The Figure of The Worker Between The Gods The Titans

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Ernst Jnger: The Figure of The Worker Between the Gods & the Titans

By Alain de Benoist Translated by Greg Johnson he-titans-part-3/

PART 1 Armin Mohler, author of the classic The Conservative Revolution in Germany, 19181932, wrote regarding Ernst Jngers The Worker (Der Arbeiter) and the first edition of The Adventurous Heart: To this day, my hand cannot take up these works without trembling. Elsewhere, describing The Worker as an erratic bloc in the midst of Jngers works, he states: The Worker is more than philosophy, it is a work of poetry.[1] The word is apt, above all if we admit that that all true poetry is foundational, that it simultaneously captures the world and unveils the divine. A metallic bookone is tempted to use the expression storm of steel to describe itThe Worker indeed possesses a genuinely metaphysical quality that takes it well beyond the historical and especially political context in which it was born. Not only has its publication marked an important day in the history of ideas, but it provides a theme of reflection that runs like a hidden thread throughout Jngers long life. I. Ernst Jnger was born on March 28th, 1895 in Heidelberg.[2] Jnger went to school in Hannover and Schwarzenberg, in the Erzgebirge, then in Brunswick and finally in Hannover again, as well as the Scharnhorst Realschule in Wunstorf. In 1911 he joined the Wunstdorf section of the Wandervogel.[3] That same year published his first poem, Unser Leben, in their local journal. In 1913 at the age of 16, he left home. His escapade ended in Verdun, where he joined the French Foreign Legion. A few months later, after a brief sojourn in Algeria, where his training began at Siddi bel Abbes, his father was able to persuade him to return to Germany. He resumed his studies at the Hannover Guild Institute, where he became familiar with the works of Nietzsche. The First World War broke out on August 1st, 1914. Jnger volunteered on the first day. Assigned to the 73rd regiment of fusiliers, he received his marching orders on October 6th. On December 27th, he left for the front in Champagne. He fought at Dorfes-les-Epargnes, at Douchy, at Moncy. He became squad leader in August 1915, sub-lieutenant in November, and from April 1916 underwent officer training at Croisilles. Two months later, he took part in the engagements on the Somme, where he was twice wounded. Upon his return to the front in

November, with the rank of lieutenant, he was wounded again near Saint-Pierre-Vaast. On December 16th he received the Iron Cross First Class. In February 1917, he became Stosstruppfuehrer (leader of an assault battalion). This is when the war bogged down while the human costs became terrifyingly immense. The French prepared Nivelles bloody and useless offensive on the Chemin des Dames. At the head of his men, Jnger fought hand to hand in the trenches. Endless battles, new wounds: in July on the front in Flanders, and also in December. Jnger was decorated with the Knights Cross of the Oder of the Hohenzollerns. During the offense of March 1918, he again led assault troops. He was wounded. In August, another wound, this time near Cambrai. He ended the war in a military hospital, having been wounded fourteen times! That earned him the Cross Pour le merite, the highest award in the German army. Only twelve subaltern officers of the ground forces, one the future Marshal Rommel, received this decoration during the whole First World War. One lived for the Idea alone. Between 1918 and 1923, in the barracks at Hannover, Jnger began to write his first books, inspired by his experiences at the front. In Storms of Steel (In Stahlgewittern), first published in 1919 by the author and in a new edition in 1922, was an immediate success. There followed Battle as Inner Experience (Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis) (1922), Copse 125: A Chronicle from the Trench Warfare of 1918 (Das Wldchen 125) (1924), and Fire and Blood (Feur und Blut) (1925). Very quickly, Jnger was recognized as one of the most brilliant writers of his generation, even though, as Henri Plard points out in The Career of Ernst Jnger, 19201929, in Germanic Studies, AprilJune 1978), he first became known primarily as a specialist in military problems thanks to articles on modern warfare published in Militr-Wochenblatt. But Jnger did not feel at home in a peacetime army. It no longer offered adventure of the Freikorps. In 1923 he left the Reichswehr and entered Leipzig University to study biology, zoology, and philosophy. On August 3rd, 1925 he married the 19 year old Gretha von Jeinsen. She gave him two children: Ernst in 1926 and Alexander in 1934. At same time, his political ideas matured thanks to the veritable cauldron of agitation among the factions of German public opinion: the disastrous Treaty of Versailles, which the Weimar Republic had accepted without batting an eye at any of its clauses, was everywhere felt to be an unbearable Diktat. In the space of a few months Jnger had become one of the principal representatives of the national-revolutionary movement, an important part of the Conservative Revolution which extended to the left with the National Bolshevik movement rallying primarily around Ernst Niekisch. Jngers political writings appeared during the central period of the Republic (the Stresemann era), a provisional period of respite and apparent calm which ended in 1929. He would later say: One lived for the Idea alone.[4] Initially, his ideas were expressed in journals. In September 1925, a former Freikorps leader, Helmut Franke, who has just published a book entitled Staat im Staate (Berlin: Stahlhelm, 1924), launched the journal Die Standarte which set out to contribute towards a spiritual deepening of the thought of the Front. Jnger was on the editorial board, along with another representative of soldatic nationalism, the writer Franz Schauwecker, born in 1890. Initially published as a supplement of the weekly magazine Der Stahlhelm, the organ of the association of war veterans

