Lift Weights To Lose Stress and Lose Weight
Lift Weights To Lose Stress and Lose Weight
Lift Weights To Lose Stress and Lose Weight
merrily along through the Paleolithic forest when he came upon a pack of
hungry wolves shopping for lunch. Og’s heart raced, he started breathing
rapidly, and stress hormones such as epinephrine (previously called adrenaline)
flooded his bloodstream. Nerves readied. Muscles tensed. Senses sharpened.
This fight-or-flight response allowed your forebear to spot the wolves before they
spotted him and to dash up the nearest tree with super-Neanderthal speed.7 It
helped him hang on till the cavalry (Uncle Thag) arrived or break off a thick
branch and drop down for mortal combat.
Thanks to the stress response, you’re here today. But the same chemical
processes that saved your ancestor’s hide may be wreaking havoc on yours.
For Og got to exert his muscles when he was under stress, and, if lucky, he
soon returned to his quiet life of hunting small game and foraging berries. You,
on the other hand, don’t have a band of wolves to contend with. Today’s
stresses are more varied, less relenting. They bombard you from all directions.
They carve up your guts in a butchery of mile-long tax forms, bosses with short
fuses, supermarkets with long lines—and maybe a teenaged son who wants to
get his nose pierced.
And here’s the catch. You, unlike Og, can’t climb a tree to escape.
Surveys show that 60% of Americans feel they are under huge stress at least
once a week.1 In other words, their fight-or-flight response is fully activated—
hormones flow, the nerves are alerted for action, muscles are primed—but the
body just sits. The result? Anger. Frustration. Internal chaos.
This is, to put it mildly, not good for you. Chronic stress is known to increase the
risk of high blood pressure, clogged arteries, obesity, peptic ulcers, diabetes,
and impotency.1 It can cause digestion problems, headaches, and can even,
according to a study just published in the medical journal Health Psychology,
make you more susceptible to the common cold.2 All told, as many as two-thirds
of the problems seen in doctors’ offices may be related to stress.1
How does stress create such turmoil? Simply put, the body wasn’t designed for
fight or flight on a daily basis. The stress response was meant to be there to
speed up your system during occasional big crises, like bumping into predators
in the forest, not habitual little crises, like sitting at traffic lights that seem to be
painted red. The heart was never intended to beat like mad on a regular basis.
The blood vessels weren’t designed to withstand the effects of frequent, sharp
spikes in blood pressure.7 And the immune system is thrown out of whack when
the bloodstream is too often flooded with a variety of fight-or-flight chemicals.1
What can be done? Research indicates—and numerous personal anec- dotes
confirm—that people who work out fare better at both coping with stress and
avoiding the health complications that often follow stress. Below, experts explain
why exercise, and lifting weights in particular, may be your best antidote to the
madness of the modern world.
A Stronger Self-Image
A part of the exercise-stress connection, an important part, has more to do with
self-perception than with brain chemicals. Chronic stress or anxiety is often
linked to low self-esteem. Weight lifting quite simply helps build confidence. It
gives you a feeling of control over your life and a sense of accomplishment, not
to mention pride in your appearance. Of course, any exercise might do that...
“but with weight training, you can see the results a lot faster,” says Vicory. “A guy
who plays golf or tennis may have a hard time seeing how he has improved over
the course of several months, but if you were to ask a weight lifter what he or
she could bench several months ago as opposed to today, you’d get a very clear
answer,” he says. “The lifter will also be much more likely to see the results of
exercise simply by glancing in a mirror.”
Other people are likely to see the physical results of your weight training too.
And you’ll probably start hearing positive remarks. “Weight lifting, as it improves
muscle structure and physique, helping both men and women look more fit and
healthy, is very likely going to improve the sense of self,” says Dr. Skodnek. This
improved sense of self, he adds, is then going to help reduce stress in all areas
of your life, especially in the social arena. “There’s an enormous boost in
confidence that comes with strength gains.”
Another simple-yet-elegant way in which exercise annihilates stress is by
diverting your thoughts from whatever is worrying you. So instead of obsessing
wildly about why the boss wants to see you in his office tomorrow morning or
how much it’s going to cost to fix your car, you’re thinking about how fluidly you
can raise those 40-lb dumbbells over your head precisely one dozen times.
But why bother with weights? Why not just flop down on your couch, kick your
feet up, and flick on The Simpsons for a little distraction? You could, but it
wouldn’t work nearly as well as exercise. Studies prove it. One large review of
the scientific literature done back in 1990 found that exercise was hands down
more powerful and effective for reducing negative mood than were sedentary
leisure activities.3
What’s missing from the scientific literature are studies
comparing the diversionary powers of weight training and
aerobic exercise—but some experts say it wouldn’t even be a
fair contest. “Jogging, cycling, or swimming involve one
continuous, sustained activity, which allows the mind to wander,”
says Amore. “With weight lifting, you keep changing the activity.
You keep changing exercises and body parts. And each set
requires your full concentration,” he says. “Clearly, weight lifting
offers the stronger dose of diversion.”
Work out hard. The harder you work, the more endorphins you release into
your system. You might want to schedule your hardest workouts for the most
stressful days of your week. If going through an emotionally trying time,
consider it an excellent opportunity to up the intensity of your normal routine.
Work out early. Exercise has a well-known residual feel-good effect, probably
due to endorphins which may linger in the system and perhaps due to its
“meditative” effects. This can help you avoid frustration during a hectic day.
Hit those big muscle groups. The bigger the muscle group you’re working,
the greater the release of endorphins, and the more oxygen flow to your brain.
On days of high stress, consider spending more time with your squats and
bench presses than on your bis and tris.
Illuminate your workout. Scads of research show that sunlight has a positive
effect on mood. (Just ask anyone afflicted in midwinter with seasonal affective
disorder.) So open the blinds in your gym. Or, if sunlight isn’t readily available,
flick on the overheads.
Turn on some good sounds. Music you enjoy, whether Beethoven, punk
rock, or Puff Daddy, can make your workout more enjoyable and stress
Share the good energy. Another proven mood buster is having a regular
workout partner with whom you can share the excitement of your progress.
Do go changin’. The last thing you want to do is add to your stress with boring
workouts. Yes, boredom is stressful. Keep things interesting by varying
exercises. And if one day you want to skip the gym altogether and do
something else, that’s fine. Perhaps go climb a tree—like Og.
References Cited
1 J. Carey, Stress (Washington, D.C.: French-Bray, Glen Burnie, 1997).
2S. Cohen, et al., “Types of Stressors That Increase Susceptibility to the
Common Cold in Healthy Adults,” Health Psych. 17.3 (1998) : 214-223.
3R. Cox, Sport Psychology Concepts and Applications (Wisconsin: Brown &
Benchmark Publishers, 1997).
4 A.Feinstein, Training the Body to Cure Itself: How to Use Exercise to Heal
(Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, 1992).
5J. Feltman, The Prevention How-to Dictionary of Healing Remedies and
Techniques (Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, 1992).
6S. Goldfinger, editor, Harvard Health Letter (Boston: Harvard Medical School
Health Publication Group, Dec. 1998).
7R. Sapolsky, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: A Guide to Stress, Stress-Related
Diseases, and Coping (New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1994).