Bible Study For Beginners - Gary Troyer

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Bible Study for Beginners

Gary Troyer

Copyright 2006 by Gary Troyer All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherexcept for brief quotation in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the author/publisher Published by Gary Troyer with the assistance of

Table of Contents

Authors Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Lesson 1: Introduction to the Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Lesson 2: Consequences of Sin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Lesson 3: Spirit Birth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Lesson 4: The Need for The Death Of Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Lesson 5: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Lesson 6: Receiving Jesus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Authors Note
This course was developed over a period of ten years in which I sought the mind of God to develop an effective home Bible Study course which non-believers would find interesting and inspirational. This series of six lessons was designed for usage with non-Christians. It assumes the student knows little about the Bible. The first lesson may be omitted when using with those who come with some knowledge of the Bible, however, we can't assume that because a person is some type of professional with a college degree that he has a healthful understanding of the Bible or indeed, that he is anything more than a Biblical illiterate. I have used this course with dozens and dozens of people, some with only a 2nd grade education and barely able to read while others were school administrators, teachers, and lawyers. This course assumes that the student already has some degree of faith in God. It will help the skeptic and faithless to begin to put spiritual things into an orderly realm. This study does not intend to answer all the questions of the unbeliever. After this course there are other courses that I use to disciple the new convert. More often than not the questions asked will be answered in some future study. Satan will do all in his power to distract you off and away from the basic foundational Christian teachings of these lessons. While freedom to ask questions should be apparent in your meetings, if the question doesn't relate to the material at hand, a very brief answer should be given and the teaching resumed. These lessons will lead the unbeliever into a face-to-face encounter with God. When arranging a meeting time with the person(s), be sure to emphasize the importance of them to commit themselves to six meetings in a row, making all efforts to avoid any cancellations. A disrupted schedule becomes an inefficient schedule. Experience has taught me that if I patiently teach the non-Christian how to become a Christian in a way that he can understand, that he will invariable become a Christian. Of all those whom I've taken through this course, only two have not committed their lives to him by the last lesson. I use this course several times a week with differing sized groups. One month, I was able to lead 12 people to the Lord through these studies.

These lessons have been a blessing to me and I trust that they will be a blessing to you. For more information about home evangelism, discipling, or church planting, feel free to contact me at: Gary Troyer 198 N Main St. Due West, SC 29639 Phone: 864-379-3200

Lesson One: Introduction To The Bible

Aim: To bring the students to have complete faith in God's word and in His Word alone.

Tip: Get to know your students. Spend some time getting acquainted before each class, but limit you time to no more than 10 minutes.

What Great Men Have Said About The Bible: Tip: Read this section as a means of stimulating the interest of the students as well as a way of confirming them as to the importance of this decision they have made to study the Bible with you for these six weeks.

George Washington - It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible. Woodrow Wilson - A man has deprived himself of the best there is in the world who has deprived himself of this [knowledge of the Bible.] Ulysses S. Grant - To the influence of this book we are indebted for the progress made in civilization, and to this we must look as our guide in the future. Daniel Webster - The Bible is the book of faith, and a book of doctrine, and a book of morals, and a book of religion, of

special revelation from God; but it is also a Book which teaches man his responsibility, his dignity, and his equality with his fellow man.

False Teachers: Say, "There are many out there going from house to house under the pretext of wanting to study the Bible with you. The Bible itself warns us of such people in I John 4:1-3. These verses tell us how to test the person who comes wanting to teach you. If the person does not believe Jesus was God's only son come in human form, he is not to be listened to. If anyone comes teaching you anything that is not in God's Word, don't listen to him. Expect the teacher to give you Bible proof for everything he says. If he says, 'The Bible says', then ask him where the Bible says this."