also called Stahlhelm,[5] directed by Wilhelm Kleinau, Die Standarte had a considerable circulation: approximately 170,000 readers. Between September 1925 and March 1926, Jnger published nineteen articles there. Helmut Franke signed his contributions with the pseudonym Gracchus. The whole anti-revolutionary young right published there: Werner Beumelburg, Franz Schauwecker, Hans Henning von Grote, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinz, Goetz Otto Stoffregen, etc. In Die Standarte Jnger immediately adopted a quite radical tone, very different from that of most Stahlhelm members. In an article published in October 1925, he criticized the theory of the stab in the back (Dolchstoss), which was accepted by almost all nationalists, namely that the German army was not defeated at the front but by a stab in the back at home. Jnger also emphasized that certain revolutionaries of the far left had fought with distinction in the war.[6] Remarks of this kind caused a violent uproar. Quickly, the leaders of Stahlhelm moved to distance themselves from the young writer who had agitated their side. In March 1926 Die Standarte was closed. But it was revived a month later under the abridged name Standarte with Jnger, Schauwecker, Kleinau, and Franke as co-editors. At this time, the ties with Stahlhelm were not entirely severed: the old soldiers continued to indirectly finance Standarte. Jnger and his friends reaffirmed their revolutionary calling. On June 3rd, 1926, Jnger published an appeal to all former front soldiers to unite for the creation of a nationalist workers republic, a call that found no echo.[7] In August, at the urging of Otto Hrsing, co-founder of the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot Gold, the Social Democrats security force, the government, using the pretext of an article about Walther Rathenau, banned Standarte for five months. Because of this, Franz Seldte the leader of Stahlhelm decommissioned its chief editor, Helmut Franke. In solidarity, Jnger quit, and in November the two, along with Wilhelm Weiss, became the editors of another journal, Arminius. (Standarte, under different editorship, continued until 1929.) En 1927, Jnger left Leipzig for Berlin, where he formed close ties with former Freikorps members and with the young bndisch movement. The latter, oscillating between military discipline and a very firm esprit de corps, tried to reconcile the adventurous romanticism of the Wandervogel with a more hierarchical, communitarian mode of organization. In particular, Jnger was closely connected to Werner Lass, born in Berlin in 1902, who in 1924 had been the founder, with the old leader of the Rossbach Freikorps unit, of the Schilljugend (a youth movement named for major Schill, who was killed during the struggle for liberation against Napoleons occupation). In 1927, Lass left Rossbach and lauched Freischar Schill, a bndisch group of which Jnger rapidly became the mentor (Schirmherr). From October 1927 to March 1928, Lass and Jnger collaborated to publish the journal Der Vormarsch, created in June 1927 by another famous Freikorps leader, captain Ehrhardt. Notes 1. Preface to Marcel Decombis, Ernst Jnger et la Konservative Revolution (GRECE, 1975), 8. 2. The son of Ernst Georg Jnger (18681943), a chemist and assistant to research chemist Viktor Meyer. He had one sister and five brothers, two of whom died very young.

