Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering - (Malestrom)
Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering - (Malestrom)
Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering - (Malestrom)
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Copyright © 2008, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers
Published by New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers
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Preface (v)
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Earthquake Records 2
1.3 Earthquake Records of India 4
2.1 Plate Tectonics, The Cause of Earthquakes 9
2.2 Seismic Waves 15
2.3 Faults 17
2.4 Earthquake Magnitude and Intensity 22
2.5 Seismograph 26
6.1 Introduction 57
6.2 Factors Governing Liquefaction in the Field 64
6.3 Liquefaction Analysis 67
6.4 Antiliquefaction Measures 72
2 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
• Investigation for the possibility of liquefaction at the site. Liquefaction causes complete
loss of soil shear strength, causing bearing capacity failure, excessive settlement or
slope movement. Consequently, this investigation is necessary.
• Calculation of settlement of structure caused by anticipated earthquake.
• Checking the bearing capacity and allowable soil bearing pressures, to make sure
that foundation does not suffer a bearing capacity failure during the design earthquake.
• Investigation for slope stability due to additional forces imposed due to design
earthquake. Lateral deformation of slope also needs to be studied due to anticipated
• Effect of earthquake on the stability of retaining walls.
• Analyze other possible earthquake effects, such as surface faulting and resonance of
the structure.
• Development of site improvement techniques to mitigate the effect of anticipated
earthquake. These include Ground stabilization and ground water control.
• Determination of the type of foundation (shallow or deep), best suited for resisting
the effect of design earthquake.
• To assist the structural engineer by investigating the effect of ground movement due
to seismic forces on the structure.
Accurate records of earthquake magnitudes have been kept only for some 100 years
since the invention of the seismograph in the 1850s. Recent records of casualties are likely
to be more reliable than those of earlier times. There are estimated to be some 500,000
seismic events each year. Out of these, about 100,000 can be felt and about 1,000 cause some
form of damage. Some of the typical earthquake records have been shown in Fig. 1.1.
Introduction to Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering 3
Similar magnitude earthquakes may result in widely varying casualty rates. For example,
the San Francisco Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, left 69 people dead. On the other hand,
the Azerbaijan earthquake, left some 20,000 killed. Both earthquakes measured 6.9 on the
Richter scale. The differences are partly explained by the quality of building and civil disaster
preparations of the inhabitants in the San Francisco area.
Throughout the invasions of different ethnic and religious entitites in the past two
millennia the Indian subcontinent has been known for its unique isolation imposed by surrounding
mountains and oceans. The northern, eastern and western mountains are the boundaries of
the Indian plate. The shorelines indicate ancient plate boundaries. Initially Indian subcontinent
was a single Indian plate. Only in recent time have the separate nations of Pakistan, India,
and Bangladesh have come up within Indian plate.
Surprisingly, despite a written tradition extending beyond 1500 BC, very little is known
about Indian earthquakes earlier than 500 years before the present. Actually, records are close
to complete only for earthquakes in the most recent 200 years. This presents a problem for
estimating recurrence intervals between significant earthquakes. Certainly no repetition of an
earthquake has ever been recognized in the written record of India. However, great earthquakes
in the Himalaya are found to do so at least once and possibly as much as three times each
millennium. The renewal time for earthquakes in the Indian sub-continent exceeds many
thousands of years. Consequently, it is unlikely that earthquakes will be repeated during the
time of written records.
However, trench investigations indicate that faults have been repeatedly active on the
subcontinent (Sukhija et al., 1999; Rajendran, 2000) as well as within the Himalayan plate
boundary (Wesnousky et al., 1999). The excavation of active faults and liquefaction features
play important role in extending historic earthquake record of Indian earthquakes in the next
several decades.
Fig. 1.2 Schematic views of Indian tectonics. Plate boundary velocities are indicated in mm/year. Shading
indicates flexure of India: a 4 km deep trough near the Himalaya and an inferred minor (40 m) trough
in south central India are separated by a bulge that rises approximately 450 m. Tibet is not a tectonic
plate: it extends east-west and converges north-south at approximately 12 mm/year. At the crest of the
flexural bulge the surface of the Indian plate is in tension and its base is in compression. Locations and
dates of important earthquakes mentioned in the text are shown, with numbers of fatalities in parenthesis
where known. With the exception of the Car Nicobar 1881, Assam 1897 and Bhuj 2001 events, none
of the rupture zones major earthquakes are known with any certainty. The estimated rupture zones of
pre-1800 great earthquakes are shown as unfilled outlines, whereas more recent events are filled white.
(Courtesy: <>)
GPS measurements in India reveal that convergence is less than 5±3 mm/year from
Cape Comorin (Kanya Comori) to the plains south of the Himalaya (Paul et al., 2001).
Consequently, Indian Plate is not expected to host frequent seismicity. However, collision of
6 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
India has resulted in flexure of Indian Plate (Bilham et al., 2003). The wavelength of flexure
is of the order of 650 km. It results in approximately 450-m-high bulge near the central
Indian Plateau. Normal faulting earthquakes occur north of this flexural bulge (e.g. possibly
on 15 July 1720 near Delhi) as well as deep reverse faulting also occurs beneath its crest (e.g.
the May 1997 Jabalpur earthquake). Furthermore, shallow reverse faulting also occurs south
of the flexural bulge where the Indian plate is depressed (e.g. the Sept. 1993 Latur earthquake,
Fig. 1.2).
The presence of flexural stresses as well as of plate-boundary slip permits all mechanisms
of earthquakes to occur beneath the Lesser Himalaya (Fig. 1.2). At depths of 4 – 18 km great
thrust earthquakes with shallow northerly dip occur infrequently. This permits the northward
descent of the Indian Plate beneath the subcontinent. Earthquakes in the Indian Plate
beneath these thrust events range from tensile just below the plate interface, to compressional
and strike-slip at depths of 30-50 km (e.g. the August 1988 Udaypur earthquake).
A belt of microearthquakes and moderate earthquakes beneath the Greater Himalaya
on the southern edge of Tibet indicates a transition from stick-slip fault to aseismic creep at
around 18 km. This belt of microseismicity defines a small circle which has a radius of 1695
km (Seeber and Gornitz, 1983).
The sequence concluding with a large earthquake in Kashmir in 1555. The central Himalayan
earthquake may have been based on its probable rupture area. It destroyed monasteries
along a 500 km segment of southern Tibet, in addition to demolishing structures in Agra and
other towns in northern India.
A Himalayan earthquake that damaged the Kathmandu Valley in 1668 is mentioned
briefly in Nepalese histories. Earthquakes in the 18th century are poorly documented. An
earthquake near Delhi in 1720 caused damage and apparent liquefaction. However, little else
is known of this event (Kahn 1874; Oldham 1883). This event, from its location, appears
to be a normal faulting event. However, since there is absence of damage accounts from the
Himalaya it may have been a Himalayan earthquake as well. In 1713 a severe earthquake
damaged Bhutan and parts of Assam (Ambraseys and Jackson, 2003).
Thirteen years later, in September 1737, a catastrophic earthquake is alleged to have
occurred in Calcutta. This is the most devastating earthquake to be listed in many catalogues
of Indian as well as in global earthquakes. There was a storm surge that resulted in numerous
deaths by drowning along the northern coast of the Bay of Bengal. The hand-written ledgers
of the East India Company in Bengal detail storm and flood damage to shipping, warehouses
and dwellings in Calcutta (Bilham, 1994).
India in the early 19th century was as yet incompletely dominated by a British colonial
administration. An earthquake in India was something of a rarity. It generated detailed letters
from residents describing its effects. Few of the original letters have survived, but the earthquakes
in Kumaon in 1803, Nepal in 1833 and Afghanistan in 1842 were felt sufficiently widely to
lead scientifically inclined officials to take a special interest in the physics and geography of
An army officer named Baird-Smith wrote a sequence of articles 1843-1844 in the
Asiatic Society of Bengal summarizing data from several Indian earthquakes and venturing
to offer explanations for their occurrence. He was writing shortly after the first Afghan war
which had coincided with a major 1842 earthquake in the Kunar Valley of NE Afghanistan
(Ambraseys and Bilham, 2003a). The director of the Geological Survey of India, Thomas
Oldham (1816-1878) published the first real catalog of significant Indian events in 1883.
His catalog includes earthquakes from 893 to 1869.
His son, Richard D. Oldham (1858-1936), wrote accounts of four major Indian earthquakes
(1819, 1869, 1881, and 1897). He completed first his father’s manuscript on the 1869
Silchar, Cachar, Assam earthquake which was published under his father’s name. He next
investigated the December 1881 earthquake in the Andaman Islands, visiting and mapping
the geology of some of the islands. His account of the 1897 Shillong Plateau earthquake in
Assam was exemplary, and according to Richter provided the best available scientific analyses
of available physical data on any earthquake at that time.
R.D. Oldham’s accounts established a template for the study of earthquakes that
occurred in India subsequently. The great earthquakes of 1905 Kangra and 1934 Bihar/
Nepal were each assigned to Geological Survey of India special volumes. However, these
never quite matched the insightful observations of Oldham’s 1899 volume. Investigations
of the yet larger Assam earthquake of 1950 were published as a compilation undertaken
8 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
by separate investigators (e.g. Ray 1952 and Tandon, 1952). In many ways this proved
to be the least conclusive of the studies of the 5 largest Indian earthquakes during 1819-
The plates consist of an outer layer of the Earth. This is called the lithosphere. It is
cool enough to behave as a more or less rigid shell. Occasionally the hot asthenosphere of
the Earth finds a weak place in the lithosphere to rise buoyantly as a plume, or hotspot. The
satellite image in Fig. 2.1 below shows the volcanic islands of the Galapagos hotspot.
Earthquakes 11
The map in (Fig. 2.3) of Earth’s solid surface shows many of the features caused by
plate tectonics. The oceanic ridges are the asthenospheric spreading centers, creating new
oceanic crust. Subduction zones appear as deep oceanic trenches. Most of the continental
mountain belts occur where plates are pressing against one another.
There are three main plate tectonic environments (Fig. 2.4): extensional, transform,
and compressional. Plate boundaries in different localities are subject to different inter-plate
stresses, producing these three types of earthquakes. Each type has its own special hazards.
Fig. 2.6 Two arms of red sea spreading ridge (Courtesy: NASA)
Extensional ridges exist elsewhere in the solar system, although they never attain the
globe-encircling extent the oceanic ridges have on Earth. This synthetic perspective of a large
volcano on Venus (Fig. 2.7) is looking up the large rift on its flank.
At transforms, earthquakes are shallow, running as deep as 25 km. The mechanisms
indicate strike-slip motion. Transforms tend to have earthquakes smaller than magnitude 8.5.
The San Andreas fault (Fig. 2.8) in California is a nearby example of a transform,
separating the Pacific from the North American plate. At transforms the plates mostly slide
past each other laterally, producing less sinking or lifing of the ground than extensional or
compressional environments. The white dots in Fig. 2.8 locate earthquakes along strands of
this fault system in the San Francisco Bay area.
Earthquakes 13
The extension seems to be most active at the eastern and western margins of the
region, i.e. the mountain fronts running near Salt Lake City and Reno. The western Great
Basin also has a significant component of shearing motion superimposed on this rifting. This
is part of the Pacific - North America plate motion. The total motion is about 5 cm/year. Of
this, about 4 cm/year takes place on the San Andreas fault system near the California coast,
and the remainder, about 1 cm/year, occurs east of the Sierra Nevada mountains, in a zone
geologists know as the Walker Lane.
As a result, Nevada hosts hundreds of active extensional faults, and several significant
transform fault zones as well. While not as actively or rapidly deforming as the plate boundary
in California, Nevada has earthquakes over much larger areas. While some regions in California,
such as the western Sierra Nevada, appear to be isolated from earthquake activity, earthquakes
have occurred everywhere in Nevada.
When an earthquake occurs, different types of seismic waves are produced. The main
seismic wave types are Compressional (P), Shear (S), Rayleigh (R) and Love (L) waves. P
and S waves are often called body waves because they propagate outward in all directions
from a source (such as an earthquake) and travel through the interior of the Earth. Love and
Rayleigh waves are surface waves and propagate approximately parallel to the Earth’s surface.
Although surface wave motion penetrates to significant depth in the Earth, these types of
waves do not propagate directly through the Earth’s interior. Descriptions of wave characteristics
and particle motions for the four wave types are given in Table 2.1.
16 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
The outer part of the Earth is relatively cold. So when it is stressed it tends to break,
particularly if pushed quickly! These breaks, across which slip has occurred, are called faults.
The most obvious manifestations of active faulting are earthquakes. Since these tend to
happen along the boundaries between plates, this is where most of the active faulting occurs
today. However, faulting can occur in the middle of the plates too, particularly in the continents.
In general, faulting is restricted to the top 10-15 km of the Earth’s crust. Below this level
other things happen.
There is a wide range of faulting. Furthermore, faults themselves can form surprisingly
complex patterns. Different types of faults tend to form in different settings. It has been
found that the faults at active rifts are different from those along the edges of mountain
ranges. Consequently, understanding the types and patterns of ancient fault can help geologists
to predict and reconstruct the forms of ancient rifts and mountain ranges. The faulting
patterns can have enormous economic importance. Faults can control the movement of groundwater.
They can exert a strong influence on the distribution of mineralisation and the subsurface
accumulations of hydrocarbons. Furthermore, they can have a major influence on the shaping
of the landscape. When an earthquake occurs only a part of a fault is involved in the rupture.
That area is usually outlined by the distribution of aftershocks in the sequence.
We call the “point” (or region) where an earthquake rupture initiates the hypocenter
or focus. The point on Earth’s surface directly above the hypocenter is called the epicenter
(refer Fig. 2.11). When we plot earthquake locations on a map, we usually center the symbol
representing an event at the epicenter.
Generally, the area of the fault that ruptures increases with magnitude. Some estimates
of rupture area are presented in the Table 2.2 below.
Table 2.2: Rupture area of certain earthquakes
(Courtesy: http://
Date Location Length (km) Depth (km) (Mw)
12/16/54 Dixie Peak, NV 42 14 6.94
06/28/66 Parkfield, CA 35 10 6.25
02/09/71 San Fernando Valley, CA 17 14 6.64
10/28/83 Borah Peak, ID 33 20 6.93
10/18/89 Loma Prieta, CA 40 16 6.92
06/28/92 Landers, CA 62 12 7.34
Although the exact area associated with a given size earthquake varies from place to
place and event to event, we can make predictions for “typical” earthquakes based on the
available observations (Refer Table 2.3 below). These numbers give a rough idea of the size
of structure that we are talking about when we discuss earthquakes.
Table 2.3: Fault dimensions and earthquakes (Courtesy:
Fig. 2.12 shows structure of an exposed section of a vertical strike-slip fault zone. The
center of the fault is the most deformed and is where most of the offset or slip between the
surrounding rock occurs. The region can be quite small, about as wide as a pencil is long, and
it is identified by the finely ground rocks called cataclasite (we call the ground up material
found closer to the surface, gouge). From all the slipping and grinding, the gouge is composed
of very fine-grained material that resembles clay. Surrounding the central zone is a region
several meters across that contains abundant fractures. Outside that region is another that
contains distinguishable fractures, but much less dense than the preceding region. Last is the
competent “host” rock that marks the end of the fault zone.
In Earth, faults take on a range of orientations from vertical to horizontal. Dip is the
angle that describes the steepness of the fault surface. This angle is measured from Earth’s
surface, or a plane parallel to Earth’s surface. The dip of a horizontal fault is zero (usually
specified in degrees: 0°), and the dip of a vertical fault is 90°. We use some old mining terms
to label the rock “blocks” above and below a fault. If you were tunneling through a fault, the
material beneath the fault would be by your feet, the other material would be hanging above
your head. The material resting on the fault is called the hanging wall, the material beneath
the fault is called the footwall.
The strike is an angle used to specify the orientation of the fault and measured clockwise
from north. For example, a strike of 0° or 180° indicates a fault that is oriented in a north-
Earthquakes 21
south direction, 90° or 270° indicates east-west oriented structure. To remove the ambiguity,
we always specify the strike such that when we “look” in the strike direction, the fault dips
to our right. Of course if the fault is perfectly vertical we have to describe the situation as
a special case. If a fault curves, the strike varies along the fault, but this seldom causes a
communication problem if we are careful to specify the location (such as latitude and longitude)
of the measurement.