Introduction to the Bible:

1. Turn to the index. 2. Point out that there are two major divisions in the Bible - the Old Testament and the New Testament. (Be sure they see this in the index.) Definition: Testament - Testament means covenant, constitution, agreement or contract. Just as we make out a contract to buy a house, we have a contract between us and God. The Old Contract is no longer binding. We live by the New Contract, the New Testament

3. Have the class find where the Old Testament begins in their Bible and then have them find where the New Testament begins. 4. Point out that when the Bible was first written, the Old Testament was written in the Hebrew language while the New Testament was the written in the Greek language. The Bible was written over a period of 2,000 years by over 40 different authors, none of which contradicts the other. 5. Have the class find where the book of Matthew begins. 6. Point out how each book is divided into chapters and that each chapter is identified by a large number at its beginning. 7. Show how each chapter is divided into verses and that the verses are indicated by small numbers printed within the chapter text. 8. Explain how references work. For example: Matthew 3:16. The name refers to the book you are to turn to. The three indicates the chapter and the sixteen indicates the verse.

Practical Exercises: 1. Say: We are going to memorize the first four New Testament books in order.

Tip: Before class, prepare a folder with the name Holy Bible printed on the outside cover. On the inside on one page write Old Testament in large letters across the top and write New Testament across the top of the opposite page. Under New Testament write in a column "Matthew, Mark, Luke, John".

2. Show the class the folder with the four books printed on the inside. Explain: These four books are called Gospels. Gospel means good news. In these four books we shall find some really good news. The gospels explain about Jesus, who he was, what he did, where he walked, where he was born, where he died, what he taught and many more things. The gospels are actually biographies of the life of Jesus. 3. The books carry the names of the persons who wrote them. Matthew wrote the book of Matthew, Mark wrote the book of Mark and so on. Who do you suppose wrote the book of Luke? (Luke) 4. Practice finding the following references. Matthew 6:9-13; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 2:4-7; and John 3:16.

Tip: Ask the class questions like, Did you know that was in the Bible? or, Did you know where that was in the Bible?

Bible Study: The Preaching Of Repentance Say: Now we want to discover what the first and foremost message was that John the Baptist, Jesus and the early church preached. Turn to the following scriptures one by one and have a person read them who feels comfortable doing so. Matthew 3:1 - John the Baptist's Message

Matthew 4:17 - Jesus' Message Acts 2:37, 38 - Peter's Message

Definition: Repent - A person is driving out of town going West thinking he is headed East. Well on his way he sees a sign that seems to indicate he is headed in the wrong direction. He begins to analyze what he just saw. His mind argues with his eyes. That sign really didn't say he is heading the wrong direction, did it? The longer he thinks about it the less sure he is that he is going in the right direction. After checking the map he decides for sure that he is going wrong and needs to turn around. He slows, drives the car across the median, and heads back towards the direction he should have been going all the time. This is a picture of what it means to repent. Repentance is turning around.


Definition: Kingdom of Heaven - In the Bible we learn of two Kingdoms; the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of this world. In every Kingdom there is a King. Who do you suppose is the King of the Kingdom of Heaven? (God) Who do you suppose is the king of the Kingdom of this World? (Satan, self)

Tip: If time allows, continue with this Bible Study. Otherwise wait until next week to use it. The Bible Study should probably not last longer than one hour!

Say: The question that naturally follows a study of message of the Bible (repent) is, Repent from what? now proceed to grasp an idea for an answer to that Turn with me in your Bible to Romans 3:10-20. Have read the verses.

the main We shall question. someone

1. How many times do we find in this passage words like: "there is no one", "no one", "not even one"? 2. Why do you suppose the author would use these same words so often? (To emphasize a point.) 3. What point do you feel he is trying to emphasize? (That man naturally follows his inclinations to do only evil continually. Genesis 6:5) 4. Whom do you think is being talked about in these verses? (Romans 3:23, all people)


5. What does this passage teach us about good, moral, respectable people? (They don't exist.)

Next Weeks Assignment: Read I John 1 before next weeks Bible Study. Underline or highlight the verses that have special meaning for you.

Schedule Next Meeting:

Tip: It's probably best to have the first couple meetings in the home(s) of the student(s). They won't be so quick to cancel the study nor to forget about it this way.

End the Meeting: Thank God for this great time to have studied the Bible together.


