 2.5:1 bobbin length = 5 x Ring Diameter Bobbin lift = Bobbin length 20mm

Draft ranges in ring spinning: Higher draft usually causes the reduction in yarn
quality. The following draft limits have been established for practical. Carded yarn (Cotton) : up to 35 Carded blended: up to 40 Combed cotton and blended yarns Of medium fineness: up to 40 Of fine yarn: up to 45 Synthetic fibres: up to 45 (~50).
Prepared by: Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer, Dept. of TE, DIU

Yarn manufacturing-II with lab

Break draft: Total draft of a ring frame is limited. Since the main draft should not exceed its limit, a additional draft is implied in the back zone (between back and middle roller). This draft facilitates the main draft and known as break draft. Normally twisted roving and total drafts up to 40: break draft should be 1.1-1.4 Strongly twisted roving: break draft should be 1.3-1.5 When total draft exceeds 40, break draft: 1.4-2.

Recent development of ring frame:

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Improved drafting system Higher no. of spindle (up to 1008) Auto doffing Auto piecing Higher draft range (more than 100) Grooved T-in cylinder Inverter motor device Gearing in oil bath Tangential belt drive Data collection system (Ring Data) Roving stop motion etc.

Count and TM:

Count (Ne) Woven yarn 10-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 Above 80 Knitted Yarn: TM (Twist Multiplier) 4.6-4.8 4.4-4.6 4.2-4.4 3.8-4.2 3.6-3.7 3.6-3.8 (generally)

We know, TPI = TM count (for indirect system) TPM = TM/count (for direct system)

Prepared by: Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer, Dept. of TE, DIU

Yarn manufacturing-II with lab

Why actual production always less then calculated production:

Reasons are: 1. Electrical and mechanical problem 2. Creeling problem 3. Roving breakage 4. Doffing problem 5. Piecing problem 6. Power failure 7. Worker negligence etc.

Different types of wastages of spinning mill:

There are various types of wastages which are found in spinning mill during the processing of raw cotton. About 12-13% wastages are produced for card process and 2530% wastage are produced for combed process. The names of different wastages are given below: 1. Blow room (waste= 3%) i. Dropings-2 ii. Lap waste etc. 2. Carding (waste= 4%) i. Dropings-1 ii. Sliver waste iii. Vacuum waste 3. Draw frame (waste= 0.5%)i. sliver waste 4. Lap former (waste=0.5%) i. lap waste ii. Sliver waste iii. Vacuum waste 5. Comber (waste= 12-18%) i. Noils ii. lap waste iii. Sliver waste 6. Simplex (waste= 0.5%) i. Roving waste ii. Sliver waste 7. Ring Frame (waste= 2-3%) i. Pneumafil ii. Hard waste ii. Sweeping iv. Vacuum waste 8. Winding section(waste=1%) i. Hard waste

Break in / running in: If we use metal ring we cannot go to the production directly. To
make the ring ready for production its surface should must be smooth and for this reason we have to run the machine and change the traveler in interval of time. The initial running of traveler on ring to make it smooth is called break in or running in.

Prepared by: Alamgir Hossain, Lecturer, Dept. of TE, DIU

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