Test Procedure:: Functional Testing Guidance Terminal Units
Test Procedure:: Functional Testing Guidance Terminal Units
Test Procedure:: Functional Testing Guidance Terminal Units
Terminal Units
This functional testing guidance is designed to aid in developing test procedures for a specific project by describing the steps involved in testing a particular system. The guidance should be adapted as necessary to address the configuration and performance requirements of the system being tested. Additionally, codes may require specific testing procedures that may not be addressed in this document. All tests based on this guidance should be reviewed carefully to ensure that they are complete and appropriate.
Air flow multi-meter for verification of air flow station calibration or use during test if no air flow stations. Flow (cfm) control (damper, flow sensor and control loop) Unoccupied, warm up, night low limit, night high limit Diagnostic and self-tuning functions (auto-zero, flow error, duty cycle, etc.) Interactions with air handler (duct static pressure setpoint and fan speed control) Fan control (both series and parallel fan-powered units)
System Description
Air terminal units are devices that regulate the flow of air at the zone level from a central air handling unit. TUs come in a variety of configurations like constant volume, variable volume, fan-powered, and reheat.
Test Conditions
The primary air handler must be capable of providing air though the TU that is being tested. But the air handler does not need to be in automatic control nor provide conditioned air. A technician should be available to command and adjust the control points in the building automation system in order to simulate various test conditions. Specific test condition requirements are provided with each respective test method.
Example Test The following test form was created using this guidance document. It is available at www.ftguide.org/ftct/testdir.htm.
Test Equipment
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Required test equipment will always include a digital thermometer. If temperature calibrations will be checked, the contractors original calibrating instrument should be used. If using another instrument, it should be checked against the original instrument and adjusted prior to the calibration check. Additional equipment may include a hydronic pressure meter for valve or coil measurements.
2. Component Testing
3.10 Night high limit and morning cool-down 3.11 Special fan powered TU guidelines 3.12 Special guidelines for constant volume TUs: Hospital operating rooms 3.13 Interactions of TUs with air handler fan speed control
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4. Trend Analysis
4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 Heating coil control loop Space temperature control Excessive reheat of overcooled zones Semi-automated testing Automated testing
5. Automated Testing
1. Preparation
Create a test form. Testing will be easier, more conclusive, and more efficient if the
test procedure is thought through and documented before conducting the test. Developing a test form will assist in data collection and subsequent evaluation and may allow less experienced staff to execute the tests. Each test procedure should reference the specific sequence it is verifying. 1.2
Develop a sampling strategy. For most commercial applications it is impractical to
verify complete system performance on all installed terminal units. Certain features may be checked on a larger sample of terminal units, but in general only a small fraction of the terminal units warrant full functional performance testing. Typically the sampling strategy is applied separately to each type of TU (constant volume, variable volume reheat, variable volume cooling only, etc.). If a set fraction of TUs fail, another set fraction of TUs is tested. To avoid testing all the features of the TU when only one element or feature has failed, the TU test can be divided up into sections and failures can be tracked by section. Additional testing is only necessary for the failed sections. For laboratories, hospitals, or other critical applications, sample sizes up to 100% may be required. When automated or semi-automated testing can be used, sample sizes may be increased accordingly. The example sampling plan below illustrates these concepts.