Lesson Two: The Consequences of Sin

Aim: To show what the result of sin is. Spend a few minutes getting reacquainted by asking about the events of the past week in the lives of the students. Then begin with prayer; asking God to guide the meeting. Ask if anyone might have a need they would like to have prayed for. Review: 1. Say, "Last time we noted what great men have said about the Bible." 2. We learned that the Bible is divided into two main parts. Who can name them? (Old Testament & New Testament) 3. We learned how to find references. Who can tell me what the 3 means in John 3:16? (The chapter) 4. We looked at the principal message of John the Baptist, Jesus & Peter. Who can tell me what that message was? (Repent) 5. We memorized the names of the 1st four books of the New Testament. Who remembers what they were called in their proper order? (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)

Practical: 1. Who did last weeks assignment? (Read John 1) Do you have any questions or comments about what you read?

Tip: You as a teacher should have read the assignment as wellmarking appropriate verses you'd like to comment on in class that would be appropriate for the students.

2. This week we'll add two more books to our memory. (Write Acts & Romans in the folder you started last week one under the other. Have everyone repeat the books in unison. Then have each person say the books individually. Say: The book of Acts is a history about the beginning of the church. It is written by the same person who wrote Luke. 3. Who wrote the book of Luke? (Luke) 4. What was Luke's profession? (He was a doctor.) 5. Paul went all over the Roman Empire starting churches. Later he wrote them letters that we have preserved for us in the Bible. One is called Romans. In what city do you think the Romans Lived? (Rome) Bible Study: 1. Turn to Romans 3:23 in your Bible. According to this verse, what happens when we sin? (We fall short of God's glory.)

Definition: Sin - The word "sin" comes from the Greek word "hamartia". This work is a picture of an archer shooting an arrow at the bull's eye. When the archer shot the arrow and it landed anywhere other than in the bull's eye it was said that he "hamartia". That is, he missed the mark. Sin causes us to miss the mark God has established for us.

2. Now turn to Romans 6:23. (Have someone read it.) What does this verse say we receive in exchange for sinning? (Death)

3. Turn to Genesis 2:15-17 and have someone read it. a. What did God tell Adam would happen if he ate of the forbidden fruit? (He would die) b. Did Adam die when he ate the fruit? (Physically he didn't die until over 900 years later. Genesis 5:5) Did Adam die or didn't he? is the question whose answer Satan continues to distort. Romans 6:23 says that we die as a consequence of our sin. We shall need to define death and different lives of mankind. 4. Man is composed of three parts. Can you name them? Spirit That invisible part of us which communicates with other spirits.

Soul The emotions that you feel but don't see. Body This flesh that you see. When we think in terms of death and birth we have to think of this happening at three different times, each one corresponding to each part of our makeup. As the body is born, so it dies. The soul is born and can also die. The spirit can be born and it can die. a. When we sin, which of the three parts of us do you think dies? (The Spirit) b. When Satan told Adam he wouldn't die, he was speaking of a physical death. God was speaking of a spiritual and maybe even an emotional death. 5. Now, we must find a Biblical meaning of death. a. Turn to James 2:26a and someone read it aloud. (26a refers to the a part or first part of verse 26. If we wanted only the last part read we would say 26b.) b. According to this verse, when or how does the body die? (When the spirit separates from the body there is physical death.)

Definition: Death - is not cessation of existence (ceasing to exist) but rather the correct meaning of death is "separation". The spirit separates from the physical body and the result is death


The person in the casket does not cease to exist. He still exists somewherein the place where his spirit went to. The reason the body is dead is that the spirit has left it to go somewhere else. Genesis 2:7 says, "The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." The word "breath" in this verse is synonymous with the word "spirit" back in James 2:26. The man had no life in him until God placed a spirit within him. It is the spirit that gives "life" to this body of dust.

6. Now we know what physical death is. To clarify what spiritual death is let's turn to Isaiah 59:2. According to Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death", we understand that sin causes immediate spiritual death and not immediate physical death. According to this verse in Isaiah, what is the consequence of our sin? (Separation from God. Iniquities in this verse has the same meaning as sin.) This verse gives us the understanding that when we sin, we become separated from God. Separation is called death in Romans 6:23. 7. Return to Romans 6:23. a. What part do we do in this verse? (We sin.) b. What happens automatically? (We die.)


c. What part does God do? (He gives a gift of eternal life.)

