Holy Family Catholic Church: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Holy Family Catholic Church: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Holy Family Catholic Church: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rev. Fr. Juan Serna STL...Pastor Rev. Fr. Editho Mascardo..Hospital Chaplain (in residence) Rev. Mr. Phil Vallejo......Deacon
Monday-Friday.9:00am to 5:00pm (English/Spanish) Office Phone #........................................(209) 545-3553 Office Fax #............................................(209) 545-3332 E-mail [email protected] Website.www.holyfamilymodesto.org
Parish Administrator....Ed Dyrda Administrative Assistant.....Vickie V. Gibson Religious Education Assistant.Diana E. Jimenez
A pre-baptismal class is required. Call the Parish Office for more information. Necesita una clase de preparacin. Los Bautismos se celebran un Sbado del mes en la Capilla de Nuestra Seora de San Juan de Los Lagos en Salida. Favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial para ms informacin.
Couples intending to marry should call the Parish Office six months prior to the marriage date to begin paperwork and marriage preparation classes. Las parejas que desean casarse tienen que cumplir las clases prematrimoniales y deben llamar a la Oficina Parroquial seis meses antes del da del matrimonio.
Saturday/Sbado: 4:30pm5:00pm Holy Family Church/Iglesia de Modesto Saturday/Sbado: 4:00pm5:00pm Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos Chapel in Salida Capilla de Nuestra Seora de San Juan de Los Lagos
Celebracin de Quinceaeras
Las celebraciones de quinceaeras sern en GRUPO de dos o tres jovencitas. Para mas informacin, favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial al (209) 545-3553.
Funeral services are scheduled through the mortuaries, who then confirm dates and times with the Parish Office for the family. Los servicios para funerales se hacen directamente con la funeraria, la cual despus confirma la fecha y hora con la Oficina Parroquial.
Holy Family Catholic Church - 4212 Dale Road, Modesto, California 95356 Our Lady of San Juan de Los Lagos Chapel - 4643 Flint Avenue, Salida, California 95368
Welcome to Holy Family! As we gather as a community of Faith, we come with full trust that God cares for his People. This weeks Gospel addresses the story of the Good Samaritan. Being part of a community implies a responsibility for one another. With Gods Spirit leading the way, we follow Jesus as our role model. Our faith community at Holy Family ought to strive to bring all that is good of our Faith for the sake of our families, friends and Church. As we continue living out our faith during this Year of Faith, let us remember to pray for our Church and take action in all kinds of ways that are presented to us. Some Parish actions that might involve you in: (a) registering your child in Religious Education for this coming 2013-2014 year. Call our office. (b) Our Fiesta in the Salida Park is coming soon on Sunday August 11th and your involvement is critical. Please participate in our raffle and be sure to turn in your paid tickets. (c) But also....please help our Parish in every way that you can. Your involvement in a ministry is always needed and very valuable. Perhaps this is the time for you to volunteer. (d) Praying is one of our many ministries. (e) Do not forget that your weekly offering and financial gifts every weekend help Holy Family to continue its pastoral and spiritual mission. May we work together always and may God bless you. Thank you for helping us reach our Building Development Fund goal. Fr. Juan, your Pastor WEEKLY OFFERINGS OFRENDAS DE SACRIFICIO 7/7/2013 7/8/2012 Difference $4,477 $4,374 $103 I have published a pocket size prayer book for Eucharistic adoration and other prayers for healing titled, 'Jesus the Healer. You can acquire this book by coming to our office or asking me about it personally. To cover all publishing costs, I am asking for a $5.00 donation. Enjoy it! Fr. Juan
Bienvenidos a la Sagrada Familia! Al reunirnos como comunidad de Fe, venimos llenos de confianza, concientes que Dios cuida a su Pueblo. En el Evangelio de esta semana se nos muestra la historia del Buen Samaritano. Ser parte de una comunidad implica una responsabilidad mutua. Con el Espritu que gua nuestro camino, nosotros seguimos a Jess como nuestro modelo de confianza. Nuestra comunidad de fe en la Sagrada Familia debe de luchar por traer y vivir nuestra fe por y con nuestras familias, amigos y Iglesia. Tambin durante este Ano de Fe, reconozcamos la necesidad de orar por la Iglesia y tambin tomar el cargo del ministerio en diferentes ambientes. Esta son algunas obras en cual involucrarse: (a) registrando su hijo en la programa de educacin religiosa (2013-14). Llamando a la oficina. (b) Ayudando en nuestra Fiesta a la Virgen el domingo 11 de agosto en le parque de Salida. Favor de cooperar con los boletos de nuestra rifa. (c) Pero tambin ayudando en todo ministerio posible. Hay mucha necesidad de voluntarios. Talvez este es su tiempo. (d) Orar es tambin uno de nuestros ministerios. (e) No se les olvide que su ofrenda personal y donaciones de fin de semana ayudan con la misin pastoral y espiritual de la parroquia. Gracias por ayudarnos lograr nuestra meta de el Fondo de Construccin y Desarrollo. Que trabajemos juntos siempre y que Dios los bendiga siempre. Pbro. Juan, su parroco Are you looking for a wonderful way of serving the Lord and our Parish Community? Have you ever considered serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion? Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist with distributing the Precious Body and Blood of Christ at Communion. For more information please call Monnette at 545-5086.
