LV Insulator
LV Insulator
LV Insulator
This Specification has lays down requirements for low voltage insulators. It has been approved for use by KPLC/REA in purchasing the insulators. It shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure adequacy of design and good engineering practice in the manufacture of the Insulators for KPLC/REA. The manufacturer shall submit information which confirms satisfactory service experience with products which fall within the scope of this specification
This specification is for insulators for use on Low Voltage overhead lines and service lines operating at voltages up to and including 433 Volts and frequency of 50Hz
The following documents were referred to during the preparation of this specification, and may be further consulted. In case of conflict, however, the provision of this specification shall take precedence. Unless otherwise specified, the latest revision, edition and amendments shall apply. (a) ES1 43-93: (b) BS 137: Line Insulators Insulators of ceramic material or glass for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V. A.C Insulator and Conductor Fittings for Overhead Power Lines.
(c) BS 3288:
The Insulators shall be suitable for continuous operation outdoors in tropical areas at altitudes of up to 2200m above sea level, Humidity of up to 90%, average ambient Specifications of Low Voltage Insulators
temperature of + 30oC with a minimum of 1oC and a maximum of + 40oC, Heavy saline conditions along the coast and tropical sunshine conditions.
5.1.1 Verification of Dimensions The dimension of the sample insulator shall be those stated in clause 4.3 with a tolerance of 5%. 5.1.2 Mechanical Failing Load
The insulator shall be mounted on an M16 bolt of adequate length in a rigidly held bracket. A flexible wire rope of not less than 12mm diameter shall be looped round the conductor groove, and shall be pulled at right angles to the bolt of the insulator bracket and in line with the bracket. The load shall be increased up to 15 kN at a steady rate and held at this load for a period of not less than 10 seconds. This test shall not cause fracture of the insulator.
Instructions for storage, handling and installation shall be included in each package, all in English Language.
Statement of Compliance (to be filled by the Supplier for all clauses and submitted for tender evaluation) Manufacturers catalogue, drawing, technical data or tests certificate Reference Page to support the offer.
Clause Number
Bidders offer
NB: - This schedule does not in any way substitute for detailed information required elsewhere in the specification.
Manufacturers Declaration: I on behalf of declare that the above specifications matrix conforms to a typical tender item type . as clearly marked in the attached technical brochures & drawings, and being offered for this tender. Signature Date Stamp