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Greetingo in j-oaxis name.

to get back on schedide but I am now adjusted. It is not easy to wake up 8 hours
sooner than you are scheduled for nor to go to bed in wh at is for American's

I can t-^kfuUy say that I am finally back in shape. It took me a longer time

line now. It wa s really very difficult for the first week even though I came home to Wessings. I found all the Christians present in the services the first Sunday
back and all with a desire to "get on with it, "

mid-afternoon and then to rise before midnight so to speak but I am^?ack in

me for a portion of it was effective for extending the knowlege about the needs in


raw .terms the drive across the USA that you helped me with by hosting

as we haTB noted in the past that when we work for the Lord in a particular way

Europe and in recruiting workers for the field here. Other results will come tov

their lives to foreigh evangelism at least a portion of it to Italy, France, and

Zimbabwe, beside ; England. And then I don*t know where else
Lord does.

it is with some degree of fall out that we minister also othe r needs of the kingdom. Some of the young people that we have had intern here have committed do I? But the

beside attending Rallies conventions and retreats where I did the listening for at least 12 different sessions, like the Thanksgiving rally in Loveland Colo, and
the senior citizens retreat in Centerville, Iowa That makes attendance at a little

conferences, and I spoke 64 times formally at churches, Sunday schools, Colleges, classrooms, University campas houses, and missf n clubs

I drpi^e over 8, 500 miles and had uncountable conversations also 33 formal


over 100 formal sessions in 54 days not including lunches and dinners and

Gospel in Europe. And pray for me that I will be able to koep up the pace n.fice5
sary to do the work.

tpey nmke possible is only possible in the family of God, Thank each of the ," ir-ethren for me and pray that those efforts may fall out to the furtherence of the

^ayir^ with families overnight. Really the Christians are wonderful and what .

needs on the European continHnrt., It is the waji that evangelism is don. .e out of the confines of the USA. And now the important part is the follow up,>
The journey . and the pace set is useless imless those whom God has touched with the need do mm' It is necessary now for . those who c-se the need to

This marathonn effort is unf::rtuanately necessary to awaker Americans to the

contribute to keep the work goingo To ra'.se an addition " ;8,000 to simply fill

to the work, of $100 plus per year or 14 churches lak.' us on at $50 permonth^ Do your part. If that part is to pray then pray earnestly to God that the needs
may be raised up.

up the lost in, come it is import nt that 70 to 80 people contribute small amounbs

of their summer in England^ Your encouragement to any so inclined is of value.

Also conntacted were a number of young peoplewho will be investinng a part

Among them are two who are in thelast stages of decision makeing for being a per
manent recruit to the London Missioj^'^iTwo otlE rs have made serious indications

that they too wannt to become part of a 6 person team being formed to start chur' London, This team is deL.r. :ely ur der way now with these recruits. Pray We envision a circle of churches around London in* a fellowship whose purposes will inrjude a major emphasis on world evangelism^ May the Loid bless you as you consider your part in making this dream real. If you recently signed on the mailin .g list will vr-i enclosed envelope and make a promise by faith to contribute toward this work on a regulai basis, God willing.

V, in Christ

8 Rutlord Road. SIrealham, London SW 16. England: Phone (national) 01-769-4563 (inlernalional) 441-769-4563

VOL. Ill NO. 1

JAN. - FEB. 1982

American Office; P.O. Bok 383: Rutland. VI. 05701; Phone 802/773-7474; Bernard Doly, agent and secretary; F. P. Miller, director

Neville Pink leads service of dedication for recently renovated store

room which is now a chapel and baptistry provided through the fore sight and generosity of Pearl and Neville Shaw.

Debra Carlson of Streatham speaking with Mary Clouse of Spokane, Washington at Lee Turner's meeting. Also in picture is "Marge" Hall and her mom visiting with Les Herron. Les is from Edwardsvilie, III.

The Neville Shaw family has recently renovated a store room into a small chapel and a baptistry has been installed
for use of churches of Christ in London. The addition of this


facility will make it much easier to baptize converts. Up till now we have depended on friendly churches which are
some distance from us and making arrangements in their schedule. They have been very helpful but it is so much
better to have our own facility so close. The dedication service was held with 50 Christians present. George Fletch er made encouraging remarks in a message about inviting
Jesus into our house. Neville Pink led the service of dedica

Lee Turner, with his wife Gerry, stopped with the church in Streatham on their way to Pakistan. Brother Turner graciously consented to hold a series of meetings for us. The meetings were well attended and the sermons were well received and appreciated by those attending. There were visitors present every night. Though no records were broken we did have 38 present the first night followed by attendances of 34, 20, 25 and 26. Over 50 different people attended the services, many of whom were first-time con

tion and Fred Miller led in prayer. As less than halfof both
the Balham and Streatham churches were able to be pres

ent at the meeting it became evident from those who did

attend that the fellowship numbers close to 100 persons


The Les Herrons from Edwardsvilie, Illinois. Don Scott, South Bend, Indiana. PURCHASE OF VAN NEEDED The purchase of a Van to take the place of the one which has been in service over 3 years is still a very real need. $400 has been contributed for the Van purchase. The used Van we willshop for will cost 2,300 to 2,500 pounds sterling.
That is close to $5,000. A full summer of work beginning May 15 is planned. For a good witness and other factors we should have a vehicle which is worthy of the Lord's work. Will you help us get this needed piece of equipment?

Pictured Is part of a group present for the dedication of the baptistry and fellowship room at 80 Balham High Road.


Brother Neville Shaw has been a productive Christian before we met him and he has not let up his desire to see people accept Christ. He has recently taught several people
who have become Christians. Some of the new contacts

have come from the Gypsy community. Evangelical maga zines have been reporting a turning to Christ among the Gypsies. Thus it is with thanks to God that we see a new Sunday School started by churches of Christ among a com munity not far from here. Neville has been holding classes south of London with groups up to 20 attending. Six have been baptized thus far.

Angela, Priscilla, Lena and Debra Smith were candidates for baptism These four young people were baptized at the service of dedication.

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Anyone who attempts to understand politics - today without considering religion will fail. The fact is that Britain has undergone a religious revo lution largely unnoticed by commentators. Per versely it is this very religious revolution that will alter the world of party politics and has already
begun to do so.
The revolutiqn is threefold. First it is the de

All this is changing. RomanCatholicgrowth, evenif higher,has not kept pacewiththe increase in population: the "pill" has had its effect In the
sevenmetropolitan counties, the traditional homes

It is not surprising that there is a senseof hat red, envyand bitterness aliento the worldof Cle

of Catholicism, Catholic membership has de clined. There are two reasons: mixed marriages
and movement into the suburbs. Roman Catho

ment Attlee or Ramsay MacDonald. A party needs inspiration and when an old inspiration is thrown offa new onemust'be found.'The real in
heritors of the Nonconformist Conscience must now be found on the Bishops' bench and in the
ranks of the Social Democrats.

cline of Nonconformity.Second it is the displace

ment of the Nonconformists by the Roman Cath

lics may still promise to raise the children of a "mixed marriage" as Catholics but there are fewer

olicsas the secondmostimportant religiousgroup in Englandand Wales.Third, it is the break-up of the once solid Roman Catholic community. The decline of Nonconformity has been grow ing since the 1920's, in some ways, from before
that. As Nonconformity declined, Catholicism grew. If you take the "adult membership" of the Churches today (roughly those who attend a ser vice at least once d week) at some 6.7 million, 3.S million are Roman Catholics and only 1.2are Free Churchmen. At the turn of the century there were
some 2 million Free Churchmen who constituted over half the total of active Church members.

children to raise. Even in marriages between

Roman Catholics there are fewer children.