Example Sampling Plan
The specifications call for a random sample of 5% of all TUs of similar type to be tested (minimum of 3). Total number to be tested of similar type = 8. The specifications also require that if 10% of the sampled TUs fail (any No Pass items), then another 5% of the total population must be tested. This applies to the features of the test, i.e., if a feature fails, only that feature of additional TUs needs to be tested. Record test results in the table below: Sub-Section I. Static Inspections II. Sensor calibration IV. Actuator calibrations V. Programming VI. Functional tests % Failed of 1st Sample % Failed of 2nd Sample
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test procedures. Many elements are simple pass/fail, but others like space temperature control and reheat valve control loop stability are more complex. Part of the acceptance criteria is the balancing report, so it will be necessary to have a copy in hand. Example criteria are provided later in this guidance document. 1.4
Take necessary precautions. Precautions should be taken to ensure the safety of
equipment and comfort of occupants. Terminal unit testing can result in dramatic changes in space temperatures of enclosed offices and occupants should be advised before testing takes place. 1.5
Complete prefunctional checklist. Verify that the system is ready for functional
testing. Prefunctional checklist items include, but are not limited to, the following:
Central air handling unit and respective terminal units have been balanced Air handler is fully operational, including all safeties and interlocks For TUs equipped with hot water reheat, check: Hydronic piping is flushed and clean Heating water valve is balanced Pumps and heating plant are operating All control sequences are programmed per design intent
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provided in this document can assist in verifying proper system performance in both new construction and existing building applications. At a minimum, the following people should participate in the testing process. Refer to the Functional Testing Basics section of the Functional Test Guide for a description of the general role and responsibility of the respective participant throughout the testing process. The roles and responsibilities should be customized based on actual project requirements. New Construction Project Commissioning Provider Mechanical Contractor Control Contractor Test, Adjust, and Balance Contractor Existing Building Project Commissioning Provider Building Operating Staff Controls Contractor
2. Component Testing
This test describes procedures for a VAV TU with reheat. Specific guidelines for fan powered boxes and constant volume boxes are provided in section 3.1. 2.1
Static inspections (completed on all units in the sample unless otherwise noted).
Visually check the following items from the construction checklist completed by the contractor:
Unit is properly labeled and accessible. Filter is clean (fan powered units).
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Smooth, round, straight duct for 3 duct diameters for velocity pressure sensor, 2 duct diameters at minimum o Smooth, round, straight duct for 3 to 5 duct diameters for single point electronic sensors o If straight duct is not possible and an elbow is necessary, use hard duct elbows (with straighteners if possible) instead of installing an elbow in the flex duct. Reheat coil water flow (check only on half of the units sampled). o The intent of this step is to spot check the TAB report and verify that the reheat coil design flow rate is met. This procedure is the same for systems with either automatic or manual balancing valves.
With the hot water plant operating under normal conditions, command the reheat coil control valve to the 100% open position and measure the differential pressure (dP) across either the balancing valve or the reheat coil itself. Most valve and coil manufacturers will have performance data that correlates dP with flow rate through the device.
Using the manufacturers dP vs. flow rate data, use the measured dP to find the flow rate through the device and compare this value with the design flow rate specified for the reheat coil.
If the measured flow rate is not within 10% of design, consider it deficient. However, note that the performance of manual balancing valves is dependent on overall loop pressure. If nearly all of reheat valves are closed when the test is performed, there is a chance the pressure within the water loop may exceed normal operating conditions. If the measured flow rate is 10% greater than design, consider commanding a significant number of reheat valves open in order to simulate a normal hot water pressure and retest the coil. 2.3
Strainer cleanliness (check only on the other half of the units sampled).
The intent of this step is to verify the water loop is clear of debris that may prevent design water flow through the coil. This check is only necessary on the terminal units not checked for design flow rate within the testing sample.
Valve off the heating coil, remove the strainer, and check for cleanliness.
To pass, basket strainers must have an unclogged area greater than or equal to 80% of the strainer area. In-line strainers with area equal to pipe cross section must be 90% clean. 2.4
Sensor calibration (complete on all units in the test sample).
Normally there are only two sensors that control a terminal unit space temperature and terminal unit air flow. However, some projects will also have a discharge air temperature sensor. The air flow is calibrated by the balancer and is typically most efficiently checked during a random check of all the balancing work. The space sensor that controls the terminal unit should have already been calibrated and is checked at this time. If the supply air is monitored only, the sensor may not need to be checked, but if it is used for control, its calibration should be checked at this time. Some contractors may insist that the sensors are factory calibrated and account for
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the wire length of the sensor. However, field experience has shown that calibrations are still needed on many sensors. To avoid disputes, it is best to either use the same instrument that the contractor used for the original calibration or to use a thermometer that has been adjusted against the contractors prior to testing. Hold the calibrated test instrument within 6 inches of the site sensor.