Next Week: We will learn about the different types of birth.

Next Weeks Assignment: Read I John 2 and mark the verses that have special meaning for you.

Schedule Next Meeting: It works best to continue meeting in the students home. If you decide to meet at your own home, make sure to give the students good directions and call them during the week as a reminder.

End the Meeting: Thank God for this great time to have studied the Bible together.


Lesson Three: Spirit Birth

Aim: To explain the idea of being born a second time and why it's necessary to be born spiritually.

Prayer: Ask for prayer requests. tonight's lesson. Pray for special understanding of

Review: 1. Two weeks ago we briefly observed what the principal message John the Baptist, Jesus, and the early church was. What was it? (Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.) 2. Last week we went into depth about the consequences of sin. How does sin harm us? (Causes separation - death - from God.) 3. In what language was the New Testament written? (Greek) 4. In what three ways is it possible to die? (Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually)


6. Who can repeat the books of the New Testament we have memorized so far? (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans)

Practical Exercise: 1. This week we will add three more books to our list, I & II Corinthians & Galatians.

Tip: Be sure to add these to your list in the folder. You should say the names of the new books so the student will know how to correctly pronounce them.

Have everyone repeat all the books together in unison than go around the circle and have each one say them by memory starting with the persons you feel know them best. I & II Corinthians are letters that the apostle Paul wrote to the church in the city of Corinth. Corinth was a very busy seaport. The average citizen was very rich and most households had slaves. It has been estimated that in Paul's day, Corinth had a population of about 250,000 free persons plus as many as 400,000 slaves. The city contained at least 12 temples honoring Greek gods. The city was so immoral that the Greek verb "to Corinthianize" came to mean "to practice sexual immorality". Galatians is a letter Paul wrote to the churches in the province of Galatia. All three letters were written to believers who were falling away from faith in Jesus.


Tip: Point out the locations of these places on a Bible map.

2. Are there any questions or comments from your reading of I John 2?

Bible Study: 1. Say: Last week we studied that every person passes through different types of death. This week we want to look at different types of birth we all need to pass through as well.

2. Please turn in you Bible to John 3:1-21. (Have a good reader read the whole passage.) a. According to v. 2, who did Nicodemus believe Jesus to be? (One from God) b. Jesus apparently discerned that Nicodemus was looking for an entrance into the kingdom of God. What did Jesus say had to happen for a person to enter God's Kingdom according to verse three? (He must be born again.) c. Nicodemus misunderstood what Jesus meant to say by being born again. What type of birth did he understand Jesus to be talking about? (Physical birth)


d. In verse six Jesus talked about two types of birth. Can you name them? (Physical birth and Spiritual birth) e. According to verse five, two elements are involved in the spiritual birth. What are they? (Water and spirit) f. In the Bible, water symbolizes cleansing. (Titus 3:5) The Holy Spirit symbolizes the power of God. (Acts 1:8) Therefore, what two things must happen for us to enter Heaven? (We must be cleansed and filled with God's power.) g. Next week we will discuss how cleansing takes place. h. According to verses seven and eight, can the spiritual birth be explained in a logical fashion? (NO) How do you know? (Just as we can't explain where the wind comes from or goes to, so we can't explain being born spiritually.) i. Nicodemus desired to understand these things with his mind but Jesus taught in verses 10-15 that a person will have to feel the new birth, much as he feels the wind, in order to understand spiritual birth. Verse sixteen tells us why God sent Jesus into the world. Can you find two reasons? (Because of his love and so we could have eternal life.) k. Read verse 18. --What two kinds of people are described here? (The condemned and not condemned.)


--What must a person do to not be condemned? (Believe in Jesus.)

Definition: Believe implies two things: Acknowledging with the mind and Entrusting or relying on.