Weekday Mass Clergy Schedule: Monday, Thursday & Friday - Father Editho Tuesday & Wednesday - Father Juan
Parish Leadership
Victor Martinez Adrian Calleros Chuck Banthos Juan Magallon Sue Toste Rosy Jimenez Richard Peralta
Pastoral Council
Mary Ann Silva Ed Dyrda Mari Magaa Ken Hart Ann Tognetti Tony Mordinoia Deacon Phil Vallejo Steve Wallace Sheila Jacoby Carmella Smyth Ed Dyrda Tim Coleman
Finance Council
Cambiar tu vida.
Holy Family Parish At Prayer Ministry of Prayer, Healing and Hope Please pray for the healing of our sick: Por favor de orar por los enfermos:
Paul Graham (son of Jim and Linda Graham), Hermila Cervantes Ypez, Leo Alvarado, Mary Ruck, Vernica Ortega, Manuel J. Estrada, Alexandria Ramos, Bernadette Vierra, Karen Alvarez, Angie Rodrigues, Mable Rightnour, Sharin Castillo, Breanne Gonzlez, Faythe Meninga, Janice Western, Mara Isabel Lpez, Walter Butch Betschart (father of Jeannie Stowers), Joshua Varni, Eva Madrigal, Bianca Lilliana Barrios, Chris Misuraca, Melanie Hono, Teresa Davis, Becky Padrn, David Ruck, John lvarez, Muriel Ingle, Nick Eddy and Father Editho Mascardo.
PRAYER FOR THE SICK Father in heaven, through our prayer, grant comfort to the sick in their suffering. When they are afraid, give them courage, when afflicted, give them patience, when dejected, afford them hope, and when alone assure them of the support of your holy people and their families.
THE SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is available to all of those who have health problems, are having surgery, medical procedures, who suffer serious illness and infirmity or the frailty of aging. The Sacrament consists of the Priest saying prayers for the person and anointing of the forehead and hands with the Holy Oil. The special grace of this Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, promotes the restoration of health if it is Gods will or the preparation for eternal life. One can receive it whenever necessary. Please contact Father Juan Serna to make arrangements to receive the grace of this Sacrament.
Bake Sale on Sunday, July 21st! Come and buy some delicious baked goods and help us raise funds for our First Annual Family Festival at Holy Family Parish in Modesto. If you would like to donate some goodies to our bake sale, contact Ann (523-9403) or the Parish Office (545-3553). Venta de Pasteles - el domingo, 21 de julio La parroquia llevar a cabo una venta de pasteles para recaudar fondos para nuestro primer Festival Familiar en Octubre. Si gustara donar un pastel, galletas o otro tipo de postre, favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial.
All bulletin requests must be submitted by the Tuesday before the weekend requested. All requests must be approved by Father. We reserve the right to edit any requests submitted for the bulletin.
The Ladies & Friends of the Knights will be holding Bunco Night on Saturday, July 20th, in Nazareth Hall starting at 6:30pm. Join us for some food, fun, laughter and prizes! The cost is only $15.00 per person. All proceeds will go towards charities supported by the Ladies & Friends. For reservations contact Ann at (209) 523-9403.
Holy Family Festival Chicken-To-Go-Go Saturday, July 27th from 4:00-7:00pm Nazareth Hall (4212 Dale Road in Modesto) Menu: half chicken, salad, beans, veggie, bread & dessert! All meals To-Go All proceeds go towards the 1st Annual Family Festival at Holy Family on October 5thand 6th, 2013 For more information and tickets contact: 523-9403 or the Parish Office at 545-3553.