Dip and strike describe the orientation of the fault, we also have to describe the
direction of motion across the fault. That is, which way did one side of the fault move with
respect to the other. The parameter that describes this motion is called the slip. The slip has
two components, a “magnitude” which tells us how far the rocks moved, and a direction (it’s
a vector). We usually specify the magnitude and direction separately. The magnitude of slip
is simply how far the two sides of the fault moved relative to one another. It is a distance
usually a few centimeters for small earthquakes and meters for large events. The direction of
slip is measured on the fault surface, and like the strike and dip, it is specified as an angle.
Specifically the slip direction is the direction that the hanging wall moved relative to the
footwall. If the hanging wall moves to the right, the slip direction is 0°; if it moves up, the
slip angle is 90°, if it moves to the left, the slip angle is 180°, and if it moves down, the slip
angle is 270° or –90°.
Hanging wall movement determines the geometric classification of faulting. We distinguish
between “dip-slip” and “strike-slip” hanging-wall movements.
Dip-slip movement occurs when the hanging wall moved predominantly up or down
relative to the footwall. If the motion was down, the fault is called a normal fault, if the
movement was up, the fault is called a reverse fault. Downward movement is “normal”
because we normally would expect the hanging wall to slide downward along the foot wall
because of the pull of gravity. Moving the hanging wall up an inclined fault requires work to
overcome friction on the fault and the downward pull of gravity.
When the hanging wall moves horizontally, it’s a strike-slip earthquake. If the hanging
wall moves to the left, the earthquake is called right-lateral, if it moves to the right, it’s called
22 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
a left-lateral fault. The way to keep these terms straight is to imagine that we are standing
on one side of the fault and an earthquake occurs. If objects on the other side of the fault
move to our left, it’s a left-lateral fault, if they move to our right, it’s a right-lateral fault.
When the hanging wall motion is neither dominantly vertical nor horizontal, the motion
is called oblique-slip. Although oblique faulting isn’t unusual, it is less common than the
normal, reverse, and strike-slip movement. Fig. 2.16 explains about different fault classifications.
M L = local magnitude (Richter magnitude scale)
A = maximum trace amplitude (in mm), as recorded by standard Wood-Anderson
seismograph. The seismograph has natural period of 0.8 sec, damping
factor of 80% and static magnification of 2800. It is located exactly 100
km from the epicenter.
A 0 = 0.001 mm. This corresponds to smallest earthquake that can be recorded.
Table 2.4 shows approximate correlation between local magnitude, peak ground acceleration
and duration of shaking.
Table 2.4 Approximate correlation between local magnitude, peak ground acceleration
and duration of shaking (g = acceleration due to gravity) (Courtesy: Day, 2002)
Fig. 2.17 Approximate relationships between the moment magnitude scale Mw and other magnitude scales
(Courtesy: Day, 2002)
Approximate relation between different earthquake magnitude scales has been shown
in Fig. 2.17. Based on the Fig. 2.17 it can be concluded that the magnitude scales ML, Ms
and Mw are reasonably close to each other below a value of about 7. At higher magnitude
values, Mw tends to deviate from other two magnitude scales. Consequently, any of these
three scales can be used to describe earthquake’s magnitude for a magnitude value below
about 7. For higher magnitudes, Mw is most suitable scale to describe earthquake’s magnitude.
Scales mb, mB and MJMA given in Fig. 2.17 have not been discussed. All the magnitude scales
tend to flatten out or get saturated at higher moment magnitude values. This saturation
appears to occur when the ruptured fault dimension becomes much larger than the wavelength
of seismic wave used in measuring the magnitude. ML seems to become saturated at a value
of about 7.3.
The intensity of an earthquake is based on observations of damaged structures. The
intensity is also based on secondary effects like earthquake induced landslides, liquefaction,
ground shaking, individual response etc. Intensity of earthquake can easily be determined in
urban area. However, it is difficult to determine in rural area. Most commonly used intensity
Earthquakes 25
measurement scale is modified Mercalli intensity scale. This scale ranges from I to XII. I
corresponds to a earthquake not felt. XII corresponds to a earthquake resulting in total
destruction. Map containing contours of equal intensity is called isoseisms. In general the
intensity will be highest in the general vicinity of the epicenter or at the location of maximum
fault rupture. However, there can be local effects. The intensity is progressively found to
decrease as the distance from the epicenter or from maximum fault rupture increases. The
intensity scale can also be used to illustrate the anticipated damage at a site due to a future
earthquake. Table 2.5 summarises the modified Mercalli intensity scale.
Table 2.5: Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale
Intensity Level Reaction of observers and types of damage
one end of the bar or spring is bolted to a pole or metal box that is bolted to the ground.
The weight is put on the other end of the bar and the pen is stuck to the weight. The drum
with paper on it presses against the pen and turns constantly. When there is an earthquake,
everything in the seismograph moves except the weight with the pen on it. As the drum and
paper shake next to the pen, the pen makes squiggly lines on the paper, creating a record of
the earthquake. This record made by the seismograph is called a seismogram. By studying
the seismogram, the seismologist can tell how far away the earthquake was and how strong
it was. This record doesn’t tell the seismologist exactly where the epicenter was, just that the
earthquake happened so many miles or kilometers away from that seismograph. To find the
exact epicenter, we need to know what at least two other seismographs in other parts of the
country or world recorded.
When we look at a seismogram, there will be wiggly lines all across it. These are all the
seismic waves that the seismograph has recorded. Most of these waves were so small that
nobody felt them. These tiny microseisms can be caused by heavy traffic near the seismograph,
waves hitting a beach, the wind, and any number of other ordinary things that cause some
shaking of the seismograph. There may also be some little dots or marks evenly spaced along
the paper. These are marks for every minute that the drum of the seismograph has been
turning. How far apart these minute marks are will depend on what kind of seismograph we
So which wiggles are the earthquake? The P wave will be the first wiggle that is bigger
than the rest of the little ones (the microseisms). Because P waves are the fastest seismic
waves, they will usually be the first ones that our seismograph records. The next set of seismic
waves on your seismogram will be the S waves. These are usually bigger than the P waves.
If there aren’t any S waves marked on your seismogram, it probably means the earthquake
happened on the other side of the planet. S waves can’t travel through the liquid layers of
the earth so these waves never made it to our seismograph.
The surface waves (Love and Rayleigh waves) are the other, often larger, waves marked
on the seismogram. Surface waves travel a little slower than S waves (which are slower than
P waves) so they tend to arrive at the seismograph just after the S waves. For shallow
earthquakes (earthquakes with a focus near the surface of the earth), the surface waves may
be the largest waves recorded by the seismograph. Often they are the only waves recorded
a long distance from medium-sized earthquakes. Fig. 2.18 shows a typical seismogram.
Surface waves
Minute mark P S
20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig. 2.19 Acceleration, velocity and displacement versus time recorded during San Fernando earthquake
(Courtesy: Day, 2002)
The geotechnical earthquake engineer is often most interested in the peak ground
acceleration amax during the earthquake. An accelerograph is defined as a low magnification
seismograph that is specially designed to record the ground acceleration during earthquake.
Acceleration versus time plot obtained from accelerograph during San Fernando earthquake
has been shown in Fig. 2.19. Fig. 2.19 also shows velocity versus time plot (obtained from
integration of acceleration versus time plot), as well as displacement versus time plot (obtained
from integration of velocity versus time plot).
Example 2.1
Assume that a seismograph, located 1200 km from the epicenter of an earthquake, records
a maximum ground displacement of 15.6 mm for surface waves having a period of 20 seconds.
Based on these assumptions, determine the surface wave magnitude.
Circumference of the earth = 4.0 × 107 m (360°)
Distance to seismograph = 1200 km = 1.2 × 106 m
1.2 × 106
(3600 ) = 10.8°
∆ =
4 × 107
Using Eq. (2.2) and A′ = 15.6 mm = 15600 µm gives:
Ms = log A′ + 1.66 log ∆ + 2.0
= log 15600 + 1.66 log 10.8 + 2.0 = 7.9
Example 2.2
Assume that during a major earthquake, the depth of fault rupture is estimated to be 15 km,
the length of surface faulting is determined to be 600 km, and the average slip along the fault is
Earthquakes 29
2.5 m. Based on these assumptions, determine the moment magnitude. Use a shear modulus equal
to 3 × 1010 N/m2.
Solution: Use Eq. (2.3):
M0 = µAfD
where, M0 = seismic moment (N.m)
µ = shear modulus of material along fault plane
= 3 × 1010 N/m2
Af = area of fault plane undergoing slip
= 15 × 600 = 9000 km2 = 9 × 109 m2.
∆ = average displacement of ruptured segment of fault
= 2.5 m
Therefore, M0 = µAfD = (3 × 1010 N/m2) (9 × 109 m2) ( 2.5 m)
= 6.75 × 1020 N.m
Using Eq. (2.4) gives:
M w = –6.0 + 0.67 log M0 = –6.0 + 0.67 log (6.75 × 1020)
= 8
Natural disasters like earthquake, landslide, flood, drought, cyclone, forest fire, volcanic
eruption, epidemic and major accidents are quite common in different parts of the globe.
These lead to the loss of life, property damage and socio-economic disruption. Such losses
have grown over the years due to increase in population and physical resources. It is believed
that the natural disasters have claimed more than 2.8 million lives during the past two
decades only and have adversely affected 820 million people with a financial loss of about
25-100 million dollars. These losses are not evenly distributed and are more prevalent in the
developing countries due to higher population concentration and low level of economic
growth. United Nations in 1987 realized the need of reducing these losses due to natural
disasters and proclaimed, by its Resolution No. 42/169, the current decade (1991-2000) as
the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (INDNDR). The main objective of
this proclamation was to reduce, through concerted international efforts, the loss of life,
property damage and socio-economic disruption caused by the natural disasters particularly
in the developing countries.
Earthquakes are one of the worst among the natural disasters. About 1 lakh earthquakes
of magnitude more than three hit the earth every year. According to a conservative estimate
more than 15 million human lives have been lost and damage worth hundred billions of
dollars has been inflicted in the recorded history due to these. Some of the catastrophic
earthquakes of the world are Tangshan of China (1976, casualty > 3 lakhs), Mexico city
(1985, casualty > 10,000) and North-West Turkey (August 17, 1999, casualty > 20,000). In
India, casualty wise, the first three events are Kangra (>20,000), Bihar-Nepal (>10,653) and
Killari (>10,000). Moreover, Indian-Subcontinent, particularly the northeastern region, is
one of the most earthquakes-prone regions of the world.
Like any other natural disaster, it is not possible to prevent earthquakes from occurring.
The disastrous effects of these, however, can be minimised considerably. This can be achieved
through scientific understanding of their nature, causes, frequency, magnitude and areas of
Seismic Hazards in India 31
influence. The key word in this context is “Mitigation and Preparedness”. Earthquake disaster
mitigation and preparedness strategies are the need of the hour to fight and reduce its
miseries to mankind. Comprehensive mitigation and preparedness planning includes avoiding
hazard for instance. This can be achieved by providing warning to enable evacuation preceding
the hazard, determining the location and nature of the earthquake hazard, identifying the
population and structures vulnerable for hazards and adopting strategies to combat the menace
of these. In the light of the above, the earthquake hazards in India have been discussed with
special reference to the northeastern region along with the mitigation strategies.
Seismic zonation map shows that India is highly vulnerable for earthquake hazards.
India has witnessed more than 650 earthquakes of Magnitude >5 during the last hundred
years. Furthermore, the earthquake disaster is increasing alarmingly here. In addition to very
active northern and northeastern seismicity, the recent events in Killari (Maharastra) and
Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) in the Peninsular India have raised many problems to seismologists.
The occurrence of earthquakes can be explained with the concept of “Plate Tectonics”.
Based on this three broad categories of earthquakes can be recognised. (1) Those occurring
at the subduction/collision zones. These are Inter-plates activity. (2) Those at mid-oceanic
ridges and (3) Those at intra-plates (Acharrya, 1999). Seismic events in India mainly belong
to the first category. However, a few third category events are also known. Earthquake events
are reported from the Himalayan mountain range including Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
Indo-Gangetic plain as well as from Peninsular region of India.
Subduction/collision earthquakes in India occur in the Himalayan Frontal Arc (HFA).
This arc is about 2500 km long and extends from Kashmir in the west to Assam in the east.
It constitutes the central part of the Alpine seismic belt. This is one of the most seismically
active regions in the world. The Indian plate came into existence after initial rifting of the
southern Gondwanaland in late Triassic period. Subsequently it drifted in mid-Jurassic to late
Cretaceous time. The force responsible for this drifting came from the spreading of the
Arabian Sea on either side of the Carisberg ridge. It eventually collided with the Eurasian
plate. This led to the creation of Himalayan mountain range. The present day seismicity of
this is due to continued collision between the Indian and the Eurasian plates. The important
earthquakes that have visited HFA are tabulated below in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Important Earthquakes in HFA (Courtesy:
Place Year Magnitude Casualty
Kangra Valley April 4, 1905 8.6 >20,000
Bihar-Nepal border January 1, 1934 8.4 >10,653
Quetta May 30, 1935 7.6 About 30,000
North Bihar 1988 6.5 1000 Approx.
Uttar Kashi October 20, 1991 6.6 >2,000
Chamoli March 29, 1999 6.8 >150
Hindukush November 11, 1999 6.2 No death reported
32 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
The Peninsular India was once considered as a stable region. However, its seismic hazard
status has increased due to the occurrence of damaging earthquakes (Pande, 1999). The
recurrence intervals of these are, however, larger than those of the HFA. Furthermore, their
magnitude is also lesser. These belong to intra-plate category of earthquakes. The important
earthquake events that have rocked the Peninsular India is tabulated in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 Important Earthquakes in Peninsular India (Courtesy:
Place Year Magnitude Casualty
Kutch June 16, 1819 8.5 No record
Jabalpur June 2, 1927 6.5 ———
Indore March 14, 1938 6.3 ———
Bhadrachalam April 14, 1969 6.0 ———
Koyna December 10, 1967 6.7 >200
Killari (Latur) September 30, 1993 6.3 >10,000
Jabalpur May 22, 1997 6.0 >55
Northeastern region of India lies at the junction of the Himalayan arc to the north and
the Burmese arc to the east. It is one of the six most seismically active regions of the world.
The other five regions are Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey and California. Eighteen large
earthquakes with magnitude >7 occurred in this region during the last hundred years (Kayal,
1998). High seismic activity in the northeastern region may be attributed to the collision
tectonics in the north (Himalayan arc) and subduction tectonics in the east (Burmese arc).
The Syntaxis Zone (The Mishmi Hills Block), which is the meeting place of the Himalayan
and Burmese arcs is another tectonic domain in the region. The Main Central Thrust (MCT)
and the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) are the two major crystal discontinuities in the Himalayan
arc of the Northeastern region. In the Burmese arc, the structural trend of the Indo-Myanmar
Ranges (IMR) swing from the NE-SW in the Naga Hills to N-S along the Arakan Yoma and
Chin Hills. Naga Thrust is the prominent discontinuity in the north. It connects the Tapu
Seismic Hazards in India 33
Thrust to the south and Dauki Fault to the east. This fold belt appears to be continuous with
the Andaman-Nicobar ridge to the south. The Mishmi Thrust and the Lohit Thrust are the
major discontinuities identified in the Syntaxis Zone (Kayal, 1998). The list of important
earthquake events in this region has been tabulated in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3 Important Earthquakes in Northeast India (Courtesy:
Place Year Magnitude Remark
The June 12, 1897 earthquake of the Shillong Plateau was one of the greatest event
of the world. Casualty was only 1,542 compared to the magnitude of the event (8.7). This
is so because event occurred at 5.15 p.m when most of the people were outdoor. Damage to
the property was, however, severe. All concrete structures within an area of 30,000 square
miles were practically destroyed. There was evidence of two surface faults, namely, Chidrang
and Dudhnoi. It was the first instrumentally recorded event in the country. Another event of
matching magnitude occurred on August 15, 1950 in the Syntaxis Zone. It caused 1520
death. However, it was more damaging than the 1897 event. Railway line and roads were
considerably damaged. Landslide triggered in many places. Fissures and sand vents occurred.
The last major event (magnitude = 7.5) in the region occurred on August 6, 1988. Its
epicentre was in the Myanmar side of the IMR. This rocked the whole northeastern region.
The tremor lasted for about two minutes, killing four human lives and damaging buildings,
railway tracts and roads.
34 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Fig. 3.1 at the end of chapter shows major tectonic features of the Indian Ocean
showing spreading of Arabian Sea on either side of the Carlsberg Ridge.