The second effect isthat Labour can nolonger

depend on the solid support of the Irish com

munity for there isno longer a Irish community.

A hint of this was seen in 1974 when Cardinal

Heenan urged Roman Catholics to vote against If Labour can no longer take this bloc ofsup


Labour because of the party's support for abor


believes the absence of

religion and it's moral

obligations from modern

politics will be more

ready be^n to do so. It should surprise no one that obvious overtures are now being made to build upnew power blocs among, forinstance, the
ranksof liberated women," "one parentfamilies"
or the colouredimmigrantcommunities. For class

port for granted it must lookelsewhere; it hasal

significant tiian ever

was its presence
Secondly, the old inner-city Irish Catholic neighbourhoods are disappearing. The Irisli are

While the population has grown by 15million, the number of active Free Churchmen has dropped by

future of a large sectionof the Labour electorate.

loyalty substitute race interests and youhave the

The really crucial fact is that the Victorian Nonconformists* obsession with Liberal politics did not pay off in the long run. The denominations most closely associated with political involvement have suffered the worstthis is especially true of the United Reformed Church, the old Congregationalists allied with the Presbyterians. Their de cline has been precipitate. The decline is considerably less among the conservative Baptists and the newer Pentecostal or Independent" Churches, many of which were brought into England by coloured immigrants
from the West Indies. The obverse of this is that the decline of Non

The third effect isthat thefuture ofsome type of third party obsessed with salving their con science in the pursuit of "doing good" isassured.
Whatever it is tailed, whether Liberal or Social Pemocrat, the displacedconsciences forcedout of the Labour party must find a home. Perhaps the most frightening impactof these changes is the gradual erosion of a once univer sally held public morality, based on a common
Christianity. The evidence is all round us. Who

slowly climbing the soci^ ladder. Suburbaniza

tion three-bedroom houses, a family car, colour television and twice-yearly holidayis a way of life with little room for religion. With the decline of the tight-knit neighbourhood went the sense of cultural/religious loyalty. Not surprisingly therefore, in the West Mid lands, with its seemingly endless suburbs, mass attendance steadily falls. No longer can we say that Catholics are the most loyal ofall Christians in England: surveys now show that a higher per centage of Anglicans who are active members actually attend church regularly. The largely unnoticed revolution in English religion therefore has meant the steady decline in historic Nonconformity, the rise in the Catholic Church to fill the vacuum and a profound change in the nature of the Roman Catholic community, and a change which will only accelerate. The effects on politics will be and already are even more profound. The first effect is patently obvious to political

would have predicted 10 years ago that people would openly debate whether or not parents and
doctors had the right to decide whether a handi
capped baby lived? But, then, who would have

conformity has meant that the Roman Catholic community has stepped into its place as the "other hair of English Christianity. Roughly half of the active churchmen in the country are Roman Cath olic. This is due not just to Nonconformist decline but to a higher birth rate and the traditional pro
mise to raise children from a mixed marriage as
Roman Catholics.

predicted 20 years ago that people would debate whether or not pregnant women could decide, again with a willing doctor to hand, whether or not to abort an unborn baby?
It is now inevitable that this breakdown in

public morality will continue. This is because pressure groups that used to ply their trade in

But against this there is the break-up of the traditional Roman Catholic community in England-and-Walesrif^*ot-tt^cotlandrTraditionaUythe Catholic constituency since, roughly, the beginning of the 19th century has been Irish, centred in the larger towns of industrial England. Save for the recusants, race and reli^on went
hand in hand: to be Roman Catholic was to be

dark comers have come into the open and been welcomed into the mainstream of the re-vamped Labour party. It is hardly surprising that Labour is committedto abortion on demand. How long
will it be before it is committed to State aid to

observersT-The-babour-party-has thrown-ofHts
chapel connections. The present Speaker, Mr. George Thomas, a man of whom Cromwell might have been proud, may well be the last of a dying breed. The impetus behind the rank-and-flle of Labour workers in now the semi-educated pro

assist^lfmurder among^the elderly?

Is it not signiHcant that the Leader of the Labour partyas far as it has a leaderis a long

time member of the Humanist Society, a body

avowedly atheist in its aims?

If religion was once a significant factor in our

political life, its absence will be even more so. It is

Irish and vice-versa, and to be Irish was to be

ducts of comprehensive and polytechnic educa

tion in post-Christian England.

urban working class.

not a bright future.

_ Reprinted from the


Free Church losses

Britain's Free Churches have lost a sixth of their adult mem bers and a third of their children

The total membership of the 13

churches affiliated to the council

The Methodist Church, which

Even more wonying to Free

Church leaders than these falls is

last year was 1,061,681 compared

with 1,273,365 in 1974, a drop of nearly 17 percent.
The United Refonrted Church

only counts its membership every three years, has declined by 12i%
since 1975, from 557,249 to

487,972, the first time this century the figure has fallen below half a

has lost nearly a quarter of its

members since it was formed nine

the huge drop in the number of children and young people on their books. The 1974 figure of 866,503 has now shrunk to 577,031, a dec line of 33 per cent.

and young people in the last seven years according to fig ures released by the Free
Church Federal Council.

years ago by a merger between the Congregational and Pres byterian Churches. Its 1973 mem bership of 192,136 has now drop

The other large church belong ing to the Council, the Baptists, have not fared as badly. In the past seven years they have dropped
less than 17,000 from 187,144 to

ped to 147,337, a toss of nea^


P.O. Box 162

Second Class Postage

Paid at Oskaloosa,
Iowa 52577

Oskaloosa, lA 52577


is published by-monthly by the Oskaloosa

Church of Christ, A Ave. W. and N. B St., Oskaloosa, lA 52577. POSTMASTER: AD

NOTICES TO BOX 162, OSKALOOSA, lA 52577. Second Class Postage Paid at Oskaloosa, lA 52577. Vol. Ill No. 1, Jan.Feb., 1982.