3. In 1901, a right-wing student named Karl Fischer organized the students at the gymnasium of Steglitz, near Berlin, into a movement of young protesters with idealistic and romantic tendencies, to whom he gave the name Wandervogel (birds of passage). This movement, subsequently divided into many currents, gave birth to the Jugendbewegung (Youth Movement) and became widely known. In October 1913, the same year Jnger joined, the Youth Movement organized (alongside the commemoration of the hundredth birthday of the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig) a great meeting at Hohen Meissner, close to Kassel. There several thousand young Wandervogel discussed the problems of the movement, which was pacifist, nationalist, and populist in orientation. On the eve of the First World War, the Jugendbewegung counted approximately 25,000 members. After 1918, the movement could not regain its old cohesion, but its influence remained undeniable. On the Wandervogel, cf. epecially Hans Bliiher, Wandervogel. Geschichte einer Jugendbewegung, 2 vol. (Berlin-Tempelhof: Bernhard Weise, 19121913); Fr. W. Foerster, Jugendseele, Jugendbewegung, Jugendziel (Mnchen-Leipzig: Rotapfel, 1923); Theo Herrle, Die deutsche Jugendbewegung in ihren kulturellen Zusammenhngen (Gotha-Stuttgart: Friedrich Andreas Perthes, 1924); Heinrich Ahrens, Die deutsche Wandervogelbewegung von den Anfngen bis zum Weltkrieg (Hamburg: Hansischer Gildenverlag, 1939); Werner Kindt, ed., Grundschriften der deutschen Jugendbewegung (Dusseldorf-Kln: Eugen Diederichs, 1963); Bernhard Schneider, Daten zur Geschichte der Jugendbewegung (Bad Godesberg: Voggenreiter, 1965); Walter Laqueur, Die deutsche Jugendbewegung. Eine historische Studie (Kln: Wissenschaft und Politik, 1978); Otto Neuloh and Wilhelm Zilius, Die Wandervogel. Eine empirisch-soziologische Untersuchung der frhen deutschen Jugendbewegung (Gttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1982). 4. Journal, vol. 2, April 20th, 1943. 5. The Stalhelm association had been founded at the end of 1918 by Franz Seldte, born in Magdeburg in 1882, in reaction to the November revolution. His orientation to the right was intensified the moment the Treaty of Versailles was signed in June of 1919. After the assassinnation of Walther Rathenau, in 1922, Stahlhelm was dissolved in Prussia but the ban was lifted the following year. In 1925, it had around 260,000 members. In 1933, Seldte was named Minister of Labor in Hitlers first cabinet. The National Socialist regime went on to force Stahlhelms integration into the Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Frontkampferbund (NSDFB). Theodor Duesterberg, Seldtes assistant since 1924, who had immediately abandoned his functions, was arrested and imprisoned in June 1934. In 1935, the liquidation of Stahlhelm was complete. Cf. on this subject: Wilhelm Kleinau, Soldaten der Nation. Die geschichtliche Sendung des Stahlhelm (Berlin: Stahlhelm, 1933); Franz Seldte, ed., Der NSDFB (Stahlhelm). Geschichte, Wesen und Aufgabe des Frontsoldatenbundes (Berlin: Freiheitsverlag, 1935); Theodor Duesterberg, Der Stahlhelm und Hitler (Wolfenbttel-Hannover: Wolfenbtteler Verlagsanstalt, 1949); and Volker R. Berghahn, Der Stahlhelm-Bund der Frontsoldaten (Dsseldorf: Droste, 1966). 6. Ernst Jnger, Die Revolution, Die Standarte, 1, October 18, 1925. 7. Cf. Louis Dupeux, Strategie communiste et dynamique conservatrice. Essai sur les difjerents sens de lexpression national-bolchevisme en Allemagne, sous la Republique de Weimar, 19191933 (Honore Champion, 1976), p. 313. Source: Alain de Benoist, Ernst Jnger: La Figure du Travailleur entre les Dieux et les Titans,

Nouvelle Ecole No. 40 (Autumn 1983): 1161.

