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Solution Modify Solution Link Solution Add to Favorites Add to Clipboard Some files is not defined or not correctly defined on APG40 for statistics % Usage Count: 44 Activating statistics on AXE with APG40 Network: Wireline Node: AXE Enabler 1.0 APG40 SERVICE QUALITY STATISTICS Data Recording Per Call STATISTIC AND TRAFFIC MEASUREMENT TRARFILE is not defined or not correctly defined on APG40 Alarm: IO-FAULT FOR TRAFFIC MEASUREMENT ON ROUTE TRARFILE FILE ERROR SEQSFILE FILE ERROR TRADOFILE FILE ERROR TRDIPFILE FILE ERROR TRARTFILE FILE ERROR Customer activated statistic "Traffic measurement on route" with command: trrpi :mp=10,trg=5,io=file; But hi didn't check of the file TRARFILE in EXCHVOLUME on APG40 SOLUTION: Check and correct file for statistics on APG40 CONDITIONS: Stop the Measurement Programs that are connected to the faulty files PROCEDURE: 1. Check and create or modify file for statistics on APG40. cpfls -l if need create files: cpfmkfile cpfmkfile cpfmkfile cpfmkfile -f -f -f -f inf inf inf inf -l -l -l -l 2048 2048 2048 2048 -t -t -t -t 60 60 60 60 -r -r -r -r TRARFILE EXCHVOLUME TRARTFILE EXCHVOLUME TRDIPFILE EXCHVOLUME TRADOFILE EXCHVOLUME


cpfmkfile -f inf -l 2048 -t 60 -r SEQSFILE EXCHVOLUME 2. Create destination for sending files to PC or server. cdhdef -a -t FTPV1 -u stat1 -p STATISTIC pwsstat1 cdhls -l The server or PC have to has account: stat1 with password: pwsstst1 and FTP serv er in state: active. 3. Connect files to destination. afpdef -d 1440 TRARFILE STATISTIC afpls -l -s 4. Define statistics. TRRGI:TRG=5,R=RE&CL&COF; TRRPI:MP=10,TRG=5,IO=FILE; TRTSI:MP=10,NRP=20,RPL=5; TRTSP:MP=10; TRRPP:MP=10; IO-FAULT FOR SERVICE QUALITY STATISTICS Usage Count: 10 Network: GSM Node: AXE MSC Server R12 IO-FAULT FOR SERVICE QUALITY STATISTICS FILE: SEQSFILE FAULT TYPE: VOLUME ERROR SOLUTION: Redefine the file. CONDITIONS: PROCEDURE: 1. cpfchange -d transferqueue -m mode file 2.cpfife file 3.afprm -c file transferqueue destinationset 4.cpfrm -r file 5.cpfmkfile -f inf -d transferqueue -l rlength -m mode file volume 88%

File Transfer Queue "SQQUEUE" is empty Usage Count: 2 Network: GSM


Network: WCDMA Node: AXE MSC Server R12.1 APZ 212 40 APG40 Product Name: APG40C/2 Software: Windows Server 2003 File Transfer Queue "SQQUEUE" is empty Files in SEQSFILE directory are not transferred to SQQUEUE directory Command afpls -ls SQQUEUE returns the following printout: C:\WINNT\Profiles\spbfsc>afpls -ls SQQUEUE AFP TABLE TRANSFER QUEUE SQQUEUE REMOVE DELAY USER GROUP 60

DESTINATION SET DIR REMOVE TIMER STATUS FILE OR DIRECTORY SETSQ Command dir of L:\FMS\DATA\CPFTQ\SQQUEUE shows the directory is empty Root cause of the problem is a fault into fms_cpf_server module. REMEDY: CONDITIONS: PROCEDURE: 1. Redefining transfer queue SEQSFILE temporarily fixes the problem. SOLUTION: CONDITIONS: PROCEDURE: 1. Load new fms_cpf_server module that will be release with CN-I 109 22-APZ 212 30/4-1476; planned release date is February 2010. SQMPP print shows that MP's are in recording condition. SEQSFILE definition, SQQUEUE Transfer queue checked and all looks OK. The problem happens once in a week or in a month. References: TR HK95824 CN-I 109 22-APZ 212 30/4-1476

SEQSFILE fransfer is hanging Usage Count: 1 Network: WCDMA Node: AXE MSC Server R14.1 APG40