Church of Christ
"^There's ^





8 Rutford Road, Strealham, London SW 16. England: Phone (national) 01-769-4563 (International) 441-769-4563 American Office: P.O. Box 303; Rutland, Vt. 05701; Phone 802/773-7474; Bernard Ooly, agent and secretary; F. P. Miller, director


By Chariotte Miller

Another part of my life is keeping up a correspondance with those saints in America who keep us here with their prayers and financial support. This takes a great deal of time but we feel it is important to keep close to those who support us that they really know what we, and they, are doing here to gether. I wish I could do a better job with this. Of course as a mother I must make the usual trips to school meetings, to dentists and doctors, shopping for needed shoes,

In the summer our program alters quite drastically in that

Chariotte Miller

My life as the wife of a missionary in London is probably not much different than that of any preacher's wife in a metro politan area where the church is small, struggling, and un known or misunderstood by the neighborhood! The biggest obstacle to evangelism in England is the wall of reserve around the typical English person that must somehow be broken down

we have a summer intern program and we'll have anywhere from 10 to 15 young people (Bible college students for the most part) living with us for two six-week sessions, during which time Fred will direct them in calling door-to-door, preparing and holding several vacation Bible school programs here in our home, in the Clapham church, and throughout England in some of the older English Churches of Christ. So for most of the summer my job is maintaining the fort - food, bedding, supplies, counseling, running interference, etc. - for a household of 15 to 20 persons. On Sundays we usually feed 20
to 25. The last two summers we've been blessed by having a

before we can hope to winhim for Christ. In London especially there is a deep-seated antagonism toward anything that sug gests "religion" or more specifically "the establishment". Therefore, our primary job is to make friends, and for that reason we continually hold open house! On any given day I might open the front door to a neighborhood mum who just
wants to chat-or to two or three little children who want to

Christian women or two come and help with the_cooking.

Even though some of these aspects of my life might be a little more intense, perhaps, than they were when we lived in the States, it still boils down to the fact that winning souls for the Kingdom is still done largely through one-to-one relation ships. That is, as a woman I will still win ONE friend at a time. Therefore my chief responsibility as wife and mother is to maintain a Christian witness by my life, and to love, care for and be supportive toward all those people that the Lord sends into my home. Also, the most mundane daily task, such as shopping for bread at the corner store, becomes a time of opportunity to stop and chat with a neighbor with the hope that one day, hopefully sooner rather than later, she will trust me enough to let me share my faith in Christ with her. It takes time and effort and patience to make friends for Jesus, but Jesus gives the strength and rewards with joy when one of
these friends becomes a sister as well.

play in our garden or "help" me cook, in exchange for some orange drink and "biscuits""Or three teenage boys who have come to summer Bible school in the past but who have more recently been glue-sniffing, and who stop in to see Fred, talk about the summer American interns they have met, drink some tea and maybe "nick" something on the way out! {Things constantly turn up missing after they have been here for awhile - playing darts, etc.) A little old lady from up the street comes down almost every evening and sits in "her" chair, drinks innumerable cups of tea, nods and dozes and is escort ed back to her flat at nine or ten o'clock. (She'd stay all night if we'd let her.) She is just lonely. On Sundays we have "proper" services, also here in the house. Fred makes a ten-mile circuit with the mini-bus to pick up children. We never know until they clamber on the bus how many children we'll have for classes-we just have to be pre pared. After the morning service we serve tea and biscuits to
everyone before they go home because some come from across London and have an hour or two to journey back home. Then I'll get the noon dinner on (we may have as many as 18 for Sunday dinner-depending on who decides to stay for the day.) In the evening we'll have another service here at the house, or load up the van and go to Clapham or Balham to fellowship with the church there.

During the week we have an informal Bible study in our home with a couple who are not ready to leave their Catholic faith but who seriously want to study the Bible. One or two of our Christian adults join us in that study. Each evening of the week we either call on people we are teaching or hope to teach. And I study with a new Christian in her home during the week since she can't get out evenings and runs an answering service from her home during daytime hours, but wants to learn more
than she can get just on Sundays.

I would like to say that one thing has changed, in me, per sonally, since we came here. I have felt a much deeper sense of urgency-a need to be fruitful, to redeem the time-than I've had for many years. I am sure that this "pressure to produce" comes from the realization that so many good souls are sacri ficing to keep us here. But when I think that Jesus sacrificed everything for me, Iam ashamed that Ihave not always had this feeling that every day must count for the Lord. I remember feeling this when we moved to New England years ago-but somehow in the business of day to day livingIlet it slip-leaving evangelism up to others, I suppose. As women we can serve Him joyfully and effectively if we think of every task at home or in the church as "for the Lord." And every day as being another opportunity to sow the seed, to influence someone for Jesus by our words or just our actions. Your hbi^e is so much

like London, and people are the same everywhere. Alllonely, all needing friends, all needing love, and desperately needing
our Lord in their lives. God bless you all.

An additional ministry, which has been a great blessing to our family, is providing a stop-over for missionaries and others who have had to pass through London en route to some field of
service, or home on furlough. We have kept families going to or

returning from China, Pakistan, Zambia, Australia, Japan, or

from as close as Scotland or the Midlands. I would say that

hardly a week goes by that we don't have house guests, and maybe even two sets of guests at the same time.

EpgftCflFgoDp Pffag M Ds


Each summer has seen an increasing number of hours given to evangelism. This coming summer will prove the same if the prospects developing materialize. Twelve people will be here on short-term in May and a longer-term is being planned by 12 other young people. Work is being planned in the Mid lands and in Scotland as well as in London. Our hope is to do less outside of the London area this summer. A calling cam

paign using film strips and home studies is planned although

20,000 pieces of Gospel literature will be handed out door-todoor as well.

Helping in the program will be a group of 12 young people led by Gary Barnes of Illinois. They will be the vanguard for the summer and will have made preparations for the rest of the workers later in the summer. Those arriving later include Greg Horral, Princeton, Indiana; Mark Wright, Stillwater, Oklahoma; Scott Taylor, Ivyland, Pennsylvania; Tim Turner, Ahoskie, N.C.; Linda Lee Cameron, Northglen, Colorado; Anita Battergeiger, Parker, Colorado; Donna Turner, Muncie, Indiana; Mary and Frankie Faull, Bloomfield, Illinois; Jolynn Stinshagon, Lexington, Nebraska; and Phil Harding, New
Castle, Indiana.

Brother Reld Is one of the good men of the Clapham Church he Is a gifted musician and a committed Christian.

Neville Shaw baptizes Priscilla Smith. Priscllla Is from a Gypsy com munity. Brother Shaw has recently baptized several others in the communlty and a Bible School has been started. Neville Pink Is now teach ing a group of Gypsy children classes In reading.

In former years the summer program has produced con verts through the efforts of those who give their time to be a part of the teams. Our prayer and expectation is that this coming summer will be as fruitful or more so. There is no
reason to believe otherwise. Join us in prayer that those plan ning to be here will be used effectively.


Sunday-evening, March 21, 19 of us went to Balham for a service to celebrate the baptism of five people. What a joy it was! Neville Shaw has been working for some time with a Gypsy community. A revival is springing out among them. Ten have been baptized so far! The chapel where the baptism took place was crowded with 70 observers. Neville Pink and Paul Millerdid the actual baptizing of four gypsies and a young woman who belonged to the Church of England. She had heard of the preparations of the Gypsies for baptism, asked if she could obey the gospel, so she too was baptized into Christ. This young woman, dressed in black leather (the emblem of her youth culture or sub-culture) made a beautiful confession of Jesus as Lord. Then the group, all from near Epsom, assembled among the 70 spectators to take the Lord's supper. There were ten people in the group from Epsom to take the Lord's supper. We need to thank God for the out break of this revival and pray for further fruit which seems not too far off as there are several inquiring among the Gypsies about baptism and obedience to the Gospel. Let us pray for this continuing work being led by Neville Shaw.