The story is told of a tight rope walker who one day was going to appear at the Niagara Falls to walk across a certain section of the ferocious waters below. On the appointed day a large crowd was awaiting the once-in-alifetime event. When the tight rope walker appeared he attempted to excite the crowd. "How many of you believe I can walk across this rope without falling off?" he asked them. A number of people expressed their confidence in his ability but most didn't really want to think about the possibility that he might fall off. He climbed onto the rope and step by step inched his way across. . . Upon reaching his destination the distant crowd cheered in jubilee. He then returned to them, and taking a wheelbarrow in hand, he proceeded to ask a further question. "How many of you believe I can push this wheelbarrow across this rope?" Many more people cheered their confidence in his ability. Slowly he began to move across the rope. Step by step he nervously made his way across the roaring waters below. As he approached the distant shore, once again the crowd roared with ecstasy. Never before had they ever seen such ability. Upon returning to the aghast crowd he asked them, "How many of you believe I can push a man across this tight rope in this wheelbarrow." The crowd roared their belief in him. Calming the roar he advised them that his stunt man wasnt able to come today so he wouldnt be able to

perform the task unless someone volunteered to take the mans place. He asked them, "Who will volunteer?" The crowd became deathly quiet. No one volunteered. No one believed in this man so much that they dared commit their life into this carnal man's hands. They acknowledged with their minds but when it came to entrusting themselves, their belief stalled.

Belief then has two elements; Acknowledging that Jesus can give me a spiritual birth, and entrusting myself into his hands to take me through that birth and the life beyond. l. What is the only reason given in verse 18 why a person is condemned? (Because he doesn't believe.) m. Read verses 19-21 again. One who doesn't believe is compared to one who lives in light or lives in darkness? (Darkness) n. According to verse 19, why do people prefer to walk in the dark? (Because of their evil deeds.) o. What answer does verse 20 give us? (People prefer to walk in the dark for fear their evil deeds will be exposed.) p. Why do you think it is that the lights are turned down so that it's almost dark in night clubs, dances, bars, and such like? (Those who do evil feel more comfortable doing it in the dark.)


q. On the same token, why does a robber cover his face when he commits a crime? (He wants to keep his evil deeds covered up.) r. According to verse 21, who lives in the light? (He that lives by the truth.)

3. As we conclude this study I'd like you to ask yourself: Am I condemned or not condemned? Do I live in the light or in the darkness?

Next Weeks Assignment: Read I John 3 for next week and mark versed that have special significance for you.

Schedule Next Meeting: Decide where the next meeting will be held. Plan a special activity with the members of your class this weekend.

End the Meeting: Thank God for this great time to have studied the Bible together.


Lesson Four: The Need for the Death of Jesus

Aim: To show why Jesus had to die in order that we could receive forgiveness of our sin.

Prayer: Ask for prayer requests. By now all should feel the freedom to share prayer needs. It may be necessary to ask each one individually what they would like to have you pray about.

Review: 1. Name two types of death we have studied. (Physical, Emotional, Spiritual) 2. Name two types of birth we have studied. (Physical, Spiritual) 3. Name the two types of people that exist in the world according to John 3. (Condemned, Uncondemned) 4. What does repent mean? (To turn around.)


5. Give a Biblical definition of spiritual death. (Separation of spirit from the body.) 6. Give a Biblical definition of spiritual death. (Separation of man from God.) 7. Who can say the books of the New Testament we have memorized so far. (Matthew through Galatians) 8. Tonight we are going to add three more books. (Be sure to add Ephesians, Philippians & Colossians to your list in the folder before class.) Show you folder and say the names of the new books so the student will know how to correctly pronounce the names.

Tip: Students seem to have great difficulty memorizing the order of these books. Point out that a way of helping to remember the order of these books is by using the first letters of General Electric Power Company G E P C.

9. The Ephesians lived in a town called Ephesus. The Philippians lived in Philippi and the Colossians lived in Colossi, a city close to Laodicea.

Tip: Be sure to point out the location of each city on a Bible map.)

10. Ask if there are any questions from I John 3, last weeks assignment. Point out some highlights you found there that

are either pertinent to the students situation or somehow tie in to tonight's study or some past study.

Bible Study: 1. Introduction: Up to this point we have studied about differing types of death and differing types of birth. We've studied how spiritual death and spiritual birth happen. Tonight we want to learn about what makes spiritual birth possible. God has established certain moral laws in Heaven which cannot be rescinded. The law we shall study has to do with blood.