Seismologists seem not to believe that there is upheaval in the occurrence of earthquakes.
Gupta (1999) says that annually on an average about 18 earthquakes of magnitude, which hit
Turkey, (magnitude = 7.4), Greece (magnitude = 7.2) and Taiwan (magnitude = 7.6) recently
occur all over the world. However, these were found to occur in uninhabited areas or virtually
uninhabited areas. Unfortunately, these have now hit thickly populated areas. Consequently,
they have killed thousands of people. This does not mean that the earthquake frequency has
increased. Increase in the loss of life and property damage is due to increasing vulnerability
of human civilization to these hazards. This can be understood by the fact that Kangra event
of 1905 (magnitude = 8.6) and Bihar-Napal of 1934 (magnitude = 8.4) killed respectively
about 20,000 and 10,653 people. On the other hand, 1897 and 1950 events of the northeast
(magnitude = 8.7 each) could kill only about 1542 and 1520 people. This is because Kangra
and Bihar-Nepal events struck densely populated areas of Indo-Gangetic plain. On the other
hand, the northeastern region was sparsely populated in 1897 and 1950. Population concentration
and physical resources have increased many times in this region since the last great event.
Therefore, if the earthquake of matching magnitude visits the region now, the devastation
would be enormous. Timing of the event and epicenter also matters a lot. For instance, Killari
event occurred at 3:00 hrs early in the winter morning when people were sleeping and hence
the casualty was high (>10,000). Similarly, Turkey event (August 17, 1999, magnitude = 7.4)
also occurred 3.00 hrs in the morning when most people were asleep killing >20,000 of them.
Jabalpur event, on the other hand, occurred 4.00 hrs in the morning on summer day when
most of the people were outdoor. That is why, although the epicenter was near the town, the
casualty was less (about 57). Property damage was also not that severe.
Research on earthquake prediction started since early sixties. Intensive work is going
on all over the world in this regard involving expenditure of billions of dollars. The precise
prediction of seismic events remains elusive and unattainable goal in spite of these efforts.
According to R.R. Kelkar, Director General of Indian Meteorological Department (IMD),
“Earthquake cannot be predicted by anyone, anywhere, in any country. This is a scientific
truth”. But seismologists continue their efforts in the hope of a major breakthrough in
prediction technology in the near future. The seismologists are, however, in a position to
indicate the possibility of recurrence of earthquakes in potentially large areas. This is based
on palaeoseismicity, micro seismic activities as well as precursors.
It has been found that earthquakes are generally, preceded by some signals like ground
tilting, foreshocks, change in ground water levels, variations in the discharge of springs,
anomalous oil flow from the producing wells, enhance emanations of radon and unusual
animal behaviour. However, this is not a sufficient condition. Perhaps the first successful
prediction of earthquake in the world was made by the Chinese. They predicted Haicheng
Seismic Hazards in India 35
event of Lioning Province (February 4, 1975, magnitude = 7.3) on the basis of micro seismic
activity, ground tilting and unusual animal behaviour (Nandi, 1999). They also foretold 4 out
of 5 events of magnitude 7 during 1976-77. It is believed that the Chinese have mastered
themselves in the art of closely monitoring and analysing animal behaviour to forecast earthquakes.
Still they failed to predict Tangshan event of 1976 (magnitude = 7.8, casualty > 3 lakhs).
In India also efforts are going on for predicting earthquakes based on the statistical
analysis of past events, their recurrence intervals, swarms activity and seismic gap. However,
meaningful prediction is still alluding the seismologists. Khatri (1999) identified three seismic
gaps in the Himalayan region. They are the Kashmir gap, the Central gap and the Assam gap.
The Kashmir gap lies west of Kangra event, the Central gap between Kangra and Bihar-Nepal
events and the Assam gap between the two great earthquakes of Assam. He further said that
the great event may occur in these gaps in near future as well. Das and Sarmah (1996) has
forecasted the occurrence of high magnitude earthquake in the western part of the northeastern
region at any time within next few years. Negi (in Ahmad, 1998) has predicted “Mega
Earthquake” in the northeast by 2010. The prediction has been made on the basis of theory
of cyclical earthquakes. Sarmah (1999) calculated an average return period of 55 years for the
earthquakes of magnitude 8 or greater. The last big earthquake of magnitude 8.7 occurred
in 1950. Therefore, northeastern region is ready for an earthquake of similar magnitude. It
is bare fact that the strain is accumulating in some parts of this region. Consequently, any
delay in the occurrence of earthquake will increase its magnitude and thus the devastation
The importance of seismological studies lies in the fact that information generated can
be used to mitigate the earthquake hazards. Preparation of seismotectonic/seismic zonation
maps is the first step in this direction. The basic data required for the preparation of these
maps are: (i) A carefully compiled earthquake catalogue incorporating details about magnitude,
location of epicenter, depth of focus etc., (ii) Delineation of seismic source zones from all
possible sources like recurrence relation, tectono-geological consideration, palaeoseismicity
etc., (iii) Estimation of upper bound magnitude through statistical procedure, cumulative
seismic energy release, active fault length etc. and (iv) Attenuation of ground shaking for
better results (Das Gupta, 1999). Seismic microzonation is recommended for better result.
These maps give an idea about the possibility of occurrence of earthquakes in the region and
are very useful for evaluating the risk involved before designing and constructing the heavy
engineering structures like dam, bridges, flyovers and large towers etc. These are also useful
for planning human settlements that would remain safe during the occurrence of an earthquake.
Seismic risk evaluation is also possible from these maps.
Indian Meteorological Department, National Geophysical Research Institute, Department
of Science & Technology, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and Regional Research Laboratory
have established a large number of seismic monitoring network in the country including
northeastern region. These stations are recording useful seismic data, which enables to determine
the location of epicenter, depth of hypocenter, energy within the focus, orientation of the
36 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
geological structure that has undergone deformation as well as many other parameters of
earthquakes. These parameters are then utilised for preparing seismo-tectonic and seismic
zoning maps. The work in seismic zoning in India was started by Indian Standard Institute
(now Bureau of Indian Standard) in the year 1960. The first map was included in the code
IS: 1893-1962. A significant progress has been made since then both in seismic zoning and
instrumental monitoring of seismicity. However, many questions regarding the location and
nature of potential seismic zones/faults still remain unsolved.
Awareness campaign need to be launched to educate the people about the disastrous
effects of earthquakes. Furthermore, people should be prepared to face them in a better way.
Prevention and mitigation begins with the information. Moreover, public education and community
participation is key to the success of the implementation of reduction and mitigation programmes.
A large number of specialised as well as popular articles have been written about
earthquakes in research journals and conference proceedings, which are not available to
common man. The newspapers and magazines usually do not show interest in publishing
Seismic Hazards in India 37
articles about mitigation and hazard reduction, however, they give extensive coverage after
earthquake takes place. Information and popular articles should be written in simple language
and be made readily available to common man. There has to be a close interaction between
the seismologists and the administrators, which would greatly help the execution of seismic
mitigation programmes (Bapat, 1996). Earthquake related curricula should be introduced in
the school stage of education itself. Audio-visual programmes, preferably in the local languages
have to be prepared and made available to the public. Voluntary organisation and college
students may be approached to take up the responsibility of awareness campaign.
Fig. 3.1 Major tectonic features of the Indian Ocean showing spreading of Arabian Sea on either
side of the Carlsberg Ridge (Courtesy:
This book is concerned with geotechnical problems associated with dynamic loads. It
also deals with earthquake related ground motion as well as soil response induced by earthquake
loads. The dynamic response of foundations and structures depends on the magnitude, frequency,
direction, and location of the dynamic loads. Furthermore, it also deals with the geometry of
the soil-foundation contact system, as well as the dynamic properties of the supporting soils
and structures.
Elements in a seismic response analysis are: input motions, site profile, static soil
properties, dynamic soil properties, constitutive models of soil response to loading and methods
of analysis using computer programs. The contents include: earthquake response spectra; site
seismicity; soil response to seismic motion, design earthquake, seismic loads on structures,
liquefaction potential, lateral spread from liquefaction, and foundation base isolation.
Some special problems in geotechnical engineering dealing with soil dynamics and
earthquake aspects are discussed in the later chapters. Its contents include: liquefaction
potential of soil, foundation settlement, dynamic bearing capacity of foundations, stone columns
and displacement piles, dynamic slope stability and dynamic earth pressure in the context of
earthquake loading.
The properties that are most important for dynamic analyses are the stiffness, material
damping, and unit weight. These properties enter directly into the computations of dynamic
response. In addition, the location of the water table, degree of saturation, and grain size
distribution may be important, especially when liquefaction is a potential problem. Since
earthquake induces dynamic kind of loading into the soil, these dynamic soil properties are
quite significant.
Dynamic Soil Properties 39
One method of direct determination of dynamic soil properties in the field is to measure
the velocity of shear waves in the soil. The waves are generated by impacts produced by a
hammer or by detonating charges of explosives. Then the Travel times are recorded. This is
usually done in or between bore holes. A rough correlation between the number of blows per
foot in standard penetration tests and the velocity of shear waves is shown in Fig. 4.1.
Standard penetration test is well known test in foundation engineering.
Fig. 4.1 Relation between number of blows per foot in standard penetration test and velocity of shear waves
(Courtesy: <>)
As in other areas of soil mechanics, the type of the soil affects its response under
dynamic loading conditions. Furthermore, it also determines the type of dynamic problems
that must be analyzed. The most significant factors separating different types of soils is the
grain size distribution. The presence or absence of clay fraction in soil system, as well as the
degree of saturation of soil system also plays key role in this connection. It is also important
to know whether the dynamic loading is a transient phenomenon, such as a blast loading or
earthquake, or is a long term phenomenon, like a vibratory loading from rotating machinery.
The distinction is important because a transient dynamic phenomenon occurs so rapidly that
excess pore pressure does not have time to dissipate. Dissipation of pore water is possible
only in the case of very coarse, clean gravels if dynamic loading is a transient dynamic
phenomenon. In this context the length of the drainage path is also important. Even a clean,
40 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
granular material may retain large excess pore pressure if the drainage path is so long that
the pressures cannot dissipate during the dynamic loading. Consequently, it is necessary to
categorize the soil by asking the following questions:
(a) Is the material saturated? If it is saturated, a transient dynamic loading will usually
last for very short duration. The duration is so short that the soil’s response is
essentially undrained. If it is not saturated, the response to dynamic loadings will
probably include some volumetric component as well.
(b) Are there fines present in the soil? The presence of fines, especially clays inhibits the
dissipation of excess pore pressure. It also decreases the tendency for liquefaction.
(c) How dense is the soil? Dense soils are not likely to collapse under dynamic loads.
On the other hand, Loose soils may collapse under dynamic loads. Furthermore,
Loose soils may densify under vibratory loading and cause permanent settlements.
(d) How are the grain sizes distributed? Well graded materials are less susceptible to
losing strength under dynamic loading. On the other hand Uniform soils are more
susceptible to losing strength under dynamic loading. Loose, Uniform soils are especially
subject to collapse and failure under dynamic loading.
much of their strength that there may be a sudden failure. The phenomenon is associated
with a reduction in effective pressure as was the case with cohesionless soils.
Soil properties to be used in dynamic analyses can be measured in the field. These
properties can also be measured in the laboratory. In many important applications, a combination
of field and laboratory measurements are used.
the distance between borings by the time for a wave to travel between them. However, it is
difficult to establish the exact triggering time. Consequently, the most accurate measurements
are obtained from the difference of arrival times at two or more receiving holes rather than
from the time between the triggering and the arrival at single hole.
P-waves travel faster than S-waves. Consequently, the sensors will already be excited by
the P-waves when the S-waves arrive. This can make it difficult to pick out the arrival of the
S-wave. To alleviate this difficulty it is desirable to use an energy source that is rich in the
vertical shear component of motion and relatively poor in compressive motion. Several devices
are available that do this. The original cross-hole velocity measurement methods used explosives
as the source of energy. These were rich in compression energy and poor in shear energy.
Consequently, it is quite difficult to pick out the S-wave arrivals in this case. Hence, explosives
should not be used as energy sources for cross-hole S-wave velocity measurements. ASTM D
4428/D 4428M, Cross-Hole Seismic Testing, describes the details of this test.
In the down-hole method the sensors are placed at various depths in the boring.
Furthermore, the source of energy is above the sensors - usually at the surface. A source rich
in S-waves should be used. This technique does not require as many borings as the cross-hole
method. However, the waves travel through several layers from the source to the sensors.
Thus, the measured travel time reflects the cumulative travel through layers with different
wave velocities. Interpreting the data requires sorting out the contribution of the layers. The
seismocone version of the cone penetration test is one example of the down-hole method.
In the up-hole method the source of the energy is deep in the boring. The sensors are
above it—usually at the surface.
A recently developed technique that does not require borings is the spectral analysis
of surface waves (SASW). This technique uses sensors that are spread out along a line at the
surface. The source of energy is a hammer or tamper also located at the surface. The surface
excitation generates surface waves. In particular, they are Rayleigh waves. These are waves
that occur because of the difference in stiffness between the soil and the overlying air. The
particles move in retrograde ellipses and their amplitudes decay from the surface. The test
results are interpreted by recording the signals at each of the receiving stations. Computer
program is used to perform the spectral analysis of the data. Computer programs have been
developed that will determine the shear wave velocities from the results of the spectral
The SASW method is most effective for determining properties near the surface. In
order to increase the depth of the measurements, the energy at the source must also be
increased. Measurements for the few feet below the surface, which may be adequate for
evaluating pavements, can be accomplished with a sledge hammer as a source of energy.
However, measurements several tens of feet deep require track-mounted seismic “pingers.”
The SASW method works best in cases where the stiffness of the soils and rocks increases
with depth. If there are soft layers lying under stiff ones, the interpretation may be ambiguous.
A soft layer lying between stiff ones can cause problems for the crosshole method as well.
Reason being that the waves will travel fastest through the stiff layers and the soft layer may
be masked.
Dynamic Soil Properties 43
The cross-hole, down-hole, and up-hole methods may not work well very near the surface.
Complications due to surface effects may affect the readings while using aforementioned methods.
This is the region where the SASW method should provide the best result. The crosshole
technique employs waves with horizontal particle motion. The down-hole and up-hole methods
use waves whose particle motions are vertical or nearly so. Surface waves in the SASW method
have particle motions in all the sensors. Therefore, a combination of these techniques can be
expected to give a more reliable picture of the shear modulus than any one used alone.
Other types of cyclic loading devices also exist. Cyclic simple shear devices are such
devices. Their results are interpreted similarly. These devices load the sample to levels of
strain much larger than those attainable in the resonant column devices. A major problem in
both resonant-column and cyclic devices is the difficulty of obtaining undisturbed samples.
This is especially true for small-strain data. Reason being that the effects of sample disturbance
are particularly apparent at small strains.
The results of laboratory tests are often presented in a form similar to Fig. 4.2 (B-1 and
B-2). In Fig. 4.2 (B-1) the ordinate is the secant modulus divided by the modulus at small
strains. In Fig. 4.2 (B-2) the ordinate is the value of the initial damping ratio. Both are
plotted against the logarithm of the cyclic strain level.
A1 = Area of Loop
4π AT
1 1
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
G0 0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
γ γ
(B-1) Cyclic Shear Strain vs. the Ratio of secant (B-2) Cyclic Shear Strain vs. the Value
Modulus and the Modulus of Small Strain of Initial Damping Ratio
TR-2016-SHR, procedures for computing site seismicity, and acceleration in rock for earthquakes
in the western united states). The program was designed to run on standard desktop DOS-
based computers. The procedures consist of:
(a) Evaluating tectonics and geologic settings.
(b) Specifying faulting sources.
(c) Determining site soil conditions.
(d) Determining the geologic slip rate data.
(e) Specifying the epicenter search area and search of database.
(f) Specifying and formulating the site seismicity model.
(g) Developing the recurrence model.
(h) Determining the maximum source events.
(i) Selecting the motion attenuation relationship.
(j) Computing individual fault/source seismic, contributions.
(k) Summing the effects of the sources.
(l) Determining the site matched spectra for causative events.
Epicentral distnace, ∆
Focal Depth
have been developed by various researchers. Donovan and Bornstein, 1978, developed the
following equation for peak horizontal acceleration. Equations were developed from the
western united states data.