The Millers and the Herrons, Les, Dorris and Juli. The Herrons visited the London Mission on their return from Australia to Edwardsviiie,

Ziggy Soblewsid, Fred and Lee Turner visit after one of Lee's sermons.


P. O. Box 162

Second Class Postage

Paid at Oskaloosa,
Iowa 52577

Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577


is published bi-monthly by the Oskaloosa

Church of Christ, A Ave. W. and N. B St.,
Oskaloosa. lA 52577. POSTMASTER: AD








Oskaloosa, lA 52577. Vol. Ill No. 2, March -

April, -1982,

VOL. Ill NO. 2 MAY - JUNE 1982
8 Rutford Road, Strealham, London SW 16. England; Phone (national) 01-769-4563 (international) 441-769-4563 American Office: P.O. Box 383: Rutland, Vt. 05701; Phone 802/773-7474: Bernard Doty, agent and secretary; P. P. Miller, director

Resumption of College Level Training The Dorr Drive Church of Christ School of the Ministry at 67 Dorr Dr., Rutland, Vermont, announces the resumption of training classes under the leadership of Fred P. Miller and a staff of 8 faculty members associated with several other staff mem

Freshman and advanced classes will be offered. Registration Day is scheduled for September 6, 1982.

FRED P. MILLER - Administrative Advisor - BSL, MSL, MSB. Nine years experience in public education in Vermont, New York and Massachusetts. Established the school of the ministry in 1970. Administered and taught until spring of 1978. Has directed the Church of Christ, London Mission since then in London, England.



known evangelist in Iowa and the Midwest with vast experiences in a wide and varied ministry in the USA, Europe and the Carribean.

Graduated Door Drive School of the Ministry. Was first student to

register. Established church at

Enfield, New Hampshire and active in youth work, camps, and

rallies. Established and admini

stered Enfield ChristianAcademy.

Is administrator of D.D.S.M. and Academy.


Graduate of the Dorr Dr. School

of the Ministry and Master in Psychology, New Haven Univer

sity. Well known and in wide

DENNIS JOHNSON - BSL, DDSM. Many years experience in all levels of leadership of elem
entary and secondary education. Currently superintendent of Dorr

demand as a speaker on problems

in Urban America.

Dr. Christian Academy.

DAVID SWANSON - BSL. Graduate of Dorr Dr. School of

the Ministry. Established evangel

ist, established churches in New

MARETTE CAMPBELL - BA in music, former DDSM student and graduate of William Penn

College with degree in Music.

Hampshire and Arizona.

Song writer, expert at piano,

trumpet and organ, other instru ments include violin, guitar, per
cussion and drums. Will teach

music and organize gospel music

teams among students.


graduate of Local Training at

Lake Lynn, Penna. Has worked in

LINDA McDANIEL - BCS. From Nebraska Christian Col

lege. Long experience in Chris

tian benevolent institutions. Raised in Children's Homes ad ministered by her parents. Intern

Europe and has background in Evidences and Apologetics.


ed in London, England and Eur



1. Acts of Apostles 2. Life of Christ I, II 3. Beginning Greek

4. Christian Institutions of care and education. An intro
duction. 5. Homeletics 6. Genesis

9. Christian Education

10. Child Psychology IL Song Leading

12. Penteteuch

13. History of the Bible Text

14. Preparation for internshipsinNewEngland and Europ>e

15. Music, instrumental and voice by arrangement 16. Teaching Methods in elementary schools

7. Bible Geography 8. Creative Writing

A specialarrangement exists between the Dorr Dr. School of the Ministry and the College of Education of St. Joseph the
Provider which is adjacent to the Dorr Drive property. It is possible to do some of your work (Bible) at the Dorr Drive School

and take classes at St. Joseph leading to an accredited degree ineducation while living in the Dorr Drive School's dormitorys. Another special arrangement can be made with the Dorr Drive Christian Academy doingpractice teaching and takingthe train ing necessary to qualify for the different levels of responsibility in the Christian A.C.E. School system. Transfer privilegesexist
between the Dorr Drive School and many Bible Colleges - Colleges and Universities. EXPLANATION

In a recent letter to the states Fred wrote, "I plan to be in Rutland for one or two months. My family will remain in London. I would hope that people helping us would see the need for support whileI help the church in Rutland regain the training program. I believe they deserve a helping hand to get going again. They are as truly a mission as anywhere else."


Severalweeks ago Jamesina Wedderburn's youngson came home to the woman'sshelterwhereshe lived, from theSunday School of the ClaphamChurch of Christ, the firstchurch started by Church ofChrist LondonMission, nowbeingministered to by Neville Pink. Jamesina's own interest in the Scriptures was begun and she then led another ladyand her son (Mrs. Jasper Smith and Jasper Jr.) to be interested. These people were soon baptized as New Testament Christians.
Mrs. Smith was then estranged from her Gypsy family, but after her conversion she acted the same part of "the woman at the weir and led many to the teaching sessions. NevilleShaw began weekly teaching sessions at the Gypsy camp. Since the children do not go to school, Nev Pink was soon teaching the young people reading classes. About this time the reunited Smith family attended the meeting being held at the Streatham Church by Lee Turner of Seattle, Washington. On the second occasion of their attendance Grandfather Smith attended the meeting. The first six baptisms soon resulted with the consent of Grandfather Smith who is something like the Patriarch of the Gypsy clan. The next week six more were baptized, this timewithGrandfather Smith present. The next week following five more were found accepting Christ and being baptized amidst the continuingteach

The following week, April 4, another Gypsy, Wester Smith, was baptized (a boyof 18)and this coming weekwhen we begina week of meetings. Grandfather Smith has made his decision to be next to accept Christ and to follow him in obedience beginning
with Christian baptism.

A planning session was recently enteredinto by FredMiller,Nev Shaw and Nev Pink to plan the further teaching andshep
herdingof the new converts in this unprecedented revival. Severalprogramshave been begunas a result.Hopefully thiswill lead
to the establishment of a local church in Greenland, the Gypsy community near Epsom. A Vacation BibleSchool is being led by the Streatham Church for the Gypsy children during the spring holiday April 10 to 15.Fred Miller will lead the group of teachers with the help of Diane Blow, who is coordinating the other youth, George Miller, Fred Miller Jr., Derek Blow, Debbie Carlson
and Rosena Marshall who will teach the VBS, do puppets, and direct crafts aimed at teaching the Bible. Fred Miller will be speaking at the start of a revival meeting at 80 Balham High Road and have the concluding message on Thursday. Grandfather Smith's baptism is scheduled to start the meeting. Since he is the respected leader of the whole Gypsy clan his conversion will further open the way to the spreading of the gospel in the many other Gypsy communities with whom
these folks come into contact.