Verify that the sensor reading at the building automation system is within the limit specified when compared to the test instrument-measured value. Normally this limit should be equal to the resolution of the calibrating instrument and BAS readout (typically 0.1F).
If the sensor is outside the specified tolerance, the contractor should install an offset in the system so the reading matches the test instrument reading. For very large jobs, it may be more time-efficient to randomly check the calibration on all space sensors at one time rather than during an individual terminal unit functional test. It is important to use digital thermometers that are sufficiently accurate, or the calibration process can reduce the sensor accuracy. With an RTD space sensor, if the overall BAS reading accuracy is desired to be 1.0 F, it will be necessary to use a calibrating instrument and transducer with a total accuracy of no less than 0.9 F. The typical digital thermometers used by many controls contractors do not meet this accuracy requirement. For example, a common brands best digital thermometer series is 0.5F accurate, but when the thermocouple probe accuracy of 2.0 F is added (via square root of the sum of the squares), the total accuracy is 2.06 F, which cannot provide a check of a BAS reading within 1.0F accuracy. Thermometers that use thermistors rather than thermocouples are more accurate. 2.5
3-way valve check (complete on all units with 3-way valves in the sample).
Most terminal units will have 2-way valves but some have 3-way heating valves, which should be checked for proper installation, set-up, and programming. When programmed or wired backwards, the valve will open when being commanded to close, causing the space to overheat. The balancer should have verified this, but the frequency of failures warrants another check.
If the zone is not already in cooling mode, lower the space temperature setpoint 10F below current zone temperature. Verify proper 3-way valve set up is one of the following ways: Check that the actual space temperature is within 2 F of the setpoint. Measure the supply air entering the space from the TU via the diffuser (it should be within 3F of the air handler primary air temperature). o o o
Measure the return side of the TU coil (it should be 10 F or more below the heating water temperature). These readings should immediately provide indication of a malfunctioning valve. 2.6
Actuator calibration checks (complete on all units in the test sample).
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All terminal units will have an actuator on the primary cooling air flow damper. Dual duct VAV boxes will have actuators on both the primary cooling and heating air dampers, and units with a hot water reheat coil will have an actuator on the control valve. The air flow damper calibration will be checked later in the test during sequence of operation checks. The heating water valve should be calibrated (sometimes called spanning) at the BAS by commanding the valve closed, full open and to an intermediate position while observing that the actuator shaft is representing the respective position. Small actuators may not provide valve position feedback to the BAS (only the commanded valve position is shown at the BAS), making visual verification necessary. 2.7
Control programming (complete on all units in the test sample).
Checking the control programming can be an important area for locating inconsistencies and potential long-term performance problems. Often, the contractor will use a few terminal units to determine the control parameters and then use these same parameters on all remaining units. But the response of terminal units varies depending on actual zone conditions and individual unit performance characteristics, and parameters must be customized for the specific application. Ask the controls programmer to provide all programming and control parameters for the terminal unit being tested (parameters programmed in the TU controller or BAS). Compare these parameters to the written sequences. All variances should be corrected. Note that some parameters and features available for a terminal unit may not be appropriate for every application. Regardless, all parameters should be documented to assist in system troubleshooting and enhancing system performance through control modifications. Below are some common parameters that should be verified and documented.
