Tender Sample
Tender Sample
Tender Sample
the consultants
KERALA FEEDS LIMITED KALLETTUMKARA 680 683. TENDER FOR DESIGN, FABRICATION, SUPPLY, TRANSPORTATION, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF 2TPH AGRO-FIRED BOILER 300TPD CATTLE FEED PLANT AT KERALA FEEDS LTD. THIRUVANGOOR, CALICUT TENDER NO.KFL-CLT/KITCO/MH/03/2013 Consultants Earnest Money Deposit Tender Cost Time of completion Last date of issue of Tender Last Date of Receipt of Tender Date of opening of Tender Venue of Receipt of Tender : : : : : : : : KITCO LTD. Rs.1,62,500/Rs.9,800/- + 5% tax 10 months 29.06.2013 at 1.00 P.M 1.07.2013 at 3.00 P.M. 1.07.2013 at 3.30 P.M. KITCO Ltd., Femith's, PB No.4407, Puthiya Road, NH Bypass, Vennala, Kochi-682028. KITCO Ltd., Femith's, PB No.4407, Puthiya Road, NH Bypass, Vennala, Kochi-682028.
Issued by
Issued to
SECTION - I TENDER NOTICE Sealed, superscribed lumpsum tenders in two bid system are invited on turnkey basis from competent suppliers with sound technical and financial capabilities fulfilling the qualifying requirements stated hereunder for the Design, Fabrication, Supply, Transportation, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 2TPH Agro fired Boiler for 300TPD Cattle Feed Plant at Kerala Feeds Ltd. Thiruvangoor, Calicut. Time of Completion 10 months Earnest Money Deposit - Rs.1,62,500/Tender document can be purchased from the office of our Consultants, M/s.KITCO Ltd. from 11.06.2013 to 29.06.2013 during office hours on payment of non-refundable fee of Rs.9800/+5% tax to be remitted by DD in favour of KITCO Ltd., payable at Ernakulam. Those who want the tender document by courier within the territory of India shall pay Rs.500/- extra. Tender document can also be down loaded from the web site of KITCO Ltd. (www.kitco.in). Those who download tender document from the website shall submit the tender cost as DD in favour of KITCO Ltd payable at Ernakulam, along with the technical bid. Prospective bidders who download tender documents from the website shall sent a fax message to M/s.KITCO Ltd, our Consultants, to the address indicated below for receiving further clarifications or communications on the conditions/specifications in the tender document. The bidders who intent to participate shall meet the following qualifying criteria: 1. The Tenderer shall have completed at least two works of similar nature with minimum capacity of 2TPH and of value not less than Rs.33 lakh (Rupees thirty three lakh) each in a single contract during the last 7 years and which are in successful operation for at least during the last two years. 2. The average annual turnover of the tenderer shall not be less than Rs..65 lakhs (Rupees Sixty Five Lakhs) during the three preceding financial years (2009-10, 2010-11, & 2011-12). 3. The bidder shall be the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or an authorized representative of OEM. 4. The bidder shall have supplied enough machines/equipments of similar capacities to Government Organizations, for the last 3 years & should have been servicing them directly or through qualified & authorized service agents. 5. The bidder shall have spare parts & service set ups in Kerala and shall be in a position to attend service calls immediately. (Details of service centers with complete address to be attached with technical bid) Tenders will be received upto 3.00 p.m on 1.07.2013 in the office of KITCO Ltd. in the address given below. Techno-commercial offers will be opened at 3.30 p.m on the same day.
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In case this date happens to be a holiday, the tenders will be opened on the next working day at the same time. Kerala Feeds Ltd., reserves the right to reject or accept any tender either partially or wholly or to cancel the tendering process without assigning any reason, and the bidders shall not be eligible for any compensation in that event. Kerala Feeds Ltd/KITCO Ltd. shall not be responsible for any delay, loss or non-receipt of tender documents/bids sent by post or courier. Consultants: KITCO Ltd. P.B.No.4407, Femith's, Puthiya Road, NH Bypass, Vennala-682028. Tel:0484-4129000 Sd/Managing Director Kerala Feeds Ltd. Kallettumkara, Thrissur 680 683 Tel:0480-2720192 Fax:0480-2720194
Clause Number 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Topic Opening of Unpriced Bids Clarification of Bids Preliminary Examination Technical Evaluation Opening of Priced Bids Evaluation and Comparison of Priced Bids Contacting the Purchaser/Consultants Criteria for Awarding Contract Purchasers Right to Vary Quantities Purchasers Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids Notification of Award/Letter of Intent (LOI) Security Deposit Signing of Contract Import licence Indian Agent Subcontractors
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SECTION II INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1.0 BROAD SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work, in general shall include the following: a) Design, Fabrication, Supply, Transportation, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 2TPH Agro-fired Boiler for 300TPD Cattle Feed Plant at Kerala Feeds Ltd. Thiruvangoor, Calicut.
ELIGIBLE TENDERERS This invitation for bids is open to all Tenderers who are eligible as per the eligibility criteria given in the Tender Notice.
COST OF TENDERING The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, and Kerala Feeds Ltd., hereinafter referred to as the Purchaser, or KITCO Ltd., hereinafter referred to as `the Consultants' will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Tender process.
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CONTENT OF TENDER DOCUMENTS The goods required, tender procedures and contract terms are prescribed in the Tender Documents. In addition to the Tender Notice, the Tender Documents include Instructions to Tenderers, General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, and different Forms to be filled up. The Tenderer is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the Tender Documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the Tender Documents or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the Tender Documents in every respect will be at the Tenderer's risk and may result in the rejection of their bid. CLARIFICATION ON TENDER DOCUMENTS A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification on the Tender Documents may notify the Purchaser/the Consultants in writing or by fax or e-mail. The Purchaser/Consultants will respond in writing to any request for clarification on the Tender Documents, which it receives not 7
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later than 15 days prior to the deadline for the submission of bids. Written copies of the response (including an explanation on the query but without identifying the source of inquiry) will be sent to all prospective Tenderers who have received the Tender Documents, and will be attached to the Tender Documents sold subsequently. 5.2 A pre-bid meeting will be conducted in the Office of the Consultant at Ernakulam on the date and time specified in Section I to clarify any queries the Tenderers may have on the Tender documents, technical specification or the proposed scheme. Tenderers' who like to receive clarifications during the pre-bid meeting shall pass on their queries to the Consultants atleast two days prior to the pre-bid meeting. The minutes of the pre-bid meeting shall be forwarded by the Purchaser/Consultants to all the prospective bidders. This minutes shall form an integral part of the bidding document and a copy of the minutes shall also be submitted along with the unpriced bid duly signed by the Tenderer. The Tenderers are advised to visit the site of work at their own cost and examine the site conditions and obtain all necessary information before submitting their bid. Whether a tenderer visits the site or not, it will be assumed that a tenderer who submits his tender is fully aware of the site conditions and the difficulties in executing the work, and no claims whatsoever shall be entertained in this regard at any future date. AMENDMENT OF TENDER DOCUMENTS At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Purchaser/ Consultants may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Tenderer, modify the Tender Documents by amendment. The amendment will be notified in writing or by e-mail or fax to all prospective Tenderers who have received the Tender Documents and will be binding on them. The amendment will be attached to the Tender Documents sold subsequently. In order to afford prospective Tenderers reasonable time to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, the Purchaser/ Consultants may, at their discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids.
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LANGUAGE OF BID The bid prepared by the Tenderer and all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Tenderer and the Purchaser / the Consultants shall be written in the English language only.
DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE BID The bid prepared by the Tenderer shall comprise the following components: (a) Form for Price bid completed as per format enclosed. (b) Documentary evidence to establish that the Tenderer is qualified to perform the Contract. (c ) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
TECHNO-COMMERCIAL BID The Tenderer shall submit his techno-commercial bid based on the technical specifications (Section V) along with all attachments (except price bid) as per the Tender documents.
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PRICE BID The Tenderer shall also complete the Form for Price bid (Section-VI) furnished in the Tender Documents, indicating the goods to be supplied, a brief description of the goods, quantity and prices. Tenderers should prepare their bid strictly according to this format, filling in all the blank spaces. KVAT tax as applicable shall be considered in the quoted price. The Tenderer shall indicate on the Price Schedule the unit prices and total Bid Prices of the goods they propose to supply under the Contract. Tenderers must submit the bid for the full quantity specified, failing which such bids are liable for rejection. The Tenderer's separation of price components in accordance with the enclosed format will be solely for the purpose of facilitating the comparison of bids and will not in any way limit the Purchaser's right to contract on any of the terms offered.
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Prices quoted by the Tenderer shall be fixed and firm during the Tenderer's performance of the Contract and shall not be subject to any escalation or variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation is liable for rejection. For imported items of foreign origin, the price of goods quoted shall be CIF including all customs duties and sales and other taxes already paid or payable. BID CURRENCIES For all goods and services covered in this Tender Document, prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees only.
DOCUMENTS ESTABLISHING TENDERER'S ELIGIBILITY Tenderer shall furnish documentary evidence of the Tenderer's financial, technical and production capability to perform the Contract as specified in the Tender Notice. To this end, all bids submitted shall include the following information along with formats `A' and `B' enclosed in this tender document in Section VII. i) Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration and principal place of business of the company or firm or partnership, etc. ii) Details of experience and past performance of the Tenderer, including their associate if any, on equipment/plant offered and on those of similar nature within the past 5 years and details of current contracts in hand and other commitments. iii) Major items of plant and equipment available/installed in the Tenderer's factory premises. iv) Qualification and experience of key personnel for successful execution of the Contract. v) Reports on financial standing of the Tenderer along with copies of annual accounts for the past three years, banker's certificates, etc. vi) Information regarding any current litigation in which the Tenderer is involved. vii) Details of sales tax registration including copy of registration certificate. viii) Copy of the power of attorney authorising the signatory to sign the tender. ix) Banker's certificate on credit worthiness of the Tenderer and capacity of the Tenderer to take up the work. x) Latest available Income Tax and Sales Tax Clearance Certificates. xi) In case of a Tenderer not doing business within India, the tenderer is
or will be represented by an agent in India equipped and able to carry out the suppliers maintenance, repair and spare parts storing obligations prescribed by the conditions of the contract and or technical specifications. 13.0 13.1 DOCUMENTS ESTABLISHING GOODS' CONFORMITY TO TENDER DOCUMENTS ELIGIBILITY AND
The Tenderer shall furnish, as part of their bid, documents establishing the eligibility and conformity to the Tender Documents, of all goods and services which the Tenderer proposes to supply under the Contract. The documentary evidence of the goods' and services' conformity to the Tender Documents may be in the form of literature, drawing and data, and shall furnish: (a) a detailed description of the goods' essential technical and performance characteristics including list of equipments offered. (b) a list giving full particulars, including available sources and current prices of all spare parts, special tools, etc. necessary for the proper and continuing functioning of the goods for a period of two years, following successful commissioning of the plant, and (c) a statement of deviations and exceptions to the provisions of the Technical Specifications, demonstrating the goods' and Services substantial responsiveness to those specifications. d) A statement in the price schedule on the country of origin of the goods and services offered which shall be confirmed on a certificate of origin issued at the time of shipment.
Pursuant to Para (c ) above, the Tenderer shall note that standards for workmanship, material and equipment, and reference to brand names or catalogue numbers designated by the Purchaser/Consultants in its Technical Specifications are intended to be indicative only and not restrictive. The Tenderer may substitute alternative standards, brand names and/or catalogue numbers in its bid, provided that it demonstrates to the Purchaser's/Consultants' satisfaction that the substitutions are substantially equivalent or superior to those designated in the Technical Specifications. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) The EMD shall be denominated in Indian Rupees only, and shall be in one of the following forms: (a) A bank guarantee or irrevocable letter of credit issued by a
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nationalised/scheduled Indian Bank or a foreign bank operating in India in the form provided in the Tender Documents and valid for 90 days beyond the validity of the bid. The bank guarantees issued by a foreign bank should be confirmed by a nationalized Indian bank having branches in Kerala. or (b) A demand draft in favour of Managing Director, Kerala Feeds Ltd., payable at Irinjalakuda, Thrissur district, Kerala. 14.2 14.3 14.4 Any bid not secured with EMD will be rejected by the Purchaser as nonresponsive. No interest shall be paid by the Purchaser on the EMD deposited by the Tenderer. Unsuccessful Tenderer's EMD will be discharged/returned as promptly as possible as but not later than 30 days after the expiry of the period of bid validity prescribed by the Purchaser. The successful Tenderer's EMD will be discharged upon the Tenderer executing the Contract and furnishing the Security Deposit. The Purchaser reserves the right to forfeit the EMD, (a) if a Tenderer withdraws and/or modifies their bid during the period of bid validity. (b) in the case of the successful Tenderer, if the Tenderer fails : i) to sign the Contract within the period stipulated or ii) to furnish Security Deposit within the period specified. The decision of the purchaser in this regard shall be final and binding on the tenderer. 15.0 15.1 PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF BIDS Bids shall remain valid for 60 days after the prescribed date of bid opening. A bid valid for a shorter period may be rejected by the Purchaser/Consultant as non-responsive. In exceptional circumstances, the Purchaser/Consultants may solicit the Tenderer's consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing or fax but followed by a signed confirmation copy. The EMD provided shall also be suitably extended. A tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting their EMD. A Tenderer granting the extension will not be required nor permitted to modify their bid. 12
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FORMAT AND SIGNING OF BID The Tenderer shall prepare two copies of the bid, clearly marking them Original Bid and Copy of Bid, as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall govern. The original and copy of the bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Tenderer or a person or persons duly authorised to bind the Tenderer to the Contract. The authorisation shall be indicated by written power-of-attorney accompanying the Bid. All pages of the bid shall be initialed by the bidder. The bid shall contain no erasures or overwriting except as necessary to correct errors made by the Tenderer, in which case corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. SEALING AND MARKING OF BIDS Tender should be submitted in two (2) parts, 'Unpriced bid' and 'Priced bid', in separate sealed envelopes superscribed with `Tender for 2TPH Agro-fired Boiler and `Nature of Bid' (priced or unpriced). Part - I Unpriced bid: Two copies (original and copy) complete with all technical and commercial details including the full set of bid document duly signed and stamped on all pages along with EMD (except Priced Bid). Priced bid: Two copies (original and copy) in Form for Price Bids duly signed and stamped on all pages.
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Part - II 17.2
The Tenderers shall seal Part-I and Part-II of the bids in separate envelopes with original and copy duly marked and clearly indicating 'Unpriced bid' or 'Priced bid' as applicable. The two parts shall be further sealed in an outer envelope. The inner and outer envelopes shall be addressed to the Consultants at the following address: The Managing Director, KITCO Ltd., P.B.No.4407, Femith's, Puthiya Road, NH Bypass, Vennala, Kochi -682 028, Kerala.
The inner and outer envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the Tenderer to enable the bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared late.
If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required, the Purchaser/Consultants will assume no responsibility for the bid's misplacement. A bid opened prematurely for this cause will be rejected and returned to the Tenderer. Telex, Fax and incomplete bids are liable to be summarily ignored. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS Bids must be received by the Consultants at the address specified not later than the time specified for receipt of the bids as indicated in the Tender Notice of Section I. The Purchaser/Consultants may, at their discretion, extend this deadline for the submission of bids by amending the Tender Documents in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser/Consultants and Tenderers previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. LATE BIDS Any bid received by the Consultants after the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by the Purchaser/Consultants pursuant to Clause 17, will be rejected and/or returned unopened to the Tenderer.
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MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS The Tenderer may modify or withdraw their bid after the bid's submission, provided the written notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the Consultants prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of bids. The Tenderer's modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked and dispatched in accordance with the provisions specified for submission of tender. A withdrawal notice may also be sent by fax but followed by a signed confirmation copy, post marked not later than the deadline for submission of bids. No bid shall be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of bids. No bid shall be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval shall result in the forfeiture of the EMD, submitted by the Tenderer. 14
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OPENING OF UNPRICED BIDS The Purchaser/Consultants will open Part- I (Unpriced) of the bids, in the presence of Tenderers' authorised representatives who choose to attend, at the time and date specified in the Tender Notice, at the office of KITCO Ltd., P.B.No.4407, Femith's, Puthiya Road, NH Bypass, Vennala, Kochi-682028. The Tenderers' representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. The Purchaser/Consultants will prepare minutes of the bid opening. CLARIFICATION OF BIDS To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of bids, the Purchaser/Consultants may, at their discretion, ask the Tenderers for a clarification of their bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing.
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PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION The Purchaser/Consultants will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, the required sureties have been furnished, the documents have been properly signed, and the bids are generally in order. Prior to the detailed evaluation, the Purchaser/Consultants will determine the substantial responsiveness of each bid to the Tender documents. For purposes of these clauses, a substantially responsive bid is one which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the Tender Documents without material deviations. TECHNICAL EVALUATION The Purchaser/Consultants will determine to their satisfaction whether the Tenderers who have submitted otherwise substantially responsive bids, are qualified to satisfactorily perform the Contract. The determination will take into account the Tenderer's financial, technical and production capabilities. It will be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the Tenderer's qualifications submitted by the Tenderer, as well as such other information as the Purchaser/Consultants deem necessary and appropriate including details of experience, records of past performance available with the Purchaser/Consultants and details collected from other 15
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sources. The decision of the Purchaser/the Consultants in this regard shall be final and binding on all tenderers. 24.3 25.0 An affirmative determination will be a pre-requisite for considering the Priced Bid of the Tenderers. OPENING OF PRICED BIDS Priced bids of only those Tenderers whose unpriced bids are acceptable and substantially responsive will be opened at a later date, and the date and place of opening will be intimated to the qualified Tenderers. 26.0 26.1 EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF PRICED BIDS The Purchaser/Consultants will evaluate and compare the priced bids after examining whether the tenders are complete, any computational errors have been made and the bids are generally in order. Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected. If the Tenderer does not accept the correction of the errors, their bid will be rejected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail. The evaluation of a bid will take into account, in addition to the bid price and the price of incidental services including installation and commissioning, the following factors, in the manner and to the extent indicated. (a) Cost of inland transportation, insurance and other costs incidental to delivery of the goods to their final destination including all taxes and duties applicable. (b) Delivery schedule offered in the bid. (c) The quality and adaptability of the equipment offered. (d) The cost of components, spare parts and service (e) The availability of spare parts and after sales services in India for goods offered in the bid. For goods offered, Tenderers must quote separately for excise duty, inland transportation, insurance, any other taxes and duties applicable including any incidentals for delivery of goods to the project site and during erection & commissioning. The above costs will be added to the ex-factory bid price.