Peticiones del boletn deben ser sometidas el martes antes de el fin de semana solicitara. Las peticiones tienen que ser aprobadas por el Padre. Reservamos el derecho de editar cualquier peticin sometido.
Boletos de Rifa Fiesta de Salida Se esta acercando nuestra Fiesta a Nuestra Seora de San Juan de los Lagos. Si usted ya vendi todos sus boletos, por favor devuelva los talones y el dinero (en el sobre original) en la canasta de ofrendas o lo pueden entregar a la Oficina Parroquial. Si usted necesita ms boletos para la rifa, estos estn disponibles en la oficina Raffle Tickets for Salida Fiesta Our 15th Annual Fiesta to celebrate our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos will be here before we know it. We hope each family can sell at least 10 raffle tickets. If you have sold your raffle tickets, please return ticket stubs and the money in the original envelope to the offertory basket or turn it into the Parish Office. Raffle tickets are available in the Parish Office. Thank you!
15th Annual Fiesta to our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos Sunday, August 11th - Salida Park Everyone is invited! Come for great entertainment, lots of fun activities for the kids and delicious food! Be sure to buy your raffle tickets (available in Parish Office)! Dcimo Quinto Ao de Nuestra Fiesta a Nuestra Seora de San Juan de Los Lagos domingo, 11 de Agosto en Salida Todos estn invitados! Tendremos comida deliciosa, entretenimiento y un montn de actividades divertidas para los nios. Asegrese de comprar sus boletos para la rifa. Solamente $5.00 por boleto!
Do you know someone who is thinking about joining the Church? Explore the possibility with the RCIA group that is forming now. Classes will begin on Thursday, August 29 th . For more information or to sign up, contact Trish or Ken Hart (577 - 3230).
sacramentowwme.org or [email protected]
An amazing weekend away for you and your spouse. The next weekend date is August 23-25 in Sacramento! For more information, call John and Angelica Angarita at 521-7973. To register visit:
1ST DAY OF REGISTRATIONS This Sunday is the first day to register your children for 2013/2014 Religious Education classes here at Holy Family. If you didnt register your child you can still register in the Parish Office on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. In order to register your child for classes, you will need to be a registered member of Holy Family. Please bring Baptism and 1st Holy Communion certificates and the $60.00 registration fee. For more information please call (209) 545-3553 ext. 7. Thank you. Este domingo es el primer da de registraciones para las clases de Educacin Religiosa de la Sagrada Familia de 2013/2014. Tienen que ser miembros registrados de nuestra Parroquia para poder registrar a sus nios en la programa de Educacin Religiosa. Pueden registrar en la Oficina Parroquial el Lunes, Martes y Mircoles. Junto con la cuota de $60.00, traigan el Fe de Bautismo y Primera Comunin. Favor de comunicarse con Diana al (209) 545-3553 ext.7. Gracias. Childrens Liturgy of the Word Every Sunday during the 10:00am Mass, we offer Childrens Liturgy of the Word. Childrens Liturgy of the Word is the practice of children celebrating a separate Liturgy of the Word that is at their level of understanding. All children (ages 6-12) are invited and encouraged to participate. Every child who attends Childrens Liturgy 10 times will be rewarded with a gift card. Thank you, parents, for encouraging your children to attend Children's Liturgy!
NAZARETH HALLAVAILABLE FOR RENT Holy Family Parish has a parish hall which is available for Baptisms, wedding receptions, anniversaries, meetings, family reunions, quinceaera celebrations and other such gatherings. Nazareth Hall is available to rent for only $450.00 and a $200.00 damage and cleaning deposit (refundable if hall is clean and there is no damage). We provide the tables and chairs and use of our kitchen facilities. If you would like to rent the hall, please call the Parish Office at (209) 545-3553. La Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia tiene un saln disponible para Bautizos, aniversarios, reuniones familiares, fiestas para bodas, quinceaeras y otras celebraciones. El Saln de Nazaret esta disponible por tan solo $450.00 y $200.00 de depsito para daos y limpieza (se regresara si esta limpio y no hay daos). Uso de la cocina, mesas y sillas estn incluidas. Para poder rentar el Saln por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial al (209) 545-3553.