Cognitive Linguistics - Lakoff, G. - The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor

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The passage discusses the classical view of metaphor as being solely a linguistic phenomenon and contrasts it with the contemporary view of metaphor as conceptual mappings across domains.

The classical theory viewed metaphor as novel or poetic language only, saw it as mutually exclusive from ordinary language, and defined it as using words outside their normal meanings. It was taken as definitional rather than empirical.

The contemporary theory sees metaphor as conceptual mappings across domains rather than just language. It argues metaphor is central to semantics and cognition, and that everyday language relies extensively on metaphorical concepts and cross-domain mappings.

The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor Pagina 1 di 41

From [email protected] Fri Jan 29 20:06:36 1993

Date: Fri, 29 Jan 93 18:02:16 -0800
From: George Lakoff
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: metaphors

The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor

George Lakoff

(c) Copyright George Lakoff, 1992

To Appear in Ortony, Andrew (ed.) Metaphor and Thought (2nd edition), Cambridge
University Press.

Do not go gentle into that good night. -Dylan Thomas

Death is the mother of beauty . . . -Wallace Stevens, Sunday Morning

These famous lines by Thomas and Stevens are examples of what classical theorists, at
least since Aristotle, have referred to as metaphor: instances of novel poetic language in
which words like mother, go, and night are not used in their normal everyday senses. In
classical theories of language, metaphor was seen as a matter of language not thought.
Metaphorical expressions were assumed to be mutually exclusive with the realm of
ordinary everyday language: everyday language had no metaphor, and metaphor used
mechanisms outside the realm of everyday conventional language. The classical theory
was taken so much for granted over the centuries that many people didn't realize that it
was just a theory. The theory was not merely taken to be true, but came to be taken as
definitional. The word metaphor was defined as a novel or poetic linguistic expression
where one or more words for a concept are used outside of its normal conventional
meaning to express a similar concept. But such issues are not matters for definitions; they
are empirical questions. As a cognitive scientist and a linguist, one asks: What are the
generalizations governing the linguistic expressions re ferred to classically as poetic
metaphors? When this question is answered rigorously, the classical theory turns out to be
false. The generalizations governing poetic metaphorical expressions are not in language,
but in thought: They are general map pings across conceptual domains. Moreover, these
general princi ples which take the form of conceptual mappings, apply not just to novel
poetic expressions, but to much of ordinary everyday language. In short, the locus of
metaphor is not in language at all, but in the way we conceptualize one mental domain in
terms of another. The general theory of metaphor is given by characterizing such cross-
domain mappings. And in the process, everyday abstract concepts like time, states,
change, causation, and pur pose also turn out to be metaphorical. The result is that
metaphor (that is, cross-domain mapping) is absolutely central to ordinary natural
language semantics, and that the study of literary metaphor is an extension of the study of
everyday metaphor. Everyday metaphor is characterized by a huge system of thousands of
cross-domain mappings, and this system is made use of in novel metaphor. Because of

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these empirical results, the word metaphor has come to be used differently in
contemporary metaphor research. The word metaphor has come to mean a cross-domain
mapping in the conceptual system. The term metaphorical expression refers to a linguistic
expression (a word, phrase, or sentence) that is the surface realization of such a cross-
domain mapping (this is what the word metaphor referred to in the old theory). I will
adopt the contemporary usage throughout this chapter. Experimental results
demonstrating the cognitive reali ty of the extensive system of metaphorical mappings are
discussed by Gibbs (this volume). Mark Turner's 1987 book, Death is the mother of
beauty, whose title comes from Stevens' great line, demonstrates in detail how that line
uses the ordinary system of everyday mappings. For further examples of how literary
metaphor makes use of the ordinary metaphor system, see More Than Cool Reason: A
Field Guide to Poetic Metaphor, by Lakoff and Turner (1989) and Reading Minds: The
Study of English in the Age of Cognitive Science, by Turner (1991). Since the everyday
metaphor system is central to the understanding of poetic metaphor, we will begin with
the everyday system and then turn to poetic examples.

Homage To Reddy
The contemporary theory that metaphor is primarily conceptual, conventional, and part of
the ordinary system of thought and language can be traced to Michael Reddy's (this
volume) now classic paper, The Conduit Metaphor, which first appeared in the first
edition of this collection. Reddy did far more in that paper than he modestly suggested.
With a single, thoroughly analyzed example, he allowed us to see, albeit in a restricted
domain, that ordinary everyday English is largely metaphorical, dispelling once and for all
the traditional view that metaphor is primarily in the realm of poetic or figurative
language. Reddy showed, for a single very significant case, that the locus of metaphor is
thought, not language, that metaphor is a major and indispensable part of our ordinary,
conventional way of conceptualizing the world, and that our everyday behavior reflects
our metaphorical understanding of experience. Though other theorists had noticed some
of these characteristics of metaphor, Reddy was the first to demonstrate it by rigorous
linguistic analysis, stating generalizations over voluminous examples. Reddy's chapter on
how we conceptualize the concept of communication by metaphor gave us a tiny glimpse
of an enormous system of conceptual metaphor. Since its appearance, an entire branch of
linguis tics and cognitive science has developed to study systems of metaphorical thought
that we use to reason, that we base our actions on, and that underlie a great deal of the
structure of language. The bulk of the chapters in this book were written before the
development of the contemporary field of metaphor research. My chapter will therefore
contradict much that appears in the others, many of which make certain assumptions that
were widely taken for granted in 1977. A major assumption that is challenged by
contemporary research is the traditional division between literal and figurative language,
with metaphor as a kind of figurative language. This entails, by definition, that: What is
literal is not metaphorical. In fact, the word literal has traditionally been used with one or
more of a set of assumptions that have since proved to be false:

Traditional false assumptions

z All everyday conventional language is literal, and none is metaphorical.
z All subject matter can be comprehended literally, without metaphor.
z Only literal language can be contingently true or false.
z All definitions given in the lexicon of a language are literal, not metaphorical.
z The concepts used in the grammar of a language are all literal; none are

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The big difference between the contemporary theory and views of metaphor prior to
Reddy's work lies in this set of assumptions. The reason for the difference is that, in the
intervening years, a huge system of everyday, convention al, conceptual metaphors has
been discovered. It is a system of metaphor that structures our everyday conceptual
system, including most abstract concepts, and that lies behind much of everyday
language. The discovery of this enormous metaphor system has destroyed the traditional
literal-figurative distinction, since the term literal, as used in defining the traditional
distinction, carries with it all those false assumptions. A major difference between the
contemporary theory and the classical one is based on the old literal-figurative distinction.
Given that distinction, one might think that one arrives at a metaphorical interpretation of
a sentence by starting with the literal meaning and applying some algorithmic process to
it (see Searle, this volume). Though there do exist cases where something like this
happens, this is not in general how metaphor works, as we shall see shortly.

What is not metaphorical

Although the old literal-metaphorical distinction was based on assumptions that have
proved to be false, one can make a different sort of literal-metaphorical distinction: those
concepts that are not comprehended via conceptual metaphor might be called literal.
Thus, while I will argue that a great many common concepts like causation and purpose
are metaphorical, there is nonetheless an extensive range of nonmetaphorical concepts.
Thus, a sentence like The balloon went up is not metaphorical, nor is the old philosopher's
favorite The cat is on the mat. But as soon as one gets away from concrete physical
experience and starting talking about abstractions or emotions, metaphorical
understanding is the norm.

The Contemporary Theory: Some

Let us now turn to some examples that are illustrative of contemporary metaphor research.
They will mostly come from the domain of everyday conventional metaphor, since that
has been the main focus of the research. I will turn to the discussion of poetic metaphor
only after I have discussed the conventional system, since knowledge of the conventional
system is needed to make sense of most of the poetic cases. The evidence for the existence
of a system of conventional conceptual metaphors is of five types:

-Generalizations governing polysemy, that is, the use of words with a number of
related meanings.
-Generalizations governing inference patterns, that is, cases where a pattern of
inferences from one conceptual domain is used in another domain.
-Generalizations governing novel metaphorical language (see, Lakoff & Turner,
-Generalizations governing patterns of semantic change (see, Sweetser, 1990).
-Psycholinguistic experiments (see, Gibbs, 1990, this volume).

We will primarily be discussing the first three of these sources of evidence, since they are
the most robust.

Conceptual Metaphor

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Imagine a love relationship described as follows: Our relationship has hit a dead-end
Here love is being conceptualized as a journey, with the implication that the relationship
is stalled, that the lovers cannot keep going the way they've been going, that they must
turn back, or abandon the relationship altogether. This is not an isolated case. English has
many everyday expressions that are based on a conceptualization of love as a journey, and
they are used not just for talking about love, but for reasoning about it as well. Some are
necessarily about love; others can be understood that way: Look how far we've come. It's
been a long, bumpy road. We can't turn back now. We're at a crossroads. We may have to
go our separate ways. The relationship isn't going anywhere. We're spinning our wheels.
Our relationship is off the track. The marriage is on the rocks. We may have to bail out of
this relationship. These are ordinary, everyday English expressions. They are not poetic,
nor are they necessarily used for special rhetorical effect. Those like Look how far we've
come, which aren't necessarily about love, can readily be understood as being about love.
As a linguist and a cognitive scientist, I ask two commonplace questions:

z Is there a general principle governing how these linguistic expressions about

journeys are used to characterize love?
z Is there a general principle governing how our patterns of inference about journeys
are used to reason about love when expressions such as these are used?

The answer to both is yes. Indeed, there is a single general principle that answers both
questions. But it is a general principle that is neither part of the grammar of English, nor
the English lexicon. Rather, it is part of the conceptual system underlying English: It is a
principle for under standing the domain of love in terms of the domain of journeys. The
principle can be stated informally as a metaphorical scenario: The lovers are travelers on a
journey together, with their common life goals seen as destinations to be reached. The
relationship is their vehicle, and it allows them to pursue those common goals together.
The relationship is seen as fulfilling its purpose as long as it allows them to make progress
toward their common goals. The journey isn't easy. There are impediments, and there are
places (crossroads) where a decision has to be made about which direction to go in and
whether to keep traveling together. The metaphor involves understanding one domain of
experience, love, in terms of a very different domain of experience, journeys. More
technically, the metaphor can be understood as a mapping (in the mathematical sense)
from a source domain (in this case, journeys) to a target domain (in this case, love). The
mapping is tightly structured. There are ontological correspondences, according to which
entities in the domain of love (e.g., the lovers, their common goals, their difficulties, the
love relationship, etc.) correspond systematically to entities in the domain of a journey
(the travelers, the vehicle, des tinations, etc.). To make it easier to remember what
mappings there are in the conceptual system, Johnson and I (lakoff and Johnson, 1980)
adopted a strategy for naming such mappings, using mnemonics which suggest the
mapping. Mnemonic names typically (though not always) have the form: TARGET-
DOMAIN. In this case, the name of the mapping is LOVE IS A JOURNEY. When I speak
of the LOVE IS A JOURNEY metaphor, I am using a mnemonic for a set of ontological
correspondences that characterize a map ping, namely:


-The lovers correspond to travelers.
-The love relationship corresponds to the vehicle.
-The lovers' common goals correspond to their common destinations on the journey.
-Difficulties in the relationship correspond to impediments to travel.

It is a common mistake to confuse the name of the mapping, LOVE IS A JOURNEY, for

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the mapping itself. The mapping is the set of correspondences. Thus, whenever I refer to a
metaphor by a mnemonic like LOVE IS A JOURNEY, I will be referring to such a set of
correspondences. If mappings are confused with names of mappings, another
misunderstanding can arise. Names of mappings commonly have a propositional form, for
example, LOVE IS A JOURNEY. But the mappings themselves are not propositions. If
mappings are confused with names for mappings, one might mistakenly think that, in this
theory, metaphors are propositional. They are, of course, anything but that: metaphors are
mappings, that is, sets of conceptual correspondences. The LOVE-AS-JOURNEY mapping
is a set of ontological correspondences that characterize epistemic correspondences by
mapping knowledge about journeys onto knowledge about love. Such correspondences
permit us to reason about love using the knowledge we use to reason about journeys. Let
us take an example. Consider the expression, We're stuck, said by one lover to another
about their relationship. How is this expression about travel to be understood as being
about their relationship? We're stuck can be used of travel, and when it is, it evokes
knowledge about travel. The exact knowledge may vary from person to person, but here is
a typical example of the kind of knowledge evoked. The capitalized expressions represent
entities n the ontology of travel, that is, in the source domain of the LOVE IS A JOURNEY
mapping given above. Two TRAVELLERS are in a VEHICLE, TRAVELING WITH
stuck, that is, makes it nonfunctional. If they do nothing, they will not REACH THEIR
DESTINATIONS. There are a limited number of alternatives for action:

z They can try to get it moving again, either by fixing it or get ting it past the
IMPEDIMENT that stopped it.
z They can remain in the nonfunctional VEHICLE and give up on REACHING
z They can abandon the VEHICLE.
z The alternative of remaining in the nonfunctional VEHICLE takes the least effort,
but does not satisfy the desire to REACH THEIR DESTINATIONS.