Y = (a)(exp(bM))(r + 25)d ...(5.1a)
a = (2,154,000)(r)–2.10 ...(5.1b)
b = (0.046)+(0.445)log(r) ...(5.1c)
d = (2.515)+(0.486)log(r) ...(5.1d)
where, Y = peak horizontal acceleration (in gal) (1 gal = 1 cm/sec2)
M = earthquake magnitude
r = distance (in km) to energy center, default at a depth of
5 km.
use in the analysis. The maximum acceleration, predominant period, and effective
duration are the most important parameters of an earthquake motion. Empirical
relationships between these parameters and the distance from the causative fault to
the site have been established for earthquakes of different magnitudes. A design
motion with the desired characteristics can be selected from the strong motion
accelerograms that have been recorded during previous earthquakes or from artificially
generated accelerograms.
(b) Determine the dynamic properties of the soil deposit. Average relationships between
the dynamic shear moduli, as functions of shear strain and static properties, have
been established for various soil types (Seed and Idriss, 1970). Average relation
between the damping ratios of soils, as functions of shear strain and static properties
have also been established. Thus a testing program to obtain the static properties for
use in these relationships will often serve to establish the dynamic properties with
a sufficient degree of accuracy. However more elaborate dynamic testing procedures
are required for special problems. These techniques are also needed for soil types
for which empirical relationships with static properties have not been established.
(c) Compute the response of the soil deposit to the base rock motions. A one-dimensional
method of analysis can be used if the soil structure is essentially horizontal. Computer
programs developed for performing this analysis are generally based on either the
solution to the wave equation or on a lumped mass simulation. More irregular soil
deposits may require a finite element analysis.
Modified Modified
Rock Rock Ground
Outorop Outorop Mortion
Motion Motion
Possible Change
in Amplitude of
Soil Layers Rock Outcrop Motion Soil Layers
Depending on Distnace
of Energy Release
Base Rock
Fig. 5.2 Schematic representation of procedure for computing effects of local soil conditions on
ground motions (Courtesy: <>)
Fig. 5.4 approximate relationship for maximum acceleration in various soil conditions knowing maximum
acceleration in rock (Courtesy:
maximum velocity, distance from source and local site conditions for moderately strong earthquake,
seed, murnaka, lysmer, and idris, 1975).
5.3.4 Intensity
In areas where instrumental records are not available the strength of an earthquake has
usually been estimated on the basis of the modified Mercalli (MM) intensity scale. The MM
scale is a number based mostly on subjective description of the effects of earthquakes on
structures and people. Intensity is a very qualitative measure of local effects of an earthquake.
Magnitude is a quantitative measure of the size of the earthquake at its source. The MM
intensity scale has been correlated with peak horizontal ground acceleration by several investigators.
It has been illustrated in Fig. 5.5.
(a) Rock with 2500 ft/sec < Vs < 5000 ft/sec (760 m/sec < Vs < 1520 m/sec)
(b) Very dense soil and soft rock with 1200 ft/sec < Vs < 2500 ft/sec (360 m/sec < Vs
< 760 m/sec)
(c) Stiff soil with 600 ft/sec < Vs < 1200 ft/sec (183 m/sec < Vs < 365 m/sec)
(d) A soil profile with Vs < 600 ft/sec (183 m/sec) or any profile with more than 10 ft
(3 m) of soft clay defined as soil with PI > 20, w > 40 percent, and Su ≤ 500 psf
(24 kpa).
Vs refers to shear wave velocity in all the soil types. The parameter Aa in Table 5.1 is
the ground acceleration for rock with no soil and g is acceleration due to gravity.
M = 1 + I MM ...(5.2)
M represents magnitude and IMM represents intensity. The above formula was derived
to fit a limited database. The database primarily composed of Western United States earthquakes.
It does not account for the difference in geologic structures or for depth of earthquakes,
which may be important in the magnitude-intensity relationship.
The October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake was responsible for 62 deaths and
3,757 injuries. In addition, over $6 billion in damage was reported. This damage included
damage to 18,306 houses and 2,575 businesses. Approximately 12,053 persons were reported
displaced. The most intense damage was confined to areas where buildings and other structures
where situated on top of loosely consolidated, water saturated soils. Loosely consolidated
soils tend to amplify shaking and increase structural damage during earthquake. Water saturated
soils compound the problem due to their susceptibility to liquefaction. Consequently, there
is loss of bearing strength.
Liquefaction is a physical process that takes place during some earthquakes. Liquefaction
may lead to ground failure. As a consequence of liquefaction, soft, young, water-saturated,
well sorted, fine grain sands and silts behave as viscous fluids. This behaviour is very different
than solids behaviour. Liquefaction takes place when seismic shear waves pass through a
saturated granular soil layer. These shear waves distort its granular structure, and cause some
of its pore spaces to collapse. The collapse of the granular structure increases pore space
water pressure. Furthermore, it also decreases the soil’s shear strength. If pore space water
pressure increases to the point where the soil’s shear strength can no longer support the
weight of the overlying soil, buildings, roads, houses, etc., then the soil will flow like a liquid.
Consequently, extensive surface damage results.
Fortunately, areas susceptible to liquefaction can be readily identified and the hazard
can often be mitigated. Because of the relative ease of identifying hazardous areas, numerous
liquefaction maps have been made by govenrnment agencies. Liquefiable sediments are young,
loose, water saturated, and well sorted. They are either fine sands or silts. The sediments are
seldom older than Holocene, and are usually only present on the modern floodplains of
creeks and rivers. The map in Fig. 6.1 identifies areas likely to liquefy during a big earthquake
(noted by the letter “L”)
58 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Fig. 6.1 Areas likely to liquefy during big earthquake (Courtesy:
In many low-lying coastal areas sand volcanoes are formed where underlying saturated
sands liquefy during the seismic shaking. Furthermore, it ejects onto the surface. During the
1906 earthquake, sand volcanoes spouted to a heights around 20 feet in the Salinas Valley
and near Moss Landing. During the Loma Prieta earthquake, extensive liquefaction occurred
along the entire shoreline of the Monterey Bay, as well as in San Francisco’s Marina District
and along the bayshore in Oakland (Fig. 6.2).
Violent ground shaking combined with liquefaction of unconsolidated slough muds led
to the spectacular failure of this bridge (Fig. 6.3). The bridge was on the famous Pacific
Coast Highway 1 near Watsonville. The portions of the highway that collapsed were directly
over saturated slough sediments. Upward acceleration of the bridge during the shaking caused
the structure to separate from its support columns. The bridge then fell back downward, and
the columns punctured through the concrete road surface.
Liquefaction 59
Fig. 6.4 Failure of bridge due to liquefaction, close-up view (Courtesy:
Collapsed highway bridge (close-up of support columns from below), State Highway 1,
Struve Slough, Watsonville is shown in Fig. 6.5. This view from below the collapsed bridge
shows the area around the base of a support column where soil was pushed away by the back
and forth motion of the column during the earthquake. The rebar at the top of the column
is still attached to the original location of contact between the column and the bridge. It has
already been reported that the upward acceleration of the bridge during the shaking caused
the structure to separate from the support columns. As the bridge then fell back downward,
the columns punctured through the concrete road surface.
60 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Liquefaction induced road failure, Moss Landing State Beach is shown in Fig. 6.6 (a).
This road was built across an estuary and suffered extensive damage due to liquefaction. It
subsided several meters during the earthquake. As a result, it got separated from the adjoining
sections of road. The exposed cross section of underlying sediments in Fig. 6.6(b) clearly
shows a lower light colored beach sand that liquefied and injected into an overlying dark silty
Fig. 6.5 Failure of bridge due to liquefaction, close-up view from below (Courtesy:
Failed river dike, San Lorenzo River, Beach Flats, Santa Cruz due to liquefaction is
shown in Fig. 6.7. Much of the earthen San Lorenzo River flood control levee in the Beach
Flats area of Santa Cruz were found to slumped and fractured as a result of extreme ground
shaking, as well as due to liquefaction of underlying unconsolidated beach and river sediments.
Failure and cracks induced by liquefaction have also been observed. These images (Fig.
6.8(a) and Fig. 6.8(b)), probably from the 1906 earthquake event, shows cracks formed by
liquefaction at the San Lorenzo River bed.
turns sand into liquefiable condition. This mechanism is called liquefaction. At the state of
liquefaction, the effective stress is zero. Furthermore, individual soil particles are released
from confinement. It appears that soil particles are floating in water.
Structures on top of loose sand deposit which has liquefied during earthquake will tend
to sink. It also tends to fall over. Buried tanks will tend to float on the surface when loose
sand liquefies. There are other important effects of liquefaction as well.
After the sand has liquefied, the excess pore water will start to dissipate. There are two
important factors governing the duration for which soil will remain in liquefied state. First
is the duration of seismic shaking during earthquake. Second is the drainage conditions of
liquefied soil. The longer the cyclic shear stress application from the earthquake, longer the
state of liquefaction persists. Similarly, stronger the cyclic shear stress application from earthquake,
longer the state of liquefaction. Furthermore, if the liquefied soil is confined by an upper and
lower clay layer, it will take longer duration for excess pore water pressure to dissipate. This
is accomplished by flow of water from liquefied soil. After liquefaction process is complete,
soil is in somewhat denser state.
Liquefaction can result in ground surface settlement. It can even result in bearing
capacity failure of foundation. Liquefaction can also cause or contribute to lateral movement
of slopes.
Liquefaction of soils has been extensively studied in laboratory. There is considerable
amount of published data available concerning laboratory liquefaction testing. As per Ishihara
(1985), laboratory tests were performed on hollow cylindrical specimens of saturated river
sand. Testing was done in torsional shear test apparatus. Two samples were tested. First was
having relative density 47% and the other was having relative density 75%. Prior to cyclic
shear testing, both specimens were subjected to same effective confining pressure. Both
samples were then subjected to undrained conditions during cyclic shear stress application.
Cyclic shear stress had constant amplitude and sinusoidal pattern in both samples. Sand
having lower relative density was subjected to lower constant amplitude cyclic stress than the
sample having higher relative density (amplitude ratio of lower to higher relative density
specimen = 0.32). For sand having lower relative density, there was sudden and rapid increase
in shear strain (as high as 20%) during constant amplitude cyclic shear stress application. On
the other hand in sand having higher relative density, shear strain was found to slowly increase
with application of constant amplitude cyclic shear stress. During application of cyclic shear
stress, excess pore water pressure was found to develop in both the specimens. When the
excess pore water pressure becomes equal to initial effective confining pressure, the effective
stress becomes zero. Consequently, shear strain dramatically increases. This is liquefaction
condition. The condition of effective stress zero and sudden shear strain increase (i.e. liquefaction
condition) was observed in sand having low relative density. For sand having high relative
density, effective stress became zero due to cyclic shear stress application. However, sudden
shear strain increase was not observed. This happens because on reversal of cyclic shear
stress, dense sand dilates. Consequently, undrained shear resistance increases. Liquefaction
is thus a momentary condition in dense sands. This mechanism in dense sands is also called
cyclic mobility. Furthermore, in sand having lower relative density, there was permanent loss
in shear strength with each additional cycle of constant amplitude shear stress. No such
64 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
observation was made in sand having higher relative density. Earthquakes will not subject soil
to uniform constant amplitude cyclic shear stress. However, it can be modeled accordingly.
Consequently, experimental results as explained above are of great importance.
As per See and Lee 1965, cyclic triaxial tests were performed. Testing was done on
saturated specimens of river sand. Cylindrical specimens were first saturated. Then they were
subjected in triaxial apparatus to an isotropic effective confining stress. This stress was of
constant magnitude. Samples were then subjected to undrained condition during cyclic deviator
stress application. Numerous samples were tested. Testing was done at different void ratios
as well as at different cyclic deviator stress amplitude value. Number of cycles required for
initial liquefaction and 20% axial strain was determined under each condition. In samples
having same initial void ratio and same initial effective confining stress, with increase in
deviater cyclic stress amplitude, there was decrease in number of cycles required for liquefaction.
For a sample having same initial void ratio and same effective confining pressure, cyclic
deviator stress amplitude required to cause liquefaction decreases as the number of cycles of
deviator stress is increased. A dense sand was found to have greater resistance for liquefaction.
It would require higher deviator cyclic stress amplitude or more number of cycles of deviator
cyclic stress to cause initial liquefaction as compared to same soil in loose state (Seed and
Lee, 1966).
Finally, based on above two experimental observations, it can be concluded that liquefaction
is more dominant in loose sands.
of liquefaction in dry and loose sand is called running soil or running ground. However,
contribution to liquefaction by this mechanism is not significant. Technically, the
term liquefaction is used only for soils located below groundwater table level.
3. Soil types most susceptible to liquefaction during earthquake is deposit consisting of
fine to medium sand. Sands containing low plasticity fines are also susceptible to
liquefaction. Some times liquefaction takes place in gravelly soils as well (Kuwabara
and Yoshumi, 1973). Consequently, all the soils susceptible to liquefaction are cohesionless
soils. Approximate listing of cohesionless soils from least to most resistant to liquefaction
is clean sands, nonplastic silty sands, nonplastic silt and gravels. However, there are
exceptions. Tailings derived from mining industry are essentially composed of ground-
up rocks. They are classified as rock flour. Rock flour in water saturated state is not
having significant cohesion. It behaves like clean sand. Similar to clean sand they are
found to have low resistance to liquefaction. Based on laboratory experiments, it
has been observed that during earthquakes great majority of cohesive soils in
general do not liquefy. This fact has been verified by field observations as well. For
cohesive soil to liquefy it must have 15% of particles (based on dry weight) less
than 0.005 mm particle size, liquid limit less than 35% and water content greater
than 0.9 times the liquid limit. If any one of the criteria is not met, cohesive soil
is not considered to be susceptible to liquefaction. Although cohesive soil may not
liquefy, there could be significant undrained shear strength loss due to seismic
shaking during earthquakes.
4. Cohesionless soils in loose relative density state are susceptible to liquefaction. Loose
nonplastic soils will contract during seismic shaking. This causes development of
excess pore water pressure. Upon reaching liquefaction, there will be sudden and
dramatic increase in shear displacement for these soils. For dense sands, initial
liquefaction does not produce large deformations. This is due to dilation tendency
of sand upon reversal of cyclic shear stress. Consequently, dilative soils need not be
evaluated for liquefaction since they are not susceptible to liquefaction. Dilative
soils are not susceptible to liquefaction because their undrained shear strength is
more than their drained shear strength.
5. Uniformly graded nonplastic soils form more unstable particle arrangements. They
are more susceptible to liquefaction than well graded soils. Well-graded soils have
particles filling the void spaces between large particles. This reduces potential contraction
of soil, resulting in less excess pore water pressure being generated during earthquake.
Even field observations indicate that most liquefaction failure involve uniformly
graded granular soils.
6. Hydraulic fill (fill placed under water), tend to be more susceptible to liquefaction
because of loose and segregated soil structure. This kind of structure is created by
soil particles falling through water. Natural soil deposits formed in lakes, rivers or
oceans are also susceptible to liquefaction due to same reason. Soils which are
especially susceptible to liquefaction are formed in lacustrine, alluvial and marine
depositional environments.
66 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
7. If excess pore pressure can quickly dissipate, soil may not liquefy. Consequently,
highly permeable gravel drains or gravel layers can reduce liquefaction potential of
adjacent soil as they will help in dissipating pore pressure rapidly.
8. Greater the confining pressure, lesser the soil has tendency to liquefy. Deeper groundwater
table location, soil located at deeper depth below ground surface and surcharge
pressure applied at ground surface are the conditions creating a higher confining
pressure. It has been reported that possible zone of liquefaction extends from ground
surface to a maximum depth of 15 m. Deeper soils usually don’t liquefy due to
higher confining pressure. However, that doesn’t mean that liquefaction analysis
should not be performed for a soil located below a depth of 15 m. For example in
sloping ground, such as sloping front in the form of water front structure should be
analyzed for liquefaction. Similarly sloping shell of earthen dam are places where soil
layer below 15 m depth should be analyzed for liquefaction. Liquefaction analysis
should be performed for the entire thickness of soil deposit that has been loosely
dumped in water even if it exceeds 15 m thickness. Finally it can be said that
experience and judgement is required in the determination of proper depth at which
liquefaction analysis should be terminated.
9. Soils having rounded particles tend to densify more easily than angular shaped soil
particles. Consequently, rounded soil particles is more susceptible to liquefaction
than soil containing angular soil particles during earthquake.