Product ID :CXC1371097/5 R1S Product Name: CPFADMBIN SEQSFILE fransfer is hanging Process Name : FMS_CPF_Server:7556 Specific Problem : 23001 Perceived Severity : EVENT Probable Cause : AP INTERNAL FAULT Obj class of ref : APZ Obj of ref : FMS_CPF_Server/7556 Problem Data : MoveFile. Error code: 32 Problem Text : General fault When MPs are active ststistics files are being generated in CPF (this can be se en with cpfls -ls SEQSFILE) but never moved to a temporary folder for further pr ocessing GOH (afpls -ls SQQUEUE).Terminating MPs and restarting FMS_CPF_server s olves the problem temporarely. References: See TR HP27604 Solution: Conditions: FILE fransfer is hanging. PROCEDURE: This issue has been resolved with CN-I 109 22-APZ 212 30/4-1854 . This CN-I is included in AGM023. CNI can not be loaded as stand alone.

SEQSFILE do not generate files Usage Count: 11


Network: GSM Node: AXE MSC R9.1 Product Name : TRADO Product ID : CAAZ 107 1880 R1A01 Product Name : SEQS3 Product ID : CAA 107 7883 R2A02 SEQSFILE do not generate files TRADOFILE do not generate files Both files dont go from scheduled to recording . The APZ was changed from 212 30 to 212 33 REMEDY: CONDITIONS: That the statistics Data Recording Per Call (TRADOFILE) dont generate the files. That the file-oriented output for service quality statistics on file SEQSFILE do nt generate the files. And both files dont go from scheduled to recording . PROCEDURE: 1) Stop the statistics . TRADP; TRTSE:MP=x,MPE; sqmpp:mp=y; TRTSE:MP=y,MPE; 2) Remove files TRADOFILE AND SEQSFILE: INMCT:SPG=0; infip:file=seqsfile;

infip:file=TRADOFILE; INFIR:FILE=seqsfile; INFIR:FILE=TRADOFILE; END; 3) DEFINE THE FILES AGAIN AND THE MEASUREMENTS . INMCT:SPG=0; INFII:FILE=SEQSFILE,VOL=EXCHVOLUME,RLENGTH=2048,SIZE=1000,EXP=0,TYPE=SEQ, FCLASS=CMP; INFII:FILE=TRADOFILE,VOL=EXCHVOLUME,RLENGTH=2046,SIZE=3,EXP=20,TYPE=SEQ, FCLASS=CMP; END; sqmpi:mp=1,ctt=all,tt=all; trtsi:mp=1; SQMIC:MP=1,IO=FILE; sqmpp:mp=1; tradi:mp=0,iex; trtsi:mp=0; TRADP; In this case no hanging exist (LABUP is OK and ADMSTATE in TRADO is 0 and BUFSE IZEIN PROGRESS in TRADO is 0 . If neccssary define the files in FPU . SERVICE QUALITY STATISTICS MEASURING PROGRAM Hanging in state PREIDLE Usage Count: 9 86%

Network: GSM Node: AXE MSC R12.1 Product Name: SEQS1 Product ID: CAAZ 107 9939 R3A03 Product Name: SEQS2 Product ID: CAA 107 4290 R3A02 SERVICE QUALITY STATISTICS MEASURING PROGRAM Hanging in state PREIDLE TRTSE command fails fault code 2 " Measuring program not defined " Command TRTSE returns Fault Code: 2, Measuring program not defined SQMPP:MP=x; command answes NOT ACCEPTED FAULT CODE 16 (The specified measuring program is not defined for the function.) Command SQMPP:MP=x; returns Fault Code: 16, The specified measuring program is not defined for the function SQMPP:MP=ALL; command show, that MP=x has state PREIDLE. Not possible to remove MP No statistics sent to SEQSFILE Root cause is unknown. There is not enough information for trouble shooting Reference: TR HJ78862 Fault symptoms -------------An MP used by SEQS function remains hanging at PREIDLE state. The reported problem was not possible to be reproduced and the provided information was insufficient for a conclusive fault analysis. REMEDY:



<TRTSE:MP=10,MPE; TRTSE:MP=10,MPE; <; NOT ACCEPTED FAULT CODE 2 MEASURING PROGRAM NOT DEFINED (0)MP=10 PROCEDURE: Clean-Up Procedure: ------------------1) Print the MPs of SEQS function: SQMPP:MP=ALL; RESULT: SERVICE QUALITY STATISTICS MEASURING PROGRAM 2) Print the Time Schedules for all MPs appearing in Step 1 printout (If any). TRTSP:MP=mp; RESULT: TRAFFIC RECORDING TIME SCHEDULE 3) Permanently deactivate all MPs used by SEQS function (if any from steps 1,2). TRTSE:MP=mp,MPE; RESULT: EXECUTED (or FAULT CODE 2 for the corrupted MP) 4) Activate Test System and print SEQS1 variable MPSTATE. TEST SYSTEM; PRINT VAR SEQS1 0-:H'59; RESULT: VARIABLE ARRAY 5) Set all MPSTATE index positions being /= 0 (if any), equal to 0. SET VAR SEQS1 0-:H'59 = 0; RESULT: EXECUTED 6) (If needed) redefine the appearing in Step 1 printout MPs.

SQMPI:MP=mp,...; RESULT: EXECUTED 7) (If needed) re-activate the MPs' time schedules according to Step 2 printout. TRTSI:MP=mp,..; RESULT: EXECUTED 8) End of Clean-Up procedure.

SQS files arrive within 1 hour delay in OSS Usage Count: 8


Network: GSM Network: WCDMA Node: AXE MSC Server R12.1 Node: SUN OSS-RC 4 APZ 212 40 APG40 Product Name: APG40C/2 Software: Windows Server 2003 SQS files arrive within 1 hour delay in OSS SQS transfer queue is empty, no file comes to SQS transfer queue The length of SEQSFILE is set to 2048 C:\>cpfls -l seqsfile CPF FILE TABLE FILE SEQSFILE TRANSFER QUEUE SQQUEUE RLENGTH MAXSIZE MAXTIME REL 2048 no no yes TYPE CMP VOLUME inf yes EXCHVOLUME MODE FILE ACTIVE 36036 SIZE USERS 0 14 [ 0R 0W]

Regarding to OPI User Guide for Service Quality Statistics. The length of SEQSF ILE should be 1890. SOLUTION: CONDITIONS: 1. Command afpls -ls <SQS transfer queue name> does not return any SQS files 2. SQS files arrive in OSS with 1 hour delay PROCEDURE: 1. AP command: cpfchange -d <SQS transfer queue name> -m NONE SEQSFILE 2. Restart fms_cpf_server:

Take the fms_cpf_server cluster resource offline. AP command: cluster res fms_cpf_server /offline /wait Put all cluster resources online again. AP command: cluster group "Disk Group" /on /wait 3. Remove previous SEQSFILE AP command: cpfrm -r SEQSFILE 4. Redefine the SEQSFILE with command: AP command: cpfmkfile -l 1890 -f inf -r SEQSFILE EXCHVOLUME According to User Guide for Service Quality Statistics. Chapter 6.2.1-- Define SEQSFILE, the file length should be 1890: cpfmkfile -l 1890 -f inf -r SEQSFILE EXCHVOLUME Alarm: IO-FAULT FOR SERVICE QUALITY STATISTICS Usage Count: 7 86%

Network: GSM Node: AXE MSC Server R12 APG40 Software: Windows Server 2003 Alarm: IO-FAULT FOR SERVICE QUALITY STATISTICS VOLUME ERROR for file SEQSFILE One subfile missing within one hour but file number is in sequence The alarm is ceasing automaticly 15 mins later The alarm only appear once One data block for one MP is missing in some subfile The non-standard SEQSFILE is suspected to be the reason that causes the problem . According to standard DT,the parameters "MAXSIZE" and "MAXTIME" shall be "no", and also the Release condition "REL" shall be defined "yes". After redefine the file, the file output of the service quality statistics becomes normal. SOLUTION: CONDITIONS: 1. The following alarm is observed: IO-FAULT FOR SERVICE QUALITY STATISTICS FILE FAULT TYPE SEQSFILE VOLUME ERROR