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The Purchaser/Consultants will estimate the cost of spare parts usage in the initial three year period of operation, based on information furnished by each bidder. Such costs shall be added to the bid price for evaluation. The tenderer shall submit unit price and quantity recommended for each item of spare. CONTACTING THE PURCHASER/CONSULTANTS No Tenderer shall contact the Purchaser/ Consultants on any matter relating to their bid, from the time of the bid opening to the time the Contract is awarded. Any effort by a Tenderer to influence the Purchaser/Consultants in the bid evaluation, bid comparison or Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of their bid. CRITERIA FOR AWARDING CONTRACT The Purchaser/Consultants will consider award of Contract for the work to the successful Tenderer whose bid has been determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined as the lowest evaluated bid for the work. PURCHASER'S RIGHT TO VARY QUANTITIES The Purchaser/Consultants reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of goods and services specified in the Technical Specifications and for which unit rates have been quoted, at the same terms and conditions.
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PURCHASER'S RIGHT TO ACCEPT ANY BID AND TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS The Purchaser/Consultants reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, in full or part, and to annul the Tendering process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Tenderer or Tenderers or any obligation to inform them of the grounds for the action. The Purchaser's/the Consultant's decision shall be final and binding on the tenderers.
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NOTIFICATION OF AWARD/LETTER OF INTENT (LOI) Prior to expiration of the period of bid validity, the Purchaser will notify the successful Tenderer through a Letter of Intent by registered post or by 17
e-mail or fax, to be confirmed in writing by registered letter, that their bid has been accepted. 31.2 31.3 The acceptance of the notification of award/LOI will constitute the formation of the Contract. Upon the successful Tenderer's furnishing of security deposit, the Purchaser will promptly notify each unsuccessful Tenderer and will discharge their EMD, provided the EMD is not forfeited. SECURITY DEPOSIT Within 15 days of the receipt of notification of award/LOI from the Purchaser, the successful Tenderer shall furnish the Security Deposit in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, in the Security Depositcum-Performance guarantee Form provided in the Tender Documents or another form acceptable to the Purchaser. Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the above requirement shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the EMD, in which event the Purchaser may make the award to the next lowest evaluated Tenderer or call for new bids. The decision of the Purchaser in this regard shall be final and binding on the Tenderers. SIGNING OF CONTRACT Within 15 days of receipt of the notification of award/LOI and subject to furnishing the Security deposit as prescribed above, the successful Tenderer shall sign and date the Contract and return it to the Purchaser. Not withstanding anything contained hereunder, the LOI shall stand as the contract till the agreement is signed. 34.0 IMPORT LICENCE No import license shall be provided by the Purchaser for goods offered against this tender. 35.0 35.1 INDIAN AGENT If a foreign tenderer has engaged an agent(s) in India in connection with its tender, the foreign tenderer shall furnish the following information: i. The complete name and address of the Indian Agent(s) and its permanent income tax account number as allotted in the Indian Income Tax
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authority. The details of the services to be rendered by the agent for the subject requirement and documents to establish the capabilities of agent. iii. Details of service outlets in India, nearest to the consignee(s), to render services during warranty period. ii. 35.2 In case the tenderer is not doing business in India, it shall duly represented by an agent stationed in India fully equipped and able to carry out the required contractual obligation, functions and duties of the supplier including after sales service, maintenance, repair, etc. of the goods. SUB CONTRACTORS The bidder shall submit the details and credentials of the sub contractors along with the technical bid. The credentials of sub contractors shall also be evaluated along with the techno commercial evaluation.
SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT TABLE OF CLAUSES Clause Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Topic Definitions Application Standards Use of Contract Documents and Information Patent Rights Security Deposit Inspection and Tests Packing & Marking Delivery and Documents Insurance Transportation Incidental Services Warranty/Guarantee Payment Change Orders Contract Amendments Assignment Subcontracts Delays in the Supplier's Performance Liquidated Damages Termination for Default Force Majeure Termination for insolvency Termination for convenience Resolution of Disputes Governing language Applicable law Page Number 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 25 26 26 26 26 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 31 31 31 32 32
Clause Number 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Topic Notices Taxes and duties Right to use defective equipment Jurisdiction Spare Parts Removal of improper work and materials Examination of work before covering up
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SECTION III GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1.0 DEFINITIONS In this Contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as indicated. (a) The Contract means the agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Supplier, as recorded in the Contract Form signed by the parties, including all attachments and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein; (b) The Contract Price means the price payable to the Supplier under the Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations; (c) The Goods/System/Work(s) means the plant, equipments, etc. which the Supplier is required to design, fabricate, construct, supply, erect and commission at the Purchasers premises under the Contract; (d) Services means services ancillary to the work, supply of the Goods, such as transportation and insurance, and other incidental services, such as installation, commissioning, provision of technical assistance, training and other such obligations of the Supplier under the Contract; (e) The Purchaser means Kerala Feeds Ltd., Kallettumkara, the Organisation purchasing the Goods and Services. (f) The Consultants means KITCO Ltd., Cochin, the firm appointed by the Purchaser to undertake on their behalf, all technical activities to enable smooth completion of the project, such as design, engineering, procurement, inspection, site management, certification of bills, etc. (g) The Supplier/The Contractor means the individual or firm supplying the Goods/Works and Services under this Contract. (h) Engineer/Engineer-in-Charge means the representative of the Purchaser/Consultant authorized to give instruction to the Supplier during the stages of the execution of the work. 2.0 APPLICATION These general conditions shall apply to the extent that they are not superseded by provisions in other parts of the Contract. 3.0 STANDARDS The Goods and Services supplied under this Contract shall conform to the standards mentioned in the Technical Specifications and, when no applicable standard is mentioned, to the Indian Standards.
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USE OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION The Supplier shall not, without the Purchaser's prior written consent, disclose the contract, or any provision thereof, or any specification, plan, drawing, pattern, sample or information furnished by or on behalf of the Purchaser in connection therewith, to any person other than a person employed by the Supplier in the performance of the Contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only so far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance. Any document, other than the Contract itself, enumerated in para. 4.1 shall remain the property of the Purchaser and shall be returned (in all copies) to the Purchaser on completion of the Supplier's performance under the Contract if so required by the Purchaser. PATENT RIGHTS The Supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser against all third-party claims of infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from use of the goods or any part thereof in India.
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SECURITY DEPOSIT Within 15 days of the Supplier's receipt of notification of award of the Contract, the Supplier shall furnish to the Purchaser, a Security Deposit cum Performance guarantee for an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total contract price upto a maximum limit of Rs. 2 lakhs, whichever is less. The proceeds of the Security Deposit shall be payable to the Purchaser as compensation for any loss resulting from the Supplier's failure to complete its obligations under the Contract. The Security Deposit shall be dominated in Indian Rupees and shall be in the following form: (a)A bank guarantee or irrevocable letter of credit issued by a nationalised or scheduled Indian Bank or a foreign bank operating in India in the Security deposit cum Performance guarantee form enclosed. The guarantees issued by a foreign Bank should be confirmed by a nationalised Indian Bank having branches in Kerala. (b)Demand draft in favour of Managing Director, Kerala Feeds Ltd. payable at Kallettumkara/Irinjalakkuda.
(c)Such bank guarantee shall be valid till the expiry of the warranty period with an extra claim period of one month. (d)No interest shall be paid to the Supplier for the security deposit. 6.4 The Security Deposit will be discharged by the Purchaser and returned to the Supplier not later than 30 days following the date of satisfactory completion of the Supplier's performance obligations, including any warranty obligations, under the Contract, provided it is not forfeited earlier. RETENTION MONEY .01 Retention Money at the rate of 10% of the value of work done from each running bill will be deducted from first and following part bills until such time as the cumulative total of such deductions shall amount to 10% of the Contract value. .02Provided that when the Retention money reaches above 1% of the Contract value or Rs.5 lakh, whichever is higher, subject to the discretion of Accepting Authority, if the Contractor so demand may convert the amount coming above the said value, on its accumulation to a minimum amount of Rs.5 lakh into one of the Government securities or Bank guarantee from any nationalised bank; the bank guarantee being valid till the completion of the defect liability period and subject to the condition that such bank guarantee shall be for a minimum amount of Rs.5 lakh; except for the last one. .03All the deposits of EMD, SECURITY DEPOSIT RETENTION MONEY will not bear any interest whatsoever. and
.04 On satisfactory completion of the work and on recording of completion certificate, the retention money will be released based on the report from the Engineer-in-charge. .05 After 28 days from the date of completion of defects liability period or on payment of the amount of the Final Bill whichever is later, the Engineer-in-charge, shall recommend on demand from the Contractor to refund to him the security deposit (i.e. amount retained as per clause 6.0 above) and the same will be refunded by the Client/Consultant provided that the Engineer-in-charge is satisfied that there is no demand outstanding against the Contractor. INSPECTION AND TESTS The Purchaser/Consultants or their representatives shall have the right to inspect and/or test the Goods to confirm their conformity to the Contract. The Technical Specifications shall specify the stages of inspections and
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the type of tests the Purchaser/Consultants would like to conduct and/or witness and where they are to be conducted. 7.2 The inspections and tests may be conducted on the premises of the Supplier or its sub-contractor (s) or at the point of delivery and/or at the Good's final destination. When conducted on the premises of the Supplier or its sub-contractor(s), all reasonable facilities and assistanceincluding access to drawings and production data shall be furnished to the inspectors at no extra cost to the Purchaser. In case of any defects or deficiency notified by the inspection authority, the Supplier will rectify and make good the same without delay and not proceed with further processing of such item(s) of Goods without obtaining approval from the inspection authority. Should any inspected or tested Goods fail to conform to the specifications, the Purchaser/Consultants may reject them and the Supplier shall either replace the rejected Goods or make all alterations necessary to meet the specification requirements free of cost to the Purchaser. The Purchaser's/Consultants' right to inspect, test and where necessary, reject the Goods after the Goods' arrival at destination shall in no way be limited or waived by reason of the Goods having previously been inspected, tested and passed by the Purchaser/Consultants or their representative prior to the Goods' shipment. The final inspection and testing shall be done after commissioning of the entire system. The inspection by the Purchaser/Consultants shall not in any way release the Supplier from any warranty/guarantee or other obligations under this Contract. PACKING AND MARKING The Supplier shall provide such packing of the Goods as is required to prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination as indicated in the Contract. The packing shall be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling during transit and exposure to severe climatic conditions during transit and open storage. Packing case size and weights shall take into consideration, where appropriate, the remoteness of the Goods' final destination and the absence of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit. The packing, marking and documents within and outside the packages shall comply strictly with such special requirements as shall be expressly provided for in the contract and in any subsequent instruction ordered by the Purchaser.
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Each package shall be marked to indicate: (a)Name of the Supplier (b)Details of items in the packages (c)Name of the Consignee (d)Purchase Order Number (e)Gross, net and tare weights of the item (f) Destination (g)Country of Origin
DELIVERY AND DOCUMENTS Delivery of the goods shall be made by the Supplier as specified by the Purchaser in the Special Conditions of Contract. For purposes of the contract, FOB, C&F, CIF and other trade items used to describe the obligations of the parties shall have the meanings assigned to them by the current edition of the International Rules for the interpretation of the Trade Terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris and commonly referred to as INCOTERMS.
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INSURANCE The goods supplied under the Contract shall be fully insured by a transit-cum-storage-cum erection and commissioning policy. If any or all of the Goods are of foreign origin, the Supplier shall arrange for insurance of the Goods till erection and commissioning at the final destination. In case of any such loss or damage, the Supplier shall: a) Initiate and pursue any claim till its settlement, and b) Promptly make arrangements for repair and/or replacement of any damaged item/s irrespective of settlement of claim by the underwriters within a reasonable time.
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The supplier shall submit, to the Purchaser documentary evidence that such policy is in effect. TRANSPORTATION The Supplier is required under the Contract to deliver the goods at the proposed site of the Purchaser at Thiruvangoor, Calicut. Transport of the goods to the destination and unloading shall be arranged and paid for by the Supplier, and the cost thereof shall be included in the Contract price.
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INCIDENTAL SERVICES As specified in the Special Conditions of Contract, the Supplier is required to provide any or all of the following services: a) Furnishing of tools required for assembly and/or maintenance of the supplied Goods; b) Furnishing of copies of detailed operation and maintenance manual for each appropriate unit of the supplied Goods as specified in Section IV Part II; c) Performance or supervision or maintenance and/repair of the supplied Goods, for a period of time agreed by the parties, provided that this service shall not relieve the Supplier of any warranty obligations under this Contract: and d) Conduct of training of the Purchaser's personnel, at the Supplier's plant and/or on-site, in assembly, start-up operation, maintenance and/or repair of the supplied Goods. e) Any other service not specifically mentioned but is required for satisfactory performance of the contract.
All charges for the preceding incidental services shall be included in the Contract price. WARRANTY/GUARANTEE The Supplier shall warrant that the Goods supplied under the Contract are new, unused, of the most recent or current models and incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the Contract. The Supplier shall further warrant that the Goods and services supplied provided under this Contract shall have no defect arising from design, materials or workmanship or from any act or omission of the Supplier, that may develop under normal use of the supplied Goods in the conditions obtaining in the country of final destination. The Supplier shall also guarantee that the Goods supplied shall perform satisfactorily as per the designed/rated/installed capacity as provided for in the Contract. This warranty/guarantee shall remain valid for 12 months from the date of issue of Provisional Acceptance Certificate as given in Special Conditions of Contract. Any defect arising out of faulty installation or use of substandard material or workmanship shall be rectified by the Supplier at his own risk and cost and within the time specified by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall promptly notify the Supplier in writing of any claims arising under this warranty.
Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier shall, with all reasonable speed, repair or replace the defective Goods or parts thereof, without costs to the Purchaser. If the Supplier, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within a reasonable period, the Purchaser may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary, at the Supplier's risk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights which the Purchaser may have against the Supplier under the Contract. This warranty/guarantee shall not cover any damage/s resulting from normal wear and tear or improper handling by the Purchaser. PAYMENT The method and conditions of payment to be made to the Supplier under the Contract shall be as specified in the Special Conditions of Contract. The Supplier's request(s) for payment shall be made to the Purchaser through the Consultants in writing, accompanied by an invoice in duplicate describing, as appropriate, the Goods delivered and Services performed, and shipping documents, and fulfillment of other obligations stipulated in the Contract. Eligible payments shall be made promptly by the Purchaser within thirty (30) days of submission of an invoice/claim by the Supplier. Payment shall be made in Indian rupees only. CHANGE ORDERS The Purchaser/Consultants may, at any time, by a written order given to the Supplier make changes within the general scope of the Contract in any one or more of the following: (a)drawings, designs or specifications, where Goods to be furnished under the Contract are to be specifically manufactured for the Purchaser; (b)the method of shipment or packing; (c)the place of delivery; or (d)the Services to be provided by the Supplier.