Auto TU diagnostics. In the control system diagnostics,
o o o o o
Check the controller and actuator accumulated run times, and the moving average flow error. Check the moving average space temperature deviation from setpoint. Check the ratio of actuator to controller runtime. Ideally it should be less than 3%, but less than 5% is acceptable. Check the moving average flow error. It should be less than 10% of maximum cooling flow rate. Check the moving average space temperature deviation. It should be less than 3F.
o Address Check. TU address matches the TU location and ID on the plan drawings and control drawings. o Cooling minimum and maximum flow rate setpoints. Programmed maximum and minimum cooling flow rate setpoints in the BAS match (within 10%) the latest plan drawings and balance report. Typically the minimum cooling air flow rate is based on the minimum design ventilation requirement for the zone being served. However, when zone occupancy loads are less than design, the minimum air flow rate may overcool the space resulting in excess reheat to maintain space temperature setpoint. A high minimum cooling air flow rate can also cause comfort complaints in a cooling-only VAV box application. It may be possible to reduce the minimum air flow rate setpoint if trending
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verifies that the reheat coil is enabled a significant number of hours in what should be considered a cooling situation, or the space is continually below zone temperature setpoint in a cooling-only application. o Heating minimum and maximum flow rate setpoints. Programmed maximum and minimum heating flow rate setpoints in the BAS match (within 10%) the latest plan drawings and balance report. In most situations, the minimum heating air flow rate setpoint will be the same as the minimum cooling air flow setpoint. This may not be the case when electric reheat is used due to specific air flow requirements associated with electric reheat elements (refer to section 3.1 for a detailed discussion). Occasionally the designer may stipulate in the control sequences that the amount of air delivered to the space during heating mode be increased from a minimum to maximum value. The misconception is that increasing the flow rate will deliver more heat to the zone. Unfortunately a higher flow rate means the temperature differential across the coil decreases and may cause comfort complaints because the hot air may feel cold to the occupants. It is more effective to reduce the amount of air flow during heating mode to ensure design temperature differential across the heating coil. If the minimum and maximum heating flow rate setpoints exceed the minimum cooling flow rate, consider raising this as a control strategy issue with the designer. o K-factor (flow coefficient). K-factor programmed in the BAS is within 20% of the K-factor on the submitted control drawings, unless explained by the balancing contractor. If the actual K-factor value is less than 0.5 or greater than 4, further investigation is warranted. o Temperature adjustment range. Some zone temperature sensors provide occupants the ability adjust the temperature setpoint either up or down via a slider on the sensor. Document the range programmed in the BAS and compare with the design value (if applicable). Typically the range should be between 1F and 3F. o Occupied cooling and heating zone temperature setpoints. Note that some systems actually only have one central setpoint and then a bias above and below this central setpoint that defines the cooling and heating setpoint. o o
Unoccupied cooling and heating zone temperature setpoints. Heating coil valve stroke. Measure stroke time for incremental valves.
o Cooling space temperature setpoint proportional band. This controls the response speed of the primary air damper and affects over-and under-shoot. o Heating space temperature setpoint proportional band. This controls the response speed of the reheat valve (and potentially the primary air damper) and affects over-and under-shoot. o Primary air damper proportional band. This controls the response speed of the primary air damper and affects over-and under-shoot. o Duct area inlet. Compare to actual duct and plans. If they do not match, air flow will be inaccurate. o Damper stroke time. This value comes from controller specification/cut sheet.
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to zone cooling and heating loads should be verified. Verification can be accomplished by simulating a call for maximum cooling and then watching system response as a heating load is simulated. In order to perform the test, the central air handling unit must be operating at the duct static pressure setpoint. Simulate a call for maximum cooling by lowering the zone cooling temperature and heating temperature setpoints 10 F and 20F, respectively, below current zone temperature and observe the following:
Primary air damper modulates to full cooling position and design maximum cooling flow rate is achieved. Continuing from the previous step with the heating temperature setpoint kept at the same value, simulate a neutral zone condition by raising the cooling temperature setpoint 10F above current zone temperature. Observe the following:
Primary air damper starts to modulate toward the minimum cooling position and some intermediate cooling flow rate is achieved. The control loop will eventually drive the primary air damper to the minimum cooling flow rate. Continuing from the previous step with the cooling temperature setpoint kept at the same value, simulate a call for heating by raising the heating temperature setpoint 5F above current zone temperature. Observe the following, in order:
Primary air damper modulates to the minimum heating position and the minimum heating flow rate is achieved. Note that in most applications the minimum heating and cooling flow rates are specified to be the same value.