2. The file SEQSFILE is not defined as standard DT: The example printout: AP command: cpfls -l seqsfile Example printout: CPF FILE TABLE FILE TYPE CMP VOLUME SEQSFILE inf yes EXCHVOLUME TRANSFER QUEUE MODE SEQSFILE FILE RLENGTH MAXSIZE MAXTIME REL ACTIVE SIZE USERS 2048 100 15 no xxxxx 0 0 [ 0R 0W] PROCEDURE: Follow OPI "IO-FAULT FOR SERVICE QUALITY STATISTICS" to fix the problem. Below i s the example DT to redefine the SEQSFILE accordingly: 1. Telnet to the active node of APG. 2. Remove the olde SEQSFILE: AP Commands: cpfls -l SEQSFILE cpfchange -d SEQSFILE -m NONE SEQSFILE cpfrm -r SEQSFILE In case of the following fault observed: File is protected. File is defined to GOH: SEQSFILE Use the folllowing commands to remove the file: cluster res FMS_CPF_server /off /wait cd /d L:\FMS\data\CPF\EXCHVOLUME\ rd SEQSFILE /s /q del SEQSFILE.attribute cluster res FMS_CPF_server /on /wait cluster res CPS_BUSRV /on /wait 3. Redefine SEQSFILE according to standard DT: AP Commands: cpfmkfile -l 2048 -f inf -r SEQSFILE EXCHVOLUME cpfchange -d SEQSFILE -m FILE SEQSFILE 4. Check the file definition: AP Command: cpfls -l SEQSFILE Example printout:

FILE TYPE CMP VOLUME SEQSFILE inf yes EXCHVOLUME TRANSFER QUEUE MODE SEQSFILE FILE RLENGTH MAXSIZE MAXTIME REL ACTIVE SIZE USERS 2048 no no yes 1 0 0 [ 0R 0W] 5. Check AFP Table: AP Command: afpls -l SEQSFILE Example printout: AFP TABLE TRANSFER QUEUE USER GROUP SEQSFILE SOURCE DIRECTORY L:\FMS\DATA\CPFTQ\SEQSFILE REMOVE DELAY REMOVE TIMER DEFAULT STATUS DESTINATION SET 1440 0 READY SEQSFILEDEST 6. Check MPs in CP and alarm list: AP Commands: mml SQMPP:MP=ALL mml TRTSP:MP=mp mml ALLIP alist 7. Check if the subfiles are gererated under below directory in 15 minutes: AP Commands: cd /d L:\FMS\DATA\CPFTQ\SEQSFILE\ dir /s 8. Check if the subfiles are transfered after 15 mins: AP Command: afpls -ls SEQSFILE SEQSFILEDEST

SEQSFILE file transfer fail Usage Count: 4


To define seqsfile file tranfer as initiator. Network: GSM Node: AXE MSC R10 Node: AXE MSC-S R13.0 APG40 Alarm: DATA OUTPUT, AP COMMON DESTINATION HANDLING, DESTINATION FAULT The connection to the remote host lost or write access denied The Solution:

Condition: No


1-At OSS define the folder required. Example folder /home/lfuser/switchname

2-define destination: Example: cdhdef -a -u lfuser -p -o yes -c i -r /home/lfuser/switchname -t ft pv2 seqsfile When asked for password, please enter the same password as defined in OSS

3-define destination set cdhdsdef seqsfile seqsfiledest


5-Activate recording in the switch(MSC)

6-check files is generated in folder L:\FMS\DATA\CPFTQ\SEQSFILE

7-Optional : to test the file can be transfered manually give command afpfti example:


8-To check the status print the following command: afpls -l -s seqsfile cdhls -l seqsfile cdhdsls -l seqsfiledest

SEQSFILE (service quality) statistic measurements are not processed by OSS % Usage Count: 2


Network: GSM Node: SUN OSS-RC 6.2 What OSS application supports SEQSFILE measurement processing SEQSFILE measurements are initiated at MSS nodes, but will not be processed by OSS SEQSFILE (service quality) statistic measurements are not processed by OSS PM SGw does not support SEQSFILE (service quality) statistic measurements colle ction. It only supports STS and OMS (TRAR, TRART and TRDIP) measurements. SOLUTION: CONDITIONS: SEQSFILE measurements are initiated at MSS nodes, but wil l not be processed by OSS PROCEDURE:This is not a fault, but a system behavior.P M SGw does not support SEQSFILE (service quality) statistic measurements collect ion. It only supports STS and OMS (TRAR, TRART and TRDIP) measurements.

Quality measurements with two recording periods in same subfile SEQSFILE. Usage Count: 2


Network: Wireline Node: AXE Transgate 5.2 Product Name: SEQS1 Product ID: CAA 107 7811 R3A05 Product Name: SEQS3 Product ID: CAA 107 7883 R2A02 Quality measurements with two recording periods in same subfile SEQSFILE. SEQSFILE does not create a new subfile when maxtime has been raised. The file-oriented output for service quality statistics on the file SEQSFILE do es not work correctly, because if the MAXTIME parameter is given the active subf ile could be kept open longer than MAXTIME value. The subfile could be kept open for a maximum of 1 hour + MAXTIME, resulting in a big subfile. REMEDY: CONDITIONS: NONE.