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If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for the Supplier's performance of any part of the work under the Contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the Contract Price or delivery schedule, or both, and the Contract shall
accordingly be amended. Any claims by the Supplier for adjustment under this clause must be asserted within thirty (30) days from the date of Supplier's receipt of the Purchaser's change order. 16.0 CONTRACT AMENDMENTS No variation in or modification of the terms of the Contract shall be made except by written amendment signed by the parties. 17.0 ASSIGNMENT The Supplier shall not assign, in whole or in part, his obligations to perform under the Contract, except with the Purchaser's prior written consent. 18.0 SUBCONTRACTS The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser/Consultants in writing of all subcontracts awarded under the Contract if not already specified in his bid. Such notification, in his original bid or later, shall not relieve the Supplier from any liability or obligation under the Contract. 19.0 19.1 DELAYS IN THE SUPPLIER'S PERFORMANCE Delivery of the Goods and performance of Services shall be made by the Supplier in accordance with the time schedule specified by the Purchaser in their Technical Specifications. An unexcused delay by the Supplier in the performance of its delivery obligations shall render the Supplier liable to any or all of the following: (i)forfeiture of its Security Deposit, (ii) imposition of Liquidated Damages, and/or (iii) termination of the Contract for default as per the provisions specified in the contract. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES If the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods or perform the Services within the time period(s) specified in the Contract, the Purchaser shall, without prejudice to their other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contract Price, as Liquidated Damages and not as penalty, a sum equivalent to: i. 1% (one percent) of the full Contract price for delay per week or part thereof. ii. The total amount so deducted shall not exceed 10% of the Contract price. Once the maximum is reached, the Purchaser reserves the
20.0 20.1
right to take necessary steps for the completion of the Goods & Services. The decision of the Purchaser/the Consultants shall be final and binding on the Supplier. 21.0 21.1 TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT The Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of Contract, by written notice of default sent to the Supplier, terminate the Contract in whole or in part: (a)If the Supplier fails to deliver all the Goods/Services and commission the items, under his contract obligations, within the time period(s) specified in the Contract. (b)If the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Contract. 21.2 In the event the Purchaser terminates the Contract in whole or in part, the Purchaser may procure and perform, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate, Goods and Services similar to those undelivered, and the Supplier shall be liable to pay the Purchaser for any excess costs for such similar Goods and Services. However, the Supplier shall continue performance of the Contract to the extent not terminated. The decision of the Purchaser shall be final and binding on the Supplier. Consequent to such termination of Contract, the Purchaser shall recover all payments including the advance paid, if any, to the Supplier along with interest @12% per annum, compounded quarterly on the last day of March, June, September and December, for the entire period for which the amounts were retained by the Supplier. FORCE MAJEURE The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of their Security Deposit, Liquidated damages or Termination for default, if and to the extent that, their delay in performance or other failure to perform their obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure. For purposes of this clause, Force Majeure means an event beyond the control of the Supplier and not involving the Supplier's fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to, acts of the Purchaser either in their sovereign or contractual capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes. If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly notify the
22.0 22.1
Purchaser/Consultants in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the Purchaser/Consultants in writing, the Supplier shall continue to perform their obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event. 23.0 TERMINATION FOR INSOLVENCY The Purchaser may at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the Supplier, without compensation to the Supplier, if: (a) the Supplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, (b) the Supplier being a Company is wound up voluntarily by the order of a Court, Receiver, Liquidator or Manager appointed on behalf of the debenture holders, or circumstances shall have arisen which entitle the Court or debenture holders to appoint a Receiver, Liquidator or a Manager provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Purchaser. 24.0 24.1 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE The Purchaser may, by written notice sent to the Supplier, terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, at any time for their convenience. The notice of termination shall specify that termination is for the Purchaser's convenience, the extent to which performance of work under the Contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. The Goods that are complete and are ready for shipment within 30 days after the Supplier's receipt of notice of termination shall be purchased by the Purchaser at the Contract terms and prices. For the remaining Goods, the Purchaser may elect: (a)to have any portion completed and delivered at the Contract terms and prices; and/or (b)to cancel the reminder and pay to the Supplier an agreed amount for partially completed Goods and for materials and parts previously procured by the Supplier. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES The Purchaser and the Supplier shall make every effort to resolve amicably by direct informal negotiation any disagreement or dispute
arising between them under or in connection with the Contract. 25.2 If, after thirty (30) days from the commencement of such informal negotiations, the Purchaser and the Supplier have been unable to resolve amicably a Contract dispute, either party may require that the dispute be referred for resolution to the formal mechanisms specified in the Special Conditions of Contract. GOVERNING LANGUAGE The Contract shall be written in English language. The language version of the Contract shall govern its interpretation. All correspondence and other documents pertaining to the contract which are exchanged by the parties shall be written in English. 27.0 APPLICABLE LAW The Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws on the Union of India. 28.0 28.1 NOTICES Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to the Contract shall be sent in writing or by telegram or telex/cable/fax and confirmed in writing to the address specified for that purpose in the Special Conditions of Contract. A notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice's effective date, whichever is later. TAXES AND DUTIES The Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, license fees, etc. incurred until final acceptance of the entire goods and services to the Purchaser. The Supplier shall be liable to pay all corporate taxes, income tax, works contract tax, entry tax and other taxes that shall be levied according to the laws and regulations applicable from time to time in the destination state and the country and the priced bid by the Supplier shall include all such taxes. Wherever the laws and regulations require deduction of such taxes at the source of payment, the Purchaser shall effect such deductions from the payment due to the Supplier. The remittance of amounts so deducted and issuance of certificate for such deductions shall be made by the Purchaser as per the laws and regulations in force. Nothing in the Contract shall relieve the Supplier from his responsibility to pay any tax
that may be levied in India and the State on income and profits made by the Supplier in respect of the Contract. 30.0 RIGHT TO USE DEFECTIVE EQUIPMENT/WORKS If after delivery, installation and acceptance and within the guarantee and warranty period, the operation or use of any equipment/plant/works proves to be unsatisfactory, the Purchaser shall have the right to continue to operate or use such equipment/Plant/works until rectifications of defects, errors or omissions by repair or by partial or complete replacement is made without interfering with the Purchaser's operation. 31.0 JURISDICATION The contract shall be governed by and constructed according to the laws in force in India. For the settlement of any dispute arising out of this Contract, the courts at Irinjalakuda, Thrissur District, Kerala shall have Jurisdiction. 32.0 SPARE PARTS As specified in the special conditions of contract, the Supplier may be required to provide any or all of the following materials and notifications pertaining to spare parts manufactured or distributed by the supplier: a) Such spare parts as the Purchaser may elect to purchase from the supplier provided that this election shall not relieve the Supplier of any warranty obligation under the construction and In the event of termination of production of spare parts: i) ii) advance notification to the Purchaser of the pending termination in sufficient time to permit the Purchaser to procure its needed requirements and following such termination, furnishing at no cost to the Purchaser, the blue prints, drawings and specifications of the spare parts, if and when required.
REMOVAL OF IMPROPER WORK AND MATERIALS Purchaser/Consultant or his representative shall during the progress of the works have power to order the following in writing from time to time of which no extra payment will be made to the Contractor. a) The removal from the site within such time or times as may be specified in the order of any materials which in the opinion of
Purchaser/Consultant or his representative are not in accordance with the contract. b) The substitution of proper and suitable materials. c) The removal and proper re-execution notwithstanding a previous test thereof or interim payment thereof of a work which in respect of materials or workmanship is not in the opinion of Purchaser/Consultant or his representative in accordance with contract. 34. EXAMINATION OF WORK BEFORE COVERING UP No work shall be covered up or put out of view without the approval of Purchaser/Consultant and the Contractor shall afford full opportunity to the Purchaser/Consultant to examine any work which is about to be covered up or put out of view and to examine foundation before permanent work is placed thereon.
SECTION - IV SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT PART 1 GENERAL TABLE OF CLAUSES Clause Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Topic Inspection and Tests Delivery Documents Insurance Payment Resolution of Disputes Review and Co-ordination Extension of time for completion Page Number 36 37 37 38 38 39 39
SECTION IV SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT PART 1 GENERAL The following Special Conditions of Contract shall supplement the General Conditions of Contract. Whenever there is a conflict, the provision herein shall prevail over those in the General Conditions of Contract. 1.0 1.1 INSPECTION AND TESTS The inspection of the Goods shall be carried out by the Supplier to check whether the Goods are in conformity with the Technical specifications. The inspection shall be in line with the inspection/test procedures laid down in the Contract conditions. The Supplier must have suitable facilities at their works for carrying out various performance tests on the equipment and shall make it available to the inspecting Authority. Reliability of all equipment shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the inspecting Authority. The Purchaser/Consultants shall have the right at all reasonable times to inspect at the Supplier's premises all Supplier's drawings or any part of the work. The Supplier shall provide, within the time stated in the Contract or in the programme, drawings showing how the plant is to be designed and any other information required for (a)Constructing suitable foundations or other means of support. (b)Providing suitable access on the site for the items being supplied and any necessary accessories to the place where it is to be erected. 1.6 Before the items are taken over by the Purchaser, the Supplier shall supply operation and maintenance manuals together with as-built drawings. These shall be in such details as will enable the Purchaser to operate, maintain, adjust and repair all parts of the work as stated in the specifications.
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The manuals and drawings shall be in the ruling language (English) and in such form and numbers as stated in the Contract. Unless and otherwise agreed, the system shall not be considered to be completed for the purpose of taking over until such manuals and drawings have been supplied to the Purchaser. 2.0 DELIVERY DOCUMENTS The delivery documents shall include: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. The Supplier's invoice showing purchase order no., Goods' description, quantity, unit price and total amount; Delivery note/packing list/lorry receipt; Supplier's/Manufacturer's guarantee certificate; Calibration Certificates for pressure gauges, transmitters etc. Inspection certificate issued by the Consultants/inspection Agency where shop inspection has been carried out and the Supplier's factory inspection report; Certificate of origin; Insurance policy; Excise gate pass/octroi receipts, wherever applicable, duly sealed indicating payments made; and Any other document evidencing payment of statutory levies.
Note: The nomenclature used for the item description in the invoice/s, packing list/s and delivery note/s etc. should be identical. The despatch particulars including name of transporter, LR no. and date should also be mentioned in the invoice/s. 3.0 INSURANCE The Supplier shall take comprehensive storage-cum-erection and commissioning insurance policy as well as third party insurance for the materials and labour employed at the site. The insurance policy shall cover all the goods from 'warehouse to warehouse' on all Risks basis including War Risks, Riots and Strike clauses during the whole period till commissioning. The supplier shall submit, to Purchaser, documentary evidence that such insurance policy is in effect.
PAYMENT Unless agreed otherwise to by the Purchaser, the terms of payment for this contract shall be as follows:
v) vi)
Advance Payment: 10% of the contract price shall be paid within 30 days of signing of the contract and upon submission of a bank guarantee for an equal amount valid till issue of the Provisional acceptance certificate. On approval of drawings: 10% of the contract price shall be paid against approval of construction/fabrication drawings as certified by the Consultants and on submission of a bank guarantee for an equal amount valid till issue of the Provisional acceptance certificate. On progress of supply: 30% of the contract price shall be paid on pro-rata basis, depending on the receipt of goods at site in good condition. Payment will be made based on bills certified by the Consultants, provided each bill amount is not less than 5% of the total contract price. On progress of erection: 20% of the contract price shall be paid on pro-rata basis, depending on the completion of erection of goods at site. Payment will be made based on bills certified by the Consultants, provided each bill amount is not less than 5% of the total contract price. On provisional acceptance: 20% of the contract price shall be paid on satisfactory commissioning of the entire system and on issue of Provisional acceptance certificate. On taking over: The remaining 10% of the contract price shall be paid subject to the clause on Liquidated damages for late delivery, on 'Taking over' of the system by the Purchaser after successful guarantee run.
All statutory deductions as applicable such as TDS, work contract tax etc. shall be made from each bill before settlement. All payments shall be made in Indian rupees only. 5.0 RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES Subject to the provisions of the relevant clause in General Conditions of Contract, any dispute or differences that could not be resolved be referred to the adjudication of sole Arbitrator. Within thirty days of receipt of notice from the Supplier of his intention to refer the dispute to arbitration, the Purchaser shall finalise a panel of three Arbitrators and
intimate the same to the Supplier. The Supplier shall within fifteen days of receipt of this list, select and confirm his acceptance to the appointment of one from the panel as Arbitrators. If the Supplier fails to communicate his selection of name within the stipulated period, the Purchaser shall, without delay, select one from the panel and appoint him as the sole Arbitrator. If the Purchaser fails to send such a panel within thirty days as stipulated, the Supplier shall send a similar panel to the Purchaser within fifteen days. The Purchaser shall then select one from the panel and appoint him as the sole Arbitrator within fifteen days. If the Purchaser fails to do so, the Supplier shall communicate to the Purchaser the name of one from the panel who shall then be the sole Arbitrator. The appointment of sole Arbitrator so made shall be final and conclusive. The Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and rules there under or any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force. The Arbitration proceedings shall be held in IRINJALAKKUDA, THRISSUR DISTRICT, KERALA ONLY at a time as the sole Arbitrator may decide. The Arbitrator shall give a speaking award and the decision of the sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties and the expenses of the Arbitrator shall be paid as may be determined by the Arbitrator. Performance under the Contract shall, if reasonably possible, continue during the Arbitration proceedings and payments due to the Supplier by the Purchaser shall not be withheld, unless they are the subject of the Arbitration proceedings. Neither party is entitled to bring a claim to Arbitration if the Arbitrator has not been appointed within thirty days after expiration of the warranty/guarantee period. 6.0 REVIEW AND CO-ORDINATION The Supplier shall depute senior and competent personnel to attend the site co-ordination meetings that would generally be held at the site every month. The Supplier shall take necessary action to implement the decisions arrived at such meetings and shall also update the project schedule. 7.0 EXTENSION OF TIME FOR COMPLETION Should the amount of extra or additional work of any kind, or any cause of delay referred to in these conditions, or exceptional adverse climatic
conditions, or other special circumstances of any kind whatsoever which may occur, other than through a default of the Supplier, be such as fairly to entitle the Supplier to an extension of time for the completion of the works, the Purchaser/Consultants shall determine the amount of such extension and shall notify the Supplier accordingly. Provided that the Purchaser/Consultants is not bound to take into account any extra or additional work or other special circumstances unless the Supplier has within twenty eight days after such work has been commenced, or such circumstances have arisen, or as soon thereafter as is practicable, submitted to the Purchaser full and detailed particulars of any extension of time to which he may consider himself entitled, in order that such submission may be investigated at the time. The Supplier shall not be entitled to claim any enhancement in the contract price on account of extension of time granted and the Supplier shall complete the work strictly in terms of the Contract.
SECTION - IV SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT PART II - PLANT AND MACHINERY TABLE OF CLAUSES Clause Number 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Topic Sufficiency of Tender Programme of Design, Supply, Installation and commissioning Preparation of drawings for approval Statutory Approvals Supplier's superintendence and deployment of erection team Supply of tools, tackles and materials Purchaser's instructions Rights of the Purchaser Supplier's obligations Responsibilities of the Purchaser Protection of plant Unloading, loading and inspection Storage of equipment General Installation Clean up of work site System tests and Start-up (Pre-commissioning) Painting Provisional Acceptance Guarantee run final taking over and guarantee period Training of personnel Page Number 42 42 42 45 45 47 47 47 48 50 50 51 51 52 55 55 56 57 57 58
SECTION IV SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT PART II PLANT AND MACHINERY 1.0 SUFFICIENCY OF TENDER The intending tenderers shall be deemed to have visited the site of work, studied the tender papers, studied the site conditions, availability of labour for unloading and for employment, transportation problems, unloading procedures, if any, and the locality of the work and has taken into account all aspects affecting the work before submitting the tender. 2.0 PROGRAMME OF DESIGN, SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING With in two weeks of acceptance of the bid, the Supplier shall submit to the Purchaser/Consultants for their approval a comprehensive programme in the form of PERT network/Bar chart and any other form as may be required by the Purchaser/Consultants showing the sequence of order in which the Supplier proposes to carry out the works including the design, manufacture, delivery to site, erection and commissioning thereof. After submission to and approval by the Purchaser /Consultants of such programme, the Supplier shall adhere to the sequence of order and method stated therein. The approval by the Purchaser/Consultants of such programme shall not relieve the Supplier of any of his duties or responsibilities under the Contract. The programme approved shall form the basis of evaluating the pace of all works to be performed by the Supplier. The Supplier shall update and submit the PERT network every month, and shall inform the Purchaser/Consultants the progress on all the activities falling on schedule for the next reporting date. 3.0 PREPARATION OF DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL With in two weeks of receipt of LOI, the Supplier should visit the site to acquaint himself in respect of existing site conditions and to know the details/information required for understanding the nature and type of works involved in the project. The Supplier shall submit to the Purchaser/Consultants for approval: a) Within the time given in the specification or in the programme, such drawings, samples, patterns and models as may be called for therein, and in numbers therein required. b) During the progress of works and within such reasonable time, such drawings of the general arrangement and details of the works as the Purchaser may require.