2. Say: Turn in your Bibles to Hebrews 9:22b. (Appoint someone to read the verse.) Here we have recorded one of God's "forever" laws. What is the law? (There is no forgiveness of sin without spilling blood.) 3. Let's see how this law was applied throughout scripture. Find Genesis 3:6-7 and someone read it aloud. When Adam & Eve sinned and realized they were naked, what did they make for themselves? (Coverings of fig leaves.) 4. Now turn to Genesis 3:21 and discover what God made for them to wear. (Garments of skin.)


5. For there to be garments of skin there had to have first been an animal. What had to happen to the animal for its skin to be used as clothing? (It had to die.) 6. Thus we have our first example of blood having to be spilt to cover for sin. Soon we see Abel shedding the blood of his flocks as an acceptable offering to the Lord. Abel's offering was accepted because he offered blood. Cain's offering was unacceptable because it lacked blood. Genesis 4:2b-7. 7. Now let's observe what the law was regarding sin as given to the Jews in the Old Testament. (Turn to Leviticus 4:1-7 and appoint someone who reads well to read the passage aloud.) Explain in as few words as possible what the main procedure was in the Old Testament to obtain forgiveness. (A certain animal had to be brought to the priest, killed and its blood collected and used for a prescribed ceremony.) 8. According to Leviticus 5:5-6 what two things were necessary for forgiveness? (Confession of the sin and the shedding of blood.) 9. What did John the Baptist call Jesus in John 1:29? (The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.) Jesus was the symbolic lamb prescribed in the Old Testament for the forgiveness of sin. 10. Here are several verses that bring us to an understanding of why Jesus died on the cross.

I Peter 3:l8a - Isaiah 59:2 said that our sin separated us from our God. What does this verse teach us that Jesus' death accomplished for us? (Brings us to God.) Hebrews 9:27-28 - Why was Jesus sacrificed for us? (To take away our sins.)

Definition: Crucifixion - a common type of corporal punishment during the days of Jesus. However, God had Jesus' crucifixion be different from all the rest. The criminal was normally tied to the cross with ropes. Jesus was nailed to the cross - thus blood would stream from his body in fulfillment of the law of God that stated that blood must be shed for there to be forgiveness.

11. Hebrews 9:14 - Of what benefit is the blood of Christ to us today? (It cleanses our consciences - relieves us of guilt; I John 1:7 purifies us from sin.) 12. Hebrews 9:15 - According to this verse, are we still obligated to offer the blood of animals for cleansing of our sin? (No, we have a new covenant - contract - now.) 13. Luke 22:20 - What part of Christian tradition reminds us of this new covenant of blood? (The drinking of the cup in communion.)


14. Acts 15:29 - Why do you suppose it is prohibited to eat blood? (Blood is a sacred symbol of our contract with God or some such answer.) 15. We conclude with this question: What must I do so that Jesus' blood applies to my sin? That question will be answered over the next two weeks.

Next Weeks Assignment: Read I John 4 for next week.

Schedule Next Meeting: Decide where the next meeting will be held.

End the Meeting: Thank God for this great time to have studied the Bible together.


Lesson Five: Decision, Decisions, Decisions

Aim: To show the need that every person has to make a decision either to follow God's way or the world's way.

Prayer: Be sure to ask for any requests the group may have.

Review: 1. The principal message given throughout the Bible and as expressed in the sermons of John the Baptist and Jesus is what? (Repent) 2. What part of us dies when we sin? (Spirit) 3. Give a Biblical definition of death. (Separation) 4. Name two types of birth. (Physical birth and spiritual birth.) 5. Give a definition of believe. (To acknowledge with the mind and to entrust and rely on.)

6. What law did God establish in Heaven for there to be forgiveness of sin? (Blood must be shed.) 7. What special thing did Jesus do for us to have forgiveness of sin? (He shed His blood on the cross.) 8. Who can say the books of the New Testament by memory through the book of Colossians.? 9. Tonight we are going to add five more books that all begin with the letter T. They are I & II Thessalonians, I & II Timothy, and Titus. 10. Ask if there are any questions from the reading of I John 4 or if they especially like certain verses from this passage. You might point out a few teachings from this passage that is pertinent to your students.