PROCEDURE: a)Stop the statistics.SQMPP:MP=mp;TRTSE:MP=mp,MPE;IOIFE:FILE=SEQSFILE ; b)Remove the file SEQSFILE from IOG volume.IOIFR:FILE=SEQSFILE; INMCT:SPG=0;IN FIP:FILE=SEQSFILE;INFIR:FILE=SEQSFILE;END; c)Define the file and start the file SEQSFILE again.INMCT:SPG=0;INFII:FILE=SEQSFILE,VOL=EXCHVOLUME,RLENGTH=1570,SIZE= 200,EXP=0,TYPE=SEQ,FCLASS=CMP;INFIP:FILE=SEQSFILE;END; d)Define the infite seque ntial file for SEQSFILEIOIFI:FILE=SEQSFILE,RELEASE=YES;IOIFP:FILE=SEQSFILE; e) s tart the Service Quality Statistics service.SQMPI:MP=mp,CTT=ciex,TT=te&oex,IO=fi le;TRTSI:MP=mp,NRP=nrp,RPL=rpl,DATE=date,DAY=day,DCAT=0; SQMPP:MP=mp;TRTSP:MP=m p; The CNI 109 22-APZ 212 11/1-179 might be loaded in the IOG to improve the Servi ce Quality Supervision Feature in the switch. Some SEQSFILE subfiles have incomplete infomation Usage Count: 1 86%

Network: Wireline Node: AXE TeS 3.1 Some SEQSFILE subfiles have incomplete infomation Record ADM shows field 41 = Recording not performed, congestion of function rec ording records Upgrade MPS-09 to MPS-10. SOLUTION: CONDITIONS: 1. As per above symptoms. 2. Re-defined schedule as upgrade procedure with TRTSE and TRSTI. PROCEDURE: 1. Remove sevice quality statistics measuring program TRTSE:MP=mp,MPE; 2. Define SQMPI:MP=mp..; 3. TRTSI:MP=mp...;

SQS output incorrect Usage Count: 1


Network: GSM Node: AXE MSC R12 SQS output incorrect Counter NTHCON is greater than counter NTOTCALLS NTOTCALLS is Number of calls that reach register position in seqsfile is 60 10 Numeral 0 429496725 NTHCON is Number of calls reaching the end-of selection state "waiting for B-an swers" in seqsfile is 28 10 Numeral 0 - 4294967295 SOLUTION: CONDITIONS: PROCEDURE: NTOTCALLS shows the total calls and is a common counter for all objects. This ac tually shows the sum of originating and incoming calls. Generally if OBJECT is ORG and IEX then NTOTCALLS is always greater then NTHCON however if we are measuring on OEX, IEX, ORG and TE (i.e. all) then we may have NTHCON higher than NTOTCALLS becaus NTHCON: is a separate counter for each meas urement type and may count one call more than once e.g. an originating call goin g to PSTN will have NTOTCALLS=1 but in OBJECT=ORG it will be NTHCON=1 and OBJECT

=OEX will also hae NTHCON=1. The solution is base on the Service Quality set up.

File SEQSFILE shows different block sizes when printed with IOFAT. Usage Count: 1


Network: Wireline Node: AXE TRANSGATE 5.2 File SEQSFILE shows different block sizes when printed with IOFAT. File SEQSFILE shows unexpected characters. Symptoms are present in only one exchange. There is no problem in the files. The SEQSFILE is built such a way that every b lock contains an ADM record with 90 Bytes, holding administrative information fo r one MP, and 1 up to 4 REGEVENT records, 450 Bytes each, storing information fo r 1 recording object. That means a size of 1890 Bytes. The maximum amount of recording objects that can be defined in a MP is 8. That m eans that up to 2 blocks would be necessary for storing information for a single MP. In case a MP is set with an amount of recording objects other than 4 or 8 the bl ock(s) containing its information will look different than the ones storing info rmation for 4 recording objects and blanks will be seen at the end of those bloc ks. That's the situation in this case. On the other hand, the customer is using only TRD's as recording objects in all the exchanges but, in the exchange where the unexpected characters was reported, a Route is being used as recording object. It's likely the system processing th e files is set for analyzing only TRD information and it's not prepared for proc essing such a Route information. SOLUTION: CONDITIONS: PROCEDURE: Please check the Printout Description "SEQSFILE" (4/190 83-CNT 216 1477 Uen G) f or more information).

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