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The specifications/conditions concerning the submission of drawings by the Supplier are detailed as under: 3.1 Within two weeks from the date of receipt of the order, Supplier shall furnish a list of all necessary drawings as briefly described below which the Supplier shall submit for approval, identifying each drawing by a serial number, descriptive title and expected date of submission. The Purchaser/Consultants shall signify his approval or disapproval of all drawings or such drawings that would affect progress of the Contract as per the agreed programme. If, by reason of any failure or inability of the Purchaser/Consultants to issue approval/disapproval on any drawing or order requested by the Supplier within four weeks of time, and consequently, the Supplier suffers delay, then the Purchaser/Consultants shall take such delay into account in determining any extension of time to which the Supplier is entitled. Brief list of drawings which supplier shall submit for approval are: i. General arrangement drawings ii. P&ID iii. Plant layout, plan, elevation and sectional views iv. Foundation loading details for columns, equipment and machinery v. Equipment drawings for fabricated items. vi. Equipment layout, with interconnecting piping layout. vii. Electrical schematic cable, conduit/cable tray layout. viii. Other miscellaneous drawings as required and felt by Purchaser/Consultant on necessary. 3.2 Drawings showing fabrication details, dimensions, layouts and bill of materials submitted for approval shall be signed by responsible representative of Supplier and shall be to any one of the following sizes in accordance with Indian Standards: A0, A1, A2, A3 and A4. All drawings shall show the following particulars in the lower right hand corner in addition to Supplier's name including the name of technical collaborator, if any: i. Name of the Purchaser ii. Project title iii. Title of drawing iv. Scale v. Date of drawing vi. Drawing number 43
vii. 3.4
In addition to the information provided on drawings, each drawing shall carry a revision number, date of revision and brief description of revision carried out. Whenever any revision is carried out, revision number must be up-dated accordingly. All dimensions on drawings shall be in metric units. Drawings (three sets) submitted by the Supplier for approval will be checked by the Purchaser/Consultants and comments, if any, on the same will be conveyed to the Supplier along with one set of drawing duly marked. It is the responsibility of the Supplier to incorporate correctly all the comments conveyed by the Purchaser/Consultants on the Supplier's drawings. The drawings which are approved with comments are to be re-submitted with corrections for the purpose of records. Such drawings will not be checked/reviewed by the Purchaser/Consultants to verify whether all the comments have been incorporated by the Supplier. If the Supplier is unable to incorporate any comments in the revised drawings, Supplier shall clearly state in his forwarding letter such non-compliance along with valid reasons. All the approved drawings shall be submitted in Six (6) copies for the records of the Purchaser/Consultants. All these drawings shall further be considered as a part of the specifications. However, the examination of the drawings by the Purchaser/Consultants shall not relieve the Supplier of his responsibility for engineering design, workmanship, quality of materials, warranty obligations and satisfactory performance as covered under the Contract. If at any time before completion of the work, changes are made necessitating revision of approved drawings, the Supplier shall make such revisions and proceed in the same routine as for the original approval. In the event the drawings submitted for approval require many revisions amounting to redrawing of the same, then the date of submission of the revised drawings would be considered as the date of submission for approval. The Supplier shall furnish to the Purchaser before the unit is taken over, 6 copies of Operating and maintenance instructions together with asbuilt drawings of the works as completed, and 1 set of reproducible copy in sufficient detail to enable the Purchaser to maintain, dismantle, reassemble and adjust all parts of the works. Unless otherwise agreed, 44
3.5 3.6
the works shall not be considered to be completed for the purposes of taking over until such instructions and drawings have been supplied to the Purchaser. 4.0 4.1 STATUTORY APPROVALS The Supplier shall obtain necessary statutory approvals both initial and final approvals of the Inspector of Factories & Boilers, Electrical Inspectorate, Explosives Inspectorate, Legal Metrology Department, Kerala State Pollution Control Board and any other state and local authorities as may be required and the incidental expenses for obtaining such approvals shall be included in the Contract price. All the necessary details, drawings, submission of application and proformas will be furnished by the Supplier to the Purchaser for verification/signature. The necessary application duly filled-in, together with the prescribed fees shall be submitted to the appropriate authorities by the Supplier on behalf of the Purchaser. However, all the actual statutory prescribed fees paid by the Supplier shall be reimbursed by the Purchaser upon production of the receipt/vouchers. Wherever necessary or required, the Supplier shall furnish the test and/or inspection certificates including calibration certificates, etc. from the appropriate authorities as per IBR, IER and other statutory regulations and the cost for obtaining these certificates shall be included in the Contract price. SUPPLIER'S SUPERINTENDENCE ERECTION TEAM AND DEPLOYMENT OF
5.0 5.1
The Supplier shall employ one or more competent representatives, whose names shall have previously been communicated in writing to the Purchaser/Consultants, to superintend the carrying out of the works at the site. At least one of the said representative shall be present at the site during all times, and any orders or instructions which the Purchaser/Consultants may give to the said representative shall be deemed to have given to the Supplier. The said representative shall have full technical capabilities and complete administrative and financial powers to expeditiously and efficiently execute the work under the Contract. The Supplier shall execute the works with due care and diligence within the time specified for completion and shall employ their team 45
comprising qualified and experienced engineers together with adequate skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workmen at the site for carrying out the works. The Supplier shall ensure adequate work force to keep the required pace at all times as per the schedule of completion. Supplier shall also ensure availability of competent engineers during trial runs, start up, commissioning and operation till handing over. 5.3 The Supplier shall furnish the details of qualification and experience of their senior supervisors and engineers assigned to the work site, including their experience in supervising erection and commissioning of plant and equipment of comparable capacity. When the Supplier or Supplier's representative is not present on any part of the work where it may be desired to give directions in the event of emergencies, orders may be given by the Purchaser/Consultants which shall be received and observed by the supervisors who may have charge of the particular part of the work in reference to which orders are given. Any such instructions, directions or notices given by the Purchaser/Consultants shall be deemed to have been given to the Supplier. The Supplier shall furnish to the Purchaser/Consultants a fortnightly labour force report showing by classifications the number of employees engaged in the work. The Supplier's employment records shall include all reasonable information as required by the Purchaser. The Supplier should also display necessary information as may be required by statutory regulations. None of the Supplier's supervisors, engineers, or labourers may be withdrawn from the work without notice to the Purchaser/Consultants and further, no such withdrawals shall be made if in the opinion of the Purchaser/Consultants it will adversely affect the required pace of progress and/or the successful completion of the work. The Purchaser shall be at liberty to object to any representative or person including skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled worker, employed by the Supplier in the execution of the works, or otherwise, who shall, in the opinion of the Purchaser/Consultants, misconduct himself or be incompetent, or negligent or unsuitable, and the Supplier shall remove the person so objected to, upon receipt of notice in writing from the Purchaser/Consultants and shall provide in that place a competent representative at the Supplier's own expense within a reasonable time. In the execution of the works, no person other than the Supplier, subSupplier and their employees shall be allowed at the site except by 46
written permission of the Purchaser. 6.0 SUPPLY OF TOOLS, TACKLES AND MATERIALS The Supplier shall, at his own expense, provide all the necessary equipment, tools and tackles, haulage power, consumables including all personal safety equipments such as helmets, goggles, shoes, etc. necessary for effective execution and completion of the works during site fabrication, erection and commissioning. 7.0 PURCHASER'S INSTRUCTIONS The Purchaser/Consultants may in their absolute discretion, issue from time to time drawings and/or instructions, directions and clarifications, which are collectively referred to as Purchaser's instructions in regard to: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) 8.0 8.1 Any additional drawing and clarifications to exhibit or illustrate details. Variations or modifications of the design, quality or quantity of work or additions or omissions or substitution of any work. Any discrepancy in the drawings or specifications. Removal from the site of any material brought there by the Supplier which are unacceptable to the Purchaser and substitution of any other material thereof. Removal and/or re-execution of any work erected by the Supplier which are unacceptable to the Purchaser. Opening up for inspection of any work covered up. Amending and making good of any defects.
RIGHTS OF THE PURCHASER The Purchaser/Consultants shall have the right to direct the manner in which all works under this contract shall be conducted, in so far as it may be necessary to ensure safe and proper progress and specified quality of the works. Whenever in the opinion of the Purchaser/Consultants the Supplier has made marked departure from the schedule of completion, or when circumstances or requirement force such a departure from the said schedule, the Purchaser/Consultants, in order to ensure compliance with the schedule, shall direct the order, pace and method of conducting the work, which shall be adhered to by the Supplier. If in the judgment of the Purchaser/Consultants it becomes necessary at any time to accelerate the overall pace of the erection work, the Supplier, 47
when directed by the Purchaser/Consultants, shall cease work at any particular point and transfer Supplier's men to such other point or points and execute such works, as may be directed by the Purchaser/Consultants. 9.0 9.1 SUPPLIER'S OBLIGATIONS The Supplier shall proceed with the work to be performed under this Contract with the best of quality and in a workmanlike manner by engaging qualified and efficient workers and finish the work within the scheduled time and in strict conformance with the drawings and specifications and any changes/modifications thereof made by the Purchaser/Consultants. The Purchaser shall make any variation of the form, quality or quantity of the works or any part thereof which, in their opinion is desirable and they shall have power to order the Supplier to do and the Supplier shall do any of the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) increase or decrease the quantity of any work included in the Contract. Omit any such work, Change the character or quality or kind of any such work, Change the levels, lines, position and dimensions of any part of the works, and Execute additional work of any kind necessary for the completion of the works.
and no such variation shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the Contract, but the value, if any, of all such variations shall be taken into account in ascertaining the amount of the Contract price. No such variations shall be made by the Supplier without an order in writing by the Purchaser. 9.3 All extra or additional work done or work omitted by order of the Purchaser shall be valued at the rates and prices set out in the Contract if in the opinion of the Purchaser, the same shall be applicable. If the Contract does not contain any rates or prices applicable to the extra or additional work, then suitable rates or prices shall be agreed upon between the Purchaser and the Supplier. In the event of disagreement, the Purchaser shall fix such rates or prices as shall, in his opinion, be reasonable and proper. The Supplier shall send to the Purchaser/Consultants once in every month, a statement giving particulars, as full and detailed as possible, of all claims for any additional payment to which the Supplier may consider himself entitled and of all extra or additional work ordered by the Purchaser which he 48
has executed during the preceding month. 9.4 The work shall be carried out as approved by the Purchaser/Consultants from time to time, keeping in view the overall schedule of completion of the project. The Supplier's job schedule must not disturb or interfere with Purchaser's or other Suppliers' schedules of day-to-day work. The Purchaser will provide all reasonable assistance for carrying out the jobs. Night work will be permitted only with prior approval of the Purchaser. The Purchaser may also direct the Supplier to operate extra shifts to ensure completion of Contract as per schedule. The Supplier shall arrange for insurance of all men, machinery and materials brought by him to the site for the execution of the Contract, till handing over of the complete job. The Purchaser/Consultants shall not be liable for or in respect of any damages or compensation payable under the workmen's compensation Act (VIII) 1953, Employees Provident Fund Act, Employees State Insurance, or any other law in respect or in consequence of any accident or injury to any workman or other person in the employment of the Supplier or any sub-Supplier, save and except an accident or injury resulting from any act or default of the Purchaser, his agents, or servants. The Supplier shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Purchaser/Consultants against all such damages and compensation, save and except as aforesaid and against all claims, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. The Supplier shall ensure against such liability with an insurer approved by the Purchaser, and shall continue such insurance during the whole of the time that any persons are employed by him on the works and shall, when required, produce to the Purchaser such policy of insurance and the receipt for payment of the current premium. Whenever proper execution of the work under the Contract depends on the jobs carried out by some other supplier, the Supplier should inspect all such erection and installation jobs and report to the Purchaser regarding any defects or discrepancies. The Supplier's failure to do so shall constitute as acceptance of the other supplier's installation/jobs as fit and proper for reception except those defects which may develop after execution. The Supplier should also report any discrepancy between the executed work and the drawings.
The Supplier shall extend all necessary help/co-operation to other suppliers working at the site in the interest of the work and adjust his work in such a way that there is no disruption in the work of other agencies or the Company's plant. The Supplier shall carryout final adjustments of foundations, leveling and dressing of foundation surfaces, bedding and grouting of anchor bolts, bed plates, etc. required for seating of equipment in proper position. The Supplier shall be responsible for the reference lines and proper alignment of the equipment. However, all minor civil works which form an inseparable part of the installation and erection job like making cut-outs in walls, floors and ceilings for pipelines, adjustment, leveling, dressing and grouting of foundations, grouting of supports, etc. are to be carried out by the Supplier at no extra cost. The necessary refilling/repairs of these cut-outs, pockets, etc. shall also be done by the Supplier. The damages occurring to civil and other works are to be made good by the Supplier at Supplier's own cost. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PURCHASER The Purchaser shall provide the following assistance/facilities to the Supplier for carrying out the Contract. Necessary assistance to the supplier in obtaining temporary power connection from Kerala State Electricity Board, for carrying out erection works. The supplier shall pay all statutory and other expenses for obtaining the power. The electricity charge shall also be paid by the supplier.
11.0 11.1
PROTECTION OF PLANT All works completed or in progress as well as machinery and equipment that are liable to be damaged by the Supplier's work shall be protected by the Supplier and protection shall remain and be maintained until its removal is directed by the Purchaser. The Supplier shall effectively protect from the effects of weather and from damages or defacement and shall cover appropriately, wherever required, all the works carried out by him. Adequate lighting, guarding and watching at and near all the storage, handling, fabrication, pre-assembly and erection sites for properly carrying out the work and for safety and security shall be provided by the Supplier at Supplier's cost. The Supplier should adequately light the work area during night time also. 50
The Supplier shall take full responsibility for the care of the works or any section or portions thereof until taking over of the plant by the Purchaser and in case any damage or loss shall happen to any portion of the works not taken over as aforesaid, from any cause whatsoever, the same shall be made good by and at the sole cost of the Supplier and to the satisfaction of the Purchaser. The Supplier shall also be liable for any loss of or damage to the works including works carried out by others, caused by the Supplier or his sub-supplier in the course of any operations carried out by them for the purpose of completing any outstanding work or complying with his obligations. UNLOADING, LEADING AND INSPECTION The Supplier shall be responsible for the reception and unloading of all the materials/equipment from the carriers, received at site. The Supplier shall ensure that adequate and all measures necessary to avoid any damage whatsoever to the equipment at the time of unloading are taken. Liaison with all state, local and police authorities shall be handled by the Supplier. The supplier shall comply with local conditions regarding unloading work. The Supplier shall safely lead/shift the unloaded materials/equipment to the storage area. The Purchaser/Consultants shall have full power and authority to inspect the items received at site, irrespective of whether the items are inspected/tested at the Supplier's shop floor. Only on acceptance of the item by the Purchaser/Consultants, it shall be taken for erection. The protection, safety and security of the materials shall be the responsibility of the Supplier, until they are handed over to the Purchaser after erection, testing and commissioning as per the terms of the Contract. The original invoices with the delivery note, stamped and sealed at the check-post shall be submitted to the purchaser. STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT As soon as the supply of items is effected, the Supplier shall take custody of all items from the Purchaser. The Supplier shall be responsible for the proper storage and maintenance of all materials/equipment under his custody. The Supplier shall take all required steps to carry out frequent inspection of equipment/materials stored as well as erected until the 51
12.0 12.1
12.2 12.3
same are taken over by the Purchaser. 13.2 14.0 14.1 Adequate security measures shall be taken by the Supplier to prevent theft and loss of materials under his custody. GENERAL INSTALLATION Positioning of Equipment All the civil foundations based on the drawings and load details submitted by the Supplier for equipments shall be arranged by the Purchaser. The Supplier shall supply all the necessary foundation/anchor bolts and bed plates at no extra cost. The Supplier shall place all the equipment on the foundations and carry out final adjustment of the foundations including alignment and dressing of foundation surface, embedding and grouting of anchor bolts and bed plates. The Supplier shall be responsible for obtaining correct reference lines for purpose of fixing the alignment of various equipment from master bench marks provided by the Purchaser. No equipment shall be permanently bolted down to foundations or structure until the alignment has been thoroughly checked. The Supplier shall carry out minor alterations, necessary grouting in the anchor bolts, pockets, etc., at no extra cost and set the equipment properly as per approved layout, drawings and manufacturer's instructions. 14.2 Structurals The Supplier shall carry out the supply, fabrication and erection of structural platforms and Pipe Bridge as per the approved drawings, with sufficient working space for maintenance. Structural platforms shall be provided wherever necessary for easy access to various equipment and operating positions. These structurals shall be fabricated taking stability and other functional as well as aesthetic requirements into consideration. The pipe bridge shall be provided for supporting steam pipe lines upto pellet mill as required. 14.3 The Supplier shall carry out electrical connections for the equipment as well as accessories with the control panels including equipment lighting as per the approved wiring diagrams. Connections regarding instruments, float switches, limit switches, pressure switches, thermostats and other miscellaneous equipment shall be done as per manufacturers' drawings & instructions, with prior approval of the Purchaser/Consultants
14.4 14.4.1
SERVICE PIPING INSTALLATION General Guidelines All piping systems shall comply with the latest editions of the following regulations wherever applicable. i) Indian Boiler Regulations ii) Regulations of Explosives Inspectorate iii) All applicable Indian Standards iv) All applicable State Government/Central Government Laws/Acts.
Supply and Erection The supplier shall supply all piping materials like pipes, fittings, flanges, measuring instruments and all other items to make the system complete. All the pipes & fittings and insulation materials etc. should be of class and make as approved by the Purchaser. The Supplier should furnish the details of makes selected by him, for approval by the Consultants. The Suppliers work commences/terminates at the pipe connections with valves or flanges as specified in the battery limits. The Supplier shall also install necessary pipings and any specialties furnished with for equipment such as relief valves, built-in-pass and other items of this type. The Supplier shall install primary elements for flow measurements, control valves and on-line metering equipment. Isolation valves shall be provided for all equipment/instruments. Steam line shall be provided with traps and drains, wherever level change occurs. Testing of Piping The Supplier shall test all piping systems including valves, specialties and instruments as per relevant Indian Standards. All piping shall be internally cleaned and flushed by the Supplier after erection in a manner suited to the service and as directed by the Purchaser. For hydrostatic testing and water flushing, the supplier shall furnish necessary pumps, equipment, instruments, piping etc.