The ontological correspondences that constitute the LOVE IS A JOURNEY metaphor map
the ontology of travel onto the ontology of love. In doing so, they map this scenario about
travel onto a corresponding love scenario in which the corresponding alternatives for
action are seen. Here is the corresponding love scenario that results from applying the
correspondences to this knowledge structure. The target domain entities that are mapped
by the correspondences are capitalized:


The RELATIONSHIP encounters some DIFFICULTY, which makes it nonfunctional. If
they do nothing, they will not be able to ACHIEVE THEIR LIFE GOALS. There are a
limited number of alternatives for action:

z They can try to get it moving again, either by fixing it or getting it past the
z They can remain in the nonfunctional RELATIONSHIP, and give up on
z They can abandon the RELATIONSHIP.

The alternative of remaining in the nonfunctional RELATIONSHIP takes the least effort,
but does not satisfy the desire to ACHIEVE LIFE GOALS. This is an example of an
inference pattern that is mapped from one domain to another. It is via such mappings that
we apply knowledge about travel to love relationships.

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Metaphors are not mere words

What constitutes the LOVE-AS-JOURNEY metaphor is not any particular word or
expression. It is the ontological mapping across conceptual domains, from the source
domain of journeys to the target domain of love. The metaphor is not just a matter of
language, but of thought and reason. The language is secondary. The mapping is primary,
in that it sanctions the use of source domain language and inference patterns for target
domain concepts. The mapping is conventional, that is, it is a fixed part of our conceptual
system, one of our conventional ways of conceptualizing love relationships. This view of
metaphor is thoroughly at odds with the view that metaphors are just linguistic
expressions. If metaphors were merely linguistic expressions, we would expect different
linguistic expressions to be different metaphors. Thus, "We've hit a dead-end street"
would constitute one metaphor. "We can't turn back now" would constitute another,
entirely different metaphor. "Their marriage is on the rocks" would involve still a
different metaphor. And so on for dozens of examples. Yet we don't seem to have dozens
of different metaphors here. We have one metaphor, in which love is conceptualized as a
journey. The mapping tells us precisely how love is being conceptualized as a journey.
And this unified way of conceptualizing love metaphorically is realized in many different
linguistic expressions. It should be noted that contemporary metaphor theorists commonly
use the term metaphor to refer to the conceptual mapping, and the term metaphorical
expression to refer to an individual linguistic expression (like dead-end street) that is
sanctioned by a mapping. We have adopted this terminology for the following reason:
Metaphor, as a phenomenon, involves both conceptual mappings and individual linguistic
expressions. It is important to keep them distinct. Since it is the mappings that are primary
and that state the generalizations that are our principal concern, we have reserved the term
metaphor for the mappings, rather than for the linguistic expressions. In the literature of
the field, small capitals like LOVE IS A JOURNEY are used as mnemonics to name
mappings. Thus, when we refer to the LOVE IS A JOURNEY metaphor, we are refering to
the set of correspondences discussed above. The English sentence Love is a journey, on
the other hand, is a metaphorical expression that is understood via that set of

The LOVE IS A JOURNEY metaphor is a conceptual mapping that characterizes a
generalization of two kinds:

z Polysemy generalization: A generalization over related senses of linguistic

expressions, e.g., dead-end street, crossroads, stuck, spinning one's wheels, not
going anywhere, and so on.
z Inferential generalization: A generalization over inferences across different
conceptual domains.

That is, the existence of the mapping provides a general answer to two questions: -Why
are words for travel used to describe love relationships? -Why are inference patterns used
to reason about travel also used to reason about love relationships. Correspondingly, from
the perspective of the linguistic analyst, the existence of such cross-domain pairings of
words and of inference patterns provides evidence for the existence of such mappings.

Novel extensions of conventional metaphors

The fact that the LOVE IS A JOURNEY mapping is a fixed part of our conceptual system

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explains why new and imaginative uses of the mapping can be understood instantly, given
the ontological correspondences and other knowledge about journeys. Take the song lyric,
We're driving in the fast lane on the freeway of love. The traveling knowledge called upon
is this: When you drive in the fast lane, you go a long way in a short time and it can be
exciting and dangerous. The general metaphorical mapping maps this knowledge about
driving into knowledge about love relationships. The danger may be to the vehicle (the
relationship may not last) or the passengers (the lovers may be hurt, emotionally). The
excitement of the love-journey is sexual. Our understanding of the song lyric is a
consequence of the pre-existing metaphorical correspondences of the LOVE-AS-
JOURNEY metaphor. The song lyric is instantly comprehensible to speakers of English
because those metaphorical correspondences are already part of our conceptual system.
The LOVE-AS-JOURNEY metaphor and Reddy's Conduit Metaphor were the two
examples that first convinced me that metaphor was not a figure of speech, but a mode of
thought, defined by a systematic mapping from a source to a target domain. What
convinced me were the three characteristics of metaphor that I have just discussed: The
systematicity in the linguistic correspondences. The use of metaphor to govern reasoning
and behavior based on that reasoning. The possibility for understanding novel extensions
in terms of the conventional correspondences.

Each conventional metaphor, that is, each mapping, is a fixed pattern of conceptual
correspondences across conceptual domains. As such, each mapping defines an open-
ended class of potential correspondences across inference patterns. When activated, a
mapping may apply to a novel source domain knowledge structure and characterize a
corresponding target domain knowledge structure. Mappings should not be thought of as
processes, or as algorithms that mechanically take source domain inputs and produce
target domain outputs. Each mapping should be seen instead as a fixed pattern of
onotological correspondences across domains that may, or may not, be applied to a source
domain knowledge structure or a source domain lexical item. Thus, lexical items that are
conventional in the source domain are not always conventional in the target domain.
Instead, each source domain lexical item may or may not make use of the static mapping
pattern. If it does, it has an extended lexicalized sense in the target domain, where that
sense is characterized by the mapping. If not, the source domain lexical item will not have
a conventional sense in the target domain, but may still be actively mapped in the case of
novel metaphor. Thus, the words freeway and fast lane are not conventionally used of
love, but the knowledge structures associated with them are mapped by the LOVE IS A
JOURNEY metaphor in the case of We're driving in the fast lane on the freeway of love.

Imageable Idioms
Many of the metaphorical expressions discussed in the literature on conventional
metaphor are idioms. On classical views, idioms have arbitrary meanings. But within
cognitive linguistics, the possibility exists that they are not arbitrary, but rather motivated.
That is, they do arise automatically by productive rules, but they fit one or more patterns
present in the conceptual system. Let us look a little more closely at idioms. An idiom like
spinning one's wheels comes with a conventional mental image, that of the wheels of a car
stuck in some substance-either in mud, sand, snow, or on ice, so that the car cannot move
when the motor is engaged and the wheels turn. Part of our knowledge about that image is
that a lot of energy is being used up (in spinning the wheels) without any progress being
made, that the situation will not readily change of its own accord, that it will take a lot of
effort on the part of the occupants to get the vehicle moving again --and that may not even
be possible. The love-as-journey metaphor applies to this knowledge about the image. It

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maps this knowledge onto knowledge about love relationships: A lot of energy is being
spent without any progress toward fulfilling common goals, the situation will not change
of its own accord, it will take a lot of effort on the part of the lovers to make more
progress, and so on. In short, when idioms that have associated conventional images, it is
common for an independently-motivated conceptual metaphor to map that knowledge
from the source to the target domain. For a survey of experiments verifying the existence
of such images and such mappings, see Gibbs 1990 and this volume.

Mappings are at the superordinate level

In theLOVE IS A JOURNEY mapping, a love relationship corresponds to a vehicle. A
vehicle is a superordinate category that includes such basic-level categories as car, train,
boat, and plane. Indeed, the examples of vehicles are typically drawn from this range of
basic level categories: car ( long bumpy road, spinning our wheels), train (off the track),
boat (on the rocks, foundering), plane (just taking off, bailing out). This is not an accident:
in general, we have found that mappings are at the superordinate rather than the basic
level. Thus, we do not find fully general submappings like A LOVE RELATIONSHIP IS A
CAR; when we find a love relationship conceptualized as a car, we also tend to find it
conceptualized as a boat, a train, a plane, etc. It is the superordinate category VEHICLE
not the basic level category CAR that is in the general mapping. It should be no surprise
that the generalization is at the superordinate level, while the special cases are at the basic
level. After all, the basic level is the level of rich mental images and rich knowledge
structure. (For a discussion of the properties of basic-level categories, see Lakoff, 1987,
pp. 31-50.) A mapping at the superordinate level maximizes the possibilities for mapping
rich conceptual structure in the source domain onto the target domain, since it permits
many basic-level instances, each of which is information rich. Thus, a prediction is made
about conventional mappings: the categories mapped will tend to be at the superordinate
rather than basic level. Thus, one tends not to find mappings like A LOVE
find both basic-level cases (e.g., both cars and boats), which indicates that the
generalization is one level higher, at the superordinate level of the vehicle. In the
hundreds of cases of conventional mappings studied so far, this prediction has been borne
out: it is superordinate categories that are used in mappings.

Basic Semantic Concepts That Are

Most people are not too surprised to discover that emotional concepts like love and anger
are understood metaphorically. What is more interesting, and I think more exciting, is the
realization that many of the most basic concepts in our conceptual systems are also
comprehended normally via metaphor-concepts like time, quantity, state, change, action,
cause, purpose, means, modality and even the concept of a category. These are concepts
that enter normally into the grammars of languages, and if they are indeed metaphorical in
nature, then metaphor becomes central to grammar. What I would like to suggest is that
the same kinds of considerations that lead to our acceptance of the LOVE-AS-JOURNEY
metaphor lead inevitably to the conclusion that such basic concepts are often, and perhaps
always, understood via metaphor.

Classical categories are understood metaphorically in terms of bounded regions, or

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`containers.' Thus, something can be in or out of a category, it can be put into a category
or removed from a category, etc. The logic of classical categories is the logic of containers
(see figure 1). If X is in container A and container A is in container B, then X is in
container B. This is true not by virtue of any logical deduction, but by virtue of the
topological properties of containers. Under the CLASSICAL CATEGORIES ARE
CONTAINERS metaphor, the logical properties of categories are inherited from the logical
properties of containers. One of the principal logical properties of classical categories is
that the classical syllogism holds for them. The classical syllogism, Socrates is a man. All
men are mortal. Therefore, Socrates is mortal. is of the form: If X is in category A and
category A is in category B, then X is in category B. Thus, the logical properties of
classical categories can be seen as following from the topological properties of containers
plus the metaphorical mapping from containers to categories. As long as the topological
properties of containers are preserved by the mapping, this result will be true. In other
words, there is a generalization to be stated here. The language of containers applies to
classical categories and the logic of containers is true of classical categories. A single
metaphorical mapping ought to characterize both the linguistic and logical generalizations
at once. This can be done provided that the topological properties of containers are
preserved in the mapping. The joint linguistic-and-inferential relation between containers
and classical categories is not an isolated case. Let us take another example.

Quantity and Linear Scales

The concept of quantities involves at least two metaphors. The first is the well-known
MORE IS UP, LESS IS DOWN metaphor as shown by a myriad of expressions like Prices
rose, Stocks skyrocketed, The market plummeted, and so on. A second is that LINEAR
SCALES ARE PATHS. We can see this in expressions like: John is far more intelligent
than Bill. John's intelligence goes way beyond Bill's. John is way ahead of Bill in
intelligence. The metaphor maps the starting point of the path onto the bottom of the scale
and maps distance traveled onto quantity in general. What is particularly interesting is that
the logic of paths maps onto the logic of linear scales. (See figure 2.) Path inference: If
you are going from A to C, and you are now at in intermediate point B, then you have
been at all points between A and B and not at any points between B and C. Example: If
you are going from San Francisco to N.Y. along route 80, and you are now at Chicago,
then you have been to Denver but not to Pittsburgh. Linear scale inference: If you have
exactly $50 in your bank account, then you have $40, $30, and so on, but not $60, $70, or
any larger amount. The form of these inferences is the same. The path inference is a
consequence of the cognitive topology of paths. It will be true of any path image-schema.
Again, there is a linguistic-and-inferential generalization to be stated. It would be stated
by the metaphor LINEAR SCALES ARE PATHS, provided that metaphors in general
preserve the cognitive topology (that is, the image-schematic structure) of the source
domain. Looking at the inferential structure alone, one might suggest a nonmetaphorical
alternative in which both linear scales and paths are instances of a more general abstract
schema. But when both the inferential and lexical data are considered, it becomes clear
that a metaphorical solution is required. An expression like ahead of is from the spatial
domain, not the linear scale domain: ahead in its core sense is defined with respect to
one's head-it is the direction in which one is facing. To say that there is no metaphorical
mapping from paths to scales is to say that ahead of is not fundamentally spatial and
characterized with respect to heads; it is to claim rather that ahead is very abstract, neutral
between space and linear scales, and has nothing to do with heads. This would be a
bizarre analysis. Similarly, for sentences like John's intelligence goes beyond Bill's, the
nonmetaphorical analysis would claim that go is not fundamentally a verb of motion at
all, but is somehow neutral between motion and a linear relation. This would also be
bizarre. In short, if one grants that ahead of and go are fundamentally spatial, then the fact
that they can also be used of linear scales suggests a metaphor solution. Indeed, there

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could be no such neutral sense of go for these cases, since go beyond in the spatial sense
involves motion, while in the linear scale sense, there is no motion or change, but just a
point on a scale. Here the neutral case solution is not even available.