PART 2 Losing the War to Win the Nation During this time Jnger had a number of literary and philosophical influences. During the war, the experience of the front enabled him to resolve the triple influence of such late 19th century French writers as Huysmans and Lon Bloy, of a kind of expressionism that still shows up clearly in Battle as Inner Experience and especially in the first version of The Adventurous Heart, and of a kind of Baudelairian dandyism clearly present in Sturm, an early novel recently published.[1] Armin Mohler likens the young Jnger to the Barrs of Roman de lEnergie nationale: for the author of the Battle as Inner Experience, as for that of Scenes et doctrines du nationalisme, nationalism, a substitute religion, a mode of enlarging and strengthening the soul, results above all from a deliberate choice, the decisionist aspect of this orientation rising from the collapse of standards after the outbreak of the First World War. The influence of Spengler and Nietzsche is also evident. In 1929, in an interview given to an English journalist, Jnger defined himself as a disciple of Nietzsche, stressing that Nietzsche was the first to challenge the fiction of an abstract universal man, sundering this fiction into two concrete, diametrically opposed types: the strong and the weak. In 1922 Jnger passionately read the first volume of The Decline of the West, then the second volume as soon as it was released in December of the same year, when he wrote Sturm. However, as we shall see, Jnger was no passive disciple. He was far from following Nietzsche and Spengler in the totality of their positions. The decline of the west in his eyes was not an inescapable fate; there were other alternatives than simply acquiescing to the reign of Caesars. In the same way, if Jnger adopts Nietzsches questioning, it was first and foremost to bring it to an end. Ultimately, the war represented the strongest influence. Jnger initially drew the lesson of agonism from it. The war must cause passion, but not hatred: the soldier on the other side of the trenches is not an incarnation of evil, but a simple figure of momentary adversity. It is because there is no absolute enemy (Feind), but only an adversary (Gegner), that combat is always something holy. Another lesson is that life is nourished by death and vice-versa: The most precious knowledge that one acquired from the school of the war, Jnger would write, is that life, in its most secret heart, is indestructible (Das Reich, I, October 1, 1930, 3). Granted, the war had been lost. But in virtue of the principle of the equivalence of contraries, this defeat also demanded a positive analysis. First, defeat or victory is not the most important issue of the war. Fundamentally activistic, the national revolutionist ideology professes a certain contempt of goals. One does not fight to attain victory, one fights to make war. Moreover, Jnger claimed, the war is less a war between nations, than a war between different kinds of men. In all the nations that took part in that war, there are both victors and vanquished (Battle as Inner Experience).

Better yet, defeat can become the ferment of a victory. It represents the very condition of this victory. As the epigraph of his book Aufbruch der Nation (Berlin: Frundsberg, 1930), Franz Schauwecker used this stunning phrase: It was necessary for us to lose the war to win the nation. Perhaps remembering the words of Lon Bloy, All that happens is worthy, Jnger also says: Germany was vanquished, but this defeat was salutary because it contributed to the destruction of the old Germany. . . . It was necessary to lose the war to win the nation. Defeated by the allied coalition, Germany will be able to return to herself and change in a revolutionary way. The defeat must be accepted as a means of transmutation: in a quasi-alchemical way, the experience of the front must be transmuted in a new experience of the life of the nation. Such is the base of soldatic nationalism. It was in the war, Jnger continues, that German youth acquired the assurance that the old paths no longer lead anywhere, and that it is necessary to blaze new ones. An irreversible rupture (Umbruch), the war abolished all old values. Any reactionary attitude, any desire to retrogress, became impossible. The energy that had been unleashed in a specific fight of and for the fatherland, can from now on serve the fatherland in another form. The war, in other words, furnished the model for the peace. In The Worker, one reads: The battle front and the Labor front are identical (p. 109). The central idea is that the war, superficially meaningless though it may appear, actually has a deep meaning. This cannot be grasped by rational investigation but only by feeling (ahnen). The positive interpretation that Jnger gives war is not, contrary to what is too often asserted, primarily dependent on the exaltation of warrior values. It proceeded from a political concern to find a purpose for which the sacrifice of the dead soldiers could no longer be considered useless. From 1926 onwards, Jnger called tirelessly for the formation of an united front of nationalist groups and movements. At the same time, he soughtwithout notable successto change them. For Jnger too, nationalism must be alchemically transmuted. It must be freed of any sentimental attachment to the old right and become revolutionary. It must take note of the decline of the bourgeois world apparent in the novels of Thomas Mann (Die Buddenbrooks) or Alfred Kubin (Die andere Seite). From this point of view, what is essential is the fight against liberalism. In Arminius and Der Vormarsch, Jnger attacks the liberal order symbolized by the literati, the humanistic intellectuals who support an anemic society, the cynical internationalists whom Spengler sees as the true authors of the November Revolution and who claimed that the millions who perished in the Great War died for nothing. But at the same time, he stigmatizes the bourgeois tradition invoked by the nationalists and the members of the Stahlhelm, these petit bourgeois (Spiessbrger) who, because of the war, slipped into a lions skin (Der Vormarsch, December 1927). Tirelessly, he took on the Wilhelmine spirit, the worship of the past, the taste of the pan-Germanists for museology (musealer Betrieb). In March 1926, he coined the term neonationalism, which he opposed to the grandfather nationalism (Altvaternationalismus). Jnger defended Germany, but for him the nation is much more than a country. It is an idea:

Germany is everywhere that this idea inflames the spirit. In April 1927, in Arminius Jnger takes an implicitly nominalist position: he states that he no longer believes in any general truths, any universal morals, any notion of mankind as a collective being everywhere sharing the the same conscience and the same rights. We believe, he says, in the value of the particular (Wir glauben an den Wert des Besonderen). At a time when the traditional right preached individualism against collectivism, when the vlkisch groups were enthralled with the return to the earth and the mystique of nature, Jnger exalted technology and condemned the individual. Born from bourgeois rationality, he explains, in Arminius, all-powerful technology has now turned against those who engendered it. The more technological the world becomes, the more the individual disappears; neonationalism must be the first to learn this lesson. Moreover, it is in the great cities that the nation will be won: for the national-revolutionists, the city is a front. Around Jnger a Berlin group soon formed, where representatives of various currents of the Conservative Revolution met: Franz Schauwecker and Helmut Franke; the writer Ernst von Solomon; the Nietzschean anti-Christian Friedrich Hielscher, editor of Das Reich; the neoconservatives August Winnig (whom Jnger first met in the autumn of 1927 via the philosopher Alfred Baeumler) and Albrecht Erich Gnther, co-editor with Wilhelm Stapel of Deutsches Volkstum; the national-Bolsheviks Ernst Niekisch and Karl O. Paetel; and of course Friedrich Georg Jnger, Ernst Jngers younger brother, who was also a recognized theorist. Friedrich Georg Jnger, whose own development is of great importance to that of his elder brother, was born in Hanover on September 1, 1898. His career closely paralleled his brothers. He too volunteered for the Great War; in 1916 he saw combat on the Somme and became the leader of his squad. In 1917 he was seriously wounded on the front in Flanders and spent several months in military hospitals. He returned to Hanover at the end of the hostilities, and after a brief period as a lieutenant in the Reichswehr, in 1920 he decided to study law, defending his doctoral dissertation in 1924. From 1926 on, he regularly contributed articles to the journals in which his brother collaborated: Die Standarte, Arminius, Der Vormarsch, etc., and published in the collection Der Aufmarsch, edited by Ernst Jnger, a short essay entitled Aufmarsch des Nationalismus (Der Aufmarsch, Foreword by Ernst Jnger, Berlin, 1926; 2nd ed., Berlin: Vormarsch, 1928). He was influenced by Nietzsche, Sorel, Klages, Stefan George, and Rilke, whom he frequently quoted and to whom he dedicated a volume of his own poetry. The first study published on him, Franz Josef Schningh, Friedrich Georg Jnger und der preussische Stil, in Hochland, February 1935, 47677, connects him to the Prussian style. Note 1. Cf. Henri Plard, Une oeuvre retrouve dErnst Jnger: Sturm (1923), Etudes germaniques, October-December 1968, 600615.

PART 3 In April 1928, Ernst Jnger entrusted the editorship of Der Vormarsch to his friend Friedrich