Other Guidelines Colour code shall be used for identification. The Supplier shall be able to identify on request all random piping prior to field fabrication. The Supplier shall be responsible for the quality of welding done by them and shall conduct tests to determine the suitability of the welding procedure selected by him. All piping supports, guides, anchors, hangers, rollers with structural frame work shall be supplied and erected by the Supplier. The kinds of pipe supports like CI/GI Clamps, wooden saddles, roller supports and support framework shall be as per the design approved by the Consultants prior to taking up the work. All piping shall be wire brushed and purged with air blast to remove all rust, mill scale from inner surface. The method of cleaning shall be such that no material is left on the inner or on outer surfaces, which will affect the serviceability of the pipes. Effective precautions such as capping and sealing shall be taken to protect all pipe ends against ingress of dirt and damage during transit or storage. The outside of the steel pipes (black) shall be painted with two coats of red oxide paint or as directed by the Purchaser. Insulation of Piping All the steam lines shall be insulated with glass wool and shall be cladded with aluminium sheet of 22 gauge. Thickness of the insulation shall be as per relevant Indian Standards. Before starting insulation work all pipe lines shall be tested as per relevant Indian Standards. The surface of the pipes to be insulated should be properly cleaned. Inter connections of service and electricals with equipment The supplier shall lay service piping and provide connections with the equipment complying strictly with the equipment manufacturers instructions and to the satisfaction of the Purchaser. The supplier shall also carry out all the interconnecting service piping with the various items of plant/system. The work shall be complete with capillary piping if required and connections with instruments and controls supplied with 54
the equipment. The supplier shall also carry out electrical connections for equipment with the control panels including equipment lighting as per the wiring diagrams of the equipment manufacturers. Connection shall be made for small electrically operated devices on equipment installed as accessories to, or assembled with equipment. Connections regarding instruments, float switches, limit switches, pressure switches, thermostats and other miscellaneous equipment shall be done as per manufacturers drawings & instructions. CLEAN UP OF WORKS SITE After the completion of his work and before the start-up, the Supplier shall remove all balance materials and restore the site to neat workmanlike conditions at his cost. SYSTEM TESTS AND START-UP (PRE-COMMISSIONING) After completion of the erection, the system shall be test run by the Supplier to confirm the capacity, quality standards and smooth operation. Individual machines shall be test run at first. The Purchaser shall provide the necessary utilities, etc., required for the test run. The Supplier shall suggest recommended log sheets, proformas, etc., for recording necessary operating data and pass it on to the Purchaser in proof of satisfactory rated output and performance of each equipment. System testing/start-up (pre-commissioning) for the various systems would be carried out in the presence of the Purchaser/Consultants. The Supplier shall demonstrate proper working of all mechanical and electrical controls, safety and protective devices, etc., in the presence of the Purchaser/Consultants and the same should be duly recorded. System testing would include all equipment and other miscellaneous items including piping, wherever necessary, in the particular system. The pre-commissioning shall include the following for each equipment: Field dis-assembly and assembly. Clean out of lubrication system including chemical cleaning wherever required. Circulation of lubricant to check flow. Clean out and check out of all the service lines. Check out and commissioning of instruments and equipment, filtering of
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15.0 15.1
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16.2 16.3
16.4 16.5
lubricating oils so that if deteriorated, they shall attain the required properties/standards. Specified tests in this regard must be carried out by approved authorities and their satisfactory reports submitted to the Purchaser/Consultants before start-up. Operation in empty condition to check general operation details wherever required and wherever possible. Closed loop dynamic testing with water wherever required. Operation under no-load and gradual load increase to attain maximum rated output. Trouble shooting during the trial period. 16.6 Any defects noticed during the start-up, which are attributable to the Supplier shall be attended to by him at his own cost. If any equipment is found to be defective and/or is not suitable for the rated performance, the Supplier shall replace the item at the shortest possible time. The cost and time involved in such a case shall be entirely to the Supplier's account. The Purchaser shall have the right to get these defects rectified at the risk and cost of the Supplier, if he fails to attend to these defects immediately. Once the pre-commissioning activities are completed successfully, the plant will be ready for commissioning. PAINTING All equipment and machinery including motors, HT/LT panel, switch boards, starters, junction boxes, isolators, supporting structures, pipe supports, MS pipes, chutes and all exposed and visible iron parts included in the scope of supply, erection and commissioning of the Supplier shall be given two coats of finish paint of approved shade over two coats of anti-corrosive primer wherever necessary. The painting shall be as per IS 2379-1963. All surfaces must be properly cleaned from scale, dirt grease oil etc. prior to painting. Spray painting must preferably be used on all the equipment/machinery and wherever practicable. Suitable and necessary cleaning/wiping of sight/dial glasses, other nonmetallic parts, flooring, walls and other surfaces which have been spoiled by paint during painting must also be carried out by the Supplier. Repainting of the equipment, if required Lettering and other markings indicating m/c no, including capacity, flow material indication and flow direction shall also be carried out by the Supplier on the starters, motors, isolators and wherever necessary, as directed and as per the standard practice of installation. BIS colour codes and colour charts must be adhered to, wherever applicable.
Supply of all paints and all other materials required for painting is included in the scope of supply of the Supplier under this Contract. The colour and make of paints shall be approved by purchaser before procurement by supplier. PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE Before taking over, the Supplier shall have complied with each of the following requirements. i) ii) iii) The supplies/works shall have been completed in all respects in accordance with the Contract documents/Purchase Order. Any defects/malfunctioning which may have become apparent during start-up and commissioning shall have been rectified to the satisfaction of Purchaser/Consultants. Inspection by statutory authorities wherever necessary shall have been arranged and all statutory approvals obtained. The responsibility of obtaining necessary statutory clearances rests with the Supplier. Six (6) copies each of all the approved drawings, as-built drawings and Operation & Maintenance Manuals for the complete plant shall have been submitted.
18.0 18.1
A Provisional acceptance certificate will be issued to the Supplier when the above pre-conditions have been satisfied. The date of issue of the Provisional acceptance certificate shall be deemed to be the date of completion of the commissioning activities. GUARANTEE RUN, FINAL TAKING OVER AND GURANTEE PERIOD After Commissioning, the Supplier shall arrange for the guarantee run as specified: i) One month guarantee run to assure the capability of the equipment & machinery to handle the desired quantity of throughput and quality of machines, and to attend to the initial trouble shooting shall be arranged by the Supplier. Operational problems noticed during this period shall be attended by the Supplier at his cost. Experienced and responsible personnel from the Supplier's side shall be present at all times during the period of guarantee run. Operating personnel, raw materials and utilities will be arranged by the Purchaser. If the Purchaser is unable to provide the raw materials to prove the capacity immediately after the commissioning, the supplier shall arrange for the guarantee run immediately on getting intimation from the Purchaser on the
ii) iii)
availability of the raw material. The Supplier's engineer shall provide the necessary planning and technical guidelines to start the regular operation. The guarantee run shall be deemed to be completed at the end of three month, if the Supplier has successfully rectified all the defects/malfunctioning noticed and the operation of various machines are stabilised to the satisfaction of the Purchaser/Consultants. A certificate to this effect will be issued by the Purchaser. However the guarantee run period may be extended in case any major defects/malfunctioning of the system persists. This shall be communicated to the Supplier in writing by the Purchaser/Consultants, pointing out the problems experienced. The Supplier shall provide continued effort to overcome the difficulties pointed out and rectify the defects, only after which he will be relieved of his obligations. On successful completion of the guarantee run, the Purchaser shall issue the successful guarantee run certificate final taking over certificate to the Supplier. The guarantee period shall commence from the date of successful completion of guarantee run and shall be valid for a period of twelve calendar months. The Supplier would be required to give performance guarantee for each individual item of equipment supplied, erected and tested, as is applicable in each case (for due performance, quality of material used, design, throughput, fabrication, erection, etc.). In respect of equipment/component renewed under the terms of guarantee, the period of guarantee for such items shall be for six months from the date of renewal or till the end of guarantee period, whichever is later. The guarantee period shall be extended in case of extension of the guarantee run period for reasons attributable to the Supplier and this will be communicated by the Purchaser/Consultants to the Supplier in writing. The duration of extension of guarantee period will be mentioned in the above letter. Should the Supplier fail to rectify any defects which shall have been notified to him in writing during the period of guarantee, it shall be deemed as a breach of contract and the Purchaser/Consultants will be entitled to rectify such defects at the Supplier's cost, and charge any further penalty as deemed fit.
TRAINING OF PERSONNEL The Supervisory and operating personnel of the Purchaser shall be provided with adequate training by the Supplier during the start-up and commissioning of the system free of cost.
SECTION V - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BOILER AND ACCESSORIES 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work shall include, but not limited to design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing, commissioning and obtaining statutory approval of 2TPH Agro fired boiler complete with pressure parts consisting of smoke tube assembly having integral furnace with fixed grate, necessary opening for valves & fittings, manholes & head holes, wet back reversing chamber, smoke chamber with furnace and spirals etc and necessary accessories to connect with Pellet mill for the 300TPD Cattle Feed Plant, Calicut. The technical requirements given hereunder are only indicative and not descriptive and the Supplier shall ensure that the boiler and accessories supplied are complete in all respects for the smooth operation of the plant and should be suitable for the rated output. 2.0 2.1 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS The boiler & accessories supplied shall be of standard design incorporating all the latest developments that has taken place in the field. Brief descriptions of the technical specifications are given in Annexure No. I. 2.2 Any further accessories other than those specified but are required for the operation of the system shall be included in the offer to achieve the specified quality and quantity of steam. 2.3 The boiler and accessories supplied shall be fitted with the following items and shall ensure that they are in ready-to-use condition with no extra items/accessories to be fitted by the Purchaser. a) Chimney of 36m (min) height (As per IS 6533 and ducting from boiler) with inspection ladder. b) Electricals like motors, control panel, capacitor banks of suitable capacity, interconnecting cables, wires and earthing within the battery limit. c) Drive arrangements like V-belts, pulleys, etc. d) Instrumentation and controls including water level controller, valves, steam separator, fittings, pressure reducing station, etc. e) Safety guards and accessories required for safe operations.
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f) Induced/forced air fans as required. g) Feed water pumps h) Air pre-heater and economizer as required i) j) l) Feed water tank Water Pipeline to be provided from the battery limit of the Purchaser. Adequate dust collection system with bypass facility shall be provided.
k) Interconnecting piping to the battery limits of the Purchaser. m) Suitable instruments, controls and safety mechanisms as required. The detailed technical information for the items shall be submitted along with the tender in the format given in Annexure No.II. 2.4 The boiler and accessories supplied shall be fabricated out of first quality steel sections and sheets as approved by IBR standards and shall be sturdy in nature with proper finish. 2.5 The boiler should be of smoke tube, single pass boiler having refractory lined external furnace with baffle wall design. 2.6 The boiler should be designed to use agro waste fuel of gross calorific value as given below: Husk: 3300kCal/kg, Crushed coconut shell: 4500kCal/kg, Wood: 300kCal/kg. 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 The impeller/shaft of rotating parts shall be statically as well as dynamically balanced. Ladder shall be provided to the top of boiler to have access for the operation of steam stop valve, etc. Adequate clearance shall be provided between the floor level and boiler bottom for the operation of drain valve. Condensate drains shall be provided from all drain points including level gauges/controllers etc. to blow down pit. The feed water tank shall be kept at minimum possible elevation so that feed water pumps of minimum NPSH requirement shall be selected. Ladders/operating platform shall be provided for accessibility. 2.12 The control panel and electrical supplied shall conform to the standards of respective State Electrical Inspectorate and other relevant statutory bodies and any modification required as per their comments shall be carried out by the Supplier, at no extra cost. 2.13 The plant layout and location of boiler house are attached as Annexure-IV.
STANDARDS The design, manufacture and testing of the boiler shall comply with the latest editions of appropriate standards. Generally the following IS specifications shall be applicable to the supply of non-IBR parts. IS:226 IS:2062 IS:1239 IS:1367 IS:823 IS:1477 IS:814 Structural steel (Standard quality) Structural steel (fusion welding quality) Mild steel tubes Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners Manual arc welding Ferrometals Pretreatment, painting Covered electrodes for metal arc welding
For IBR parts specifications stipulated by the statutory authority shall be followed. 4.0 4.1 CIVIL FOUNDATION/UTILITY REQUIREMENTS The supplier shall provide the Purchaser/Consultants the complete foundation details for each item of equipment within 15 days of receipt of the order. The Purchaser shall provide the civil foundation as per the approved drawings furnished by the Supplier. 4.2 The Supplier shall provide the Purchaser/Consultants the utility requirements like water, electrical load, etc., required for the equipment and accessories. 5.0 5.1 BATTERY LIMIT Water The suppliers scope of water supply line to the plant shall commence from the outlet valve of the pipeline passing within 100m of the boiler house.
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Electricity Power supply at 3 phase, 415 V, 50 Hz will be made available at the Main Control Panel of the Supplier. All the connections from the Main Control Panel to the individual equipment, sensors, load cells, etc shall be arranged by the supplier.
Steam Piping By terminating the outlet steam piping from the common steam header to the pellet mill in feed mill plant building.
Note: A length of approximately 100m of steam line shall be considered from Steam boiler to various machines. Amount for additional piping works shall be quoted on Per metre basis. Necessary pipe bridges shall also be considered for the same.
5.4 Safety Valve Outlet By terminating the outlet outside the boiler house. 5.5 Blow Down By terminating the piping from blow down valve at the blow down pit. 5.6 Condensate Line The condensate piping from the pellet mill shall be routed to feed water tank through gravity. 6.0 STATUTORY APPROVAL The Supplier shall obtain all necessary statutory approvals and shall conform to the provisions of statutory and other regulations in force such as the Indian Boiler Regulation, Indian Factories Act, Indian Explosive regulations, State Electrical Inspectorate, etc. as applicable. Approval of drawings and/or installation shall be arranged by the Supplier at no extra cost to the Purchaser. However, necessary statutory payments shall be reimbursed by the Purchaser on production of payment receipts. 7.0 7.1 INSPECTION AND TESTING The Supplier shall conduct all tests required to ensure that the equipment furnished shall conform to the requirements of the applicable codes. All tests and test procedures proposed
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shall be submitted to the Purchaser/Consultants for approval. The Purchasers/Consultants representative shall be given full access to the shop in which the equipment is being manufactured or tested. The Purchaser/Consultants shall be notified well in advance of the fabrication and major tests for the purpose of general inspection and witnessing the tests. 7.2 All material used shall be of tested quality. The test certificate shall be made available to the Purchasers/Consultants representative. In case of non-availability of test certificates, material shall be tested by the Supplier at his own cost, to establish the conformance of the relative standards. 7.3 The quality of fabrication work and welding shall be of the highest order. All welding shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of IBR/Indian Standard as applicable. 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 The equipments shall be subjected to the following inspection and tests. Visual inspection: For general workmanship and welding. Dimensional check. All dimensions shall be as per approved drawings. Hydraulic test for boiler: In the presence of boiler inspector at the specified pressure as per IBR standards. 7.4.4 Steam test: After getting approval from the boiler inspector, steam pressure test shall be conducted at a test pressure as per IBR standards. 7.4.5 7.4.6 Efficiency test: The test shall be conducted to verify the specific fuel consumption. Skin temperature: The skin temperature shall be measured using thermometer and the temperature shall not exceed 5oC above ambient, on the exposed surfaces of the boiler, ducting, etc. 7.4.7 All rotating parts, after installation shall be mechanical run tested for smooth operation. There should be no undue noise and heating of bearing housing, motor, etc.
SITE FACILITIES The bidder shall indicate clearly the procedure for site fabrication works. For the erection work to be executed at site, electricity and water will be made available to the Supplier at a single point within 100m of the work site. The Supplier shall arrange for electricity and further distribution at his own cost. The Purchaser will not hold himself responsible for the consequence if any unintentional interruptions to the continuity of power and water supply.
Only open area at work site will be allotted to the Supplier for carrying out fabrication work. The bidder shall indicate approximate space requirements. The electric power provided by Purchaser shall be used only for erection purposes and not for other jobs including fabrication at site, etc. Accommodation/transport of workmen and supervisors of the Supplier shall be the responsibility of the Supplier. All inspection and testing requirements specified above shall be applicable for the site works also.
PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE/WARRANTY The Supplier shall guarantee that upon completion of the satisfactory commissioning and acceptance of the equipment by the Purchaser, all portions thereof will perform in accordance with the requirement of the contract and will be perfect with respect to design, materials, workmanship, etc. for a minimum period of one year from the date of provisional acceptance of the equipment as per the conditions of the contract. The Supplier shall further guarantee that during the guarantee period he will repair and if unrepairable, replace all defective equipments and materials furnished or installed under this contract, free of cost to the Purchaser.
10.0 10.1
PAINTING AND SHIPMENT All external surfaces of items to be painted shall be cleaned of loose substance and foreign material, eg. dirt, rust, scale, oil, grease, welding flux, etc. so that the primer coat adheres to the original metal surface. The work shall be carried out generally in accordance with IS:1477 (Part I). The surface shall be cleaned either by sand blast to grade S.A.2.5 using graded sand or by acid pickling using dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid followed by thorough rinsing with fresh water. The prime coat shall be applied as soon as possible after the surface preparation.
Paint shall be applied in accordance with manufacturers recommendations as supplemented by this specification. The work shall generally follow IS:1477 (Part II).
All fabricated parts as well as unfabricated parts requiring site fabrication shall be painted with prime coats, and one coat of finish paint prior to despatch. The paint shall be applied immediately after surface preparation however not later than two hours. Small machinery, motors, electrical equipment and instruments shall receive the full specified paint in the shop.
After the erection/assembly of structures and equipment at the plant site, finish painting as specified shall be done. Prior to applying finish painting, damaged and defective shop coats shall be touched up with same type of paint as used for shop coat. The work shall include removal of the damaged paint work, surface preparation of all exposed area either due to damage of shop coat or due to site fabrication work and application of paint. If in the opinion of the Purchaser or his authorised representative, the damage to shop coat is extensive, then instead of spot touch up, one overall coat of primer shall be applied for each shop coat, after cleaning. Surfaces which have not been shop coated but require to be painted shall be given the necessary surface preparation and prime coats at site.
For surfaces which may become hot during operation, the prime coats shall consist of two coat of heat resistant primer.
Finish painting shall consist of three coats of heat resistant paint as per manufacturers specification.
Dry film thickness for each coat shall be about 25 microns and total dry film thickness shall not be lower than 125 microns.
No shipment shall be made unless clear despatch instructions are obtained from the Purchaser/Consultants.
10.9 11.0
All projected parts including nozzles shall be properly protected to avoid damage during transit. INSULATION After erection, the boiler, steam lines and ducting shall be insulated (if not insulated before despatch) using glass wool of suitable density and thickness with 22 gauge aluminum sheet
cladding over the insulation, such that the skin temperature over the insulation shall not be more than 5oC above the ambient temperature. The insulation and cladding shall be neatly done so as to give a good external look. The minimum insulation thickness shall be 100mm for the boiler and 50mm for piping. 12.0 12.1 DRIVING MOTORS (SQUIRREL CAGE INDUCTION MOTOR) The induction motors shall be designed, constructed and tested in accordance with following parameters and be suitable for continuous operation at the ambient temperature of 31 oC Max. All motors shall be energy efficient. 12.2 Technical Parameters System Voltage 415 + 10% 3 phase, 3 wire effectively earthed. (With 2% unbalance in voltage) Frequency Enclosure Operation Starting 50 Hz + 3% TEFC, IP 55 as per IS: 4691 Continuous Direct-on-line (upto 5 hp) accelerating at 80% voltage at the terminal. Terminal Boxes Rotation Efficiency 12.3 Construction Large enough for aluminium conductor cable. Be capable of rotating on forward and reverse direction. As per IS:12615.