P.O. Box 162

Second Class Postage

Paid at Oskaloosa.
Iowa 52577

Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577


is published bi-monthly by the Oskaloosa

Church of Christ, A Ave. W. and N. B St., Oskaloosa, lA 52577. POSTMASTER: AD








Oskaloosa. lA 52577. Vol. Ill No. 2. May June. 1982,



feWoii 1OR C1IWST

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a Rullord Road, Slrcatham, London SW 16. England: Phone (national) 01-769-4S63 (InlsrnatlonsI) 441-76t-4Se

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OHlco: P.O. Bok 383; Rutland, VI. 05701; Phon* 802/773-7474; Barnard Doty, asn*

ocrolafy; F. P. Mlllaf, dliMtv

Dear Christian supporters.

The following summer plans (beginning May 14 and extending through August 24 need your attention in prayer. Please add the following plans to your prayer lists.
1. Arrival of grou .p from Illinois let by Gary Barnes of the Christian Center at the University of Illinois. 11 young people will be surveying in London and passing out up to 15,000 pieces of literature.

2. The church of Christ in EdgewooJ Nottingham, has extended

an invitation for this group to help the church there X'^hich will

be done May 17 to 19. The area of about 8000 people is tp be throughly covered with literature and house to house calling.
3. A special meeting with the Streatham and Balham and
weekend of the 23rd and Ewell churches will be held on the

at which the group

4. Churches in

from Illinois will lead.

Buckie and Port Knockie in Scotland will be

helped by the group for the dates May 24 to 28 with house to

house survey work.

5. Travellers (gipsy groups) will be congregating by the thousand at Epsom Downs for the Derby. We are setting up a tent dn the area and for the dates May 29to June 1 we willbe concentrating on reaching the travelling groups. Much progress is being made
with the Greenlands community.

6. A group of 14 will be leaving here the first part of July for European Christian Service Camp in Molveno, Italy. We will be

driving across France, Through the Swiss Al^s for a week of service
at camp,teaching and all serving in some way and return via


Germany, and Belgium

On return we wiil intensively canvass and teach in London

with a view to win converts for 4 full weeks, and have a 3 day

preaching rally in early August before spending a week each

at churches in Nottinqham and Scotland.


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.ere bciptised in Balham.

Left clockwise 1 Some of the group present when 5 of the Greenlands community
The church in Greenlands, Balhara and Streatham all had

representatives in this picture. 2. Charlotte, Jean Carpenter, Ziggy ^d SopMa .-obeleski around overhead projector for weekly Bible study. 3 .Miller amily Loss ^..ver in south east England. 4, 5. Two prepared for baptism ^re LeL and LSW 9^Psy man community. 6. Fred withsee Joemost Brazil shortold Gipsy young was baptised. 7 Below of the ^-.ristians present when the baptistry in Balham was used for the first time.

CHURCH OF CHRIST LONDON FISSION 8 Rutford Rd. Streatham, London SW 16.

red and Charlotte Miller family, missionaries




t Mr K

VOL. Ill NO. 4 JULY - AUGUST 1982


8 Rutlord Road. Sirealham. London SW 16. England: Phone (nalional) 01-769-4S63 (inlernatlonal) 441-769-4563 American Olllce: P.O. Box 363: Rulland, VI. 05701; Phone 802/773-7474; Bernard Doty, agent and secretary; F. P. Miller, director

Along with the 10 interns doing the Lord's work came an endless stream of visitors through the Miller's house. We

I .W^m f

can't remember them all and some failed to sign the guest

I L e w i s spoke for us several times. Charles Mills, president

of Lincoln Christian College, with 10 or so students and
teachers on a humanities used our hom^ fors'everal

book. The Lewis Foster family visited from Cincinnati,

These prepared theway making contacts lorthesummer. They also

passed out 15,000 individual pieces of literature.

The Illinois evangelizers who were nicknamed "Heather Pickers".

days while in London. (There were 26 people overnight that weekend and we still had three or four beds unused.) Sarah McGuire of Portland, Oregon, visited for two weeks at the
and Sarah joined in the door-to-door calling for a full week
j <i i .i i . > r / n .

game time Matt Wentz stayed and held the fort. Both Matt

of seven to eight hours-per-day "cold-turkey" calling. Bruce Stevens, a "wandering archaeologist" from Portland, Oregon, stop ped for overnight coming and going from the Middle East. Francis and Betty Redenbaugh of Edmonds, Washington, brightened our home. Alicia Vincent and Beth, students at Manhattan Christian College, stopped with us coming and going as they backpacked through Europe this summer. A real highlight was the visit of missionary family Mickey and Joyce Smith and their two beautiful children on their way from Java to the USA for speaking and visits before returning to the mission field. Sam and Alatheia Burton are spending a few days at our home before departure to the USA. Others whom we remember, but only slight ly, are Mike from Boise and Clifffrom Denver who were somehow lost in the changing scene at 8 Rutford Road. Ah, yes. Paulina Chan and Alfa, members of the local body, stayed with us for a week on return from Hong Kong.


After almost four years of knowing Yvonne Williams,
and having her as a close part of our family of friends, we are happy to report she has surrendered her willto Jesus. On a recent trip to Buckie in Scotland, Sam Burton and Tim Turner took up with Yvonne the discussion that we had long let alone. As a result Yvonne, who had been making her decision within her heart, responded to the care shown

her. Incidentally, her decision was based on the validity of

the lives of Christians with whom she has come in contact.

She said, "If all of you can do it (live a Christian life)I guess I can, too." She also said that of all the things she had tried hoping to lead to a happy life,this is all that is left that makes any sense. Yvonne has two children, Gary and Debbie. These three have long been close friends of the family. We are happy to see them now as a part of the "Family of God".
Fred baptized Yvonne Williams. The scene is In a local swimming pool In Buckie, Scotland.


Interns in the work this summer included Mark Wright, Tim Turner, Scott Taylor, Phil Harding, John Dittmer, FrankteFaull, Mary Faull, Donna Turner, Bonnie Tewell, and Jolyn Stinehagen. Beside the usual work in VBS in London and Scotland and visitation with the Gypsy Christians in Ewell, this group also majored in door-to-door calling two hours morning and afternoon and two more in the evening. This stretched into seven to eight hours of actual visitation. Six teams did the calling and many teaching sessions were set up. About 40 people were taught good portions of the Jule Miller film series. We expect further results though baptisms have not yet materialized from these. Tim Turner and Jolyn'Stinehagen taught three separate Rastafarian groups. They are an anti-white, anti-establishment sect who accept the former emperor of Ethiopia as the Messiah.


Close to accepting Christ are David and Pat Green. New friends who will be nurtured are Mrs. Caley, Mrs. Boyer, Alan and Ruth Marshall, Mr. Lewis and Jim Cooperall of whom attend the services (though irregularly).

