The California Homeless Youth Project: CAHYP Receives Funding Through 2015!
The California Homeless Youth Project: CAHYP Receives Funding Through 2015!
The California Homeless Youth Project: CAHYP Receives Funding Through 2015!
The California Homeless Youth Project (HYP) is a non-partisan research and policy initiative of the California Research Bureau that highlights the issues and challenges faced by young people who are homeless or lack stable housing. For more information, please see our website.
New Resources
Little Children, Big Challenges: Incarceration, Sesam e Street Workshop (June 2013)
Check out our video wall featuring interviews with young people who have experienced homelessness, highlighting their experiences, aspirations, and ideas for change.
Although the number of children with an incarcerated parent has increased nearly 80% in the past 20 years, few resources exist to support young children and families with this life-changing circumstance. In response, Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, has unveiled its newest, bilingual (English/Spanish) initiative, Little Children, Big Challenges: Incarceration, for families with young children (ages 3-8) who have an incarcerated parent and continue to develop skills for resilience.
SNAP - Clarification of Policies Barriers Facing Hom eless Y outh, United States
The USDA issued guidance around eligibility for unaccompanied youth to receive SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program known as CalFresh in California) benefits. This letter clarified issues related to photo identification, permanent address, and age requirements. The California Department of Social Services distributed this guidance in an All County Letter in July.
Latest Research
1. Creating a Plan to End Child Hom elessness: Process and Challenges, National Center on Fam ily Hom elessness (Decem ber 2012)
The Campaign to End Child Homelessness at The National Center on Family Homelessness released an issue brief analyzing the advantages of developing a plan to end child homelessness, the challenges of creating this type of tool, and options for how this process can be replicated around the country. Suggestions include creating a steering committee and conducting a "listening tour" in order to incorporate lived experiences into the plan.
2. T ransition Age Y outh T riage T ool, Corporation for Supportiv e Housing (June 2013)
The Corporation for Supportive Housing has developed a "Transition Age Youth Triage Tool" that targets homeless transition age youth for permanent supportive housing. Six "life experiences" were found to be associated with a significantly greater risk of experiencing five or more years of homelessness. The report recommends that youth who endorse four or more experiences on the tool should be prioritized for supportive housing, to ultimately stop the next wave of chronic homelessness.
C A HO MELESS YO UTH PR O JEC T - 900 N ST., SAC R AMENTO , C A 95814. PH (916) 653-7843