10. New soil deposits are more susceptible to liquefaction than old deposits. Longer a
soil is subjected to confining pressure, greater the liquefaction resistance. Consequently,
older deposits have greater liquefaction resistance. Increase in liquefaction resistance
with time is due to deformation or compression of soil particles into more stable
arrangements. There may also be development of bonds due to cementation at
particle bonds with time.
11. Historical environment of soil can affect its liquefaction potential. Older soil deposits
that have already been subjected to seismic shaking have increased liquefaction
resistance. However, newer deposits of same soil at same density not subjected to
seismic shaking are more prone to liquefaction. Liquefaction resistance also increases,
with increase in overconsolidation ratio. Furthermore, it also increases with increase
in coefficient of earth pressure at rest. Consequently a soil that has been preloaded,
has a higher resistance to liquefaction than the soil which has not been preloaded.
Underlying soil when the upper layer has been removed by erosion is one such
example which has been preloaded.
12. Construction of heavy building on top of sand deposit decreases liquefaction resistance
of soil. Soil is subjected to shear stress caused by building load. Soil requires smaller
additional load from the earthquake to cause contraction. Contraction causes liquefaction.
Consequently, liquefaction resistance of soil decreases in the presence of building
load. Building load also must be considered in liquefaction induced settlement.
Building load also must be considered in liquefaction induced bearing capacity as
well as in stability analysis.
Liquefaction 67
The first step in liquefaction analysis is to determine whether soil has ability to liquefy
during earthquake. Most of the soils that are susceptible to liquefaction are cohesionless.
Cohesive soils liquefy only under specific conditions. These conditions have been discussed
in previous section. Most common type of analysis to determine liquefaction potential is the
use of standard penetration test (Seed and Idriss, 1971). There is another widely used technique
of liquefaction analysis. This is called simplified procedure. The steps involved in simplified
procedure are as follows:
1. First step is to determine if the soil has ability to liquefy.
2. The soil must be below groundwater table. Liquefaction analysis can also be performed
if it is anticipated that groundwater table will rise in future so that eventually soil will
be below groundwater table.
3. Next step of simplified procedure is to determine the cyclic stress ratio (CSR).
Cyclic stress ratio is induced during earthquake. Determination of cyclic stress ratio
requires information about peak horizontal ground acceleration. Peak horizontal
ground acceleration is caused due to earthquake.
4. By using the standard penetration test, the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) of the soil
is determined. If the CSR induced by earthquake is greater than CRR determined
from standard penetration test, liquefaction of soil will take place during earthquake
and vice versa.
5. Finally factor of safety against liquefaction is determined as FS = CRR/CSR. FS
represents factor of safety.
Fig. 6.9 Conditions assumed for the derivation of CSR earthquake equation (Courtesy: Day, 2002)
Liquefaction 69
given as, rd = 1 – 0.012z. z is depth in meters and is measured from ground surface. σv0 and
σ ′v 0 in equation (6.4) can be obtained from basic geotechnical analysis. Peak ground acceleration
(amax) caused by earthquake has already been discussed. It is obtained from seismogram data.
Consequently, equation (6.4) can be used for CSR determination for a particular magnitude
Fig. 6.10 Plot used to determine cyclic resistance ratio for clean and silty sands for
M = 7.5 earthquake (Courtesy: Day, 2002)
8.5 0.89
7.5 1.00
6.75 1.13
6 1.32
5.25 1.50
Factor of safety against Liquefaction: Factor of safety (FS) against liquefaction is
defined as: FS = CRR/CSR. If the cyclic stress ratio caused by anticipated earthquake is
greater than cyclic resistance ratio of in-situ soil, liquefaction could occur during earthquake.
Liquefaction will not take place otherwise. Higher the factor of safety, more is the resistance
of soil against liquefaction during earthquake. Soil having factor of safety slightly greater than
one can also liquefy. For example if lower layer liquefies, then upward water flow could
induce liquefaction of upper layer as well. This layer has factor of safety against liquefaction
slightly greater than one.
However, in the above analysis, there are lot of corrections. These corrections are
applied both to cyclic stress ratio as well as to cyclic resistance ratio. This is done for more
accurate analysis. Otherwise the entire analysis is only gross approximation. Consequently,
Liquefaction 73
Compaction is also done by using vibratory plates. Sometimes vibratory rollers are also
used. In this technique, smooth wheel rollers are used. They are provided with vibratory
device inside. Lift depths upto about 1.5 m to 2 m can be compacted with this equipment.
Plates mounted with vibratory assembly can also be used. However, only small thickness of
soils can be compacted by these methods. Technique is not useful for large deposits.
Pile driving is also used for compaction. Piles when driven in loose sand deposits,
compacts the sand within an area covered by eight times around it. This technique is utilized
in compacting sites having loose sand deposits. Since pile remains in sand, the over all
stiffness of the soil stratum increases substantially due to pile driving.
Vibrofloatation is another compaction technique. It is used in cohesionless deposits of
sand and gravel having not more than 20% silt or 10% clay. Vibrofloatation utilizes a cylindrical
penetrator which is about 4 m long and 400 mm in diameter. The lower half is vibrator.
Upper half is stationary. Device has water jets at top and bottom. Vibrofloat is lowered under
its own weight. Bottom jet is kept on. This induces quick sand condition. When the vibrofloat
reaches desired depth, the flow is diverted to upper jet and vibrofloat is pulled out slowly.
Top jet aids the compaction process. As the vibrofloat is pulled out, a crator is formed. Sand
or gravel is added to the crator formed.
Blasting is another compaction technique. Explosion of buried charge induces liquefaction
of soil mass. This is followed by escape of excess pore water pressure. This acts as lubricant
and facilitates re-arrangement of sand particles. This leads sand to more compacted state.
Lateral distribution of charges in ground is based on results obtained from a series of single
shots. Where loose sands greater than 10 m thick are to be compacted, two or more tyres
of small charges are preferred. For deposits less than 10 m thick, charges placed at 2/3rd
depth from surface is generally sufficient. There is no apparent limit of depth that can be
compacted by means of explosive (Lyman, 1942). Repeated blasts are found to be more
effective than a single blast of several small charges. These charges are detonated simultaneously.
Very little compaction is achieved in top 1 m due to blasting by large charge. Small charges
are found to be more effective than large charges for compacting upper 1.5 m sand. Compaction
gained by repeating the blasts more than 3 times is found to be small. Relative density can
be increased to 80% by blasting.
Fig. 6.13 Excess pore water pressure versus effective overburden pressure on Solani sand
(Courtesy, Swami Saran, 1999)
σ ′v 0 = 43 + 20 = 63 kPa.
Using Eq. (6.4), CSR = 0.65(0.96)(78/63)(0.45) = 0.347
A bearing capacity failure is a foundation failure. This foundation failure occurs when
the shear stresses in the soil exceed the shear strength of soil. For both static and seismic
cases, bearing capacity failure is grouped into three categories (Vesic, 1973). They are called
general, local and punching shear failure. In general shear failure, there is complete rupture
of underlying soil. Furthermore, soil is pushed up on both sides. There is complete shear
failure of soil. General shear failure takes place in soils which are in dense or in hard state.
In punching shear failure, there is compression of soil directly below the footing. There is
vertical shearing as well. Furthermore, soil outside the loaded area remains uninvolved. However,
there is minimum movement of soil on both sides of footing. It occurs in soils that are in
loose or soft state. Local shear failure can be considered as a transition phase between
general shear and punching shear. There is rupture of soil only immediately below footing in
this type of shear failure. There is small soil bulging on both sides of footing. Local shear
failure takes place in soils which are in medium or firm state.
It has been reported that compared to damage by earthquake-induced settlement,
there are fewer damage by earthquake-induced bearing capacity failure. There are several
reasons for it. In most cases, settlement is found to be governing factor. Consequently,
foundation bearing pressures recommended are based on limiting the amount of expected
settlement. This recommendation is applicable to static as well as seismic conditions. There
have been extensive studies of both static and seismic bearing capacity failure of shallow
foundations. This has lead to development of bearing capacity equations. It has been suggested
that for the evaluation of bearing capacity for seismic analysis, the factor of safety should
often be in the range of 5 to 10. Larger footing size lowers the bearing pressure on soil. It
also reduces potential for static or seismic bearing capacity failure.
Earthquake Resistant Design of Shallow Foundation 77
Usually, there are three factors causing failure during earthquake. Overestimation of
shear strength, as well as loss of shear strength due to liquefaction during earthquake is one
factor. Secondly, earthquake causes rocking of the structure. Resulting structural overturning
moments produce significant cyclic vertical thrusts on foundation. This increases the structural
load. Thirdly, altered site due to earthquake can also produce bearing capacity failure. The most
common cause of a seismic bearing capacity failure is liquefaction of underlying soil. For static
analysis, soil involved in bearing capacity failure extends to a depth equal to footing width.
However, this depth of bearing capacity failure might exceed for earthquake induced loading.
It is recommended that the allowable bearing pressure be increased by a factor of one-
third under earthquake conditions. This recommendation is for seismic analysis under massive
crystalline bedrock, sedimentary rock, dense granular soil or heavily overconsolidated cohesive
soil conditions. However, this increase is not recommended for foliated rock, loose soil under
liquefaction, sensitive clays and soft clays. Since, in these cases there is weaking of soil and
hence allowable bearing pressure has to be reduced during earthquake.
Table 7.1 summarizes the requirements and analyses for soil susceptible to liquefaction.
Table 7.1 Requirements and analyses for soil susceptible to liquefaction
(Courtesy: Day, 2002)
Requirements Design conditions
and analyses
Requirements 1. Bearing location of foundation: The foundation must not bear on soil that will
liquefy during earthquake.
2. Surface layer: There must be adequate thickness of unliquefiable soil layer to
prevent damage due to sand boils and surface fissuring.
Settlement 1. Lightweight structures: Settlement of lightweight structures (wood-frame
analysis building on shallow foundation)
2. Low net bearing stress: Settlement of any other kind of structure imparting
low net bearing pressure.
3. Floating foundation: Settlement of floating foundation below bottom of foundation
provided zone of liquefaction is below foundation base and there is no net stress.
4. Heavy structure with deep liquefaction: Settlement of heavy structures provided
zone of liquefaction is deep enough that stress increase caused by structural
load is low.
5. Differential settlement: Differential settlement if structure contains deep foundation
supported by strata below zone of liquefaction.
Bearing 1. Heavy building with underlying liquefied soil: Use adequate bearing capa-
capacity city analysis assuming soil is liquefied due to earthquake. Foundation
analysis load will cause it to punch or sink in liquefied soil.
78 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
In punching shear analysis, during earthquake loading it is assumed that load causes
foundation to punch straight downward through upper unliquefiable soil layer down into
liquefied soil layer. Factor of safety is considered as follows:
2Tτ f
For strip footing: FS = ...(7.1)
2(B + L)(Tτf )
For spread footing: FS = ...(7.2)
where, T = vertical distance from bottom of footing to top of
liquefied soil layer.
τf = shear strength of unliquefiable soil layer.
B = width of footing.
L = length of footing.
P = footing load (dead, live, seismic loads and self weight
of footing)
FS = factor of safety.
Shear strength of unliquefiable soil layer is determined using conventional techniques.
This technique is applicable for cohesive as well as for cohesionless soils.
For cohesive Soil:
τf = su ...(7.3)
or, τf = c + σh tan φ ...(7.4)
For cohesionless soil:
τf = k0 σ′vo tanφ′ ...(7.5)
where, su = undrained shear strength of cohesive soil.
c, φ = undrained shear strength parameters.
σh = horizontal total stress.
k 0 = coefficient of earth pressure at rest.
Earthquake Resistant Design of Shallow Foundation 79
σ′v0 = vertical effective stress at + footing depth from
ground surface .
σ′ = effective friction angle of cohesionless soil.
For local and general shear failure conditions, Terzaghi bearing capcity equation
is used. Furthermore, the basic equation is modified for different type of footing and loading
conditions (Terzaghi, 1943 and Meyerhof, 1951)). For the situation of cohesive soil layer
overlying sand which is susceptible to liquefaction, a total stress analysis is performed. Following
equations are used:
For strip footing:
qult = su Nc ...(7.6)
For spread footing:
qult = su Nc 1 + 0.3 ...(7.7)
where, su = undrained shear strength.
Nc = bearing capacity factor determined from Fig. 7.1
for the condition of a unliquefiable cohesive soil
layer overlying a soil layer that is expected to liquefy
during design earthquake.
B = footing width.
L = footing length.
For liquefied soil layer, the shear strength value is zero (c2 = 0 in Fig. 7.1). Using qult,
either from Eq. (7.6) or from Eq. (7.7), ultimate load Qult is determined by multiplying qult
with footing dimensions. Factor of safety (FS) is determined as follows:
FS = ...(7.8)
There are other considerations in the determination of bearing capacity of soil
that will liquefy during design earthquake. Distance of bottom of footing to top of liquefied
soil layer is one important consideration. This parameter is difficult to determine for soil that
is below groundwater table and has factor of safety against liquefaction that is slightly greater
than 1. The reason being, earthquake might induce liquefaction of the upper layer as well.
In addition to vertical loads, footing might also be subjected to static and dynamic lateral
loads during earthquake. They are dealt with separately. In conventional analysis, vertical load
is applied at center of footing. For earthquake loading, footing is often subjected to a moment.
This moment is represented by a load having some eccentricity (Meyerhof, 1953). There are
standard techniques to determine eccentricity. Eccentrically loaded footing induces higher
bearing pressure under one side of footing than on the other side. The largest and the
smallest bearing pressures are determined as follows:
80 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Q(B + 6e)
q′ = ...(7.9)
Q(B − 6e)
q″ = ...(7.10)
where, q′ = largest bearing pressure under footing.
q″ = smallest bearing pressure under footing.
Q = load per unit length of footing. This includes dead,
live and seismic loads acting on footing as well as
its self weight.
e = eccentricity of footing.
B = footing width.
It has been suggested that Q should be located within middle one-third of the footing
(Eccentricity should be within middle one-third of footing). It has also been suggested that
q′ should not exceed allowable soil pressure. These suggestions have been made from safety
point of view of the foundation. Factor of safety FS is determined as follows using q′:
FS = ...(7.11)
qult in Eq. (7.11) is determined using Eq. (7.6) for strip footing and Eq. (7.7) for
spread footing.
Fig. 7.1 Bearing capacity factor Nc for two layer soil system (Courtesy: Day, 2002)
to moment along long dimension of footing as well as across the footing. If the footing is
subjected to moment only in one direction, footing dimension is reduced only in that direction.
These reduced footing dimensions are then used to determine bearing capacity. Factor of
safety FS is also determined using Fig. 7.2 as follows:
FS = ...(7.12)
Qult in Eq. (7.12) is determined by multiplying qult with reduced footing dimensions.
qult is determined using Eq. (7.6) and Eq. (7.7) with reduced footing dimensions.
Special design techniques are available for sloping ground conditions under earthquake
loading conditions. Special design techniques are also for inclined base of footing under
earthquake loading conditions. Methods have also been developed to determine allowable
bearing capacity of foundations at top of slopes.
Fig. 7.2 Reduced area method for a footing subjected to a moment (Courtesy: Day, 2002)
These methods should be used with caution when dealing with earthquake analysis of
soil that will liquefy during design earthquake. The site could be impacted by liquefaction
induced lateral spreading and flow slides. Even if the general vicinity of the site is relatively
level, the effect of liquefaction on adjacent slopes or retaining walls should be included in
the analysis. If the site consists of sloping ground, a slope stability analysis should also be
performed. Similarly, if there is retaining wall adjacent to site, a retaining wall analysis should
also be performed. Charts have been developed to determine the bearing capacity factors for
footings having inclined bottoms. During the earthquake, the inclined footing could translate
laterally along the sloping soil or rock contact. If a sloping contact of underlying hard material
will be encountered during excavation of footing, the hard material should be excavated in
order to construct a level footing that is entirely founded within hard strata.
82 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Some times due to earthquake, granular soil doesn’t liquefy. Howevere, there is reduction
in its shear strength due to increase in pore pressure. This situation is applicable to granular
soils below groundwater. Furthermore, factor of safety against liquefaction should be between
1 and 2 for the analysis presented in this subsection.
Following equations are used.
For strip footing: qult = 0.5(1 – ru)γbBNγ ...(7.13)
For spread footing: qult = 0.4(1 – ru)γbBNγ ...(7.14)
where, ru = pore water pressure ratio. It is determined by
determining factor of safety against liquefaction of
soil below footing base. Its value should be in between
1 and 2. When factor of safety against liquefaction
is greater than 2, Terzaghi bearing capacity equation
can be applied by incorporating the effect of ground
water table to determine pore water pressure ratio
(Wallace, 1961).
