Instruction: Please supply the information required by each item as specific as possible or check the circle corresponding to the information called for.
I. PERSONAL PROFILE Name (optional):_________________________________ Age: _______ Gender: ( ) Male Type of Hospital ( ) Private ( ) Public ( ) Female
II. KNOWLEDGE ON WASTE MANAGEMENT Below are the questions regarding hospital waste management. Please indicate your answer by encircling the letter of your choice. This is not part of your rating performance nor would affect your standing in work. All scores will be kept in strict confidence. Thank you very much.
1. Waste Management includes; a. Learning to segregate according to infectious and non-infectious. b. Learning to segregate waste and recycling, reusing and reducing waste materials c. Putting the trash into the trash can and covering it tightly.
2. Which of the following is an example of recyclable waste? a. crumpled paper b. broken ampules c. used dressings 3. Which of the following are examples of non-infectious wastes? a. Used needles, cottons and gloves b. Dry papers and empty IV bottles c. Used dressings and diapers 4. Which of the following statement is true about infectious wastes? a. Infectious waste is a risk to your health but can be prevented by proper management. b. Infectious waste cant be a threat to your health depending on certain factor such as proper disposal. c. Infectious wastes can never harm your health. 5. Turning an empty IV bottle into a decoration is also known as; a. Recycling b. Reusing c. Reducing waste 6. What is the color of the waste container labeled as Infectious? a. Green b. Yellow c. Blue
7. Which of the following is true about Non-Biodegradable trash? a. Non- biodegradable trash doesnt decompose. b. Non-biodegradable trash decomposes depending on certain factor such as fluidity and presence of microorganism. c. Decomposing matter produces methane gas and other gases. 8. What is the waste classification of a green-colored waste can? a. Biodegradable b. Non-Biodegradable c. Recyclable 9. Which of the following is the proper way of disposing sharps and needles? a. Disposing it in a punctured-free container. b. Disposing it in the infectious-labeled waste can. c. Throwing it in the garbage bag. 10. Who are more likely to be at risk of improper hospital waste management? a. Hospital canteen vendor and orderly b. Nurses and patients c. None of the two choices mentioned
II. ATTITUDE TOWARDS WASTE MANAGEMENT Please read each statement carefully. Then encircle the letter which best describe your attitude towards waste management practices. There are no right or wrong answers in this category. Your honest answer will be highly appreciated. Please feel free to ask if something is not clear to you. SA Strongly Agree A Agree DA Disagree SD Strongly Disagree SA A DA SD SA A DA SD
1. I should learn the importance of segregating hospital wastes. 2. The issue of so much paper being wasted is just an exaggeration.
3. Whether a waste is infectious or non-infectious, it is still a waste. SA A DA SD 4. I consider disposing infectious waste as a less priority in hospital waste management. 5. I believe recycling wastes such as IV bottles and medicine boxes is not a waste of time. 6. Color-coding of waste cans is confusing rather than helpful in disposing trash. 7. I am not bothered when people throw their food residue in any of SA A DA SD the color coded trash bin. 8. I consider hospital waste management as important as other matters that nurses and nursing aides attend to. 9. I believe there is a need to be cautious in disposing sharp objects. SA A DA SD 10. I should solely depend on the housekeeping personnel in keeping SA A DA SD the hospital clean. SA A DA SD SA A DA SD SA A DA SD SA A DA SD
IV. WASTE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES The following is a self- report on your waste management practices in the hospital. An honest assessment on your proper waste disposal practices in the hospital will be highly appreciated. Kindly encircle the number which best reflects your waste disposal practices. Again, please feel free to ask if something is not clear to you. Always 3 Sometimes 2 Never - 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
1. I throw the hospital waste into a designated trashcan. 2. I see to it that I dont waste too much paper in recording hospital works. 3. I throw used gloves into a black-colored trash can. 4. After feeding the patient with NGT, I dispose the osterized tube feeding residues properly. 5. By no means, I recycle empty IV bottles for decoration. 6. After taking meals during break, I throw each pieces of my food residue into a yellow-colored trash bin.
3 2 1 3 2 1
7. When changing patients diaper, I wash him/her with soap and water instead 3 2 1 of wet wipes or tissue. 8. I throw my wastes without reading the labels of the trash can. 9. After performing a procedure using sharps, I dispose them in the container labeled sharps carefully. 10 . I only empty the patients trash can when it is full. 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1