Hielscher. Hielscher edited Der Vormarsch for a few months, after which the journal, published by Fritz Shlmann, came under the control of the Jungdeutscher Orden (Jungdo) and took a completely different direction. On Hielscher, to whom he was very attached (and whom he called Bodo or Bogo in its notebooks), Jnger once said that he presented a curious mixture of rationalism and navet. Born on May 31st, 1902 in Guben, after the Great War he joined the Freikorps, then he became involved in the bndisch movement, in particular the Freischar Schill of Werner Lass. In 1928, he published a doctoral thesis, Die Selbstherrlichkeit [Self-glory] (Berlin: Vormarsch, 1928), in which he sought to define the foundations of a German right based on Nietzsche, Spengler, and Max Weber. Moreover, he was, along with his friend Gerhard von Tevenar, passionate about European social-regionalism and sought to coordinate the actions of regionalist and separatist movements to create a Europe of the fatherlands on a federal model. Also influenced by the thought of Eriugena, Meister Eckart, Luther, Shakespeare, and Goethe, he wrote a political theology of the Empire entitled Das Reich (Berlin: Das Reich, 1931) and founded a small neopagan church that sometimes brought him closer to the vlkisch movement. Under the Third Reich, Hielscher played a directing role in the research services of the Ahnenerbe, while he and his students maintained close contact with the inner emigration. The Hitlerian regime reproached him in particular for philosemitism (cf. Das Reich, p. 332), ordering his arrest in September 1944. Thrown in prison, Hielscher escaped death only because of the intervention of Wolfram Sievers. After the war Hielscher published his autobiography Funfzig Jahre unter Deutschen [Fifty Years under Germans] (Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1954), but the majority of its writings (the liturgy of his neopagan church, a verse version of the Nibelungenlied, etc.) remain unpublished. On its role in resistance against Hitler, see Rolf Kluth, Die Widerstandgruppe Hielscher [The Hielscher Resistance Group], Puis, December 7, 1980, 2227. A few months later, in January 1930, Jnger became co-editor with Werner Lass of Die Kommenden [The Coming], the weekly newspaper founded five years before by the writer Wilhelm Kotzde, who then had a great influence over the bndisch youth movement, particularly the tendency that had evolved toward National Bolshevism, with Hans Ebeling and especially Karl O. Paetel, who simultaneously collaborated on Die Kommenden, as well as Die sozialistische Nation [The Socialistic Nation] and Antifaschistische Briefe [Anti-Fascist Letters]. Regarded as one of the principal representatives, with Ernst Niekisch, of German National Bolshevism, Karl O. Paetel was born in Berlin on November 23rd, 1906. Bndisch, then national revolutionary, he adopted National Bolshevism about 1930. From 1928 to 1930 he edited the monthly magazine Das junge Volk [The Young People]. From 1931 to 1933 he published the journal Die sozialistische Nation. Imprisoned several times after Hitlers rise to power, in 1935 Paetel went to Prague, then Scandinavia. In 1939, he was stripped of his German nationality and condemned to death in absentia. Interned in French concentration camps between January and June 1940, he escaped, reached Portugal, and finally settled in New York in January 1941. In the United States, he publishes from 1946 on the newspaper Deutsche Blatter [German Pages]. The same year, with Carl Zuckmayer and Dorothy Thompson, published a collection of

documents on the inner emigration: Deutsche innere Emigration. Dokumente und Beitrage. Antinationalsozialistische Zeugnisse aus Deutschland [German Inner Emigration. Documents and Contributions. Anti-National Socialist Testimonies from Germany] (New York: Friedrich Krause, 1946). He also devoted several essays to Jnger: Ernst Jnger. Die Wandlung eines deutschen Dichters und Patrioten [Ernst Jnger: The Transformation of a German Poet and Patriot] (New York: Friedrich Krause, 1946); Ernst Jnger. Weg und Wirkung. Eine Einfuhrung [Ernst Jnger: Way and Influence. An Introduction] (Stuttgart, 1949); Ernst Jnger. Eine Bibliographie [Ernst Jnger: A Bibliography] (Stuttgart: Lutz and Meyer, 1953); Ernst Jnger in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten [Ernst Jnger in his Own Words and Pictures] (Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1962). After having launched a new newspaper, Deutsche Gegenwart [Geman Present] (19471948), Paetel returned to Germany in 1949 and continued to publish a great number of works. Decorated in 1968 with the Bundesverdienstkreuz [Federal Service Cross], he died on May 4th, 1975. His personal papers are today in part in the archives of the Jugendbewegung (Burg Ludwigstein, Witzenhausen) and in part in the Karl O. Paetel Collection of the State University of New York, Albany. On Paetel, see his history of National Bolshevism: Versuchung oder Chance? Zur Geschichte of the deutschen Nationalbolschewismus [Temptation or Chance? Toward a History of German National Bolshevism] (Gttingen: Musterschmid, 1965) and his posthumous autobiography, published by Wolfgang D. Elfe and John M. Spalek: Reise ohne Urzeit. Autobiography [Journey without Beginning: Autobiography] (London: World of Books and Worms: Georg Heintz, 1982). Jnger also collaborated on the journal Widerstand [Resistance] founded and edited by Niekisch since July 1926. The two men met in the autumn of 1927, and a true friendship is quickly rose between them. Jnger wrote: If one wants to put the program that Niekisch developed in Widerstand in terms of stark alternatives, it would be something like this: against the bourgeois for the worker, against the western world for the east. Indeed, National Bolshevism, which has multiple tendencies and varieties, joins the idea of class struggle to a communitarian, if not collectivist, idea of the nation. Collectivization, affirms Niekisch, is the social form that the organic will must adopt if it is to affirm itself vis--vis the fatal effects of technology (Menschenfressende Technik [Man-Eating Technology] in Widerstand, 4, 1931). According to Niekisch, in the final analysis, the national movement and the communist movement have the same adversary, as the fight against the occupation of the Ruhr appeared to demonstrate, and this is why the two proletarian nations of Germany and Russia must strive for an understanding. The liberal democratic parliamentarian flees from decision, declared Niekisch. He does not want to fight, but to talk. . . . The Communist wants a decision. . . . In his roughness, there is something of the hardness of the military camp; in him there is more Prussian hardness than he knows, even more than in a Prussian bourgeois (Entscheidung [Decision], Widerstand, Berlin, 1930, p. 134). These ideas influenced a considerable portion of the national revolutionary movement. Jnger himself, as seen by Louis Dupeux, was fascinated by the problems of Bolshevismbut was never a National Bolshevik in the strict sense. In July of 1931, Werner Lass and Jnger withdrew from Die Kommenden. In September, Lass founded the journal Der Umsturz [Overthrow], which he made the organ of the Freischar Schill and which, until its disappearance in February 1933, openly promoted National Bolshevism. But