Cohesive soils as well as organic soils can also be susceptible to a loss of shear strength
during the earthquake. In dealing with such soils, it is often desirable to limit the stress
exerted by the footing during the earthquake. The stress exerted should be less than the
maximum past pressure of the cohesive or organic soils. This prevents the soil from squeezing
out. It also prevents soil from deforming laterally from underneath footing.
It is often very difficult to predict the amount of earthquake induced settlement for
foundations bearing on cohesive or organic soils. Consequently, in one approach adequate
factor of safety against bearing capacity failure of foundation is ensured. Ultimate bearing
capacity is determined as follows:
For strip footing:
qult = 5.5s u ...(7.16)
For spread footing:
qult = 5.5su 1 + 0.3
L K ...(7.17)
su is undrained shear strength, B is footing width and L is footing length. Factor of
safety FS is determined as follows:
FS = q ...(7.18)
qult in Eq. (7.18) is determined using Eq. (7.16) or (7.17). qall in Eq. (7.18) is allowable
bearing capacity.
There are standard guidelines in terms of undrained shear strength that should be
utilized for earthquake engineering analysis (Triandafilidis, 1965). These guidelines for selection
of undrained shear strength is given in subsections below.
Example 7.1. At a particular site, ground surface is horizontal and the zone of liquefaction
extends from a depth of 1.2 m to 6.7 m. During construction, additional 1.8 m thick cohesive
soil is placed at ground surface. After that it is proposed to construct a sewage disposal plant
at the site. Bottom of the footing for the plant is to be at a depth of 0.5 m below ground
surface. For both existing 1.2 m thick unliquefiable cohesive soil layer and additional 1.8 m
thick cohesive layer, the undrained shear strength is 60 kPa. Calculate the factor of safety of
the footing using punching shear analysis for:
(a) 1m wide strip footing under total load of 60 kN/m.
(b) 2m wide square spread footing under total load of 600 kN.
(a) For strip footing, using Eq. (7.1),
T = 1.8 + 1.2 – 0.5 = 2.5 m,
τf = undrained shear strength of cohesive soil = 60 kPa.
P = 60 kN/m.
Substituting the values in Eq. (7.1):
FS = 5.0
(b) For square spread footing, using Eq. (7.2),
T = 1.8 + 1.2 – 0.5 = 2.5 m,
τf = undrained shear strength of cohesive soil = 60 kPa,
P = 600 kN
and B = L = 2 m.
Substituting the values in Eq. (7.2):
FS = 2.0
Example 7.2. Perform total stress analysis using Terzaghi equations for general and
local shear failure to find out factor of safety for 1m wide strip footing. Use data from
Example 7.1.
Solution: From Example 7.1, P = 60 kN/m for 1 m wide strip footing, T = 1.8 + 1.2 –
0.5 = 2.5 m. c1 = su = 60 kPa = 60 kN/m2 & c2 = 0. i.e. T/B = 2.5/1 = 2.5 and c2/c1 =
0. For these two values and using Fig. 7.1, Nc = 5.5. Consequently, using Eq. (7.6), qult
= (60)(5.5) = 330 kN/m2 for strip footing. Hence Qult for 1 m wide strip footing = qult B
= (330)(1) = 330 kN/m. Using Eq. (7.8), factor of safety = FS = 5.5.
Example 7.3. Use data from Example 7.1. Assume that apart from vertical loads, the
strip and the spread footing is subjected to earthquake induced moment equal to 5 kN.m/
m and 150 kN.m which act in single (B) direction. Determine factor of safety using Eq.
(a) For 1 m wide strip footing, Q = P = 60 kN/m, e = M/Q = 5/60 = 0.0833 m, for
middle one-third of footing, e can not exceed 0.17 m, and therefore e is within
86 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
middle one-third of footing. q′= 89.988 kN/m2 from Eq. (7.9). qult in Eq. (7.11) is
determined using Eq. (7.6) which makes use of Fig. 7.1. Hence qult = 330 kN/m2.
Consequently, Factor of safety = FS = 3.667.
(b) For 2 m wide square spread footing, Q = P = 600 kN, e = M/Q = 150/600
= 0.25 m. For middle one-third of footing, e can not exceed 0.33 m, and therefore
e is within middle one-third of footing. Q = 600/2 = 300 kN/m for use in Eq. (7.9).
q′ = 262.5 kN/m2 from Eq. (7.9) for 2m wide square spread footing. Furthermore,
T = 1.8 + 1.2 – 0.5 = 2.5m. c2 = 0 and c1 = 60 kN/m2. T/B = 2.5/2 = 1.25m
and c2/c 1 = 0. Using these and from Fig. 7.1, Nc = 3.2. Hence qult = 249.6 kN/
m2 from Eq. (7.7) with B = L = 2 m. Consequently, Factor of safety = FS = 0.95.
Deep foundations are used when the upper soil stratum is too soft, weak or compressible
to support the static and earthquake induced foundation loads. Deep foundations are also
used when there is possibility of undermining of the foundation, either in static or earthquake
induced foundation loading condition. One example is bridge pier which is often founded on
deep foundation to prevent a loss of support due to flood conditions which could cause river
bottom scour. Furthermore, in the case of excessive settlement, there is bearing capacity
failure due to liquefaction of underlying soil deposit as well as ground surface damage during
earthquake. To prevent consequent structural damage, deep foundations are used.
The most common types of deep foundations are piles and piers supporting individual
footing or mat foundations. Piles are relatively long, slender, columnlike members. They
are often made up of steel, concrete or wood. Either they are driven in or cast in place in
predrilled holes. There are different types of piles. Batter piles are driven at an angle
inclined to vertical. This provides high resistance to lateral loads. If the soil liquefies during
earthquake, lateral resistance of batter pile may be significantly reduced. End-bearing pile
is another type of pile. For end-bearing piles, the support capacity of pile is derived principally
from the resistance of foundation material on which pile tip rests. End-bearing piles are
used when a soft layer is underlain by dense or hard stratum. If upper soft layer liquefies
during earthquake, the pile will be subjected to down drag forces. Consequently, pile must
be designed to resist these soil-induced forces. In friction piles, support capacity of pile is
derived principally from the resistance of soil friction and/or adhesion mobilized along side
of pile. They are used in soft clays where the end bearing resistance is small due to
punching shear at pile tip. If the soil is subjected to liquefaction during earthquake, both
the frictional resistance and lateral resistance of pile may be lost during earthquake. Combined
end bearing and friction piles are another type of piles. These piles derive its support
88 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
capacity from combined end bearing resistance developed at pile tip and friction and/or
adhesion resistance on pile perimeter.
Pier is defined as a deep foundation system. It is similar to cast in place pile. Pier
consists of a column like reinforced concrete member. Piers have often large enough diameter
to enable down hole inspection. They are also referred to as drilled shafts, bored piles or
drilled caissons.
There are some more techniques available for forming deep foundation elements resistant
to earthquake. Mixed in place soil cement or soil lime piles are called mixed in place piles.
Vibroflotation is another method used to make a cylindrical, vertical hole. This hole is filled
with compacted open graded gravel or crushed rock. These stone columns also have the
additional capacity of reducing the potential for soil liquefaction. This is achieved by allowing
earthquake induced pore water pressures to dissipate rapidly. The pore water flows into the
highly permeable open-graded gravel or crushed rock. They are also called vibroflotation-
replacement stone columns. Grouted stone columns are also used. In grouted stone columns,
voids are filled up with bentonite-cement or water-sand-bentonite cement mixtures. Concrete
vibroflotation column is also used as deep foundation element. In concrete vibroflotation
columns, concrete is used instead of gravel to fill the hole. All these special types of pile
foundations are used as earthquake resistant piles.
Different items are used in designing and construction of piles which can resist earthquake
induced loads. They are given in subsections below.
in more economical foundation than those based solely on engineering analysis. These tests
are useful to evaluate dynamic loading conditions as well. The test method is used to provide
data on strain of pile under impact load. Force, acceleration, velocity and displacement of a
pile under impact load is also obtained from these tests. These data are used to estimate
bearing capacity and integrity of pile. Hammer performance, pile stresses and soil dynamic
characteristics are also obtained from these data. However, field load tests can’t simulate
response of pile for situations where soil is expected to liquefy during design earthquake.
Consequently, results of pile load tests would have to be modified for the expected liquefaction
Slope movement is secondary effect of earthquake. There can be many types of earthquake
induced slope movement. For rock slopes, earthquake induced slope movement is divided
into falls and slides. Falls have relatively free falling nature of rock or rocks due to earthquake.
In slides, there is shear displacement along a distinct failure surface due to earthquake. Falls
and slides occur in soil slopes also. In addition, slope can be subjected to flow slide or lateral
spreading also during earthquake. For a specific type of earthquake induced slope movement
to occur, minimum slope inclination is required which ranges from 40° in earthquake induced
rock fall to 0.3° in liquefaction induced lateral spreading.
For seismic evaluation of slope stability, analysis can be grouped in two general
1. Inertia slope stability analysis
2. Weakening slope stability analysis
Inertia slope stability analysis is preferred if material retains its shear strength during
earthquake. Pseudostatic and Newmark are two common methods in this analysis. Weakening
slope stability analysis is preferred if material experiences significant shear strength reduction
during earthquake. During liquefaction, there are two cases of weakening slope stability
analyses. Flow slide develops when the static driving forces exceed shear strength of soil
along failure surface. In lateral spreading static driving forces do not exceed shear strength
of soil along slip surface. Instead, driving forces only exceed resisting forces during those
portions of earthquake that impart net inertial forces in the downward direction. This results
in progressive and incremental lateral movement.
Massive crystalline bedrock and sedimentary rock (retaining intact during earthquake),
soils which dilate during seismic shaking, soils not exhibiting reduction in shear strength with
Slope Stability Analyses for Earthquakes 91
strain, clay with low sensitivity, soils located above water table and landslides having distinct
rupture surface are examples where material retain shear strength during earthquake. Inertia
slope analyses is preferred for them.
Foliated or friable rock which fractures during earthquake, sensitive clays, overloaded
soft and organic soils as well as loose soils located below water table and under liquefaction
induced excess pore water pressure are examples where material experience sufficient shear
strength reduction during earthquake. Weakening slope stability analyses is preferred for
This method is easy to understand and is applicable for both total and effective stress
slope stability analyses. The method ignores cyclic nature of earthquake. It assumes that
additional static force is applied on the slope due to earthquake. In actual analysis, a lateral
force acting through centroid of sliding mass is applied which acts in out of slope direction.
This pseudostatic lateral force Fh is calculated as follows:
Wa Wamax
Fh = ma = = = kh W ...(9.1)
g g
where, Fh = horizontal pseudostatic force acting through centroid of sliding mass in
out of slope direction. For two dimensional analysis, slope is usually
assumed to have unit length.
m = total mass of slide material.
W = total weight of slide mass.
a = acceleration, maximum horizontal acceleration at ground surface due to
earthquake. ( = amax)
amax = peak ground acceleration.
amax /g = seismic coefficient.
Earthquake subjects sliding mass in general to vertical as well as horizontal pseudostatic
forces. Since vertical pseudostatic force on sliding mass has very little effect on its stability,
it is ignored.
Based on the results of field exploration and laboratory testing, unit weight of soil or
rock can be determined. Consequently, weight of sliding mass, W can be readily calculated.
On the other hand, selection of seismic coefficient takes considerable experience and judgement.
Certain guidelines regarding selection of seismic coefficient is as follows:
1. Higher the value of peak ground acceleration, higher the value of kh.
2. kh is also determined as function of earthquake magnitude.
3. When items 1 and 2 are considered, kh should never be greater than amax/g.
4. Sometimes local agencies suggest minimum value of seismic coefficient.
5. For small slide mass, kh = a max/g
92 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
As per pseudostatic wedge analysis of Fig. 9.1, four forces are acting:
W = weight of failure wedge = total unit weight γt
times cross-sectional area of failure wedge for
assumed unit length of slope.
Fh = khW = horizontal pseudostatic force acting through
centroid of sliding mass in out of slope direction.
N = normal force acting on slip surface.
T = shear force acting along slip surface.
For total stress analysis:
T = cL + Ntanφ = suL
Slope Stability Analyses for Earthquakes 93
Price method are other methods of slices. Because of the tedious nature of calculations,
computer programs are routinely used to perform the pseudostatic slope stability analysis
using the method of slices. It has not been discussed in detail in this book.
Purpose of this method is to estimate the slope deformation for those cases where the
pseudostatic factor of safety is less than 1.0, which corresponds to failure condition. It is
assumed that slope will deform during those portions of earthquake when out of slope
earthquake forces make pseudostatic factor of safety below 1.0 and the slope accelerates
downwards. Longer the duration for which pseudostatic factor of safety is zero, greater the
slope deformation.
Fig. 9.2(a) shows horizontal acceleration of slope during earthquake. Accelerations
plotting above zero line are out of slope and accelerations plotting below zero line are into
slope accelerations. Only out of slope accelerations cause downslope movement and are used
in the analysis. ay in Fig. 9.2(a), is horizontal yield acceleration and corresponds to pseudostatic
factor of safety exactly equal to 1. Portion of acceleration pulses above ay (darkened portion
in Fig. 9.2(a)), causes lateral movement of slope. Fig. 9.2(b) and (c) represent horizontal
velocity and slope displacement due to darkened portion of acceleration pulse. Slope displacement
is incremental and occurs only when horizontal acceleration due to earthquake exceeds ay.
Slope Stability Analyses for Earthquakes 95
Fig. 9.2 Diagram illustrating Newmark method (a) acceleration versus time (b) velocity versus time for
darkened portion of acceleration pulse (c) corresponding downslope displacement versus time in
response to velocity pulses (Courtesy: Day, 2002)
One limitation of Newmark method is that it is unreliable for slopes not deforming
as single massive block. Slope composed of dry and loose granular soil is such slope.
Earthquake induced settlement of dry and loose granular soils depend on relative density,
maximum shear strain induced by earthquake and number of shear strain cycles. It is
anticipated that the lateral movement of slope is the same order of magnitude as the
calculated settlement.
Weakening slope stability is preferred for materials which experience significant reduction
in shear strength during earthquake. Analysis is done for flow slides in this section. Flow
slides develop when static driving forces exceed weakened shear strength of soil along slip
surface. Consequently, factor of safety is less than 1. There are three types of flow slides.
Mass liquefaction occurs when nearly the entire sloping mass is susceptible to liquefaction.
They occur to partially or fully submerged slopes. First step of analysis is to determine factor
of safety against liquefaction. If the entire sloping mass or a significant part of it is subjected
to liquefaction during earthquake, slope will be susceptible to flow slide.
Zonal liquefaction occurs when there is specific zone of liquefaction within the slope.
First step is to determine the location of zone of soil expected to liquefy during design
earthquake. Slope stability analysis is performed using circular arc slip surfaces passing through
zone of expected liquefaction. If factor of safety of slope is less than 1, flow slide is likely
to occur during earthquake.
Landslide movement due to soil liquefaction occurs due to liquefaction of horizontal
soil layers. There could be liquefaction of layers of saturated soil within the slope. This can
cause entire slope to move laterally along liquefied layer at base. Potential liquefiable soil
layer may be thin, hard to discover during subsurface exploration and hence it is difficult to
evaluate landslide movement possibility due to earthquake. Since slip surface must pass through
these horizontal layers, slope stability analysis is often performed using block type failure mode.
τ h static
α = σ′vo ...(9.4)
Dr = 55 – 70%
Kα 1.0
Dr = 45 – 50%
Dr = 35%
σ′v0 ≥ 3 tons/ft2
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Fig. 9.3 Chart for use to adjust factor of safety against liquefaction for
sloping ground (Courtesy: Day, 2002)
is termed as liquefied shear strength. It has been found to be correlated with (N1)60 value.
But, since undrained liquefied shear strength is very small, most conservative slope stability
analysis is performed for flow slides using effective stress analysis assuming liquefied shear
strength equal to zero. Further details are beyond the scope of this book.
Furthermore, it has been reported that sites subjected to M ≤ 8 earthquake and have
soils with (N1)60 values > 15 are resistant to lateral spreading. Equations 9.5 and 9.6 need
not be applied. Equations 9.5 and 9.6 are accurate within a factor of ± 2 and DH from these
equations should be multiplied by 2 for conservative design estimate of lateral spreading.