12.3.1 The motors shall be so constructed that efficient cooling is achieved to keep the temperature rise within permissible limits, as well as withstand the effect of abnormal operating condition for a short period on in-frequent basis without any damage on the life and performance.
12.3.2 The design and manufacture shall be coordinated and appropriately matched with the requirements of the driven equipment both mechanically and electrically. The motor frame shall be either fabricated or casting of approved quality. 12.3.3 For belt driven motors or directly coupled machine protective covers/guards shall be supplied for the whole assembled unit. 12.4 Inspection & Tests
12.4.1 All motors shall be inspected by Purchaser/Consultants and tests will be witnessed prior to acceptance. 12.4.2 Each motor shall be tested completely in accordance with latest standards and this specification which include vibration, speed-torque characteristics and shaft current test. Each motor shall also be successfully tested on over load at 125% rated load. 13.0 TIME SCHEDULE The period of the Contract shall commence from the date of receipt of the Letter of Intent (LOI)/Notification of Award. The whole work under this Contract including commissioning after obtaining statutory approvals shall be completed in all respects within the period stipulated in the Section I - Tender Notice.
This section illustrates the requirements for the design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of the electrical system like Main Control Panel (MCP), distribution boards, capacitors/ capacitor banks & panels, power & control cables, remote push button stations, motors, earthing network, etc. The details given here are only indicative and are subject to changes and modifications to suit the requirements of the project and as directed by the Electrical Inspectorate during actual execution. The scope of work of the Supplier shall generally be (but not limited to) as given below. 1.1 Design, Supply, installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of all electrical equipment and accessories to be supplied along with the machinery in satisfactory operating condition. 1.2 Supply and laying of cables, termination at ends, testing and commissioning of LT Power and Control Cables from MCP/MCCs of the Supplier to sub-panels/equipment/motors. 1.3 Supply, laying and testing of cables, laying in trench, pipes, cable tray etc. as per standards. 1.4 Civil work including grouting of electrical equipment, cable supports, rack and tray, excavation of earth pits, necessary masonry works, etc. 1.5 Supply and installation of structural steel components for panel supports, cable supports, etc. 1.6 Supply, installation and testing of required number of earth pits and earth conductor of suitable rating as required, including interconnection between earth pits, earth bus and equipment, MCP/MCCs, DBs, etc.
Obtaining Approvals/Certificates like initial approval, scheme approval, final approval, safety certificates, etc from State Electrical Inspectorates, as per requirements, shall be in the scope of the Supplier. Any changes/ modifications as directed by the Electrical Inspectorate after their inspection shall be carried out to the Purchaser.
The Purchaser will provide 415 V, 63A Supply through LT cable to the main control panel of the supplier from which he controls all his electrical equipment. The supplier should submit single line diagram showing his scope of supply of panels & power requirement for his equipments.
All equipment switch boards, motors etc. shall be earthed with appropriate size GI/Copper conductor. Double earthing system shall be provided for motors as per the relevant standers.
STANDARDS The work shall be carried out in the best workmanlike manner in conformity with the conditions given, the relevant specifications/codes of practice of the Bureau of Indian Standards, approved drawings and the instructions issued by the Purchaser/Consultants from time to time. The relevant Indian Standards are to be generally followed. The Indian Standards or Codes wherever mentioned, shall also mean its latest revisions, if any. In addition to the standards mentioned, all works shall also conform to the requirements of the following: (a) Indian electricity Act and Rules framed thereunder. (b) National Electrical Code 1989. (c) Fire Insurance Regulations. (d) Regulations laid down by the Chief Electrical Inspector of the State/State Electricity Board. (e) Regulations laid down by the Inspector of Factories & Boilers of the State (f) Any other regulations laid down by the Local/ Statutory Authorities. (g) Installation & operating manuals of original manufacturers of equipment.
3.0 3.1
SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS FOR EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES General Instructions The electrical equipment and accessories which are to be supplied by the Supplier like Main Control Panel, switch boards, MCCs, Starters, Capacitors, Power/Control cables, earthing, instrumentation, etc. shall conform to the following: All materials, fittings and appliances being provided by the Supplier shall be manufactured in accordance with the current Specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards wherever they exist and if no such specifications are available, with the BS or NEC specifications. In the absence of any specification, the materials shall be as approved by the Purchaser/Consultants. All similar materials and removable parts shall be uniform and interchangeable with one another. Approved makes of equipment and materials shall be supplied. Any deviation from the 'Approved makes' shall be got approved by the Consultants before the supply/erection is effected.
Power Cables (LT) Power cables for use on 415 V system shall be of 1100 volts grade, Aluminium conductor, PVC insulated, PVC sheathed, armoured and overall PVC sheathed, strictly as per IS: 1554 (Part I) 1976. Unarmoured cables are not to be used unless specified by the Purchaser/Consultants. The size of these cables shall be as per the approved erection drawings. NO CABLE SIZE LESS THAN 4 SQ.MM SHALL BE USED.
Control cables Control cables for use on 415 V system shall be of 1100 volts grade, Copper conductor, PVC insulated, PVC sheathed, armoured and overall PVC sheathed, strictly as per IS : 1554 (Part I) 1976. Unarmoured cables are not to be used unless specified by the Purchaser/Consultants. The size of these cables shall be as per the approved erection drawing. THE MINIMUM CONDUCTOR DIAMETER SHALL BE 2.5 SQ.MM.
Cable Glands Cable glands shall be of heavy-duty compression type, of Brass, chrome plated. These shall have a screwed nipple with conduit electrical thread and checknut and suitable for armoured/unarmoured cables which are being used.
Cable Connectors Cable connectors, lugs/sockets, shall be of Aluminium, Copper, suitably tinned, solderless, crimping type. These shall be suitable for the cable being connected and the type of function (such a power, control or connection to instruments, etc.)
Cable Trays These shall be channel type, fabricated from slotted MSD sheets (14 gauge minimum), hot-dip galvanised, complete with all accessories such as bends, tees and reducers. Only Aluminium flat clamps with G.I./ Chrome plated bolts-nuts/screws shall be used for clamping cables.
Cable Indicators These shall be self-sticking type, 2 mm thick lead strap for overall cable. identification numbers/ferrule shall be used for each wire. PVC
G.I. Pipes for Cables For laying of cables under floor, G.I. Class 'B' pipes shall be used. MS conduits are not acceptable for this purpose. All accessories of pipes shall be threaded type. NO G.I. PIPE LESS THAN 40 MM DIA SHALL BE USED FOR THIS PURPOSE. The size of the pipe shall be decided such that 40% area of the pipe is free after drawing of cable through it.
Motors All motors are to be totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) type unless otherwise specified. The motor along with the fan is to be dynamically balanced to a high degree of accuracy. The rotor surface and the inside surface of the stator are to be suitably protected against corrosion. All motors shall be energy efficient and should comply with IS:12615. The motors should generally be rated for 415 V, three phase, 50 Hz operations. The maximum capacity of a single motor which can be connected to the system is limited to 250 HP, 750 HP, 1500 HP and 2500 HP for 415 V, 3.3 kV, 6.6 kV and 11 kV systems respectively, subject to the condition that the capacity should never exceed 1% of the fault level at the point of feeding. For ratings above 25 HP and where starting currents are to be limited and where high mechanical/ electrical stresses are encountered involving frequent starting, slip ring motors and with resistant starters should be used. All motors are to be provided with Class B insulation permitting a maximum continuous temperature of 130 degree C. Motors should conform to IS: 4691 regarding degree of protection.
Switch Fuse Units/Fuse Switch Units/Moulded Case Circuit Breakers/Air Circuit Breakers Minimum rating of MCCB/SFUs/FSUs should be 32A and the maximum rating should be limited to 630 A. MCCBs having 50 kA rating may also be used for ratings from 400 A to 630 A. MCCBs shall be provided with separate operating handle mechanism including door interlocking. Operating handle shall give a clear trip indication. Ratings shall be as specified in feeder details. ACBs should invariably be used for ratings above 630 A. SFUs/FSUs should conform to IS:4064 and MCCBs/ACBs should conform to IS:2516/MCCB. Switches shall be load break, heavy duty, air break having continuous maximum rating type with manual quick make/break mechanism. Mechanical interlock shall be provided to prevent opening of door in switch 'closed' position and prevent closing of switch in door 'open' position. However, it should be possible to defeat this arrangement for testing purpose.
Fuses These shall be HRC cartridge link type with operation indicator, which will be visible without removing fuses for the service and shall be complete with moulded phenolic fuse base and cover. HRC fuse links should conform to IS:9224.
Motor Isolators These shall be in Aluminium cast/sheet steel housing, completely dust, vermin and weather proof, suitable for 415 volts, 50 Hz, complete with cable gland for incoming and outgoing cables. Operating handle is to be of metal and final finish of housing is to be buffed mirror. Sample is to be got approved before supply. Minimum rating of isolators shall be 32 Amps and it should conform to IS : 4064.
Motor Starters/Contactors All motors are to be provided with suitably rated starters with over-load protection. Direct on line (DOL) starters may be provided for motors upto 5 HP. Motors above 5 HP but upto 25 HP may be provided with fully automatic star-delta (FASD) starters. Bimetal overload relays are to be totally enclosed and sealed so that the sensitive mechanism within is not tampered with during maintenance. Relays should be ambient temperature compensated and should be kept independent of the push buttons. Timers provided along with FASD starters should be accurate and adjustable between 3 to 12 seconds depending upon the requirement. All motor starters shall meet the required category of duty. Contactors should conform to IS:2959. The rating of the power contactors should conform to IS:2959. The rating of the power contactors shall be as required depending upon the feeder rating. Contactor coils shall be suitable for 240 volts, 50 Hz. unless otherwise specified. All contactors shall be supplied with minimum 2 NO + 2 NC auxiliary contacts. Additional contacts if required, for interlocking etc. shall also be provided.
Motor Junction Box These shall be in Aluminium cast/sheet steel housing, completely dust, vermin and weather proof, suitable for 415 volts, 50 Hz, with heavy duty bakelite connector, complete with cable/conduit gland. Sample is to be got approved before use.
Indicator Lamps Colours shall be as under: Phase Open/Stop/Emergency Close/Start Bulbs shall be suitable for 240 V AC supply : : : Red, Yellow & Blue Red Green
Current Transformers (CTs) CTs shall be cast resin insulated type. Primary and secondary terminals shall be marked indelibly. CTs shall preferably be mounted on stationary parts. CT rating shall be as per feeder ratings. These shall be capable of withstanding momentary short circuit and system short circuit current for 1 second. Neutral side of CTs shall be earthed. Protection CTs shall be of low reactance, accuracy class SP and ALF greater than 10. Instrument CTs shall be of accuracy class 1.0 and ALF less than 5.0.
Measuring Instruments These shall be of square pattern having approximate dimension 144mm x 144mm, flush mounting type. Necessary ancillary instruments like CTs, VTs, etc. are also included in the scope of the Supplier. All AC meters shall be of moving iron type having class 1.0 accuracy. Voltmeter shall be suitable for direct line connection and are to be connected through fuses only. Energy meter shall be suitable to measure unbalanced loads of 3 phase, 4 wire system. All voltmeters shall be provided with selector switches. Ammeter shall be CT operated and should be provided on all three phases. Use of selector switches should be avoided in this case.
3.18 3.19
Main Control Panel (MCP) and Motor Control Centres (MCCs) Functional Requirement The requirement of PCCs/MCCs is to receive, control and distribute electrical power at 440V, 50 Hz, AC.
3.19.1 3.19.2
Design Requirement Statutory Requirements Motor control centre is to be manufactured/ assembled as per the latest BIS Specifications, Indian Electricity Rules, including special requirements of Kerala State Electrical Inspectorate.
Distribution Boards (DBs) Fuse distribution boards shall have a minimum rating of 32 A and a maximum rating of 60 A. The maximum number of ways in a DB shall be limited to 12. One DB should not feed another DB. DBs should be fed from main or Sub-switch board. Circuits from DBs to the equipment should be final.
Timers The timers shall be electronic type, suitable for 240 V, 50 Hz. supply.
Push Buttons Push buttons shall be with contact elements and shall generally be mounted on openable covers. Colours shall be as follows: Stop/open/emergency Start/close Red Green
It should have minimum 1 NC + 1 NO contacts. Push buttons with built-in indication lamps shall also be accepted in which case separate indication lamps are not required. 3.23 Power Factor Improving Capacitors Power factor improving capacitors should be installed wherever required so that the system power factor is not less than 0.90. All capacitors should conform to IS:2834. Suitable capacitors shall be provided. All capacitors shall be of loss less than 0.2 W / kVAr, suitable to withstand + 10% voltage variation and rated for operating temperature up to 700 deg. C. Capacitor units shall be provided of rating specified in BOQ with externally mounted discharge resistors to reduce the residual voltage to less than 50 volts in one minute of switching off. Timer shall be provided in the circuit so that supply is not restored before discharge of the capacitor Bank. voltage. Each capacitor unit shall be capable of operating continuously at 10% over voltage over and above the rated RMS
ERECTION AND TESTING OF ELECTRICALS Erection of all electrical installations shall be undertaken by a competent electrical contractor having 'A' grade licence as approved by the State Electricity Licensing Board. Ammeters shall be provided for all panels. Mandatory Spares (20%) shall be provided in the MCC panel. LED lamps are required for all MCC panels.
4.1 4.1.1
Power Control Centres, Distribution Boards, Control Panels & Busducts Erection Electrical panels and bus ducts shall be delivered in convenient shipping sections by the Supplier and he shall be responsible for final assembly and inter-connection of busbars/wiring. Foundation channel shall be grouted in the flooring. Switchgear shall be aligned and levelled on their base channels and bolted or tack welded to them as per the instructions of the Purchaser/ Consultants. The earth bus shall be made continuous throughout the length. Loosely supplied relays and instruments shall be mounted and connected on the switchgear. The contacts of the draw-out circuit breakers shall be checked for proper alignment and inter-changeability. After erection, the switchboard shall be inspected for dust and vermin proofness. Any hole which might allow dust, vermin, etc. to enter the panel shall be plugged suitably at no extra cost. If the instrument transformers are supplied separately, they shall be erected as per the direction of the Purchaser/Consultants. The Supplier shall fix the cable glands after drilling the Range of the overload bottom/top plates of all switch boards with suitable holes.
relays/timers, etc. shall be matching with the requirement of the motor to be connected at site. The bus duct shall be suitably supported between switchgear and transformer. The opening in the wall where the duct enters the switch-gear room shall be sealed to avoid rain water entry. The foundation of the switchgear shall be raised suitably to ensure proper alignment and connection of the busduct, at no extra cost. Expansion joints, flexible connections, etc. shall be properly assembled.
Testing Before electrical panel is energised, the insulation resistance of each bus shall be measured from phase to ground. Measurement shall be repeated with circuit breakers in operating positions and contact open. Before switchgear is energised, the insulation resistance of all control circuits shall be measured from line to ground. The following tests shall be performed on all circuit breakers during erection: i. Contact alignment and wipe shall be checked and adjusted where necessary in accordance with the breaker manufacturer's instructions. ii. Each circuit breaker shall be drawn out of its cubicle, closed manually and its insulation resistance measured from phase to phase and phase to ground. iii. All adjustable direct acting trip devices shall be set using values given by the Purchaser/Consultants. iv. The dielectric strength of insulating oil wherever applicable shall be checked. Before the switchgear is energised, the tests specified above shall be repeated with each breaker in its normal operating position. Capacitor banks in capacitor control panel shall be tested as per manufacture's instructions. In addition, tests for output and/or capacitance, insulation resistance test and test for efficiency of discharge device shall be carried out. All electrical equipment alarms shall be tested for proper operation by causing alarms to sound under simulated abnormal conditions. The Supplier shall arrange testing and calibration of relays. The testing equipment including primary and secondary injection sets (if required), etc. shall be arranged by the Supplier.
Proforma for MCP, DBs, MCCs test 1. Circuit (breaker or supplier module designation/bus no.). 2. Insulation resistance test (contacts open, breaker racked in position). a) between each phase of bus : Mega ohm
b) c) d)
between each phase and earth DC and AC control & auxiliary circuits between each phase of CT/PT and between CT&PT circuit, if any
: :
Mega ohm
4. Check for contact alignment and wipe. 5. Check/test all releases/relays. 6. Check mechanical interlocks. 7. Check electrical interlocks. 8. Check switchgear/control panel wiring. 9. Checking of breaker/supplier circuits for a) b) closing - local and remote (wherever applicable) tripping - local and remote (wherever applicable)
10. Opening time of breaker/contactor. 11. Closing time of breaker/contactor. (This proforma shall be jointly signed by the Purchaser/Consultants and the Supplier.)
