Bench - Add 50lbs in 7 Wks

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Add 50lbs in 7 Weeks!

A Few Pointers About the Bench Press in General

In my previous bench-press workout, I wrote a few paragraphs praising the bench press and tried to find some sort of common theme among bench pressers. I dont know if I succeeded, but in retrospect, I wouldnt do it again. We bench press because, next to the squat, its the most fundamental weight-training movement there is. If you had only 15 minutes to train your upper body, youd do the bench press and maybe some chin-ups. So, rather than waste time philosophizing, I decided to spend more time instructing. First of all, there seems to be an endless debate about what the proper bench-press grip is. Theres a wide-grip school, a medium-grip school, and an in-between grip school. For our purposes here, I want you to try a little test that will help determine the best bench-press grip for you, not Tom, Dick, or Harry. Get on the floor, and without thinking about it, assume your natural push-up position. Have someone measure the distance between your two forefingers. Thats probably your optimum bench-press grip. Remember it, and use it during this program. This may seem simple and unscientific, but the body will almost always assume the position that gives it the best mechanical advantage. Trust your body. Heres another tip: most people bench press straight up and down, like some flesh-and-blood piston. However, if you were to look at slow-motion films of just about every major powerlifter in the world, youd notice that they dont push the bar straight up and down. Instead, they push the bar up and slightly at an angle towards the head. This motion is called the J-lift. Use it. And, my last suggestion regarding technique concerns arching the back--dont do it. True, it will almost always improve your bench-press poundage, but the advantage is entirely artificial. When you arch your back, you reduce the distance between your chest and the bar. Doing it will not accelerate muscle growth or increase strength. I should also mention, briefly, the importance of doing proper warm-ups before doing any of the workouts in this program. This workout involves using very heavy poundages. In other words, it can be very intense, and if youre not careful, it can cause injuries to muscles that havent been properly warmed up. Try warming up this way: start with the bar. Bench press it five or six times, using a slow, regular tempo. Get up right away, and throw some weight on it. Do about four or five more reps. Keep adding weight and doing low-rep warm-up sets of about four or five reps--doing a higher number of warm-up reps can produce lactic acid and fatigue you before you even start your regular work sets. You dont need to wait long between warm-up sets, either. Just do another set in the time it takes you to get up, add more weight, and get back on the bench. Do about four of these warm-up sets, and then rest about three minutes before starting your work sets. My final piece of general advice regards failure. I talked about it during the first bench-press workout report, but I believe its very, very important and cant be over-emphasized. It seems self-explanatory, but theres more to failure than just stopping when the weight feels too heavy. Complete failure comes only when youve tapped into your hidden reserve of will and strength, and it may come a rep or two after your muscles tell you its time to pack up and go home. A strong mind will always beat the body, no matter how strong the body is. Going to true, total failure is a great way to stimulate muscle growth.

The Split
Even though this is a program designed to improve your bench press, it certainly doesnt neglect the rest of your body. After all, bodybuilding is all about balance, and a program devoted entirely to the bench press at the exclusion of other body parts would be ridiculous. This program accounts for all body parts, but it does require you to make some modifications to the way you normally train. First of all, the program is essentially based on a "push-pull" philosophy. For instance, youll work all the muscles that push, like chest, shoulders, and triceps, together on the same day. Conversely, youll work biceps and back--muscles that "pull"--together on the same day. The reason for this split is plain old American common sense. It allows more time for the "types" of muscle to recuperate between workouts. Say, for instance, you worked biceps and shoulders together, in effect youre mixing a "push" muscle and a "pull" muscle. The next workout would probably group chest, triceps, and back, again mixing pull and push muscles. Youd be using some of the same muscles two workouts in a row! After all, a chest workout involves shoulders, too, and a back workout involves biceps, regardless of how well you "isolate" a muscle group. Hence, my push-pull split: it gives you more recovery time.