The Invariance Principle

In the examples we have just considered, the image-schemas characterizing the source
domains (containers, paths) are mapped onto the target domains (categories, linear scales).
This observation leads to the following hypothesis, called The Invariance Principle:

Metaphorical mappings preserve the cognitive topology (that is, the image-schema
structure) of the source domain, in a way consistent with the inherent structure of
the target domain. What the Invariance Principle does is guarantee that, for container
schemas, interiors will be mapped onto interiors, exteriors onto exteriors, and boundaries
onto boundaries; for path-schemas, sources will be mapped onto sources, goals onto
goals, trajectories onto trajectories; and so on. To understand the Invariance Principle
properly, it is important not to think of mappings as algorithmic processes that start with
source domain structure and wind up with target domain structure. Such a mistaken
understanding of mappings would lead to a mistaken understanding of the Invariance
Principle, namely, that one first picks all the image-schematic structure of the source
domain, then one copies it onto the target domain unless the target domain interferes. One
should instead think of the Invariance Principle in terms of constraints on fixed
correspondences: If one looks at the existing correspondences, one will see that the
Invariance Principle holds: source domain interiors correspond to target domain interiors;
source domain exteriors correspond to target domain exteriors; etc. As a consequence it
will turn out that the image-schematic structure of the target domain cannot be violated:
One cannot find cases where a source domain interior is mapped onto a target domain
exterior, or where a source domain exterior is mapped onto a target domain path. This
simply does not happen.

Target domain overrides

A corollary of the Invariance Principle is that image-schema structure inherent in the
target domain cannot be violated, and that inherent target domain structure limits the
possibilities for mappings automatically. This general principle explains a large number of
previously mysterious limitations on metaphorical mappings. For example, it explains
why you can give someone a kick, even if they don't have it afterwards, and why you can
give someone information, even if you don't lose it. This is just a consequence of the fact
that inherent target domain structure automatically limits what can be mapped. For
example, consider that part of your inherent knowledge of actions that says that actions do
not continue to exist after they occur. Now consider the ACTIONS ARE TRANSFERS
metaphor, in which actions are conceptualized as objects transferred from an agent to a
patient, as when one gives someone a kick or a punch. We know (as part of target domain
knowledge) that an action does not exist after it occurs. In the source domain, where there
is a giving, the recipient possesses the object given after the giving. But this cannot be
mapped onto the target domain since the inherent structure of the target domain says that
no such object exists after the action is over. The target domain override in the Invariance
Principle explains why you can give someone a kick without his having it afterward.

Abstract inferences as metaphorical spatial inferences

Spatial inferences are characterized by the topological structure of image-schemas. We

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ARE PATHS where image-schema structure is preserved by metaphor and where abstract
inferences about categories and linear scales are metaphorical versions of spatial
inferences about containers and paths. The Invariance Principle hypothesizes that image-
schema structure is always preserved by metaphor. The Invariance Principle raises the
possibility that a great many, if not all, abstract inferences are actually metaphorical
versions of spatial inferences that are inherent in the topological structure of image-
schemas. What I will do now is turn to other cases of basic, but abstract, concepts to see
what evidence there is for the claim that such concepts are fundamentally characterized by

It has often been noted that time in English is conceptualized in terms of space. The
details are rather interesting. Ontology: Time is understood in terms of things (i.e., entities
and locations) and motion. Background condition: The present time is at the same location
as a canonical observer.

z Times are things.
z The passing of time is motion.
z Future times are in front of the observer; past times are behind the observer.
z One thing is moving, the other is stationary; the stationary entity is the deictic
-Since motion is continuous and one-dimensional, the passage of time is
continuous and one-dimensional.
Special case 1:
-The observer is fixed; times are entities moving with respect to the observer.
Times are oriented with their fronts in their direction of motion.
-If time 2 follows time 1, then time 2 is in the future relative to time 1.
The time passing the observer is the present time.
Time has a velocity relative to the observer.
Special case 2:
Times are fixed locations; the observer is moving with respect to time.
-Time has extension, and can be measured. <
A extended time, like a spatial area, may be conceived of as a bounded
This metaphor, TIME PASSING IS MOTION, with its two special cases, embodies a
generalization that accounts for a wide range of cases where a spatial expression
can also be used for time. Special case 1, TIME PASSING IS MOTION OF AN
OBJECT, accounts for both the linguistic form and the semantic entailments of
expressions like: The time will come when... The time has long since gone when ...
The time for action has arrived. That time is here. In the weeks following next
Tuesday.... On the preceding day, ... I'm looking ahead to Christmas. Thanksgiving
is coming up on us. Let's put all that behind us. I can't face the future. Time is flying
by. The time has passed when ... Thus, special case 1 characterizes the general
principle behind the temporal use of words like come, go, here, follow, precede,
ahead, behind, fly, pass, accounting not only for why they are used for both space
and time, but why they mean what they mean.

Special case 2, TIME PASSING IS MOTION OVER A LANDSCAPE, accounts for a

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different range of cases, expressions like:

{ There's going to be trouble down the road.

{ He stayed there for ten years.
{ He stayed there a long time.
{ His stay in Russia extended over many years.
{ He passed the time happily.
{ He arrived on time.
{ We're coming up on Christmas.
{ We're getting close to Christmas.
{ He'll have his degree within two years.
{ I'll be there in a minute.

Special case 2 maps location expressions like down the road, for + location, long,
over, come, close to, within, in, pass, onto corresponding temporal expressions with
their corresponding meanings. Again, special case 2 states a general principle
relating spatial terms and inference patterns to temporal terms and inference
patterns. The details of the two special cases are rather different; indeed, they are
inconsistent with one another. The existence of such special cases has an especially
interesting theoretical consequence: words mapped by both special cases will have
inconsistent readings. Take, for example, the come of Christmas is coming (special
case 1) and We're coming up on Christmas (special case 2). Both instances of come
are temporal, but one takes a moving time as first argument and the other takes a
moving observer as first argument. The same is true of pass in The time has passed
(special case 1) and in He passed the time (special case 2). These differences in the
details of the mappings show that one cannot just say blithely that spatial
expressions can be used to speak of time, without specifying details, as though there
were only one correspondence between time and space. When we are explicit about
stating the mappings, we discover that there are two different-and inconsistent-
subcases. The fact that time is understood metaphorically in terms of motion,
entities, and locations accords with our biological knowledge. In our visual systems,
we have detectors for motion and detectors for objects/locations. We do not have
detectors for time (whatever that could mean). Thus, it makes good biological sense
that time should be understood in terms of things and motion.

The two special cases (location and object) of TIME PASSING IS MOTION
metaphor is not merely an accidental feature of our understanding of time. As we
shall see below, there are other metaphors that come in such location-object pairs.
Such pairs are called duals, and the general phenomenon in which metaphors come
in location-object pairs is referred to as duality.

Simultaneous mappings
It is important to recall that metaphorical mappings are fixed correspondences that
can be activated, rather than algorithmic processes that take inputs and give outputs.
Thus, it is not the case that sentences containing conventional metaphors are the
products of a real-time process of conversion from literal to metaphorical readings.
A sentence like The time for action has arrived is not understood by first trying to
give a literal reading to arrive, and then, upon failing, trying to give it a temporal
reading. Instead, the metaphor TIME PASSING IS MOTION is a fixed structure of

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existing correspondences between the space and time domains, and arrive has a
conventional extended meaning that makes use of that fixed structure of
correspondences. Thus, it is possible for two different parts of a sentence to make
use of two distinct metaphorical mappings at once. Consider a phrase like, Within
the coming weeks. Here, within makes uses of the metaphor of time as a stationary
landscape which has extension and bounded regions, while coming makes use of
the metaphor of times as moving objects. This is possible because the two
metaphors for time pick out different aspects of the target domain. The coming
weeks conceptualizes those weeks as a whole, in motion relative to the observer.
Within looks inside that whole, conceptualizing it as a bounded region with an
interior. Each mapping is used partially. Thus, while the mappings-as wholes-are
inconsistent, there are cases where parts of the mappings may be consistently
superimposed. The Invariance Principle allows such such parts of the mappings to
be picked out and used to characterize reasoning about different aspects of the
target domain. Simultaneous mappings are very common in poetry. Take, for
example the Dylan Thomas line Do not go gentle into that good night. Here go
reflects DEATH IS DEPARTURE, gentle reflects LIFE IS A STRUGGLE, with
death as defeat. Night reflects A LIFETIME IS A DAY, with death as night. This one
line has three different, metaphors for death, each mapped onto different parts of the
sentence. This is possible since mappings are fixed correspondences. There is an
important lesson to be learned from this example. In mathematics, mappings are
static correspondences. In computer science, it is common to represent
mathematical mappings by algorithmic processes that take place in real time.
Researchers in information processing psychology and cognitive science also
commonly represent mappings as real-time algorithmic procedures. Some
researchers from these fields have mistakenly supposed that the metaphorical
mappings we are discussing should also be represented as real-time, sequential
algorithmic procedures, where the input to each metaphor is a literal meaning. Any
attempt to do this will fail for the simultaneous mapping cases just discussed.

Event Structure
I now want to turn to some research by myself and some of my students (especially
Sharon Fischler, Karin Myhre, and Jane Espenson) on the metaphorical
understanding of event structure in English. What we have found is that various
aspects of event structure, including notions like states, changes, processes, actions,
causes, purposes, and means, are characterized cognitively via metaphor in terms of
space, motion, and force. The general mapping we have found goes as follows:

The Event Structure Metaphor

{ States are locations (bounded regions in space).

{ Changes are movements (into or out of bounded regions).
{ Causes are forces.
{ Actions are self-propelled movements.
{ Purposes are destinations.
{ Means are paths (to destinations).
{ Difficulties are impediments to motion.
{ Expected progress is a travel schedule; a schedule is a virtual traveler, who
reaches pre-arranged destinations at pre-arranged times.
{ External events are large, moving objects.
{ Long term, purposeful activities are journeys.
This mapping generalizes over an extremely wide range of expressions for one or

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more aspects of event structure. For example, take states and changes. We speak of
being in or out of a state, of going into or out of it, of entering or leaving it, of
getting to a state or emerging from it. This is a rich and complex metaphor whose
parts interact in complex ways. To get an idea of how it works, consider the
submapping Difficulties are impediments to motion. In the metaphor, purposive
action is self-propelled motion toward a destination. A difficulty is something that
impedes motion to such a destination. Metaphorical difficulties of this sort come in
five types: blockages; features of the terrain; burdens; counterforces; lack of an
energy source. Here are examples of each: Blockages: He got over his divorce. He's
trying to get around the regulations. He went through the trial. We ran into a brick
wall. We've got him boxed into a corner. Features of the terrain He's between a rock
and a hard place. It's been uphill all the way. We've been bogged down. We've been
hacking our way through a jungle of regulations. Burdens He's carrying quite a
load. He's weighed down by lot of assignments. He's been trying to shoulder all the
responsibility. Get off my back! Counterforces Quit pushing me around. She's
leading him around by the nose. She's holding him back. Lack of an energy source
I'm out of gas. We're running out of steam.

To see just how rich The Event Structure Metaphor is, consider some of its basic

{ Manner of action is manner of motion.

{ A different means for achieving a purpose is a different path.
{ Forces affecting action are forces affecting motion.
{ The inability to act is the inability to move.
{ Progress made is distance traveled or distance from goal.

We will consider examples of each of these one by one, including a number of

special cases.

Aids to Action are Aids to Motion

It is smooth sailing from here on in.
It's all downhill from here.
There's nothing in our way.
A Different Means of Achieving a Result is a Different Path.
Do it this way.
She did it the other way.
Do it any way you can.
However you want to go about it is fine with me.
Manner of Action is Manner of Motion
We are moving/running/skipping right along.
We slogged through it.
He is flailing around.
He is falling all over himself.
We are leaping over hurdles.
He is out of step.
He is in step.
Careful Action is Careful Motion
I'm walking on eggshells.
He is treading on thin ice.
He is walking a fine line.
Speed of Action is Speed of Movement
He flew through his work.
He is running around.

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It is going swimmingly.
Keep things moving at a good clip.
Things have slowed to a crawl.
She is going by leaps and bounds.
I am moving at a snail's pace.
Purposeful Action is Self-propelled Motion To a Destination
This has the following special cases:
Making Progress Is Forward Movement
We are moving ahead.
Let's forge ahead.
Let's keep moving forward.
We made lots of forward movement.
Amount of Progress is Distance Moved
We've come a long way.
We've covered lots of ground.
We've made it this far.
Undoing Progress is Backward Movement
We are sliding backward.
We are backsliding.
We need to backtrack.
It is time to turn around and retrace our steps.
Expected Progress is a Travel Schedule; A Schedule is a Virtual Traveler,
who reaches pre-arranged destinations at pre-arranged times.
We're behind schedule on the project.
We got a head start on the project.
I'm trying to catch up.
I finally got a little ahead.
Starting an Action is Starting out on a Path
We are just starting out.
We have taken the first step.
Success Is Reaching The End of the Path
We've reached the end.
We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
We only have a short way to go.
The end is in sight.
The end is a long way off.
Lack of Purpose is Lack of Direction
He is just floating around.
He is drifting aimlessly.
He needs some direction.
Lack of Progress is Lack of Movement
We are at a standstill.
We aren't getting any place.
We aren't going anywhere.
We are going nowhere with this.
External Events Are Large Moving Objects
Special Case 1: Things
How're things going?
Things are going with me.
Things are going against me these days.
Things took a turn for the worse.
Things are going my way.
Special Case 2: Fluids
You gotta go with the flow.