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The old van (we've raised only $400 toward replace ment) took 16 of us to Dover and cross chanel to Bouloinge at Midnight. We passed Paris to South France, climbed into Switzerland, camped that nite at Interlakenwhat a beauti ful place! Next day we climbed Grimsel Pass and on to Brig and over another pass into Italyand camped (tented) again in the hot night at Lake Luganon. Next day we passed Milan and Trent and arrived at the camp to spend a week with
European missionaries at Molveno in the Italian Dolomite

Alps. Fred preached and taught a class on Revelation, all the young men had opportunity to preach, and the ladies taught classes in VBS. The whole group effectively witness ed to Italian vacationers camped nearby.

The group of interns and our family enjoyed the fellowship and preaching and opportunities of service at the European Christian
Service Camp at Moiveno, Italy.

FORWARDING AGENT REPORT Bill Doty, our forwarding agent, has gone through three recent hospitalizations for a heart problem. He has not yetfully re covered . In the meantime, Mrs. Nalda Merrill has been forwarding agent. Bill writes, "Asto continuing as agent, ofcourse Iam interested, but am I able? Physically, mentally? Ican't answer that at this time. Iwas surprised andsaddened to know that sup
port is down so much from last year. Greet all the saints in Streatham. I love you. Bro. Bill."


Scott Taylor, graduate of Roanoke Bible College, is staying with the MillerFamily while Fred is in Vermont. Jim French from Eugene, Oregon, is arriving in mid-September to help develop contacts. Dan Maupin of Henry, Nebraska, arrives in mid-November to take part in the work. Two others plan ning on long-term service arrive in January. They are Stan Rutledge and Linda McDaniel, who spent
last summer with us.
Scott Taylor will spend this Fali filling the pulpit at 8 Rutford Road and following up contacts in Fred's absence.


George Miller, son of Charlotte and Fred, is in Amarillo, Texas, attending a Jr. College. George finished in the English sys tem. He received 3 "A" level passes with two A's and a B. Anyone who knows the English system knows what that means. Most people do not get to do "A" level and the number getting above "C" grade is miniscule. We are very proud of you, George!


A 10-week internship is being planned. We want to hear from interested, mature Christian young people. If you want to spend a summer of evangelism and adventure, which in a group will effect the lives of people forever for Christ, if you are a mature Christian and want to work in a group under leadership, then write for an application. Next summer will begin with a two-week working orientation in Vermont.

Thenwe fly to London for eight weeks in Europe. We will spend three weeks in
the continent where we will attend the European Christian Service Camp in Molveno, Italy. We will pass through France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Belgium on return. We will then spend three weeks in London and the rest


of the time in Scotland. The cost of$1,600.00 for the 10 weeks isexclusive of

Ing plans plans for the s ing for the summer program including an
return to London.

Fred and Sam Burton of Buckle, Scotland, mak

airfare but includes channel crossing, all ground transportation for the whole 8-day trip trip to to Buci( Buckle and summer, camp fees, room and three meals a day. We do need a cook for next summer. And it is possible to come for half the session at a reduced cost. Write for details today!

P.O. Box 162

Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577


is published by-monthly by the Oskaloosa

Church of Christ, A Ave. W, and N. B St.,
Oskaloosa. lA 52577. POSTMASTER: AD

/JUc dc^tjC'







52577. Second Class Postage Paid at Oska loosa. IA 52577. Vol. Ill, No. 4 July - August,


Church of Christ


VOL III NO. 5 SEPT. - OCT. 1982
8 Rutford Road, Slreatham, London SW 16. England: Phone (national) 01-769-4563 (International) 441-769-4563 American Olllce; P.O. Box 363; Rutland. Vt. 05701; Phone 602/773-7474; Bernard Doty, agent and secretary; F. P. Miller, director


Brethren, We are hurting. We have some faithful, never-fail sup porters for whom we are very thankful. However, our in come needs of a bit more than $36,000 annually (at the present exchange rate) ceased being met over a year ago. Since then our monthly income has progressively eroded from a minimum need of $3,000 per month to $2,000 per
month. The mission in London cannot survive at this level
of income.

ka, is to join us in the spring. Linda McDaniel of Oberlin, Kansas, (with Stan was an intern in 1981) willarrive as soon as funds are raised. These young people need about $7,500 minimum annual support. Linda is presently teaching elementary school in the church in Rutland, Vermont. Jim French of Eugene, Oregon, is spending six months in London to help new Christians with adjustments and with teaching follow-up contacts.

TTiese now number five from the summer of activity in
London. Included is Yvonne Williams whom Charlotte re

Whatever the erosion is due to, it has put the work in a desperate condition. Some churches have discontinued support with little or no explanation. Others have reduced their monthly contribution with no warning and the end of the erosion is not in sight. We are doing the work and the mission is entering a period of harvest after gruelling, patient seedsowing. It would seem like the wrong time to withdraw. Especially after permanent helpers have been recruited and five recent baptisms in Streatham. But we must increase the amount being given. We need $12,000 in new support over the next 12 months or the equivalent of 12 churches or individuals giving $100 per month or 24 giving $50. And all who present ly support the work to keep supporting London Mission. We've operated this way for over a year. Our summer
program carried us through the summer months but we are now six months behind in our printing bill ($600). We've not been able to pay this quarter's Blue Cross insurance

ports is a very dear sister indeed. Pat Green who (as Yvonne) is a mother of two and known by the church for one year-and-a-half. Mr. G. A. Griffith, a middle aged man who attends at Streatham with his wife. He, living in Mitcham Lane, was contacted through door-to-door work done by the group led by Gary Barnes and followed up with correspondence courses. Alan and Ruth Marshall, parents of two children, con tacted several months ago (Barnes again). More on the
Marshall's later. The Streatham Church now numbers 14 adult mem

bers. With the Miller family added and the permanent helpers coming, the group will have over 20 adults. A meet ing place outside our home will be needed. This is a prayer

and must consider whether we should let it go. Our reserve

accounts are empty.

The summer program has moved us further toward the spiritual goal of establishing a fellowship of independent churches in England. I am not happy about the fact that my family is the only family working in England establishing independent New Testament churches who do not make instrumental music a test of fellowship. We are not con demning those who work in the centralized organization of
the Conference. Our aim however is to start churches who

willassociate with Christians but who willjoin no denomina tion. Won't you help this witness continue?

Yvonne Wiliiams, who was recent

ly baptized, and her children Gary (8) and Debbie (10).

This would have been our furlough year but we abso lutely could not afford to come as well as it being premature as far as leaving adequate leadership in charge. Allthe more reason to point out the need for increase in support. We

have needs that are not being met. Won't you help us today
and each month?
Fred and Mark RIchey planning the December Issue of London Mission. Mark prints the bi-monthly copy In Oskaloosa, iowa.


This past May, Gary Barnes came with 10 university students from the University of Illinois Campus Ministry at Charleston, Illinois. As a result of their campaign (to
complete directed work) Alan and Ruth Marshall were con

Three young people are scheduled to join the staff of London Mission for a minimum of one year and another
person for six months.