As far as legs, Ive placed them with the pull or back and biceps workout, simply because that workouts shorter. One additional note on legs, though. Youll work them only once a week. Thats right, once a week. Now, I know some of you squataholics are feeling the icy embrace of panic right now, but trust me, you wont atrophy during this seven-week program--youll grow! Why have I given you only one leg workout a week? Well, the legs are made up of such large muscle groups that working them is so taxing on the body, it may actually take away from gains you might make in your bench press. Make no mistake about it, this workout, although it involves a low volume of work, is extremely intense! Many of you employ very different workout schemes, perhaps working each body part three times a week or maybe only once a week. If either situation is the case with you, this workout will take some getting used to. In most workout programs, you trash a muscle completely and then let it rest. Generally, very little thought is given to the amount of time between workouts. However, the more frequently you perform a lift, the smaller the increases in resistance, and the more likely your body can adapt to come back stronger each time. This bench program is based on small incremental increases in weight. Instead of trying to slap on an additional ten pounds each workout, youll add weight gradually, making for a smoother, more realistic (and ultimately more effective) increase in poundages and strength. The original program provided a series of two-day split options for training. Im now much less inclined to give you a choice. I now know what works best for this program--its a modified two-day split where, as I mentioned, you train legs only once a week, and your bench is done on Mondays and Fridays (see Table 1 - The Workout). You may be bellyaching that my split doesnt fit your schedule, but look at it this way: if your doctor told you to take your medication at such and such a time, you couldnt very well tell him that it doesnt fit your work or social schedule. Hed shrug his shoulders and ask you if your will was made out. Similarly, Ive determined that this is the optimal training split, and if you want to "cure" your bench press, youll find a way to do it.

An Overview of the Workout

As you read more about this workout, youll realize its basic yet advanced. Youll be doing basic, compound-type movements for all the other body parts. Now, this doesnt mean youll be doing single reps for shoulders, biceps, back, or triceps, though. Instead, youll be doing sets of six to eight. Its very, very important that you try to keep the workload for these body parts down to the amount indicated in the tables. Its better that these body parts are a little undertrained than overtrained. Dont worry, though, you wont lose any size, and chances are, these muscles will respond with new spurts of growth once you begin training them "normally" again. Your chest workout, however, will be completely different. At times, youll be doing sets of one, two, or three reps. During other chest workouts in the program, you may be doing sets of four, five, or six. Most of you have probably never done sets of fewer than four reps, thinking that those kinds of sets are only for short, baldheaded guys in rubber suits who compete in powerlifting contests. Well, its important to do some occasional lowrep training because thats the rep range that leads to the greatest increases in strength. And, the stronger you get, the more motor units you can recruit. And, if you can recruit more motor units, youre more likely to provoke those muscle cells into growing. Others might take a look at the low number of reps and think to themselves, Wow, I need to work out more intensely to grow. Those sets of one, two, or three might be fine for Shawn, but I need intensity . Well, Ive got news for you. Intensity is working with a weight thats close to your one-rep maximum. The closer your working poundage is to your one-rep max (1RM), the more intense your workout. Remember, were talking about motor-unit recruitment here. You may not get an awesome pump from low-rep sets, but youll get stronger, and your bench press will go up by leaps and bounds. Ive already mentioned that youll be working legs only once a week during this program. Youll also have to cut down on the amount of shoulder work you do. For instance, this workout doesnt include any overhead shoulder presses. With age comes wisdom, and Im smart enough to know that these types of exercises have a high risk-tobenefit ratio. And, with this type of intense workout, the front delts dont need any added stress. Youll work shoulders on Monday and Friday. The first shoulder workout of the week will involve dumbbell side raises. The second shoulder workout is really a rotator-cuff workout. I cant stress how important it is to have strong, healthy shoulders when doing this type of strength-gaining phase, and this is exactly what a strong rotator cuff will help ensure. Dont wait until youre in rehab--prevent injuries now! (For more information on exercises for the rotator cuff, refer to Charles Poliquins article "Serious Advice on a Humerus Subject," in the January 1997 issue of Muscle Media 2000.)