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I'm just trying to keep my head above water.

The tide of events... The winds of change.... The flow of history...
I'm trying to get my bearings.
He's up a creek without a paddle.
We're all in the same boat.
Special Case 3: Horses
Try to keep a tight rein on the situation.
Keep a grip on the situation.
Don't let things get out of hand.
Wild horses couldn't makeme go. <
Whoa! (said when things start to get out of hand)

Such examples provide overwhelming empirical support for the existence of the
event structure metaphor. And the existence of that metaphor shows that the most
common abstract concepts--TIME, STATE, CHANGE, CAUSATION, ACTION,
PURPOSE and MEANS-- are conceptualized via metaphor. Since such concepts are
at the very center of our conceptual systems, the fact that they are conceptualized
metaphorically shows that

Inheritance hierarchies
Metaphorical mappings do not occur isolated from one another. They are
sometimes organized in hierarchical structures, in which `lower' mappings in the
hierarchy inherit the structures of the `higher' mappings.

Let us consider an example of a hierarchy with three levels:

Level 1: The Event Structure Metaphor

To refresh your memory, recall:

The Event Structure Metaphor
Target Domain: Events
Source Domain: Space

{ States are locations (bounded regions in space).

{ Changes are movements (into or out of bounded regions).
{ Causes are forces.
{ Actions are self-propelled movements.
{ Purposes are destinations.
{ Means are paths to destinations.
{ Difficulties are impediments to motion.
{ Expected progress is a travel schedule; A schedule is a virtual traveler, who
reaches pre-arranged destinations at pre-arranged times.
{ External events are large, moving objects.
{ Longterm, purposeful activities are journeys.

In our culture, life is assumed to be purposeful, that is, we are expected to have
goals in life. In the Event Structure Metaphor, purposes are destinations and
purposeful action is self-propelled motion toward a destination. A purposeful life is
a longterm, purposeful activity, and hence a journey. Goals in life are destinations
on the journey. The actions one takes in life are self-propelled movements, and the
totality of one's actions form a path one moves along. Choosing a means to achieve

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a goal is choosing a path to a destination. Difficulties in life are impediments to

motion. External events are large moving objects that can impede motion toward
one's life goals. One's expected progress through life is charted in terms of a life
schedule, which is conceptualized as a virtual traveler that one is expected to keep
up with. In short, the metaphor A PURPOSEFUL LIFE IS A JOURNEY makes use
of all the structure of the Event Structure Metaphor, since events in a life
conceptualized as purposeful are subcases of events in general.


{ Target Domain:Life
{ Source Domain: Space
{ The person leading a life is a traveler.
{ Inherits Event Structure Metaphor, with:
„ Events = Significant Life Events
„ Purposes = Life Goals
Thus we have expressions like:
He got a head start in life. He's without direction in his life.
I'm where I want to be in life.
I'm at a crossroads in my life.
He'll go places in life.
He's never let anyone get in his way.
He's gone through a lot in life.

Just as significant life events are special cases of events, so events in a love
relationship are special cases of life events. Thus, the LOVE IS A JOURNEY
metaphor inherits the structure of the LIFE IS A JOURNEY metaphor. What is
special about the LOVE IS A JOURNEY metaphor, is that there are two lovers, who
are travelers, and that the love relationship is a vehicle. The rest of the mapping is a
consequence of inheriting the LIFE IS A JOURNEY metaphor. Because the lovers
are in the same vehicle, they have common destinations, that is, common life goals.
Relationship difficulties are impediments to travel.

{ Target Domain: Love
{ Source Domain: Space
{ The lovers are travelers.
{ The love relationship is a vehicle.

{ Inherits the LIFE IS A JOURNEY metaphor.

A career is another aspect of life that can be conceptualized as a journey. Here,

because STATUS IS UP, a career is actually a journey upward. Career goals are
special cases of life goals.

{ Target Domain: Career
{ Source Domain: Space
{ A careerist is a traveler.
{ Status is up.
{ Inherits LIFE IS A JOURNEY, with :
„ Life goals = Career Goals
„ Ideal: To go as high, far, and fast as possible.

Examples include:

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He clawed his way to the top.

He's over the hill.
She's on the fast track.
He's climbing the corporate ladder.
She's moving up in the ranks quickly.

This inheritance hierarchy accounts for a range of generalizations. First, there are
generalizations about lexical items. Take the word crossroads. It's central meaning
is in the domain of space. But it can be used in a metaphorical sense to speak of any
extended activity, of one's life, of a love relationship, or of a career. I'm at a
crossroads on this project. I'm at a crossroads in life. We're at a crossroads in our
relationship. I'm at a crossroads in my career. The hierarchy allows one to state a
general principal: that crossroads is extended lexically via the submetaphor of the
Event Structure Metaphor that Longterm Purposeful Activities Are Journeys. All its
other uses are automatically generated via the inheritance hierarchy. Thus, separate
senses for each level of the hierarchy are not needed. The second generalization is
inferential in character. Thus the understanding of difficulties as impediments to
travel occurs not only in events in general, but also in a purposeful life, in a love
relationship, and in a career. The inheritance hierarchy guarantees that this
understanding of difficulties in life, love, and careers is a consequence of such an
understanding of difficulties in events in general. The hierarchy also allows us to
characterize lexical items whose meanings are more restricted: Thus, climbing the
ladder refers only to careers, not to love relationships or to life in general. Such
hierarchical organization is a very prominent feature of the metaphor system of
English and other languages. So far we have found that the metaphors higher up in
the hierarchy tend to be more widespread than those mappings at lower levels.
Thus, the Event Structure Metaphor is very widespread (and may even be
universal), while the metaphors for life, love, and careers are much more restricted

Duality in the Event Structure System

In our discussion of time metaphors, we noted the existence of an object-location
duality. There were two related time metaphors. In both, the passage of time was
understood in terms of relative motion between an observer and a time. In the
object-dual, the observer is fixed and times are moving objects. In the location-dual,
the opposite is true. The observer moves and times are fixed locations in a
landscape. The event structure system that we have seen so far is based wholly on
location. But there is another event structure system that is the dual of the one we
have just discussed -- a system based on objects rather than locations. In both
systems, CHANGE IS MOTION and CAUSES ARE FORCES that control motion.
The difference is this: In the location system, change is the motion of the thing-
changing to a new location or from an old one. In the object system, the thing-
changing doesn't necessarily move. Change is instead the motion of an object to, or
way from, the thing-changing. In addition, the object in motion is conceptualized as
a possession and the thing-changing as a possessor. Change is thus seen as the
acquisition or loss of an object. Causation is seen as giving or taking. Here are some

{ I have a headache. [The headache is a possession.]

{ I got a headache. [Change is acquisition -- motion to]
{ My headache went away. [Change is loss -- motion from]
{ The noise gave me a headache. [Causation is giving -- motion to]

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{ The aspirin took away my headache. [Causation is taking -- motion from]

We can see the duality somewhat more clearly with a word like trouble:

{ I'm in trouble. [Trouble is a location]

{ I have trouble. [Trouble is an object that is possessed]

In both cases, trouble is being attributed to me, and in both cases, trouble is
metaphorically conceptualized as being in the same place as me (co-location) -- in
one case, because I possess the trouble-object and in the other case, because I am in
the trouble-location. That is, attribution in both cases is conceptualized
metaphorically as co-location. In I'm in trouble, trouble is a state. A state is an
attribute that that is conceptualized as a location. Attributes (or properties) are like
states, except that they are conceptualized as possessable objects. Thus, STATES
possession and location are special cases of the same thing -- co-location -- and
since states and attributes are also special cases of the same thing -- what can be
attributed to someone. Given this, we can see that there is an object-version of the
Event Structure Metaphor:
{ Attributes are possessions
{ Changes are movements (of possessions, namely, acquisitions or losses)
{ Causes are forces (controlling the movement of possessions, namely, giving
or taking away) These are the duals of: -States are locations
{ Changes are movements (to or from locations)
{ Causes are forces (controlling movement to or from locations)
locations) has as its object-dual ACTIONS ARE SELF-CONTROLLED
ACQUISITIONS OR LOSSES. Thus, there is a reason why one can take certain
actions -- you can take a shower, or take a shot at someone, or take a chance. The
submapping PURPOSES ARE DESTINATIONS also has a dual. Destinations are
desired locations, and so the submapping can be rephrased as PURPOSES ARE
DESIRED LOCATION. Replacing location by object, we get the dual PURPOSES
DESIRED OBJECT(or ridding oneself of an undesirable one). Here are some


They just handed him the job.
It's within my grasp.
It eluded me.
Go for it.
It escaped me.
It slipped through my hands.
He is pursuing a goal.
Reach for /grab all the gusto you can get.
Latch onto a good job.
Seize the opportunity.
He found success.

There is also a hierarchical structure in the object version of the Event Structure
Metaphor. A special case of getting an object is getting an object to eat. Hence,
have been gobbled up.

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He's hungry for success.

The opportunity has me drooling.
This is a mouth-watering opportunity.

Traditional methods of getting things to eat are hunting, fishing, and agriculture.
Each of these special cases can be used metaphorically to conceptualize achieving
(or attempting to achieve) a purpose.


I'm hunting for a job.
I bagged a promotion.
The pennant is in the bag.
The typical way to hunt is to use projectiles (bullets, arrows, etc.)
I'm shooting for a promotion.
I'm aiming for a career in the movies.
I'm afraid I missed my chance.


He's fishing for compliments.
I landed a promotion.
She netted a good job.
I've got a line out on a good used car.
It's time to fish or cut bait.


It's time I reaped some rewards.
That job is a plum.
Those are the fruits of his labor.
The contract is ripe for the picking.

I will not try to survey all the dualities in the English metaphor system, but it is
worth mentioning a few to see how subtle and pervasive dualities are. Take, for
example, the LIFE IS A JOURNEY metaphor, in which goals in life are destinations,
that is, desired locations to be reached. Since the dual of PURPOSES ARE
JOURNEY is a metaphor in which life is an activity through which one acquires
desired objects. In this culture, the principle activity of this sort is business, and
hence, LIFE IS A BUSINESS is the dual of LIFE IS A JOURNEY.


He has a rich life.
It's an enriching experience.
I want to get a lot of out of life.
He's going about the business of everyday life.
It's time to take stock of my life.

Recall thatLOVE IS A JOURNEY is an extension of A PURPOSEFUL LIFE IS A

JOURNEY. It happens that LOVE IS A JOURNEY has a dual that is an extension of
PARTNERSHIP, that is, a two-person business. Thus, we speak of lovers as
partners; there are marriage contracts, and in a long-term love relationship the
partners are expected to do their jobs and to share in both responsibilities (what they
contribute to the relationship) and benefits (what they get out of it). Long-term love

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relationships fail under the same conditions as businesses fail -- when what the
partners get out of the relationship is not worth what they put into it.

Duality is a newly-discovered phenomenon. The person who first discovered it in

the event structure system was Jane Espenson, a graduate student at Berkeley who
who stumbled upon it in the course ofher research on causation metaphors. Since
Espenson's discovery, other extensive dualities have been found in the the English
metaphor system. However, at present, it is not know just how extensive dualities
are in English, or even whether they are all of the location-object type. At this point,
I will leave off discussing the metaphor system of English, even though hundreds of
other mappings have been described to date.

The major point to take away from this discussion is that metaphor resides for the
most part in this huge, highly structured, fixed system. This system is anything but
dead. Because it is conventional, it is used constantly and automatically, with
neither effort nor awareness. Novel metaphor uses this system, and builds on it, but
only rarely occurs independently of it. But, most interestingly, this system of
metaphor seems to give rise to abstract reasoning, which appears to be based on
spatial reasoning.

Invariance Again
The metaphors I have discussed primarily map three kinds of image-schemas:
1. containers
2. paths
3. force-images

Because of the complexity of the sub-cases and interactions, the details are intricate,
to say the least. However, the Invariance Principle does make claims in each case as
to what image-schemas get mapped onto target domains. I will not go through most
of the details here, but so far as I can see, the claims made about inferential
structure are reasonable ones. For example, the logic of force dynamics does seem
to map, via the submapping CAUSES ARE FORCES, onto the logic of causation.
The following are inferences from the logic of forces inherent in force dynamics:
{ -A stationary object will move only when force is applied to it; without force,
it will not move.
{ -The application of force requires contact; thus, the applier of the force must
be in spatial contiguity with the thing it moves.
{ -The application of force temporally precedes motion, since inertia must be
overcome before motion can take place.