Reheat coil valve begins to modulate open. The control loop will eventually drive the reheat valve to 100% open. During heating mode, measure the discharge air temperature from the TU and verify it is not more than 15F above the space temperature in order to minimize stratification. If desired, simulate a transition from heating to cooling mode by reversing the test procedure outlined above. Observe that the heating coil valve fully closes before the damper starts to modulate open and the air flow increases. Normally, the point where the heating coil valve closes fully is the space heating setpoint. The space must continue to warm through the dead band to the cooling setpoint before the TU begins to increase its flow rate towards maximum.
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Special considerations: The following operating conditions may occur during the
test depending on system type and the actual control sequences specified by the designer. Electric reheat: The minimum heating flow rate may be higher than the minimum cooling flow rate in order to ensure adequate air flow across the electric heating elements.
Dual duct terminal units: The sequences for a dual duct system are
similar to those outlined above except that during heating, the minimum cooling flow rate is maintained continually and the heating air damper modulates as necessary to maintain zone temperature setpoint.
Series fan-powered terminal units: In a series fan-powered terminal unit, the fan operates continually when the air handler is ON. The sequence of operations is similar to those outlined above except that during heating mode, the minimum cooling flow rate is maintained continually and the reheat coil valve (or heating air damper in the case of a dual duct system) modulates open as necessary to maintain zone temperature setpoint. Parallel fan-powered terminal units: The sequences of operations are
similar to those outlined above for a cooling load. When the zone temperature approaches the heating setpoint, the primary air damper modulates to the minimum cooling flow rate and the fan turns on to temper the supply air with air from the return plenum. If the zone temperature continues to drops below heating temperature setpoint, then the primary air damper remains at the minimum cooling flow rate, the fan stays enabled, and the reheat valve modulates open as necessary to maintain zone temperature setpoint. 3.2
Heating coil valve control loop stability. This can best be verified through
trending. Refer to Section 4 of this document for trending test procedures and acceptance criteria. 3.3 3.4 3.5
Space temperature stability. This can best be verified through trending. Refer to
Section 4 of this document for trending test procedures and acceptance criteria.
Discharge air control. If the TU discharge air is being controlled, adjust its set point
criteria for verifying CO2 control are provided in the Demand_Controlled_Ventilation test guidance document. 3.6
Occupancy sensor control. Some TUs are tied to occupancy sensors which limit
operation to periods when the sensor indicates occupancy. If the zone is unoccupied, the unit may go into UNOCCUPIED, an intermediate mode, or the primary air damper closes completely. Note that this feature should only be tested once the furniture is in place in order to simulate actual occupant conditions. With the zone unoccupied for at least 20 minutes (variable depending on how frequently sensor status is polled), walk by the doorway with the door open and verify that the sensor did not trip the unit to an OCCUPIED condition, as specified in the control sequences. Then walk into the room and ensure the sensor enables an OCCUPIED condition, as specified in the control sequences. Sit in the chair for 10 minutes at the most remote occupant locations and do nothing more than read. Ensure that the sensor does not put the unit into an UNOCCUPIED mode. Leave the room and record the time needed for the TU to return to UNOCCUPIED mode. Ensure both
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the OCCUPIED and UNOCCUPIED control parameters meet the specified sequence of operations. 3.7
Heating coil valve leakage. The test procedures and acceptance criteria for verifying
valve leakage are provided in the Valve Leak-by test guidance document (Valve_Leak_By.doc). 3.8
Unoccupied and override control. First verify that the unoccupied schedule and
override duration meets the actual schedule. Reduce the override duration to 5 minutes for testing. Either change the time of day to be within an unoccupied time period, or adjust the unoccupied period to include current time. Note that the occupied schedule must be changed as well to prevent the system from executing both occupied and unoccupied commands in rapid succession. Ensure the system enables the unoccupied parameters per the design sequence of operation. Then engage the override button and observe the system reverts back to the occupied conditions per the design sequence of operations. Wait for the length of the override duration and observe that the unit goes back into UNOCCUPIED mode. When complete, return all settings to their original values. 3.9
Night low limit and morning warm-up. The night low limit control sequence will
provide heating when the space temperature is below the unoccupied heating setpoint. To test, put the TU and air handler units into unoccupied mode. This can be accomplished by either changing the time of day to be within an unoccupied time period, or adjusting the unoccupied period to include the current time. Note that the occupied schedule must be changed as well to prevent the system from executing both occupied and unoccupied commands in rapid succession. Change the space unoccupied heating setpoint to be 5F above the current space temperature so it will go into a night low limit mode. Observe the following:
Non fan-powered units
The central air handler starts with its outside air dampers closed. For dual duct systems, only the central heating air handling unit is enabled. Hot water plant starts (if applicable). Primary air damper modulates to minimum heating flow rate. For dual duct systems, the primary cooling air damper remains 100% closed. Reheat valve modulates, electric heating elements are staged ON, or primary heating air damper modulates as necessary to meet zone temperature setpoint.