To obtain reliable deformations, terms in Equations (9.5) and (9.6) must be within
following ranges:
6 <M < 8
1% < W < 20%
0.1% < S < 6%
1m < T < 15m
F < 50%
D50 < 1mm
Other limitations of Equations (9.5) and (9.6) are:
(i) Liquefied soil layer must be within 10m of ground surface.
(ii) Equations (9.5) and (9.6) overestimate displacement due to lateral spreading of
liquefied gravels.
(iii) Equation (9.5) should be applied with caution at sites very close to free face.
(iv) For free face, both Equations (9.5) and (9.6) should be used. Higher value should
be used in actual design.
9.5.1 Summary
The liquefaction of soil can cause flow failure or lateral spreading. Even with factor of
safety against liquefaction greater than 1, there could still be significant weakening of soil and
deformation of slope. To summerize:
1. For factor of safety against liquefaction < 1, soil is expected to liquefy due to
earthquake. Flow slide analysis (sec. 9.4) and/or lateral spreading analysis (sec. 9.5)
will be performed.
2. For factor of safety against liquefaction > 2, the pore water pressure due to earthquake
is usually small. It can be neglected. Soil is not weakened by earthquake and inertia
slope stability analysis (sec. 9.2 and sec. 9.3) will be performed.
3. For factor of safety against liquefaction greater than 1 and less than or equal to 2,
soil is not expected to liquefy due to earthquake. However, there could be substantial
pore water pressure increase. Pore water pressure ratio can be estimated as a function
of factor of safety against liquefaction. Using this pore water pressure ratio, effective
stress slope stability analysis could be performed. If analysis shows factor of safety
less than 1, failure of slope during earthquake is expected.
Example 9.1:
A slope has a height of 9.1 m and the slope face is inclined at 2:1 (horizontal:vertical).
Assume wedge type analysis, where slip surface is planer through toe of slope and is inclined
100 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
at 3:1 (horizontal:vertical). Total unit weight of slope material = 18.1 kN/m3. Using undrained
shear strength parameters of c = 14.5 kPa and φ = 0, calculate factor of safety for static case
and for earthquake condition of kh = 0.3. Assume that it is not a weakening type soil.
Refer Fig. 9.1, for the information given in the problem, area of the wedge = 0.5(9.1)(27.3
– 18.2) = 41.4m2. For unit length of slope, total weight of wedge, W = (41.4)(18.1) = 750
Static case:
Fh = 0
Using Eq. (9.2(a)) and the information given in the problem:
c = 14.5 kN/m2, φ = 0, α = tan–11/3 = 18° and L = 9.1/sin α = 9.1/sin 18 = 29 m.
Substituting the values in Eq. (9.2(a)):
FS = = 1.8
(750)(sin 18)
Earthquake case:
Fh = 0.3 W.
Other values are same as static case. Substituting the values in Eq. (9.2(a)):
FS = = 0.94
(750)(sin 18) + (0.3)(750)(cos 18)
Example 9.2:
Use data from Example 9.1. Calculate slope deformation based on Newmark method.
Peak ground acceleration amax = 0.3 g.
Since pseudostatic factor of safety is less than 1, slope deformation based on Newmark
method can be estimated. From Eq. 9.2(a), for FS =1, kh comes out to be 0.26. Hence ay
= 0.26 g. amax = 0.3 g, given. Substituting in Eq. (9.3),
log d = –1.25. So d = 0.06cm
Example 9.3:
A slope is inclined at an angle of 14°. Relative density of soil comprising slope is 35%.
Factor of safety against liquefaction for level ground is 1.25. Find out factor of safety against
liquefaction for sloping ground. Assume slope to be infinite.
For infinite slope, α = tan 14 = 0.25. Also, relative density of soil = 35%. From Fig.
9.3, Kα = 0.5. Hence, factor of safety for sloping ground condition = (1.25)(0.5) = 0.625.
Slope Stability Analyses for Earthquakes 101
Retaining wall is a structure whose primary purpose is to provide lateral support for soil
or rock. It may also support vertical loads. They could be of gravity, cantilever, counterfort
and crib wall type. Basement walls and bridge abutments are typical examples. Performance
of retaining wall during earthquake is very complex. Due to seismic forces, walls can move
by translation and/or rotation depending on wall design. Magnitude and distribution of dynamic
wall pressure is influenced by mode of wall movement. Maximum soil thrust acts on wall
when the wall translates or rotates towards the backfill. It is minimum when the wall translates
or rotates away from the backfill. The shape of earthquake pressure distribution and the
point of application of resultant changes as the wall moves. Dynamic wall pressure and
permanent wall displacement increase significantly, near the natural frequency of wall backfill
system under earthquake loading. Increased residual pressure may remain on wall after episode
of strong shaking has ended.
It has been stated that the allowable bearing pressure and allowable passive pressure
should be increased by a factor of one-third while performing seismic analysis. This increase
is appropriate if retaining wall bearing material and soil in front of wall consists of massive
crystalline bedrock and sedimentary rock that remains static during earthquake, soils which
dilate due to earthquake, soils having little reduction in shear strength with strain, clay with
low sensitivity and soils located above water table. However the increase is not recommended
if the soil consists of foliated rock that fractures in earthquake, loose soil located below water
table, sensitive clays and soft clays. Former group of soils do not loose shear strength during
seismic shaking while later group of soils loose shear strength during seismic shaking.
This chapter deals with methods of retaining wall analysis under earthquakes.
Retaining Wall Analyses for Earthquakes 103
This method is easy to understand and apply. The method ignores cyclic nature of
earthquake and treats as if it is applying additional static force on retaining wall. Pseudostatic
approach is to apply a lateral force upon retaining wall. This lateral force acts through the
centroid of active wedge. The active wedge is zone of soil involved in the development of
active earth pressure on the wall. It is inclined at an angle of 450 + φ/2 from horizontal, as
indicated in Fig. 10.1. φ is angle of internal friction of soil.
Fig. 10.1 Active wedge behind retaining wall (Courtesy: Day, 2002)
1 1 1 1/2
W = HLγ t = H[H tan(45° − φ / 2)]γ t = k A H2 γ t ...(10.2)
2 2 2
where, W = weight of active wedge, per unit length of wall.
H = height of retaining wall.
L = length of active wedge at top of retaining wall.
γt = total unit weight of backfill soil.
k A = active earth pressure coefficient. Often the wall friction is neglected.
Substituting Eq. 10.2 in Eq. 10.1,
1 1 1/2 amax 2
PE = k h W = khkA1/2H2γt = k (H γt) ...(10.3)
2 2 A g
Since PE acts to the centroid of active wedge, location of PE is at a distance of H
above the base of retaining wall. According to Seed and Whitman (1970),
3 a max 2
PE = H γt ...(10.4)
8 g
PAE = PA + PE = k AE H2 γ t ...(10.5)
where, PAE = sum of static (PA) and pseudostatic earthquake force (PE). Equation for
kAE is shown in Fig. 10.2. In Fig. 10.2, ψ is defined as,
ψ = tan–1kh = tan–1 ....(10.6)
Force PAE acts at a distance of H above wall base. Retaining wall is further analyzed
for sliding and for overturning. Factor of safety for sliding using pseudostatic as well as using
Seed and Whitman analysis is given as,
N tanδ1 + PP
FS = PH + PE ...(10.7)
where, N = Sum of weight of wall, footing and vertical component of active earth pressure
resultant force. Vertical component of active earth pressure resultant force = PAsinδ. PA =
0.5kAγtH2. kA is obtained from equation in Fig. 10.2. H is height of retaining wall and γt is
unit weight of backfill soil. δ1 is friction between bottom of foundation and soil backfill. PH
= PAcosδ. δ is friction between back face of wall and soil back fill. PP is passive resistance
force divided by reduction factor which is taken as 2. Usually, the wall friction and slight
Retaining Wall Analyses for Earthquakes 105
slope of the front of retaining wall is neglected in the calculation of PP. PE is obtained from
Eq. 10.3 for pseudostatic and from Eq. 10.4 for Seed and Whitman analysis. Factor of safety
for sliding using Mononobe-Okabe method is given as,
N tanδ1 + PP
FS = PH ...(10.8)
Fig. 10.2 kA equation for static and kAE equation for earthquake condition (Courtesy, Day, 2002)
cos 2 (φ − θ)
KA = 2
sin(δ + φ)sin(φ − β)
cos θ cos(δ + θ) 1 +
cos(δ + θ)cos(β − θ)
cos2 (φ − θ − ψ)
KAE = 2
sin(δ + φ)sin(φ − β − ψ)
cos ψ cos θ cos(δ + θ + ψ) 1 +
cos(δ + θ + ψ)cos(β − θ)
Where, N = Sum of weight of wall, footing + PAEsinδ. PAE is obtained from Eq. 10.5.
PH = PAE cosδ. Method of obtaining PP is same as in Eq. 10.7. Factor of safety for overturning
using pseudostatic as well as using Seed and Whitman analysis is given as,
FS = ...(10.9)
0.333PHH − Pve + 0.667HPE
Where, a = lateral distance from resultant weight W of wall and footing to toe of
footing. PH = PAcosδ and Pv = PA sinδ. PA determination has been explained in the context
of Eq. 10.7. e = lateral distance from Pv to the toe of wall. Factor of safety for overturning
106 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Where, a = lateral distance from resultant weight W of wall and footing to toe of
footing. e = lateral distance from Pv to the toe of wall. PAE determination has been explained
in the context of Eq. 10.8. Under combined static and earthquake loads, factor of safety for
sliding as well as for overturning should be in the range of 1.1 to 1.2.
There are three types of liquefaction damages. Firstly, there is liquefaction in front of
retaining wall. This reduces passive resistance in front of retaining wall. Secondly, soil behind
the retaining wall liquefies, and pressure exerted on wall is greatly increased. These two
effects can work individually or together causing sliding, overturning or tilting failure. Thirdly,
there could be liquefaction below bottom of wall causing bearing capacity failure.
Fig. 10.3 Static design of sheet pile wall (Courtesy, Day, 2002)
Typical design process is to assume depth D and calculate factor of safety for toe
failure. Factor of safety is defined as moment due to passive force (resisting moment) divided
by moment due to active force (destabilizing moment) at the tieback anchor (point D). This
value should be between 2 and 3. Once D has been calculated, Anchor pull Ap can be
calculated using,
AP = PA − ...(10.14)
PA and Pp are resultant active and passive forces. FS is factor of safety and is obtained
as ratio of moment due to passive force to moment due to active force. Other design aspects
for static analysis have not been discussed in this book.
In the case of factor of safety against liquefaction (greater than 2) for sand behind,
below and front of sheet pile, due to earthquake, there will be horizontal pseudostatic force
acting on sheet pile. It will be acting at a height of 0.667(H+D) from sheet pile bottom.
Since water pressure tends to cancel on both sides of wall, the pseudostatic force is calculated
108 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
using Eq. 10.3 based on buoyant unit weight. Moment due to psudostatic force at the tieback
anchor will have the same direction as moment due to active force. Incorporating this, factor
of safety is calculated for earthquake condition. Anchor pull is obtained by adding PE in Eq.
10.14 for earthquake condition with FS being factor of safety for earthquake condition. Partial
passive wedge liquefaction due to earthquake in the case of sheet pile walls has not been
discussed in this book. For liquefaction of entire active wedge due to earthquake and no
liquefaction of soil in front of sheet pile wall, moment due to passive force at tieback anchor
will be unaltered. Lateral pressure due to liquefied soil is determined with kA = 1 and submerged
unit weight of liquefied soil. Ratio of moments due to passive force to moment due to lateral
force of liquified soil at tieback anchor is used to find out factor of safety in this case.
If only backfill soil is weakened due to earthquake, the force exerted on the back face
of wall increases. Shear strength corresponding to weakened condition of backfill soil is
calculated and is used to determine forces exerted on wall. Using this, bearing pressure,
factor of safety for sliding, factor of safety for overturning and location of resultant vertical
force is calculated.
If soil beneath bottom of wall or soil in passive wedge is weakened due to earthquake,
there could be additional settlement, bearing capacity failure, sliding failure or overturning
failure. Weakening of ground beneath or in front of wall could result in shear failure beneath
retaining wall. Design approach is to reduce shear strength of bearing soil or passive wedge
soil to account for its weakened state during earthquake. Settlement, bearing capacity, factor
of safety for sliding, overturning and shear failure beneath the bottom of wall is calculated
for this weakened soil.
If there is weakening of backfill soil and reduction in soil resistance, combined analysis
of previous two conditions is done.
In these walls, movement of retaining wall is restricted. Static earth pressure at rest is
determined using coefficient of earth pressure at rest k0 using conventional technique of
static earth pressure calculation. For earthquake conditions, restrained retaining wall is subjected
to larger forces compared to retaining walls having the ability to develop active wedge.
Pseudostatic method is as follows,
PE k0
PER = kA (10.15)
Static design of temporary braced walls is shown in Fig. 10.4. If the sand deposit has
groundwater table above the level of bottom of excavation, water pressure must be added to
the case ‘a’ pressure distribution of Fig. 10.4. Since excavations are temporary, undrained
shear strength (su = c) should be used in the analysis in clays (cases ‘b’ and ‘c’). Pressure
distribution of case ‘b’ and ‘c’ is not valid for permenent wall or for walls where water table
is above bottom of excavation.
Earthquake design is done using technique described in sec. 10.2 or sec. 10.5 based
on whether wall is considered yielding or restrained. Weakening of soil during earthquake and
its effect on temporary retaining wall should also be included in the analysis.
Example 10.1:
Refer Fig. 10.1. Assume H = 4m, thickness of reinforced concrete wall stem = 0.4m
and reinforced concrete wall footing is 3m wide by 0.5m thick. Ground surface in front of
wall is level with top of wall footing and unit weight of concrete = 25 kN/m3. Wall backfill
consists of sand having φ = 32° and γt = 20 kN/m3. Sand in front of wall has same properties.
Friction angle between bottom of footing and bearing soil, δ1 = 38°. For level backfill and
neglecting wall friction on back side of wall and front side of footing, determine:
(i) resultant normal force.
(ii) factor of safety for sliding.
(iii) factor of safety for overturning.
For static condition using pseudostatic analysis and for earthquake conditions using
Eq. 10.3 if amax = 0.20g.
Static condition:
Resultant normal force = Sum of weight of wall, footing and vertical component of
active earth pressure resultant force.
But, vertical component of active earth pressure resultant force = Pv = PAsinδ. In this
problem δ = 0 as there is no friction between backfill soil and wall face.
Hence, resultant normal force = Sum of weight of wall and footing =
(3.5)(0.4)(25)+(3)(0.5)(25) = 35 + 37.5 = 72.5 kN/m.
N tanδ1 + PP
Factor of safety for sliding = FS = PH + PE , with N = 72.5 kN/m, δ1 = 38°, PP
= 0.5 kpγt H2 (kp = tan2(45 + φ/2) = 3.25) divided by reduction factor (2) = (0.5)(3.25)(20)(0.5)2
divided by reduction factor (2) = 8.125 kN/m divided by reduction factor (2) = 4.06 kN/m.
PH = PAcosδ = 0.5γt H2kAcosδ. kA will be obtained from static equation of Fig. 10.2
with θ = β = δ = 0 according to this problem. Hence kA = (1–sinφ)/(1+sinφ) = 0.307.
So, PH = PA = (0.5)(20)(4)2(0.307) = 49.12 kN/m and PE = 0 for static case. Substituting
(72. 5)(tan 38) + (4. 06)
the values, factor of safety for sliding = = 1. 236
110 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Fig. 10.4 Earth pressure distribution on temporary braced walls (Courtesy, Day, 2002)
Retaining Wall Analyses for Earthquakes 111
1 1 / 2 a max 2
Using Eq. 10.3, PE = kA (H γ t ) = (0.5)(0.307)0.5(0.2)(4)2(20) = 17.7 kN/m.
2 g
Factor of safety for overturning =
0.333PH H − Pv e + 0.667HPE
Resultant normal force = N = HLγt = (20)(14)(120) = 33600 lb/ft. Factor of safety
Ntan δ1 + PP
for sliding = PH + PE
Factor of safety for overturning =
0.333PH H − Pv e + 0.667HPE
= = 4.82
Example 10.3
Refer Fig. 10.3. Soil behind and front of sheet pile is uniform sand with φ′ = 33°, γb
= 64 lb/ft3 and γt = 130 lb/ft3. H = 30ft and D = 20ft. Water level in front of wall and
groundwater table is at same elevation at 5ft below ground surface. Tieback anchor is located
at 4ft below ground surface. Neglecting wall friction, determine factor of safety and tieback
anchor force for static and earthquake condition using pseudostatic method for amax = 0.20g.
