10 December 2011 at 9:00 A.M. Saint Lawrence The Deacon Parish Church Panit-An, Capipz

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10 December 2011 at 9:00 a.m. Saint Lawrence the Deacon Parish Church Panit-an, Capipz

Order of Pictorial
1. Bride and Groom with the officiating Priest 2. Bride and Groom 3. Couple with Brides Parents 4. Couple with Brides Immediate Family 5. Couple with Grooms Parents 6. Couple with Grooms Immediate Family 7. Couple with both Parents 8. Couple with both immediate Family 9. Couple with Male Principal Sponsor 10. Couple with all the Principal Sponsors 11. Couple with Female Sponsors 12. Couple with Maid of Honor and Best Man 13. Couple with Secondary Sponsors 14. Couple with the Bridesmaids and Groomsmen 15. Couple with the Junior Bridesmaids and Junior Groomsmen 16. Couple with the Flower Girls and Escorts 17. Couple with The Ring, Coin, Pen and Bible Bearers 18. Couple with the entourage 19. Couple with Liturgical Sponsors 20. Couple with Lola at Lolos both side 21. Couple with brides family and relatives (mother side) 22. Couple with brides family and relatives (father side) 23. Couple with Grooms Family and relatives (mother side) 24. Couple with Grooms Family and relatives (father side) 25. Couple with brides cousins both sides 26. Couple with grooms cousins both sides 27. Couple with brides masteral friends 28. Couple with brides high school friends 29. Couple with brides college friends 30. Couple with Pawa Elementary School Teaching Staff 31. Couple with brides friend in the District of Panay 32. Couple with groom friends 33. Couple with usher and usherettes

Priest: May the peace of Christ dwell always in your hearts and in your home; may you have a true friends to stand by you both in joy and in sorrow. All: Amen. Priest: May you be ready with help and consolation for all those who come to you in need; and may the blessing promised to the compassionable descend in abundance on your house. All: Amen. Priest: May you be blessed in your work and enjoy its fruits. May care never cause you distress nor the desire for earthly possessions lead your astray; but may your hearts concern be always for the treasures laid up for you in the life of heaven. All: Amen. Priest: May the Lord grant you fullness of years, so that you may reap the harvest of a good life; and after you have served Him with loyalty in His kingdom on earth, may He take you up into His eternal dominions in heaven. All: Amen. Priest: And may Almighty God bless you all, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All: Amen. Priest: The mass is ended. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. Priest: Denmark you may now kiss your bride. Commentator: May I request the pen bearer to please come forward for the signing of contract and everyone is requested to be seated for the marriage contract and pictorials. PICTORIAL Commentator: We shall now have the pictorial. We request who shall be called for the pictorials to approach the altar.

Denmark and Nonie Joy

All please stand. Priest: Let us pray. Lord, in your love you have given us this Eucharist to unite us with one another with you. As you have made Denmark and Nonie Joy one in this sacrament of marriage and in the sharing of one bread and one cup, so now make them one in love for each other. We ask you this through Christ our Lord.

Officiating Priest Rev.

All: Amen.


Ma. Regina Bundad

Priest: Denmark and Nonie Joy, now that you have received the Holy sacrament of Matrimony, I admonish you to remain faithful to one another. Nonie Joy, love your husband Denmark and be a good housewife, persevere in faith and love and holiness. Denmark, love your wife Nonie Joy , as Christ loves His church and live with her in faith and love and holiness.

First Reading Marie Fe Daradar

Psalmist Robylin Dumala

FINAL BLESSING Commentator: For the final blessing, please answer Amen after each petition. Priest: The Lord be with you. And also with you. May the Lord bless you until the end of your days. Amen. May you be blessed in your children, and may the love that you lavish on them be returned a hundredfold. May you be blessed in your children, and may the love that you lavish on them be returned a hundredfold. Amen.

Second Reading Lorna Villaruz

All: Priest: All: Priest: All: Amen. Priest: All:

PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION Commentator: May we now ask the cord and veil sponsors to remove the cord and veil.

Father, keep them always true to your commandments. Keep them faithful in marriage and let them be living examples of Christian life. Give the strength which comes from the Gospel so that they may be witnesses of Christ to others. Bless them with children and help them to be good parents. May they live to see their childrens children. And after a happy old age. Grant them fullness of life with your saints in the kingdom of heaven. We ask you this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen. COMMUNION RITE Priest: Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles; I leave you peace, my peace I give you. Look not on our sings, but on the faith of your Church, and grant us the peace and unity of your kingdom, where you live forever.