Fan-powered units
All central air handling units stay OFF. Primary cooling air damper remains 100% closed. Terminal unit fan starts to circulate return air into the space.
If the zone still calls for heating, the following should occur: the reheat valve modulates, the electric heating elements are staged ON, or the central heating air handling unit will start and the primary heating air damper modulates as necessary to meet setpoint. Once the unoccupied setpoint is met, all systems go back into unoccupied mode. When testing is complete, return all system parameters to normal.
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3.10 Night high limit and morning cool-down. The night high limit control sequence will provide cooling when the space temperature is above the unoccupied cooling setpoint. To test, put the TU and air handler units into unoccupied mode. This can be accomplished by either changing the time of day to be within an unoccupied time period, or adjusting the unoccupied period to include the current time. Note that the occupied schedule must be changed as well to prevent the system from executing both OCCUPIED and UNOCCUPIED commands in rapid succession. Change the space unoccupied setpoint to be 10F cooler than the current space temperature so it will go into night high limit mode. Observe the following:
In fan-powered systems, the parallel fan stays OFF while a series fan is commanded ON. The central air handler starts in full economizer position. If the economizer is locked out or cannot handle the load, the cooling plant is enabled. Once the unoccupied setpoint is met, all systems go back into unoccupied mode. When testing is complete, return all system parameters to normal. 3.11 Special fan powered TU guidelines.
During the programming check, verify that a delay timer is programmed so all fan powered units don't start at once (if specified), to minimize peak demand.
In series type fan-powered boxes, the TU fan could be rotating backwards if the primary air handler is started before the TU fan is started. This would result in the TU fan running backwards once it is energized. Avoid this condition by ensuring the TU fan starts before the central AHU fan, keeping the primary air damper closed until the TU fan is started, or verifying that the TU fan can handle backward rotation and restart in the proper direction.
In series type fan-powered boxes, make sure during design duct static pressure conditions with the TU damper fully open that primary air is not pushing out the return air inlet, rather than drawing in (caused by the primary air volume flow rate exceeding the fan flow rate).
During static inspections, observe the unit for excessive fan noise or vibration. During static inspections for parallel boxes, check the balancing report for any TUs that needed dampers added to the return plenum intake. Pay close attention to these units since increased velocity across the damper may create excessive noise.
During functional testing of parallel fan powered units, verify that when the unit is in heating mode, the backdraft damper is fully open and that as soon as the unit goes out of reheat mode into cooling mode that the fan turns OFF and the back draft damper closes.
Refer to the test procedures above for special issues with fan power boxes during unoccupied high and low limit modes.