Static case:
k A = tan2(45–φ/2) = tan2(45–16.5) = 0.295,
kp = 1/kA = 3.39.
From 0ft to 5ft,
P1A = 0.5kAγt (5)2 = (0.5)(0.295)(130)(5)2
= 479.375 lb/ft
From 5ft to 50ft,
P2A = kAγt (5)(45) + (0.5)(kA)(γb)(45)2
= (0.295)(130)(5)(45) + (0.5)(0.295)(64)(45)2
= 8628.75 + 19116 = 27744.75 lb/ft.
PA = P1A + P2A = 479.375 + 27744.75 = 28224.125
PP = (0.5)(kP)(γb)(D)2 = (0.5)(3.39)(64)(20)2
= 43392 lb/ft
Moment due to passive force at tieback anchor = (43392)(26 + (0.667)(20)) = 1.707 × 106
Retaining Wall Analyses for Earthquakes 113
1.707 ×106
Factor of safety = = 2.145
7.95655 ×105
Anchor pull = AP = PA − = 28224.125–(43392/2.145) = 7994.75 lb/ft
Earthquake case:
1 1/ 2 amax
PE =
gH K(H2γ b ) = (0.5)(0.295)0.5(0.2)(50)2(64) = 8690 lb/ft acting at 0.667(H
1.707 ×106
Factor of safety = = 1.884
9.05655 x 105
Pp 43392
Anchor pull = AP = PA − + PE = 28224.125 – + 8690 = 13882.277 lb/ft
FS 1.884
Example 10.4
A braced excavation will be used to support vertical sides of 20ft deep excavation
(H = 20ft in Fig. 10.4). If site is sand with φ = 33° and γt = 125 lb/ft3, calculate σh and
resultant earth pressure force on braced excavation for static and earthquake condition with
amax = 0.20g using Eq. 10.3. Ground water is below bottom of excavation.
Static case:
kA = tan2(45–φ/2) = 0.294, from Fig. 10.4, σh = (0.65)(kA)(γ)(H) = (0.65)(0.294)(125)(20)
= 477.75 lb/ft2
resultant force = σhH = (477.75)(20) = 9555 lb/ft
Earthquake case:
1 1 / 2 amax
PE =
(H2γ t ) = (0.5)(0.294)0.5(0.2)(20)2(125) = 2711.088 lb/ft
114 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
within buildings themselves), it became possible to measure and understand the dynamic
response of buildings when they were subjected to real earthquake induced ground motion.
By using actual earthquake motion records as input to, then, recently developed inelastic
integrated time history analysis packages, it became apparent that many buildings designed
to earlier codes had inadequate strength to withstand design level earthquakes without experiencing
significant damage. However, observations of the in-service behaviour of buildings showed
that this lack of strength did not necessarily result in building failure or even severe damage
when they were subjected to severe earthquake attack. Provided the strength could be maintained
without excessive degradation as inelastic deformations developed, buildings generally survived
the earthquake. Conversely, buildings which experienced significant strength loss frequently
became unstable and often collapsed during earthquakes.
With this knowledge the design emphasis moved to ensure that the retention of post-
elastic strength was the primary parameter which enabled buildings to survive the earthquake.
It also became clear that some post-elastic response mechanisms were preferable to others.
Preferred mechanisms could be easily detailed to accommodate the large inelastic deformations
expected. Other mechanisms were highly susceptible to rapid degradation with. Those mechanisms
needed to be suppressed. The key to successful modern earthquake engineering design lies
therefore in the detailing of the structural elements. Consequently, the desirable post-elastic
mechanisms are identified and promoted. On the other hand the formation of undesirable
response modes are precluded.
Desirable mechanisms are those which are sufficiently strong to resist normal imposed
actions without damage. At the same time, they are capable of accommodating substantial
inelastic deformation without significant loss of strength or load carrying capacity. Such
mechanisms have been found to generally involve the flexural response of reinforced concrete
and steel structural elements or the flexural steel dowel response of timber connectors.
Undesirable post-elastic response mechanisms within specific structural elements have brittle
characteristics. They include shear failure within reinforced concrete, reinforcing bar bond
failures, loss of axial load carrying capacity or buckling of compression members such as
columns. They also include the tensile failure of brittle components such as timber or under-
reinforced concrete.
the mandatory provisions of the national building codes the following requirements need to
be satisfied:
(i) For amenity retentions (Serviceability Limit State): The building response should
remain predominantly elastic. Some minor damage would be acceptable provided
any such damage does not require repair. Buildings should remain fully operational.
Preservation of the appropriate levels of lateral deformation to protect non-structural
damage is of primary importance. The loading intensity for this limit state is to be
relatively low.
(ii) For collapse avoidance (Ultimate or Survival Limit State): The risk to life safety is
maintained at acceptably low levels. Building collapse is to be avoided. Significant
residual deformation is expected within the buildings. Both structural and non-
structural members experience damage. Building repair may not be economical. The
loading intensity used for design can be equated to rare earthquakes with long
return periods. This is the single most important design criterion since it relates to
preservation of life. It demands that the system possess adequate overall structural
ductility. This enables load redistribution while avoiding collapse.
Compliance with the performance criteria of the various limit states outlined in previous
section requires different material properties. The serviceability limit states criteria demand
that certain stiffness and elastic strength parameters be met. This is primarily concerned with
the linear stress/strain deformation relationships associated with elastic system response. The
ultimate limit state criteria generally demand that an appropriate level of post-elastic ductility
capacity is available. This helps to avoid collapse. There are important ramifications with this
concept in regard to both the material and sectional properties. They are assumed for members
during the analysis, and also during the translation of the results which are derived using
elastic modelling techniques into the inelastic response domain.
For compliance with the serviceability limit state performance provisions, the simple
linear stress/strain relationships of materials are needed. These are the conventional parameters
used to assess the structural resistance to other loads. Assuming that the structural system
remains predominantly elastic, damage avoidance can reasonably be expected and compliance
can be assured. Simple elastic engineering models can be used to ascertain building response
in these conditions. Consequently, for concrete and masonry structures, the cracked sectional
properties are appropriate for the serviceability limit state, although significant yield of the
reinforcing steel (and the subsequent retention of wide residual cracks) is to be avoided.
For compliance with the ultimate limit state performance provisions, the post-elastic
response of the structure needs to be considered. This includes large post-elastic member
deformation (Fig. 11.1). Often traditional engineering models break down at this stage.
There is thus little to be gained by using highly sophisticated engineering modeling techniques
to demonstrate compliance with the ultimate limit states criteria unless there is a high degree
of confidence that the relationship between the elastic and inelastic structural response is
realistic. The simple elastic stress/strain relationships and the elastic engineering models used
to ascertain the load distribution between members within the structural system no longer
apply. It is to address this particular post-elastic response condition, being the primary objective
of good earthquake engineering design, that the principles of capacity design of structures
were developed and subsequently introduced.
Earthquake Standard and also in the proposed National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Programme
(NEHRP) specification is to acknowledge that the response spectra is building period dependent.
This is achieved by publishing the design spectra in parametric form. In parametric form, the
ordinates of each parameter and the characteristics of the curve between them are read from
a series of seismic zonation maps of the region.
Fig. 11.3 Typical seismic zonation map (interpolation between iso-seismals is acceptable)
Conversely soft soils, particularly when they extend to moderate depths (>50 metres) are
likely to filter out some of the short period motion. Usually longer period response is amplified,
particularly in cases where the soil mass has a natural period similar to the high energy
component of the earthquake. While such resonance effects can be taken into account when
site specific spectra are being developed, it is usually impractical to include such effects in
a loading standard. Soft soil response spectra have a flatter, broader plateau (refer Fig. 11.5).
Fig. 11.5 Typical spectral response curves modified for soil effects (Courtesy:
Most modern earthquake design standards acknowledge the fact that buildings will experience
damage when they are subjected to severe earthquake attack. Attempts are made to quantify
the post-elastic capacity of different building type as well as material types. This is achieved
by including some form of ductility based adjustment factor. This has the effect of reducing
the elastic response coefficient down to a more convenient level. Below this level, elastic
response with little or no damage is expected. However, beyond this level, some damage is
accepted while collapse avoidance is to be assured.
Fig. 11.6 Basis for translation of elastic response spectra to inelastic design spectra
Earthquake standards differ in how they translate the elastic response spectra derived
for the site into inelastic spectra which can be used as the basis for structural design. This
122 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
includes both the seismic zonation factor and the local soil factors The two most common
methods are to use a combination of structural ductility and structural performance factors.
Within the New Zealand Loadings Standard, this is a combination of the ductility factor, µ,
and the structural performance factor, Sp. The European Earthquake standard, combines
these as a structural behaviour factor, q. The earthquake standards of Australia and the UBC
used in the western USA use a structural response factor, Rf. Both q and Rf are period
independent. Consequently, they are direct scaling factors of the site response spectra. The
various inelastic response spectra published within the New Zealand Standard introduce
period dependency with equal energy concepts being applied to short period structures as
well as equal displacement to long period ones. Furthermore, there is a transition zone in
between (refer Fig. 11.6). For very long period structures, a constant displacement response
can be expected.
Fig. 11.7 Loading pattern and resulting internal structural actions (Courtesy:
as being the product of seismic mass (dead load plus long-term live load) present at each
level and the seismic acceleration generated at that level. The design process involves ensuring
the resistance provided at each level is sufficient to reliably sustain the sum of the lateral
shear forces generated above that level (refer Fig. 11.7).
elements together. This will ensure a continuous, rational load path which exists for
earthquake induced lateral loads, or, b) detailed analysis of the building subjected
to both gravity induced loads and a rationally derived lateral loading pattern. It will
reflect the earthquake generated forces.
6. Ascertain the fundamental period of response of the building. It is based on assumed
member of sections and properties. (Note: Several empirical formula are available as
the basis for determining the fundamental period of buildings. It is generally preferable
to assess the building response based on a realistic distribution of seismic mass at
each level up the building).
7. Ascertain from the horizontal regularity of the structure, whether a simple two dimensional
or the more complex three dimensional analysis model required.
8. Ascertain by consideration of the vertical regularity of the structure, whether the
structural response will be dominated by the first mode response of the structure in
which case the simplified equivalent static design procedure can be used. Otherwise,
because of vertical structural irregularity, multi-modal analysis will be required to
enable the base shear distribution to be established.
9. If equivalent static analysis is acceptable then:
(i) calculate the design level base shear force. It is obtained from the product of the
seismic mass and the lateral force coefficient which are derived from the inelastic
response spectra.
(ii) distribute the base shear to each level of the building and between lateral load
resisting systems. This is done in accordance with horizontal and vertical regularity
of the structure.
(iii) use elastic analysis techniques to determine actions induced on members from
load combinations which include earthquake forces.
10. If multi-modal analysis is required then:
(i) ascertain the period and deformed shape for each mode.
(ii) ascertain the contribution of each mode from the base shear of each mode,
distributed between levels according to each mode shape. It is derived from the
elastic response spectra lateral acceleration at each respective modal period.
(iii) combine the contribution from each mode using an appropriate modal combination
11. Scale the elastic deformation obtained from the analysis to allow for post-elastic
deformations. Furthermore, check that the overall deformation of the structure as
well as the inter-storey drift limits are within acceptable limits.
Earthquake design has three important distinctions from other loadings. Firstly there
is the acceptance that damage to both non-structural and some structural elements will occur.
However, collapse is to be avoided. Secondly, earthquakes are highly variable dynamic events
which designers tend to simplify into a set of quasi-static lateral loads. This approach enables
relatively simple analysis and design. However, it noticeably departs from reality. It is therefore
important to build into the structure a degree of toughness or robustness which will avoid
the development of undesirable collapse mechanisms. Thirdly, although there is geological
and seismological understanding of how earthquakes are initiated and how the energy release
mechanisms translate into surface ground motion, earthquakes still inherently contain a higher
level of uncertainty.
Several modern earthquake design standards, particularly those which apply to regions
of moderate or high seismicity, permit designers to make special provisions to accommodate
the anticipated level of damage. They also take additional measures to ensure the collapse
prevention mechanisms are robust enough to avoid overloading. This can be achieved when
the designer takes control of the structure, and dictates which and where post-elastic mechanisms
are to occur. The designer should also ensure the post-elastic demands are within levels
acceptable for the material being used. Furthermore, undesirable possible collapse mechanisms
are to be suppressed within the elements themselves.
used in conjunction with gravity frames and carry a proportion of gravity loads also. Shear
walls fulfil their lateral load resisting function by vertical cantilever action. By reference to
Fig. 11.3 it can be seen that both the shear force and bending moment generated by the
earthquake actions increase down the height of the building. Since shear walls are generally
both stiff and can be inherently robust, it is practical to design them to remain nominally
elastic under design intensity loadings. This is particularly true in regions of low or moderate
seismicity. Under increased loading intensities, post-elastic deformations will develop within
the lower portion of the wall. This portion is generally considered to extend over a height of
twice the wall length above the foundation support system. However, it can result in difficulties
in the provision of adequate foundation system tie-down to prevent uplift. Consequently, the
design of rocking foundations is common with shear walls. Good post-elastic response can
be readily achieved within the region of reinforced concrete or masonry shear walls. It is
achieved through the provision of adequate confinement of the principal reinforcing steel as
well as the prohibition of lap splices of reinforcing bars.
Shear wall structures are generally quite stiff. Inter-storey drift problems are rare and
generally easily contained. The shear wall tends to act as a rigid body rotating about a plastic
hinge. The hinge forms at the base of the wall. Overall structural deformation is thus a
function of the wall rotation. Inter-storey drift problems which do occur are limited to the
lower few floors. A major shortcoming with shear walls within buildings is that their size
provides internal (or external) access barriers. It may contravene the architectural requirements.
This problem can be alleviated by coupling adjacent more slender shear walls. The coupling
beams then become shear links between the two walls. Their careful detailing can provide a
very effective, ductile control mechanism.
Most Standards outline certain provisions relating to the vertical regularity of the
structure, as well as the plan regularity. These usually apply to the appropriateness of several
128 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
assumptions. These assumptions are implicit in the distribution pattern of the loading as well
as the torsional effects.
The preferred method of minimising torsional effects is to select floor plans which are
regular and reasonably compact. Wide separation of horizontal lateral load resisting systems
is encouraged. Plan forms with re-entrant corners such as ‘L’ and ‘T’ plan layouts should be
avoided. If these plan forms are dictated by other constraints, seismic separation joints
should be introduced between rectangular blocks. Such joints must be designed to accept the
post-elastic dynamic response of the building parts. This may be responding with disparate
phases. Contact and hammering between blocks is also to be avoided.
Earthquake engineering design techniques have advanced greatly. This has occurred
with the advent of modern computing techniques. The prudent designer, however, is wise not
to lose sight of the primary objective of earthquake design (i.e. collapse avoidance). Furthermore,
the level of uncertainty present in several of the key input parameters should also be taken
into account. Little may therefore be achieved by using highly sophisticated analysis techniques.
It has been concluded that the selection of regular building configurations and the application
of sound detailing principles are more likely to provide the required level of security against
collapse. On the other hand, detailed refinement of the analysis techniques will not be useful.
4. Analyse the resulting structure under the assumed distribution of lateral forces.
Furthermore, determine the member actions and loads.
5. Determine the overall structural response. Particularly regarding the inter-storey drifts
assessed for the elastically responding structure. For the assessment of the post-
elastic deformation, design standards typically magnify the elastic deformed shape by
the structural ductility. This helps to determine the overall maximum deformation.
Usually it is at the roof level. Introduction of a non-linear response profile to allow
for local rotation at plastic hinge zones is often required when determining the inter-
storey drifts.
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Internet references
A Blasting 73
Acceleration response spectra 118 Braced frames 127
Acceleration versus time plot 28 Brittle behavior 10
Accelerogram 48, 49
Accelerographs 115 C
Active faults 19 Catastrophic earthquakes 30
138 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
H Left-lateral 22
Hanging wall 21 Left-lateral transform slip 4
Harrappan cities 6 Liquefaction 1, 4, 6, 7, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
Himalayan frontal arc 31 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Slip 12, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29 Transforms 12, 14
Slip surface 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 100, 101 Transient dynamic phenomenon 39, 40