With joyful hearts, let us be one with them as they celebrate their love and devotion for each other. Let us join them in prayers and participate actively in the ceremony to show them our love ans support as they enter a lifetime commitment. Let us all be seated for the processional. PROCESSIONAL/ENTRANCE RITE (Entrance of the Bridal Entourage) Commentator: Mau I request the congregation to please stand for the Entrance of the Bride and remain standing for the celebration of the Mass. Celebrant: All: Celebrant: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. And with your Spirit. My bothers and sisters, to prepare ourselves to celebrate these sacred mysteries, let us call to mind our sins and be sorry for them. I confess the Almighty God, and to you my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words and what I have done and in what I have failed to do; through my fault, through my fault through my grievous fault. And I ask the blessed Mary, ever virgin, all the angels and saints and to you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the Lord our God. May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sings, and bring us to everlasting life. Amen. Lord have mercy .( to be sung) Glory to God in the High

All: Celebrant:

All: Amen. Priest: All: Priest: The peace of the Lord be with you always. And also with you. Let us offer each other the sign of peace. Lamb of God (will be sung) Commentator: Please kneel. Priest: This is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are those who called to his supper. Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed.


Priest: All: Choir: Celebrantt:


Commentator: All those who would like to receive Holy Communion please come up in single line through the middle aisle. Commentator: Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ! Welcome to the celebration of the wedding vows of Norman & Annchel.

All: ( to be sung) And peace to His people on earth, Lord God heavenly King, Almighty God and Father, we worship you, we give you thanks, We praise you for the Glory, Lord Jesus Christ. Only Son of

the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us. You are seated at the right hand of the father, receive our prayers. For you alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. OPENING PRAYER Celebrant: Let us pray Father, you have made the bond of marriage a Holy mystery, a symbol of Christs love for His Church. Hear our prayers for Norman And Annchel. With faith in you and you in each other, they pledge their love today. May their lives always bear witness to the reality of that love. We ask you this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. All: Amen. Commentator: Let us be seated and listen to the word of God. LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading: ( Genesis 2:18-24) A Reading from the Book of Genesis The Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make suitable partner for him. So the Lord God formed out of the ground various wild animals and various birds of the air, and he brought them to the man to see what he would call them; whatever the man called each of them would be its name. The man gaves name to all the cattle, all the birds of the air, and all the wild animals; but none proved to be the suitable partner for the man. So the Lord God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was asleep, he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. The Lord God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man. When he brought her to the man, the man said,this one at last, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called woman, for out of man this one has been taken. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and two of them become one body. The word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.

Through Him, with Him, and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, forever and ever. All: Amen.

Priest: Let us pray with confidence to the Father in the words our Savior gave us. Our Father NUPTIALS BLESSINGS Priest: My dear friends, let us now turn to the Lord and pray, that He will bless with His grace Nonie Joy, now married in Christ to Denmark, and that through the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ. He will unite in love the couple he has joined in this Holy bond. Father, by your power you have made everything out of nothing. In the beginning you have created the universe and made mankind in your own likeness. You gave man the constant help of woman, so that man and woman should no longer be two, but one flesh; and you teach us what you have united may never be divided. Father, you have made the union of man and wife so Holy a mystery, that it symbolizes the union between Christ and His Church. Father, by your plan man and woman are united, and married life has been established as the one blessing that was not forfeited by original sin or washed away in the flood. Look with love upon this woman, your daughter, now joined to her husband in marriage. She asks your blessing. Give her the grace of love and peace. May she always follow the example of the Holy women, whose praises are sung in the Scriptures.May her husband put his trust in her and recognized that she is his equal and the heir with him of life of grace. May he always honor her and love her as Christ loves his bride, the Church.

Celebrant: Lord, accept our offering for this newly married couple Norman & Annchell. By your love and providence. You have brought them together.

