Concept Map of The Different Learning Theories With Technology Integration
Concept Map of The Different Learning Theories With Technology Integration
Concept Map of The Different Learning Theories With Technology Integration
Jean Piaget Constructionism His theory is based on the saying children lives what they learn. Therefore children should be given good or positive things so that child can develop positive attitudes
Vygotsky Constructivism He postulates that cognitive skills can be enhanced through social interaction. Therefore the community plays an important role in a childs development
Jean Lave & Wenger 1991Situation Cognition He theorised that human thoughts are adaptive to the environment they are placed in. Therefore human beings will adapt to the situation when given real life situation
Grey Kearsley and Ben Shneiderman- Engagement theory This theory is based on teamwork. This involves making human beings work on meaningful projects outside the classroom. There are three components of this theory;
Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligence He developed eight different intelligences which can be improved by assessment of the students profile and then challenged activities accordingly; linguistic, logical, visual, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, kinaesthetic, naturalistic
Role of teacher Provide real life situations with challenging tasks and give constant feedback.
Role of the student: Students should possess socialising skill so as to be able to complete tasks in group.
Role of the teacher: -Guide students leaning by acting as facilitators. - Corporative learning environment where students can work in groups.
Role of the student: -Students should be engage in inventions and problems solving
Role of the teacher: - Use of resource personnel - Field trips - Engage students in real life situation -Build on students experiences
Role of the student - Make use of technology such as email, teleconferencing etc. - Students will learn to work together and gain skills such as project management scheduling, time management, and leadership
Role of the teacher: - Motivate students - Build students leadership skills - Build students reasoning skills through creative and purposeful activities - Help students to set realistic targets.
The role of the student - Students will be able to do things their own way - They should be able to express themselves in different forums such as conferences, debates, etc. - Know their strengths and weaknesses
The role of the teacher - Create a variety of different materials that demonstrate their understanding of the subject. - Actively incorporate materials and resources in the lesson that caters to the different intelligences.
Participative learning