Bible Study: 1. Introduction: Over the past four weeks we have been studying about man's position before God because of his sin. We have studied about life. During the next two classes we shall discover what God expects us to do so that we might have fellowship with him. 2. We want to first look at an idea taught in the Bible called "saved". I Timothy 2:3-4 tells us God's story about saving. a. The word save means to deliver, to protect. What would you say we all need to be delivered from? (From spiritual condemnation.) death caused by our sin, from

b. Who or what do we need to be protected from? (From evil, Satan, enemies, etc.) c. According to John 3:17, why did God send Jesus into the world? (To save us - he's the only one who is able to deliver us and to protect us.) d. The question we want to ask next is found in Acts 16:30. What must we do to be delivered from spiritual death and condemnation? Jesus gave His blood so we could have forgiveness of our sin. Does that mean God has forgiven everyone's sin in the world or do we have to do something to get that forgiveness? What is the answer to our question according to verse 31.) (Believe in Jesus.) e. What does believe mean? (To acknowledge with our mind. To entrust oneself, to rely on.)

Tip: Remind students of tight rope walker


Acts 10:43 tells us basically the same thing.

g. Acts 2:21 gives us another idea of what we must do to be delivered from condemnation. What is it? (Call on the name of the Lord.) h. What do you think it means to call on the name of the Lord? (To cry out to.)


Acts 2:38 tells us what we must do to have forgiveness of our sin. What is it? (Repent and be baptized.)

3. We want to go to one more passage to get a picture of what we need to be saved from. Turn to Matthew 7:13-14. a. These verses describe two roads. What are they called? (Broad road and narrow road.) b. How are the entrance gates to these road described? (One as being wide and the other as being narrow.) c. Where does the broad road lead to? (Destruction - a term synonymous to condemnation.) d. Where does the narrow road lead to? (To life.) e. Would you say this is referring to physical life or spiritual life? (Spiritual life.) f. What road do most people choose to follow? (The broad one.) Tip: Before the meeting, you should get access to a drawing on the two roads. You may also use the drawing included on the next page.



So everyone can see with greater detail, I suggest that you draw the illustration of the two roads on poster board. Take out the poster illustration of the two roads. Allow a minute or two for the students to examine the drawing. As you hold the poster in front of you, observe the eye movements of the students. This will tell you something of their availability to later accepting Christ. Ask them what they see. Later, ask them where they would place themselves on the drawing. This will also tell you about their readiness to accept Christ.

g. Note some points about the drawing: 1. We all have sinned which leaves us burdened down. 2. There comes a point in our lives when we must make a decision which road we are going to follow. 3. We should look at the end result of the road we are following rather than the temporary pleasures of the here and now. 4. Jesus offers to relieve us of such burdens as guilty consciences, spiritual and moral filthiness, spiritual death and condemnation. 5. God expects us to take certain steps so that our fellowship with Him might be restored. 1st We must acknowledge that we have sinned. Do you accept the fact that you have sinned and have fallen short of God's glory and therefore stand condemned before God?



We must believe that Jesus paid for the penalty of our sin with His blood. Do you accept the blood of Jesus as payment for you sin?


We must decide which road we are going to follow. You've already told me where you find yourself at this point in your life.


We must call on the name of the Lord.

6. Next week we will look at several verses which will teach us how to call on the name of the Lord. Next Weeks Assignment: Read I John 5 and mark the verses that have special meaning for you. Schedule Next Meeting: If it seems appropriate, urge your class to go with you to church to be involved in further Bible Study with others who are studying the same materials they are. End the Meeting: Thank God for this great time to have studied the Bible together.


Lesson Six: Receiving Jesus

Aim: To lead all your class members to receive Jesus into their lives.

Before the class: This is a very special lesson. Be assured that Satan is going to do all in his power to keep this meeting from happening. Pray for God's power to be manifested. Pray God's protection around each of the class members. Ask God for the return of all the students to this class.

Prayer: Ask God for special wisdom for each one of the students. Ask for clarity of minds and freedom from distractions. Also, don't forget to ask for prayer requests.

