5.4.3 Selection of A Grounding Scheme: 98 G C EMI
5.4.3 Selection of A Grounding Scheme: 98 G C EMI
5.4.3 Selection of A Grounding Scheme: 98 G C EMI
ground plane to form a homogeneous, low-impedance path. Thus, common-mode currents and other EMI problems will be minimized. The ground plane then is earthed for safety purposes.
Eliminate common impedance by using a single point ground (Fig. 5.11) if possible. This conguration is usually optimal for power frequencies and signal frequencies below 300 kHz. Separate and isolate grounds on the basis of signal type, level, and frequency as illustrated in Fig. 5.10. Minimize ground impedance as illustrated in Fig. 5.14 by using ground bus, ground plane, or ground grid. Float circuits or equipments if practical from a safety standpoint as illustrated in Fig. 5.15. The effectiveness of oating circuits or equipments depends on their physical isolation from other conductors. In large facilities, it is difcult to achieve a oating system. Use an inductor or capacitor in the ground connection to provide high- or low-frequency isolation, respectively, as illustrated in Figs. 5.16 and 5.17.
Daisy Chaining (Poor)
Figure 5.14 Means of decreasing common-impedance coupling by decreasing ground path impedance. From the bad practice of daisy-chain (top), the improvement evolves toward a plane (left) or a grid (right).
ZL Case Zs Float Vi
Rs Vs RL
Use lters or ferrites in ground loops to limit common-mode currents or provide a common-mode voltage drop. Use a common-mode choke as illustrated in Fig. 5.18 or a commonmode isolation transformer as illustrated in Fig. 5.19 to suppress ground-loop EMI. These devices may provide on the order of 60 dB
RF Choke
Rs Vs
In In
Parasitic Cap
C Victim D
of common-mode rejection at frequencies up to several hundred kilohertz. Use optical isolators and/or ber optics to block common-mode EMI effects as illustrated in Fig. 5.20. Optical isolators provide a high degree of common-mode rejection at frequencies up to and including the HF band (i.e., 3 to 30 MHz). Optical isolators are usually limited to digital applications (they are not applicable to low-level analog circuits). Use balanced circuits to minimize effects of common-mode EMI in the ground loop as illustrated in Fig. 5.21. With a perfectly balanced circuit, the currents owing in the two parts of the circuit will produce equal and opposite voltages across the load, so the resulting voltage across the load is zero. Balanced circuits can provide signicant (greater than 20 dB) common-mode reduction for low-frequency conditions. However, at higher frequencies (above 30 MHz), other effects start to predominate, and the effectiveness of balanced circuits diminishes. Common-mode radiated EMI effects resulting from emissions that are radiated or picked up by a ground loop may be reduced by the application of one or more of the following techniques: Minimize the common-mode ground loop area by routing interconnecting wires or cable close to the ground. Reduce the common-mode ground loop currents by oating circuits or equipments; using optical isolators; or inserting common-mode lters, chokes, or isolation transformers. Use balanced circuits or balanced drivers and receivers.
A single-point ground for an equipment complex is illustrated in Fig. 5.23. With this conguration, the signal circuits are referenced to a single point, and this single point is then connected to the facility ground. The ideal single-point signal ground network is one in which separate ground conductors extend from one point on the facility ground to the return side of each of the numerous circuits located throughout a facility. This type of ground network requires an extremely large number of conductors and is not generally economically feasible. In lieu of the ideal, various degrees of approximation to singlepoint grounding are employed.
