Eth125 Appendix e

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Axia College Material

Appendix E
Asian Americans According to the U.S. Census Bureau
Im not one to complain much. BUT WHAT THE HECK AE WE SU!!"SE# T" !$U% I& T"
THESE #ATA S$"TS' I (ent o)er and o)er the explanations in the )arious areas and all I
could decipher (as that the *AI& document to complete the appendix has gone missing+
,et (e are still expected to complete the assignment' There are no instructions an,(here
on (hat to plug -in (here. &o( Im turning this in late and unsure (hat I)e done. I. I)e
totall, missed the /all here Im sorr,+ /ut this assignment should /e (ai)ed or redone /,
.acult,. Example0 (hat could go in the li.est,le column' We ha)e no re.erence to go /,. I
(as almost going to put in sur)e, num/ers o. (hat 1 li2ed Hip3Hop and (hat 1 li2ed
oc2 and oll. Also+ the 4565 census data hasnt all /een released ,et.
ETH 125
Statistic 1 Statistic 2 Statistic 3
Cultural Makeup 15.5 million
The estimated number of U.S.
residents in July 2! "ho said they
"ere #sian alone or #sian in
combination "ith one or more other
races. This $roup comprised about 5
percent of the total population.
5.1 million
The #sian population in California%
the state that had the lar$est #sian
population on July 1% 2!% as "ell as
the lar$est numerical increase from
2& to 2! '15%(. )e" *ork '1.5
million( and Te+as ',5-%( follo"ed
in population. .n /a"aii% our nation0s
only ma1ority2#sian state% #sians
made up the hi$hest proportion of
the total population '53 percent(.
#sians "ere the lar$est minority
$roup in /a"aii and 4ermont.
3.-2 million
)umber of #sians of Chinese descent
in the U.S. in 2!. Chinese2
#mericans "ere the lar$est #sian
$roup% follo"ed by 5ilipinos '3.,
million(% #sian .ndians '2.&3 million(%
4ietnamese '1.&3 million(% 6oreans
'1.-1 million( and Japanese '1.3
million(. These estimates represented
the number of people "ho "ere either
of a particular #sian $roup only or
"ere of that $roup in combination
"ith one or more other #sian $roups
or races.
5inancial 7 &%-,
Median household income for sin$le2
race #sians in 2!.
9o:erty rate for sin$le2race #sians in
2!% up from 1.2 percent in 2&.
Source; .ncome% 9o:erty% and /ealth
.nsurance Co:era$e in the United
States; 2!
9ercenta$e of sin$le2race #sians
"ithout health insurance co:era$e in
2!% not statistically different from
Source; .ncome% 9o:erty% and /ealth
.nsurance Co:era$e in the United
States; 2!
)ationality 3
)umber of #sian lan$ua$es 21
Census <uestionnaires are a:ailable
in upon re<uest; Chinese% 4ietnamese
and 6orean.
Source; 21 Census =eb site
)umber of #sian lan$ua$es 21
Census ads are in; >en$ali% Chinese
'Mandarin and Cantonese(% /indi%
/mon$% Japanese% 6hmer% 6orean%
?aotian% Ta$alo$% Thai% Urdu and
4ietnamese. The Census has $one to
$reat len$ths to be true to the
ethnicities it is tryin$ to reach. 5or
e+ample% Chinese #mericans are
depicted in ads for Chinese
#mericans% rather than $eneric
ima$es of the #sian population.
)umber of #sian lan$ua$es 21
Census ?an$ua$e #ssistance @uides
are in; >en$ali% >urmese% Cebuano%
Chinese 'Traditional and Simplified(%
/indi% /mon$% .locano% Japanese%
6hmer% 6orean% ?aotian% Malayalam%
Ta$alo$% Tamil% Telu$u% Thai% Urdu
and 4ietnamese. .n addition% they are
a:ailable in the follo"in$ )ati:e
/a"aiian and Ather 9acific .slander
lan$ua$es; Chamorro% Chuukese%
Marshallese% Samoan and Ton$an.
Bducation 58
The percenta$e of sin$le2race #sians
25 and older "ho had a bachelor0s
de$ree or hi$her le:el of education.
This compared "ith 2! percent for all
#mericans 25 and older.
The percenta$e of sin$le2race #sians
25 and older "ho had at least a hi$h
school diploma. This compared "ith
!5 percent for all #mericans 25 and
The percenta$e of sin$le2race #sians
25 and older "ho had a $raduate
'e.$.% master0s or doctorate( or
professional de$ree. This compared
"ith 1 percent for all #mericans
Career 3!8 228 1-8
ETH 125
The proportion of ci:ilian employed
sin$le2race #sians 1- and older "ho
"orked in mana$ement% professional
and related occupations% such as
financial mana$ers% en$ineers%
teachers and re$istered nurses.
"orked in sales and office
in ser:ice occupations and 11 percent
in production% transportation and
material mo:in$ occupations.
Cemo$raphics #ccordin$ to the 2 U.S. Census%
those "ho identify only as #sian2
#merican comprise 3.- percent of the
#merican population% appro+imately
1 million indi:iduals.
The Census >ureau pro1ects that the
#sian2#merican population "ill $ro"
to 3&.- million indi:iduals by the year
25% comprisin$ ,.3 percent of the
The population of #sian #mericans
includin$ those of more than one
race% "as estimated at 15.5 million%
makin$ up about 5 percent of the
total population as of July 1% 2!
accordin$ to the Census >ureau.
$i.est,le Have no idea Have no idea Have no idea
!art II
Next, answer the following questions:
a. What do these statistics reveal aout !sian diversit" in !#erica$
%ro# what & gathered fro# these statistics is that !sian !#ericans have een diversif"ing in 'ust
aout all areas covered fro# "ear to "ear.
. What do "ou elieve is the future of !sian diversit" in !#erica$
& see all the trends continuing to show that !sian !#ericans are #oving into all areas #entioned
and the nu#ers will continue to rise
(.). *ensus +ureau. ,2--., !/ril 101. Asian Pacific American heritage month: May 2004.
2etrieved 3ece#er 1, 2--., fro# htt/:44www.census.gov45ress6
ETH 125

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