Review: 1. Have the class ask each other some review questions. 2. According to our lesson last week, from what do we need to be saved? (Death, destruction, condemnation)


3. List some steps we must take to receive spiritual life. (Acknowledge I have sinned. Believe that Jesus paid the penalty for my sin. Decide which road I'm going to follow. Call on the name of the Lord.) 4. Who can say the New Testament books through Titus by memory? (Take time for a couple of people to do this.) 5. Let's add several more books to our list. Hebrews, James) (Philemon,

Tip: Add these books to your folder. Be sure to pronounce the names first. Explain that Philemon & James were the names of a couple of Christian men. The Jews were also called Hebrews. Due to this, we know this book was written especially for the Jews.

6. Say all the books in unison and then have each one repeat them by themselves.

Bible Study: 1. The purpose of our lesson tonight is to learn how to call on the name of the Lord so we can be saved. 3. Turn to I John 1:9. forgiven? (Confess our sin.) What must we do for our sins to be


Definition: Confess means to "say the same thing as another - to agree with God". When God brings to your attention the fact that something you have done is sin, you are to confess - agree with God - say the same thing that God says about it. Look at it from His viewpoint. Then determine that you will put it out of your life and will not do it again

3. If we confess our sin, what does God promise to do? (Forgive us, purify us.) 4. Confession is something that normally happens between you and God alone. The old covenant demanded that a person confess his sins to a priest but the new covenant makes it possible to go directly to God through Jesus. 5. Confession of our sin is part of calling on the name of the Lord. Now turn to John 1:12-13 for further understanding of calling on Jesus. 6. Several lessons back, we talked about a spiritual birth. These verses tell us how spiritual birth is possible. According to verse 12, what two things are necessary for one to become a child of God? (He must receive Jesus and believe in His name.) 7. We have already discussed several times what believing is. Now let's turn to Revelation 3:20 for further understanding of what receiving is. 8. Here we have a picture of a person standing outside a door. What is he doing? (Knocking)


9. What is expected of the person inside the house? (He must hear the voice and open the door)

Tip: Exit through an exterior door and knock. Don't return inside until someone comes to the door to let you in. Ask if you may come in. When invited in, go inside. Then talk about what happened.

10. This is a picture of how to receive Jesus. He knocks on the door of our life and asks to come in. Some lock the door or stack furniture up against it for fear he will force his way in. Others turn up the stereo so they can't hear the persistent knock. Others ignore that there is any knocking at all. In this example the person not only heard Jesus knocking but went and opened the door for him to enter. When Jesus is invited into our lives what happens according to this verse? (He comes in and we eat together.)

11. In the Bible eating is figurative of a festive, happy occasion. What do you think this means that when invited into our lives he comes in and eats with us? (If we invite him into our lives we will have the happiest time of our life.) 12. Now we have a clear picture of what it means to pass through the last step of salvation - calling on the name of the Lord. a. We must confess our sin. b. We must receive him (invite Him) into our life.


13. The four steps of salvation that we have studied are:

1. Acknowledge that you are a sinner. 2. Believe that Jesus paid for your sin with His blood. 3. Decide which road you are going to follow. 4. Call on the name of the Lord through confessing and receiving. Say: Now, I'd like to ask each of you to answer three questions. I'll ask each of you individually and would like each of you to respond individually. 14. Have you decided which road you are going to follow? 15. Are you ready to ask God for forgiveness for your sin? 16. Are you ready to invite him into you life?

Questions 14-16 must be answered yes by each person individually before you proceed to lead them in a prayer to invite Jesus in.

17. Either have each person pray a prayer asking for forgiveness if the group is small or lead the whole group to pray a prayer after you. Tip: The prayer should include asking forgiveness, inviting Jesus to come into their life, and the desire to turn away from evil and towards God's way .

18. After the prayer, read Luke 15:10. The angels are rejoicing because you have recognized you were headed towards destruction and have now turned back to God!

End the Meeting: This is the last class of our six-week commitment. I would like to ask your opinion what we should do from here. (Quit, continue, rest a few weeks, or what.)

IMPORTANT: Your work has just begun! It's important to disciple the new converts through further meeting time. A host of material is available to help with this process.


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