Another important consideration is the actual amount of time the workout should take. Expert after expert and research paper after research paper have pointed to the fact that workouts of this type shouldnt take longer than an hour. The two- or three-hour workouts of the past are to be avoided like the plague. Its almost universally accepted that cortisol levels may climb, testosterone levels may fall, and you could end up "overtrained" if you regularly work out intensely for longer than an hour. Additionally, you need to rest at least three minutes between sets on major lifts like the bench press and squats. For all other movements, rest two minutes between sets. I find that a stopwatch is an invaluable aid. Get one.

Step 1 - Determining Your One-Rep Max

Granted, I used a computer to generate the charts in this workout program, but you wont need a computer or a calculator to complete the program. You will, however, need to supply one crucial bit of data, and thats your 1RM. I cant stress how important this piece of info is, but suffice it to say, its the backbone of the program. If you just guess your 1RM, you might as well forget it. This program is based on precise mathematical formulas, and if you try to guess your 1RM or dont do the test to determine 1RM properly, youll get mediocre results. To determine your 1RM properly, you should refrain from training chest, shoulders, or triceps 48 hours prior to testing. You should also perform the test before you start your normal workout. No use trying to determine how strong you are in a particular lift if youve just finished an incredibly grueling workout, regardless of what body part is involved. You should also warm up properly and make sure youve got a conscientious spotter handy in case your 1RM is less than the weight youve piled on the bar. Heres how to determine your 1RM: 1. Warm up with a light weight for four to five reps. (Doing too many warm-up reps might generate too much lactic acid and screw up your 1RM.) Repeat twice. 2. Rest two minutes after your final warm-up set. 3. Increase the weight to one you can handle for eight reps. 4. Rest three minutes. 5. Increase the weight to one you can handle for three to four reps. 6. Rest three minutes. 7. Add weight, and attempt to lift the weight once. 8. If you failed, rest three minutes, reduce the weight, and try again. If you succeeded in lifting the weight, rest three minutes, add some weight, and try again. Repeat steps six and seven until you fail at lifting the weight.

Step 2 - Plugging Your 1RM into the Progression Table

Take a look at the Progression Table at the end of this article. Once I point out a few things, youll see that its really very easy. For the time being, pay attention only to the column on the far left marked "1RM." Find the number in that far left column that corresponds to the 1RM youve already determined by completing Step 1. Lets assume your 1RM was 280 lbs. Find the number 280 in that 1RM column, and look at the first three numbers to the immediate right of your 1RM. In this case, the numbers are 220, 235, and 245. These are the workout poundages youll use for your first bench-press workout, and if you look at the top of that same column, youll see that those three poundages are grouped in column number 1. That 1 corresponds to your first workout. Right underneath that column head are the letters A, B, and C. (Well get into these later--suffice it to say, theyre just there to make it easier to find the appropriate columns.) See em? Now look under that A, B, and C; youll see the numbers 6, 5, and 4. These numbers correspond to the number of reps youll be doing in Bench-Press Workout #1. To summarize, your 1RM of 280 lbs indicates that in Bench-Press Workout #1, youll be using 220 lbs, 235 lbs, and 245 lbs in your work sets. For those of you who tried the earlier version of this program, youll notice a few improvements. For one, the Progression Table is set up in five-pound increments instead of ten. This is all part of making a smoother progression. Also, under each workout, there are three columns: A, B, and C. These columns correspond to the columns of the form so that its very simple to transfer the information into the right place (A to the A box, B to the B box, etc.). And, lastly, there are no longer sets of eight reps--Ive discovered lower reps work even better.