These are among the classic inferential conditions on causation: spatial contiguity,
temporal precedence, and that A caused B only if B wouldn't have happened
without A. At this point, I would like to take up the question of what else the
Invariance Principle would buy us. I will consider two cases that arose while Mark
Turner and I were writing More Than Cool Reason (Lakoff & Turner, 1989). The
first concerns image-metaphors and the second, generic-level metaphors. But before
I move on to those topics, I should point an important consequence of invariance.
Johnson and I argued in Metaphors We Live By (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) that a
complex propositional structure could be mapped by metaphor onto another
domain. The main example we gave was ARGUMENT AS WAR. Kovecses and I, in
our analysis of anger metaphors (Lakoff, 1987, case study 1, Kovecses, 1990), also
argued that metaphors could map complex propositional structures. The Invariance

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Principle does not deny this, but it puts those claims in a very different light.
Complex propositional structures involve concepts like time, states, changes,
causes, purposes, quantity scales, and categories. If all of these abstract concepts are
characterized metaphorically, then the Invariance Principle claims that what we had
called propositional structure is really image-schematic structure. In other words:
So-called propositional inferences arise from the inherent topological structure of
the image-schemas mapped by metaphor onto concepts like time, states, changes,
actions, causes, purposes, means, quantity, and categories. The reason that I have
taken the trouble to discuss all those abstract concepts is to demonstrate this
consequence of the Invariance Principle; namely, that what have been seen in the
past as propositional inferences are really image-based inferences. If the Invariance
Principle is correct, it has a remarkable consequence, namely that: Abstract
reasoning is a special case of imaged-based reasoning. Image-based reasoning
is fundamental and abstract reasoning is image-based reasoning under
metaphorical projections to abstract domains. To look for independent
confirmation of the Invariance Principle, let us turn to image-metaphors.

Novel Metaphors
Image Metaphors
There is a class of metaphors that function to map one conventional mental image
onto another. These contrast with the metaphors I have discussed so far, each of
which maps one conceptual domain onto another, often with many concepts in the
source domain mapped onto many corresponding concepts in the target domain.
Image-metaphors, by contrast, are `one-shot' metaphors: they map only one image
onto one other image. Consider, for example, this poem from the Indian tradition:

Now women-rivers
belted with silver fish
move unhurried as women in love
at dawn after a night with their lovers
(Merwin & Masson, 1981, p. 71)

Here the image of the slow, sinuous walk of an Indian woman is mapped onto the
image of the slow, sinuous, shimmering flow of a river. The shimmering of a school
of fish is imagined as the shimmering of the belt. Metaphoric image-mappings work
in just the same way as all other metaphoric mappings: by mapping the structure of
one domain onto the structure of another. But here, the domains are conventional
mental images. Take, for example, this line from Andre Breton: My wife . . . whose
waist is an hourglass. This is a superimposition of the image of an hourglass onto
the image of a woman's waist by virtue of their common shape. As before, the
metaphor is conceptual; it is not in the words themselves, but in the mental images.
Here, we have a mental image of an hourglass and of a woman, and we map the
middle of the hourglass onto the waist of the woman. Note that the words do not tell
us which part of the hourglass to map onto the waist, or even that it is only part of
the hourglass shape that corresponds to the waist. The words are prompts for us to
map from one conventional image to another. Similarly, consider: His toes were
like the keyboard of a spinet. (Rabelais, `The Descriptions of King Lent,' trans. J.
M. Cohen) Here too, the words do not tell us that an individual toe corresponds to
an individual key on the keyboard. Again, the words are prompts for us to perform
a conceptual mapping between conventional mental images. In particular, we map
aspects of the part-whole structure of one image onto aspects of the part-whole

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structure of another. Just as individual keys are parts of the whole keyboard, so
individual toes are parts of the whole foot. Image-mapping can involve more than
mapping physical part-whole relationships. For example, the water line of a river
may drop slowly and that slowness is part of the dynamic image, which may be
mapped onto the slow removal of clothing:

Slowly slowly rivers in autumn show

sand banks
bashful in first love woman
showing thighs
(Merwin & Masson, p. 69)

Other attributes are also mapped: the color of the sand bank onto the color of flesh,
the quality of light on a wet sand bank onto the reflectiveness of skin, the light
grazing of the water's touch receding down the bank onto the light grazing of the
clothing along the skin. Notice that the words do not tell us that any clothing is
involved. We get that from a conventional mental image. Part-whole structure is
also mapped in this example. The water covers the hidden part of the bank just as
the clothing covers the hidden part of the body. The proliferation of detail in the
images limits image-mappings to highly specific cases. That is what makes them
`one-shot' mappings. Such mappings of one image onto another can lead us to map
knowledge about the first image onto knowledge about the second. Consider the
following example from the Navaho: My horse with a mane made of short
rainbows. (`War God's Horse Song I' Words by Tall Kia ahni. Interpreted by Louis
Watchman.) The structure of a rainbow, its band of curved lines for example, is
mapped onto an arc of curved hair, and many rainbows onto many such arcs on the
horse's mane. Such image-mapping allows us to map our evaluation of the source
domain onto the target. We know that rainbows are beautiful, special, inspiring,
larger than life, almost mystic, and that seeing them makes us happy and awe-
inspired. This knowledge is mapped onto what we know of the horse: it too is awe-
inspiring, beautiful, larger than life, almost mystic. This line comes from a poem
containing a series of such image-mappings:

My horse with a hoof like a striped agate, with his fetlock like a fine eagle plume:
my horse whose legs are like quick lightning whose body is an eagle-plumed arrow:

my horse whose tail is like a trailing black cloud.

Image-metaphors raise two major issues for the general theory of metaphor:
How do they work?
What constrains the mappings?
What kind of internal structures do mental images have that permit some
mappings to work readily, others only with effort, and others not at all?
What is the general theory of metaphor that unifies image-metaphors with all the
conventional metaphors that map the propositional structure of one domain onto the
propositional structure of another domain?

Turner and I (Lakoff and Turner, 1989) have suggested that the Invariance Principle
could be an answer to both questions. We suggest that conventional mental images
are structured by image-schemas and that image-metaphors preserve image-
schematic structure, mapping parts onto parts and wholes onto wholes, containers
onto containers, paths onto paths, and so on. The generalization would be that all
metaphors are invariant with respect to their cognitive topology, that is, each
metaphorical mapping preserves image-schema structure.

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Generic-Level Metaphors

When Turner and I were writing More Than Cool Reason, we hypothesized the
existence of what we called `generic-level metaphors' to deal with two problems
that we faced-first, the problem of personification and second, the problem of
proverbs, which requires an understanding of analogy. I shall discuss each in turn.

In studying a wide variety of poems about death in English, we found that, in poem
after poem, death was personified in a relatively small number of ways: drivers,
coachmen, footmen; reapers, devourers and destroyers; or opponents in a struggle
or game (say, a knight or a chess opponent). The question we asked was: Why
these? Why isn't death personified as a teacher or a carpenter or an ice cream
salesman? Somehow, the ones that occur repeatedly seem appropriate. Why? In
studying personifications in general, we found that the overwhelming number seem
to fit a single pattern: events (like death) are understood in terms of actions by some
agent (like reaping). It is that agent that is personified. We thus hypothesized a very
general metaphor, EVENTS ARE ACTIONS, which combines with other,
independently existing metaphors for life and death. Consider, for example, the
DEATH IS DEPARTURE metaphor. Departure is an event. If we understand this
event as an action on the part of some causal agent-someone who brings about, or
helps to bring about, departure-then we can account for figures like drivers,
coachmen, footmen, etc. Or take the PEOPLE ARE PLANTS metaphor. In the
natural course of things, plants wither and die. But if we see that event as a causal
action on the part of some agent, then that agent is a reaper. So far, so good. But
why destroyers and devourers? And what about the impossible cases? Destruction
and devouring are actions in which an entity ceases to exist. The same is true of
death. The overall `shape' of the event of death is similar in this respect to the
overall `shapes' of the events of destruction and devouring. Moreover, there is a
causal aspect to death: the passage of time will eventually result in death. Thus, the
overall shape of the event of death has an entity that over time ceases to exist as the
result of some cause. Devouring and destruction have the same overall `event-
shape'. That is, it is the same with respect to causal structure and the persistence of
entities over time. Turner (1987) had noticed a similar case in Death Is The Mother
Of Beauty, his classic work on kinship metaphor. In expressions like Necessity is
the mother of invention, or Edward Teller was the father of the H-bomb, causation
is understood in terms of giving birth or fathering-what Turner called the
CAUSATION IS PROGENERATION metaphor. But, as he observed (pp. 145-148),
this metaphor could not be used for just any instance of causation. It could only be
used for cases that had the overall event-shape of progeneration: something must be
created out of nothing, and the thing created must persist for a long time (as if it had
a life). Thus, for example, we can speak of Saussure as the father of modern
synchronic linguistics, or of New Orleans as giving birth to jazz. But we cannot use
this metaphor for a single causal action with a short-lived effect. Thus, we could not
speak of Jose Canseco as the father of the home run he just hit, or of that home run
as giving birth to the Oakland A's victory in the game. Though, of course, we could
speak of Babe Ruth as the father of modern home-run hitting, and of the home runs
giving birth to the era of baseball players as superstars. The overall event shape of
the target domain limits the applicability of the metaphor. Recalling Turner's
observation about CAUSATION IS PROGENERATION, we therefore hypothesized
that EVENTS ARE ACTIONS is constrained in the following way: the action must
have the same overall event-shape as the event. What is preserved across the
mapping is the causal structure, the aspectual structure, and the persistence of

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entities. We referred to this as `generic-level structure'. The preservation of generic-

level structure explained why death is not metaphorized in terms of teaching, or
filling the bathtub, or sitting on the sofa. They simply do not have the same causal
and overall event structure, that is, they do not share `generic-level structure.'

In Asian figures --proverbs in the form of short poems-- the question arises as to
what are the limitations on the interpretation of a proverb. Some interpretations are
natural; others seem impossible. Why? Consider the following example from Asian
Figures, translated by William Merwin.

blames the ditch

To get some sense of the possible range of interpretations for such a proverb,
consider the following application of the proverb: Suppose a presidential candidate
knowingly commits some personal impropriety (though not illegal and not related
to political issues) and his candidacy is destroyed by the press's reporting of the
impropriety. He blames the press for reporting it, rather than himself for committing
it. We think he should have recognized the realities of political press coverage when
he chose to commit the impropriety. We express our judgment by saying, `Blind /
blames the ditch.' Turner and I (1989) observed that the knowledge structure used in
comprehending the case of the candidate's impropriety shared certain things with
the knowledge structure used in comprehending the literal interpretation of `Blind /
blames the ditch'. That knowledge structure is the following:
{ There is a person with an incapacity, namely, blindness.
{ He encounters a situation, namely a ditch, in which his incapacity, namely his
inability to see the ditch, results in a negative consequence, namely, his
falling into the ditch.
{ He blames the situation, rather than his own incapacity.
{ He should have held himself responsible, not the situation.
This specific knowledge schema about the blind man and the ditch is an instance of
a general knowledge schema, in which specific information about the blindness and
ditch are absent. Let us refer to it as the generic-level schema that structures our
knowledge of the proverb. That generic-level knowledge schema is:
{ There is a person with an incapacity.
{ He encounters a situation in which his incapacity results in a negative
{ He blames the situation rather than his own incapacity.
{ He should have held himself responsible, not the situation.
This is a very general schema characterizing an open-ended category of situations.
We can think of it as a variable template that can be filled in in many ways. As it
happened, Turner and I were studying this at the time of the Gary Hart scandal,
when Hart, a presidential candidate, committed certain sexual improprieties during
a campaign, had his candidacy dashed, and then blamed the press for his downfall.
Blind / blames the ditch fits this situation. Here's how:
{ The person is the presidential candidate.
{ His incapacity is his inability to understand the consequences of his personal
{ The context he encounters is his knowingly committing an impropriety and
the press's reporting it.
{ The consequence is having his candidacy dashed.
{ He blames the press.

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{ We judge him as being foolish for blaming the press instead of himself.
If we view the generic-level schema as mediating between the proverb `Blind /
blames the ditch' and the story of the candidate's impropriety, we get the following
{ The blind person corresponds to the presidential candidate.
{ His blindness corresponds to his inability to understand the consequences of
his personal improprieties.
{ Falling into the ditch corresponds to his committing the impropriety and
having it reported.
{ Being in the ditch corresponds to being out of the running as a candidate.
{ Blaming the ditch corresponds to blaming the press coverage.
{ Judging the blind man as foolish for blaming the ditch corresponds to judging
the candidate as foolish for blaming the press coverage.
This correspondence defines the metaphorical interpretation of the proverb as
applied to the candidate's impropriety. Moreover, the class of possible ways of
filling in the generic-level schema of the proverb corresponds to the class of
possible interpretations of the proverb. Thus, we can explain why `Blind / blames
the ditch' does not mean `I took a bath' or `My aunt is sitting on the sofa' or any of
the myriad of things the proverb cannot mean. All of the proverbs that Turner and I
studied turned out to involve this sort of generic-level schema. And the kinds of
things that turned up in such schemas seemed to be pretty much the same in case
after case. They include:
{ Causal structure.
{ Temporal structure.
{ Event shape; that is, instantaneous or repeated, completed or open-ended,
single or repeating, having fixed stages or not, preserving the existence of
entities or not, and so on.
{ Purpose structure.
{ Modal structure.
{ Linear Scales.
This is not an exhaustive list. But what it includes are most of the major elements of
generic-level structure that we discovered. What is striking to us about this list is
that everything on it is, under the Invariance Principle, an aspect of image-
schematic structure. In short, if the Invariance Principle is correct, the way to arrive
at a generic-level schema for some knowledge structure is to extract its image-
schematic structure. The metaphoric interpretation of such discourse forms as
proverbs, fables, allegories, and so on seems to depend on our ability to extract
generic-level structure. Turner and I have called the relation between a specific
knowledge structure and its generic-level structure the GENERIC IS SPECIFIC
metaphor. It is an extremely common mechanism for comprehending the general in
terms of the specific. If the Invariance Principle is correct, then the GENERIC IS
SPECIFIC metaphor is a minimal metaphor that maps what the Invariance Principle
requires it to and nothing more. Should it turn out to be the case that generic-level
structure is exactly image-schematic structure, then the Invariance Principle would
have enormous explanatory value. It would obviate the need for a separate
characterization of generic-level structure. Instead, it would itself characterize
generic-level structure-explaining possible personifications and the possible
interpretations for proverbs.