Don Maupin of Henry, Nebraska, plans to arrive in London by November 1. Stan Rutledge of Lincoln, NebrasW

tacted. Fred and Charlotte then developed a friendship centered around mutual learning experiences with Jesus as the goal and the need for personal obedience made clearer.

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The Dexter Widener family of Winston Salem made a real impression on the Marshall's and so did this summer's team of interns. Later, Scott Taylor played a part in the regular teaching. In Fred's last meeting with the Marshall's before he left London he felt they were on the verge of accepting Christ. Later, in Lexington, Kentucky, in late September, Fred visited with Lee Turner who was traveling to Pakistan via London. (Lee is often helped by London Mission to get around London particularly to get to F.E.B.A. whose offices are in Weybridge). Fred pleaded with Lee to take the time to specially teach Alan and Ruth. Lee had a two-hour teach ing session with the Marshall's at the Miller's home in
October. The result was their confession of faith and sub


October, 1982

Dear Fellow-Christians, It has been a great privilege and joy to get'toi^now Fred Miller and his family. The work he is doing in London, Eng land, is very important and well worth all of our support. We met Fred and his family in London on our way back from Australia where we served as missionary-ministers for the past ten years. Both my family and I were impressed with his sincerety and zeal for New Testament Christianity. We need more men like Fred who will present the message and meet the needs of the lost in the ways he does.
The London Mission was a wonderful experience for us. Right in-the center of a city which effects so much of our world, this work is growing. It is hoped that a relationship between this independent work in London and similar works in Australia can be fostered and developed in years to come. Work is already underway to bring this about.

sequent baptism! At that point Ziggy and Sophia Sobelewski came to the house and proceded with the whole group to the baptism, where Lee delivered another profound lesson on conversion; then the baptism. All of which has had a profound effect on Ziggy and Sophia our best friends. Alan and Ruth are rejoicing in the Lord. We give Him Thanks for all who worked together to "midwife"those being bom again.


September: Fred spent the month of September work ing with the Rutland, Vermont, church. Scott Taylor, recent graduate of Roanoke Bible College, is helping the church in Streatham and staying with Charlotte and family while Fred is in the USA. New England is still a mission field. It is a real joy to work with the Rutland Church and to help reorganize the school. The month ended with three resi dent men students and six part-time students. Intensive classes have been structured. Fred taught Genesis for two weeks at six hours per day. Richard Merrill is now giving instruction in the book of Acts and surveys in O.T., N.T. instruction in the book of Acts. Surveys in O.T., N.T. and World History are offered through individualized A.C.E. College paces under supervision. James Lane will begin a
Homiletics class on November 17 with six men enrolled for

It amazes me that works worthy of financial support are not receiving it. Such is the case of London Mission. I was saddened to hear Fred's support dropped from friends and churches to an all new low! I pray this trend will end.
My wife and I give to London Mission on a regular basis and have decided to double our monthly gift. Also we are encouraging our local church to do the same. Yet even with out efforts Fred will need much more. I encourage all of you who receive this newsletter to prayerfully consider increas ing your offerings to London Mission. Why not get your church, Sunday-School class or group to take a special offering to aid the London Mission? We are aware of their worthiness of support and the genuiness of this need. Please help now.

the class. In Rutland, the Main building was in bad need of

paint and a team of 14 volunteers were organized. The

building looks much better now. While there, Fred spoke in other New England Churches in Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire and New York and later brought six messages at the Fall preaching retreat on Ezekiel and Jeremiah. October: Attended the National Missionary Conven tion in Lexington, Kentucky. Held a Revelation Lecture for six nights with the Ardmore Church of Christ in South

I get many pieces of mail with appeals across my desk each day. I have been impressed by the fact that Charlotte Miller takes time each month to write a personal thank you. These folks are trying their best to do all they can. Our -Restoration churchesand direct-support-missions-are dependent on each other. These folks are spreading the Word of God in a place that needs it and is beginning to respond to it. Let's all try to give more direct-support to Fred Miller and the Lord's Mission in London. Let's begin

With Christian Greetings,

Bend, Indiana. A young Roman Catholic man, offended on his first night when the papacy was identified with Rev. 13, was back each night and was ultimatelybaptized before the
meeting was over. Reported doing well in the Lord is Dermit Thiel. Also spent nearly a week at Weston, Ohio, with

Darryl L. Krause,

Darryl Krause family. Spoke at Bowling Green University

to about 150 students and will finish out the month re cruiting a team for the Summer of 1983.

13355 Center St., P.O. Box 344 Weston, Ohio 43569 (419) 669-3895

November: Preaching in a School of Missions in South West Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas until November 19 when I will return home to London. Prayer request for allat home during this separation.



P.O. Box 162

Second Class Postage

Paid at OsKaloosa,
Iowa 52577

Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577


is publlslied by-monthly by the Oskaloosa Church of Christ, A Ave. W. and N. B St., Oskaloosa, lA 52577. POSTMASTER: AD

NOTICES TO BOX 162, OSKALOOSA, lA 52577. Second Class Postage Paid at Oskaloosa. IA 52577. Vol. III. No. 5. Sept. Oct., 1982.








Church of Christ

S^/ 5"



VOL. II! NO. 6 NOV. - DEC. 1982
a fludord Road. Strealham. London SW 16, England; Phone (nalional) 01-769-4563 (Internalional) 441-769-4563 American Otilce: P.O. Box 383;Rutland,VI. 05701; Phone 802/773-7474; Bernard Ooty,agent and tecrelary; F.P. Miller, director



the continent where besides attending the European Chris tian Service Camp in Italy you will have the opportunity to
preach or teach in one of the classes. Returning we will also visit cities in France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Belgium. We will work three more weeks in London and one
in Scotland with the final week used in travel to and from

In the Fallof '80, Fred met Peter Sutjaibun of Chiang Mai Thailand. Peter, a Lisu tribesman, was converted under the ministry of the Morse family near the Tibet-Burma border,
has been educated and become a translator of the Bible.

Scotland and a few days for loose ends. The internship fee
of $1,600 for the 12 weeks is exclusive of airfare but includes

Peter has created a grammar for the Ngo Chang tribe and
is currently translating the New Testament into that lan guage. He also was involved in the recent Lisu revision of

the Bible of which 45,000 copies were printed at the S. London Trinitarian BibleSociety. To expedite the shipment of those Bibles from London to Burmese tribesmen, Peter Sutjaibun visited London in 1980. Fred had the privilege of helping Peter complete his business much more quickly
than he could have otherwise done it. At that time Peter asked Fred if he could teach a seminar

all ground.transportation from Rutland, Vermont, till return to the USA, channel crossings, all camp fees, room and board, caravan rent in Scotland, and three meals a day throughout. No extra money is needed but pocket money is advisable. (It may be possible to come for a half-session but the program is designed to benefit a single whole session. Someone who wants to cook is needed.) Write for details.