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3.12 Special guidelines for constant volume TUs: Hospital operating rooms. Operating Rooms have both supply and return TUs that have a fixed flow differential in order to maintain a positive pressure in the room. Many of the test procedures outlined in this document apply. However, a specific test may be necessary in this particular application. Put the air handler and exhaust or return fans into a worst case situation (command other zones to maximum flows, etc.) to try and starve the supply side, including simulating a dirty TU filter by covering of it with paper. Repeat this test but starve the return side to verify that the fans have sufficient capacity to meet the design flows for the TU being tested. This test is less important in control schemes that vary the flow differential to maintain an actual monitored room differential pressure. For the fixed differential flow control scheme, do not trust the differential alone. Test the actual pressure across the door to be sure the room is actually positive across the door. 3.13 Interactions of TUs with air handler fan speed control. As the space cooling load fluctuates, the TU dampers respond by modulating. As the dampers close, duct static pressure increases. The duct static pressure setpoint is exceeded and the system backs down the fan speed via the variable speed drive. In order to take advantage of the energy savings potential in this strategy, two conditions should exist.
First, the duct static pressure sensor should be 2/3 to 3/4 down the duct from the first to the last terminal box takeoff on the most hydraulically restrictive branch. This can be checked visually as part of the TU test.
Second, when the balancer determines the fixed duct static pressure setpoint (regardless of where it is located), the most restrictive branch from the air handler down to the terminal unit should have all balancing dampers fully open. This can be checked during the terminal unit or air handler tests by asking the balancer to show you the branch that is fully open. Have the balancer walk you to each balancing device (you can check their location on the plans) to verify they are all fully open. Refer to the AHU_Reset test guidance document for additional issues pertaining to the terminal unit/air handler interactions, as well as detailed test procedures and acceptance criteria.
4. Trend Analysis
Heating coil control loop. To verify if the heating coil valve (HCV) is under
control, trend the HCV command and the space temperature at one to two minute intervals for 24 hours. The HCV command should not be hunting. 4.2
Space temperature control. Testing terminal units is not complete until trending of
space temperatures has been accomplished. This trending is usually implemented on more than the small sample of TUs that received manual functional testing. The number of rooms trended will depend on the size of the project, the critical nature of the spaces, and the capabilities of the control system and the controls technician. If all rooms can be trended, trend at 10 minute intervals for 3 days, or take a smaller sample for 7 days. Trend space temperature, HCV command, supply air temperature, and outside air temperature. Verify that the space is kept within 1 F of setpoint at all times, except during start-up. 4.3
Excessive reheat of overcooled zones. As stated previously in section 2.5, the
minimum cooling air flow rate setpoint is typically based on minimum design
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ventilation requirements for the zone being served. In many instances, actual occupant and equipment loads are far lower than design load estimates and the zones tend to be overcooled. Heat is added to the air stream in a reheat situation to maintain zone temperature but zones served by cooling-only VAV boxes will simply become overcooled, possibly leading to comfort complaints. Zone temperature and setpoint, as well as reheat operation, should be trended to identify zones that are being overcooled. A possible solution is to discuss the potential for lowering the minimum cooling air flow rate setpoint with the designer.
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5. Automated Testing
Semi-automated testing. Some control systems can run reports on various TU
parameters for diagnostic purposes, which can be a valuable troubleshooting tool. These parameters, such as which TUs are starved for air and which zone temperatures are not satisfied, can be useful in verifying project performance. Ask the control technician which reports, if any, are available and use the information to help troubleshoot operational problems that may arise after initial functional system testing is complete. 5.2
Automated testing. Some TU controllers and their associated control system can
perform sophisticated diagnostic tests that can eliminate the need to perform many of the functional tests described in this document. At least one control company has a program that will test controller calibration, air flow measurement calibration, damper operation, airflow tracking, reheat functions, and space temperature control. It does this much like manual testing by changing setpoints and observing and timing TU responses. A full report and list of deficiencies is automatically provided. This testing is done after balancing is complete and when the space is unoccupied. It can be scheduled ahead of time and run all night on up to six TUs at a time before automatically moving to another set. If automated testing is used, modify any manual tests and trends accordingly.
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