The GENERIC IS SPECIFIC metaphor is used for more than just the interpretation
of proverbs. Turner (1991) has suggested that it is also the general mechanism at
work in analogic reasoning, and that the Invariance Principle characterizes the class

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of possible analogies. We can see how this works with the Gary Hart example cited
above. We can convert that example into an analogy with the following sentence:
Gary Hart was like a blind man who fell into a ditch and blamed the ditch. The
mechanism for understanding this analogy makes use of:
z a knowledge schema for the blind man and the ditch
z a knowledge schema concerning Gary Hart
z the GENERIC IS SPECIFIC metaphor The GENERIC IS SPECIFIC metaphor maps
the knowledge schema for the blind man and the ditch into its generic-level schema.
The generic-level schema defines an open-ended category of knowledge schemas.
The Gary Hart schema is a member of that category, since it fits the generic-level
schema given the correspondences stated above. It appears at present that such
analogies use this metaphorical mechanism. But it is common for analogies to use
other metaphorical mechanisms as well, for instance, the Great Chain Metaphor and
the full range of conventional mappings in the conceptual system. Sentences like
John is a wolf or Harry is a pig use the Great Chain metaphor (see Lakoff &
Turner, 1989, ch. 4). A good example of how the rest of the metaphor system
interacts with GENERIC IS SPECIFIC is the well-known example of Glucksberg
and Keysar (this volume), My job is a jail. First, the knowledge schema for a jail
includes the knowledge that a jail imposes extreme physical constraints on a
prisoner's movements. The GENERIC IS SPECIFIC metaphor preserves the image-
schematic structure of the knowledge schema, factoring out the specific details of
the prisoner and the jail: X imposes extreme physical constraints on Y's
movements. But now two additional conventional metaphors apply to this generic-
level schema: The Event Structure Metaphor, with the submetaphor ACTIONS ARE
PHYSICAL FORCE. These metaphors map X imposes extreme physical constraints
on Y's movements into X imposes extreme psychological constraints on Y's actions.
The statement My job is a jail imposes an interpretation in which X = my job and Y
= me, and hence yields the knowledge that My job imposes extreme psychological
constraints on my actions. Thus, the mechanism for understanding My job is a jail
uses very common, independently existing metaphors: GENERIC IS SPECIFIC,

The Glucksberg-Keysar Claim

I mention this example because of the claim by Glucksberg and Keysar (this
volume) that metaphor is simply a matter of categorization. However, in personal
correspondence Glucksberg has written, We assume that people can judge and can
also infer that certain basic level entities, such as `jails' typify or are emblematic of
a metaphoric attributive category such as "situations that are confining,
unpleasant, etc." Glucksberg and Keysar give no theory of how it is possible to
have such a metaphoric attributive category -- that is, how it possible for one kind
of thing (a general situation) to be metaphorically categorized in terms of a
fundamentally spatial notion like `confining.' Since Glucksberg is not in the
business of describing the nature of conceptual systems, he does not see it as his job
to give such an account. I have argued in this paper that the general principle
governing such cases is the Event Structure Metaphor. If such a metaphor exists in
our conceptual system, then Glucksberg's `jail' example is accounted for
automatically and his categorization theory is not needed. Indeed, the category he
needs -- situations that are confining, unpleasant, etc. -- is a metaphoric attributive
category. That is, to get the appropriate categories in their categorization theory of
metaphor he needs an account of metaphor. But given such an account of metaphor,
their metaphor-as-categorization theory becomes unnecessary. Even worse for the

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Glucksberg-Keysar theory, it cannot account for either everyday conceptual

metaphor of the sort we have been discussing or for really rich poetic metaphor,
such as one finds in the works of, say, Dylan Thomas, or for image-metaphor of the
sort common in the examples cited above from the Sanskrit, Navaho and surrealist
traditions. Since it does not even attempt to deal with most of the data covered by
the contemporary theory of metaphor, it cannot account for how metaphor works.

More On Novel Metaphor

At the time most of the papers in this volume were written (the late 1970's),
metaphor was taken to mean novel metaphor, since the huge system of
conventional metaphor had barely been noticed. For that reason, the authors never
took up the question of how the system of conventional metaphor functions in the
interpretation of novel metaphor. We have just seen one such example. Let us
consider some others. As common as novel metaphor is, its occurrence is rare by
comparison with conventional metaphor, which occurs in most of the sentences we
utter. Our everyday metaphor system, which we use to understand concepts as
commonplace as TIME, STATE, CHANGE, CAUSATION, PURPOSE, etc. is
constantly active, and is used maximally in interpreting novel metaphorical uses of
language. The problem with all the older research on novel metaphor is that it
completely missed the major contribution played by the conventional system. As
Turner and I discussed in detail (Lakoff & Turner, 1989), there are three basic
mechanisms for interpreting linguistic expressions as novel metaphors: Extensions
of conventional metaphors; Generic-level metaphors; Image-metaphors. Most
interesting poetic metaphor uses all of these superimposed on one another. Let us
begin with examples of extensions of conventional metaphors. Dante begins the
Divine Comedy: In the middle of life's road I found myself in a dark wood. Life's
road evokes the domain of life and the domain of travel, and hence the conventional
LIFE IS A JOURNEY metaphor that links them. I found myself in a dark wood
evokes the knowledge that if it's dark you cannot see which way to go. This evokes
the domain of seeing, and thus the conventional metaphor that KNOWING IS
SEEING, as in expressions like I see what you're getting at, His claims aren't clear,
The passage is opaque, etc. This entails that the speaker doesn't know which way to
go. Since the LIFE IS A JOURNEY metaphor specifies destinations are life goals, it
is entailed that the speaker does not know what life goals to pursue, that is, he is
without direction in his life. All of this uses nothing but the system of conventional
metaphor, ordinary knowledge structure evoked by the conventional meaning of the
sentence, and metaphorical inferences based on that knowledge structure. Another
equally simple case of the use of the conventional system is Robert Frost's

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I

I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Since Frost's language often does not overtly signal that the poem is to be taken
metaphorically, incompetent English teachers occasionally teach Frost as if he were
a nature poet, simply describing scenes. (I have actually had students whose high
school teachers taught them that!) Thus, this passage could be read
nonmetaphorically as being just about a trip on which one encounters a crossroads.
There is nothing in the sentences themselves that forces one to a metaphorical
interpretation. But, since it is about travel and encountering crossroads, it evokes a
knowledge of journeys. This activates the system of conventional metaphor we
have just discussed, in which longterm, purposeful activities are understood as
journeys, and further, how life and careers can also be understood as one-person

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journeys (love relationships, involving two travelers, are ruled out here). The poem
is typically taken as being about life and a choice of life goals, though it might also
be interpreted as being about careers and careers paths, or about some longterm,
purposeful activity. All that is needed to get the requisite range of interpretations is
the structure of conventional metaphors discussed above, and the knowledge
structure evoked by the poem. The conventional mapping will apply to the
knowledge structure yielding the appropriate inferences. No special mechanisms are

Searle's Theory
At this point I will leave off discussion of other more complex poetic examples,
since they require lengthy discussion and since such discussion can be found in
Lakoff and Turner (1989), Turner (1987), and Turner (1991). Instead, I will confine
myself to discussing three examples from John Searle's Chapter (this volume).
Consider first Disraeli's remark, I have climbed to the top of the greasy pole.
Certainly, this could be taken nonmetaphorically, but its most likely metaphorical
interpretation is via the CAREER IS A JOURNEY metaphor. This metaphor is
evoked jointly by source domain knowledge about pole-climbing (which is
effortful, self-propelled, destination-oriented motion upward) and knowledge that
the metaphor involves effortful, self-propelled, destination-oriented motion upward.
Part of the knowledge evoked is that the speaker is as high as he can get on that
particular pole, that the pole was difficult to climb, that the climb probably involved
backwards motion, that it is difficult for someone to stay at the top of a greasy pole,
and that he will most likely slide down again. The CAREER IS A JOURNEY
metaphor maps this knowledge onto corresponding knowledge about the speaker's
career: the speaker has as much status as he or she can get in that particular career,
that is was difficult to get to that point in the career, that it probably involved some
temporary loss of status along the way, that it is difficult to maintain this position,
and that he or she will probably lose status before long. All this follows with
nothing more that the conventional career-as-journey mapping, which we all share
as part of our metaphorical systems, plus knowledge about climbing greasy poles.
The second example of Searle's I will consider is Sally is a block of ice. Here there
is a conventional metaphor that AFFECTION IS WARMTH, as in ordinary
sentences like She's a warm person, He was cool to me, etc. A block of ice evokes
the domain of temperature, and, since it is predicated of a person, it also evokes
knowledge of what a person can be. Jointly, both kinds of knowledge activate
AFFECTION IS WARMTH. Since a block of ice is something that is very cold and
not able to become warm quickly or easily, this knowledge is mapped onto Sally's
being very unaffectionate and not being able to become affectionate quickly or
easily. Again, common knowledge and a conventional metaphor that we all have is
all that is needed. Finally, Searle discusses The hours crept by as we waited for the
plane. Here we have a verb of motion predicated of a time expression; the former
activates the knowledge about motion through space and the latter activates the time
domain. Jointly, they activate the time-as-moving-object mapping. Again the
meaning of the sentence follows only from everyday knowledge and the everyday
system of metaphorical mappings. Searle accounts for such cases by his Principle 4,
which says that we just do perceive a connection which is the basis of the
interpretation. This is vague and doesn't say what the perceived connection is or
why we just do perceive it. When we spell out the details of all such perceived
connections, they turn out to be the system of conceptual metaphors that I have
been describing. But given that system, Searle's theory and his principles become
unnecessary. In addition, Searle's account of literal meaning makes most of the

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usual false assumptions that accompany that term. Searle assumes that all everyday,
conventional language is literal and not metaphorical. He would thus rule out every
example of conventional metaphor that is described not only in this paper, but in the
whole literature of the field. The study of the metaphorical subsystem of our
conceptual system is a central part of synchronic linguistics. The reason is that
much of our semantic system, that is, our system of concepts, is metaphorical, as we
saw above. It is because this huge system went unnoticed prior to 1980 that authors
like Searle, Sadock, and Morgan could claim that metaphor was outside of
synchronic linguistics and in the domain of principles of language use.

The Experiential Basis Of Metaphor

The conceptual system underlying a language contains thousands of conceptual
metaphors -- conventional mappings from one domain to another, such as the Event
Structure Metaphor. The novel metaphors of a language are, except for image
metaphors, extensions of this large conventional system. Perhaps the deepest
question that any theory of metaphor must answer is this: Why do we have the
conventional metaphors that we have? Or alternatively: Is there any reason why
conceptual systems contain one set of metaphorical mappings rather than another?
There do appear to be answers to these questions for many of the mappings found
so far, though they are in the realm of plausible accounts, rather than in the realm of
scientific results. Take a simple case: the MORE IS UP metaphor, as seen in
expressions like: Prices rose. His income went down. Unemployment is up. Exports
are down. The number of homeless people is very high. There are other languages
in which MORE IS UP and LESS IS DOWN, but none in which the reverse is true,
where MORE IS DOWN and LESS IS UP. Why not? The answer given in the
contemporary theory is that the MORE IS UP metaphor is grounded in experience-
in the common experiences of pouring more fluid into a container and seeing the
level go up, or adding more things to a pile and seeing the pile get higher. These are
thoroughly pervasive experiences; we experience them every day of our lives. They
are experiences with a structure-a correspondence between the conceptual domain
of quantity and the conceptual domain of verticality: MORE corresponds in such
experiences to UP and LESS corresponds to DOWN. These correspondences in real
experience form the basis for the correspondence in the metaphorical cases, which
go beyond the cases in real experience: in Prices rose there is no correspondence in
real experience between quantity and verticality, but understanding quantity in
terms of verticality makes sense because of the existence of a regular
correspondence in so many other cases. Consider another case: What is the basis of
the widespread KNOWING IS SEEING metaphor, as in expressions like: I see what
your saying. His answer was clear. This paragraph is murky. He was so blinded by
ambition that he never noticed his limitations. The experiential basis, in this case, is
the fact that most of what we know comes through vision, and that in the
overwhelming majority of cases, if we see something, then we know it is true.
Consider still another case: Why, in the Event Structure Metaphor, is achieving a
purpose understood as reaching a destination (in the location subsystem) and as
acquiring a desired object (in the object subsystem)? The answer again seems to be
correspondences in everyday experience. To achieve most of our everyday
purposes, we either have to move to some destination or acquire some object. If you
want a drink of water, you've got to go to the water fountain. If you want to be in
the sunshine, you have to move to where the sunshine is. And if you want to write
down a note, you got to get a pen or pencil. The correspondences between
achieving purposes and either reaching destinations or acquiring objects is so
utterly common in our everyday existence, that the resulting metaphor is completely

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natural. But what about the experiential basis of A PURPOSEFUL LIFE IS A

JOURNEY? Recall that that mapping is in an inheritance hierarchy, where life goals
are special cases of purposes, which are destinations in the event structure
metaphor. Thus, A PURPOSEFUL LIFE IS A JOURNEY inherits the experiential
basis of PURPOSES ARE DESTINATIONS. Thus, inheritance hierarchies provide
indirect experiential bases, in that a metaphorical mapping lower in a hierarchy can
inherit its experiential basis indirectly from a mapping higher in the hierarchy.
Experiential bases motivate metaphors, they do not predict them. Thus, not every
language has a MORE IS UP metaphor, though all human beings experience a
correspondence between MORE and UP in their experience. What this experiential
basis does predict is that no language will have the opposite metaphor LESS IS UP.
It also predicts that a speaker of language that does not have that metaphor will be
able to learn that metaphor much more easily than the opposite metaphor.