Now bless them all days of their married life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen EUCHARISTIC PRAYER Celebrant: The Lord be with you. All: And with you spirit Celebrant: Lift up your hearts.

and all the clergy. Remember our brothers and sisters who have gone to their rest in the hope of rising again; bring them and all the departed into the light of your presence. Have mercy on us all; make us worthy to share eternal life with Mary, the virgin Mother of God, with the apostles, and with all the saints, who have done your will throughout the ages. May we praise All: Thanks be to God RESPONSORIAL PSALM ( to be sung) Response: The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. They are happy whose God is the Lord. The people He has chosen as his own. The Lord looks on those who revere Him. On those who hope in His love. (Response) Our soul is waiting for the Lord; The Lord is our help and our shield In Him do our hearts find joy We trust in his Holy Name (Response) May your love be upon us, o Lord As we place our hopes in you. (Response) All: Good it is to give thanks and to praise. Thy name. Thy love well proclaim all through our days. Second Reading: (Ephesians 5:22-32) A reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians. Wives should be submissive to their husband as through to the Lord because the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the Church, his body of which He is also our Saviour. Just as the Church submits to Christ, so should wives submit everything to their husbands. Love your wife just as Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, purifying her in bath of water by the power of the word. So as to present to Himself a glorious Church, holy and Immaculate, without stain or wrinkle or anything of that sort. In the same way, husbands too shall love their wives as they do their own body. For this reason; A man should leave his father and mother and cling to his wife and the two

All: We lift them up to the Lord. Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Lord All: It is right and just. Celebrant:Father, all powerful and living God, we do always and everywhere to give you thanks. You created man in love to share your divine life. We see this high destiny in love of husband and wife, which bears the imprint of your own Divine love. Love is mans origin, love is his fulfillment in heaven. The love of man and woman is made Holy in the sacrament of marriage; and becomes the mirror of your love. Through the choirs of angel and all the saints praise and worship your glory. May our voices blend with their unending hymn of praise. Choir: Holy, Holy, Holy CANDLE CEREMONY Commentator: may I call on the candle sponsors to light the candles. Th candle is a symbol of light & warmth, the wisdom & love, hope & life. The flame is the symbol of Gods presence. In him alone, we can obtain abiding light & warmth, wisdom & love: hope & light, now & forever. Veil Ceremony Commentator: May I call on the veil sponsors to put on the veil as a symbol of their unity. Father, we pray to you that Norman & Annchell wear this wedding veil. May you preserve them from all harm. Keep their hearts chas Lord, remember your Church throughout the world; make us grow in love, together with Benedict XVI, our Pope, Onesimo, our bishop

shall become one flesh. This is the great foreshadowing; it means to say, it refers to Christ and the Church. The word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. Please all stand to honor the Gospel. Alleluia

Commentator: Please be seated for the Homily. RITE OF MARRIAGE Commentator: Please remain seated for the marriage rites. The principal Sponsors, please come forward as witnesses of the ceremony, standing at either side of Denmark and Nonie Joy. The coin and ring bearers, please come up and stand at the right side of the Priest.

Commentator: Choir:

Celebrant: Some Pharisees approached Jesus and to test him they said: Is it against the law for a man to divorce his wife for any cause? He answered: Have you not read the creator from the beginning made them male and female and then he said: This is why a man must leave his father and mother and cling to his wife and the two become one body, they are no longer two, but one body. So then, what God has united, a man must not divide. The Gospel of the Lord All: Praise to you o Lord, Jesus Christ.

PRAYER OVER THE GIFTS Priest: Lord, accept our offering, for this newly married couple Denmark and Norie Joy. By our love and providence you have brought them together, now bless them all the days of their married life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen PREFACE


Commentator: Please be seated for the Homily Priest: The Lord be with you. Homily All: And also with you. Rite of Marriage Priest: Lift up your hearts. Commentator: Please remain seated. We will now have the rites of marriage. May we request the couples parents and the principal sponsors to come forward. Celebrant: Dear Beloved, Norman & Annchell, you are here today top seal your love with an eternal bond before the church. I assure you of the prayers of our community that God may pour his abundant blessings on your love and help you carry out the duties of the married state. (Addressing the parents, principal sponsors and the community) And you, dear brothers and sisters, may I ask you to help them with your prayers and accept them as new couple in our Christian community. All: We lift them up to the Lord. Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All: It is right to give him thanks and praise. Priest: Father, all powerful and ever living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks. By this sacrament your grace unites man and woman in an unbreakable bond of love and peace. You have designed the chaste love of husband and wife for the increase both of the human family and your own family born in baptism. You are the loving Father of the world of nature; you are the loving Father of the new creation of grace. In Christian marriage you bring together the two orders of creation;


Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

natures gift to children enriches the world and your grace enriches also your Church. Through Christ the choirs of angels and all the saints praise and worship you glory, may our voices blend with their as we join in their unending hymn of praise: Holy, Holy, Holy.. (While the Holy is sang, the CANDLES are lighted, the VEIL and the CORD are put on) All:

Lord, wash away my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Pray, brothers and sisters, that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God, the Father Almighty. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our god, and the good of his church.