Jnger was in a very different frame of mind. In the space of a few years, using a whole series of journals as so many walls for sticking up postersit was, as he would write, a milk train, that one gets on and gets off along the wayhe traversed the whole field of his properly political evolution. The watchwords he had formulated did not have the success that he hoped for; his calls for unity were not heard. For some time, Jnger felt estranged from all political currents. He had no more sympathy for the rising National Socialism than for the traditional national leagues. All the national movements, he explained in an article of Suddeutsche Monatshefte [South German Monthly] (September 1930, 84345), be they traditionalist, legitimist, economist, reactionary, or National Socialist, draw their inspiration from the past, and, in this respect, are liberal and bourgeois. Divided between the neoconservatives and the National Bolsheviks, the national revolutionary groups no longer commanded respect. In fact, Jnger no longer believed in the possibility of collective action. (In the first version of The Adventurous Heart, Jnger wrote: Today one can no longer make collective efforts for Germany [p. 153]). As Niekisch was to emphasize in his autobiography (Erinerrungen eines deutschen Revolutionrs [Memories of a German Revolutionary] [Cologne: Wissenschaft u. Politik, 1974, vol. I, p. 191), Jnger intended to trace a more personal and interior way of dealing with the current situation. Jnger, this perfect Prussian officer who subjects himself to the hardest discipline, wrote Marcel Decombis, would never again be able to fit in a collectivity (Ernst Jnger [Sapwood-Montaigne, 1943]). His brother, who had abandoned his legal career in 1928, evolved in the same direction. He wrote on Greek poetry, the American novel, Kant, Dostoyevsky. The two brothers undertook a series of voyages: Sicily (1929), the Balearic Islands (1931), Dalmatia (1932), the Aegean Sea. Ernst and Friedrich Georg Jnger continued, certainly, to publish some articles, particularly in Widerstand. (In total, Ernst Jnger published eleven articles in Standarte, twenty-eight in Arminius, twelve in Der Vormarsch, and eighteen in Widerstand. Like his brother, he collaborated on Widerstand until its prohibition, in December 1934.) But the properly journalistic period of their engagement was over. Between 1929 and 1932, Ernst Jnger concentrated all his efforts on new books, starting with the first version of Das abenteuerliche Herz (The Adventurous Heart, 1929), then the essay Die totale Mobilmachung (Total Mobilization, 1931), and finally Der Arbeiter. Herrschaft und Gestalt (The Worker: Domination and Figure), published in 1932 in Hamburg by the Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt of Benno Ziegler and reprinted many times before 1945.

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