GO - Ms.No.13 Dt.15.
GO - Ms.No.13 Dt.15.
GO - Ms.No.13 Dt.15.
Public Services Andhra Pradesh Engineering Services Entrustment of Supervisory works to the Superintendent of Divisional Officers (Executive Engineers Office) of all Engineering Departments, Irrigation & Command Area Development Department, Roads & Buildings, Panchayat Raj and Rual Development and Public Health and Municipal Engineering Department orders Issued. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------IRRIGATION & C.A.D (CAD. SER.I (I) DEPARTMENT. G.O.Ms.No. 13 Dated: 15-1-1998 Read the following
1. 2.
From the Presidnet, AP NGOs Association representation dated: From the ENC (A) I&CAD D, Letter No. ENC/i(3)/4850/P5, Dated 20-2-1995 addressed to Secretary to Government, I&CAD Department.
O R D E R: The Andhra Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officers Association has been representing for entrustment of supervisory work to the Superintendent of Divisional Office (Executive Engineers Office) of Roads and Building and other Engineering
Departments. The issue was referred to Board of Chief Engineers for consideration. The Board of Chief Engineers have taken a decision in the meeting to demarcate the functions of the Divisional Accounts Officers and the Office Superintendents as their duties and responsibilities are distinctly different in nature. The Fianc and Planning Department advised that at present the Department no see any reasons for demarcation of the functions between the Divisional Accounts Officer and the Office
Subsequently, it has been proposed that the Superintendents can be entrusted with the supervisory powers for non-finance work in the offices and the Divisional Accounts Officer need not be burdened with those functions, as the following additional subjects are proposed to the Divisional Accounts Officer in additional to those in sub-rule of Rule 39 of the Andhra Pradesh Public Works Accounts Code. (1) All establishment matters pertaining to technical establishment of the entire division. (2) Scrutiny of technical establishment bills,
passing/sub-mission of Travelling Allowances bills of Technical establishment of the entire division. (3) All confluential correspondence relating to work and establishment of the entire division. 2. If the above proposal is agreed to the following subject
shall be dealt with by the Superintendents of the Division Office. (1) All establishment matters pertaining to Ministerial, last grade staff, work charged establishment and contingent establishment of the entire division. (2) Maintenance of contingent registers, which are now being dealt with by the Superintendents. (3) Scrutiny of establishment bills and traveling
allowance bills of various categories of establishments indicated at item No. 1 above of entire division. (4) Encashment of salary cheques/bills disbursement and maintenance of relevant registers. (5) Maintenance of Divisional Cashbook including
preparation of cheques pertaining to work bills and maintenance of anciliary registers which are now being dealt with by the Superintendents. Those will
however be scrutinized by the Divisional Accounts Officer. (6) Arbitration cases under the scrutiny of Divisional Accounts Officer. 3. The above proposal was accordingly discussed in details in
the meeting convened by the Principal Secretary to Government, Irrigation & Command Area Development Department on 29-081997 with the Principal Secretary to Government, Finance (W&P) Dept., Secretary to Government, Transport, Roads and Buildings Department and the representatives of the Finance, Public Health, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, Municipal Administration and Urban Development and Engineer-in-Chiefs. It is evident from the proposal that the subject proposed to be entrusted to the Superintendent are essentially establishment matters, except the fifth and sixth items in respect of which scrutiny by the Divisional Accounts Officer is proposed and hence there should not be objection to the proposal. It is however also noticed that the Superintendent in Roads and Buildings and Public Health Department is at present staff of the Accounts Department working under supervision of Divisional Accounts Officer and his duties include writing cheques, maintenance of cash books contingent establishment etc., and as much entrustment of supervisory function to him may lead to a demand for posting another assistant to attend to those duties, which is totally unwarranted keeping in view the overall work load. 4. In the above circumstances the Government after careful
consideration of the issue have decided that the proposal regarding entrustment of certain subjects to the Superintendent of Divisional Officer in all Engineering Departments in
that the same shall not lead to a demand for sanction of any extra staff in the cadre of Assistants. 5. Accordingly, it is hereby ordered that the following
subjects shall be hence forth dealt with by the Superintendents of Divisional Officer in all Engineering Departments and the same routed directed to the Executive Engineer, subject to the scrutiny of Divisional Accounts Officer specified in respect of items (5) and (6). (1) All establishment matters pertaining to Ministerial, last grade staff, work charged establishment and contingent establishment of the entire division. (2) Maintenance of contingent registers, which are now being dealt with by the Superintendents. (3) Scrutiny of establishment bills and traveling
allowance bills of various categories of establishments indicated at item No. 1 above of entire division. (4) Encashment of salary cheques/bills disbursement and maintenance of relevant registers. (5) Maintenance of Divisional Cashbook including
preparation of cheques pertaining to work bills and maintenance of anciliary registers which are now being dealt with by the Superintendents. Those will however be scrutinized by the Divisional Accounts Officer. (6) Arbitration cases under the scrutiny of Divisional Accounts Officer. 6. The above arrangement shall continue subject to the
condition that it shall not lead to any proposal for extra staff in the Divisional Officers.
Public Works Accounts Code for giving effect to the above orders shall be issued separately. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH)
P.K. AGARWAL Principal Secy. to Govt. To The Transport Roads & Buildings Dept., A.P, Hyderabad. The Municipal Administration & Urban Development Dept., The Panchayat Raj, & Rural Development Department. The Engineer-in-Chief of all Engineering Departments, I&C (Admn) //true copy// Office of the Engineer-in-Chief, (Admn.Wing) I&CAD Dept., Erram Manzil, AP., Hyderabad.
Endt.No. Rc.ENC.I(3)/4850/9 Dt. 18-3-98 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Communicated to all Superintending Engineers of Circles for information and taking necessary action. H.Subbarami Reddy, Engineer-in-Chief, (Admn.Wign) To All Superintending Engineers Circles, 1). Copy to all Chief Engineers for information and taking necessary action. 2) Copy to NTPs in O/o Engineer-in-Chief,(Admn.wing) for information. 3) Copy to Stock file. // true copy//