Commentator: Please rise

ALLOCATION Priest: Almighty and eternal God, look down with favor upon your servants Denmark and Nonie Joy. Grant them to remain faithful to you and to one another. And at the end of a long and well spent life, reward them with eternal happiness together with their children and with all those who love them. Through Christ our Lord. All: Amen. OFFERTORY Commentator: Please be seated for the offertory procession. May we request the offertory to come forward. Priest: Choir : Offering Hymn. LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Priest: Blessed are you Lord, God of all creation. Though your goodness we have this bread to offer, which earth has given and human hands have made. It will become for us the bread of life. All: Blessed be God forever. Priest: Priest: Priest: Dearly beloved, Denmark and Nonie Joy, you are here today to seal your love with an eternal bond before the Church. I assure you of the prayers of our community that God may pour his abundant blessings on your love and help you carry out the duties of the married state. And you, dear sponsors, parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends of Denmark and Nonie Joy, may I ask you to help them with your prayers and accept them as a new couple in our Christian Community. SCRUTINY May I now ask you to answer truthfully the following questions. Nonie Joy, did you come here of your own free will to bind yourself forever in the love and service of your husband? Denmark, did you come here of your own free will to bind yourself forever in the love and service of your wife?

Nonie Joy: Yes, Father. Priest:

Denmark: Yes, Father. EXCHANGE OF CONSENT Denmark and Nonie Joy, since you wish to contact holy matrimony, please join your right hands and express your intention before God and his Church. Nonie Joy, do you take Denmark for you lawful husband according to the rise of our Holy Mother and Church?

Priest: By the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself to share in our humanity. All: Blessed be God forever.

Priest: Lord God, we ask you to receive us and be pleased with the sacrifice we offer you with humble and contrite hearts.


Nonie Joy: Yes, I do.


Do you give yourself to him as his wife?


Nonie Joy: Yes, I do. Priest: Do you accept him as your lawful husband? Priest:

Bless O Lord, these rings so that your servants Denmark and Nonie Joy who wear them may ever live in eternal love and in unbroken loyalty. Through Christ our Lord. GIVING OF THE WEDDING RINGS AND ARRHAE Denmark and Nonie Joy now give this ring to one another and say after me: Nonie Joy, wear this ring as a sign of my love and loyalty. In the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. Denmark, wear this ring as a sign of my love and loyalty. In the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. I give you these arrhae as pledge of my dedication to your welfare in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit. And I accept them. May we ask Denmark and Nonie Joy to face the people. As a sign of our approval, let us now give our newly wedded couple a warm round of applause. PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL

Nonie Joy: Yes, I do. Priest: Denmark and Nonie Joy, here present, for you lawful wife according to the rite of our Holy Mother the Church? Yes, I do Do you give yourself to her as her husband? Yes, I do Do you accept her as your lawful wife? Yes, I do. Now, please pray together this prayer of Commitment. Grant us, O Lord, to be one heart and one soul, from this day forward, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. CONFIRMATION OF THE MARRIAGE BOND Priest: And I, by the authority of the church, calling on all those present here as witnesses, confirm and bless the bond of the marriage which you have contracted. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. BLESSING OF THE ARRHAE AND RINGS Priest: All: Priest: Denmark and Nonie Joy, we shall now bless your arrhae and rings. Our help is in the name of the Lord. He made heaven and earth. Let us pray: Bless O lord, your servants Denmark and Nonie Joy with sufficiency of material possessions which this arrhae symbolize so that they may use them to attain eternal life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Denmark: Priest : Denmark: Priest : Denmark: Priest: Couple:

Nonie Joy:


Nonie Joy: Priest:

Commentator: Please all rise for the Prayers of the Faithful. Priest: Dearly beloved, let us now pray for the Church and for our newly wedded couple, Denmark and Nonie Joy, whose marriage reflects her union with Christ. Let our response be: Lord Graciously hear us. Lord graciously hear us. for the Holy Church spread all over the world, for its leaders and for the rulers of our nation; let us pray to the Lord. Lord graciously hear us.


1st Lector: All: 1st Lector:



1st Lector:

All: 1st Lector:

For Denmark and Nonie Joy, that he may protect them from evil, lighten their burdens and strengthen them in their trials, let us pray to the Lord. Lord graciously hear us. That he may renew the grace of the Sacrament in the married couples here present, let us pray to the Lord. Lord graciously hear us.


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