4.2 4.2.1
MOTORS Erection and testing Erection and coupling of motors with machines will be done under the mechanical erection. However, earthing, cable termination, testing and commissioning are covered under this section. Before starting the alignment and coupling of motors with machines, the insulation resistance of the motors shall be measured and recorded by the Supplier. The direction of rotation of the motor shall also be checked before the driven equipment is finally coupled. Motor bearings are to be checked. charging. Measurement of insulation resistance shall be repeated after power cable termination is completed and before first Motors shall be operationally tested together with the starting gear and Checking of the antiauxiliary apparatus such as push button stations, contactors, level and pressure controls, signal and alarm apparatus, power and control circuits, etc. condensation heater and its circuit (if installed) and checking of the setting of the thermal overload protection/single phase prevention shall also be done. Testing of these devices is to be done wherever required as per the instructions of the Purchaser/Consultants. All motors shall run uncoupled for a maximum period of 4 hours before the driven equipment is placed in regular service.
Proforma for motor testing 1. Name plate details : Voltage ........ HP ........... KW ....... Mounting......Current.......RPM...... Frame size.....Make.....Sl.No..... Others................ 2. Insulation test (before cable connection) a. between phase and earth ............Mega ohms b. between each phase ...................Mega ohms 3. Insulation test (after cable connection) a. between phase and earth ............Mega ohms b. between each phase ...................Mega ohms 4. No load current : R Phase Y Phase B Phase Amps. Amps. Amps.
Ambient temperature during test ........0C 7. Operation of thermal overload relay: i. At normal FL current of motor ii. At twice FL current of motor trip in ........ seconds (This proforma shall be jointly signed by the Purchaser/Consultants and the Supplier.) 4.3 INSTALLATION OF CABLE NETWORK Cable network shall include power, control and lighting cables which shall be laid in underground trenches, hume pipes, open trenches, cable trays, GI pipes, or on building structure surfaces as detailed in the relevant drawings, cable schedules or as per the Purchaser's/ Consultants instructions. Supply and installation of cable trays, GI pipes/conduits, cable glands/sockets at both ends, isolators, junction boxes, remote push button stations, etc. shall be under the scope of the Supplier. 4.3.1 Laying of Cables General guidelines for handling of cables Before laying of cables, these shall be tested for physical damage, continuity, absence of cross phasing and insulation resistance to earth and between conductors. Insulation resistance tests shall be carried out with 500/1000 volt Megger. The cables shall be supplied at site, wound on wooden drum as far as possible. For smaller lengths and sizes, cables in properly coiled form can be accepted. The cables shall be laid by mounting the drum of the cable on drum carriage. Where the carriage is not available, the drum shall be mounted on a properly supported axle, and the cable laid out from the top of the drum. In no case the cable shall be rolled on, as it produces kinks which may damage the conductor. Sharp bending and kinking of cables shall be avoided. The bending radius for PVC insulated and sheath armoured cable shall not be less than 10 D where 'D' is overall
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diameter of the cable. While drawing cables through GI pipes, conduits, RCC pipe, etc. ensure that size of pipe is such that, after drawing cables, 40% area is free. After drawing cable, the end of pipe shall be sealed with cotton/bituminous compound. High voltage (11 KV and above), medium voltage (230 V and above) and other control cables shall be separated from each other by adequate spacing or running through independent pipes/trays. Armoured cables shall never be concealed in walls/floors/roads without GI pipes, conduits or RCC pipes. Joints in the cable throughout its length of laying shall be avoided as far as possible and if unavoidable, prior approval of the Consultants shall be taken. If allowed, proper straight-through epoxy resin type joint shall be made, without any additional cost. A minimum loop of 3m on both ends of the cable and after every 50 M of unjointed length of cable and on both ends of straight through cable joint shall be provided. This additional length shall be used for fresh termination in future. Cable shall be neatly arranged in the trenches/trays in such a manner that criss-crossing is avoided and smooth take off to the motor/switchgear is facilitated. The routes shown in the drawings are indicative only and the same may be rechecked with the Consultants before cutting of cables. While selecting cable routes, interference with structures, foundations, pipe lines, future expansion of buildings, etc. should be avoided. All temporary ends of cables must be protected against dirt and moisture to prevent damage to the insulation. For this purpose, ends of all PVC insulated cables shall be taped with an approved PVC or rubber insulating tape. Use of friction type or other fabric type tape is not permitted. Lead sheathed cables shall be plumbed with lead alloy. Wherever cable rises from underground/ concrete trenches to motors/switchgears/push buttons, these shall be taken in G.I pipes of suitable size, for mechanical protection upto 300 mm distance of concerned cable gland, or as instructed by the Consultants. Where cables pass through foundation/walls of other underground structures, necessary ducts or openings shall be provided in advance for the same. However, should it become necessary to cut holes in existing foundations or structures, the Supplier shall obtain approval of the Consultants before cutting is done. Laying of Cables Underground Cables shall be so laid in ground that these will not interfere with other underground structures. All water pipes, sewage lines or other structures which become exposed by excavation shall be properly supported and protected from damage until the filling has been rammed solidly in places under and around them. Any telephone or other cables coming in the way are to be properly shielded/diverted as directed by the
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Purchaser/Consultants. Cables shall be laid at a minimum depth of 750 mm in case of LT and 1200 mm in case of HT, from ground level. Sand bedding of 75 mm thick shall be made below and above the cables. A layer of bricks (full size) shall be laid on the edge, above sand bedding on the sides of cables and a flat brick to cover cable completely. More than one cable can be laid in the same trench by providing a brick on edge between two cables. The relative location of cables in the trench shall be maintained till termination. The surface of the ground after back filling the earth shall be made good so as to conform in all respects to the surrounding ground and to the entire satisfaction of the Purchaser/Consultants. For all underground cables, route markers should be used as follows: a) Separate cable route markers should be used for LT and HT cables. b) Route markers should be grounded with 1:2:4 cement concrete pedestal of size 230 x 230 x 300 mm. c) Cable markers should be installed at an interval not exceeding 50 M along the straight routes of cables at a distance of 0.5 M away from centre of the cable with an arrow marked on the cable marker plate indicating location of the cable. Cable markers should also be used to identify change in direction of cable route and for location of every joint in underground cable. RCC hume pipe shall be used for crossing road in cable laying. The pipes shall be sealed by bituminous compound at the ends after laying and testing of the cable. Laying of Cables Under Floors GI class B pipe shall be used for laying of outgoing cables from distribution boards to motors, isolators/junction boxes of motors, starter of motors and push button stations. One cable shall preferably be drawn through one pipe. Size of the pipe shall be such that after drawing of cable, 40% area is free. If length of pipe is more than 30 M, free area may be increased to 50%. Use of elbows is not allowed at all and number of bends shall be kept minimum. Instead of using bends with sockets, pipe bending machine shall be used for making long smooth bends at site. Ends of pipe shall be sealed temporarily while laying with cotton/jute/rubber stopper, etc. to avoid entry of building material. Exact
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location of equipment, motor/isolator/push buttons etc. shall be ascertained prior to laying of pipe. Laying of Cable in Masonry Trenches Masonry/concrete trenches if required for laying of cables should be provided by the Supplier. Steel members such as MS angles/flats, etc. shall be provided & grouted by the Supplier to support the cables. Cables shall be clamped to these supports with Aluminium saddles/damps. More than one tier of cables can be provided in the same trench if the number of cables is more. Entry of cables in trenches shall be sealed with bituminous MASTIC compound to stop entry of water into the trenches. Laying of Cables in Cable Trays Cable trays and supporting steel members such as MS angle/channel/flats, etc. shall be provided and fixed by the Supplier. Cables shall be fixed in cable trays in single tier formation and cables shall be clamped with Aluminium flat clamps and galvanised bolts/unit. Earthing flat/wire can also be laid in cable tray along with cables. After laying of cables, minimum 20% area shall be spare. Laying of Cables on Building Surface/Structure Such type of cable laying shall be avoided as far as possible, and will be allowed only for individual cables or small group of cables which run along the structure. Cables shall be rigidly supported on structural steel/masonry using individual cast/malleable Iron galvanised saddles and these supports shall be approximately 400 to 500 mm for cables upto 25 mm overall diameter and maximum 1000 mm for cables larger than 25 mm. Sagging of cables shall be prevented. Only Aluminium/GI clamps with GI bolts/nuts shall be used. If drilling of steel structure must be resorted to, approval must be secured from the Purchaser/ Consultants and steel must be drilled where the minimum weakening of the structure will result. 4.3.2 Termination and Jointing of Cables Use of Glands All LPE/PVC cables upto 1.1 kV grade, armoured or unarmoured, shall be terminated at the equipment/junction box/isolators/push buttons/ control accessories, etc. by means of suitable size compression type cable glands. Armour of cable shall be connected to earth
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point. Wherever threaded cable gland is to be screwed into threaded opening of different size, suitable galvanised threaded reducing bushing shall be used. In case of termination of cables at the bottom of the panel over a cable trench having no access from the bottom, close-fit holes should be drilled in the bottom plate for all the cables in one line, then bottom plate should be split in two parts along the centre line of holes and after installation of cables with glands, the bottom plate shall be sealed with cold sealing compound. Use of Lugs/Sockets All cable leads shall be terminated at the equipment terminals by means of crimped type solderless connectors unless the terminals at the equipment ends are suitable for direct jointing without lugs/sockets. The following is the recommended procedure for crimped joints and the same shall be followed: a) Strip off the insulation of the cable end with every precaution, not to severe or damage any strand. All insulations are to be removed from the stripped portion of the conductor and ends of the insulation should be clean and square. b) The cable should be kept clean as far as possible before assembling it with the terminal/socket. For preventing the ingress of moisture and possibility of reoxidation after crimping of the Aluminium conductors, the socket should be fitted with corrosion inhibiting compound. This compound should also be applied over the stripped portion of the conductor. c) Correct size and type of socket/ferrule/lug should be selected depending on size of conductor and type of connection to be made. d) Make the crimped joint by suitable crimping tool. e) If after crimping the conductor in socket/lug some portion of the conductor remains without insulation, the same should be covered sufficiently with PVC tape.
Dressing of cable inside the equipment After fixing of cable glands, the individual cores of the cable shall be dressed and taken along the cable ways (if provided) or shall be fixed to the panels with polythene straps. Cable shall be dressed in such a manner that small loop of each core is available inside the panel. For motors of 20 HP and above, if the terminal box is found not suitable for proper dressing of Aluminium cables, the Supplier shall modify the same without any additional cost.
Identification of Cables/Wires/Cores Power cables shall be identified with red, yellow & blue PVC tapes for trip circuits identification. Additional red ferrules shall be used only in the particular core of control cable at the termination points in the switchgear/control panels and control switches. In case of control cables, all cores shall be identified at both ends by their wire numbers by means of PVC ferrules or self sticking cable markers. Wire numbers shall be as per schematic/connection drawing. For power circuit also, wire numbers shall be provided if required, as per the drawings of switchgear manufacturer.
Testing of Cables Before energising, the insulation resistance of every circuit shall be measured from phase to phase and from phase to ground. This requires 3 measurements if one side is grounded and 6 measurements for 3 phase circuits. Where splices or terminations are required in circuits rated above 650 volts, measure insulation resistance of each length of cable before splicing and/or terminating. Repeat measurements after splices, and terminations are complete. DC High Voltage test shall be made after installation on the following items: a) All 1100 Volts grade cables in which straight through joints have been made. b) All cables above 1100 Volts grade. For record purposes, test data shall include the measured values of leakage current versus time.
Preparations for the DC High Voltage test shall be done as given below: Cables shall be installed in final position with all the straight through joints complete. Terminations shall be kept unfinished so that motors, switchgear, transformer, etc. are not subjected to test voltage. The test voltage and duration shall be as per relevant codes and practices of Bureau of Indian Standards. 4.3.4 Proforma for Testing Cables DATA OF TEST a) b) c) d) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) e) i) ii) Drum No. from which cable taken Cable from to Length of run of this cable metre Insulation resistance test : Voltage of Megger ............. Volts between core-1 to earth ............. Megaohm between core-2 to earth ............. Megaohm between core-3 to earth ............. Megaohm between core-1 to core-2 ........... Megaohm between core-2 to core-3 ........... Megaohm between core-3 to core-1 ........... Megaohm High voltage test Voltage Duration between cores and earthing between individual cores
(This proforma shall be jointly signed by the Purchaser/Consultants and the Supplier). 5.0 5.1.1 EARTHING NETWORK Earthing Standards The entire earthing installation shall be done in accordance with the earthing drawings, specification and instructions of the Purchaser/Consultants. The entire earthing system shall fully comply with the Indian Electricity Act and Rules framed thereunder and IS:3043. The Supplier shall carry out any changes desired by the Electrical Inspector or
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the Purchaser/Consultants in order to make the installation as per the Indian Electricity Rules, at no extra cost. The exact location of the earth pits, earth electrode, conductors and earthing points of the equipment shall be determined at site, in consultation with the Purchaser/Consultants. Any change in the methods, routing, size of conductor, etc shall be subject to approval of the Purchaser/Consultants before execution. 5.1.2 Earth Pit and Electrode Plate or pipe type earth electrode with earth pit shall be provided for this work unless otherwise advised by the Purchaser/ Consultants due to typical site conditions. Earthing electrode and pit shall be as per IS:3043-1966 (Code of practices for Earthing). All earth electrodes shall preferably be driven to a sufficient depth to reach permanent moist soil. PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASER/CONSULTANTS SHALL BE TAKEN FOR SELECTING TYPE OF EARTH ELECTRODE (PIPE OR PLATE). Earth pit centre shall be at a minimum distance of 2 m from nearest building, unless otherwise advised. Minimum 5 m distance shall be maintained between centres of 2 earth pits. 5.1.3 Earth Bus, Earthing Lead and Earth Wire/Strip All electrical equipment are to be doubly earthed by connecting two earthstrip/wire conductor from the frame of the equipment to an earthing pit/main earthing ring. The earthing ring will be connected via. links to several earth electrodes. The cable armour will be earthed through the cable glands. Conductor size for connection to various equipments shall be as specified in the drawing and as instructed by the Purchaser/Consultants. The length of the branch leads from equipment to earthing grid/ring shall not be more than 10 to 15 metres. All hardware for earthing installation shall be Copper. Spring washers shall be used for all earthing connections of equipment having vibrations. While deciding the type & size of earth lead, the resistance between the earthing system and the general mass of the earth shall be taken into account as per IS code of practice. The earth loop impedance to any point in the electrical system shall not be in excess of 1.0 ohm in order to ensure satisfactory operation of protective devices. Earthing conductor shall be connected to the equipment by providing crimping type socket/lug. Wherever earthing strip is to be provided in cable tray, it shall be suitably clamped on cable tray and electrically bonded to the cable tray at regular intervals. Excavating and refilling of earth necessary for laying underground earth bus loops shall be the responsibility of the Supplier. Wherever earth leads/strips/ wires are laid in cable
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trenches, these shall be firmly and suitably cleated to the walls/supporting steel structure on which cable is clamped. 6.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 LIST OF APPROVED MAKE OF EQUIPMENTS AND MATERIALS Indicating lamps LED type CTs Cables a) LT cables b) Control cables SDFU/MCCB Indicating Instruments Push button station Starter Contactor, Timer and overload relays Selector switches Fuse/Fuse Carrier Cable glands, lays Motors Essen, Kaycee Switron, Reco and L&T L&T, Schneider, Siemens, ABB. Lapp kabel, Baliga, Gripwel, HMI, Denson, Multipressings. Crompton Greaves/Siemens/ Bharat Bijlee/ABB L&T, Siemens, Technic AE, Kappa, ECS, Intarns Gloster, Nicco, Torrent, Universal, Same as above L&T, Siemens, Schneider, ABB, BCH. AE, MECO, RISHAB, Conzerv L&T, Siemens, ABB, Schnieder, BCH L&T, Siemens, Schneider, ABB, BCH, C&S L&T, Siemens, Schneider, BCH, ABB
The bidder shall mention the make of equipment/material that has not been included in the above list and get approval from the Purchaser/Consultant.
Annexure No.I BRIEF SPECIFICATION FOR BOILER AND ACCESSORIES FOR 2TPH WOOD FIRED BOILER 1. Boiler Standard Evaporation Capacity Quantity Steam Parameters Dryness Fraction Type of Boiler Fuel Combustion chamber External Insulation Internal insulation Ducting : : : : : : : : : : : IBR 2000 Kg/hr, F and A 100oC 1 complete set 10.5 Kg/cm2 saturated 98% minimum Fire tube Agro fired Single Mineral wool with aluminium cladding of 22 gauge High refractory alumina/as designed by the Supplier 6mm thick M.S. ducting from boiler to chimney, insulated and cladded with aluminium Of reputed make and capacity as per the Suppliers design
The scope of supply shall include but not limited to the following. Boiler, 2 nos. of feed water pumps with separate outlet to boiler, automatic water level controller, boiler mountings like safety valves, pressure gauge, main steam stop valve, auxiliary steam stop valve, glass level gauges with lighting for increased visibility, blow down valve, ID fan, FD fan as required, inspection gauge connection, fuel feeding system comprising of pumps, day tank, accessories, etc., complete. Portable type oxygen analyser shall be included in the offer. Suitable economizer system, maintaining the flue gas temperature above 2000C at chimney outlet shall be included in the offer as a separate item. Condensate from the PRV station and pellet mill are to be routed to the boiler feed water tank for heat recovery. Necessary water softener system shall be provided based on the water analysis report attached as Annexure-III.