Step 3 - Recording Your Numbers on the Workout Sheet

Go to the Workout Sheet at the end of this article. Remember the number of reps and poundages we just read off the Progression Table? Write them down, along with the date, in the boxes that correspond to Workout #1. In the case of our example, youd write 220 lbs in the rectangular box marked A on the Workout Sheet. And, accordingly, youd write 235 lbs under B and 245 lbs under C. Some of you more anal types will want to fill in all the boxes on the Workout Sheet right away... Dont. Ill explain why later. Although there are three rectangular boxes--marked A, B, and C--that doesnt mean youll be doing only three sets. Take a look at Box A next to Workout #1: it says youll be doing one set of six reps. Fine and dandy. However, look at Box B: it says two sets of five reps. Accordingly, Box C says two sets of four reps. All total, youll be doing five sets of bench during Workout #1. The exact number of reps and sets varies slightly from workout to workout, but your Workout Sheet will let you know how many you need to do for each training session. By now, youre probably wondering when the heck youre actually going to work out. Well, that time is now. Do your chest workout using the poundages from the table. ALWAYS DO THE LAST SET TO COMPLETE FAILURE. Afterwards, finish working your chest, shoulders, and triceps as outlined in Table 1The Workout. Once you complete the chest, shoulder, and triceps workout, rest a day or two, and then work back, biceps, and possibly legs, if its leg day. Chest Workout #2 will take place on Friday of that first week, and well go back to the Progression Table to figure out your workout poundages. Find your 1RM on the right of the Progression Table again. This time, trace along the columns until you get to Workout #2. Youll note that the weights are heavier this time. Dont worry, I expect you to get stronger fast but not this fast. The poundages are significantly heavier because youll be doing fewer reps. If you look at the top of the page, in column number 2, youll see that youll be doing sets of three reps, two reps, and a set marked "Neg." Go ahead and write those poundages in the boxes marked A, B, and C. In the case of our example 1RM, these poundages will be 240 lbs, 260 lbs, and 285 lbs. If youre paying attention, youll have noticed that the weight used for the third set--the set marked "Neg"is more than your 1RM max. Hey, what are you trying to do, Shawn? Crush my chest? Actually, negative sets are used throughout the program. The use of negatives can really speed up strength development if not overused. Typically, people are capable of handling up to 20% more weight on the negative (eccentric) portion of a lift as opposed to the positive portion (concentric). Youll do your negative set after your first four "normal" work sets of bench press. Then, youll need to find a spotter wholl help you do your negative set. After you find one, load the bar with the weight specified in the Progression Table. Grip the bar as you normally would for a set, and then have your partner help you unrack the weight. Unlock your elbows, and slowly lower the weight, resisting it all the way. Then, press the weight up with help from your spotter, and rack the weight. Now, work your triceps and shoulders as indicated in Table 1.

Step 4 - The Failure Test

This program wouldnt be all that sophisticated (nor effective) if there werent some way to gauge your progress and make adjustments accordingly. Thats why theres a "Failure Test" included in Workouts #5, 7, 9, and 11. Remember when I told you not to fill out the numbers on the Workout Sheet ahead of time? Well, thats because of the Failure Test. (Those of you who are familiar with the earlier version of the program will be relieved to know that the old Failure Test is gone, relegated to the Arthur Jones Museum of Outdated Training Notions. Theres still a Failure Test, but its much, much easier to do, and theres no confounding Failure Table to make things more complicated.) Go to the Progression Table once more. Take a look at the top row--the one where it lists the number of the workout with the letters A, B, and C underneath. Note that theres an "F" under the letter C of Workouts #5, 7, 9, and 11. That "F" stands for failure, and during the third set of the workouts listed, youll need to do a Failure Test to determine your progress up to that point. If you "pass" the test, youll need to move up one five-pound increment on the Progression Table. If you "fail" the test, youll need to move back one five-pound increment. If you just get an average "grade," you stay on course because youre right on track.