Realizations of Metaphor
Consider objects like thermometers and stock market graphs, where increases in
temperature and prices are represented as being up and decreases as being down.
These are real man-made objects created to accord with the MORE IS UP metaphor.
They are objects in which there is a correlation between MORE and UP. Such
objects are a lot easier to read and understand than if they contradicted the
metaphor, say, if increases were represented as down and decreases as up. Such
objects are ways in which metaphors impose a structure on real life, through the
creation of new correspondences in experience. And of course, once such real
objects are created in one generation, those objects serve as an experiential basis for
that metaphor in the next generation. There are a great many ways in which
conventional metaphors can be made real. Metaphors can be realized in obvious
imaginative products such as cartoons, literary works, dreams, visions, and myths.
But metaphors can be made real in less obvious ways as well, in physical
symptoms, social institutions, social practices, laws, and even foreign policy and
forms of discourse and of history. Let us consider some examples:

Conventional metaphors are made real in cartoons. A common example is the
realization of the ANGER IS A HOT FLUID IN A CONTAINER metaphor, in
which one can be boiling mad or letting off steam. In cartoons, anger is
commonly depicted by having steam coming out the character's ears.
Similarly, social clumsiness is indicated by having a cartoon character fall on
his face.

Literary works:
It is common for the plot of novel to be a realization of the PURPOSEFUL
LIFE IS A JOURNEY metaphor, where the course of a life takes the form of
an actual journey. Pilgrim's Progress is a classical example.

Consider the cultural ritual in which a newborn baby is carried upstairs to
insure his or her success. The metaphor realized in this ritual is STATUS IS
UP, exemplified by sentences such as: He clawed his way to the top. He
climbed the ladder of success. You'll rise in the world.

Dream Interpretation:
Conceptual metaphors consitute the vocabulary of dream interpretation. It is

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the collection of our everyday conceptual metaphors that make dream

interpretations possible. Consider one of the most celebrated of all dream
interpretations: Joseph's interpretation of Pharoah's dream from Genesis. In
Pharoah's dream, he is standing on the river bank, when seven fat cows come
out of the river, followed by seven lean cows that eat the seven fat ones and
still remain lean. Then Pharoah dreams again. This time he sees seven full
and good ears of corn growing, and then seven withered ears growing after
them. The withered ears devour the good ears. Joseph interprets the two
dreams as a single dream. The seven fat cows and full ears are good years and
the seven lean cows and withered ears are famine years that follow the good
years. The famine years devour what the good years produce. This
interpretation makes sense to us because of a collection of conceptual
metaphors in our conceptual system -- metaphors that have been with us since
Biblical times.

{ The first metaphor used is: TIMES ARE MOVING ENTITIES. A

river is a common metaphor for the flow of time; the cows are
individual entities (years) emerging from the flow of time and
moving past the observer; the ears of corn are also entities that
come into the scene.

{ The second metaphor used is ACHIEVING A PURPOSE IS

EATING, where being fat indicates success being lean indicates
failure. This metaphor is combined with the most common of
metonymies: A PART STANDS FOR THE WHOLE. Since cows
and corn were typical of meat and grain eaten, each single cow
stands for all the cows raised in a year and each ear of corn for
all the corn grown in a year.

{ The final metaphor used is: RESOURCES ARE FOOD, where

using up resources is eating food. The devouring of the good
years by the famine years is interpreted as indicating that all the
surplus resources of the good years will be used up by the famine

The interpretation of the whole dream is thus a composition of three conventional

metaphors and one metonymy. The metaphoric and metonymic sources are
combined to form the reality of the dream.

In the Event Structure metaphor, there is a submapping EXTERNAL EVENTS
ARE LARGE, MOVING OBJECTS that can exerted a force upon you and
thereby effect whether you achieve your goals. In English the special cases of
such objects are things, fluids, and horses. Pamela Morgan (in unpublished
work) has observed that in Greek Mythology, Poseidon is the god of the sea,
earthquakes, horses and bulls. The list might seem arbitrary, but Morgan
observes that these are all large moving objects that can exert a force on you.
Morgan surmises that this is not an obvious list. The sea, earthquakes, horses,
and bulls are all large moving objects that can exert a significant force.
Poseidon, she surmises, should really be seen as the god of external events.

Physical symptoms:
The unconscious mind makes use our unconscious system of conventional
metaphor, sometimes to express psychological states in terms of physical

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symptoms. For example, in the Event Structure metaphor, there is a

as a special case, DIFFICULTIES ARE BURDENS. It is fairly common for
someone encountering difficulties to walk with his shoulders stooped, as if
carrying a heavy weight that is burdening him.

Social institutions:
We have a TIME IS MONEY metaphor, shown by expressions like:
He's wasting time.
I have to budget my time.
This will save you time.
I've invested a lot of time in that.
He doesn't use his time profitably.

This metaphor came into English about the time of the industrial revolution,
when people started to be paid for work by the amount of time they worked.
Thus, the factory led to the institutional pairing of periods of time with
amounts of money, which formed the experiential basis of this metaphor.
Since then, the metaphor has been realized in many other ways. The
budgeting of time has spread throughout American culture.

Social practices:
There is conceptual metaphor that SEEING IS TOUCHING, where the eyes
are limbs and vision is achieved when the object seen is touched.
Examples are:
My eyes picked out every detail of the pattern.
He ran his eyes over the walls.
He couldn't take his eyes off of her.
Their eyes met.
His eyes are glued to the tv.
The metaphor is made real in the social practice of avoiding eye
contact on the street, and in the social prohibition against undressing
someone with your eyes.

Law is major area where metaphor is made real. For example,
CORPORATIONS ARE PERSONS is a tenet of American law, which not only
enables corporations to be harmed and assigned responsibility so that they
can be sued when liable, but also gives corporations certain First Amendment

Foreign policy:
A STATE IS A PERSON is one of the major metaphors underlying foreign
policy concepts. Thus, there are friendly states, hostile states, etc. Health for a
state is economic health and strength is military strength. Thus a threat to
economic health can be seen as a death threat, as when Iraq was seen to have
a stanglehold on the economic lifeline of the U.S. Strong states are seen as
male, and weak states as female, so that an attack by a strong state on a weak
state can be seen as a rape, as in the rape of Kuwait by Iraq. A just war is
conceptualized as a fairy tale with villain, victim, and hero, where the villain
attacks the victim and the hero rescues the victim. Thus, the U.S. in the Gulf
War was portrayed as having rescued Kuwait. As President Bush said in his
address to Congress, The issues couldn't have been clearer: Iraq was the
villain and Kuwait, the victim.

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Forms of discourse:
Common metaphors are often made real in discourse forms. Consider four
common academic discourse forms: the Guided Tour, the Heroic Battle, and
the Heroic Quest.

The Guided Tour is based on the metaphor that THOUGHT IS MOTION,

where ideas are locations and one reasons step-by-step, reaches conclusions,
or you fail to reach a conclusion if you are engaged in circular reasoning.
Communication in this metaphor is giving someone a guided tour of some
rational argument or of some intellectual terrain. The present paper is an
example of such a guided tour, where I, the author, am the tour guide who is
assumed to be thoroughly familiar with the terrain, and where the terrain
surveyed is taken as objectively real.

The discourse form of the Heroic Battle is based on the metaphor that
ARGUMENT IS WAR. The author's theory is the hero, the opposing theory is
the villain, and words are weapons. The battle is in the form of an argument
defending the hero's position and demolishing the villain's position.

The Heroic Quest discourse form is based on the metaphor that knowledge is
a valuable but elusive object that can be discovered if one perseveres. The
scientist is the hero on a quest for knowledge, and the discourse form is an
account of his difficult journey of discovery. What is discovered is, of course,
a real entity. What makes all of these cases realizations of metaphors is that in
each case there is something real structured by conventional metaphor, and
which is made comprehensible, or even natural, by those everyday
metaphors. What is real differs in each case: an object like a thermometer or
graph, an experience like a dream, an action like a ritual, a form of discourse,

What these examples reveal is that a lot of what is real in a society or in the
experience of an individual is structured and made sense of via conventional
metaphor. Experiential bases and realizations of metaphors are two sides of the
same coin: they are both correlations in real experience that have the same structure
as the correlations in metaphors. The difference is that experiential bases precede,
ground, and make sense of conventional metaphorical mappings, while realizations
follow, and are made sense of, via the conventional metaphors. And as we noted
above, one generation's realizations of a metaphor can become part of the next
generation's experiential basis for that metaphor.

Summary of Results
As we have seen, the contemporary theory of metaphor is revolutionary in many
respects. To give you some idea how revolutionary, here is a list of the basic results
that differ from most previous accounts.

The Nature of Metaphor

{ Metaphor is the main mechanism through which we comprehend abstract
concepts and perform abstract reasoning.
{ Much subject matter, from the most mundane to the most abstruse scientific
theories, can only be comprehended via metaphor.

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{ Metaphor is fundamentally conceptual, not linguistic, in nature.

{ Metaphorical language is a surface manifestation of conceptual metaphor.
{ Though much of our conceptual system is metaphorical, a significant part of
it is nonmetaphorical. Metaphorical understanding is grounded in
nonmetaphorical understanding.
{ Metaphor allows us to understand a relatively abstract or inherently
unstructured subject matter in terms of a more concrete, or at least a more
highly structured subject matter.

The Structure of Metaphor

{ Metaphors are mappings across conceptual domains.
{ Such mappings are asymmetric and partial.
{ Each mapping is a fixed set of ontological correspondences between entities
in a source domain and entities in a target domain.
{ When those fixed correspondences are activated, mappings can project source
domain inference patterns onto target domain inference patterns.
{ Metaphorical mappings obey the Invariance Principle: The image-schema
structure of the source domain is projected onto the target domain in a way
that is consistent with inherent target domain structure.
{ Mappings are not arbitrary, but grounded in the body and in everyday
experience and knowledge.
{ A conceptual system contains thousands of conventional metaphorical
mappings, which form a highly structured subsystem of the conceptual
{ There are two types of mappings: conceptual mappings and image-
mappings; both obey the Invariance Principle.

Some Aspects of Metaphor

{ The system of conventional conceptual metaphor is mostly unconscious,
automatic, and is used with no noticeable effort, just like our linguistic
system and the rest of our conceptual system.
{ Our system of conventional metaphor is alive in the same sense that our
system of grammatical and phonological rules is alive; namely, it is
constantly in use, automatically and below the level of consciousness.
{ Our metaphor system is central to our understanding of experience and to the
way we act on that understanding.
{ Conventional mappings are static correspondences, and are not, in
themselves, algorithmic in nature. However, this by no means rules out the
possibility that such static correspondences might be used in language
processing that involves sequential steps.
{ Metaphor is mostly based on correspondences in our experiences, rather than
on similarity.
{ The metaphor system plays a major role in both the grammar and lexicon of a
{ Metaphorical mappings vary in universality; some seem to be universal,
others are widespread, and some seem to be culture- specific.
{ Poetic metaphor is, for the most part, an extension of our everyday,
conventional system of metaphorical thought.

These are the conclusions that best fit the empirical studies of metaphor conducted
over the past decade or so. Though much of it is inconsistent with traditional views,

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it is by no means all new, and some ideas-e.g., that abstract concepts are
comprehended in terms of concrete concepts-have a long history.