Signal Ground
The conguration illustrated in Fig. 5.24 represents a ground bus arrangement that is often used to provide an approximation to the single-point grounding concept. The ground bus system illustrated in Fig. 5.24 assumes the form of a tree. Within each system, the individual subsystems are single-point grounded. Each of the system ground points is then connected to the tree ground bus with a single insulated conductor. The single-point ground accomplishes each of the three functions of signal circuit grounding. That is, a signal reference is established in each unit or piece of equipment, and these individual references are connected together. These, in turn, are connected to the facility ground at least at one point, which provides fault protection for the circuits and provides control over static charge buildup. An important advantage of the single-point conguration is that it helps control conductively coupled interference. As illustrated in Fig. 5.23, closed paths for noise currents in the signal ground network are avoided, and the interference currents, or voltages in the facility ground system, are not conductively coupled into the signal circuits via the signal ground network. Therefore, the single-point signal ground network minimizes the effects of any noise currents that may be owing in the facility ground. In a large installation, a major disadvantage of a single-point ground conguration is the requirement for long conductors. In addition to
System C System A
Grounding Bus
Earth Ground
being expensive, long conductors prevent realization of a satisfactory reference for higher frequencies because of large self-impedances. Furthermore, because of stray capacitance between conductors, singlepoint grounding essentially ceases to exist as the signal frequency is increased. In general, for typical equipments, systems, or facilities, single-point grounds tend to be optimum for frequencies below approximately 300 kHz. The multiple-point ground illustrated in Fig. 5.25 is the third conguration frequently used for signal ground networks. This conguration establishes many conductive paths to various electronic systems or subsystems within a facility. Within each subsystem, circuits and networks have multiple connections to this ground network. Thus, in a facility, numerous parallel paths exist between any two points in the multiplepoint ground network. Multiple-point grounding frequently simplies circuit construction inside complex equipment. It permits equipment employing coaxial cables to be interfaced more easily, since the outer conductor of the coaxial cable does not have to be oated relative to the equipment cabinet or enclosure. However, multiple-point grounding suffers from an important disadvantage. Power currents and other high-amplitude, low-frequency currents owing through the facility ground system can conductively couple into signal circuits to create intolerable interference in susceptible low-frequency circuits. Also, multiple ground loops are created, and this makes it more difcult to control radiated emission or susceptibility resulting from the common-mode ground loop effects. In addition,
Safety Ground
Signal Ground
Facility Ground
for multiple-point grounding to be effective, all ground conductors between the separate points must be less than 0.1 wavelength of the interference signal. Otherwise, common-ground impedance and groundradiated effects will become signicant. In general, multiple-point grounding congurations tend to be optimum at higher frequencies (i.e., above 30 MHz). To illustrate one form of a hybrid-ground system, Fig. 5.26 shows a 19-in cabinet rack containing ve separate sliding drawers. Each drawer contains a portion of the system (top to bottom): (1) RF and IF preamp circuitry for reception of microwave signals, (2) IF and video
Single-Point Power Line & Gnd Return (SPPL&GR) LO BPF & RF Ampl PreSelector IF Preamp
Ant In
IF Ampl.
Log IF Ampl.
Video Ampl.
Sweep Circuits
Display Drawer
signal ampliers, (3) display drivers, displays, and control circuits, (4) low-level audio circuits and recorders for documenting sensitive multichannel, hard-line telemetry sensor outputs, and (5) secondary and regulated power supplies. The hybrid aspect results from: The RF and IF video drawers are similar. Here, unit-level boxes or stages (interconnecting coaxial cables are grounded at both ends) are multipoint grounded to the drawer-chassis ground plane. The chassis is then grounded to the dagger pin, chassis ground bus as suggested in Fig. 5.27. The power ground to these drawers, on the other hand, is using a single-point ground from its bus in a manner identical to the audio drawer.
Insulator Low-Level RF Circuits & IF Preamp To Power Gnd To Signal Gnd RF-IF Coax Cables Signal Gnd IF Amplifiers, BP Filters Demodulators, & Video Ampl Video Cables, Coax or Twisted Shielded Pair Display Drivers and Readout Circuitry
Antenna Jack
The chassis or signal ground and power ground busses each constitute a multipoint grounding scheme to the drawer level. The individual ground busses are single-point grounded at the bottom ground distribution block. This avoids circulating common-mode current between chassis or signal ground and power grounds, since power ground current can vary due to transient surges in certain modes of equipment operation. Interconnecting cables between different drawer levels are run separately, and their shields, when used, are treated in the same grounding manner as at the drawer level. The audio and display drawers shown in Fig. 5.27 use single-point grounding throughout for both their unit-level boxes (interconnecting twisted cable is grounded at one end to its unit) and power leads. Cable and unit shields are all grounded together at the common dagger pin bus. Similarly, the outgoing power leads and twisted returns are separately bonded on their dagger pin busses. To review the above scheme, the following is observed: The audio and display drawers have ground runs of about 0.6 m and an upper frequency of operation of about 1 MHz (driver and sweep circuits). Thus, single-point grounding to the strike pins is indicated. The RF and IF drawers process UHF and 30 MHz signals over a distance of a meter so that multipoint grounding is indicated. The regulated power supplies furnish equipment units having transient surge demands. The longest length is about 1.5 m, and signicant transient frequency components may extend up in the HF region. Here, hybrid grounding is indicated: single-point within a drawer and multipoint from the power bus to all drawers.