June 3 to August 24, 1983

June 3: Arrive at Rutland, Vermont, for orientation and evangelistic work in New England which will be used also in England. June 17: Flyto London. Transport from Rutland provided. June 18: Arrive London for get acquainted with London churches. A round London tour is part of first day. We will
then begin further orientation and house-to-house visitation setting up home studies.

to 50 or so native evangelists in Chiang Mai. The format for two weeks would be teaching daily from eight in the morn ing to five at night for two weeks. Fred greatly desired to

offer that help in the winter of 81-82 but found it impossible

and later cancelled the appointment. Later in '82 the invita

tion from Peter was extended again and the need explained

Further to this: Ed Tolosa heard that Fred had been invited to Thailand and asked him if he could include a two-

week seminar in Manila on Urban Evangelism. The pro gram, as explained by Ed, will include other speakers devel oping messages to train leaders for greater service. An opportunity for service like this is not lightly entered into nor lightly put aside. Itentatively accepted, ifthe $1,800
travel expenses could be raised.

July 1: Departure to Dover, cross to France, through Paris, south of France, Switzerland, Italy arrive Alpine
Dolomiti July 3.

July 3: Attend European Christian Service Camp where

we will follow the camp schedule until return.

In the meantime, while Fred was in Lexington, KY, a family, recently retired from the USAF, stayed with Char lotte in London. From there they went directly to the Na tional Missionary Convention in Lexington. They told Fred they wanted to stay at their home while they, Charlotte and Fred, got a holiday. Fred pointed out that longseparations were not good for families and it would be good if they, the Comptons, stayed in London (with Jim French and Dan Maupin and two other families living at 8 Rutford Rd.) while Charlotte accompanies Fred to Thailand the Phillipines. Charlotte would also teach seminars to preacher's wives. I noted that it might be doubtful since I could not afford the $1,800 needed to take her. The Comptons said, "Weare not rich but we will give $1,000 toward what is needed and will stay to oversee the missionwhile you are gone." I men tioned the same thing at two other places and one brother gave $500 and three others $300 to complete the needed
fare. Now my own cash needs to be raised. It would seem to

July 11: Return through Austria, Innsbruck, Munich, Germany, Belgium, France and attend church on the con

July 18: Resume calling and home study schedule in Lon don to August 4.
July 29 - 31: Three-day preaching rally in London. August 5: Leave for Scotland to begin a week of calling and survey for the Buckie Church of Christ. Visit Oxford, Blenheim, Stratford on Avon, Scot Highlands, Lochs, Glen Coe, etc., en route. August 13: Return to London for last week and begin preparations to return home after tying up loose ends and last minute sightseeing. August 22: (and following) Begin return home to USA.

me that the Lord's hand is on these plans. Would you help complete them? Scheduled time is January 10 through

7:00 a.m. - Rise 7:30 a.m. - Breakfast 8:00 a.m. - Devotions

February. Your prayers are requested. Will you help this

teaching program to be accomplished?


A twelve-week internship is planned for the summer of 1983. If you want to spend a summer in evangelism, educa tion in European backgrounds, and adventure if you want to be involved in a group work which will affect lives of people for Christ eternally ifyou are a mature Chris

8:30 a.m. - Growth sessions, orientation, and group plan


9:30 a.m. - Individual planning 10:30 a.m. - House-to-house calling for two hours.
1:00 p.m. - Lunch 1:30 p.m. - Rest

tian and desire to work in a group under leadership, then

write for an application.

2:30 p.m. - Two hours of survey calling

4:30 p.m. - Rest 5:30 p.m. - Supper 7:00 p.m. - Two hours call backs or further survey calling. 9:30 p.m. - Group devotions and Bible reading
11:00 p.m. - Bedtime

Next summer we will begin with a two-week working orientation in New England, then fly together to London for two weeks, putting into practice what we learned in Vermont. Our 10 weeks in Europe will inc
ude three weeks on ru

f you are intent on doing the Lord's work, sleep at night

is important. If you have a tendency to stay up late at night and sleep late in the morning, then your schedule will have to change or this internship is not for you. Ifyou actually can get along with five or six hours of sleep at night, it is recom mended that you get them beginning at 11:00 p.m. and then do the reading, writing, and other preparing and toiletries
in the morning. Rise at 4:00 a.m. or 5:00 a.m. rather than going to bed at 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. Early morning hours are actually the best for study, prayer, letters home, etc.

On Saturday, July 23, those wanting to go will be given the opportunity of travelling to the west country. Transportation will be provided to Plymouth Harbor (from which the fleet sailed to the Falklands more recently and where the

HMS Victory is in dry dock. The Victory is the flag ship of

Lord Nelson in which he died at the time of the battle of

Trafalgar). We will travel to Winchester which was the capitol of early Saxon England. It is really the beginning of

Saturdays are leftopen for sightseeing. There is much to see in London and time will be allotted for you to enrich yourself in the heritage of the English speaking peoples.

the Kingdom of England. We will also visit Salisbury with its famous cathedral built almost 1,000 years ago. Finally, we will visit Stone Henge on Salisbury Plain and continue on
to London.

July 29 marks the beginning of a three-day preaching rally. We hope that this will be an evangelistic program as well as a time of fellowship for Christians in London and round about. The preaching rally is part of the program. Some of the interns may be asked to preach but we hope to get preachers from the USA and Europe to contribute to a well rounded program. We need to pray for these plans.
And then pray again and again!

Piccadilly Circus and Statue of Eros in the heart

of London's entertainment district.


I have read the internship schedule and guidelines. Iwant to be a partofthis evangelistic effort and will to my bestto follow theschedule and
keep the guidelines. Signature.

Phone (.
. State. Address State.


Parent's Name-





You must have a sponsoring church and a letter of recommendation from one of the officers of that church.

Sponsoring Church



Can you honestly say that you have the Holy Spirit? Will you make a sincere effort to pray every day for London '83?.

Enclose with application a passport size photo.

What talents do you have which can be utilized? 1. Music, sing instrument 2. Direct special crafts. _ Can you bring it?.
8. I like to cook. _

3. Art lettering or layout and design,

4. Work wood machine tools.

5. Recreation and games.

9. Dishwashing 10. Housecleaning . 11. Experience with minorities?

6. Puppets, can you bring them? Or write skits and plays?

7. Drive a "right hand" motor vehicle?

12. Lead in Jule Miller cottage meeting films.

13. Other

What health problems do you have that we should know about? (Fainting, epilepsy, allergies, heart problems, etc. explain or write, "none").
Parents permission (if under 18).

Enclose $25 non-refundable deposit. Room and board and ground transportation fee of$1800 for the 12-week program is payable on arrival at

Send application to London Mission, Box 383. Rutland, Vermont, 05701.

There are 12places available forthisInternship. Early decision isadvisable to securea place and to begin preparation fora full summer ofwork
and travel.


P.O. Box 162

Second Class Postage

Paid at Oskaloosa,
Iowa 52577

Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577


is published by-monthly by the Oskaloosa

Church of Christ, A Ave. W. and N. B St., Oskaloosa, lA 52577. POSTMASTER: AD











Oskaloosa, lA 52577. Vol. Ill, No. 6, Nov. Dec.. 1982,

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