Concluding Remarks
The evidence supporting the contemporary theory of metaphor is voluminous and
grows larger each year as more research in the field is done. The evidence, as we
saw above, comes from five domains:

{ Generalizations over polysemy

{ Generalization over inference patterns
{ Generalizations over extensions to poetic cases
{ Generalizations over semantic change
{ Psycholinguistic experiments

I have discussed only a handful of examples of the first three of these, hopefully
enough to make the reader curious about the field. But evidence is convincing only
if it can count as evidence. When does evidence fail to be evidence? Unfortunately,
all too often. It is commonly the case that certain fields of inquiry are defined by
assumptions that rule out the possibility of counterevidence. When a defining
assumption of a field comes up against evidence, the evidence usually loses: the
practitioners of the field must ignore the evidence if they want to keep the
assumptions that define the field they are committed to. Part of what makes the
contemporary theory of metaphor so interesting is that the evidence for it
contradicts the defining assumptions of so many academic disciplines. In my
opinion, this should make one doubt the defining assumptions of all those
disciplines. The reason is this: The defining assumptions of the contemporary
theory of metaphor are minimal. There are only two. The Generalization
Commitment: To seek generalizations in all areas of language, including polysemy,
patterns of inference, novel metaphor, and semantic change. The Cognitive
Commitment: To take experimental evidence seriously. But these are nothing more
than commitments to the scientific study of language and the mind. No initial
commitment is made as to the form of an answer to the question of what is
metaphor. However, the defining assumptions of other fields do often entail a
commitment about the form of an answer to that question. It is useful, in an
interdisciplinary volume of this sort, to spell out exactly what those defining
assumptions are, since they will often explain why different authors reach such
different conclusions about the nature of metaphor.

Literal Meaning Commitments

I started this Chapter with a list of the false assumptions about literal meaning that
are commonly made. These assumptions are, of course, false only relative to the
kinds of evidence that supports the contemporary theory of metaphor. If one ignores
all such evidence, then the assumptions can be maintained without contradiction.
Assumptions about literality are the locus of many of the contradictions between the
contemporary theory of metaphor and various academic disciplines. Let us review
those assumptions. In the discussion of literal meaning given above, I observed that
it is taken as definitional that: What is literal is not metaphorical. The false
assumptions and conclusions that usually accompany the word literal are:

{ All everyday conventional language is literal, and none is metaphorical.

{ All subject matter can be comprehended literally, without metaphor.

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{ Only literal language can be contingently true or false.

{ All definitions given in the lexicon of a language are literal, not metaphorical.
{ The concepts used in the grammar of a language are all literal; none are

We will begin with the philosophy of language. The Generalization Commitment

and the Cognitive Commitment are not definitional to the philosophy of language.
Indeed, most philosophers of language would feel no need to abide by them, for a
very good reason. The philosophy of language is typically not seen as an empirical
discipline, constrained by empirical results, such as those that arise by the
application of the Generalization and Cognitive Commitments. Instead, the
philosophy of language is usually seen as an a priori discipline, one which can be
pursued using the tools of philosophical analysis alone, rather than the tools of
empirical research. Therefore, all the evidence that has been brought forth for the
contemporary theory of metaphor simply will not matter for most philosophers of
language. In addition, the philosophy of language comes with its own set of
defining assumptions, which entail many of the false assumptions usually
associated with the word literal. Most practitioners of the philosophy of language
usually make one or more of the following assumptions.

{ The correspondence theory of truth.

{ Meaning is defined in terms of reference and truth.
{ Natural language semantics is to be characterized by the mechanisms of
mathematical logic, including model theory.

These assumptions entail the traditional false assumptions associated with the word
literal. Thus the very field of philosophy of language comes with defining
assumptions that contradict the main conclusions of the contemporary theory of
metaphor. Consequently, we can see why most philosophers of language have the
range of views on metaphor that they have: They accept the traditional literal-
figurative distinction. They may, like Davidson (1981), say that there is no
metaphorical meaning, and that most metaphorical utterances are either trivially
true or trivially false. Or, like Grice (1989, p. 34) and Searle (this volume), they will
assume that metaphor is in the realm of pragmatics, that is, that a metaphorical
meaning is no more than the literal meaning of some other sentence which can be
arrived at by some pragmatic principle. This is required, since the only real meaning
for them is literal meaning, and pragmatic principles are those principles that allow
one to say one thing (with a literal meaning) and mean something else (with a
different, but nonetheless literal, meaning). Much of generative linguistics accepts
one or more of these assumptions from the philosophy of language. The field of
formal semantics accepts them all, and thus formal semantics, by its defining
assumptions, is at odds with the contemporary theory of metaphor. Formal
semantics simply does not see it as its job> to account for the generalizations
discussed in this paper. From the perspective of formal semantics, the phenomena
that the contemporary theory of metaphor is concerned with are either nonexistent
or uninteresting, since they lie outside the purview of the discipline. That is why
Jerrold Sadock in his chapter in this volume claims that metaphor lies outside of
synchronic linguistics. Since he accepts mathematical logic as the correct approach
to natural language semantics, Sadock must see metaphor as being outside of
semantics proper. He must, therefore, also reject the entire enterprise of the
contemporary theory of metaphor. And Morgan (this volume), also accepting those
defining assumptions of the philosophy of language, agrees with Grice and Searle
that metaphor is a matter of pragmatics.

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Chomsky's theory of government and binding also accepts crucial assumptions from
the philosophy of language that are inconsistent with the contemporary theory of
metaphor. Government and binding, following my early theory of generative
semantics, assumes that semantics is to be represented in terms of logical form.
Government and binding, like generative semantics, thus rules out the very
possibility that metaphor might be part of natural language semantics as it enters
into grammar. Because of this defining assumption, I would not expect government
and binding theorists to become concerned with the phenomena covered by the
contemporary theory of metaphor.

Interestingly, much of continental philosophy and deconstructionism is also

characterized by defining assumptions that are at odds with the contemporary
theory of metaphor. Nietzsche (see, Johnson, 1981) held that all language is
metaphorical, which is at odds with those results that indicate that a significant
amount of everyday language is not metaphorical. Much of continental philosophy,
observing that conceptual systems change through time, assumes that conceptual
systems are purely historically contingent-that there are no conceptual universals.
Though conceptual systems do change through time, there do, however, appear to
be universal, or at least very widespread, conceptual metaphors. The event structure
metaphor is my present candidate for a metaphorical universal. Continental
philosophy also comes with a distinction between the study of the physical world,
which can be scientific, and the study of human beings, which it says cannot be
scientific. This is very much at odds with the conceptual theory of metaphor, which
is very much a scientific enterprise.

Finally, the contemporary theory of metaphor is at odds with certain traditions in

symbolic artificial intelligence and information processing psychology. Those fields
assume that thought is a matter of algorithmic symbol manipulation, of the sort
done by a traditional computer program. This defining assumption puts it at odds
with the contemporary theory of metaphor in two respects: First, the contemporary
theory has an image-schematic basis: The invariance hypothesis applies both to
image-metaphors and characterizes constraints on novel metaphor. Since symbol-
manipulation systems cannot handle image-schemas, they cannot deal with image-
metaphors or imagable idioms. Second, those traditions must characterize
metaphorical mapping as an algorithmic process, which typically takes literal
meanings as input and gives a metaphorical reading as output. This is at odds with
cases where there are multiple, overlapping metaphors in a single sentence, and
which require the simultaneous activation of a number of metaphorical mappings.

The contemporary theory of metaphor is thus not only interesting for its own sake.
It is especially interesting for the challenge it brings to other disciplines. For, if the
results of the contemporary theory are accepted, then the defining assumptions of
whole disciplines are brought into question.

This research was supported in part by grants from the Sloan Foundation and the
National Science Foundation (IRI-8703202) to the University of California at
Berkeley. The following colleagues and students helped with this paper in a variety
of ways, from useful comments to allowing me to cite their research: Ken Baldwin,
Claudia Brugman, Jane Espenson, Sharon Fischler, Ray Gibbs, Adele Goldberg,
Mark Johnson, Karin Myhre, Eve Sweetser, and Mark Turner.

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Appendix: An Annotated Bibliography

Most of the papers in this edition also appeared in the first edition of 1979 and thus
predate the contemporary theory of metaphor. Because of this, I thought might be a
service to readers to provide a short annotated bibliography of fundamental books
and papers on the contemporary theory written since the first edition of this volume

Gibbs, Raymond W., Jr. 1990. Psycholinguistic studies on the conceptual basis of
idiomaticity. Cognitive Linguistics, 1-4: 417-462.
A survey of psycholinguistic results demonstrating the cognitive reality of
conceptual metaphor and imagable idioms.

Johnson, Mark. 1981. Philosphical Perspectives on Metaphor Minneapolis:

University of Minnesota Press.
The best collection of papers by philosophers on metaphor. Thae author's
introduction is the best short historical survey of the history of metaphor in

Johnson, Mark. 1987. The Body in the Mind: the Bodily Basis of Meaning, Reason
and Imagination. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
A discussion of philosophical issues arising from the discovery of the system
of conceptual metaphor.

Kovecses, Zoltan. 1990. Emotion Concepts. Springer-Verlag.

A thorough and voluminously documented demonstration that emotion is
conceptualized metaphorically.

Lakoff, George. 1987. Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories
Reveal about the Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
A survey of contemporary literature on categorization, including the role of
metaphor in forming categories categories. Includes a general theory of
meaning assimilating conceptual metaphor and other aspects of cognitive

Lakoff, George. 1989. Philosophical Speculation and Cognitive Science. In

Philosophical Psychology: 2,1.
A discussion of the differing assumptions behind generative semantics and
generative grammar.

Lakoff, George. 1991. Metaphor and War: The Metaphor System Used To Justify
War in the Gulf.
Distributed via electronic bulletin boards, January, 1991. Reprinted in Brien
Hallet (ed.), Engulfed in War: Just War and the Persian Gulf, Honolulu:
Matsunaga Institute for Peace, 1991. Also in: Journal of Urban and Cultural
Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 1991. Also in: Vietnam Generation Newsletter, vol. 3,
no. 2, No vember 1991. Also in: The East Bay Express, February, 1991. An
analysis of the metaphorical system used in the public discourse and expert
policy deliberations on the Gulf War, together with what the metaphors hid,
and a critique of the war based on this analysis.

Lakoff, George and Claudia Brugman. 1986. Argument Forms in Lexical

Semantics. In Nikiforidou et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting

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of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: 442-454.

A survey of the argument forms used in justifying metaphorical analysis and
a comparison with corresponding argument forms in syntax and phonology.

Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark. 1980. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
The first book outlining the con temporary theory of metaphor.

Lakoff, George and Turner, Mark. 1989. More Than Cool Reason: A Field Guide to
Poetic Metaphor Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
A survey of the mechanisms of poetic metaphor, replete with examples.

Sweetser, Eve. 1990. From Etymology to Pragmatics: The Mind-as-Body Metaphor

in Semantic Structure and Semantic Change. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer sity
The best work to date on the role of metaphor in semantic change, and the
metaphorical basis of pragmatics.

Talmy, Leonard. 1985. Force Dynamics in Language and Thought. In Papers from
the Parasession on Causatives and Agentivity. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
The analysis that led to the study of the metaphorical basis of modality and

Turner, Mark. 1987. Death is the Mother of Beauty: Mind, Metaphor, Criticism.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
A study of the regularities behind all the kinship metaphors from Chaucer to
Wallace Stevens, including the role of metaphor in allegory. Turner also
noticed the prevalence of the CAUSATION IS PROGENERATION
metaphor and the constraint that was the precursor to the Invariance

Turner, Mark 1991. Reading Minds: The Study of English in the Age of Cognitive
Science. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
A reevaluation of the profession of English and the study of the English
language in the light of recent results on the nature of metaphor and other
results in the cognitive sciences.

Winter, Steven L. 1989. Transcendental Nonsense, Metaphoric Reasoning, and the

Cognitive Stakes for Law, 137 University of Pennsylvania Law Review.
The most comprehensive of Winter's many articles discussing the role of
metaphor in law.

{ Auster, Paul, ed. 1984. The Random House Book of Twentieth Century
French Poetry. New York: Random House.
{ Gibbs, Raymond W., Jr. 1990. Psycholinguistics studies on the conceptual
basis of idiomaticity. Cognitive Linguistics, 1-4: 417-462.
{ Grice, Paul 1989. Studies in the Way of Words Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press. Johnson, Mark. 1981. Philosphical Perspectives on
Metaphor Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
{ Johnson, Mark. 1987. The Body in the Mind: the Bodily Basis of Meaning,
Reason and Imagination. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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{ Kovecses, Zoltan. 1990. Emotion Concepts. Springer- Verlag.

{ Lakoff, George. 1987. Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories
Reveal about the Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
{ Lakoff, George. 1989. Philosophical Speculation and Cognitive Science. In
Philosophical Psychology: 2,1.
{ Lakoff, George and Claudia Brugman. 1986. Argument Forms in Lexical
Semantics. In Nikiforidou et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual
Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: 442-454.
{ Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark. 1980. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
{ Lakoff, George and Turner, Mark. 1989. More Than Cool Reason: A Field
Guide to Poetic Metaphor Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Merwin, W.
S. 1973. Asian Figures. New York: Atheneum.
{ Merwin, W. S., and Masson, J. Moussaieff, trs. 1981. The Peacock's Egg. San
Francisco: North Point Press.
{ Rothenberg, Jerome, ed. 1985. Technicians of the Sacred. Berkeley and Los
Angeles: University of California Press.
{ Sweetser, Eve. 1990. From Etymology to Pragmatics: The Mind-as-Body
Metaphor in Semantic Structure and Semantic Change. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
{ Talmy, Leonard. 1985. Force Dynamics in Language and Thought. In Papers
from the Parasession on Causatives and Agentivity. Chicago: Chicago
Linguistic Society.
{ Turner, Mark. 1987. Death is the Mother of Beauty: Mind, Metaphor,
Criticism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
{ Turner, Mark 1991. Reading Minds: The Study of English in the Age of
Cognitive Science. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

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