Self Supported Chimney Type Material of Construction Diameter at Top Tapered bottom stack of height Height Top Diameter Shell Thickness Bottom (10m) Base Plate Base Plate Diameter Stool Plate : : : : : : : : : : Flared MS As per IS As per IS 36 m (min.) As per IS 12 mm As per IS As per IS 25mm
The chimney shall be designed and fabricated as per IS 6533. The scope of supply shall also include but not limited to hood, monkey ladder, safety cage for ladder, sampling platform, painters, pulley, three pronged lightning arrester made of copper, fixing 25 mm x 6 mm G.I earth conductor for lightning arrestor, etc. including earthing of lightning protector. The earthpit for chimney is in scope of the supplier. LED type aviation lamp is to be provided for chimney. Sample ports, as required and stainless steel are to be provided on the chimney. Chimney shall be provided with inspection ladder in which platform shall be provided every 12m.The position of the boiler and distance from chimney shall be minimum. The inner and outer parts of the chimney shall be coated /painted with suitable coatings/paints. 3. Feed water tank Capacity Material of Construction Shell Thickness : : : 5,000 litre C.S Top Sides Bottom 6 mm 6 mm 8 mm
: : :
6 nos; size shall be finalized during the drawing approval stage. 150 mm (minimum) Shall be drilled to ANSI B16.5 150#
The tanks shall be provided with adequate stiffeners, level indicators, etc. The feed water tank shall be placed inside the Boiler house. There shall be two separate nozzles for feed water pumps and two separate nozzles for safety valves. 4. Pressure Reducing Station Inlet Steam Pressure Outlet Steam Pressure : : 10.05 kg/cm2 2 kg/cm2
The station shall be complete with moisture separator, strainer, isolating and bypass lines, pressure gauges, etc. There shall be two pressure reducing valves in which one shall be standby. 5. Steam Header Steam header of adequate size shall be supplied. The header shall be complete in all respects with required valves, mountings, non return valves, by-pass line, etc. The steam header line shall be placed inside the Boiler house. 6. Inter Connecting Piping Scope of supply shall include steam piping including IBR piping from the steam stop valve of the Boiler to the steam header and steam header to the existing steam piping for the process. The raw water piping and condensate piping shall also be carried out by the Supplier. The work shall be as per Indian Boiler Regulations based on the drawings prepared by the Supplier and as approved by the Consultants/the Purchaser. Only seamless CS pipes conforming to ASTM A 106 Gr. shall be used for IBR piping and ERW pipes conforming to IS 1239 shall be used for non IBR piping. The steam traps shall be of thermodynamic type. Strainers shall be provided wherever necessary. Adequate condensate drains shall be provided in the steam piping for better efficiency and performance. Structural supports for the piping shall be provided by the Supplier at no extra cost. Fabricated structural cover shall be provided at bottom and top of the piping, steam header etc. inside the process plant. The cover on top shall be dismantleable type for maintenance purpose. All fitting including bends, flanges, gaskets, valves, pressure gauges, etc. shall be provided by the Supplier at no extra cost. Bypass lines with valves and fittings shall be provided for all steam traps, non-return valves, strainers, etc. The Supplier shall indicate a schedule of quantities with technical specification without indicating price along with the Techno-commercial bid. This schedule of quantity is only for evaluation purposes. The Supplier shall execute the work as per the approved drawings.
6. Utility Description Pellet mill The line size from PRV to Pellet mill is 50NB Steam consumption is 1200kg/h The pressure must be reduced to 1.5bar to 2.5bar on PRV PRV shall be installed near the pellet mill. 7. Preferred Make 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Valves PRV Pressure/temperature gauge Steam traps Pumps Safety valve Klinger, Spirax, forbes marshall, Audco Spirax, forbes marshall, Audco, Thermax General Instruments, Guru, Fiebig Spirax, forbes marshall, Audco, Thermax KSB Make Tyco Sanmar,
Annexure II TECHNICAL INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THE TENDER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Type of Boiler Model Capacity Maximum Design Pressure Efficiency Specific Fuel Consumption Steam Parameters a. Temperature b. Pressure c. Dryness fraction Arrangement of Draught a. Number of fans b. Type c. Make d. HP e. RPM Codes for Design and Construction Overall Dimension Weight of Boiler a. Dry b. Flooded Details of Boiler Tube a. Length b. Diameter c. Thickness d. Number e. Material of construction Details of Boiler Shell a. Inner dimeter b. Material of construction c. Thickness : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
9. 10. 11.
Details of Firing Chamber a. Type b. Material of construction c. Insulation d. Thickness e. Other dimensions f. Furnace volume g. Arrangement for clinker removal Steam Space Quantity of Flue Gas Feed Water System Number of feed water pumps a. Make b. Type of pump c. H.P. d. RPM e. Flow rate f. NPSH required Fuel Feed Pump System a. Number of pumps b. Make c. Type of pump d. H.P. e. Material of construction Burner a. Type b. Mode of firing c. Details of safety arrangement d. Material of construction e. Nozzle diameter f. Over Flow system proposed Pressure Reducing System a. Make b. Material of construction c. Safety arrangement d. By-pass arrangement e. Flow rate f. Outlet pressure g. Other details if any Chimney and Flue Gas System a. Material of construction b. Diameters at various sections c. Flue gas temperature d. Quantity of flue gas e. Velocity of flue gas
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : :
: : : :
Boiler Mountings and Fittings a. Make b. Material of construction c. Water level controller d. Steam stop valve e. Auxiliary steam stop valve f. Safety valve g. Blow down valve h. Drain valves i. Other details, if any Flame Observation Port a) Size b) Description Safety Arrangement a) b) c) Oxygen Analyser a) Type b) Make Details of Control Panel a) Make b) Safety arrangement c) Other details Insulation a) Thickness b) Material Thermo Compressor a) Make b) Type Steam Flow Meter a) Make b) Type Steam Operated Pressure Powered Pump: a) Make b) Details of accessories Flash Vessel a) Make b) Size c) Details of accessories
: : : : : : : : : : : : :
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
Economiser a) b) c) Details of Air Pre-Heater Details of ID Fan a) Capacity b) Motor make & power c) Blower make Details of FD Fan d) Capacity e) Motor make & power f) Blower make Details of Ash Collection
: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
34. 35.
E 180000
E 200000
E 220000
E 240000
N 240000
N 220000
N 180000
N 160000
E 260000
SECTION VI FORM FOR PRICE BID (Tenderers are required to furnish this Form and appropriate Price Schedule in the Format given in this Part in a separate cover, after filling all the blank spaces). Date: _________________ To: The Managing Director, Kerala Feeds Ltd., Kallettumkara, Thrissur 680 683, Kerala.
Sir, Having examined the Conditions of Contract and Technical Specifications included in the Tender Documents, we, the undersigned, offer to supply and deliver Goods and Services including installation and commissioning as detailed in the technical bid. We offer to carry out the services as mentioned in or referred to in the said Tender Document for the sum of Rs. (Total Bid Amount in words and Figures) or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the Schedule of Prices attached herewith and made part of this tender and the said conditions. Our acceptance to all the conditions of the Tender Document in this form shall persist over any other terms and conditions, if any, given in our bid. We undertake, if our tender is accepted, to commence and complete the delivery of all the Goods and Services including installation and commissioning as specified in the Technical Specification of the Tender Document, from the date of receipt of your Purchase Order/ Letter of Intent. Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof and your Purchase order, shall constitute a binding Contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive. Dated this _____________________ day of ______________ 20 ______. __________________ Signature __________________ (In the Capacity of)
Duly Authorized to sign bid for and on behalf of (Name & Address of Tenderer) ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________Name of Witness___________________________________________________ Signature ____________________________ Address _____________________ _________________________________________________________________
(Price in Rupees)
Total unit price Qty. Total amount
1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Note:
1. The price is to be quoted as lumpsum. The break-up sought is for the purpose of payment pro-rata and for working out the CST and works contract tax. 2. In case of discrepancy between unit price and total price, the unit price shall prevail 3. The price quoted shall be firm and all inclusive and no escalation shall be entertained during the period of contract 4. C-forms will be issued by the purchaser. 5. The Tenderer shall suggest alternate system for transportation of material, if he feels it is better than the system given. In that case price schedule for the alternate system shall be submitted separately. 6. The price bid shall contain only the quoted price. No conditions or deviations shall be indicated in the price bid. Bids with conditions or deviations in the price bid are liable for rejection. 7. Spares for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year shall be considered and listed along with their quantity, unit price with taxes and duties. The prices shall remain firm till the end of the third year after period. 8. AMC for 2years after guarantee period shall be quoted. (Each year shall be quoted separately). 9. Bidders will be short listed based on total cost of ownership at the end of 3year period. Total bid price in Rs : ...................... Name : ...................... : ...................... Business Address
Place: Date:
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SECTION VII QUALIFICATION APPLICATION FORMAT All the Tenderers must submit the qualification application along with the information in the following formats together with the relevant documentation: FINANCIAL BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL CAPABILITY (FORMAT A) Name and full address of Tenderer:
Phones: 1.
Latest Balance sheet filed with ________________________ on _____________________________________ (attach audited copies of annual accounts audited under section 44 AB of Income Tax Act. In case the accounts are not required to be audited, a Chartered Accountant or Manager of a Nationalised Bank should attest the information in this statement). Latest Profit & loss Statement from ________________ to ____________ filed with ________________________ on __________________________. (Attach an audited copy). Financial position a) b) c) d) Cash & Bank balances Fixed Assets Gross and Net Current Assets Current liabilities Bank cash credit Others (incl. Sundry creditors) e) f) g) h) i) Provisions Contingent Liabilities (incl. claims not acknowledged, please specify). Inventories Share capital, Free reserves, Other reserves (please specify) Term loans from financial institutions and banks
j) k) 4.
Total Liabilities: a) b) c) Current Ratio: Current Assets to Current Liabilities Acid Test Ratio: Cash, temporary investment held in lieu of cash and current receivables to current liabilities. Total liability to Net worth.
Net Sales a) c) Current year During 2010-11 b) d) During 2011-12 During 2009-10
Net Profit before Tax a) b) c) Current period During the last Financial Year During the year before last Financial Year The Profit and Loss Statement have been certified _______________________ by _____________________. through
Tenderers financial arrangements (check appropriate item) a) Own Resources b) Bank credits c) Others (Specify)
8. 9.
Certificate of Financial Soundness from bankers of Tenderer. Details of Income Tax registration
Sales Category A) Govt. Department Value of current orders to be executed Value of anticipated sales for next financial year
Licensed capacity to manufacture: Description Licensed capacity Capacity of manuf. units No. of Units Manufactured Current year Last year Second last year
List, if any, of Tenderer's rate contract with the following organisations: Sl. No. Organisation Yes/No If yes, date on which contract finalised
Directorate General of Supplies & Disposal, Government of India Central Equipment Stores Purchase Organisation State Governments for
2. 3.
Describe Quality Control Department, if any, and give the Organisation Chart. a) b) c) Are goods offered subject to batch test, random sampling or full 100% test for quality? Are tests carried out by factory employees or by a separate testing agency? Are independent Quality Control Organisation checks made and certificates issued?
SECTION VIII CAPABILITY STATEMENT OF PERSONNEL, EQUIPMENT AND PAST PERFORMANCE (FORMAT B) (This statement shall be submitted for associates of the primary bidder, if any) 1. 2. Name & address of the Tenderer: Classifications (whichever is applicable) (1) (2) (3) (4) 3. Manufacturer Authorised Agent Dealer Others, please specify a) Location b) Description, Type & Size of building c) Is property on lease or free hold? If on lease, indicate date of expiry of lease in each case. 4. Details of similar equipments manufactured, supplied, installed and commissioned during last 5 years. Type of Capacity Equipment / Size Nos. manufact ured Projects to which supplied, installed & commissioned and which is operating satisfactorily Date of taking over by the Client No. of orders on hand
Types of equipment supplied, installed and commissioned during last 5 years other than those covered under 4 above. Type of Equip. Capacity Size and model Total Nos. supplied, installed & commissioned Projects to which supplied installed & commissioned and date of taking over No. of orders on hand
Plant Facilities: Sl. No. a) b) c) d) e) Description Space available for manufacture Space available for storage Are buildings fire protected? Are buildings under municipal fire protection Are power & fuel supply adequate to meet production requirements? Are adequate transportation facilities available? Are safety measures adequate for performance of proposed contract? Are adequate materials handling equipment available? Yes/No Sq. meter Ramarks
f) g)
Details of Test facilities available a) b) c) List testing equipment available Give details of tests, which can be carried out on items offered Details of the testing organisation available
Personnel/Organisation Give Organisation chart for following, indicating clearly the no. of employees at various levels: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Production Marketing Installation and commissioning Service Spare parts Administration
Names of two buyers to whom similar equipments are supplied, installed and commissioned in the last 5 years and to whom reference may be made regarding the Tenderers technical and delivery ability: 1) 2) _________________________________ _________________________________
A certificate of satisfactory operation of the equipment after commissioning is to be attached. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. List of components usually sub-contracted ______________________ Schedules for furnishing technical data and certified drawings after receipt of orders ____________________ Work load percentage of total capacity for the current and forth coming financial year on quarterly basis ______________ Location of Service centres in Kerala with No. of service personnel available at each centre. Give separate details for Direct Service Centres in Kerala. Location of nearest Service centre from which the after-sales service/AMC services will be offered. If the service is provided from a Direct Service Centre, indicate the same.
The following are the particulars of deviations from the requirements of the tender specifications.
Signature and seal of the Tenderer Dated : NOTE: (1) (2) Where there is no deviation, the statement should be returned duly signed with an endorsement indicating No Deviations The technical specifications furnished in the tender document shall prevail over those of any other document forming a part of our bid, except only to the extent of deviations furnished in the statement.
(ON NON-JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER OF Rs.100.00) Whereas ............................. ( hereinafter called the Tenderer ) has submitted its bid dated ....................... ( date of submission of bid ) for the supply of .................................. ( name and/or description of the goods ) (hereinafter called the Bid). KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that We ............................ ( name of bank ) of ..................... (name of country), having our registered office at ............... ( address of bank ) (hereinafter called the Bank), are bound unto ......................( name of Purchaser ) in the sum of _____________________ for which payment well and truly to be made to the said Purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its successors, and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said bank this _______ day of _______ 20___. THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are: 1. 2. If the Tenderer withdraws its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Tenderer on the Bid Form; or If the Tenderer, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the Purchaser during the period of bid validity: a) b) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form if required; or fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders.
We undertake to pay the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This guarantee will remain in force up to and including sixty (60) days a fter the period of the bid validity, and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.
(ON NON-JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER OF Rs.100.00) THIS AGREEMENT made in ........... day of ......................., 20... between .................... ( Name of purchaser ) of .......................( Country of Purchaser ) (hereinafter the Purchaser) of the one part and ....................... ( Name of Supplier ) of ............................ ( City and Country of Supplier ) (hereinafter called the Supplier) of the other part: WHEREAS the Purchaser invited bids for certain Goods and ancillary services viz., ................... ( Brief Description of Goods and Services ) and had accepted a bid by the Supplier for the supply of those goods and services in the sum of ................................... ( Contract Price in Words and Figures ) (hereinafter called the Contract Price). NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to. 2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as p art of this Agreement, viz.: a) the Tender Document No and the Price Schedule submitted by the Supplier; b) the Schedule of Requirements & Price; c) the Technical Requirements; d) the Special Conditions of Contract e) the General Conditions of Contract; f) the Purchasers Notification of Award. 3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier as hereinafter mentioned, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Purchaser to provide the goods and services and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract. 4. The Purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the provision of the goods and services and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. Brief particulars of the goods and services which shall be supplied/provided by the Supplier are as under: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl. Brief Quantity to Unit Total No. description be supplied price price of items --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL VALUE:
DELIVERY SCHEDULE: IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with their respective laws the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the said ............................................. (for the Purchaser) in the presence of : ................................................... Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the said ............................................... (for the Supplier) in the presence of .....................................................
In consideration of the . (hereinafter called the Purchaser) having agreed to grant an advance of Rs. .(Rupees only) to M/s(hereinafter called the Supplier) under the terms and conditions of the Contract/Purchase Order No dated . Made between the Purchaser and the Supplier for the design, supply, fabrication, transportation, erection and commissioning (hereinafter called the Contract/Purchase Order) on production of a Bank Guarantee for Rs. (Rupees . Only) being .. per cent of the contract price. We . (hereinafter called the Bank) do hereby undertake to pay the Purchaser an amount not exceeding Rs. (Rupees .. only) against any loss/damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the Purchaser by reason of any breach by the Supplier of any of the terms and conditions contained in the Contract/Purchaser Order. We, ...,(name of Bank) do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur merely on a demand from the Purchaser stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the Purchaser by reasons of any breach by the Supplier of any of the terms and conditions contained, in the Contract/Purchase Order or by reasons of the Suppliers failure to perform the Contract/Purchase Order, any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs. (Rupees ..only). We, , further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the Contract/Purchase Order and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Purchaser, under, or by virtue of the Contract/Purchase Order have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the Purchaser certifies that the terms and conditions of the Contract/Purchase Order have been fully and properly carried by the Supplier and accordingly discharge the guarantee unless a demand or claim under this guarantee made on us in writing on or before we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter. We, , further agree with the Purchaser that the Purchaser shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligation hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the Contract/Purchase Order to extend time of performance by the Supplier from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the power excercisable by the Purchaser against the Supplier and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the Contract/Purchase Order and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension or for any forebearance, act of omission on the part of the Purchaser or any
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indulgence by the Purchaser to the Supplier or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving us. We, ., lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Purchaser in writing. Notwithstanding anything stated herein above the liability of the Bank guarantee is restricted to Rs. (Rupees only). The guarantee shall remain in force till the . 20 and unless the guarantee is renewed or a claim is preferred against the Bank within three months from the said date, all rights of the Purchaser under the guarantee shall cease and the Bank shall be released and discharged from all liabilities hereunder. Place : Date : Signature Seal Code No. Note : SUPPLIERS SHOULD ENSURE THAT SEAL AND CODE NO. OF THE SIGNATORY IS PUT BY THE BANKERS, BEFORE SUBMISSION OF THE BANK GUARANTEE.