Let me give you an example using our 280-lb 1RM scenario again. Lets say its Workout #5, and youre about to do your failure set. The Progression Table says youre supposed to load 255 lbs on the bar. Now, do as many reps as you can, with good form, of course. If you did only one rep (or couldnt lift it at all), youll need to drop one fivepound increment on the Progression Table. In other words, on your next chest workout, youll simply use 275 lbs as your 1RM instead of 280 on Workout #6. If you do between 2 and 4 reps with 255 lbs, youll continue using the increments and poundages listed for a 280-lb 1RM. And, finally, if you do 5 or more reps with 255 lbs, youre moving too fast, and youll need to start using the increments and poundages listed for a 285-lb 1RM when you get to Workout #6. Youll be required to do these tests several times during the remainder of the program. This important feature allows you to progress at your own pace! Heres a point-by-point rehash of what I just explained regarding the Failure Test: 9. During the third set of Workouts #5, 7, 9, and 11, youll be required to do a Failure Test to evaluate your progress. 10. Set up the bench-press bar with the weight listed on the Progression Table for your Failure Test. 11. Using good form, do as many reps as you can. 12. If you do one rep or cant lift the bar at all, youll need to go back one five-pound increment on the Progression Table. The new 1RM will be used to calculate subsequent workouts, until, of course, you get to the next Failure Test when youll check your progress again. 13. If you do between two and four reps, continue using the same 1RM youve been using to calculate the poundages you use for subsequent workouts, until, of course, you get to the next Failure Test when youll check your progress again. 14. If you do five or more reps, youll need to go up one five-pound increment on the Progression Table. The new 1RM will be used to calculate subsequent workouts, until, of course, you get to the next Failure Test when youll check your progress again.

A Few More Words on the Nuts and Bolts

This program takes 50 days. When you think about it, this is a very short time. Were talking about 7 weeks or 14 chest workouts between you and new, previously unrealized power! For those of you who havent done this program before, it may seem a bit overwhelming. After all, many of you, if youve ever done a chest program before, probably borrowed it from some pro bodybuilders routine outlined in some other magazine. In other words, the workout probably instructed you to do 20 sets of bench press using 400 lbs or some other totally absurd recommendation. This is a workout thats about as personalized as youll ever get, and its not one based on science fiction. Instead, its based on science fact. Spend a little time studying the program, put it to use, and I guarantee youll get great results more strength and size! Hey, building a great body is just as much mental effort as it is physical! Now, lets look at the steps one more time: 15. Determine your one-rep max (1RM). 16. Find your 1RM in the far left-hand column of the Progression Table. 17. Look across the table to the right from your 1RM to the column under the appropriate workout number. 18. Fill in the weights listed in the Workout Sheet, matching the workout number and repetition subheads. 19. Find the weights for the next workout and fill them in one workout at a time. 20. Use the Failure Test as indicated by the Progression Table and the Workout Sheet to chart your progress and determine new 1RMs as needed.

Workout Sheet
Workout #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 # 10 # 11 # 12 # 13 # 14 A 1 @ _______ X6 2 @ _______ X3 1 @ _______ X6 2 @ _______ X3 1 @ _______ X6 2 @ _______ X3 2 @ _______ X5 2 @ _______ X3 2 @ _______ X5 2 @ _______ X3 2 @ _______ X5 2 @ _______ X3 1 @ _______ X5 1 @ _______ X3 B 2 @ _______ X5 2 @ _______ X2 2 @ _______ X5 2 @ _______ X2 2 @ _______ X5 2 @ _______ X2 2 @ _______ X3 2 @ _______ X1 2 @ _______ X3 2 @ _______ X2 2 @ _______ X3 2 @ _______ X2 2 @ _______ X3 1 @ _______ X2 C 2 @ _______ X 4 1 @ _______ X 2 Negatives 2 @ _______ X 4 1 @ _______ X 2 Negatives 1 @ _______ X ___ Failure 1 @ _______ X 2 Negatives 1 @ _______ X ___ Failure 1 @ _______ X 2 Negatives 1 @ _______ X ___ Failure 1 @ _______ X 1 1 @ _______ X ___ Failure 1 @ _______ X 1 2 @ _______ X 2 1 @ _______ X 1

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